Flesherton Advance, 21 Mar 1928, p. 3

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1 * 4 c: i Assam t«M ars knownby paqMtto as th« fiiiMt !••• -grown â€" • fact which wndaina \j Rad Rom Oranga Pakoa ts bacoma so daMnradly spular in Canada. ForRad I Oranga Pakoa ts chiafly of Assam taas, H acceimts for its dis>- iva ouality and valua. f paoiaga guarantaad. I I NEW STRENGTH FOR AU WEAK GIRLS Conies From the Rich, Red Blood Made by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. There muat b« no guesswork In the New Uses For Cottonseed cotton srowero were not altogether er«diUoa» when at the close of the Blneteenth century the conviction was expressed that the cotton seed indus- try bad only sot a fair start. Had not the crop in tbe year 1S99 amount- ed to 4,000,000 tons, at an average Tain* of $16 a ton? Scarcely more ' treatment of pale, anaemic girls and Cosld be expected from material that children. If your daughter is languid, tut lately had been despised as a bas a pale, aallow complexion. Is short y-prodnct of «nal» -worth. <>' breath after slight exertion or on â- niere irere undtacovered posstbUl- so'nt up stairs, If she has palpitation tlei in cottonseed: all that was need- «' the heart, a poor appetite, or a ten- ed waa to find all its uses. Pro«re8»^«"5 »<> laint, she has anaemU-the haa been made rapidly in this dlrec- ! »««»1«»1 «»*>ne tor Poverty of the Uon. and cettonaeed's animal contrl- 1 f'ood. Any delay in treatment may Muu, m^ _.,,„„., -«.n,iT<.*ii i« '®*^« ber weak and sickly for the rest buUoB to tie national reaources la,^, ^^^ „^^ ,^_ ^^^ j;,_^ ,^ ^^^^ now »ttt at 1600.000,000. Last year more than «,000,000 tons were crush- Wilson Pubiiahing Company U^f^ Ho mother In tills enlightened age would give her baby something stia ild not know was perfectly harmless, sapeclally when a few drops of plain Castoria will right a baby's stomach and end almost any little HI. Fretful- Bess and fever, too; It seems no time â- ntil everything is serene. That's the beauty of Castoria; Its gentle Influence seems Just what is needed. It does all thai castor oil Bight accomplish, without shock to the system. Without the evil taste. It's delicious! Being purely vege- table, you can give it as often as there's a sign of colic: constipation: diarrhea: or need to aid sound, natur- al sleep. Just one warning: it is genuine Fletcher's Castoria that physicians â- CGommend. Other preparations may ke lust as tree from all doubtful drugs, but no child of this writer's is going to test them! Besides, the book on care and feeding of babies that comes with Fletcher's Caatorla is worth its weight in gold. Children Cry for •4, yielding almost 2,000,000 pounds ot crude oil, 8,600,000 barrel* of re- fined oil, almost 3,000,000 tons of cake and meal, almost 2.000,000 tons of hulls and more than 1,000,000 bales ef llnters of 600 pounds each. Cottonseed and Its by-products are put to many uses. The llnters go Into batting, wadding, stuffings for pads, cushions, comforts, horse col- lars, mattresses "and upholstery. They are mixed with shoddy and with wool for making hats, fldece-llned clothing, felt and low-grade yams. They en- ter into the manufacture of lamp and candle wicks, twine, rope, carpets, writing paper, explosives, varnishes, artlflclal silk and leather and photo- graph films. The hulls of cottonseed are used as feed, fertilizer, fuel, a basis for explosives and a source of potash. Fertiliser end animal feed are also made out of the cake and meal. of her life. When the blood is thin and watery give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, coupled with nourishing food and gentle out-of-door exercise. The new, llfe-glvlng blood which comes from a fair use of Dr. WiUlams' Pink Pills, Increases the appetite, stimu- lates the nerves and brings a glow of health to pale cheeks. Mrs. Robert Jackson, R.R. No. 6. Shelburne, Ont., praises tills medicine for restoring her daughter's health. She says: â€" "When my daughter was nine years old she was so weak and thin that we feared we would lose her. She was very nervous, and going to school seemed too much for her. Often she would have to stay at home for days at a time. At times she would have a very high fever, and the doctor's treatment did not help her. I tried several remedies, but with no good results. One day a friend advised me to give her Dr. WllUams' Pink Pills, and I did so. It was not long after she began taking the pills that I could see a change for the better. She kept REDROSE 4« is good tea Red Rose Orange Pekoe is t^e finest tea in the best packageâ€" Abminnm The Mounties Help Keep Ontario Safe The R.N.W. Police Handle Nearly Four Thousand Cases in Past Year Ottawa â€" The work of policing the plains no longer engages the complete i attention of the Royal Northwest: Jklwmted Police. StatisiU's respect-! Ing their activities in Ontario whio'.i | the annual report of the orgauleaton apeeiiy sets forth that durug the past year Classified AihrertiseinenU 4 -X OUALITT ROCK. UJ£UH<Jttn. Al AvyanUotte. Bed Baby ChlcUs, »ia.UU per 100 and up. Hatching e««». :k« per --- â€" -- , i«.OU per 100 and up. Pedigreed Cocli elfl, $6.00 eai-h, and up. St Page }""â- - trsted Catalogue Tree. L. R. auJM • BnnH. Box T, Rockwood. Ont ABY CHICKSâ€" WK HATCH FOIJR varieties of Baby Chicks. Write for ree catalogue. Price lOo and up. A. H. Swltzer, Qranton. Ont. MOTivo AV9 aTomaaa. No Trick. Good writing Is not a trick. It Is a result- of genius or talent plus hard work. â€" John Farrar In The Bookman. MINING INVESTORS For Reliable Information Write Us GORRIE. MACDONALD AND ROBERTSON 9 Adelaide St. E., Toronto P ATENTS List ot "Wanted Invantlona^ and Full Information Bent Frea on Requeat. ^BB mAMBAT CO, Sapt. W, â- 73 Baak at. Ottawa. Oat. A SMART ONE-PIECE FSiJCK OF SLENDERIZING LINES. Modish distinction is achieved by this smart one-piece frocit. In \ iew A contrasting material is effectively used for the plaited front panel, ves- tee, bands tinisiiing the long dart- fttted sleeves, and laps on the set-in pockets. View B illustrates the frock fashioned of one material ha\-ing the HILL THIS MOVERâ€" HIONEER DIB- T^.VCK movers of Canada. Largest padded vans. New Bquipmant. liteat iiiethodH. Two experienced men everv trip. All loads Insured. Beyond 3.757 cases were handled in this prov- compare ^f or «kni_^and^oare.^ ^'.'e" « T. ince. charges. Head office. Hamilton. Ontario, on taking the pills for several months i ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ,^^^^^ ^^^ ]^^.^^ ^^ ^f and through them grew tiito a strong, ^j^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^.^^ ^^ ^ j^^^j ^,^^^ healthy girl. Since then, if a tonic has been needed at any time. It has always been Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." The pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mall at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., BrockvUle, Ont. * Sauce For Hie Goose a narrow belt acrobs the plain back completes this chic frock- No. 1551 is in sizes 38. 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 inches bust. View A, size 40, requires 8% yards 39-inch material, and "M yai'd contrasting. View B, size 40, requires 4 'a yards 39-ineh material, or 2*i yards 54-inch. Price 20c the pattern. HOW TO 0RD3R PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, gi"ng nunitier and size of such patterns as you want Enclose 20c In stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and JS.N.WVOCSVWVWXVWNXWN.'C ^^^^^^^ Castoria /< I \ vvvvvvvvvx.VVVX.'VX.V\V>>XVVN.\.>.VNXVN.>OvXVN GOVERNORS FOR AUTO ENlclStS L'Si-L' AS STATIO.-XAR* OR PORTABLE ENGINES J. C â€" 8. Oov. Co.. St. CatbariBM. Oat. ^pantiord < wndef Cbncrete Mixer srH WEGLE RS"THOR0BRED baby ,v CHICKS Out btetdrrt ^xz bred for hlgb \ 'Sfi prcoucticQ. U^lte. Btowq I itnd Buff Le^oinc, BuieU wad ) White Rock», R. I. Red*. An* conat. Buff Oiptnstoo*. Wbtta Wyaodottcfc 1 Zcwidup. \0Q% live celiverT iu«ranteed. Wtitft tod^vY t'oi FREE CHICK BOOK- i gUce KHWEOLCR'S MftTCHBIIV-;,sc atnuMPTaa. wrTALO.N.I> MARCH WEATHER DANGEROUS TO BABY Own Tlita Naw Handy Low Pricad Mixer The "bonder Mixer" nlxei conctete, mor- tar, aead (rain, f er<i- Hzer, feed, etc , quick- ly and •• well as any larger type. Lower priced than any other well-nude mixer. Built to taat a lifetime. , . Write for deacriptive f olte lTo.^« GOOLD, SHAPr Brantford PLEY * MVIR CO. Ltd. Ont. 7 IP. ^STB. Ererywhen maa, women and ehOdioa â- n andias MHtaia reliet ftom Coo^ and Cokh of all ktndi by taklnc Baek> Ity'a Kixtw*. Everywben dnnlsta aie â- clltais "BtteUey'a" under poaittva stmr- â- ntce. Tba> Ant doae prerca how fU' fonnt H la-aad there are 4* doaaa tea It-cent bottle I Never bo withoot tUi yroven conaueror of eoldi. W. K. BMhley. LlmitaA lU Hatnl St. TWMrta t w^m^s^ •le Acuitt«ai •Ipvsevwil ^ and Rehim Tourist IbiidCaihinl Perfect comfort-tow cost. BIO Ships, famous for cuisine, lux- urious appointments, terviceandsatisfaction. r>>'ret White Star AUEiycnMToi**$295iv Vaybrtak SaUInf front Montreal, cmbwk ev<oin« before â€" op hold nccMoary. Cotuult OUT travel eapettaâ€" N9oMit0tion. CaU.8bsoe at write: 55 Mint **• >â- â€¢ Toronio KcCHU Mlig.. KoBtreftl A cook is knajyn by the sauces she can make, in the opinion of Clara In- gram Judson, editor of the Kitchen of "Child Life Magazine." Sauces are particularly useful at this time of year. Food begins to taste all alike at the tag end of win- 1 address your order to Pattern Dept, ter, and sauces come in very handy Wilson Pattern Service. 73 West Ade- in conjuring up that "dlfterent" taste. | laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by Mrs. Judson Is writing for youthful I return maiL cooks, but her recipes and directions I t^ '"*: will prove equally valuable to those woh are a few years older. Here is her recipe for a mushroom sauce that will make eveu that old standby, meatballs, into a new dish : "Wash and cut Into lengthwise enough mushrooms to make 1 cupful. Melt 3 tablespoonfuls of but- ter In a saucepan. Add the mush- rooms for three minutes. Increase the heat slightly and cook for five minutes, stirring twice to prevent sticking. Re- move the cover and add 1 tablespoon ful ot flour and >,^ teaspoonfuUoC salt Sttlr gently till the flour is well blend- ed with the mustrooms" and cooks smooth. Measure X cupful ot milk and add it gradually to the mush- rooms, stirring all the while and cook- i Ing slowly till the whole becomes a smooth, creamy cauce. Pour around the meat balls which have been taken up on a hot platter." For puddings, try this sweet sauce: I Into a sauce pan put 2/3 cupful of I brown sugar, 1 cupful water, 1 tiny I pinch of saltt. Bring to a boil and ', boll for 3 minutes. Dissolve 1 tea- I spoonful cornstarch in 1 tablespoon- I ful ot sold water. Stir into the syrup { and boil for two minutes. Add 2 ! tablespoonfuls butter and M teaspoon- \ tul vanilla extract. Stir in and serve I hqt." Our Canadian March weather â€" one day bright, but sloppy, the next blus- i tery and cold â€" Is extremely hard on cover tightly and cook slowly | children. Conditions make it neces- ' sary for the mother to keep the little ones indoors. They are often confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms and catch colds which rack their whole system. To guard against these colds and to keep the baby well till the better, brighter days come along, a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the house and an occasional dose given the baby to keep his stomach and bowels working I regularly. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which never I tail to regulate the stomaoh and bow- els and thus they relieve colds and simple fevers and keep the baby fit. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. r Local Stcamihip Accnta, 1131 itinpefwmjapo**/ / WHITE STAR LINE CANADIAN SERVICE A^^ ATUNnccmr sg, Care of the Child wisdom, patience and love must ever be the principles on wibich euc- cesstul work tor children Is built, writes J. J. Kelso. The delinquent child should be re- garded as a sick child, more In need of kindness an care than scolding and punishment. This is not a new thought, it has been persistently ad- vocated for thirty years; and 1b to- day being popularly recognized as never before.' Itie result has been the creation of Juvenile Courts, Big Brothers, Boy Scouts, Fresh Air Camps, and a hundred other social activities, but notwithstanding all these It is etlU the home and the par- ents who mus be held responsible for he failure of dhildren to lead an orderly and useful life. There are occasions when punishment Is neces- sary, esi)ecially for repeated wrong- doing, but this calls for careful Judg- ment and dlscrimiaation. The un- I panilled freedom of to-day and the ! excitements of modern life should be remembered when complaint is made ot youthful delinquencies. Chemically and Insensitively delv- ing into the wherefore of "the maid- en's removable blush," Dr. Fred Win- ter of 'Vienna reports that It 1b pro- duced by applying alloxan to the skin, the resulting pink tint being "due to the traces ot ammonia present in per- •piratlon." ♦ Helium a while ago cost $1,500 a cubic toot and there was little of It. Now America makes it at 2 cents a cubic foot, ha.s enough for national defense and some for other uses. « ^ .'On fl«hlr»a trlpi take Minartf't. The Sowing Bitter promised the yield Of that dark fleid. The burled stones Lay white as bones. And screamed at the share That harried there. Overhead a crow Wove to and fro. The horses were wet With matted sweat. And the wind blew dust In swlrts ot rust Like a plague ot flies In the plowman's eyes. TTet out of those lines Of furrowed pain. In its dtie time Rose the braggart grain. â€"Elizabeth Coatsworth In The Book- man. In Western Ontario, which is the district In whioh Toronto is located, the number ot cases handled was 722, as compared with 608 in 1926. an In- crease ot 18.75 per cent. Some 296 conviciloas were secured, as compar- ed with 185 a year ago. an lucrcase of 45 per cent. Additional work which the force carried out in the district consisted of 2,716 Investigations upon behalf of the department ot the Secretary of State of applicants for aaturaiization. The repoi-t refers to tihe flgUt against the drug traffic which is be- ing carried on in Ontario, and ex- presses the belief that some import- ant capfijres were effected during the past year. It expresses the opinion, however, that the drug habit i.s prob- ably more prevalent than is generally realized. "I would not like to esti- mate." tihe Western Ontario Inspec- tor writes, "the number ot abdic-.s in m- terrlioi-y. It is. I am afraid, â- arger than is suspected." A further matter which is declared to be receiving the close attention uf the Ontario squad Is the suspected trafficking In immigration permits. The total strength ot the force al- lotted to Ontario is 308, composed as follows; Superintendents 2; inspec- tors 6; staft-sergeants 8; sergeants 22: corporals 28; constables 225; special constables 16. Use Minard'a Liniment for Corns. ♦ l' Talks of Diamonds I From "Heat" Machine | Paris. â€" The European diamond In- | dustry Is awaiting with anxious In- i terest the outcome ot the final expert- j ments ot James Basset, French en- j glneer, who has Just announced the making of a machine with which It may be possible to manufacture syn- thetic diamonds directly from ordln- , ary carbon. After several years ot Intensive , study. Basset has constructed a sim- ple machine which, he says, is capable of producing 60,000 pounds of pres- sure and heat as Intense as 3,500 de- grees. Geologists, according to Bas- set, have a well-founded theory that the formation of diamonds by nature takes place when carbon encounters 1,000 or more degrees of heat and a preaure of 20,000 or more pounds. These, Basset believes, are condi- tions under which nature creates the most precious stones. Working along this line of reason- ing, the engineer has developed a machine to produce a much greater heat Intensity and pressure. \ Basset hopes to found a laboratory , of "Super-pressure." If synthetic ; diamonds result from his work, he feels, so much the better. He anlici- | pates that the application of his heat | and pressure theory to other miner- j als will result in startling discoveries. , N.Y. Times. | « _ 1 A railroad appoints a florist (•anada. HIU the Mover, Hydro-electric generating stauons in Canada number 308. EFFICIENCY One Ton D W Fertilizer 4-24-2 = Two Tona of 2-12-2. Food Instead of Filler. Save on Bags, Teaming, Labor. D. W. GUNN, LTD 200 Vine Ave., Toronto, Ont. Corrugated Iron ASK FOR WHEELER 4 BAIN "Council Standard" A, thick, even, heavy sprea.l or galvauizlug over evety inch ot Su,- face. Deep corrugations. Agen;:i- s gtiii open In some localities. Write us, stating siz» of barn you want to cover WK PAY FREIGHT WHEELER 4 BAIN. LIMITED Dept. W, 108 George St.. Torcn'o 1 PAINS ALL OVER Two More Cases of Ferainsn ness Relieved by Lydia E. Pint ham's Vegetable Comprund Batrington, N. S.â€" "I had terrible feelings, headache:', back tu.d side aches and pains ail over my bo^'rj. I would have to go to bod every nurnlh and notl'.ing woti'.ii do mo gooii. My husband and my lather did my v.oik for me as I have two cbiidren and we have quite a big place. 1 read in the paper about Lyuia E. Pink.'am's â- Vegetable Compound, and then get a little book about it through the mail, and my husband sent to Eaton â- .-â-  and a Qortst to beautify with flowers. New let it ap- j point an ofllclal â- i;i;rglar to Jimmy open the car windows.â€" Dallas News. got me a bottle, and then we pot more from the store. I am feeling fine now and do all m.y work and r.m able to go out around more. I toll my friends it is Lydia E. Pinliham's \'eg- etable Conipound that makes nie leel so well. " -Mrs. Victor RiCH.\ja'SON, fiarrington, Nova Scotia. Dull Pains in Back St. Thomas, Ont â€" "1 took four bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege- table Compound and fotmd gireat re- lief from tne dull, heavy pains in the small of my back and tlie weakness from which I suffered for five years after my boy was bom. After tr.king the Vegetable Coir.pound and using Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash 1 am feeling better than I have for the past seven vears, and advise my friends to take if- Mrs.F.JoHN.-^o.V, 49 Moore Street, St. Thomas, Ont 'We often wonder why they are call- ed the secrets of success. Bverybody j is always telling them to everybody i else.â€" Grand Rapids Press. Colic. Mix MInard'e well with Molai- ses and use •â-  a drench. Gives quick relief. =PHIIUPSS I 4ue to Acid IMWOtSTKWII ACIO 8TOM*«" HCM>ACHB 1 n^ist g-WAUSt*. ur*"" 'What most people call Indigestion ts usually excess acid In the stomach. The food haa soured. The instant remedy Is an alkali which neutralizes adds. But don't use crude helpa. Use what your doctor would advise. The best help Is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. For the 60 years since Its invention It has remained standard with physicians. You will And noth One tasteless epoonful In water neti- trallies many times its volume in •eld. The results are Immediate, with no bad after-effecis. Once you learn this fact, you 'wlU never deal with excess acid In the crude ways. Ick) learnâ€" now â€" Tvhy this method is supreme. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' ; Milk of Vagnesla prescribed by physi- cians for BO years in correcting excess ISSUE No. 11â€" '2« Ing elso BO quirk In Its effect, so harm- acids. Bach bottle ccntalnn full dlrec- leee, so efllclent. 1 tions-any dtugstor»

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