Flesherton Advance, 8 Feb 1928, p. 7

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1 NURSES mSSfSSSTntm Tork atr. off*" » Om« yMMT OearM of Training to ywiiiiy woman, havinf th* raqulvoa •duoation, and dMlroua of becoming â- WM*. Thla-HoapHai has adopted th* •tarht-hour â- yatem. The pupila receive rnlforma of the Bohooi a monthly •Uowanco and traveilnc expeneea to and from New Yorfc »^or /"S?*?/ Crormatlon write the Supaitotondent. Missmg Plane Found in Idaho Searchers Believe Hoyt Used His Parachute, but Fear That He Died of Elxposure ^ise. Idaho â€" The airplane flown by ^Vred Hoyt, missing aviator, was found irrecked In a canyon In mountainous Soatbem Idaho recently! but there WM no trace of the flier, who dlsas- VMtred a week ago when he ran Into ft blizzard on a flight between Salt I^ke City and Boise. Hoyt's parachute was missing from fhe demolished plane and old-time ieaidents clung to the theory that he iftd frozen to death^ln the wlnter- Vmnd region after making a suc- ^OMMful leap from his plane. The plane had crashed twentjy â- riles from Holbrook, on the out- â- kirts of the Mlnitoka National For- est, at the edge of the Black Pine Mountains. One of Hoyt's gloyes was found in the wreckage. Planning an organized search for Ike flier's body, residents pointed out that even if Hoyt liad successfully leaped from the plane, he had little •hance to find shelter nor the equip- sent to withstand the ravages of a Mountain Winter. Finding of the «ne glove in the plane indicated that Hoyt, In makinK a parachnte Jump. h. : ready one hand to pull the rip cord. _ The plane was found by Frank Commona, a rancher, in a deep can- yon four or five miles from the Com- mons rancli. An organized air •earob started several days ago un- der the direction of Tjieutenant Rus- sell Manshan has failed to find any trace of the Ill-fated flier. BABY'S OWN TABLETS ALWAYS IN THE HOME Once a mother has used Baby's Own Toblets for her little ones she always keeps a supply on hand, for the flrst trial convinces her there is nothini? to equal them in keeping children j well. The Tablets are a mild but | thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus driving out constipation and indiges- tion, colds and simple fevers, and making teething easier. Concerning them, Mrs. Saluste Pelletler, St. Du- mas, Que., writes: â€" ^"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past ten years and am never without them in the house. They have always given the greatest satisfaction and I can gladly recommend theifl to all mothers of little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or direct by mall at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont A St. Anc^raw's I>i?y Stalwart No motiier in fiiis enlightened age would give her baby something she â- did not know was perfectly harmless, especially when a few drops of plain 'Castorla will right a baby's stomach and end almost any little ill. Fretful- 'Bess and fever, too; it seems no time until everything Is serene. That's the beauty of Castoria; its gentle influence seems just what is needed. It does all that castor oil might accomplish, without shock to the system. Without the evil taste. It's delicious! Being purely vege- table, you can give it as oft A as there's a sign of colic; constipation; diarrhea; or need to aid sound, natur- al sleep. Just one warning: it is genuine Fletcher's"" Castoria that physicians recommend. Other preparations may be just as free from all doubtful drugs, but no child of this writer's Is going to test them! Besides, the book on care and feeding uf babies that comes with Fletcher's Castoria is worth it^ weight in gold. ryfop Children Cry for Castoria A ^Kce Country Quiet Tea Shop League Formed in Moscow to Get Peaceful Places to Talk at Night Moscow. â€" After serving as judge in the g^reat aceordion-playing contest which lasted for several days, Gelzer, the prima ballerina and iA>l of pre- revolutionary millionaires and d!apper office^ of Moscow, danced to the strains of the favorite instrument of the Russian workers, evoking frenzied delight in the popular audience which jammed the State Experimental Theatre. On the same occasion Anatole Lu- nacharsky, Commisaax' of Education, declared that the accordion would suf- fice to satisfy the proletariat's musi- cal yeanlings till the workers and peasants were able to afford pianos. One shudders to think what Moscow would be like if this ambition is ever fulfilled. Moscow is already as noisy as Naples. Where can a coupleof Soviet business men go for a quiet evening's talk The home is impossible, for Mu.5Covites have on an average only fifty-six square feet of floor space each, which means three persons to a room, or nearly a score to a six-room fiat. And tlie Muscovites are an ex- pansive people, who like gi\ing up- roarious parties. Others play the guitar, accordion, violin or piano, or, in default of these, their radio sets. Muscovites take turns all evening at the flat's sole telephone. In the kitchen half a dozen primus stoves and three or four servant girls ix)ar unceasingly. Why not go to a club? But a Moscow club is altogether unlike the New York Bankers' Club, a place of repose bordering on coma. It is a place of agitation, just like a Jacobins' club during the French Re- volution, and one ia lucky if he finds the members innocently engaged in putting down the tobacco evil and not discussing colored illustrations on the ravages caused by asi>hyxiating gas. In Summer there are the boulevards but there one may be suddenly startled by M. Rykoff's stentorian voice ex- plaining industrial reconsti-uction broadcast from a lamp behind one's back. So one Moscow league has been formed, namely, "The Friends of the Soviet Tea Shop," to agitate for the establishment of plain tea shops with tea, but without agitation. O â-  The latest "nonsense" story con- cerns a man who asked a well-inform- ed friend: "Where do all the old motor-cars go?" 'They don't," was the reply. Suitor â€" "Sir, I am very anxious to marry your daughter>;( Her Dad â€" "Anxious, eh? Ever been married -be- fore?" Suitor â€" "No, sir." Dad â€" "Ah, that explains it," is ^ood tea Red Rose Orange Pekoe â€"Top Quality In clean, bright Aluminum \ THE 8TANES AN' BESOM AN' BOTTLE Aa ancient player of the game o^ Stormont Loch near Blairgowrie, Perth- shire. Mr. James Gordon of the Strathardie Club in the bonsplel of the Strathmore Curling province when 46 rinks played ofl! for the fifth time in 24 years. A REMEDY THAT INSPIRES FAITH People Who Have Used Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills Speak of Them With Praise. Search for "Dawn" Renewed in Nfld. Eight Men Heard Sound of 'Plane at Same Hour St. John, Nfld. â€" ^n Inveettgatlon of the reports tha* a plane, possibly the Dawn, was heard off the southern shore of Trinity Bay on Dec. 24, shows that six men, bird shooting from a \)oat, three miles off Hearts Delight, all declare that the sounds of a jriane "Going into a decline" is an expres- sion that has come to be known as one of the most difficult conditiions with which physicians have to deal. It often describes an alarming condi- tion because it does not yield to or- 1 could be distinctly heard coming from dinary treatment and the debility con- i a south-east direction. At the same tlnues with loss of flesh and strength ! liour two men on shore state that until the patient feels hopeless. In they were so positive that the sounds the majority of such cases the victim ' came from a plane that they climbed suffers from lack of good, red blood, to the top of a wood pile to catch and If the blood can be restored to sight of it, but the sky was overcast. normal no other medical treatment is necessary. Proper food and sunshine will do the rest. Every man, woman and child who lacks health and strength should at once take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to Similar stories have been Investigat- ed without shaking Uie testimony. As a result the area between Trin- ity and Conception Bay is being comb- ed by search parties In the hope of finding the Grayson plane. The build up their blood supply. The mis- ! search has been actively taken up sion of this Medicine is to make new, ^ because of the reward of U.OOO offer rich red blood, which speedily re- j ed by M. A. Mosle, of New York, for stores health and strength. "I am the discovery of plane or occupants, writing to tell you what Dr. Williams' Mrs. Prauce« Wilson Grayson, ao- Pink Pills have done tor me," says companied by Oskar Omdal, pilot, and Mrs. J. H. Oulton, Plrdale, Man. "A j Brice Goldsborougli, navigator, set few years ago I was in a badly run- 1 out from Roosevelt Field, New York, down condition, so much so that I was | in the amphibian plane Dawn, shOrt- subject to fainting spells which would â-  ly after five o'clock, eastern standard leave me in such a condition that 1 [ time, on the afternoon of Friday, Dec. could hardly go about. Then 1 was 23, for Harbor Grp^e, Newfoundland, stricken with Influenza and this fur- ther weakened me, and throughout the winter I remained in this condi- tion. I was taking doctor's medicine. en route to Croydon, England. At 9.45 o'clock the following Sunday night the officer in charge of the gov- ernment wireless station on Sable Is- but as It did not seem to help me, my 1 land claimed he heard distress signals • jr««" mother advised me to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and I got a couple of boxes to start on. When these were done I seemed to feel an im- provement and I got a further supply to continue the treatment. I took in ail about a dozeo- boxes, and by that time I was in the best of health and had gained in weight. My faith in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is now unbound- ed, and I keep a supply on hand and take them occasionally If I am not feeling quite well. I often recom- mend them , to others, and cannot praise them enough for restoring my health." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. O A FITTING CELEBRATION 1928 la • leap-year, bH What most people -call indigestion i One Usteless spoonful in water neu- te usually excess acid in the stomach, i tralizes many times its vohime in acid. The food baa soured. The instant (The results are immediate, with no remedy Is ,in alkali which neutralizes ; bad after-effectn. Once .vou "^arn acids. Uut dont use crude helps. Use ] this fact, you will never deal with >x what yvnt doctor would advise. j cess acid in the crude ways, (Jo learn The beet help 1» PkUlips' Milk of | â€"nowâ€" why this method is supronu'. Magnesia. For the 60 years since its Be sure to get the genuine PSi ii iV invention it has remained stanterd | Milk of Magnesia prescribed by p'n ^i- with physiiJana. You will flxkd aetlUac i clans for to yeans in correcting t-.\<e?-8 •<â- â€¢ so quick la H« tCect, so karvles^ {acids. Kaeh bottle contains f.iil liirev- â- o vlTcleat, 1 UouK-anf drugstore. \ •I bellev* Isn't ItT" "Sure, and I'm laying In « •Hpply of Hope you can bet." O- Lady (at theatre, to man in seat behind) â€" "1 hope my hat is not wor- rying you." Hhe Man â€" "it is worry- ing me a lotâ€" m,7 wife wanta one like it." "That's what I call a finished ser- mon." said a woman when the clergy. ! ni.an's droning voice hail ceased. "I'm ! glad to hear i!," said her neighbor. | "I I'.Ed ;;!aicsl given up hope." ] â€"- ! Xottlughamshire Witness: The un!y time tliat woman has spoken to me >s once. from the Dawn, at that time many hours overdue. A search by United States destroyers of the waters be- tween Cape Cod, where the Dawn was last sighted, and Sable Island, subsequently conducted, failed to re- veal trace of the mlseing aeroplane. 41 Power Tube Improves Multi- Tube Receivers A power tube should always be used in the last audio stage of a multi- tube receiver. If more than one stage of audio ampliflcation Is employed. If the receiver is required to deliver only moderate volume the CX-112 type of tube is the proper one. For greater volume and best tone qual- ity the CX-271 or the CX-210 tubes should be used. One disadvantage of the latter two power tubes lies in their comparatively high plate cur- rent consumption, but wliere "B" eliminators are used this is not a drawback. Power tubes require higher "B" and "C" voltages than t^e other tubes in a receiver and for that reason separ- ate "B" and "C" connections are pro- vided. In older reeelvers this provl- sion may not have been made. For such cases special adapters or "dup- lex bases," as they are called, may be obtained which permit power tubes (0 be used in these old receivers without any alteration n the receiver Hself. The separate connections mentioned are provided in the adapt- er. « Say it with flowers, , Say. it with sweets. Say it with kisses, Say it with eats. Say it with Jewelry, Say It with drink. But always be careful Whole Town Radio Fans Place in Iowa Passes Ordin- ance to Prevent Radio Interference Out in the little college town of Fairfield, in Iowa, the wheel* of pro- gress must not interfere with radio reception between the hours of 12 noon and 12 midnight, according to the text of an ordinance passed by the city authorities. Just received by the Federal Radio Conunission. The ordinance limits the use of elec- trical devices, euch as washing ma- chines, vacuum cleaners, etc., which cause Interference with radio recep- tion only during the morning hours. The city law was passed after the au- thorities had received protests from radio owners, wlio complained that housewives' devices, driven by elec- tricity,, had completely disrupted I choice programs in afternoons and ! evenings. I A fine of $100 or thirty days in jail ! has been set as the alternative punish- { ment for violation of tiie ordinance, i the text of whicb said: j "It shall be unlawful for any per- son to operate any insti-umont. device • or machine of any kind whatsoever, j the operation of which shall cause electrical Interference with radio re- 1 ception, within the city limits of fhe | city of Fairfield, Iowa, between the hours of 12 o'clock noon and 12 ' o'clock midnight on any day after the : taking effect of this ordinance, save I and excepting only such as may be necessary in making X-ray pictures or examinations in emergency cases of , physical injuries." Classified Advertisements F0U&TB-7 FIIEB â€" A NEW HOOK OF POTn^TRT Lennons. L. R. Guild & Sons, Boa T., Rockwood, Ont. MARRY â€" JOIN CANADI.VN i -OH. RESPONDBNCB CT.UB. AddreeS liox 1738, Calgary, jUbartm. Men Called Poor Creatures As Compared With Women London. â€" ".Men are poor cr&.iturMI compared with ^vomen," said Sir Wil« liam Arbuthnot Lane, noted phy.siciaj^ speaking at a demoristration of tha rhythmic health movement. "It is upon the woman that the ftt- ture of this country depends, and w« must do everything in our power to keep lier physically fit." he ."^.".id. Sir William declared it is simple to keep fit. Good, clean, healthy food, fresh air and simple exercises would keep the body fit without any of the arti- ficial means so often incliil""»'i 'n. P List of "Wanted In- entlons" and Full Information Sei.i Frea on rteiniest. > THE R&HSAT CO.. Drjit. W, ' 273 Banit St.. ot*»Ta Oat. The New.Freely-Lathehn^ Qiticura Shaving Stick ForTender Faces EMOLLIENT MEDICINAL ANTISEPTIC Nothinsr Like It to Relieve Colds Woodsmen â€" Keep Minard's handy. Miiutrd.'a Liniment fer ilek animalib Mining Investors intrinsic valuea govern market prices eventually. We ahtiil be glad to analyze your holding* from that angle without obligation. LYLE, BELL & CO. stock Brokers, Mall Bldg., Toronto ELgin Z'i36-7 Write, Wire or Phone "Hardest Working" Clock In ! Paris To Be Retired j Paris. â€" The hardest working deck ! in Paris, after .sixty-five years of j faithful toil, may soon be retired on j a pension. I The instrument, created by De- ; touche, clockniaker to Emperor Na- IX)leon III, has been in service since 1863 in the Conservatory of Arts and Crafts. During these years it has rung more strokes than any other clocli in Paris, since it sounded be- tween 8 o'clock every evening and 8 the following morning the full liour at each quarter hour. That is to say. at three-quarters after midniglit it peals twenty-seven strokes â€" an un- usual performance, always startling to passer»-by unaccustomed to the laboriousness of Detouche's master- piece. ! 'In forznula and action, Bueldey's Mixture ia different from all other remedies. It literally " act* Ilk* k Hash" in conuuerios cougha and healins the inflamed parts. The in- stant relief that follows the first dose is multiplied 40 times in a 75- cent bottle I "Buckley's" should be in every home. Your drueeist sells it under a money-back sTUarantefib J- W. K. Buckley. Limited, SMl 142 Mutual St.. Toronto 2 ^ 142 nutu IXTUR.K Acu Ukt a /lash- tingle lip proves ito 2 J Swollen Joints Sore muscles and strained liga- ments quickly relieved by appll> cation of Minard's Liniment. I$8UC No, SPIRIN You doubtless depend on Aspirin to make short work ot lu-at - aches, but remember that it's just as dependable an iiniiucle tor many other pains! Neuralgia? Many have found real reliei in an Aspirin tablet. Or for toothache; an effective way to rcr.cvc k, and the one thing doctors are willing you should give a. cliiitl - ot any age. Whether to break up a cold, or relieve the seiious iwiii from neuritis or deep-seated rheumatism, there's nolhiiu) iniite like Aspirin. Just make certain it's genuine; it mutt have haver on the box and on every tablet. All druggists, with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the hear: 1"" AiDlrIa !» th* Xnin mark (ivfliteroA In Cans>)a) Indicatlnc Bsjk- ManuV u..- vill« li well ifciaii tket Aenlrln atene Beyer laaiiuractun.', (>â-  anurr ihf <<n\ii.^ >«â-  ^n :u,i tteu. tMTkUtti «UI k* etsniiitd wlU th<!r -Bsfer Cn»a" tr>u<'ms.-k. villa «

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