Flesherton Advance, 25 Jan 1928, p. 8

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I I . iLmmmmmmm^mmsmBma9mBmsm»mmfm wmmm mmm WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1928 THE FLESHERT0N ADVANCE NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT A Broombali Leagie Notice U hereby given that an ap- Sparks, Harold Lever, Avery Hawk- ens, Geo.. McTavish, Jamen Wilson, Clarence 'Semple, A. Freeman, Dr. Murray, Dick Nixon, Fred Finder. Rules governing league will be posted up in rink. These games will not start until" is A broombali league has b»en form- ed by T. W. Findlay, who has been plication will be made to the Legisla- j busy the last couple of weeks work- ture of the Province of Ontario at its ; ing on it. The league will consist present session by the Presbyterian of *our teams, comprising a team | next weok, as this Friday night Congregation in Flcsherton in the ^'â- Â°"' Ceylon, Capt. Archie Sinclair; | taken by the Women's Institute, and r».,.,t» „* r--^,, *. - !>-• » o-ii .1. » Red School Section, Capt. Wm. Irwin; la game will be played between Cey- County of Grey for a PrwateBJl that, ^^^ teams from Flesharton, Capt. 0.1 Ja„d Flesherton "old timers." the building occupied prior to the w. Phillips and T. W. Findlay. coming into force of the United \ It is the intention to put on broom- Church of Cahada Act as Chalmar's \ ball games any Friday night there is Church at Flesherton and the lands'"" ^<^<^'^^y match and play until somei ' one team wins the league. Following . I are the names chosen by Flesherton's , two captainsj: ' T. W. Findlay's Roversâ€" Fred Cruelty Charge Dismissed appurtenant thereto be vested in Truste<es for the said Congregation. MACDONNELL. MORTIMER & 10-12 King St. E., Solicitors for the Applicant. KENNEDY, gjy^j,j^ Steve Sutton, Dr. Lively, Ken A charge of cruelty to animals laid against Fred Sapwell, rural mail car- rier residing four miles north of Strat- ford, was dropped in police court on Saturday morning when circumstan- ces in conne*tion with the case were brought to the attention of Magis- [for treatment such as this it will be 'did hunting and fishing trticles as well I a remarkable instance of submission as informative msiirial on bird life, ni 'tC t t^ I ""'' *^"" *"*'^ ^^ accounted for by the ' guns and ammunition, trapping and Shfintl of \Sr6V ' ^^'^^ *^** *^* ""'"" *'**'* **** **''®" ^ â-  ^^^^' ^^"""^^ Alexander White's fine Win. Breese the New resistance out of them. BOD AND GUN The appointment of the new sheriff ^ of Grey County was given out on Mon- . day to the effect that Wm. Breese of- c^y^^jng ^ wide field of outdoor ! Robert James, descriptive of the is- Owen Sound was the new n*an for the ' ^^^j^^j^^^ ^^^ February issue of Rod land of Anticosti at the mouth of th« [Series of fiction on the old fur trad- ing days in the North West is coH- ' eluded with another complete story. Another interesting article is ore by ,, to fill the offfce left vacant ^^j ^^^ ^„j Canadian Silver Pox death of the late J. S. Wilson.' j^^^^ .^^^ published, is an except- position, by the The n iw Sheriff has been a resident St. Lawrence . _ „ , . , . ionally fine number. Bonnycastle Dale of Owen Sound for several years and jj ^^^^ ^^^^ ^, ^^^ magazine, was formerly ,n business inChatsworthy,,^ ^^^^^ contributes an unusually He was judged the most likely man 1 .^^^^^^^j^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^^ for the position, as he was twice Con- ^^ ^^^ p^^.^;^ ^^^ ^^,^„^j^ ^^^^^^_ ^„ Kennedy, Alf. Down, Al. Watson. I Geo. Brackenbury, Barney Welton, Dated at Toronto this 10th day of Chas. J. Bellamy and Wm. Miller. January, 1928. 1 Q. W. Phillip's '^-r^^'^S^^ "^^rtT^ -^^;;;^^^^ ciety, who roticed the horse on the I street and immediately ordered the I driver to cease work. He was charg- I ed with driving a horse on the high- ; iX'ay in an underfed and unfit con- , dition, thereby ill-treating the same. In court it was alleged that the ani- mal was in a pitiful condition, but ' the accused told a story which chang- \ ed the whole complexion of the case. He covered 24 miles on his route I every day, including coming and go- ing to work, for which he was paid $1.75 per day. he told the magistrate. With this sum he was supposed to provide a horse and equipment and the balance went to his own keep. (Gar- field McKinnon. secretary of the Ru- ral Mail Contractors' Association, cor- roborated the man's story and pleaded jfov leniency, to which both Inspector I Dalrymple and John Murray, prosecu- jtor for the Humane Society, agreed and accordingly the charge was drop- I ped upon conditions that the horse is withdrawn from the service. â€" GENERAL HARDWARE SNOWSHOES SKIS CROSSCUT SAWS AXES AXE HANDLES ETC. STABLE SHOVELS FORKS C.C.M. SKATES HOCKEY STICKS Frank W. Duncan PHONE 54 ELESHERTON, ONT servative candidate in the Provincial elections and was twice defeated. This, no doubt, gave bis canditure a prior claim, but no doubt the new Sheriff will be a capable man and will Haw's Store News I have some more of those Large Heavy Army Horse Blankets. For fci Grocery Special this week you may have 25 lbs. prunes for $2.25 A. E. HAW, Ceylon STORE OPEN WED. AND SAT. EVENINGS t^ate Makins. He \vas haled into|iill the office in an efficient manner. court at the instance of Inspector Is The Day of The Small Yillajie Over? A letter in the "Homemaker page of the Toronto Globe recently from a rural reader discussed 'a situation which is fast becoming one of the vital ones of rural commercial life. Is the day of the small village ovei*? Is the automobile and the glamor of the large city going to destroy the numerous thriving communities throughout the rural sections of the country ? It looks like it. The wri- ter to "Homemaker Page" evidently has; a broader vision than the aver- age farmer or farmer's wife for she says: â€" "Surely the people can see that by tripping here and there and every- where to do their shopping they are closing up the business places in the small towns. Do they not see that with the closing up of stores in their home towns their properties are less valu- able? Even the enthusiastic church people do not seem to realize that the storekeeper is really among the best supporters of the church. He is called on first with every subscription list.to buy tickets for this and that, but tell me how he can be expected to support church or anything else if the people do not buy his goods? A mereWant can't keep up-to-date goods if only enlightening discussion of the Rainy Lake damming proposals is conclud- ed by Arthur Hawkes. Among other stories and regular departmental features are some splen- TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the on- dersigned up to and including Satur- day, February 4th, 1928, for the pur- chase of the large brick building in Flesherton known as the Wright block. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€"Mrs. W. L. Wright, Flesherton. Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED LOST â€" Lady's small satchel, on December 17th in Hickling's store, al- so leather tie strap in Hickling's shed. â€" Jos. Buchanan, Vandeleur., FOR SALE FARM FOR BENT S. Vi lot 16, and lot 17, concession 13, Township of Osprey, containing 160 acres under cultivation, buildings consist of frame dwelling and two (bams, one mile from Feversham. For full particulars apply The Toronto FOR SALE -Quantity of tools and ^f"«"lT^*« Corporation, 253 Bay household furniture. â€" A. Shackleford. j Street, Toronto. FOR SALE in Flesherton.- â€" 7-roomed residence -A. Shackleford. I I SHORTHORN BULL FOR SEBYICB If you have anything to sell adver- tise in The Advance. The article you wish to dispose of may be the very thing some one is looking for. The quickest and cheapest Way to sell is to advertise. Tobacco growers in Western Onta- rio are in a bad fix. They have har- vested a large crop and one of fine quality, but here the transaction ends, because there are no buyers in sight. Manufacturers have large I stocks on hand and do not appear to I be in need of more. Tobacco raising wfts heralded as a new industry for I which there were great possibilities. j but apparently Carfadian growers have I struck a full market with a big crop. fiomething from him at the eleventh hour. You people who are buying out of town are killing your towns in general and will soon have nothing left but a gas station, while cities will be overflowing with people out -Of work. SIX HILL STOT n^ buy^ojathar in order that ^â- Â«SDr cajM^MiMra in. the ifhc c«in- i Hpiuitftfia. Mtoir BlAtariaUy bm - IM iivTviXiklly. F.T.HILL&CO.,Ld Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store evcfyono inatinct- ively aisociitas with hitt)>| ciuaiit)* >nercihaT«)tie at thaj fairest poiMblo prilcet. ^ Stock Taking Specials Splendid savings in many lines of wanted and seasonable merchan- dise during stock taking. The following list should be of interest to the thrifty shopper. Keep in touch with what we're doing and save. Factory Cotton, 40 inches wide Factory Cotton, 10 inches wide, nice (luality will give good satisfaction. Stock Taking Special per yard 17c. White Colored Flannelette "C-ir;h V'hit' (,- fo'.orcl Flonclel tc, Kiiod heavy quality, worth 30 cents per yard. StoL-ti Valti.iii Special, per yard 47c. Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting 72-ineh wide Shoe-ting, bleached and unbleached, good strong cloth. .Stock Taking Special, yd.... 47c. Ratina Drtss Lengths Ratina Dress Lengths of 3 yard lengths. During slock Taking, each 98c. Knitted Toques <;irls' and Boys' Knitted Toques, assorted colors. Drrin'r Stock Taking, each 39c. Boy's Fleece Lined Underwear 49c. Roys' Flooco Lined Underwear, shirts and draw- ers, all sizes. Stock Taking Special 49c. Circular Pillow Cotton, 33 c. per yd. 200 yards Circular Pillow Cotton, extra good ciuality, sold regularly at 45 and 50 cents. Stock Taking Special at 33c. 36-inch Bleached Cotton, 17c. per yd. Bleached Cotton, !!<> inches wide, nice quality, will give good satisfaction. Stoack Taking Special per yard 17c. Mantle Cloth One table of Mantle Cloths consisting of all this year's goods. Stock Taking 8|>e«ial Half Price. Dress Goods Dress Goods consisting of Serges and all the other winter weights Half Price. Men's Navy Blue Flannel Shirts Men's Navy Blue Flannel .Shirts, regularly sold at $1.95 to $2.25. During Stock Taking $1.19. Stanfield's Underwear $1.89 Stanfield's Underwear, shirts and drawers, all seizes. Kcd Label During Stock Taking each $1.89 Men's Ribbed Underwear $1.00 Men's Heavy Ribbed Underwear, shirts and drawers, all sizes. Stock Taking Special each.... $1. Boys' Knickers 89c. pair Boys' Knickers in serges and tweeds, sizes 22 to 28. During Stock Taking per pair 89c. Boys' Bloomers, $1 pair Boys' Bloomers consisting of tweeds and Pox serges, values $1.95 to $2.25. Special $1.29 Rugs Axmintcr Rugs, sires fixO, rcg. $35.00, for .... $27.50 V(ilvet Rugs, sizes 7V4x9, reg. $29.50, for $23.25 Axminster Rugs, sizes 9x12, rcg. $56, for $42.50 Tapestry Rugs, sizes 8'3xl0'6, reg. $23.50, for $16.50 Registered Shortho-.-n bull for 'vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry ___ c-T-... J J Marquis" No. 179,lGu; Sire, Bonnit FOR SALE-A thousand cords of. Marquis 142.381; Da:n, Ked Butt<^y wood for sale, 16 inch and 4 ft.â€" 1 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreds 96.00. Durham Furniture Co., Rock Mills, j grades |2.00. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, Eagenia. FOR SALE â€" Imperial grafonola, also floor lamp, both in good condi- tion. â€" A. Shackleford, Flesherton. 1 BOAR fo:j service. Registered York.^hire Boajxfor eerw FOR SALE â€" Dark red Durham ^ vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clnfc, the property of t/ie Ontario Depart ment of Agricaltt:-e. â€"C. STE'VART, Caretaker. bull, bom March 18, 1927, iregistered. â€" Duncan Williams, Eugenia. : . FOR SALEâ€" Five good iron bed- steads, cheap. â€" G. B. Welton, Flesh- I erton. ! BOAB FOR 8BRYICB No. 92-71680. Also a 9«a« TfSlb •Ur« pig, both biteoB tiny fbr I FOR SALEâ€" Good Jersey Cow, due , , . ,„ . ^ â€" , to freshen end of January. -Edgar ' ""i."* "*• ^^' ^- * «X a few faithful ones deal regularly jpatterson, Ceylon P.O. Phone 41r22 ^"â„¢-fl-00. with him. others dropping in to buy VERY SUDDEN DEATH. FOR SALEâ€" Roan Shorthorn Bull, 13 months' old, choice Scotch breed- ing, government tested. â€" Ed. Little- johns, R.R. 5, Markdale. FOR SALE â€" 2-story cobblestone house OR Durham St., has all modern conveniences, also garage and hen house. â€" W. A. Armstrong & Son. On Saturday, Jan. 4 the nnael of death came un?xpecteclly to the home of Robt. F.ichnie, near Melntyre. and took the wife from the home in a very sad and sudden manner. Mrs. Fachnie was up as usual that morn- ing and helped twith tlic milking. \ When Mr. Fachnie came to the house after doing the early chores at the barn he found his wife lying dead on the kitchen floor. Dr. Kyle of Sing- hampton pronounced death due to heart trouble. Mrs. Fachnie's maiden name was Ida Hamilton, daughter of Isaac and the late Mrs. Mamilton of the 3rd line, Osprey. She was 46 years and leaves to mourn her husband, aged father and one sister Mrs. Jos. Seeley. The remains were laid to rest in Badjeros cemetery, the pall-bearers being Joseph and David Hamilton. Alex, McLean,Jno. McFarlane, George Davison and Lonnox Fachnie. The floral tokens of affection were â€"Pillow from the family, spray from Mr. and Jlrs. Thomas Parsons, Ljons Head; wreath, Badjeros United Chur- and Ladies' Aid; wreath, Mr. and Mrs. We.sl?y Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pergtison of Redickville.â€" Dun- alk Herald. FOR SALEâ€" 5 Young choice Sows coming in last of February, each had one litter; also could take 10 head of young cattle to feed. â€" John J. Meads. Priccville. Phone 21 r 12. FOR SALE â€" Ten good young pigs, %'^k months: old. â€" E. Wl Jones, two miles south of Flesherton. on Provin- cial Highway. FOR SALEâ€" Aberdec • .'\ igus Bull Calf, seven months olc' r-H rible for registration. â€" Herb Ci " :: , Clover- brae Farm, Proton. -T. J. BIINaON. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for aar. Viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. §9^ --Property of Saogetn Bacon Hit Club. "Terms |1.00. â€" C. HINDLB, Protrni StatioB. Lots 168-9, Srd W.T.SJR., Artemeaia. and Sai MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. OflOc^^â€" Owen Sound, Ourhaai leshwtog, FIJesH^toB «i y afternoon and evening. GEO E. DUNCAN DtJN.DAtK LICfiNSEJ) AtJCTIONESK » For the County of Grey. Terma: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamteed Dates made at The Advance office. F. T. Hill & Co., Limited, Markdale BUSINESS CARDS â€" : , Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental FOR SALE â€" Two v ws, one to , surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto freshen March 24, the other April 23; and Royal College of Dental Surgeona administered for also four young ewes to let on shares. â€" T. Fenwick, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Pair turkeys, bronze purebred; 5 Barred Rock cockerels, bred-to-lay and 3 Pekin duoks. â€" T. Phillips, Phon'e 11 r 3. FOR SALE â€" ^Lot, house and stable of the late A. S. VanDusen, in the village of Flesherton. â€" Apply to. J. F VanDusen, 24 Churchill Ave., Tor- onto. Amusemert Tax Abuse From the .\lliston Herald Some little time ago when the anuisement tax department commenc- ed to tighten up on church entertjjiin ments The Herald made the remark that officials of the church? might well guard their collection plates as the amusement tax officials were li- able to interpret their powers to the length of taking their percentage from the Sunday receipts. It now looks as if the vultures of the amuse- ment tax collection organizp.tion are insidiously preparing to ; tick their talons into church trea^'.ies by some subtle means of theh- own devising. No church may now hold an enter- tainment of any kind in the province of Ontario without first getting an exemption from liability to the amuse- ment tax from the amusement tax col- lection squad. And the strange thing about it is that no protest? have been made against the arbitrary ruling of the amusement tax people. One lit- tle order following anokher has been made every year or two till now churches must get an exemption. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Tues- day and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Terms :-$2 if paid before January 1929, otherwise $2.50. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS, Eugenia. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 75 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. Art- emesia, at Saugeen Junction. Bam 36 by 50 with L 30 by 32, cement stabling throughout. Large cement veneer house, Broomed, with wood- shed, in which is drilled well, farm well watered small orchard. â€" W. J. Blackburn. Proton Station. of Ontario. Gas teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 833, A.F. A A.M., meets in the Masonic haU, Ann- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. Ray Pedlar. W.M., C. P. Lawrence, Sec. Lucas & Henry,Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., -I. B. Lucas, K. C; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lueai Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk ahd Durham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc. Offices,Trrey and Bruce Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J. P. P. Birnie Wm. Kaitting, Liscensed kaa'&tamt for the counties of Grey and Siowac Farm and stock sales a speciality. Terms moderate., satisfaction may be lade at the Advance Central teleplvne ofilHce, or by addraesing me at GRAIN ROLLED wmmsk It will pay you to have your grain rolled for your horses and cattle, on Next move will be to occasionally de- lot 19, Con. 10, Osprey, ny an exemption and finally refuse â€" ^* ^' BROW N. nil. If the churches choose to stand FARM FOR RENT Osprey Township, Grey County S.^i Lot 16 and 17, Con. 13, con- taining 150 acres, 100 acres unde* cultivation, buildings consist of framai dwelling and two barns, one mile from Ffeve'«r!Sm. For full ]pa»tic- ulars appl> ( The Toronto General Trusta Corporation, 263 Bay Street, Toronto. , BULL FOR SERVICE. Pure-bred Hereford BuH for ser. vice. Terms $2, payable the first of February, after that date $2.60 wiB be charged. â€"EDWARD LOUCKS.

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