Flesherton Advance, 21 Mar 1928, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1928 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE <HP 50th Anniversary OF . DeLaval Cream Separators <i 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE DAIRLMEN 6F THE WORLD. •^ WHY NOT GIVE YOUR COWS A CHANCE TO MAKE YOU MORE MONEY BY GETTING A NEW DeLA- VAL SEPARATOR. We will be pleased to demonstrate th«» new machine. W. A. HAWKEN New Cement Block. Phone 17j. FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE Pleshertoii High School For the year 1927 RECEIPTS To balance from 1023 % 6517 75 Kent of Assembly Hall ; 44 40 County Treasurer, extia maintenance 1926 ? 3793 16 Prcv. Treasurer, grant for Agriculture 6 00 Kntrance Pupils' fees 35 00 Uepaitjnentbl examination fees , 124 80 E. C. Murray, refund on coal ., 60 33 Provincial Treasurer equivalent to grant 1483 59 T -ies 1927 3829 00 117176 37 PAYMENTS THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingrwood stre«t, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over IIM, Prtre in Canada, $2.00 per yeai, wh^n caiil in advance $1.50. In U.S.!; V^..TiO per year, when paid ii advance $2.00. Mr. Bradford emphatically, says that his rcsifrnation was demanded. A sliirht diffeience of opinion. No doubt Mr. Bradford was mistaken in the phraseology of the "demand." #. H. THURSTON. Last week the Dundalk Herald was late in issuing on account of the office dopr coming in contact with a porcupine. We hardly expected the Herald to go to the bow-wows yet, and Editor ! sure it recovered. GOVERNME.NT CONTROL. A Nuremberg Bible, dated 1477, hasi found its way into a Toronto art gal- , ery. Most of the leaves are still im- Govcrnment control of liquor, what- j cut, which proves that the ba<l habit ever other meiits it possesses, is a j of failing to read the sacred Word drain on the purchasing power of the | Hates back a long way, and that ne- oeople of Canada. From the report ' â-  left in that respc. t was rife in an- of the commissioners cirrying out the lent as well as modern times. Ferguson law in Ontario, it is shown . • • that the government sold over .seven- A monument is to be erected by a teen million dollars' worth of intoxi- New York citizen to the memory of cants, principally whiskey, in the first five mo! Ihs in which the Act was in operation, and it is stated that in the current year the total sale of in- toxicants will be at least 135 million dollars, made up by provinces as fol- lows â€" Ontario 50 millions. Quebec 45 millions. .Saskatchewan 11 millions. Alberta 8 millions, British Columbia fhe late Dr. G. M. Dawsnn. The de- rea.sed Canadian scientist, whose works are found in every pood lib- rary, explored and surveyed the Sti- kine, Dease, Liard, Fvant-es, Polly and Lewis rivers in the Yukon Terri- tory, many years ago. His maps are <;till the authority on these sections Mr. Fenley Hunter of New York pro- noses to erect a monument on the H. Down & Sons, repairing radiators 7 75 C. N. Richardson, supplies 103 30 The Sec, excise stamps and postage Bank exchange on cheques and stamps R. G. Holland, entrance board C. F. Lawrence, entrance board and express Miss Clements, presiding at entrance exams R. J. Chisholm, presiding at Departmental exams. ...« R. G. Holland, presiding at .Departmental exams Express on papers ». > 1). McKillop, repairing J. A. Heard, lumber H. Down & Sons, dry cells C. P. R. coal and freight on same The Globe, advertising teachers Dr. Murray, refund on coal P. W. Duncan, sunplies F. H. W. Hickling, supplies W. A. Armstrong & Son, electric supplies Mrs. Parker, rent for plot C. N. Richardson, examination supplies A. Gilchrist, assisting at repairs Scientific Supply Co., supplies W. I. Henry, building platform T). McKillop, material and repairing Hydro, Light and Power C. F. Lawrence, salary S. M. W. Hardwick, salary Miss Stewart, salary to June 30 Miss Cameron, salary - ^^^^ ^J" Miss Kelso, salary to December 31 ^63 00 Miss Fraser, salary J^^ JJ A. iGilchrist, caretaker salary ^50 00 Allowance to Secretary • 6 00 3 00 26 00 26 90 30 00 114 30 9 00 90 6 38 75 80 506 37 6 48 88 25 90 19 85 11 05 8 00 59 50 4 00 15 37 13 50 16 20 25 10 2730 00 1696 50 1053 00 SUITED! IF YOU WANT TO GET SUITED GO TO: KENNEDY'S TAILORED SUITS $24.75 AND UP ALSO READY MADES 3 Ib-s. Pure Lard 55c 8 lbs. Cooking Onions 25c. 22 Bars P.&G. Soap $1.60 2 Cans Peas ZSc 5 String Brooms 49c O'Canada Flour, per bbl., cash $7.95 W. G. KENNEDY •PHONE 37 4 • > « » I 4 »t» I » » 4 50 00 $ 9277 29 TOTAL RECEIPTS SIT^G 37 TOTAL PAYMENTS ? 9277 29 12 millions. Manitoba r> mdlions. New , ^, r • j t.- . x.. _ . , „ â- ,,• 1 i„4.„i „» bank of the Lmrd River to the mem- Brunswick 3 millions, a grand total of ^ ^^. ,.^. .^ , ^ . BALANCE 5 ^899 08 Audited this 1st day of March, 1928. â€"GEO. W. BUCHANAN, G. E. WARLING, Auditors. 135 millions. All this money has to come out of the pockets of the taxpayers â€" a gi- gantic sum spent on a luxury that has been found to be highly detrimental to those who indulge in it. It is true that the governments devote a por- tion of their liquor receipts to public purposes, but is it not a very expen- sive way to rai.se revenue, to say no- thing of the evils which flow from the traffic? One often hears eomlaints of dullness in the retail trade in com- munities where wholesale and retail traffic in intoxicants is established. What can be expected? If the family purse is depleted for whiskey and beer how can there be anmle resources for food and clothing in the average fam- ily? 25 Years Ago (Fyle of March 19, 1903) The robins have come. EUGENI.\ â€" Diedâ€" Suddenly, on Thursday evening of paralysis, Mrs. Thos. Tudor, aged 00 years. PRICEVILLE â€" Colin McLean has bcon seriously ill with three doctors HOW TO IlK HAPI'Y. YounfT women writers in a nopula' magazine have recently been discus- sing the (luostion of "The right w.iy to be happy," and one is astonish'.'* ftl the variety of conclusions reached as to what constitutes happiness. Pio- bably th;> best answei- we have seen is that of the young woman â€" not pretty, not ugly, but fairly plain and good humored, who states that sh«' has arrived at the conclusion that what makes for happiness is: â€" 1. â€" (Jood health. 2.- -The ability to appreciate iind enjoy little things. 3.â€" A deep feeling of gratitude for what one has. 4, â€" To honestly like people. B,â€" Work, sleep, food, a sense of humor, to thankfully enioy whatever you arc doing now. Sometimes you have to make up your mind to enjoy yourself, but you can make it such a habit that soon, deep down, you feel the joy of living in everything | that may happen, little things and | big things. Then, with a sense of | humor, yoii ran get to liking unpleas- ant things, so that even when the dentist is pulling your tooth you feel quite thrill.'d and ';ny, "My dear, this is life." There is n girl Ihal.wMiiian or ni.it- ton, is pretty rerntin to have happi- ness and to give joy tt others. ory of this distinguished man of sci- ence and honored son of Canada. • • â-  Alberta coal is to be moved to On- tario at the rate of $6.75 per ton, and would be effective the next three years for a period of not less than lliree months in each year. This will be welcome news for both the West and Ontario, as in the past, Mbertn coal has nroved satisfactory in burning qualties. Orders would have to be placed at once in order in attendance. to deliver the coal to the cars and| kIMBERLEY - Plowing has com biing them east during the slack per- iod in the summer. In pursuing this policy the Dominion Govern- ment would be assisting the consol- idation of Canada more than any tar- riff reduction that could be brought into effect. What Cpr.ndn needs t? (iiiy, more tlian anything else, is the opening up of new infhistvie"., omi)loy- ment gven to more workei;!; the com- munity will grow and national pros- perity will result, making it po",siblo for laborers to remain in Tanadn The last game of the season will be pleyed on the local ice to-morrow j night, at 8 o'clock. Findlay's April Anniversary Special As announced last year we are making our High Chair Special an Annual Affair and we will again donate to the first baby bom in the community a High Chair and start it off with a Bank Account. This contest has been watched in other years with great interest and no doubt this year also. The contest is for the first baby born after 12 o'clock on the 31st of March The only restriction is the pearents must be customers of some store in Flesfierton, not necessarily ours for we know you eventually will be a customer of ours when yon once start. Our aim in life is to be some benefit to the community in which we live, and if in the past we have in any degree lived up to that, we solicit your patronage in our business, but if you think the Mail Order Houses are a better help to your community, why it is up to you to support them by getting your goods from them. We are just finishing up on the 4th year in Flesherton, and wish to thank the public generally for making it possible for us to more than three times increase our business during that time. We know that by that increase we have proved to quite a large num- ber that they can buy just as wisely and cheaply in - Flesherton as they can through outside firms. We again thank you for, the confidence you have shown to us OUR MOTTO IS SERVICE - Thos. W. Findlay - - Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director 5 l« I meneed. Navigation is opened at Ovv'cn Sound BORNâ€" On March 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Field, a daughter. Mr. K. Thomjison is acquiring quite R reputation for the manufacture cf wedding cakes. Recently he ship •^r'\ V. 5-storey specimen to Granto: MiKs Minnie Munshaw met with a peculiar accident \!Ht week while sewing. She dropped her needle and got down on her knees to look for it and nttraet'othwrwho'will share inil'ut the needle had caught in her clothes, and in some way pierced her knee. .She was taken to Toronto hos- Estahlishing A N«<* Standard in Automobiles'* ^-Majestic In appearance yjigantic in rhi i our fortune. AGENCY FOR Masscy Harris Implements INSURANCE WRITTEN IN SEVERAL COMPANIES ON BOTH FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY. John Wright ri.FSlIEKTON I pital where the needle was taken out of the bono in pieces. I LOTS FOR SALE. M'.i r.cres in the town plot of Eu- genia; good frame house and frnnie ibnrn. House has cistern, good hard I and «oft water, cement cellar, and i good woodshed. About two acres of [ maple hardwood bush and 20 apple trees. Ap'.ily to THOS. GENOE, Eugenia. ^wer- GRACEFUL lines . . . wide doors . . . clear vision windshield . . , richly com-, fortable interior . . . two-tone upholstery . . . but a few of its body features . . . High cotrprcssion Red Seal Continental Motor (capab!-: of very high speed) . . . cold rivetted c'-.assis frame . . . Bcndix 4< wheel brakes . . . three mechanical features from a multitude. . . . Discuss tl:.: Durant "65" with your local Durant dealer . . . drive it . . . com- pare it . . . without obligation ! Bmitl if Dmnmt Mfrt el Cnmia, Umluj Patsmgtr Car$ Fomri tnj 5i»< l'->m$725,o$219S l-o^.UtiUr,Oml. EDITORIAL NOTES ritiiii- I' -.ffpson ftnted lar;t we»k I th;t (•x-."\lagi Irn'e n-vdford of I.ind-j My roluntp.r'h- r---- - "') f^-i^i hi? of-) <lce, but •:. - 'â-  "'''"1 Extra Specials All Lines o! Dry Goods Sport Flanmt per vanl 65c. M.ukiiiaw I'lamu'l. piT yard .^ 25c. l''laniu-U-ttc. ri'K- 3()i-. for 21c. i-'aiiorv Cotton, per yard 25 & 18c. Ilcavv Towfllinp:. per yard .MI liiu-n Class 'rowclliiif,^ 21c. 21c. A. WATSON i'li..M.(n I'lJvSlIl'.KToX •*k R»M. (.M. r-jjOj- Wi S.4». cJZC^S DURANT r?!« wm9 Rugby Tr„ckt. FcuT ,nd Six CylmJtrt; Cpscily 1 ton tni IX/^ tons L. A. Fisher & Son FLESHERTON, ONT.

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