Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1928, p. 7

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I / ' .:sJ If jrou UM R«d Rom Orang* P*k<M Tm in 1928 you will •njoy Canada's finaat taa and matarially raduce your taa bilU. >. Rad Roaa Orango Pako« lasta longer bocauae ita additional strength and flavor maka it go further. Every package guaranteed. 5*S BalCour Cancels All Engagements 'Daily Express Says British Statesman Suffers From Heart Trouble NOTABUTCAREER Napoleonic Soldier's Kin Seek Office as Deputies The days when Napoleon was the object of h«ro worship are recalled by the candidacy for seats in the next Chamber of Deputies of two men of the name of Chauvin. Both are said to be descendants of the soldier of the dre" are gentemlly "Grande Armee" Nicholas Chauvin, "a'lt th« mosit?" Concerning the Nature of Rewards Pauline Herr Thomas "W'iJi scim*one please tell me why have a nice dish of •pUnaa'i'? That whose ardent affection for the Em- J'^iUns o the peror made his name a symbol for atl teacfups. that ia patriotic to an excessive de-p "Well," sadd pee. I ♦• ' U Is tlhat the things that are least healtihifod or beneficial for our clill- th« things they <I'amande<l Mrs. Earl is Also Known for ^ubli- ciiticns on Philosophy . Theology London. â€" The D«ily Expreae says â- that Lord Balfour, Lord Precddent of tba Council, fonner Prime Miniater and one of the oustanddns: Britlch ,aUteenMn of the present gMieration, la eallefring from heert trouble and kaa cancelled all his entragemeiiit* He ^a be«n ill f<»' aome time. In J«nu- ary he suffered a severe attack of laryncrUii*. NO BETTER MEDICINE FOR LTTTLE ONES woutdn't bo any lnduce>m«nt." "Of course no*. I admit that cake tftEites better, and our tastae are flcWe, alwaya rejecting the old wtoen tnm^ other mothers over the tJhlng more palatable can be had; but one of Uie reason* whiv cake Is more of an lniduc»ment la that it has at- ways been used for one. "My llttJe Jeanne Is a wonder to everyone because she will play In a room whe'Te caiidy is uncovered and wiiy}:'in reach and seldom thilnk of ask- ing for a piece, much Jess helping her- sislf. She haa never had one plew as a reward for good behavior. She eats REDROSE a« .Airs. Moore, "perhaps Its Just human nature to want what we can't have." "Oh, iVs' Just pervers?nies®, that's all." sHld Mrs. Hunt, iiathor heatedHy. "They know they can tantaMze. Billy 1» always tormenting me for some- thing he couldn't have." "You know," aaid Mrs. StieWon, is ^ood tea u Red Rose Orange Pekoe â€"Top Quality In clean, bright Aluminum it when U Is paased at taWe or else- IS What Thousands of Mothers I!'!l"5'll'!'?^^'â- ^''.*"*^^_^.^!."i!^L*^^^ where, as the oass moy be. U has Clever been pretiented to her as any- Arthur J«un«B Balfour, first Earl of 4h»t title, and Viaoount Tnaprain of Whittiatfeham, has been prominent in British governmental affkirs for more tlian 40 years. Stairtins: as private secretary to the Varquia of Salisbury when thtit peer •wa Foreocn Minister in 1878, Bal- four went ahead steadily and became /Unionist Leader of the House of Com- mons anid First Lord of the Treasury Ha 1891. He was Priim© Minister 1902- 1906. During the World War he vros (First Lord of the Admiralty up bo 1916 and Foreign Secretary until 1919. He headed the British mission to America in 1917 and also the Brdt- Mi misBion to the Wa^Jngrton con- ference in 1921. His publications have touched not only the political and econotnic ques- tions wilh wliich he has dealt as a government official, but also have gone into the- realm of pbiloeophy and tiieology. One of his outstanding work was "The foumdations of Belief, heiitg Notes Introductory bo the Study of Theology." This was issued in 1896 and was pat in popular form in 1901. Be boildB honorary degrees from all the princjipal universitiea of Great Bkitain aiul Irelandt *nd also an LlrD. granted by Columbia Undver- dtty in 1917. * There Is no limit to purcliaelng â- UHy If only the rigbt nmohlnery a put Imto the luuida< of labor to produce die r<#iit eoois^ flor. let it a«aln b« â- aid, labor oonsumes what labor prod- The BABY Say of Baby's Own Tablets with the passing of winter many people feel weak, depressed and easily tired. The bady lacks the vital force and energy pure blood alone can give. In a word, while not exactly sick, the Indoor life of winter has left Us mark upon them. A blood-buUdlng, nerve- restoring tonic is needed to give re- newed health and energy. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills are an all-year-round blood builder and nerve tonic, but are especially useful in the spring. Every dose helps to make new, rich, red blood and with this new blood return- ing strength, cheerfulness and good health quickly follow. It you are pale, easily tired, or breathless at the least exertion, if your complexion is poor or you are troubled with pimples or eruptions. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are Just what you need to put you right. If you have twinges of rheumatism, are sub- ject to headaches and backaches, it you are irritable and nervous ,lf your sleep does not refresh you, or your ap- petite is poor, you need the treatment Dr. Williams' Pink Pills alone can give â€" you need the new blood, new strength and new energy this medi- cine always brings. Mr. A. Marcotte, North Ham, Que., writes: â€" "I have found great benefit from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Before I be- gan using them I wa» in a badly run- down condition, aud at times felt scarcely able to work. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have changed all this and since taking them I am enjoying the best of health. Every man who feels rundown and easily tired should give this great medicine a fair trial." Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, indi- gestion or nervousness. Take them as a tonic if you are not In the best physical condition and culttivate a re- sistance that will keep you well and strong. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mall at SOc a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. thing which is so commonly oharact- erSstlc of our chlMren â€" to say nothing of ouraelvee â€" is our own fault to a great extent." "I can't eee tlhat," sai'd Mrsi. Hunt, "Aren't we aiwaye trying to instill knowOedigie of what la bee.t and what le not 7 Un'l«e« you mean It 1» our constant talking about tble forbidden thing that keeps them reminded of It." "Yes, tliajt is abvlous," saild Mrs. Sheldon, "but I think there la another reason which escapes moot of us. We say to Mary, 'Now If you e«.t that soup, you may have this cake,' or to Bdilly, "If you dom't go to bed this min- ute, jxm may not stay up late Satur- day evening.' By such tactics we give to the less healthful cake or the lees beneflcla-l late hours Uie lolc of reward. It becomes at once the cov- eted thhie." "Oh, yes," answered Mrs. Hunt, ' "but what good will It do to say to Mary, 'If you eat your suup, you may llwllng but something to eat. "She l8 also a source of consider- able ajdmlration to mi" frieujs because she 'goee to bed «j nioeily'. Never has she be?n al'.ov.„d to remain up late as a rewurd Tor good conduct. She goes eaiiy i«g;ilarly, unless some unusual oeeacion mak£« It ueoeeeary for hsr to sl:;y up somewhat later. "You'li say. r.eiUaps, "She bt an un- UEuc'. chikl,' but I lufeiisi that she is not. for t':Ks inlsbti avee Hke any other chi'.d, at tims.o. "Spinach, an ou say, seeme ridlcui- o.is to us n? a reward. NeventheJeae, I aim sure lb? ! if pai-entB would cease to flurrouiul the lese healthful and tjeiieflclal things m lib the atmosphere of rewarJ, and no' witWhlold only such tilings by way of punishment, they wcU-d, In turn, cieaae to be the most cov€'ti£d by the children." We were all thoughtful â€" at least tor the rest of that cup of tea. Stamp Worth $32,500 Included in EKspIay Of Prize Collection New York. â€" Rare postage stamps, x'alued at more than 11,000,000, have Just been exhibited here by Arthur Hind of tlca, N.Y. The collection re- ceived the grand prise at the recent International philatelic exhibition In Monaco. Unusual stamps from the Cape of Good Hope, India, Maurlttlus. Spain, Prance, Hawaii, New South Wales, Tuscany and Rumania are Included in tthe collection. One of the notable specimens is the British Oulana one- cent stamp of 1866, which Is valued at }32,600. I The collection Includes what was said to be the finest group of United Statesprovlslonal Issues, put out by â-  several postmasters prior to the first Government issue In 1847. Oaaii fied Advertbemenl* BUYSâ€" HAVE TOUn OWN BlISI- .VKS8 â€" earn bljf bonusea. Write 8tuii(1aid Company, Box BOl, Toronto. WBW BBP»aWIOK BHHlCfUTIR.\L EXPERT.S SAY, farmlnif opportunities offered hera : unaurpaseed anywhere. Another fact, I oheapeet good farms on earth atlU here. ' Hurleys free bargain catalog ready. Alfred Hurley Co., Limited, St. John, KiOWXBa GLADIOLUS. DAHLIA AND OTHER flowers. Glads dffy. Dahlias », or roses !, delivered, J2.00. Catalog fre*. M. & O. Dodds. Sorrento, B.C. POUKTBT Use MInard's Liniment for Corns. A.1. Wyandotte. Ued Baby Chicks. flis.OU per 100 and up. Hatching eggs, tt.OO Der 100 and up. Pedigreed Cocfcar- els, M.OO each, ancl up. IS Page illus- trated Catalogue Free. L. R. Guild Jk Sons Box T. Rockwnod. Ont. BABY CHICKSâ€" WH HATCH FOUH varieties of Baby Chicks. Write for fren catalogue. Price lOo and uil. A II. Bwltzer, Oranton. Ont For a Coconut Caramel Pie Why do so many, many babies of to- day escape all the little fretful spells and infantile ailments that used to worry mothers through the day, and keep them uphalf the nit.htT It you don't know the answer, yon kaven't discovered pure, harmless Cactoria. It is sweet to the taste, and sweet in the little stomach. And its gentle influence seems felt all through the tiny system. Not even a distaste- ful dose ot castor oil does so much Kood. Fletcher's Castoria In purely vege- table, 80 you may give it freely, at first sign ot colic; or constipation; or diarrhea. Or those many times when you Just don't know what is the mat- ter. For real sickness, call the doctor, alway;. At other times, a few drops of Fletcher's Castoria. Tho doctor often tells you to do Just that; and always says Fletcher's. Other preparations may be Just as sure, Just us tree from dangerous â- rugs, but why experiment 7 Besides, the book on care and feeding of babies that comes with Fletcher's Catstoria is worth its weight In gold! Meringue. In a frying pan, caramelize ^^ cup- ful of sugar, being careful not to burn it. The sugar will form a ball, when stirred, and do other odd things that mystify the amateur, but It Is aK right; keep on stirring until there is a liquid almost ready to burn, then pour In, very slowly, 2 cupfuls scald- ed milk. With the addition of the liquid the mixture will suddenly rise in steam, so be ready for It. When lie milk is hot, turn olf the fire. Sift together 1>4 cupfuls of sugar, } table- spoonfuls of flour and 1/8 teaspoonful of salt. Mix It to a smooth paste with some of the hot milk, then turn It back into the rest of the milk and cook it over hot water, stirring con- stantly until the mixture is thick and smooth. Pour It over the well-beaten yolks of 4 eggs, cook a minute, then add 1 teaspoonful of vanilla and 1 cup- ful ot grated coconut. Pour It into a baked pie shell, add meringue and brown as usual. For a thick meringue for one pie, beat until stiff the whites of 2 eggs and add 4 teaspoonfuls of sugar, beat- ing constantly; never stir meringue. Pile it lightly on top of the pie when that surface has cooled slightly, and bake 16 minutes In a moderate oven (326 degrees F.), when It will be scHWKOLF.Rs"THOR'0'BRED baby _ "CIVE AND LAV CHlCKSl ^ Out brecfkra an tired fbf hl|b J production. White, Browii Buff Lesborns, Barred and I White Rocka. R. 1. Reda, /uf conaa. Buff Orptngtoaa. White WyandotKa. 1 2c and up. 1005S live delivery cuanintecd. Write toivr for FHEE CHICK BOOK. KMWnUII'S MTOtiMue SMnuiirm â- UFFAU.N.Ii cooked through and golden-brown on top. Perfect meringue can never be baked in a hot oven, because that does not give the eggwhite time to rise gradually to Its possible height; a meringue baked too fast is thin and leathery. If the oven Is not hot enough or the pie Is removed before the meringue is cooked, the egB-whites be come watery again and the meringue falls. ' Some experts add flavoring to their meringues. Others mix with the sugar \i of a teaspoonful of baking powder, and still others add V4 ox a teaspoonful of cornstarch instead; the baking powder insures a rising of the mixture, and the cornstarch, its stay- ing up. ATOeMfNG INSPRiNGTIME Not Sick, But Not Up to the Mark â€" You Need the Help of That Sterling Tonic, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pillsâ€" They Give New Vitality. A medicine for the baby or growing child â€" one that the mother can feel assured is absolutely safe as well as efllclent â€" is found In Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are praised by thousands of mothers throughout the country. These mothers have found by actual experience that there Is no other medicine for little ones to equal them. Once a mother has used them for her children she will use nothing else. Concerning them Mrs. Charles Hutt, Tancock Island, N.S., writes: â€" "I have ten children, the baby being Just six months old. I have used Baby's Own Tablets for them for the past 20 years and can truthfully say that I know of ao better medicine for little ones. I always keep a box of the TableU In the house and would advise all other mothers to do so." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or will be mailed up- on receipt of price, 26 cents per box, by The Dr. WilllamB' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Who Dawn stage. Jack Dempsey's Sister prefers to be known as Elsie and is making good on the Children Cry fop Kidney Disease Doesn't Warn It strikes â€" when least expected- Ward it off in time with Warner's Safe Kidney I and Liver Remedy At forty and after is the critical time head. It was a wow. as we used to for men. If you slow down you let say in the old country. Suddenly his younger men, blooming with health, step K„«i.in». -arara awifrhAil Thev nut up ahead. They take the promotion, the bookings were sw itcnea. iney pui big money â€" you take their orders, him on the small time, where he bad ai'VhV';ru \7:S-Tf b'tfr^r^^-i to,do four and _ri^.jhows_^..,ay Oently stir up your liver and kidneys She â€" "Are you spying on me?" Heâ€" "Only to find out If you're spy- ing on me. " Where the Shoe Pinched. The Strong Man from Norway was booked on tho Orpheum Circuit. His specialty was breaking paving stones with a sledge-hammer on his wife's Man Who Smoked in Car With His Wife is Fined London â€" A chivalrous stranger drew the attention of the man who was puffing a pipe In a non-smoking car on a suburban railroad to the fact In the opposite corner was a woman with a baby. The woman with the boby said no- thing. Nor did the man with the pipe. He went on smoking. So at the next station the chivalrous stranger complained to railroad of- ficials. "I then found that the silent wom- an 1 was championing was his wife," he testified In court when the stub- born smoker was fined $5. ' MInard's Liniment for « Backache. Castoria latuB No. i4-'ai to do their proper work with Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Compound. This ; safe, herbal remedy with the pleasant ' taste has been famous for more than 60 years. Originally a doctor's prescrip- tion. It Is doing untold good. Save your health, roan. Any druggist will sell you £ bottle of Warner's Safe Kidney and Iver Remedy at small cost. But get It â€" there's the only way to enjoy Ita bcneflts. Warner's .Safe Remedies Co., Toronto, Ont. Warner** Safe Kidney and I Uvcr Remedy He did it for several weeks, then canceled his contract. "What's the matter-" they asked him. "Is your wife getting headaches?" "Oh, no, it isn't that," apologized the Strong Man, "but Il'm afraid she's getting fallen arches." « Television acroes the ocean is t*ie latest achievement Mayor Thompson can keep an eye on King G«0(rge'« •otiviti«ik Paris Traffic Injuries 340 Policemen in Year Paris. â€" A Paris traffic policeman is no risk for the accident insurance companies at all. According to a re- cent statement of M. Sarrault, Min- ister of the Interior, the maelstrom of darting taxis, automobiles and cycl- ists in the French capital places 840 of M. Criappe's trafiic regulators on the injured list during the last year. And vehicles are increasing monthly- Another indication that Paris policemen are no more to be emvied than those of New York is given â- with tho report that 537 policemen were wounded trying to maintain peace and order and four were killed. The Peacemaker BrlsbaneCourler: It would be the greatest tragedy of all history If the British Navy were weakened at the Inetance of those dreamers who Ima- gine that the League could save us in the day of international upheaval. So long as the world is at peace the League may do very eflfectlve work as a philosophy; when some belllcoso na- tion decides upon resorting to war as a final arbiter the League Is useless, and depends wholly for Its success upon the half dozen great Powers of the world that can use enough in- fluence to preserv't: p,?ace. That ib tho role that Britain has played for years. xo-vrero ajtd â- TomAOB. HILL THE MOVERâ€" PIONEER Dl.S- T.^NCE movers of Canada. Largest speedy padded vans. New Equipment, latest luethods. Two experienced men every trip. All toads Insured. Beyond cninpiire for skill and cire. Before you move, write us or wire und revprs<» •>ie charges. Head offlr& Hamilton. Ontario. Cana<la. Hill the Mmer. An Englishman named Spender is studying Anic-rican newspaper ine-th- oils. It's a game in uhich a spondar can learn <i lot in a ^^hort t;ir'2. "Long To Be Remembered" Is Right. "Mrs. Frank Tappen entertaineed the Women's Air Society of the Sec- ond Reformed Church, Hackensack, at Colonial silver tea. This affair will long be remembered by the members and privileged guests as the out- standing social event of the season. "Miss Betty Wallo, no costume, dis- played ronsiderable talent In her piano selections and songs. " â€" Tho Bergen Record. Warts. Daily application of Minard'i will dry up war';-. Also ' ;• cfllent for calioiups. ori^s tv.d bunions. MUSKRATS AND OTHER RAW FURS are bringing our shippers excep- tionally high prices and 6% BONUS EXTRA. We pay all postage and express charges. SHIP NOW. Send For Our Free 1928 Special Spring Price List. Levin Fur Co. LIMITED 172 King Sb East Oept. B TORONTO, ONT. WANTED Grade Holstein Heifers Client wsnts to purchsse now fifty grade heifers due to freshen In Autumn. What hsve you to offer and what Is your prioe. R. E. GUNN 73 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO A chain of American hotels is now placing in every piest-room a 5(KK- page â- volume of familiar poems. In- cluding, it is assumed, the clerk's fav- orite, "Charge, Chester, charge!" OearThePores Of Impurities With CuticuraSoap Soap, dntment. Tslcam joMaverywhwre. OPERATION LEFT HER VERT WG Letter Tells of Wofitiertul Relief After Taking Lydia £. Pinkham's Vegetable CompoUiici Coniston. Ontario. â€" ".^fter i .^e- vere o peration and a three wt'tlcs' stay in a ho.'pital 1 rctunifd I;ome so weak thai 1 v.-us unable to move a chair. For four months 1 was al- most frantic with pains and auffer- ing until 1 th'juifht sure there jould not be any help I'orme. 1 had very severe pains in my V ileft aide and suf- fered agony every month. (3ne uay when 1 was not able to get up my mother begged me to try your med- icine. My husband got me a bottle of Vegetable Compound at once and I took it. I started a .scooml bottle, and to my surprise and joy the pains in my side left me completely and I am able to do all my work without help, I am a farmer's wife, so yoa see I can't be idle long. In all, I hava taken .six bottles of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Coinpoiind, fiva bo.xes of the Compound 'rablets, t'wo bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and have also used tlie San- ative Wash. "â€"Mrs. L. Lajkuness^ ^JBox 103, Coniston, Ontario. a Corrugated Iron ASK FOR WHCCLER a BAIN '^Council Standard" A Ihicli. even, heavy spread ol galvanizing over every Inch of sur- face. Deep corrugations. Agencies â- till open In some localities. Write us, stating size of barn you want to eovsr. WB PAY FRBIQHT WHBBLSR a BAIN, LIMITtD Dspt. W, 108 aeorgs St, Toronto 2 A)^. :PHIUIPS= /® ^ fi». TlMwabtes due to Acia â-  N0tO»»TK)M „CID »TOM*CM HCAilTBUKM M«AD*CMK OAStS^r**^^ 5. our Stomach Just a tasteless dose of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia In water. '' That is an alkali, effective, yet harmless. It has been the standard antacid for SO years among physicians everywhere. One spoonful will neutralise at once many times its volume In acid. It Is the right way ,the quick, pleasant and efflclent way to lilU the excess acid. The stomach becomes sweet, tho pain departs. You are happy again In flv< minntos. | Don't depend on crude mathods. ]9m> ploy tho best way yet evolred In all tho years of searchlnc. That ia Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 60 years in correcting ex- cess sold*. Bftoh boHl* oonUlBS full. direcUoniâ€" ABT dnigstortt.

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