Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1928, p. 2

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n n SUAM Dark-skinned nativesâ€" glowing sunlightâ€" cool mountain topsâ€" great ships ploughing through tropic sea»â€" these things all come to mind when a cup of <'SALADA" Is steaming before you. Such flavour- such fragrance. Try "SALAD A". BEGIN HERE TODAY Norinnn Slater, in love with Kath- leen Glcnister, searches for her on a n.otorcycle afUr she had been tricked to visit a lonely spot by â€" Sir Dudley, who wishes to marry her to allay suspicion that he is the murderer of her brother, James Glen- istor. Slater is ijiade prisoner by Sir Dudley's aRt-nt, whenâ€" James Wragfre. detective, nssii^ned to the case, bc{,'irwi a search for tho two younn lovers. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. CHAPTER XX. THE WHISPEKINU CALLmv. Inspector Wra^jre followed the old butler through the green baize door on the tii>-toe of expectation. Here at last was a man who for years had lived at the verj' heart of the happen- ingrs which led up to the Beechwood i mystery and who seemed to want to tell him thinps. The pantry proved to ' be a cosy and secluded den, far remov- ' •d from the clatter of the kitchen, I hardly in a poMtion to throw stones from your poor little glass house, Ivy. Your disclosure to me aout that dose of poiion would interest Scotl|tnd Yard far more than your unconfirmed recol- lections of Simon's diary." For a moment tho woman seemed to be nonplussed by the baronet's counterstroke. "I don't care," she broke out agrain. "I'd go to the gallows gladly, If you were to hang, too. And Simon's diary will work that all right." "But you haven't got Simon's diary â€" at least so you say," Sir Dudley re- turned. "Look here, Ixtt, why can't we run this on business lines? We are both tarred with the same brush, and the tar is thicker on you than on me. I^et's call it a deal. I don't be- lieve you were fool enough to burn Simon's record, which would bo your only real hold on me- I wili give you ten thousand pound.s for it." "You brute â€" to Sfuppose I want your money," her anger rang out. "You have got to accept my terms or I give you nway." Sir Dudley shrugged and, walking to tho table, poured himself a stiff drink. "If that is your ultimatum', here's mine," he said calmly. "As soon as you start giving me away I shall lay I "No error there, sir," the butler re-|an information against you for doing and evidently a sanctum into which due caution they mounted a back stair minor satellites of the household case, traversed several corridors and would not dare to intrude. { so came to a spare bedroom on the Hinkley produced a bottle of port front landing. Mere the butler did and with trembling fingers filled two '[ something to the carved mantel-piece glasses. "I'm all shaken up, sir," he said. "I heard you tell the mn.ster that Miss Kathleen and Captain Slater have •loped â€" but it can't be true. There was no need for them to run away to- gether. Both of age and Lady Mar- rabies set on the match. There's some- thing behind it all." Wraggc felt that it would bo good policy to give confidence for confidence. "I agree with you," ho said. "I don't mind telling you that for tho moment 1 am more concerned with Miss Kath- leen Glenlster's safety than with tracking her brother's murderer. What exactly do you apprehend has befallen her, Mr. Hinkley?" "God knows," was the reply. "I don't trust the master since our young lady turned against him over that ] ghastly finger, sweet as ho u.sed to be on her. Ho was away all yesterday till late at night, and he went out again after breakfast this morning. He had only just come in when you called." "Sco here, Mr- Hinkley, all this is very serious," tho Inspector said in his moat seductive tone. "And the gravity has been increased by the arrival of the lady you admitted as I was leaving the library. I have reason to believe that she is culpably implicated in the case." joined with quavering hcartmess. Simon in." "Mrs. Coninsgby wants to be Lady | Wragge'g complaeent thought that Glenister â€" you can lay to that. It the Information was as good as laid would suit her to rights for the girl | already was interrupted by a niove- tho master hankered after to meet nient flashed on his vision from a with foul play." | quarter apart from the principal "You are a colleague to be proud actors in the scene below. It took of," Wragge pursue<i his advantage. ' place outside one of the French win- "You won't raise any objection if 1 dow.s of the library, and as it focussed creep back into the entrance hall and through the monkish spy-hole on the use my eyes at the library door?" | retina of the detective's eye it favo The butler's face lit up with senile him the surprii-e of his life. The whole glee. "I can do you belter than that," pile of evidence built up during the he said. "Ill take you up to the whis- j ]ast ten minutes fell with a crash, poring gallery. You can hear every | For standing outside the window, word si)oken in the library and see his fishy eyes staring through the what's going on through the Judjis- ,' plate glass into the lirary, was Mr. hole- The place was (ixed up by the^ Simon Tricky. He didn't look as if he monks hundreds of years ago when | had been buried very deep, unlese it this house was a priory. I never told wa.9 in the recesses of a saloon bar- Sir Dudley about it. | His nose was perhaps a little more in- Wragge finished his wine and stood flamed, and his check suit hung a up. "Take me there at once," he said. | mtle looser than when Wragge had "If we meet any of the maidb you'^ecn him last. But there was no doubt are a plumber," enjoined Hinkley. that he was very much alive, and deep- But they met no maids as with all ly interested in the couple in the Roger* BatteryicM Radios Reduced in Price MODEL 4 tMU*US» MW lao Look At This Value! Wow at this amailsrW n*w low prlc* you cka own k f •nnln* Uoguxm Bat- tarylMS Badlo. Tliis prloa Is com- pl«t« (azocpt apoakw), lacludiag tha mtogtTB A.O. TnbM fully raaraataaa. TonTo probably wantM a Bofaraâ€" moit paopla do. It's a traly Oaaadlaa aehlaTamaat, sold ao placa alaa la tba world aad haa thraa yaara of proTaa parf ormaoca back of It. Bay a Boyara Aad Ba Baral Yoa can aajoy tba radio proffranuaaa TOBXOBT by ]aat xaaklar a amaU laltlal paymaat and •praad tba balanca ovar taa montba. ataar It la your own homa, Tbara la a Borara Baalar aear yon. rraa Booklat oa Baanaat. Q. R. 8. Music Co., Toronto, Ont. "I will Yard." denounce you to Scotland library Wragge concentrated all his atten- tion on immediate developments. Did the reprobate intend to reveal his presence, and if not what were the chances that he would be able to re- treat without being seen? Mrs. Con- ings by had her back to the window and unless she turned round the ap- I pnrition there would remain unnoticed i by her so long as it preserved silence. I But Sir Dudley had only to raise hi.s I eyes from the woman confronting him and he could hardly fail to perceive I the malign countenance of his former i clerk. This was exactly what happene<l. I In setting down his empty glass the baronet had to turn slightly to the win- ' dow, and the detective, watching him like a cat, saw by the gleam of sur- ; prised hoiTor that he had recognized j Trickcy. Wragge could scarcely con- i tain himself. Would Sir Dudley rush I forward, fling open tho window and j demand explanations from the disso- j lute blackmailer who had so myster- I iously risen from the dead, or would I he conceal his discovery from the wo- man who had somehow faileil to ad- minister a fatal dose to the man out- iden, Mr. Hinkley!" Wragge egged, j "There is not a moment to spare." j The butler gave some brief direc- |tions and a minute later Wragge emerged from the gunroom door by which Norman and Kathleen had left , the mansion on a certain memorable night. A few steps brought him round the angle of the house and so into view of his quarry. Mr. Simon Trickey was still hovering near the library window, having only withdrawn far enough to be invisible from the in- terior. (To be continued.) ARE PALE PEOPLE WELL? Some pale people are well, but not many. Pallor generally means thin blood. When, In addition, you are short of breath, and your heart pal- pitates after slight exercise and you perhaps show symptoms ot indiges- tion and nervousness, there Is no doubt about It. You are In an amae- mic condition. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the logical remedy for anaemlma, for they begin at once to build up the thin blood, strengthen the nerves. Increase the appetite and aid digestion. But do not wait too long. Thin blood Is a stealthy and dangerous foe. If you will send your name and ad- dress to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont., they will send yo\i two little bookletts, "Building Up tho Blood," and "What to Eat and How to Eat," both ot which will bo found very useful In the home. British Spelling Note. (From the London Humorist). The name of an Argyllshire estate I Is Achaglachgach. Fortunately, how- I ever, It Is pronounced exactly as It Is I spelt. MInard's Liniment kill* warts. side? GLEYS The cool, comforting flavor of WRIGLEY'S Spearmint U a laiting pleaiure. It deanaea the mouth after ealini!â€" givrn a clean taste and tweet breath. It li refrcahlng; and digeidon aiding. ALBERTA MOUNTAIN COAI. FOR ONTARIO'S HOMES Write Us Tor Particular* Regard'- Ing Your Requlremente Wescana Collieries Ltd, 413 METROPOLITAN BLOQ„ TORONTO 2 IttUC No. ISâ€" '^ • â€" ' ' â€" Five seconds later, by the mnsterly and Wragge found himself passing manner in which he adopted the latter through a suddenly disclosed aperture course. Sir Dudley had earned a in tho wall to a narrow space that Rrudging meed of adnviration from the Engaged Sister: "When we are married, dear, we must have a hyphena'cd nameâ€" It's so much smarter. What would go well with Eaton?" Her Small Brother: "Moth!" smelt of all the ages "There is tho Judas-hole," said Ilinkloy, pointing to a pin-prick of light in the darkness of tho secret gallery. "I will wait in tho bedroom, but I must shut you in or you won't hear anything. Tap when you want to come out" Tho panel slid back into place and Wragge at once heard voices in heated altercation. "I don't believe you," the woman was saying. "You've got the girl somewhere and you nre trying to force her to murry you. I warn you here and now Dudley, that 1 won't stand it. You have got to marry mc or take the coii.soquences." Wraggo's eye was glued to the Judas-holo by now. Tho scene below In the library was as clear as if view- ed from a stage box, yet lie was peer- ing through a perforation in the wall so small that it might have been the puncturo of a needle. "The consequences?" snec-re<l the master of BeechwcM)d. "What conse- quences can you threaten mc with, my dear Ivy?" She raisod one of her clenched fisL". "I will denounce you to Scotland Yard," «h« replie<l in low, tense tonos. "I will repeat to the police the revela- tions of my brother's diary, showing how you fake<l the details of George Glenlster's death. Simon Trickey shall come back from the gj-avo to accuse you" Sir Dudley's laugh rang out un- afraid. "If Simon is di>g up he will make It a good deal hotter for you than for mc," ho reported. "You ar<> detective. With perfect composure ho addressed the lady in the only way possible if he was not to loosen his hold on her by revealing her failure. "Well," ho said- "Are you going to face tho music. Ivy?" * • * • "The shortest way down to the gar- SAWc ^ it with a' ^ SiMONDS\ SAW <J Siot^s sharp longer Cuts easier. Sawsfaatcr BIMONDS CANADA CAW CO. Lit). MCNl .TAl, VANCOUVI.il. tr. J01IN,N.B.. lonorfTo Mirees •^^^WaarewoBrown Ut nanarr •Kxk wd f «U dlnet to >oaâ€" no hIm- mtn. no •(•nU. no «nll]r rommiMlociolliatroQhaT* C to «Tfor. OurMlM|il<nn*MimMyâ€" Tonrxi buy rinjr plontlnot dlroetfrom a«»tid â- â€¢?• op to M'i. NotMiia bat bich (rrailo, No. I ttotk, of proTM ttandiird nim\â€" nlnd to CtiuuiUn Lobsters That Wcw Odd'' Colors Lobsters alive and In their native element are a dark green, which turns to a brilliant red when they are boil- ed; but there are exceptions, and sometimes a lobster fresh from the salt water wU be some other color than green. Near Amherst, N.S., a pure white or albino lobster was taken once and sent to a Portland (Me.) wholesale lobster dealer, who for many years exhibited It preserved in alcohol. Near Mobegan Island a lobsterman took from a trap a thlrteen-lnch lobster which was a rich Indigo along the top of the body shell and tail, the indigo shading off on the sides ot the cara- pace Into blues of a clear, lighter tint. At Peaks Island a specimen was captured whose back and tall were a bright Indigo blue, while the under parts shaded off Into an almost pure white. At Beat's Island a Jet-black lobster was caught a few years ago, and near VInalhaven this Winter a cream-colored oBe was found. Bright red lobsters, looking pre- cisely as If they had been boiled, while Infrequentt, have been hauled up at several points along the Maine coast. A few weeks ago a Nova Scotia lobster In a consignment for Boston attracted attention because Its body shell was In alternatet stripes of green and yellowish whitet or Ivory tint, almost as If it bad been painted. «^ Keep MInard's In the Medicine Cheat. « A housewife objected to being awak- ened at dawn by the crowing of a neighbor's chickens. Some people would have threatened Police Court. The housewife wrote a courteous note to her neighbor. A few days later the neighbor's maid appeared with a nice- ly dressed chicken on a platter. A note attached said: "We think this Is the rooster that has been causing all the trouble." Courtesy wins every time. Use. ^ MAGIC BAKING POWDER in ollyoqr That's ihewoy BAKING POWDEF io assure success. Made in Canada JJo ^lunt e.W. CILLETT CO. LTIK TOaONTO, CAN. A SheU of the * -^ A lerge fragment of a mussel ahell, computed to be about 100,000,000 years old, has been found In Xeir Zealand. Judged by the measure- ments made on this aud other frag- ments found elsewhere, it Is esti- mated that the mussels of Its remote date, apparently the heyday of mus- sels, grew to be as much as three feet In length. O- A famous anthropologist says boys are two Inches taller than they were fifty years ago. Well, why not? It's a poor sort of kid who can't grow two Inches Id that time. Corrugated Iron ASK FOR >vhe:eler a bain "Council Standard" A thick, even, hfeavy spread of galvanizing over every inch of sur- face. Deep corrugations. Agenclea still open In some localities. Write ui, stating size of barn you want to cover. WE PAY FREIGHT WHEELER & BAIN, LIMITED Dept. W. 108 Georpe St, Toronto? J/ you. give UI their names, your ' relatives and friends mav obtain the low ocean rate of £1, reduced rail- road fares, and FREE transportation for children under 17, providing thcv arc placed in farm or domestic employment A»k at once /or dctalla of the BrltUi Nomination Scheme from »oy of our offices or agenu CANAMAN^SERVICB Jit^ Halifai Toronto WiNNirio Vahcouvib. Calgakv EDyoNTON MONTklAL UNE9 Saikatooh gll'KIC AiNr Joan â- pLOWER Collection Easily grown. Sown direct in open rround. Flowering Mie first year. 7 PKTjf. ONLY 50c Provides an abund- ance of lovely frag- rant flowers. Write for our 198S Catalogue. It's frae John A Bruce &C? limited Seed Merchants Hamilton. Ont. pruTM fftandiird Tmrl^ coadllioM. AU ttaek lUwantMd Irno-to-unw. Ora^r Taaiv <Kva rralt riMit tniH tr*M ami btirW* Ihta Bprina-lwfc will b« pradoeliie MUxM wia euinlnf . ••aatltyTaar â- Â« ruu know tt th«j will b« prodndiiff ero|)i fur table UM ana eennli Tri'M and ahruba wM value aad fnmrave ar- ' liMrei.rs iret (Mt but IllUa. Get Oftalla ol , our •iMH'lii) h>w prke eolleGtlaaa. wrtu (or riuica todej-H'i rRBB. UNION NUiiSEIUES.Bai G FoMUILORtarl* - A St^Ush Blouse It's colciv these days, that makes a garment stylish! With a fltteoncent envelope of Diamond Dyes, you can make an old or faded waist smart as any on display. Keep all your clothes stylishâ€" throught tho tjuUk magic of home dyeing. Beautiful dyelug or perfectly gor- geous tinting Is easy. If you'll use j original Diamond Dyes (U-uc dyes). Brighten the house, too; curtains, spreads, etc., are Diamond dyed In an hour or less; right over other colors. FREE: Your druggist gives you tho Diamond Dyo Cyclopedia; valuable suggestions, easy directions, actual piece-goods color samples. Or write for Illustrated book Color Craft, post- paid from DIAMOND DYKS. Dept. N16, Windsor, Ontario. Diamond Dyes Just Dip to TINT, or Boil to DYE SPIRIN Headaches may be swiftly and .>:afelv relieved by an Aspirin tablet. A most efHcieiit remetiv. and there's no after cfTcct ; its use avoids much needless sufTeiing. Try it next time ; see how soon Its soothing influence is felt. Just as helpful when vou have a cold ; neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism, lumbago, just be certain you get real Aspirin--the genuine has Bayer on the box, an4 pn every tablet. All druggists, with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the heart ss'wiiiJts??:^ woor, tne Tablela will be staiii;>ed with their "Bajn Cnxa" tradeiauk. i-PURIiy FIIOUR I BEST FOft ALL YOVR BAKING â€" Pies^ Cakes. Buns and Bread â€" DOES ALL YOUR BAKING 1 *' # â- A i 4 r '^ % < » A •i V *â- â€¢ V- ^ -* •••* -« â- 9 \f V •«â-º s*- -*•» * r«) â- V »- '•* â- â- f 'â- > •'/ V fy ^t X V- V â- A^ ' â- ^ > -^ ' i *' <-» >â-  » ♦V t ' * » 1 <». f V. V a j ^ h n^ A- I «-3= , W »â-  'f* >. h^ I ik' « 1 ii I A.-? *â-  ^ *! *> ^ M * ^ r . 1^ ^ ^yr J V * V" * "*»• « â- Â« * •^ * n 5'^-. H ^l n ^' 11 it ji ~ â- * B I 1 * '^ I 1 ♦^ k-f t t 'm t *; '' . \ -V, V K A n 1 r V 'It i «.' â- * a r <- «Kfu» . yv 4 ' » i V • n '

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