Flesherton Advance, 15 Feb 1928, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, '23 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE r â- 1 HOCKEY Two Old Rivals PROTON VS. DUNDALK Game Called at 8.00 o'clock Thene teams are very closely matched, the last game being a 5â€"4 score in favor of Dundalk. at Dundalk. Thet« will also a Brooni Ball game called at 7.30 between Ceylon Millionaire and Red Schol aKKregation. Both these games for the usual price of admission. Thurs. Feb. 16th BROOM BALL CEYLON FALCONS VS. RED SCHOOL Broomball Starts at 7.30 sharp Broom Ball Leigue The Broom Ball league is beoom- ing quite an interesting game to the pliycrs participating and also to the spectators. The game is played with a broom and football and with rules similar to football, except that the hockey net is used and the ball is not supposed to be kicked, but to be propelled with brooms, by the players shod fro for ordinary street walking. The ice being slippery and the players using only boots or rub- bers on their feet, some interestiiig spectacles were presented to the spec- tators when the players loose their equilibrium. Scoring in the game has not mounted high as yet, being confined to the score of two or three goal margins. While it is not e.x- pected that the broomball will take the hold of public fancy as hockey does, nevertheless the games are very interesting to watch. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT Notice is hereby given that an ap- Are Small Villages \ About to Disappear?! An editorial in the Chesley En^'pUcation will be made to the Leglsla-| « ^^^^^.^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^^ terprise says: At the 1927 session of ture of the Province of Ontario at 'ts', ^^j^^^ debenture burden to make The time is coming and soon, when the Province is going to meet an in- I sistent demand from the municipalities for a share of the revenue from motor cars. Every town, city and country the On'ario Legislature the village present session by the Presbyterian of Bayfield in the southern p-rt of Congregation in Flesherton in the Huron applied for and was granted County of Grey for a Private Bill that the privilege of losing its indenity and the building occupied prior to the becoming part of the township from coming into force of the United which it became separated when in- Church of Cahada Act as Chalmer's corpora'.ed. Bayfield has a popu- Church at Flesherton and the lands laition of 341 and a taxable assess-) appurtenant thereto be vested in ment of $200,000. This reduces the '. Trustees for the said Congregation, membership of Huron County Council by one member. Wroxet^, a little the streets and roads fit for motor car traffic, and the ratepayers of these municipalities, facing' as well large expenditures for other improvements are in need of relief. â€" Chatsworth TENDERS WANTED Stand'ng of teams in Broom Ball Won Lost Tie Total Praton â€" 1 1 2 Ceylon â€" 1 2 3 Phillios â€" 1 1 2 Findlay â€" 1 1 2 Red School â€" 1 1 Thursday night â€" 7.30 before the I ! Hockey Match. Ceylon and the Red .School hook up. Then on Friday night Findlay's team and Phillip's will stage their first game of the series at 7.30. Skating after. Admission 15 & lOcts. ADMISSION 25 and 15 cts. OWEN SOUND LOST TO . i LISTOWELL IN O. H. A. burg in the same county with a pop- ulation of only 316 and an as.seesmc.-it of $142,000 is following B.iyfinld'8 lead and is applying to the Legislature at the session which opens this week for permission to become part of the rural municipality of Howick. Tlis removes another load from Huron of the representatives of a little country corners having as much say in tr.e County affairs as the reeves of the townships with an assessment of over two million dollars. An inducement in recent years for small villages to become merged into the rural munic- ipality is to get the advantage of the special hydro terms granted to farm- ers. It would be quite S' saving to the ratepayers of three urban municipal ities in Bruce: Hepworth, Tiverton and Lion's Head, all of which have an^sss- essment under $100,000 to become part of a rural corporation again s nd thus save the expense of municipal officers and get the benefit of 50% of the cost of constructing hydro lines. And Bruce County would still have too many members legislating three times a year. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to and including Satur- MACDONNELL, MORTIMER & [ j^y^ February 4th, 1928, for the pur- KENNEDY, Ljjjjg^ of the large brick building in 10-12 King St. E., Solicitors for Flesherton known as the Wright the Applicant. j block. The highest or any tender Dated at Toronto this 10th day of j not necessarily accepted. January, 1928. \ â€"Mrs, W. L. Wright, FleshertOB^ Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED LOSTâ€" Lady's small satchel, on| December 17th in Hickling's store, al- so leather tie strap in Hickling's shed. â€" Jos. Buchanan, Vandeleur^ Lost â€" On the East Back Line, be- tween George Blackburn's and New- ell's mill, two patent binders and one lock clevis.â€" Commu~tricate with Rich-i^*'^*' ^°"'"**'- ard Allet^ FARM FOR RENT S. % lot 16, and lot 17, concessiov 13, Township of Osprey, containinc 150 acres under cultivation, bufldinga consist of frame dwelling and twO' bams, one mile from Feversham. For full particulars apply The Toronto- General Trusts Corporation, 253 Bay SHORTHORN BULL FOR SEBVICV Renew your Advance Subscription NOW Petroleum Royalties Dividend Notice Head Office: TULSA, OKLA. The regular Monthly Divi- dend of 1'y and a bonus of Vi of I'r on the Guaranteed First Participating 12'/; Preferred Sliare.s â€" giving a total of l^C^ for the month will be paid on February 1st to shareholders of rocord on January 25th. MID-CONTINENT BOND CORPORATION ••531 Bay Street, Toronto 2, Canada The Owen Sound Junior O. H. A, team were eliminated from the comp- etition in O. H. A. junior champion- ship fight by the Listowell sextette, the score on the round being 10-8. In I Listowell on Friday evening Owen Sound lost 6-3, but on horn ice on Monday evening managed to secure the long end of the score 5-4. Un- fortunately for Owen Sound they have been unable to secure group K^me.s and had to rely on experience from exhibition contests, and were not in shape to finish in the play- cff series. During the past four years Owen Sound has won two Dom- inion Junior championships and were in the O. H. A. the other two years. There were eight sugar factories in Canada in l!i2(), in which a capital of $49,748,404 was invested, and a pross production value of SG4,270,C87. Hockey Team to Durham The local seniors are scheduled to be in Durham this Thursday evening in a return game with the Junioi team there, when an interesting time will be had, no doubt. Dundalk is looking for a couple of games vnth Flesherton and the boys expect tc play the first game in Dundalk in the near future. FOR SALE Registered Shorthorn bull for FOR SALE â€" Good gander^Fred ij" **. Y^- ^?S; *'' P"^'.*^' "M«nT Brown, Flesherton. Phone 33 r 5. Marquia"^ No._ 179.1 J6; Sire. Bomd. FOR SALE â€" Nut coal. â€" P. G. Karstedt, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" A thousand cords of wood for sale, 16 inch aad 4 ft. â€" \Durham Furniture Co., Rock Mi]h. ManpiiB 142,881; Dam. Red Butteiflr 181,0787 Terms â€" Purebreda |6.00i Kndes 12.00. â€" S. R. H.VWKINS. Eufoita. BOAR FOIt SERVICE. Reiristered Yorkshire Boar for low vice by Fleshertrn Bacon Hog Ch*^ FOR SALE-Six young pigs, ready ^^' Pâ„¢P«^ "^ ^'»« Ontario Depart- to move.- ion, R. R, -M. 3. Hogarth, Proton Stat- ment of Agricult ire. â€" C. STL WART, Caretaker. For Sale â€" Two cows, one to fresh- en in arch. Also five young ewes and | 100 hens. â€" T. Fenwick, Eugenia. BOAK FOB SrjIVICS I No. 92.71630. Alio • y«a« Twtt. j shire tig. both bacon tjye for aarrkf on lot 176, N.W. T. * SJt. .\dvertise in The .Advance SIX HILL STO: sWy buy toccther in order titnt latir cuttomeri in the tix com- â- J Jftliiruties iTMjr materially ben - !<ffl incHvtdually. F. T.HILL & CO., Ld Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct-k.j ively associiites with ht^h" quality mershandile at the (airett poMiblx prices. ADVERTISING THE COMMUNITY! Barrier Examiner: â€" Those who read their weeicly newspapers and carelesj- iy throw thoni aside, ovoiiook the fact that they are not doing all for their town and district that they can. If i those newspapers, instead of beinp de- I stroycd, wove placed in v.Tappers aiul I mailed from time to time to friends I and relatives at a di^'tani-c. the cr^od I thrt could be .accomplished would soon j bo reflected in local growth, ."-ays the j Cnrleton PI;i-c Canadian. Probably no other one thinf» is a ; iKtt. r index to r. town tan its weekly FOR SALEâ€" Cow. to freshen in I April, and seven young pigs â€" G.W.. Terms â€" fl.OO. "Littlejohn=, R.R. 5, Markdale. â€" T. J. STINSOir. FOR SALEâ€" Roan Shorthorn Bull, j 13 months' old, choice Scotch breed- 1 ing, government tested. â€" Ed. Little- | Johns, R.R. 5, Markdale. I BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR S.'^LE â€" 2-story cobblestone house on Durham St., h.^s all modern conveniences, also garage and hen house. â€" W. A. Armstrong & Son. FOR S.\LEâ€" Absrdecn .Angus Bull Calf, seven months old, elisible for registration. â€" Herb Corbett, Clover- Registered Yorkshire Boar for viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim. No. 99.giM â€"Property of Sausreon Bacon Hof Club. Terms Jl.OO. â€" C. HINDLE, Proton StatioB. Lots 168-9. Srd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. Hill's Grocery Department There are many odd lines and broken lots in every deplartment and these we are marking down for clearance during February. There are many exception- •I burffftlns and it will pay you to visit oar store and examine the goods before al bargains an ^^^_^p y^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ A LOO K We Save You Money on Your Grpceries Read T! *s ^ ::t rrc* Be Convinced â- iiiblicalion. Very often th;;t is about I'^ae Farm, Proton. j all the stranfircr has Rot to go by in > i making up his mind abouta community S j If the newspaper that falls into hi.<; 1 liands i-. a hrijrht looking sheet, full j Iff news, an'l has r prosperous air, the I stranger is certain to nultro that it I v.-as published in a live, progressive â-  town. FOR P.ALE â€" 1 cow, due in March, 1 cow due at 1st of April, Icow giv- ing milk, also set of sin8,'le harness, .set of lisht sleighs, suitable for light work. â€" Fred Stuart, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Lot. ho of the late A. S. Va village of Flesherto; p.nd stable â-  -n, in the nly to. J. Ave., Tor- MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc Offices- Owen Sound, Dnrhaa and Flesherton. Flesherton evevv Saturday afternoon and eveninff. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County oif Grey. Term*: t per cent. Satisfaction guamtee^ Dates made at The Advance office. method , may, in) MISCELLANEOUS NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Tues- Graham Bros. pood G TOMATOES - PEARL WHITE SOAP 3 Tins for 35eiV 10 Bars for 49q. VIGOR MALT Medium Tin 29c. PEAS 3 Tins for 35c. CORN FLAKES 3 for 24c. SLICED PINAPPLE 15c Per Tin CORN 3 Tins for 35c. CHICKEN SOUP 2 Tins for 29c. MACARONI 2 Lbs. for 21c PORK AND BEANS 2 Tins for 21c. VIGOR MALT Large Tin 48c CRACKED WHEAT 3 Lbs. for 25c. .SALMON t Pound Tins Per Tin 19c. CHRISTIE'S vSOIMS ... Large Package 27c Per Package - RAISINS SedlcKH 3 Lbs. for 25c. SYRUP ."i Pound Pail 35 c. Each TIGER CATSUP ()uar< Buttle 25c. Each PRUNES Nice Quality 2 Lbs. for 25c. SYRUP 10 Pound Pail $8c Each SUGAR (iranulalfd 10 lbs. for 68c. PASTRY FLOUR 25 lbs., and 2 Pka. Jelly Powder FOR $1.00 FA:0IER'S ACCOUNT BOOK F VnnDusen, 24 Chi Farm suireys show that very few 'onto , farmers follow a systematiq " ' ; of farm accounting. This I the pnst have been due to a lack of{. I suilable forms or account books for, I the purpose. There are to-day a' day and Saturday i iiumlier of simple books irsucd whi'.hl Eugenia. ' :\rc a pront help to the farmer in, rvx-x I this important matter. Farming "^ Kt..M i a business and if it doesn't nay 1 farmer should know yhy it doesn't j ray. .Some record of receipts and expenses, tosrother with an inventory! ; (a list with values of live stock, feed,! implements, etc., on hind) taken ati I the begi'inin'r and th; end of the] Tarmcr's year, must be kept if he is 1 I to find out why it doesn't pay. Keep! , a record of each department of your Tenders are asked for supplying 20 . fann business. Find out how much j corjg of hardwood for Flesherton pub- each, and if jjp school, maple or beech body wood. BUSINESS CARDS , Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental ; surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeoni of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. Hous? to rent "'"(frame hou^e, (T^iposite high school, ,,.„'! 'rooms and good gar-den. -Apply to Mr W. Caswell, Proton R. R. 3. Car-load of flour and feed to arr- . ive in a few days. Book orders Nearly.â€" H. Spoffard. TENDERS FOR WOOD. you arc making from , any arc not paying. . I A simple and yet very useful little 1 account bonk for the farmers has I been issued by the Dominion Exper- imental Farms. This may he pro- ruired from the Publication Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, for the nominal charge of ten cents. This little book, while simple, is a great step in advance of keeping no accounts whatever. Now is the time to take an inventory and st-.-t keep- ing accounts. Length 24 inches. Send offers to Fred erton. Stuart, Flesh- Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. ft A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. Ray Pedlar, W.M., C. F. Lawrence, Sec. Lucas & Henry,BarrJsters, Solicit- ors, etc., -L B. Lucas, K. C; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdalo Luca» Rlock, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. FT. HiLt & Co.vLimHed, Warkdale The Collingwood shipyards. Lim- ited, officially announced that they had received three orders which are ti be executed in the yards bene. One is from the Department of Rail- ways and Canals, Ottawa, for a steel pontoon lock gate lifter, for service on the Welland canal. Another is from the Brown Corporation of Que- bee for one twin screw DeiscI engine .-,eow whil? the third is from the De- partment of Public Works. Ottawa for a largfr BiTh fdr a dipi>fer dredge'. These orders will be entered upon at once and will require to complete.â€" Bulletin. ' ' BULL FOR SERVICE For ssrvice on lot 30, Con. 18, Art- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Terms:-$2 if paid before January 1929, otherwise $2.50. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS, Eagenia. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc. Offices, Grey and Bruce Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Birnie . Wm. Kaitting, Liscsnsed Auetlonett tor the counties of Grey *nd Simco*. Farm and stock sales a specialitj. Terms moderate., satisfaction QUr- may be lade at the Advance OIBbb, nr Central telephone office. PennAaa^ or by addrsesing me at Feveiakia. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 76 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. Art- emesia, at Saugeen Junction. Bam 36 by 50 with L 30 by S2, cement stabling throughout. Large cement veneer house, Broomed, with wood- shed, in which is drilled well, farm well watered small orchard. â€" W. J. Blackburn. Proton Station. FARM FOR RENT Osprey Township, Grey County S.H Lot 16 and 17. Con. 18, con- taining 150 acres, 100 acres undec cultivation, buildings consist of fnun* dwelling and two barns, one rail* from Ffeve'-'inm. For full k>Mrtie- ulars appl> .< The Toronto Geaeral Trusts Corporation. 253 Bay Street, Toronto. BULL FOR SERVICE. GRAIN ROLLED . Rurc-breil Hereford BuN for II. will pay you to have wur gnAn ««•• -Terme 42.pay«Uethe firat «f II I r . I J ..I I February, after that date 12.50 wlO rrllcd for your hor;cs and cattle, on j,^ charged râ€""" "â- " some' walks'*'* ^^' ^"' ^^' ®'P"y- 1 " â€"EDWARD LOtJCiai, â€" F. G. BROWN. ' '«M«aH|MinMIHPIMSi /.'i'^.^tAHl'^ immmt»tm m>'« > 'um i mfTm ti 0m»t t

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