)Ni:SDAY, MARCH 28« 19W ,*« '-. 9teB^ THB Fi;ESHBRTQN<-ADVANas â- w >650 At Factory, Oahawa Taxes Extra CHEVROLET RoadsterExpress ANOTHER outstanding example of Quality jf\ at Low Cost . . . the New Chevrolet Roadster Express. The smart delivery body is mounted on the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet chassis, providing exceptional speed and smooth- ness, as well as the proven Chevrolet qualities • of economy and endurance. Four-wheel Brakes are standard equipment, as are the Oil Filter, Gas Strainer, Crankcase Breather and the count- less other quality-car features of the "Bigger and Better" Chevrolet. This clean-cut, depend- able Roadster Express speeds up deliveries -in a hundred lines of business . . . cuts down overhead and maintenance costs . . . and constitutes a truly valuable advertisement for its owners. The price is amazingly low for a job of soclvobvious quality and completeness, $650, at FsKftory, Taxes Extra . . . including the body, as illustrated. It may be purchased on the liberal terms of the G.M.A.C. â€" General Motors* own time-payment plan. Ask your Chevrolet dealer about adapting it to YOUR requirements. Th0 GJiA.C. . . . General Motors' own deferred pay- taeut jtlui affords the most convenient and economical WMf m buying your Chevrolet on time, .-«• c-sizte 7 CHEVROLET â- SADT FOR PROMPT DELIVERY D. McTavisK & Son FLESHERTON, ONT. ntODUcr OF general motors of canada, limitep Flesb't6B$,ttarkiiaie2 The Markdalc Red Men and t&e Cougars ^met in the last Rame of hockey of the season on Thursday night of last week. Owing to the mild weather the ice was soft, which made the game very slow, and the rubber was continually on its side, which made it practically imp08si|}Ie to caiky or shoot. The Kattie Vras clcan'*^h both sides, as all others that the locals have played %th Markdale. Thcr« was only one penalty banded out, during the 46 minutes of hockey. Ma j6r Whetten, Owen Sound handled the bell and kep^ (he c^me within the bojjnds of the lawi ' Doc. Lively and Wes. Armstrong led the sharp- shoot- ers of two each for the Cougars; while Hap Boyd counted Ahe other, and Henry and York secured the two goals for Markdale. The lineup was as follows: f\ Markdale â€" Goal Hand, Defence Henry and P. Kelly, Wings, P. York and H. York, Centre McCutcheon, Subs Johnston and Perkins. Flesherton â€" Goal Dow, Defence Livelf and Boyd, Wings Armstrong and Chercotte, Subs. McTavish. Referee â€" Major Whetton, Owen Sound. Cougars Have Wound Up Successful Year I The Flesherton Cougars held their ^last meeting last Friday night and brought to an end the financial end , of a successful season of hockey. It was unamimously to get sweater coats coats for the players with the money in th treasury. The people of Flesherton and surrounding country have seen good games of this winter pastime, and have attended theni in large crowds. We, TThe Cougars, wish to say in return that we great- ly appreciate their patronage and sup- port and are confident they •are not disappointed by the games which the boys put up. The* Cougars have played twelve games in all this season and out of thd dozen scored 75 go^ls against their opponents 51. Lively, as ex- pected led the sharp-shooters with 41 goals to his credit, MacDonald com- ing next with 9, Boyd and Thurston 6, Nuhn and Armstrong 5, Cher- cotte 2 and McTavish 1. In all win- ning 7, loosing 3 and tying 2, and played with the following teams: Owen Sound Sun Times, Markdale, Durham, Chatsworth, /Dundalk and Proton. The Cougars have found that in playing all the above teams that a true sportmanship prevailed both on and off the .ice, here and abroad. A Massachusetts man recently built a liveable house entirely from old newspapers. SIX HILL STORES Wc buy together in order that our customers in the sis communities may mat- erially benefit individu- F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest posible prices. Advanced Showing Spring Merchandise MANY NEW LINES OF SI'RING MERCHANDISSK HAVE ALREADV'BEEN PLACED IN STOCK IN A GREAT VARIETY. THE NEW SHOTS. SILKS, MILLINERY; MEN'S HATS, WALLPAPER, CURTAINS AND CURTAIN NETS. WINDOW SHADES, CRETONNES, ETC. WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT IN ALL LINES. IT WILL CERTAINLY BE WORH YOUR WHILE TO LOOK OVER THE SPLENDID VALUES WE ARE OPFE RING, ESPECIALLY AS ALL BUYING 18 DON IN THE BEST POSSIBLE MARKETS AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO OFFER OUR CUSTOMERS QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT THE FAIREST POSSIBLE PRICES Millinery Department We have now on display a large assortment of.new Sring Hats in rlLbcu, 2:.'.'.'.c, si";, ct.T.Y/ r.nd f:."!!;, end straw combination. Small and medium shapes display drooping, roll and slashed brims; smartly placed pins, ornaments, flowers and ribbon trimming In black, red, sand, green, wood, blue, etc., at popular prices. Men's Felt Hats Fugi Silk, 65c. a yard Men! Before purchasing your new spring hat wo will be pleased to show you our new spring range. The styles are new; they are perfect fitting and comfortable, end the prices are unbeatable. Ask to see our high grade line at |4.96. Prices are$2.96 $3.96 and 4.96. Men's Suits Nineteen shades of Fugi Silk of the very best quality obtainable has just ben added to our stock. This material is very popular for Ladies' and Child- ren's Dresses, etc. We feel sure we will have the exact shade you will be loking for. Our priee for the finest quality, per yard 66c.. In thia d«p:\rtment you will find a large range of Hta'i Suita fh navy blue pin stripe and all the latest atyles to choose' from. We are offering for the neat are days, suits that are broken lines of our regular stock. Values up to $22.60 Clearing at the Tery lowest price of |10.96. Wallpaper The New Wallpapers are here. They include a wide mnge of Canadian and imported papers. The prices this year are very reasonable, and you will find that we are asking less for theborder per yard tlian the usual. We invite you to inspect our wallpepers. I Flour, Feed and Sugar Short*, per bag $1>8S Snowdrift Flour, 98 lb. per bag .... $4.10 Brant per beg $1*7S Granulated Sugar, per bag $6.45 f. T. HlUL & Cft., Limited, Marlidale •p^-p^ 3^ LOSTâ€" Tatting* bag and contento, betv.een Flesherton and Bert WyttW MILK AND TUBERCULOUS, Ir.R.No. 3. Leave at this office. . saoRTHORir ptJui^R numcu Registered Shorthorn baR for %»• vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Os^rey, "Merry Marquis" No/ 179,136; Sire, Bonnie Marquis 142,881;- Dam, Red Butterfly 1^1,078. Terms â€" Purebreds |6.0e. The value of niilk ib tjot limited , LOSTâ€" In Flesherton, on March 17, \ to the first year of life. As the child ^parcel containing quilt patches. Finder I »"]^dea"' |2 00 "-" grows, he leeds to enlarge his diet,|commiinicate\Wth The Advance office. I _i. » aA-unrrhja ^ but milk CO tjnues to be the most im- -• â€" : -' 'â€" 'â- ^ ~°* "* nAWRINS, Engenia. portant art;. le in this diet during the] LOSTâ€" In Flesherton 'or between years of growth. Everj' child should ! Flesherton and the station, a wrist have one pint o^milk a ^ay to pre- 1 watch and bracelet. Finder please vide_ the necessary growing substan-I „otify^The Advance office. ces for the body. Young childien have very little resistance to tuberculosis. In their earliest years they are easily over- come by this disease. There are, 2 types of the tuberculosis germ, two members of the same family ' as it were, which cause tuberculosis in children â€" the human and the bovine type. The bovine type is responsible for about 25% oC alf tuberculosis occur ing amongst children. In child- ren, tuberculosis often attacks the bones and joints, and so is respon- sible for much crippling. The bovine type of the tubercajos-i is germs comes from cows suffering *from tui>ercu]o8- is, and reaches the child through milk. As a large percentage of the milk cows have tuberculosis,' it foll- ows that a large percentage of milk is infected with the bovine type of tuberculosis germs. From this it is evident that, unless the necessary precautions are' taken, milk is a real factor in the spread of tuberculosis' to young children. It is part of any campaign against tubeculoais or towards the improve- ment of child health to see that milk supply is safe and pure. "A safe, pure miik supply, free frdlh all dan-* ger of can-ying tuberculosis or any other disease of human beings, part- icularily children, comes from heal- thy cows, is. produced and shipped in a cleanly way, is pasteurized to kill any disease germs, is kept cold and covered until used. Is this the kind of milk you and. your children use. Questions concerning health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical Asso- ciation, 184 College street, Toronto, will be answered by letter. Questions as to diagnosis and treatment will not be answered. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for eer. vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog dob^ LO.ST â€" Near the station, Ceylon, 1 the property of the dntario Depart* on or about the first of March, lady's ment of Agriculture, .vrist TOtch: Finder please leave at _c gxEWABT Caretaker this office,, and receive reward. ' * FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" 10 j)ig8, about thrfc months old, â€" Dan Cameron, Eugenia: FOR SALEâ€" rl^ack Cow, due Ap- ril 19th. -^ Walter RtKBel, Rock Mills. FOR SALE â€".titKiber of Chin- chilla rabbitts Apply to â€" Billie Parker, Phone 32r25. FOR SALE â€" Two head -of {wo year old cattle, and one horse^fyrs old â€" H. PIPER, CEYLON. fOR SALEâ€"Toulouse gander.â€" W, J. Moore, Proton Station, phone 41 ring 32. FOR SALE Manchuria. â€" » Flesherton. â€" ' Good Seed Barlej;, Fred Smith, R. R. 2, FOR SALEâ€" 3 two year old hel fers and 2 yearlings. â€" J. HALEY, Eugenia. FOB SALB^-Two (2) good lots for sale in the village of Flesherton. â€" Apply to Mrs. Ed. Best, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" About 30 " tons of 'Timothy Hay off tots 178-179, T.&S R., Artemesia â€" G. F. Brackenbury, Flesherton, phone 61. BOAR FOR SERVKSi No. 92-71580. Alae • yoo* aUre pig, both baeon ^rpe for on lot 174, N.W. T. A 8JL, Teniii-11410. ^ â€" T. i. nhnoK* BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art* emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No, 178,773. Temis:-|2 if paid before- January 1929, otherwise |2.60. â€"DUNCAN WILLLAMS, Eugenia, BOAR FOR SERVICE Roistered Yorkshire Boar for viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vbi\, No. ^^ '-property of Sangeen Bacon t^ Crab. Terms fl.OO. '- â€"C. II^DL^, PrutoB SUttmr^ 1^ tet-B,>4 W.T .S.R.. Artemesia. "MIDOLEBRO fz BURNS Barri8t«8. ete. Oflfic^»â€" Oitwi Soiiad, DvAkm Saturday afternoon ai.d erenlng. FOR SALE â€" &ed"j»ea8, Canadian Beauty; also five head of yearling cattle. â€" ^Ben McKenzicr Ceylon Phgne 22 r 6. PRICEVILLE FOR SALEâ€" House and half acre of land in Ceylon, good stable, woll watered, electric lights. â€"J. S. Mc- Millan, Ceylow. Spring is here, crows and robins are seen in every direction. Hum- anity recognizes and speaks of a new year as from January 1st, but never- theless observes it from the first breath of Spring. After the de- parture of the drear and stifling winter .and the coming and the re- freshening and magnetic Spring there is a new life and new hope created in the breasts of men and women Spring brings great plans and higher resolves, which only winter can de- molish or deter. Mr. Neil MacKinnon (Jr.) of the South line has gone to the city to seek employement. \ Mr. Colin MacLean's sale on Tues- POB SALE â€" Number of young pigs ready to go, price reasonable â€" 'K. J. Vause, Proton Station P. 0. Phone 32 r 13. FOR SALEâ€" One cow, aged, due to freshen July 14; 25 hens; one brood sow and 10 young pigs. â€" Bert Magee, Eugenia. Or telephone Feversham. FORD COUPE FOR SALEâ€" Recent model Ford in good mechanical condi- tion{ can be had at reasonable price, and a real bargain for cash. Apply at this office. (lay last was a decided success There was a large crowd and an ideal day. Good prices were realized. On Wed- nesday a presentation was held at their home, and were presented with a purse of money before they move to their new home in Priceville. There was « splendid time for all and the music was excellent and danced till the Wee' Sma' hrs. of the Momin. Mr. 'Aley. MacLean returned on Saturday to resume his duties teach- ing school at Mono Mills, after a two weks holiday at his home. The school was closed on account of mumps in that section. Mr. Charles McKinnon has rented Mr. Colin J. McMillan's farm. On Friday night a presentation was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker. Eariy in the ev- ening a crowd began to gather, which grew to a considerable size and they were presented with a purse. Mrs. Wilfred Watson read the address, and Mr. Elmer Hooper presented the purse to them. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker expressed their thanks in a few well chosen words. A sumptuous lunch was served at midnight. Dancing was indulged in tillJ|he early break of day. The company Ihen dispersed wish- ing the couple much pleasure in their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hincks of Eg- remont visited recently At Mr. D, Hinck's. This Thursday evening a prcsent- tation is being held in honor of Mr. '.ind Mrs. Neil McKinnon and fam- ily ere their departure from this midst. S STOCK FOR SALEâ€" One mare 11 years old, one cow rising five years, due April 18th; also a quantity of small peas and black barley for seed. â€" Fred Russell. FOR SALE â€" Buckeye i;;:ubator, 220 egg size, also Brood?: "O") chlck^ size, both in first class - t'tion.^ â€" Mrs. W. R. Meads, Pric â- l.", phone 2 r 23. GEO E. Dl .VCAN PUNDA uK LQDENSED At CTIONEBR For the County oi' Grey, fmami 1 per cent Satisfsction guamiS Dates made at The Advance oSeT^ ideal FOR SALEâ€" Lot, house aid stable of the late A. S. V^Dusen, in the \'illage of Flesherton. â€" Apply to. J. F VanDusen, 24 Churchill Ave., Tor- onto. fOR SALEâ€" One registered Short- horn Bull "Boyne Valley King" No 186.436. 22 mos. old, also one grade cow, six years old, due April 13th and one bay mare suitable for light work and driving. 10 years old. â€" W. E. WALKER, Eugenia. GLADIOLII. FOR SALEâ€" Large bulbs from very choicest named va- rieties, some of which cost as high as 35 cents each. In mixture we are selling these at 50 cents per dozen, by mail Ic per bulb extra. Inquire or write this office. maxwblI Rey. Kendall's condition is slight- ly improved. ' Dr. D. H. Guy of Toronto is vis- iting relatives here. Douglass Kendall hns returned home after spending tlie past week in" Toronto. Quite a number from here attended the play "Safety First" in the Fev- ersham Hall Friday night. INCUBATORSâ€" I amiigant for the Miller, Tncubator anl9 brooders, from 85 eggs up. At the shott course at Guclph in January the Miller incu- bator got an 86 per cent, hatch. - Both electric and hot water incubators can be supplied. One secohd-liand Buck- eye Incubator, 176-egg size, price rea- sonable. â€" J. J. Meads, R.R. 3, Price- ville. Phone 21rl8. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Miss Gladys Elitirt>eth, daughter of the late Mr. and Hrs. Amos. Miller of Walkerton, to Mr. William Welling- don, son of Mrs. and the late. Mr. W, MISCELLANEOUS NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Tues- day and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. ' .*. ""' HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALR In the west end of the village 6f Flesherton, 6-room house, electee wired, soft water cistern, cellar mi-- der whole bouse, large verandah ej| . two sides, and woodshed with cemenC floor; approximately three acres of land and good stabl|b. An spot for a retired farmer. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON, Flesherton, Out. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 76 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. Arfc. 36 by 60 with L 30 by 82. eJm^ stablinsr throughout. iLge' cemSl veneer house, 8„Hm.ed. ^h '^S shed, in which is drilled well fa^ Blackburn. Proton Station. FARMFQRSAliE ~ , -^emesia Township, Grey Countv 150 acres, lots 176. 177 and 178^* S' Fleir?^ Highway, a'is'slutt Of Flesherton. Soil, black clav loam, clear of weeds, no stone s acres bush, balance under cult'Sn^ pod well, farm well watered^«ij barn 65x45 with L 86^30, new rtS roof, cement stabling throigho^tto Plement and driving houM 76,aft Hen house, buildings in goodrenafr « roomed brick house. fuS d?terJ and amk^^good .^Ila'r, o«& ''*^ ion. ~^**^- ^' Stmson. Proton Stat- BULL FOB SERVICE. vic^^-fclS?^ BuH for ..^ â€"EDWARD L OUCKa. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L. D. S., dwitM surgeon, honor graduate of Toreato and Royal Colleg, of Dental SuimI of Ontario. fl«, «dminJ,t-«red Hi teeth extraction. Office at nsMMga Toronto^Street, Fleshatton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 883, AJ". 4 AM., meeto in the Masonic hall, Am. strong Block, Flesherton every fM^ day on or before tile foB mow. Ba» Pedlar. W.Jf, C. P. Uwreaee, SeaT Lacae A Henry^arristen, «f»i etc., -I. h. Lueas. K. c.; W. Henry. B^. Offlcea, Mttkdala ] Block, Pittne 8. Bnnett otfieea •! Dundalk and Dnrban. ete. Offleea, flny ttpA WANTEDâ€" About 60 head of Cat- Bbek, OtNn Sonad; StuWhM TeU Hl*««a, Biaek. T«lf Old * Blmie. Bantstan, mH- tie \o pasture, farm well watered. Lots 178-179, W.T. i S.R.. Aitemaaia. â€" G. Brackenbury, Fleshertoitf phoae 61. . ' GRAIN WANTEDâ€" This week we are paying the following prices: Bitir- l«y 88c per bushel, FnM Wheat tlM J. Alcox, of MMkdale, the imariage T*' >>a»»»-. Oats ^ per bi|sb.^A.^. to take place Easter week. Mnir, Oeylon, Block. Flaakerton. (Satwdam). P. TMford Jr., J.f, p. B^ak Wiii.KidMa»Llacauad. for Um eoinMii o^ Qt^ nd H^tUL ftom W. rtcNk mSTi ^^^ Vmna iMMBrti auy^HtlMailliM «r by Uiliiiiil> m*' ti I J. -^ s I {a •ijp-^ : ,;«" '!^^., . -â- ^â- ^^^