Flesherton Advance, 15 Feb 1928, p. 1

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® J)je /lesh^rt^n %h Vol. 47 No. 37 Flesherton Ontario, February 15, 1928 W, H. Thurston & Son, PFoprietors. ROC K MI LLS Mr. Norman Stoddart of Markdole and Misses Mary and Perle Day of Port McNichol visited recently with the former's sister, Mrs. Herb Betts, and family. Mrs. Wm. Pedlair visited the past wek with her daugrhter, Mrs. Cecil Meldrum of Port Law. A few more cases of measles are reported in our community. Cars were running on the county road here on Saturday aa three cars from the mill succeeded in going throasrh to Flesherton Saturday ev- ening:. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher, 4th line were recent visitors with Mrs. James Dargavel and family. The service next Sunday evening will be at the home of Mrs. Thos. Betts at the usual hour of 7.30. It was announced last Sunday that we would have a change of preacher for this coming Sunday and it is likely Mr. Jackson, of the Bible School, Proton will be the speaker. An in- vitation is extended to all to attend the Gospel Meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts, and son Nerval of the 8th line, Osprey vis- ited recently with his brother, Mr. Herb Betts, and family. FevershaiH Black Knights thk annual meeting of R.B.P. No. 343 was held in the hall of L.O.L. No. 1086, Feversham. After the routine of "business was disposed of W. Pre- ceptor Sir Kt. James McKenzie de- tlated all offices vacant and requested Sir Kt. Thomas Thornbury, Past T*receptor, to take the chair and con- •fluct the election and installation of officers as follows: W. P., Harry Thornbury. D. P., Fi%d Beatty. Chaplain, A. D. Jamieson. Registrar, .\. J. Conron. Treasurer, Jojin Elliott. 1st Lect, Thos. Thornbttry. 2nd Lect., John Bealrty. IstXensor. James McKenzie. 2nd Censor, Herbert Hale. 1st Standard Bearer. T. W. Conron. 2nd Standard Beirer, "W. Heitman. Pursuivant, J. J. Jamreson. r.IVES WOBTWLESS CHEQUE. Something out of the usual in the way of farm swind'Iing is reported in western Ontario, says the Toronto Olobo. Driving up to a farm the other day, a stranger bo>jght slix hogs, giving a cTieque on a local bank in payment. To make his story FtiJl more palusaTJle he requested the owner af the Tiogs to assist him in killing rmd dressin;? three of the animals. wTiich he said he wanted for immediate nnrr'os'es. The farmer was quite Tvilling tu oblige to this extent, and the >iogs were soon dis- patched an<! dressed and loaded in- to the ptrrvTiaser''s automobile. This task â- Jccomplished, the glib stranger drove away with "his booty with the underst-inding that he would return in a few days for tlie balance. Since that time nothing has been heard or seen of the man, and he h.nd no funds in the bank rm whieli the cheque was drawn. The Mirror was in error in stating that 250 car loads of livv stock passed through the local shipping yards las^t year. The number was tJSO which is heavy shifiment for any oiie station, Thirty-thre cars have already been shipped this year. Monday six car- loads of live stock left Meaford stat- ion. Included were many fine cattle -Which are bringing good prices just now with the prospect of remaining fii;ii), â€" Meaford Mirror. Advertise in The Advance NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of DAVID A. WHITE, late of the Township of Artemesia, Farmer, De- ceased. TAKE NOTICE that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said David A. White are required to deliver the same to the undersigned, solicitor to the executor, with full particulslrs thereof; on or *«fore the eighteenith day of February 1928. After that date the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among- those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which, he shall then have noii:*; .. •: . 4''-i 'â-  - •â- *â- â-  Dated at Ov/4^ Sound, this twenty- pixth day of January, 1928. C.C. MIDDLEBRO Solicitor for Executor. CEYLON The remains of the late Duncan McMillan, who passed away op Fob- ruBTy 3rd at the hospital in Prescott, Arizona, arrived on Saturday night, February 11th. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. from the home of his pai'ents, under the auspices of the Maisonic Order, of which fraternity he was a member, interment taking place in St. Andrew's cemetery at Swinton Park. Rev. Mr. McCormack of Priceville, assisted by Mr. Prosser, pastor here, conducted the services, giving comforting mess- ages to the bereaved cnes. The casket was covered and surrounded by the beautiful floral offerings from the following friends: Wreathsâ€" Pupils of Alexander Muir School, Toronto; the Staff of Alexan- der Muir School; Principal an«l Staff of Humbercrest School, Toronto; the McMillan uncles and aunts; Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, 460 Armadale Ave,, To- ronto; A.F.&A.M. No. 333, Flesherton. Sprays â€" Misses Annie and Agnes Harrow, Owen Sound; Onward Club, Old Durh?m Road; Mr. and Mrs W. J. McLeod, South Line; Clark uncles and aunts, Dromore; Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Muir; Mr. G. L. Gibson, teacher, and Mrs. Gibson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John D. McLeod and family, Ceylon; Assistant Masters' Assoc, Toronto: the McMillan family; beautiful pot- ted plants from Ceylon and commun- ity. Those from a distance who attend- ed the funeral were Mr. Urmy, princi- pal of the Alexander Mnir School, To- ronto, where Duncan was as&istont principal; Messrs J. and D. Patter.»on, Blantyre; Messrs. R. and J, Storey of St. Vincent; Mr. W. Brady, Markd<»le; Mr. J. Murdock and Mr. J. Smith, Harkaway; Mr. J. Aldcom, Corbetton; Mr. and Mrs. Dai^e McGee, Vandeleur, The pallbearers were members of the MbsonJe Ord^r: M'eissrs. Alex. Muir, George Banks. W. Meads?, John Oliver; A, Down and P, Hemphill. The sympathy of the community ;s extended to Mr. and Mrs. MacMill-n and only sister. Miss Kate, who are left to moxrrn his loss. Mrs. Hislop of Eugenia spent tl\e past week visiting her sister. MLss J McKenzie, Miss Irene Marshall is visiting "her sister at IBolton. Mr, H, Wilkerson. contractor of Re- gina, visited at R. Cooke's last week iTid called on old friends, wTio v.-ere pleased to spe him. It is 22 ye^n-s since Mr, Wilkerson left here and sees â- many c"haTiges that took place s=r,ce that time. Miss IW. Stewart returned to her duties on 'Monday, after spending sev- eral weeks at the bedside of her moth- er at Clhiton, who is now improvirg, Mrs. F, MrTshall spent a day in To- ronto fhe past week and was iiccomp- â- rmied home by her father, Mr. FuTlen, who wni remain for an extended visit.' Mr. Thos, Irwin underwent an oncr- ation in the Durham hospital on Sat- urday and w making i!*T}lendia â- progress. Mr. Fred Chislett of Listowel spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. Aima TWcMillan. EUGEmA KIMBERLEY VANDELEUR MAXWELL BORN â€" On Monday, February 6,! A canvas for the electric lights is KI28 to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee, ' being made this week. A hydro n.an 10th line, Artemesia, a son. Con- of To'ronto addressed the people a gratulations. ! couple of weeks ago and explained Mr. Basil Carruthers has returned ' the project. some time at home after spending Sault. Ste. Marie. Mrs. Evans of Durham spent a few days with her friend, Mrs. Harry Forrester. A very enjoyable time was spent at the dance held at the home of Mrs. Jos. Williams on Friday night last The young people of the village in- tend holding another dance in the hall this Friday evening, February 17th We wish them a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. Kilburn Magee and family of the west, who are spend- ing the winter here and other points, are spending a few days with the for- mer's sister, Mrs. Robt. Gorley and husband. Mr. Wesley Cooey of Toronto spent the week end in the village. Mr. Robt. Purvis and nephew, Mr Chas. Williams spent a few days in Toronto recently. Mr. Harold Lever of Flesherton spent Sunday with Mrs. Chas. Mar- tin's. Mr. Russel Park has the pleasure these days of breaking in a colt which will soon make him a handsome driver. Mr. Ed. Graham of visited with relatives here recently An airplane passed over the vill- age on Monday. We could view it quite plainly. Miss Dora Glenn of Duncan is with Mrs. Elmer Ellis at present. Mrs. W. T. Ellis is spending a week with friends at Meaford, Thorn- bury and Clarksburg. The Misses Lottie and Myrtle Stuart of Burks Falls are visiting their cousin. Miss Justina Ellis. Mr. Plewis spent a couple of days last week with friends in Melancthon. The Y, P. A. has been re-organized and are holding their meetings' on Thursday evenings. Mr. John Fawcett held a success ful wood bee last week and ententain- ed the young people and a numbr-r from Heathcote to a dance. Mr. HoTton put on a lantern sli le show in the hall on Saturday night. The Ladies' Aid held their regu'ar meeting on Tuesday last. They re- ceivd $46 from the chain of teas with over twenty dollars yet to come in. They decided to end them in a social evening about St. Patrick's Day, Mrs. Ran Hutchison and .Stanley visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. McConnell Mrs J. I. Graham, and Miss Mar;v Clarksburg Graham of Vandeleur visited recent- ly with Mrs. D. Graham. Jliss Margaret Huson ha.s returned to her hom= in London, after spending a couple of months with her grand- father, Mr, Robt. Graham, .Mrs. Thos. Freeman is spending â-  .i few days with her mother in Markdale. Mrs. J. J. McGee has returned home after spending several weeks wi^h friends in Toronto and London. Rev, A. P. Brace, organizer for the Sons of Temperance, will deliver a lecture in the school house on Friday evening of this week. Everybody is welcome. The Ebenezer Ladies' Aid spent a few pleasant hours at the parsonage in Markdale on Friday evening, Febru- ary 3rd. Mrs. J. I. Graham and daughter, Mlay, visited friends at Kimberley re- cently. IN MEMORIAM The Ospiey U. F. Y. P. 0. held a very enjoyable fowl supper on Sat- urday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Spoffard. ' Mr. and Mrs, Robt, Pric tly, and daughter, and Mr, and Mrs. ( v). Long spent the week end with ; ^lativel here. (^ The Women's Institute met at th* home of Mrs. (Dr.) Gauld on Thurs« day last. After the business wai transacted we listened to a paper "thj Efficient Homemaker" by Mrs. H Poole. Miss M, Heron gave a read ing on a picnic lunch kit. Mrs. Batw ker gave a description of "Tea in the Government House as was given to the Women's Institute delegates at the recent convention. The nneet- ing closed and the hostess served i dainty lunch which was enjoyed by aU. FEVERSHAM PORTl-AW. Mr. A"bram BLskey, wife and fam- ily, are moving from near Proton Station to this neighborhood, M\: John .\nderson from Manor, .Saskatchewan, a former residrv.t of Orange Valley, spent last wee' vis- iting with T. R. McKenzie and fam- ily. It is rr.?.r\y years since Mr. An- deri^on vtant West and with a niiTibor of frienils established a colony "where there wa.s nothing to relieve tV." mo- notony but unbroken virgin i'-airM-, Now they have the satisfaction of enjoying comfortable farm tro-.Ti'^s, a thriving town at tlieir doot, ,"'id a prosperous community. It wu'- a "rn- tual pleasure for old friends to and revive old memories, Mr, -Angus Bolton was in r-v.-en Sound last week. Mr, B. oxpe: : ^ t\i remove his family to the sceni- i'itry| ji the near future and wfH engneo "in I husiness there. Mrs. McKenzie. .\lvin and M". }Vn- visited lately fur two ''-^ys Mrs. G. Eby, and two children hav. ; returned home after spending a weel- with her daughter, Mrs, Forsythe ••n Owen Sound. | Miss Agnes Speer returned homoj after a month's visit with friends in'. Detroit. Mr. Samuel Ottewell visited friends 'n. Collingwood last week, Mr. ClD-Tence Alexander has return- ed home from the hospital in ColliTig- wood where he undei-went an operat- ion and we are glad to .say he is re- covering nicely, Mr, and Mrs, Alex. Mclntyre of Mc- Intyre visitrd with Mr. and Mrs. Col- qxiette last week, .A. number of farmers in this local- Tty are drawing logs to the Durhnir. Cl'LLEN â€" In ever loving memory of my dear father, Johnston Cullen, who passed away February 17th, 1927. A wonderful father, companion and aid One who was better God never made A wonderful worker, loyal and true- One in a million, that father â€" was i you. Just in your judgment, always right, Honest and liberal, over upiight. Loved by your friends and all whom you knew A wonderful father â€" that father wa.s you, â- ^ondly remembered by his dauuhter. Minni?, CARD OF THANKS ^c-'t ("Furniture Co. at Rock Mills CARD OF THANKS \ We wish to thank our many friends i and neighbors for their kindness | shown during the recent illness and ' death of our father and husband, al- } so for floral tributes, â€" Mrs. McDonald and Family, Mr. and Mrs. John S, MacMillan and Kate wish to thank their friends for their many acts of kindness and symps.thy shown during their rocent bereavement. â€" â-  RUBBER BOOTS FOR ALL For a good work boot that will help* keep your feet dry, and rubber bot- toms and tops for men and boys, and all kinds of repairing on footwear, come to W. L. MORWOOD Flesherton, Ont. AGENCY FOB i Massey Harris Implements INSURANCE 'WRITTEN IM SEVERAL COMPANIES ON BOTH FARM AND TOWM PROPERTY. i" John Wright Advertise in The .\dvance FLESHERTON CONVEYANCING OFFICE OPKNEB THIS WET^K Mr, cierson at the Wright home near Rav Thin proved to bo a reunion oi' mer school mates and, "it is neef* to say, was thoroughly enjoyed, t^hcy lived over again those cure- days of youth, .-\mong those of comp.Tny were "Mr, and Mrs. "R Malcolm of Collingwood, the foi being a brother of Mrs Wright THE STRAIN STORE SOLT5. FARM HOUSES -BlTtNElX P. F, McArthur. for so:ih" years a resident of this town, and until seriously injured a couple of years ago an employ-je of the Durham | - â-  na 1 â- '^tone and Sand Co, has opened â- ' "or- conveyancing office in his residence c I on Garafraxa street and is pronarc'd - j to look after any business entrHstcl ^ I to his cai'e ;'s outlined in his ndvcT- e i tisement appearing in this i.ssue. When in Price-v-illp. Mr, Mc.A.rthnr wr- similar engaced in connc-ctinsT with his gcperal store hero, so is not a new man at tlie game, and solicit.=? n share of tlip public patronage. â€" Durham ChronicTt, BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 .'\ venue Road. TORONTO ._ R; Maddocks. j. W. Bates J ©€H§f^^^^©«^@@.:i^^©•:c->«^•®•:j^Sâ- Â®Â®Â®Â®0®®©â- ^Câ- ^®l The Stra'in department stove r:t An- .T-onda. Montj'.na, has been sold fcy Mr, Joseph H, Strain to his nepht-ws, the .Strain Bro.s.. of Great Falls,' Montana, who run a chain of stores throughout that -state. The Wni. Strain family left Flesh- erton about forty years ago. The late Herbert Strain and his brother. Jos. H., started business at Msnot, Dakota, later going to Great Falls, Moiitanni, and twelve years lat-.-r Mr, Jos. H. Strain moved to Anacojida, where he has since resided. The young men were very successful in buslnese. Mr. Josiah Strain has been 47 years in harness and has earned a well-deser- ved rest in the twilight of life. The Anaconda Standard pays the following high tribute to Mr. Strain. 'In Anaconda the St'^in store has always been among t'lc most pro- gressive concerns in the city and the owner ha-s won ."" unusual place in the ef'eem of asso'if tes> and townspeople. His unchangi ;â-  code of business ethics a- stem mor-1 character inherited from Scotch-Iris" lar.nts and his unal- loyed honc'ty has served to build up a wide rt.cnige whose confidence is demon '..-.'ed in the continued growth '^'' I'l: imtitution." Those V he remember Mr, Strain when 1 . ^ 71 1 fully endorse the trib- trtPe pa' ' him By his own home paper. Fire, which is believfd to have <vd from overheated stovepine troyed the frame honse on thr of Wesley Benson, 4th Tine, Prr Friday evening last. Mr. aiir Benson were attending a partT time and did not reach home "i- to save any of the contents, T the "loss of the household goof' in cash was also burned in tl $500 insurance w?.s carried, h-' amottirc will not nearly cover '' The frame house occupied by Smeltzer of Monticcllo was tr' stroyed "by f ire on Monday mr this week. Overheated pipe- given as I'he cause, â€" Gran;! Star. ' irt- •le.s- arni n, on Mrs. -t the tim( ' thai loss. "Ed "y de. 'ing of "' al«o V.:lley S. S. NO. 11. ARTE.'WrSIA. Sr. 4 â€" Margaret Boland , Arf;u- MacPhail, Margaret '-lut.in '.:i.'--ent). Jr. 1 â€" Kathleen W.irii:;jf, Con! in rrtter:,(;rt; D'lrnthy Ii:\"V;i' .-^-.t-] Scwell, Sr, 2 â€" John I'fland U-lf' ,. arris, yitchell Taylor, LloyT Br.Iand. Jr. 2 â€" Violet Kitzsini.i on.-,. Sr, 1 â€" Wiln'a Cargi ? Jr, 1 â€" Allan Caylor Wi,'li,; U .wlos. Carman Seweli, Hi'!:.iri| Fit;;«iiitMon». Primer â€" Etta Ci-(oc. Etta Thonipsoi-.. Teacher. lN~MEMORIAM Alberta honey ))i-oduction in 1! 2'( totalled about 3W),0CO lbs., worth $60,- 000, as compared with 215,000 lbs. "n 192G, worth S^S.^-'oO, SPECIALS THIS WEEK ONLY 4 Ib.s. White Bean.s r. 25c. 3 Pks. Jelly Powder (Cup and Saucer) 2Sc. Pure Lard, 1 lb. Prints 19c. Minto Tea, Per lb 68c. Auciion Sale is Withdrawn Notice is herby given that I have indefinately withdrawn my Credit Auction Sale which was to have ben held on Thursday of this week on Lot 31, Con. 4, Artemesia, February I'Jth.; â€" JAS STAFFORD.! 3 © PURITY, m FLOUR and FEED FIVE ROSES, ROYAL HOUSEHOLD BRAN, SHORTS SCREENINGS WHEAT AND OAT CHOP W. J. Stewart & Sons Phone 46 Ont I Flesherton, ^^ 9 Seasonable Equipment DONT FORGETâ€" Dundalk and Proton play this Thursday night. CULLEN â€" In loving memory of oir lear father, Johnstone Cullen, who c! â-  paited this. life Feb. 17th, l^iZ In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are always near We who loved you sadly miss you As it dawns another year. â€"Sadly missed by loved ones. s 9 e I t 8 Stable Shovels Forks Crosscut Saws Mitts Royal Purple Stock Food Zenoletim (Liquid and Powder) A xes Gloves Blankets FRANK W.DUNCAN PHONE. 54w'and 54j I I 900«<l«0«<»e0»«0000 ••OM«««e4(90«««»«iS(«;S^@$«»$^^«9«« J I .2!Tfv»

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