Flesherton Advance, 8 Feb 1928, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY «, '28 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE HOCKEY MARKDALE RED MEN VS. FLESHERTON COUGARS Game Called at 8.00 o'clock Thurs. Feb. 9th BROOM BALL Red School Tigers VS. O. W. Phillips' Ensigns Broomball Starts at 7.30 sharp Died MJarty Age Quito suddenly on Saturday even- ing, January 21, 1928, Jean Elizabeth Stewart, aficd two years, 6 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stewait, Artemesia, passed away. She was appn-ently in the best of health until Rtriclton with doul)le pneumonia on Thursday night and from the first little or no hope was held for her re- covery. She had won a place in her paicnt.s' affections and endeared her s?lf to friends nnd relatives by her pleasant manner and bright disposi- tion. She leaves to mourn her loss her sorrowing parents, nnd her sister, IL-zel. The funeral service wa? held at the home on Tuesdi'.y, January 24, with I Rev. J. H. Pogson officiating. The ! friends simg appropriate hymns, in- cluding the on' little Jean had bcsn taught to sinrr, "Jesus Loves Me, This' I Know, for the Bible Tells Mo So." The service was most impressive and many were touched by the reference to the little girlV habit of saying her PARLIAMENT TENDERS WANTED. I Sealed Tenders will be received bj^ game was in sight. This couldn't) last very long, just then Doc shoti â€" â€" one past Lavellc, which put the ) Notice is hereby given that an ap home team two in the lead. The ' piij^tjon ^ill be made to the Legiala-j the undersigned up to Jan. 26th, £o» first period ending 3-1 in favor of Fle&herton. Things looked pretty good for j 171 v * • *u _,, , , ^ ^^ \ • â-  t ♦V.-. Congregation in Flesherton m the Fleshc 3n at the beginnmg of the second period, the only thing that, County of Grey for a Private Bill that they wr e suapicious about was that the building occupied pricr to the ture of the Province of Ontario at its present session by the Presbyterian Durham just got warmed up would n; -.ke a cloud burst now. and I coming into force of the United But Church of Cahada Act as Chalmer'si after (h^ minute! of play all doubts church at Flesherton and the lands! were cast aside from the Cougar's j ,jj,p„,.tg,,g^j thereto be vested in minds. Lively and Nuhn combined, ;Tp„,toes for- the said Congregation. Lively shooting nnd banping the 20 cords of green maple and beecb wood, 18 ir.;hc2 lor.s, to be delivered to S.S. No, 3," Artemesia, by the firrt of March, 1928. .. â€" GEO. R. BIiACKBURN, Scc.-Treas. R.R. 3, Flesherton. TENDERS WANTED twine for another counter. Thurs- ton came right back in good 'fo.-n| with a lone rush and .secured another- They were coming fast now when Doc. secured another feather in hi.<3 cap, when Thurston passed to him in front of the not. This was heart- breaking f o • the Durham boys so Elvidcre and Blair eomhired and went through, brinrrin.T the Durham count up to two, with Blair coming back in quick order for another one. Thur- ston and Lively made 3 combined eff- ort, Thurston shooting and brin{r Tenders will be receive^ by the un- dersigned up to and including Satur- . .MACDQNNFXL, MORTIMER & \ day, February 4th, 1928, for the pur- KENNEDY,] chase of the large brick building in 10-12 King St. E., Solicitors for Flesherton known as the Wright the Applicant. j block. The highest or any tender Dated at Toronto this 10th day ofjno* necessarily accepted. January, 1928. \ â€"Mrs. W. L. Wright, Flesherton. prr-;ers and the evident sign.=! of her j j^^ the end of the second period to ADMISSION 25 and 15 cts. k Christian upbringing. The burial took pi ice in Badgeros cemetery after a brief service in the church for the friend.5 of ^hc family who were not- able to come to the house. Badgeros Shrigleydistrict was the horns of Mr. Stewart, and many sympathizing friends were present. The pallbearers were Roy Grum- niett, Gordon Jackson, George Talbot and Ernest Nicholls. Floral tributes were received from porents and sister, the Stewart fam- ily, also from Oscar and Cecil Stewart and from s.s. No. 4, Osprey. Among the friends from a distance were Ernie Grummett, from Thorn- bury; Mr. Oscar Stewart, from Tor- onto, and Miss Cora Stewart, G. and M. hospital, Owen Sound. â€" Dundalk Herald. Small Advertisements FARM FDR RENT F O R S A L E FOR SALE â€" Nut coal. â€" F. Karstedt, Flesherton. Renew your Ad vance Subscription NOW Petroleum Royalties Dividend Notice Head Office: TULSA, OKLA. The regular Monthly Divi- dend of I'. I and a bonus of '/i of I'/t on the Guaranteed First Participating ]2'/r Preferred Shares â€" giving a total of IVi'.f for the month will be paid on February 1st to shareholders of record on January 25th. MID-CONTINENT BOND CORPORATION 331 Bay Street, Toronto 2, Canada W^huf togefthfr inordarlhat Ottr cuiAocncrs in. the Ak eom- 'Qunitie* aMp materially bcn- ffilinclfvl^ally. Flesherton 12, Durham 4 A large crowd witnessed the game on Thursday night of last week be- tween the Durham Juniors and the local Cougars, when they came to- getiier in their first struggle this year The game was fast throughout, there being good combination and team play on both sides. The first period started at a terr- ible clip, but before Durham could get going Lively scored on a pass from N'uhn. Both teams were at their best nnd going hard. Blair, Durham right-wir.ger, got one past Qracey and then it looked as if a see-suv r^i&iaiiiiit a close, the score being 7-3, still in the Cougar's favor. Durham saw their doom unless they could stop the Cougars froip coming in past the defence and shooting, as La voile but' thy soon found out it was particular night. The first thing that crossed their niinds was to watch Lively, but they soon found out it wa« hard to do, as Doc. worked his W4y around and shot a terrific one that Lavelle did not even see. Arm- strong then shot at an open net with a pass from MacDorald. Lively was given s minor penality by referee Dow and when the right-winger was on his holidays, the Durham boys saw their chance and McComhe rushed and brought the first goal of that 5_Duncan Williams, Eugenia period into their bosom. McDonald then scored two in qhick succession with Lively closing the Coujrar's ram- page with another on a pass from Armstrong. Durham just had to have another and McGirr, the centre man, got it. The game was fairly clean through- out, only two penalities being hand- LOST OR STRAYED i LOST â€" Lady's small satchel, on December 17th in Hickling's store, al- so leather tie strapMn Hickling's shed.'' 1?-. Township of Osprey, containing â€" Jos. Buchanan, Vandelcur. S. M lot 16, and lot 17, concession 1.50 acres under cultivation, buildings consist of frame dwelling and two Lost â€" On the East Back Line, be- barns, one mile from Feversham, For tween George Blackburn's and New- full particulars apply The Toronto ell's mill, two patent binders and one General Trusts Corporation, 253 Bay lock clevis. â€" Communicate with Rich- Street, Toronto, ard Allen. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB j Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,1SJ; Sire, Bonnio I Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 1 131,078, Terms â€" I'urebreds $5.00. FOR SALEâ€" A thousand, cords of grades $2.00, wood for sale, 16 inch and 4 ft.â€" j â€" S. R. HA-^VKINS, Eugenia. Durham Furniture Co., Rock Mills, i ~ BOAR FOK SERVICE. FOk SALE â€" Dark red Durham bull, born March 18, 1927, registered.) Registered York^i-.ire Boar for eer- jvice by Fleshertor, Bacon Hog Clnls â€" â€" " â-  the property of t'e Ontario Depart- FOR SALE â€" Six young pigs, ready ment of Agricultr e. to move.â€" M. Hogarth, Proton Stat- '. â€" C. STE^ /ART, Caretaker, ion, R. R. 3. - BOAR FOR SBRVIGB F.T.HILL&CO.,Ld Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct Urely auoctktaa with high ciuaUtjr mortiiiiniitm at thi fMreil poisibln price*. Stock Taking Specials Splendid savings in many lines of wanted and seasonable merchan- dise during stocktaking. The following list should be of interest to the thrifty shopper. Keep in touch with what we're doing and save. Factory Cotton, 40 inches wide Factory Cotton, 40 inches wide, nice quality will gire good .satisfaction. Stock Taking Special per yard ~ 17c. Ratina Dress Lengths Ratina Dress Lengths of 3 yard lengths. During Stock Taking, each 98c. FOR SALEâ€" Roan Shorthorn Bull, BOAS FOR SERVICB For Sale â€" Two cows, one to fresh- J en in arch. Also five young ewes and ^ jj^^ 92-7W80. Also t ffm g T«ffc> 100 hen s.â€" T. Fenwick, Eugenia. ijjy, p,g^ ^<,tj, i,.^,^ ^^^ ^^ •wrtoi "~FoFsALE-Cow. to freshen in'?" >»* ^''^'^•^' T. * 8X. out. only two penalties being hand-J^p^ii^ ^^d seven young pigsâ€" G. W. j^*â„¢^-'*'''''- *. that. The Durham boys are a good Ljttiejohns, R.R. 5, Markdale. I â€" ''• '• 8TIN80H. clean bunch and it is hoped that Flesh- erton can nlay them a return game in the near future. John Dow handled the bell to the satisfaction of both the players and spectators. The following are the players: Durham â€" Goal, Lavelle; Defence, McCombe and Mcllraith; Centre, McGirr; Wings, Elvidgc and Blair; Subs. VoUet and Murdock. Flesherton Goal, Gracey; Defence, Boyd and Thurston; Centre Nuhn; Wings. Lively and MacDonald; Subs. Armstrong and Chercott. Referee â€" J. Dow, Flesherton 13 months' old, choice Scotch breed- [ Registered Yorkshir* Boar for 9ff ing, government tested.â€" Ed. Littler- riceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. ddjjkt Johns, R.R. 5, Markdale. FOR SALE â€" 2-story cobblestone house on Durham St., has all modem conveniences, also garage and hen, house.â€" W. A. Armstrong & Son. FOR SALE â€" 5 Young choice Sows coming in last of February, each had one litter; also could take 10 head of â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon Hm Club. Terms |1.00. â€" C. HINDLB. Proton SUtioBi Lots 168-9, 8rd W.T.S.R., Artemeala. THE ORIGIN OF ARTEMESL4 S MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barriitcrs. etc Otfjoetâ€" Owen Sotud, Onrfiaa tyoung cattle to feed.-John J. Meads, | gSj^S^'SSS^^ Sd'^TSSTng? PriceviUe. Phone 21 r 12. I """â- â€¢ One Queen Artemesia, as old stories tell, When deprived of her husband she loved so well. â€" Burns. ARTEMESIA is a Greek word, meaning p, herb like wormwood. It is also a proper name. Herodotus men tions Artemesia, the daughter of Ly gdamis, oueen of Halicamassus andi other cities of Caria. Artemesia) queen of Mausolus, king of Caria j raised to the memory of her husband a splendid sepulchre, whence the term mausoleum for any splendid tomb. Queen Artemesia of Halicamassus dis- played great skill and valor at the FOR SALE â€" Ten good young pigs, 3\i months old.â€" E. W- Jones, two miles south of Flesherton, on Provin- cial Highway. FOR SALEâ€" Absrdec-. Angus Bull Calf, seven months ol ' â-  '.^ible for registration. â€" Herb C:/--'t;, Clover- brae Farm, Proton. GEO B. DUNCAN DUNPALK LICENSED AUGTIONEBR For the County oT Grey. Tegrmt: 1 per cent. Satisfaction goaniteoi Dates made at The Advance offlco. BUSINESS CARDS Or- E- C. Murray, L. D. S., dmtsi FOR SALE - Pair turkeys, bronze »"'»«•"»• ."^J!."" «"duata o£ Toroato purebred; 5 Barred Rock cockerels. *•"* J'^y"' College of Dental San*« bred-to-lay and 3 Pekin ducks. â€" T. Phillips, Phone 11 r 3. White Colored Flannelette .'Jfi-inch White or colored Flanelettc, good heavy quality, worth oO cents pc.- ya.ii. Co:;. Takir.t Special, per yard 47c. Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting 72-inch wide Sheeting, bleached and unbleached, good strong cloth. Stock Taking Special, yd 47c. Circular Pillow Cotton, 33 c. per yd. 2t)0 yards Circular Pillow Cotton, extra good quality, sold regularly at 45 and 60 cents. Stock Taking Special at 3.1c. 36>inch Bleached Cotton, 17c. per yd. Bleached Cotton, .'i6 inches wide, nice iiuality, will give good satisfaction. Stoack Taking Special per yard 17c. Mantle Cloth One l.\'.'-a of Mantle Cloths consisting of all this year's good.?. Stock Taking Special Half Price. Dress Goods Dress Goods consisting of Serges and all the other winter weights Half Price. Men's Navy Blue Flannel Shirts Men's Navy Blue Flannel Shirts, regularly sold ut $I.!t.5 to $2.2.'). During Stock Taking $1.19. Knitted Toques Girls' and Boys' Knitted Toques, assorted colors. During Stock Taking, each 39c. Boy's Fleece Lined Underwear 49c. Boys' Fleece Lined Underwear, shirts and draw- ers, all sizes. Stock Taking Special 49c. Stanfield's Underwear $L89 Stanfield's Underwear, shirts and drawers, all .<^ize8. Red Label During Stock Taking each $1.89 Men's Ribbed Underwear $1.00 Men's Heavy Ribbed Undsrwear, shirts and drawers, all sizes. Stock Taking Special each.... $1. Boys' Knickers 89c. pair Boys' Knickers in serges and tweeds, sizes 22 to 28. During Stock Taking per pair 89c. Boys' Bloomers, $1 pair Boys' Bloomers consisting of tweeds and Fox serges, values $1.05 to $2.25. Special $1.29 Rugs Axminter Rugs, sizes Gxl>, reg. $35.0(^ for .... $27.50 Velvet Rugs, sizes 7'/sx9, reg. $29.50, for $23.25 Axminstcr Rugs, sizes !)xl2, reg. $55, for* $42.50 Tapestry Rugs, sizes 8'3xl0'6, reg. $23.50, for S16.50 FOR SALE â€" Lot, house and stable of the late A. S. VanDusen, in the battle of Salamis, but her conduct of j village of Flesherton. â€" Apply to. J. putting out the eyes of Dardanus andiF VanDusen, 24 Churchill Ave., Tor- then drowning herself to make atone. ] onto, ment for her cruelty to the object of her unrequited affeclion, does not accord with her previous reputation for wisdom. The botanical term, Ar- tonicsi.; was adopted because worm- MISCELLANEOUS of Ontario. Gaa administered for teeth extraction. Offieo at rMidaaes Toronto Street, Flesherton. NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Tues- day and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros. wood was dedicated to Artemis, the 'Eugenia. Greek Diara. â€" Durham Review. F. T. Hill & Co., Limited, Markdale B Auction Sale FARMS, STOCK. & IMPLEMENTS A credit auction sale of farm prep- evty and farm stock, including 50 good breeding ewes and farm implements, will bo held on Lot. 7, Con. 8, CoUing- wood Township, on Tuesday, February 14th. The following farm property will he offered. 100 ACRE FARMâ€" Situn'" 1 N.^ lot 6, Con. 9, Collingwoe ' Tiwnship, well fenced all around o-' ide, ruTining water, splendid past'.:v2 farm, also quantity of standing wood. i>0 ACRE FARMâ€" S.\4 of W^% of lot 1, Con, 8, CoUingwood Township, consisting of about 2,000 cords of 4 foot hard\yoi<;, good pasture land. Car-load of flour and feed to arr- ive in a few days. Book orders early. â€" H. Spoffard. BULL FOR SERVICE Prince Arthur Lodge, 833, AJ". 4k A.M., meets in tha Masonic hall, 'Am- strong Block, Flesherton every IW* day on or before the full moon. Saf Pedlar. W.M.. C. F. Uwrence, See. Lucas t Henry,Barri8ters, SoUcH- ors, etc., -L B. Lucas, K. C; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdala Lvcm Block, Phone 2. Branch offieea ak Dundalk and Durham. no ACRE FARMâ€" N.'. of lot SMcSSSSS!f>!SSIS!3!8SSSSl Con. 10, CoUingwood Township, being well watered, and piece" of swamp, a- bout 2,000 cord.i of good .standing wood on property. These farms form a golden oppor- tunity for some one. All farms subject to reserve bid. See large posters. â€" Mrs. E. A. McKean, Prop. J. A. & J. R. Myles, Auctloneera. For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Term8:-$2 if paid before January 1929, otherwise $2.50. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS, Eugenia. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Telford & Bimie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc. Offices, Grey and Bruaa Block, Owen Sound; Standard Baak Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J. F, P. Bimie Wm. Kaitting, Liscensed AuctiooMr for the counties of Grey and Simei|» Farm and stock sales a specially. Terms moderate., satisfaction aVM^ may be lade at the Advance QCCWet w Central telephone office, Revas^ABBi, or by addrsesing me at Fevwcahua. i.w/a 75 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.WTArt. emesia, at Saugeen Junction. Bam 36 by 50 with L 30 by 32, cement stabling throughout. Large cement veneer house, Broomed, with wood- shed, in which is drilled well, farm Osprey Township, Grey County S.V6 Lot 16 and 17, Con. 13, con- taining 150 acres, 100 acres under cultivation, buildings consist of frama dwelling and two barns, one mila from Ffeve' .rm. For full Ipavtio- well watered small orchard.â€" W. J.julars appl> x The Toronto General 2,^Blackbu)m.' Proton Station. | Trusts Corporation, 263 Bay Street, Toronto. FARM FOR RENT GRAIN ROLLED BULL FOR SERVICE. It will pay you to have your grain | Purerbred Hereford BuH for sar- tolled for your horses and cattle, on Zj**- Term* $2, payable the fitat «f lot 10, Con. 10. Osprey. - February, after that date $2.60 wlH â€"P. G. BROWN. be charged. â€"EDWARD L0UC58, â- , Uf !t5

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