Flesherton Advance, 9 May 1928, p. 1

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Flesherton Stores Close Thursday at 12.00 noon for Half Holiday, to Continue Through Sept. "Zllje /tol)^tt0tt % Vol. 47 No. 46 FUaherton Ontario, May 9. 1928 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor 4 MAXWm:L Messrs. Douglas, Kendall and Geo. Ross attended Presbytery at Mark- dale last Tuesday. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ross on Thursday, May 10th at 2 p.m. The officers for the ensuing year will be elected. All members are requested to be present. Visitors cordially welcome. Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeod of Mc- Intyre spent Sunday at Mr. A. Mor- i^ison's. Mr and Mrs. J. L. Morrison spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestly in Dundalk. Mr. John Priestly starts this week to drive a truck for Mr. Weinert of Dundalk. Miss Alice Long has returned home after spending the past week with Dundalk friends. FEVERSHAM ST. JOHN'S UNITED^ CHURCH SERVICES Sunday, May 13th, 1928 11 a.m. â€" Mother's Day Services in conjunction with the Sunday School. 7 p.m. â€" Pageant "A Gift of Dreams." Honor your mother by attending these services on Sunday. Use The Advance Small Ads'. FARM AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Shim-Flatt Lightning Rods â€" Prest- on Metallic Roofing. â€" Gilson Furnaces Wire Fencing â€" Fleury Plows and Re- pairs, etc. Prices as low as can be secured anywhere. â€" Ed. Rutherford, Proton Station. 'Phone Dnudalk 44 r 32. Mr. and Mrs. A. Long and two children. Miss Irene and Master Bur- ton motored up from Toronto and visited with Mr. Long's mother and brother here in Maxwell and brother Tames in Feversham and Mrs. Long's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith. Miss Clements spent the week end at her home in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cameron spent Sunday with Mrs. Cameron's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith here. Miss Pearl Fawcett spent Sunday with her friend. Miss McGirr. Mr. Lawrence Cameron spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. John McLean. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Medlock, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Whiteoak and son, Jim and Violetta Davidson of Toron- to motored up and spent Sunday with Mrs. Whiteoak and May Mr. Chris Thompson attended the funeral of a friend in Searboro and visited with his brother John at Ag- incourt last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Watters of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Thompson. Mrs. Rcbt. .Ale-xancfer, Mrs. td. Best and son. Harold, and Mr. Shel- don Myers of Flesherton snent Sun- day at Mrs. Alexander's home here. Man jeopardizes his own eyesight and health. Let us help you to better vision. Ijg, W. A. Armstrong & Son Jewellers & Opticians FLESHERTON^ - ONT. peRewTo LB«E, Mesrm Mr. Thos. Sled and sons visited at the homes of D. A. Vancise and Geo. Sled at Nottawa on Sunday. Mr. T. Perigo and Stanley of To- ronto visited with Mr and Mrs. Al- bert Stewart. Mrs. W. J. Lever of Owen Sound is spending a while with her daughter Mrs. Fred Brown. Advertise in The Advance PAPER HANGING I am m-epared to do all kinds of paper hanging again. Satisfaction guamteed; prices right Write or phone. â€" H. L. LEPARD, Feversham. WHY do without the things you've always wanted in a motor car . . . Luxury . . . Comfort . . . Smoothness . . . Performance . . . Roominess . . . Style . . . Beauty . .. . "The 'Bigger and Better" Chevrolet gives you ALLâ€" The beauty, style and Inxury of modem Fisher bodies. The comfort and easy riding of loncer wheelbasa, and long semi-elliptic "Shock-sbsorb- cr~ springs. The power, smoothness snd de- pendability of Chevrolet's rugged vslve-in-hesd engine. "The safety of positive four-wheel brakes (snd extra em«>gency brake). And sdded refine- ments, such as air-cleaner, oil-filter, crankcsse breather, VV windshield, indirectly^lighted in^ strument panel and many others. Why do without ANY of these things, when yen can have them ... in Chevrolet ... at the lowest prices in all Chevrolet history? c-s-i-tsc Tli€ GM.A.C. . . . GeiunI Mottre arnn ititrttd ptymtnl pltit tgordi lie mot! eemtHitnt uid tcmtmicwl wy •/ iufmt yof CkevnUt m Mn*. KonbiM • TMuiaa • Cmip* CmcS . • NBW LOWin PRICES #619.00 iMMtal Sadu • SS90.00 •21.00 CaltMM S».SO • 74«.00 CaMBCcdal CSiMJi • • 47e.S0 • 740.00 Bn < im IMKncr • - SM.OO . SJ}.Oe T«a Track OhmIi • - SM.OO SO0.S0 40 Meet M Ftettry, OkSna, Omimlt. Gtttrnmtnt Taxes, Bmmftn lid Sftn Tin btn. D. McTavish Sir on FLESHERTON.ONT. CHE^aOLET 'W ytODUCT OF GBNEKAL MOT0B9 OF CANADA. UMTXID The Late R^J. Pedlar EUGENIA The people here were shocked to hear of the untimely death of Mr. R. J. Pedlar at the early age of 52 years Mr. Pedlar was suddenly seized by pneumoniaon Wednesday, April 25th, and was taken to Lindsey hospital, where he received good treatment but efforts were in vain to save his life from the fatal disease and death claimed him on Monday night. Last fall, he, with his daughter moved to Oakwood to reside. For a number of years previous to this he was a steady employee at the Durham Furniture factory at Rock Mill?,. He wafl a great artisan in renovating cars. etc. and got much employment along that line. The remains came up on the noon train to the home of his sister, Mrs. W. McKee, Flesherton, where a very comforting sermon was preached at 2 o'clock p.m. by the pastor of the United church. Rev. Jos. Harrower Interment took place in the Meaford Road cemetery, beside the remains of his wife, who predeceased him 26 years ago. His wife, whose maiden name was Miss Ida Wilson, was a daughter of the late Thompson Wil- son and Mrs. Wilson of Flesherton. The flowers from the friends were very pretty. The pall bearers were Messrs Donald McDonald. Leonard Latimer. Tho?. Gilliland. Richard Park ard son Russell and Levi Betts. He 1 'aves to mourn his loss his two daught'f", Leone Mis. Hvrry Tate of Hillsburg and Chriselda, Mrs. Dixon, now Mrs. Dan Fawcett, of Oakwood and 10 grandchildren, also two brothers and one sister â€" Geo. of Durham. William of Rock Mills and Selena. Mrs. McKee of Flesherton. We extend our sympf.thy to the bereaved ones. We are sorry to hear that "Trs. Henry Wiliams has suddenly t Jen ill again. We hope it i^, not .:;it- ical. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tud- or, on May 4th, 1928, the gift cf a daughter. â€" Congratulations. Mr. and T-Irs. Lewis Genoe and fa:n- ily visited with Mt. and Mrs. Frank Short, near Feversham, on Sr- ' v. Their dau.^hter, Miss Reta remai'i:;! to visit with her aupt for a few d- -s. A number from this vicinity attf J- ed the funeral of the late R. J. Prd- lar last week. Mr. Chas. Williams, is home frmi Toronto for a few days. Miss Mae Carruthers is visitinâ„¢ a^ St. Thomas. Mr. Ephriam Rowbotham of "i- ronto visited with his wife and {:â- â- â€¢- ily here over the week end. The children had a fine time •â- 'â-  school on .\rbor Day. Some i them didn't think so when they r - turned to school on Monday. TV ^ boys took a hike off by themselv- • on Friday afternoon and when tV â-  returned on Monday some of t'- â- > were treated to a taste of "bla' ' - strsp" while others were let off w'"- out a taste of it because they cr' 1. Don't you think that this was u-'iir as they all did the same thing? We are pleased to report Mias ' -.ir- iel Cameron has recovered froK her recent attack of appendicitis. The U. F. W. O. Club met a the home of Mr. Lewis Genoe on T!- ;rs- day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McMillan -nd daughter, Margaret spent Su" \y with Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. M. a- lit- tle daughter remained foe ib visit with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gorley n ' dau- ghter Viola and friend of Mr kdale spent Sunday with Mrs. Sloa-;. WEEKLY HALF HOLIDAYS AUiston T-iursdjy Arthur Wednesday Brampton Wedn'-^dsy Dundalk We<; esday Flesherton Tl !ay Hanover Wed Jay Listowell -.......- Wed:. >day Markdale Wedn sday Meaford Wedr sday Mount Forest Friday Owen Sound Wednc^ay Shelburne Thursday Tare Thursday Walkerton Thursc '.y Wingham Wednesd-y A farmer neer St. Thomas was tir- ed $10 and costs for fishinir with .^ seine net on his own property. Woodstock merchants will petition for the retiring from circulation of the large five-cent piece. neighbors, and it works Mrs. A. McLeod Died Suddenly in Toronto CEYLON This village and community was very greatly shocked pnd sadened when on Friday, May 4th about 4 p.m. Mrs. Roy Piper received a tel- ephone mesage from Toronto that her mother, Mrs. Mary McLeod had dropped dead shortly after lunch hour, at the home of her daughter, Kate (Mr%. Herb Fisher) 13 Key- stone Ave., where she had spent the winter months and had been feeling very well all winter, only a moment before she was speaking to her dau- ghter who had just stepped outside the kitchen door and hearing a sound as though something had fnUen she looked in to see her mother lying on the floor. A doctor was summoned in haste but all help w'.? past. The death was due to heart failure. She was preparing to come to her home in Ceylon for a few days in the sum- mer. The deceased was boni in Burwick, County of Stormont in the year 1857, making her 71 years okl. She came with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. McPherson to Grey Co. near Priceville, and in the year 1877 vma married to .Angus McLeot^, settling on a farm 2 and one-half miles west of Ceylon and now owned hy Mr. B. McKenzie and to them wore born, 4 sons and .3 daughters. Roderick in Winnipeg. .\lex in Kamloops. B. C. John in St. Catharines and Xorman in Niagara Falls; Mrs. Roy Piper. (Bella) in Ceylon. Mrs. Herbie Fish- er (Kate), Toronto, Mrs. L. A. Bean (Edna) of Red Creek, N. Y. Her husband predeceased her 20 years ago and three years later she pur- chased a residence in Ceylon and mov- ed with her family. She was a very kind and large hearted neighbor, and her home was always open to the young folks, where many a jolly ev- ening was spent in games and music On Saturday afternoon at 2.30 a short service was held before leaving with the body for Union Station, then up on the night train to Ceylon, where it was taken to the home of her daugh- ter. Jllrs Roy Piper. The funeral took place on Mondry afternoon at 1.'. service being conducted by Mr. Pros- ser. who g.'.ve a. comforting messaffo to the bereaved. The remains were laid in Priceville cemetery beside those of her husband. She leaves to mourn her loss besides her family one brother and threo sisters. Mr. Hugh McPherson, Mrs. Rod. Stewart, (-â- Vn- nie), Mrs. D. Muii- (Maggie) all of Ceylon and Mrs. \\e\. Holley (Jessie) Sault Ste. Marie and 18 grandchild- ren. The casket was covered with beautiful floral tributes of sympathy from the following: Pillow from thp family, and from Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cummings of Oshawa: \vre8th' from Ceylon Community friends. Mr. and Mrs. Buston of Toronto, Mrs. Brillinger and .^nne of Toronto, The Jolly Dozen Girls. Red Creek. N. Y. sprays from Comer Class, Presby- terian church. Red Creek. N.Y., Dr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Sham of Red Creek. Mr and Mrs. E. W. Haslem, Rod Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall, Toronto. Mrs. John Hill. Markdale, Mr and M-s. H. P'oer. Mr and Mrs. L. Torrey of Lauriston The flower bearers were t2n girls Delia and Laura White, Mabel Moore M Mc H?w. Mable Adams, Nellie Genoe, Katie Stewart, Stella Mar- shall, Francis Collinson, Fern Leslie. The pall bearers were Mr. S. Hemp- hill, Messrs. John end Sandv Mc- Fadden. Thos. Gikhrist. Geo. Arrow- smith and John Gibson. Those attending the funeral from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod. and son Frank of St. Catharine? Mr. and Mrs. Norman McLeod and son. Billy of Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bean and son. Jack of Red Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Fishor nnd two children of Toronto, Mr. J. B. Cummings. Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. S. McDonald, Donald McDona|{d >nd Miss Flrtra McDonald all of Mulock, Mt. and Mrs. L. Torrey of Lauri'^.ton, Mr. and Mrs. S. Hill of Markdale. This community extends its deep- est sympathy to the family snd rel- atives in their sudden bereavement. Miss Vera Mfirshall, nurse ir training at the Durham hospital spent a couple of days the past week at her home. Mr. and Mrs. \. Sinclair. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Banks motored to Palmer- ston on Monday evening and attended n Mssonic meeting. Mr. J. C. McMullen of Toronto vis- ited his parent?, Mr. and Mrs. A. McMullen the past week. Mrs. Cecil .Archibald of Proton vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. -McWhinney on Friday. Mr. A. C. Muir has purchased from agent R. McLean of Priceville a new Essex car. ' We are sorry to report Mr. H. Mc- Pherson ill with pleuro pneumonia Mr. Wm. Mathewson received the ' sad news on Thursday that his son- ' in-law, Mr. A. Menzies of Fenelon | Falls, and who is an employee of the ' hydro there, had been suddenly el- ectrocuted. No further particulars have been received. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his loss to whom much sympathy is ex- pressed. Mr. and Mrs. Royden (Gibson of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. J. Gibson. Mrs. Coleman and brother of Owen : Sound motored down on Monday and visited the former's daughter Mrs. Frank Collinson. Mr. Jas. .A.rcher of Toronto vis- ' ited with Mrs. W. White and family on Friday. I Mr. .\rthur Whitaker of Toronto spent the week end with hi.s brother here, and was accompanied back to i the city on Monday by John Mc- Millan. Mr. and Mrs. Woods and family of Chatsworth vi;-ited the first of the week with Mr. F. Marshall. Mr. Pidsser wont to Owen .Sound .and had charjre of the evening ser- vice in West Side church Sunday ev- •ning. Mrs White visited friends .-t Sau- reen the past week. WILL WIDEN BRIDGE AT WA3- AGA BEACH The heavy traffic over the bridge at Wasaga Beach due to the increas- ing number of tourists has compelled the County Council to increase its width. The contract for widen- ing is for the steel work of tv,- i four foot pedestrians' walUs on eithc â-  side of the bridge, and is to cost §;.11'6. It is expected that the steel work will be ready for +';r carpenters with- in six weeks. NOTICE TO CREDITORS CARD OF THANKS To the mimy friends and neighbors •ve wish to express our deep apprec- iation of the numerous acts of kind- v.ess and sympathy extended during the death of our mother, Mrs. Mary McLeod. â€"The Familv. Advertise in The Advance IN THE M.A.TTER of the Estate of John Parslow, late of the Town- ship of .Artemesia in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 51 of the trustees Act, R. S. 0. 1027, Chapt. 150, that all cred- itors and others having claims or de- mands against the estate of the said John Parslow, who died sixth day of April A. D. 1928. at the township of -\rtemesia in the County of Grey, are required on or before the 25th day of May, 1928, to send by post prepaid, or delivered to Lucas & Henry, Solic- itors for the Executors of the estate of the said deceased, their Christain names and surnames, rJdresses and descriptions, the full particulars, in writinir of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said Ex- ecuto:? will proceed to distribute the assets of the siiid deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim not- ii-e shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribu- tion. Dated at -Markdale, this 5th day of M.-jy, A.. D. 1928. Lucas & Henry, Solicitors for the said Executors. BATES BURIAL CO. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO No Extra charge for the use of our Funeral Parlors J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks 9 « 9 9 9 • 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 "ilouge of ©ttalitp" SEEDS! - SEEDS! RED CLOVER, TIMOTHY, ALSIKE, MAM. CLOVER. ALFALFA, SEED BARLEY. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT! THE QUALITY CAN'T BE BEAT! Terms - Cash WE ALSO HANDLE THE BEST RARV rmric FEED AND STA RHMOMASRON THE MARKET EGGS FOR HATCHINGâ€" Light Sussex Eggs â€" From Imported Stock. PRICE $1.50 PER. 15 W. J. Stewart & Sons Flesherton, Phone 46 Ont. • 9 9 9 9 9 The Spring! Brighten Up! Paints and Varnish Renew your Furniture, Woodwork, Floors, etc. with S.WJP. Pmint, VarnuK Enamel and Polblw*. We also carry Paint Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Wash Tubs, Pails, Mops and Waching Machinet â€" Electric or Hand Power. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54. HARDWARE.

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