Flesherton Advance, 4 Apr 1928, p. 7

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c J I PATENTS MOTOR TRUCKS FOR SALE T«Br ObotM of light and Hmv 7 wr Motor Trucks at Vary Low Rloe% ConalsUnc of 4 lntanwtlonal»-tti to SS4 ton. I aM.0.â€" K.41. w iiiMiai«»â€" 1 to a*/^ ton. Aimmborof Ford»-iUko Bodloa. Vrtt* so ud wo will glTo Toa foU ^Moiptloa KBd ^leca. An track* cnaraatood to b« u wo ra p we nt (horn. We can arruif « SBandns on OJCJLO. tormi. General Motor* Pkoducts of CiiMiAi, Limited Sn 8PADINA AVE., TORONTO. TRInlty «743 TRInlty t744 SMaOMworkefi •CMUya ir»Si MfTkaaU*. wOllutaUtMtaM. i/?)n/ r^>^»ider Concrete Mixer â- Sard la MirinaolawttatnofknHrc \ coacfvtom f Md. ttc br 1 Wdlatar dcttil«lN«AiMw Ila.l| GO0U>.BSAFUT* Wna COJM. BtutfQi« • Oat. a WANTED Grade Hobtein Heifnv Client wants to purchaae now (ifty ande heifers due to freshen in Autumn. What have you to offer and what Is your price. R. E. GUNN 7S ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO Poincare Sure France Not to Blame Wishes to Prove France Was Not Instigator of World War Paris.â€" Premier Raymond jPolncare la detennlned to delve deep into the rrench archives and to publish doca- menta relative to the orlsln of the yna. Hto dtftermlnadoa took taxw- ihle form yesterday when tlie commit- tee appointed In January by goTem- mentsl decree met for the flrat time and planned the Immediate edltlnc of two volumes. Poincare peraonally la intereated^in the production of proof to dear Trance of charsea that ihe started the war. Polncare's visit to Rossla Immediately before the war always la dted by the German hlatoriana aa an taidleatlon that he (then President of France) waa brewlns trouble. IVHvten innteter ArialUe Briasd Tian Informed the committee that all the archlvea of the Foreign Office are at its disposition including many hlthertto kept In strict secrecy. The committee has decided that tta- report will cover the period 1871-1914 â€" from the end of the Franco-Prus- sian war to the beginning of the Oreat War. It will begin the editing of two series, the first covering events from 1901 to November, 1911, the second from that date until August, 1914. Af- Emigration of Britons Discussed Hesitation Over Absorption in Canada is Deploredâ€" Re- gard British as Flow- of World er London- coarse of Inunigrants -Henry Pago Croft In the letter In the "Morning AVOID m PAOiS ofrheumahsm This Trouble Comes Through Weak, Watery Bloody 17 Countries StiD Permit Slave System Up to 5,000.000 Slaves Said to Be Elmployed by Back- Many people sulfer rheumatic pains warrl Mot^^n^ that could be avoided by building up I ^^'" naoons the blood. RheumatlBm comes with' London.â€" "Although those bom nn- thin, watery blood, and can only be **'" *^^ "** "' QnAt Britain are born Poet," with reference to omigraUon ; driven out of the system by enriching ''**• *^*''® •'» to-day 4,000,000 to 6,- aays: j and purifying the blood. To make *'<'<''''<'0 slaves, and 17 countries in "It Is a strange thing that while ' '^<=^' "^d blood no medicine equals Dr. which t** slave system still exljsts." the Dominions need, above everyth- \ Williams' Pink Pilla. These plUs ac- ' ^''' Henry Bentinck made this grave Ing else, a greater population and a i tu«lly niake new blood, driving out aU assertion at a maUnee of the film ver- larger number of taxpayers and rate- ; Po*^onous secretions ,and creating a ***"' "' "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at the payers to get faicreased purchasing condlUon of robust health. Thoos- London Pavilion. In Abyssinia. Sir power in their home markets, the *°^" °' rhenmatlc sufferers can tea- Henry continued, there were 2,000,000 United Statee appei-eotly regsrd the ^^ '° ^^ '^^"e of Dr. Williams' Pink slaves. These were obUineU by the BrtOsh a« the flower of the world Im- ' ^^^^- ^^o^S them Is Mr. Jos. A. Tul- 8*â„¢^ old methods of slave trading, by mipants and the new American \m-\}j' Bobcaygeon, Ont.. who says:â€" i bands of armed men entering peace migration bill la more than donbUng 1 "•*â-  * worker in the woods for years I>IRECT| PIER to PI sm the quota of British. I was exposed to all kinds of rough "It is sunHy, then, deplorable that 1 7*°*^ weather. The result was that while the United Statee thinks it fit ! '^^ ^^'^^ ^^^^ "P with rheumatism to double the quota of Brllsh there is heeitatlon and difficulty of absorp- tion of our people among our own kith and kin. Perhaps much of this few man-power of the British Empire is Ate to a lack of appreciation of the beoeflts derived from the settle- ment overseas of our own folk. The sncgesUon waa recently made that I could hardly stir, and was confined to bed. Medicine seemed to have lit- tle or no effect and the best encour- agement the doctor gave me was that with the coming of warm weather I would be better. But Instead of get- ting better, I grew worse. My Joints were badly swollen, and my legs so stiff they would hardly support my -, . _ ... . T._.„^_ body. At this stage I read that Dr. an Empire Settlement Publicity ^imams' Pink PUls Board be appointed 00 the line of the ter that it wlU include the third aeries, i Bmph-e Marketing Board, but helpful them. taking in the 1901. SO years from 1871 to Ma a la Mode. . 'There's mother's ashes in the jar on the mantelpiece." "80 your- mother is with the angelat" "No, air; she's Just too lazy to look lor an ash-tray." Art In the Kitchen. Wife â€" "John, I'm writing a paper on calendar reform for our club. Do yon know which Pope gave na our present calendar?" Husbandâ€" "Pope? Good heavens! I thought it came from our grocer." « On flahlng trips take MInard's. « Placing the Guilt. >« He â€" "Oh, you mustn't blame me for my ancestors.' She â€" 'I don't. I blame them for yon." The BABY 1 L WeU-Known Oi na i fan Jurist Reviews Sacco- VanzettiCase The full proceedings of the Sacco- Vanzettl case were submitted to the Hon. William Renwick Rlddell. Jus- tice of the Court of Appeals, Ontario, and Honorary Member of the Ameri- can Bar Association, and he gives his view of the case in March Current History Magazine. His conclusions, summarized, are as follows: "1. That no evidence waa wrongly excluded or admittetd. "2. That the evidence which wa4 considered to be so fatal to the ac- cused (to the effect that they were Radicals) was given by themselves against the advice of the trial Judge 1 in necessary explanation of their pre- vious 'wholesale lying.' | "3. That neither Judge nor prose- cuting counsel was guilty of miscon- ! duct before the Jury. "4. That there was a fair trial. "5. That there was ample evidence upon which a jury might convict. "6. That there is nothing but sub- 1 sequent declanuition and vituperation I to suggest prejudice or failure to per- 1 form their duty on the part of the Jury. ". That the refusal of the motions for a new trial cannot be held er- roneous. "8. That the great delay In execut- ing the sentence was due to the mo- tions made by the condemned men and the extraordinary tenderness of the law of MasaachusetU In respect of one oonvioted of crime applying to her courts for protection from Injus- tice." Justice Rlddell analyied all the documents with a detached mind and states he had never met the trial Judge or any of the participants in the trial. only If the operations are extended to : expectations die Dominions â€" perhaps the most de- were recommend- ed for rheumatism and decided to try The results were beyond my I %..>v^>.u>Liuua. After a few weeks the ..,,.. . . ^ swelling had disappeared and the stiff-' alrable thing to do In oonnecUon with ^ ness gradually wore awav, and much the new Empire Settlement Bill in sooner than I expected all traces of the House of Commons is to alter the rheumatism had disappeared. The i 50-60 principle so that tbe Secretary ! next winter when I went into the' of State shall have power to contri- wood I took a supply of Dr. Williams' . bute 00 a discretionary basis up to pink piug ^Ith me, and they kept me , 96 per cent." j in the best of condition. My expert- 1 Prlngle Challensed i ence should give encouragement to 1 James Spenoe, of the Royal Colonial \ "'^^"^ rheumaUc sufferers." j Inatitute, in a letter to the "Daily ^°'* '^^^ set these pills through any | Telegraph," challenge* the allegation dealer in medicine, or by mail at 56c of C. Pringle that Canada presently prefers Central Europeans to British- ers. He says: "Can Pringle recon- cile his observations with the uttei^ ance of any reei>onsible statesman in Canada?" The assertion of prefer- ence for Immigrants of British stock is incessant, and the Briton, especial- ly the Scot, has shown repeatedly he is capable of adapting himself to the difficult conditions of prairie farming, provided he is of the type on wbich Canadians rightly Insist. « ful villages and carrying off the in- habitants. Agrsslnia, as a member of the League of Xations, had agreed to abolish slavery within her borders, but owing to confusion and misrule the slave system in that country has got worse rather than better. I In China there were no less than ! 2,000,000 slaves who continued in sub- lection owing to the present confusion in spite of the fact that China was al- so a member of the League of Na- tions. Xot long ago, in Geneva, all the nations of the world formed a conven- tion and agreed to abolish slavery. So far the countries had not agreed to declare slave trading on the sea as | piracy. There was still much work, 1 therefore, for England and America to do in the way of liberating slaves. (3 hours to Paris) Also Direct to Great Britain Travel White Starâ€" Un- surpassed accommoda- tions, cuisine, service and satisfaction. Daybreak Sailings from Montreal, embark night tx** fore, DO hotel necessary. â- Mora Com* to Kurope Cabin f3Map Touriat Thint CaMn tl84.5e uv Third Claaa $155 AU Eipenaa Tours $295 op Oxuult our expersâ€" na ot m â€" ' rion. Call, pfaoDc or write: S5 KlBf at. Baat, Toroata XcOUl BuildlBa-. Xontxaal or Local S.S, A«mta va WHITE STAR LINE CANADIAN SERVICE Classified Adrertisemenls a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., BrockviUe, Ont. <> NO MEDICINE UKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS: L nowzxs CIL.^DIOLUS. D.VHLIAE .\ND OTHKR ILADIOLUS, DAHLIA AND OTHER rosea J, delivered. $2.00. Catalog frea. M. it, O. Dodds. Sorrento, B.C. I yotr^TMT * -\ gf.-VLITY ROCK. LEGHORN .•tIlx 'VVyandotto. Red Baby ChK-ks, »13.UU per IUI> and up. Hatcbins eggs. Ii*.uu per 100 and up. Pedigreed Cocker- els. J6.00 each, and up. 36 Page Illus- trated CataJogue Free. L. R OuUd * Sons Box T. Rockwood. Ont. -VBY CHICKSâ€" WE H.\TCK FOUR varieties of Baby Chicks. Write for free catalogue. Price 10c and up. a. I£ Swilzer. Granton. Ont. B H -^- -«- Too bad Colonel Lindbergh couldn't have hopped over to Europe in 1914 and converted that World War into a fraternal get-together celebration. Dry cleaners will agree wealth comes from the soil. that all Our 1928 Catalogue Hating a good aaaortment of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Roaei^ Perennial*, etc.. Is now ready and will be sent on request. BrcM^dale Nurseries BowmanviUe For Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child. There Is no other medicine to e<iual Baby's Own Tablets for little onesâ€" whether it be for the new born babe or the growing child the Tablets al- ways do good. They are absolutely free from opiates or other harmful drugs and the mother can always feel safe in using them. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. John \ Armour, R.R, 1, South Monaghan, i Ont.. says: â€" "We have three fine, ! healthy children, to whom, when a ^ medicine is needed, we have given only Baby's^Own Tablets. The Tab- 1 lets are the best medicine you can j keep in any hom6 where there are | young children." j Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but ; thorough laxative wbich regulate the | stomach and bowels; banish constipa- ' tlon and indigestion; break up and simple fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine deal- era or direct by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brockvllle, Ont. Times Have Changed. Old Parrot â€" "Great Scott, to think the ladles used to be shocked wben a parrot said a cuss word:" Kovxss Aars stokage. ILL THE MOVERâ€" PIO.NEER DI3- _ _ TANCE movers of Canada. Largest Bpeedy padded vans. New Equipment, latest methods. Two experienced men every trip. .\11 loads insured. Beyond compare for skill and care. Before you move, write us \3T wire :ind revp.-se the charges. Head office. Hamilton. Ontarlok '^unH'ia. Hill the Mover. Her Own Weigh. ~Just think of Sophie insisting she weighs only a hundred and fifty. I told her she was silly." "I wouldn't argue it with her, dear â€" she's bound to have It her own weigh." â€" ,j_ _ Russia's New Educational Program "The new Soviet school system la being built up with the Interests of the contemporary child, the- child's concrete environment and experience as a basis," writtes Mme. N. K. Krups- ; kaya, Lenin's widow and officer in the | Soviet Ministry of Sduoation, in | March Current History. "The object j of this educational program is to teach the relation between nature, the working actltvity of man and the social system, set forth on the basis of very simple concrete tacts. . . . colds ' "^^^ instruction alms to keep in touch ' with the life of the people, with whatt both the grown-ups and the children hold closest to their heartts. . . . The material taught is linked up with prac- tical work in the school and at home, and the children study such subjects as helping the pre-school pupils, the organization of minors, the tteaching of reading and writing to the Illiterate population, the dlatributlon of news- papers, sanitation, new methods of cultivation and caring for animals. Afghan Ruler Sees Mock Battle Lulworth, Dorset, England. â€" Mod- ern methods of western warfare are "unromantlc and terrifying' in the opinion of King Amanuliah of Afghan- istan, the fighlng methods of whose native country are still largely of a | primitive nature. ' The King who went down in a sub- ; marine at Pi<rt8mouoth motored here from Bournemouth with Queen Sourl- ya and watched a mock battle of Bri- ^ tlsh tanks on a windswept hillside, i The Affehau monarch produced a \ pocket camera and took several snap- shots of the tanks in action, this be- ing the first time that he has carried a camera in public. $100 Per Week Whole or part time selling high grade subscription publications. Write for full particulars to DOMINION TRADERS. 73 king St. West, Toronto Corrugated Iron ASK FOR >vhe:e:i-e:r « bain "Council Standard" A thick, even, heavy sfiread of galvanizing over every Inch of sur- face. Deep corrugations. Agencies still open in some localities. Write us, stating size of barn you want to cover. WB PAT FREIGHT WHEELER A BAIN. LIMITED Dept. W, 108 George St., Toronto 2 I -•• No mother u thia enlightened age would slT« her baby something aha tU not know waa perfectly harmlesa. aapeclAlIy when a f»w drops of plain Oastorta will right « baby's atomach and end almost any little ill. Fretful- seas and fever, too; it seema ao time uttll everything la serene. That'a the beauty of Castorla: Ita gentle Influence seems just what la needed. It does all that caator oil Bight accomplish, without shock to the system. Without the evil taste. It's delicious I Being purely vege- x -^i. _„* table, you can give it as often aa ^Jl^ ", there 'a a aign of colic: constipation: IterThea; or need to aid sound, natur- al sleep. Juat one wtfnlng: it is genuine Ftotchar'a Castorla that physlclana srHwvGiFRs-THORO BRED" BABY CHu bratdm an bred foi hi({b aptcduelioo. While. Browa Buf Ugkocii^ Bund tnd White Rockfc rTi. - Red*. Ad- Wyindcttw, 12c»Bdup. IOCS i Uv€ ddfvetT guaiinccvO. Wrila ' todv for rett CHICK BOOK, i NnaaanriaoaniuiwmiwnuAaft ; Chasing the Overhead. Judge â€" "Why have you not made these alimony payments?" Defendantâ€" "I can't start till week after next. Judge. There are still two Instalments due on the engagement i ,;c; 7, 7 , v "7 ,. ^ . . . . ,. •«»cu.oui Training in workshops and facttorlea ^] ^ I is also part of the program but has not been worked out as fully due to lack of resources. . . . Harsh treat- ment of the children in school is strictly forbidden and school disclp- 1 line is inculcated in the inner con- \ sciousness of the pupils rather than ' maintained by force, thus affording | valuable training in self-government." Do You Get Up Tired, Cross? lok out. It may be kidneys. Try Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy "Tea." aaya um kladly doctor, oyoa a««a a sttaanlaat ataretlc.^' Aaa for mora than SO jMrs tn« Mat kaowa ruaedy ia ..___>..i rktk... .«...„.< *^*" «!••• !»•• *••» 'Warners B«fe fca. raoommaad. Other preparations may aey aad Uvw Bamedy, oxigtaauy • b« ]ttat aa free from all doubtful P^yatotaa'a preMilptloa. made ox Va. «rnsa. but so <Alld of thto wrltera U ^^^V%^x^ >nt ktter ««. that. gotag to taat themt Besldea, the i» k«»pa to -^^ â-  ^ book OB care and feeding of babiea SSti.^^ Stringing It Out. Chamberlain completed work on the plane, in which he is to make a 30,000 i mile lecture. andPneumoma . Nesl«i.'ted bronchia] coltJs ar« daa- atrvus. Stup them nutaixiy with BuclU»y't Mature. Its action in r»- 11«vinff the cou^h and elearinjr tha tubes is amazinffl7 swiftrâ€" and sura. AU drussists sell "BuckJay's" under • positive Kuanuite*. Biqr a bottle i ^ today, and ba aafc. W. K. Backler, Ualted. 142 Matnal St, Tonnto 2 ActaUwadoal^ ariaileil9v*oniS DISTPiESSna HE.4D1CHE Bathe the forenea<; with Mln- ard'a. Also Inhale. Brings soothing relief. RESTORED TO GOOD HEALTH Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia EL Pinkham's » Vegetable Compound Her Interesting Elxperience Buokingham, Quebec â€" "l arn the mother of eleven living ciiil^Iren, and niv baby is five months old. I am only oS years old and I have taken Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound for weaknesii and my nerves. I knew of it from my sister. Dame Ed- ouard Beliefeuille of Ramsayville. For five years I was in misery and was always ready to cry. Now I am so happy to have food healtKr My daughter, who is S years old, has also taken it and will be happy to recommend it to all young girls. â€" Dame Willu.m Par- KN"T, Bo.x 414, Buckingham. Quebec. WJiy suflfer for years with back- ache, nervousness and other ailments common to women from early life to middle age, when lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will give voa rehen In a recent country-wide canvass of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, over 250,000 replies were received, and 98 out of every 100 reported they were bene- , fited by its use. <; youjaoat vreotoaii .•afe, of conxaa. the l» hatpa to araai aaaet, yea* aealta. Qeatly it etlaiviatfie ta.e .^^rnrn viih vi.t.v..'. r«..^^ kMae»a aad Vewvt to do tkelr work ot tut coma* with Fletcher a UMtoria eieaatag ont ko«r poiaoaa wita you % irorth tta walcht In gold. "" "" \ elaaaaad, sad •a tti«T akoald, Bd alrkfa Blwp ChUdren &aJCMc»vc»x^.v^vwvx.\^v^w8 Cry for Castor I A •11 orraaa faaotlaalag aa Vnn aaoald, yoa awake freoi a aoaad alrkfa sltap Nfveaaad. , laTicovatod. ateoar. Xilf • takaa oa • aew Joy. Toar er* elaars. Toar akia igalaa a healtky eolor. Toa walk wltk ' aasavaaoe. Yoa display as ali of aatkoiw jlty aad sooooaa. â- â-¼â€¢ry dnutglat kaowa vloaaaat tastu> Waraarl Mle Xldaay aad Uvar Bm- 'ady. It eoata Uttla, kat It la wortk aa. told amonata to aayoaa who aaada tk* ihal* tt (traa. Bay yoar hottlaa today. •at baek to koaltk. Waraar-a aafa Tkum- , adlaa Co., Toroato. Oatatlo. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Ronedv I Cut Crop Costs WIU labor, laad, aad ovarkead oat ay yoar profltst Bly oropa are okanpar to VTow â€" rat bampar erops by auar DOUBLE WORTH FERTILIZER One Ton D W 4-24-4 •quala Two Tons 2-12-2 D. W. GimN, LTD. 200 Vine Ave.. Toronto, Ont. ISSUE No. 13 Evolution Teaching Still Live Issue "Although it is continually asserted that the Dayton trial and Bryan's death ended the teaching of evolution, this is tar from being the case," as- sorts Maynard Shipley. President of the Science League of America, in March Current History Magazine. "Not only has Mississippi passed a bill on the same lines as Tennessee's, but the Tennessee law has been pro- claimed constitutional. Louisiana. j Arkansas and Florida have passed I anti-evolution acts in the lower hooee, I which only prompt playing of politics prevented from passage in the Sen- ate. Moreover, such a bill in Missouri obtained a very respectable and dan- gerous minority in its favor and in 1 several proud Nortthom and Western ! States there wa«, iu 1927, far more I antl-evolutlton Keutiment than those not specially coac-jroed with research into the situation could readily Imag- ine. The mere fact that bills were be- fore fourteen Statee in one year sounds ominously like the first de- rided ettortst toward the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment." i332u lS>^' rpPHIlUPS: RBrTiWilea 4ue to AcMi INOKkESnON MClO »TOM*CM HaAKTaUKM I When Food 5 ours Uoa MInard'a Liniment for Corna> â- HauacA About two hours after eating many people suffer from sour atomacha. They call it indigestion. It meana that the stomach nerves have been over-stimulated. There is excess acid. The way to correct It is with an alkali, which neutralizes many times Ita volume in acid. The right way is rhillips' Milk of Magnesia â€" Just a tasteless dose In water. It is pleasant, eOclent and harmlaaa. It has remained the ataii4ii ard with phyaicians in the (0 yaxi§ alnca its Invention. It is the quick method. Besnlts com4 almost laatantly. It la the approT«4 method. Ton will never lua anotlM^ when you know. Be sore to get the genuine PhilUpa^ Milk of Magnesia prescribed by phyaK cians tor SO yeara in corr.«tlng excaa^ acids. Sach bottle contains MI dlr««> tionsâ€" aay drugstoif. ^b^Mgrnmrn/kmitimmiik ^"'-^â- â- ^'•^ '- > ...i^A...^ umitiiaukmtmiitmmt

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