Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1928, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1928. THE FLBSHBE<MN AWAKeC W.M.S. Meeting The Easter thankoffering of the W. M. S. of the United church was held on April 6 in the school room of the church. Mrs. Cargo presiding. The meeting was opened by sing- ing hymn 184, after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. Thompson read scripture les- son followed by a period of silent prayer, Mrs. Armstrong offering the prayer', asking for blesing in our work at home and abroad. The Responsive program prepared by W. M. S. was then taken. Mrs. Tremp read greetings from Mrs. Staples, Presbyterial Pres. and a duet by Mrs. McOaJlum and Edna was then given. Mrs. Murray gave a talk on "Lessons we learn from the Resur- reution." Elizabeth Bentham and Mrs. Blackburn gave a duet, followed by a reading from Mrs. Phillips and a poem by Mrs. Down. The offering was then taken, which amounted to $67.55. Hymn 225 was sung and the meeting was then closed by Mrs. Mitchell. Tea was served and a very interesting meeting was then brought to an end. Although the weather was unfavorable the meet- ing was largely attended.â€" Com. VICTORIA CORNERS Orville Martin of Owen Sound vis- ited a few days in this vicinity. Ivan Lockhart is through with hia second term at Toronto Chiropractic School and has passed his examina- tion. Congratulations. Last week we were busy hunting up our Easter hats and summer coats, airing and storing our furs, but lo| on Sunday it was necessary to appear in our winter garb, for the weather had taken a sudden chill. Easter has brought the teachers and pupils who were away from home back for a few days. â€" Rosella Stevens, Stella and Sylvia Acheson. Miss Greenwood, our teacher, is hol- idaying at her home in Durham. Mrs. A. Stinson is visiting her dau- ghter, Mrs. Bert Badgero, at Saugeen Junction for a couple of weeks. Helen Badgero is spending her Eas- ter holidays here. Vera Moore is home for a few days. Mrs. Louie Bannon and family are visiting at her father's. Dreamland. Osprey Resident Small Advertisements Advertise in The Advance A play entitled "Wanted. A Wife," will be given by the Berkley Dramatic ! Club in the former Chalmer's Church ! on Monday, April 16th. Admission 35 and 25 cents. I SPRINGTIME â€" MEANS â€" Housecleaning Xo doubt when you start vour house cleanino- you will fuKl a few articles of furniture need replacino- or else it would make your home more comfortable to add some more new furniture to it. \Vc feel we can serve you al.m-- this line in most everything- in the furniture line, and should we not have anvthin- ^nxxl enough It is only a short m<,tor over to the factory and we can show you a real display of anyhinff you miffht want, and thereby selling direct from factory to buy- cr and cuttin- down the actual cost. So should you I need anything- alony- our line just let us know and hervice, which is our motto, \vill do the rest. THOS. W. FINDLAY Furniture Dealer Funeral Director Call up your customers by long distance An occasional call will makt it almost impossible for them to stop trading with you. Do yourealize that one of the largest returns yoa can se- jeurc from the expenditure of a small sum is to be had by falling up old customers bccasionally by Long Dis- tance? Friendliness begets friendli- ness. How can you or I keep away from a merchant who ispends his money to show his interest in our affairs? ^We can't IThe newspaper editor counti on this trait in homani nature. He mentions sub- scribers' names frequently, because Ke knows they will look for them in his paper. The merchant who occasion- ally calls customers by Long Distance is one who can't bs overlooked or forgotten. Died in 81st Year LOST OR STRAYED LOST â€" Near the station, Ceylon, [ on or about the first of March, lady's Finder please leave at I this office and receive reward. Tia GR.ilN WANTEDâ€" This week we ' are paying the following prices: Bar- ley 87c. per bu.slifl, Fall Wheat $1.25; Oats 65c.â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. I FARM FOR SALE. 125 acres at Kimberley, good cement residence, good barn, cement flooring; well watered, and in jrood state of cultivation. Bargain for ouick sale. I â€" GKORGE A. HUTCHINSON. 1 March Kimberley. ! LOTS FOR SALE. I 14Vi rcrcs in the town plot of Eu- 'penia; good frame house and frame barn. House has cistern, good hard , and soft water, cement cellar, and ' good woodshed. About two acres of I maple hardwood bush and 20 apple trees. Apoly to TIIOS. GENOE, Eugenia. !( SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customers in the six communities may mat- erially benefit individu- ally. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tively a.ssociates with high quality merchandise at the fairest posible prices. Special Announcement Ladies' and Misses' Coats and Dresses is8 Mathews, representing one of the largest manufactures of Ladies' and Misses Coats and Dresses, will be a! our store on Friday and Saturday April 13 & 14 with a full range. You will have the taking any garment you may choose. Dn not forget the date Friday and MILLINERY! MILLINERY! AnoUior Ivr-v shiiJiiient of New Snrintr Millinery Our Milinery stock will be replenished w:ta new, snappy Millinery every week, copied fiom latest New Lork styles. You will have the privilege of insperting city styles at country prices that will be a big saving. Our specialties for this week â€" Mat- ron's and Children's. We arc also showing new Spring Rayon Ging- hams, New Dresses, New Dress Fabrics, New Silks, New Spring Hosiery in nil the latest shades, New Spring Draperies, New Curtainettes, New .Sheeting, New Ginghams, New Table Linen, New Floor Cov- erings, Linoleum Rugs in a full range of sizes, New Window Shades at special prices. Men's and Boys' Suits at Special Prices We have just put in stock the finest selection of Men's and IJoys' Suits ever shown in Markdale at prices beyond comparison. Boys' Sutis in Serge, Worsteds and Tweeds with one pair longs and one pair bloomers at prices ranging from $8.75 to $12.75 Men's Top Coats in Tweed. Latest styles, $12.50. New Spring Shoes for all the Family We have placed in stock New Spring Shoes for Ladies. Men, Boys and Children at prices which, owing to the advance in leather, will mean a big Bivingr to you. . Qome in and inspect our stock and see for yourself. privilege of inspe^cting this stock and Goods delivered when sold. Saturday, April 13 and 14. Men's Fine Felt Hats Men! Before purchasing your new spring hat we will be i<iodse.i to siiov/ joa our new spring range. The styles are new; they are perfect fitting and comfortable, and the prices are unbeatable. Ask to sec our high-grade lined hat at $4.95. Prices are $2.95, $3.25 and $4.95. Extra Special With every purchase of Gnocerics amounting to $1.00 or over we are offering customers an oppor- tunity of purchasing a large piece of high grade Aluminum Ware at 49c. each. The assortment con- sists of Roasting Pans, Large Sauce Pans, Kettles, Frying Pans, etc. Not more than two of one line to a customer. Many of these represent a saving of 50 per cent. 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar for 65c. 3 pounds of good Prunes for 25c. 3 pounds of Pure Lard for soc. Split Peas, .1 pounds for 25c. 24 lb. of Pastry Flour and 1 package of Mrs. Watson's Pie Crust for $i.oo Large size Tiger Catsup for 25c. Pork and Beans, 2 for 21c. Robinhood Rolled Oat-s, reg. size pkg., each 28c. Syrup, 5 pound pail, each 3,5c. Syrup, 10 pound pail, each figc. F.T.HlLL&Co.,LimHed,Maryaie BALE SHORTHORN' BULL FOR 8BRVICB FOR SALE â€" Verity Plow No. 16, walking, as good as new. â€" H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. FOB SALEâ€" Sow with litter of eight pigs, cash or time. â€" Fred Brack- enbury, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€"I Good Seed Barley, Manchuria. â€" Fred Smith, R. R. zjf:: Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Cement block machine with about 180 boards. â€" Fred Brack- enbury, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Two (2) good lots for sale in the village of Flesherton. â-  Apply to Mrs. Ed. Best, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Two head of two year old cattle, and one horse, 8 yrs old â€" H. PIPER. CEYLON. Death has cgain entered our nei-. ghborhood and taken from our midst • ^'['^^^ ^'"^" another of the old pioneers of Os ^___,^,^^^^ prey in the person of Mr. Philip Ot- 1 ^""^"^""^^^^ tewelL : FOB Mr. Ottevell, who was in his 81st | - â€" year had aftways enjoyed robust i FOR SALEâ€" Black Cow, due Ap- health until last Tuesday when he|ril 19);h. â€" Walter Russel, Bock complained of not feeling well. Dr. | Mills. Gauld of Maxwell was called in and' __ pronounced the trouble due to weak' WAGON FOR SALEâ€" Good Chat- heart action. jj,am wagonâ€" At once. Apply to M. Little hope was held for his re-JKerton. Flesherton. covery from the first and on Sunday night at 6 o'clock he passed peace- fully away at the home of his son, James, on the 8th line of Osprey. The deceased, who was a kind and cheerful disposition will be much mis- sed by those v.ho knew him. He was bom in England, in the year 1848, and with his parents, came to Canada at the age of five years, where in the year 1877 he was un- ited in marriage to Sarah Jane Os- borne and to them twelve children were born, eight of whom are liv- ing and are left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving father, namely: (Jennie) Mrs. Edward Armstrong. Lockwood Sask., John, Sherman, and George of the 12th line of Osprey. (Alice) Mrs. Arthur White of Col- lingwood; Isaac on the old home- stead, 10th line, Osprey; James on the 8th line Osprey; and (Carrie) Mrs. George Waller of Flesherton. Four brother and four sisters also survive, namely: Johni and. James of the 12th line, Osprey Samuel of Feversham and Richard of Areola, Sask. (Susan) Mrs. S. Colouette, and (Mary Ann) Mrs. A. McMullen of Toronto; (Charlotte) Mrs. George Thompson of the tenth line, Osprey and (Eliga) Mr.=!. Bullock, Colling- wood tov/nship. The floral tributes wore beautiful, among which was a pillow from the family; spray from his sister, Mrs. Thompson; spray from Mrs. Col- quctte and daughters; spray from his niece, Mrs. Van Winkle and spray from Providence Ladies' Aid. Rev. Mr. Dean conducted the fun- eral services, which was held in the Gospel Worker's church, Feversham. The remains were then conveyed to Bethel cemetery and laid to rest be- side those of his wife, who predeceas- gggtion iron harrow. ed him on February 8th, 1927. Despite the poor condition of the roads, a large number of neighbors and relatives gathered to pay their last respects^ to one beloved by all who knew him. The pallbearers were H. Moffatt, Geo. Lawlor, Fred Spoffard, George hSortt, John Poole and Fred Weldriek. His cares and troubles are now past And he has found sweet rest at last In that fair land that knows no pair We hope to clasp his hand again. Registered Shorthorn bull for vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Osprey, "Marry Marquis" No. 179,136; Sire. Bonai* Marquis 142,881; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebrads 16.00. grades $2.00. â€"S. B. HAWKINS. Eugenia. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Glob^ the property of the Ontario Depazt^^ ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, CareUker. BOAR P(n SBRVICai No. 92-7WM. AIM a y(NM â- Ura pic, both bacon tnf for oil lot 170, N.W. T. * SJt, T«ms-41.00. -t. 1. BTOf SON. BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Terms :-$2 if paid before January 1929, otherwise $2.50. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Driving horse, 4 years old, quiet. Used to all kinds of farm work. â€" Fred Stuart, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Brood sow, with a number of pigs nearly two weeks old. â€"Tucker Phillips, 'Phone llrS. FOR SALEâ€" Top, buggy. Double set hi plow harness, set of single harness. Will sell cheap. â€" D. Mc- Phail, Ceylon. I FOR SALEâ€"About 30 tons of Timothy Hay on Lots 178-179, T.&S R., Artemesia â€" G. F. Brackenbury, Flesherton, phone 61. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for â-¼iceâ€" Edgely Bright Vhn, No. 99jgl| -Property of Saugewi Bacon STot Club. Terms fl.OO. ,â€" C. KINDLE. Pn.ton SUUoBi Lota 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R.. Artemeaifc MIDDLEBRO &. BURNS Barristers, etc. Oflfkesâ€" Owen SoMd, Durhaai and psslierton. J-i ,^e^„ "^ I Saturday afternoon a. J evening FOR SALE â€" Seed Peas, Canadian Beauty; also five head of yearling cattle. â€" Ben McKenzie, Ceylon Phone 22 r 5. 25 Years Ago Fyle of April 9, 1 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of Green Mountan Potatoes for seed, also four -F. J. Cpllinson, Ceylon, 'phone 21rl4. ^OR SALEâ€" House and half acre of land in Ceylon, good stable, well watered, electric lights. â€" J. S. Mc Millan, Ceyloi'. FORD COUPE FOR SALEâ€" Recent model Ford in good mechanical condi- tion; can be had at reasonable price, and a real bargain for cash. Apply at this office. 1903 The season has been a very poor one for maple syrup. W. J. Hatton Owen Sound, has been appointed junior judge for this County, to succeed Judge Creasor. Mr. Charley Sullivan, who for the past year has been with Richard- son, Boyd and Hickling firms has been offered a situation at Indian Head, Sask. Mr. Chas. Stafford, of the 4th line, Artemesia, passed away on Monday evening, after a lengthy illness cov- ering a period of several years. The deceased was 78 years of age. STOCK FOR SALEâ€" One mare 11 years old, one cow rising five years, due April 18th; also a quantity of small peas and black barley for seed. } i â€"Fred Russell. S FOR SALEâ€" Bulldog batch cem- ent mixer, including wagon and Inter- national gasoline 2% h.p., with chifh pulley, 2 wheel barrows, tamper and sidewalk roller and jointers. â€" Thus. Bentham, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Lot, house of the late A. S. VanDus village of Flesherton. â€" ." stable in the to. J. GEO E. Dl NCAN DUN.D/. i.K LICENSED AlOTIONEER For the County of Grey. Termai 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamtewl ^^t^Bm^de^ The^Advance ofS HOUSE AND LOT FOrTaLE. Flesherton, 6-room house, electrie wu-ed, soft water cistern, cellar un- der whole house, large verandah otf two sides, and woodshed with cement floor; approximately three acres of land and good stable. An ideal spot for a retired farmer. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON, Flesherton, Ont. OSPREY COUNCIL Osprey Council met in Singhampton on March 17th, all the memibers pres- ent. Communications were read as follows: .Advance Printing Co.. Ke printing of minutes; W. W. Christie, account of work on Wetherall drain; Employees' Liability Co., renewal con- tract for insurance; Ontario Educa- tional Association, re sending School Attendance officer to convention; R. C. MoKnight, account for engineering services. Deputations were present OS follows: Geo. McMaster, re ditch; Jof^eph Frecthy, re scrapers. Ed\vards â€" Grumm.ettâ€" iThat the Li- fibility Insurance be renewed with the Employer's Liability Assurance Corp. Carried. Morrison^ Gnmimett â€" That the Treasurer he authorized to pay over to the Trustee Board of school section No. 7 the amount of the debentures sold re the building of a new school, namely, $5500, less clerical expenses chargeable to the siid section â€" Car. By-law No. 10, appointing pound- keepers, fenceviewera and sheep val- uators, was read the required mr.n- ber of times, signed and sepbd. After the passing of aecTints the Council adjourned to meet nt Maxwell on Saturday, April 14, a'. 2 p.m. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 75 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. Art- q^l'"''.^* Saugeen Junction. Bani 36 by 50 with L 30 by 32 «m«S stabling throughout Zrfe SnJ shed, m which is drilled well f»«l. Sk^'^i ^""^ oSa^tiiiw?â„¢ "'ac'tbura^Proton Station. FARM FOR SALE " Artemesia Township, Grey County. 150 acres, ots 176, 177 and 178 ra ' ^' %Zr'f "'^'^^'y- 3 miles soutt Flesherton Soil, black clay -."". acres &K°f ^^^^^' "» ^tone. 5 F VanDusen, 24 Churchil' A.-o., Tor- ^"^^ bush, balance under cultivation, poa well, farm well watered BanV ""t^- barn 65x45 with L 35x30, new stS HATCHING EGGS - From my |^°^^/„7^nt stabling through^ famous winter egg producers. Bi-ed-^Hen house, buildings- house to-lay Barred Rocks, also Black Min- orcas at 5 cents per egg. Reduced price for quantities. â€" Miss J. M. Colgan, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" One registered Short- horn Bull "Boyne Valley King" No. 185.436. 22 mos. old, also one grade cow, six years old, due April 13th and one bay mare suitable for light work and driving, 10 years old. â€" W. E. WALKER, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Several thousand feet of hemlock, joist, hardwood flooring, [scantling, lath, windows, posts, etc. The lot at the sacrifice price of $125. Apply at the Bank of "roronto, Fev- ersham, Ont. INCUBATORSâ€" I am agent for the Miller Incubator and brooders, from 85 eggs up. At the short course at Guelph in January the Miller incu- bator got an 85 per cent, hatch. Both electric and hot water incubators can be supplied. One second-hand Buck- eye Incubator, 175-egg size, pric" rea- sonable. â€" J. J. Meads, R.R. 3, Price- ville. Phone 21rl2, SHINGLES Washington Cedar, 10 inches clear. Same thickness as N. R. 25 courses to the bundle. These shingles came highly recommended and we are pleased to further recommend them for anyone wanting a first class roof. $5.25 per M. W. A. Armstrong & Son MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Tues- day and Saturday. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. FOR RENTâ€" 50 acres of good pas- ture on lot 132, con. 3, Artemesia. Well wattered and fenced. â€" James Nash, R. R. 1, Markdale. 75x30. roomed brick housV, KacV'^^Sif and sink good celhi-, owhard ^^^^ ion. ~^^°^- ^- Stinson. Proton Stat- BULL FOR service! Pure-bred Hereford BuH for aar. Foh;.^"""",.'^' P*y«^'« the first^ -KDWARD LO UCKS. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dwtal surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto ind Royal College of Dental Surgeon of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at midaaeo Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 833, A.P. A A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Am- strong Block. Flesherton every IM* day on or before the fuU moon. K«« Pedlar. W.M., C. F. Lawrence, See. Lucaa & Henry,Barrister*, SoUalfe. ors, etc., -L B. Lucas, K. C; W. Dt Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdala Loom Block, Phone 2. Branch office* at Dundalk and Durham. NOTICE â€" The parties who took the tires off a car in the old Pres- byterian church shed had better rC'.- place them forthwith, and save trouble as they are known. WANTEDâ€" About 50 head of Cat- tle to pasture, farm well watered, iLots 178-179, W.T. &S.R., Artemesia. â€" G. Brackenbury, Flesherton, phone 61, Telford & Bimie, Barristen, aoU. citoro, etc. Offices, Grey and Bmoo Block, Owen Sound; Standard Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). P. Telford Jr., J. P. P. Bimia Wm. Kaitting, Liseanaed AoctloM* for the conntiaa of Gray and fttanaa. Farm and stock sales a apaoUlty. Terms moderate., satisfaction ffw may be lada at the Admnea OtnMr Central telephone oftee, riiTinlfci, br by addrseslhf ma at FovamllHb

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