Flesherton Advance, 9 May 1928, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1928 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE A Few Specials Pure Lar<l, 1 lb. prints 20c. Pure Lard, 3 ijound pails 50c. Corn Svrup. 5 lbs 35c. Corn vSyrup, 10 lbs 69c. Fresh Date Cookies, per lb 25c. Try Watson's Bulk Tea Nu-Jell, 3 packajjes for 25c. DeLuxe Jelly Powders, 4 for 25c. Call and see our new line of Hosiery and Men's Shirts. A. WATSON We Deliver. Phone 60. >rN Save Money and Paint w paint HEN you paint this year, save money by buyin.q- the thr.t gives the greatest ,'alue. . The real cost of paint is Tnca'^urcd, not by the price per gallon, but by the service rendered. FLINT NEW PROCESS TAINT is made from a combination of pig^mcnts and pro- cessed oils that are practically unaffected by atmospheric or climatic conditions. Think of having your house finished with ^ a paint that will preser\'e its freshness for years and years, a glossy finish that will not be affected bv sun, rain or snow, o This superior paint is made by the makers of DUCO and is equally good for outside and inside use. FRANK W. DUNCAN, FLESHERTON, ONT. FLINT PAINT & VARNISH LIMITED, TORONTO, ONT. Subsidiary o/ CANADIAN INDUSTRIES UMfBED Centre Grey Softball League is Organiied Enthusiasts have been working on the otRanization of a soft ball league •i.mong the different communities ar- ound Kle«hcrton and a meeting was held on Saturday night and final ar- I rangements were made to organize a league known as the Centre Grey Softball league. The following officers were elected. Secretary and General Manager, T. W. Findlay, Treas. Bert Sparks and a committe of one representative from each club entering the league. The league is assured of six teams entering and possibly eight. The names of those entering up until the pres- ent time: Maxwell, Rock Mills, Flesh- erton Ceylon and Onwards, and it is not sure whether Victoria Corners and Proton will enter separately or I join together for one team. Any I other teams who would like to enter kindly get in touch with Mr. Findlay right away so the league can be started as soon as conditions will al- low. Each team will consist of 9 plpycrs, 5 men and 4 ladies, and it is not compulsory for either pitcher or L-ptcher to be a lady. All games arc to be played in the Memorial Park Flesherton on Wednesday and Sat- I urday nights, unless postponed games make it necessary to play some other I night. I A collection of 15 cents will bo taken I up nt each game. Should a g.Tden party or any other line of sports be held during the summer in any local- ity want a game, arrangements can be made with the manager to have one of the games that week pulled â-  off at said place of sports at a charge of $5 and free supper. It was de- I cided to use the Ortt:ar?o Softball ! rules and the inseam bnll. The j league will bo divided into two sect- ions, the winner nf each section to [play off for championshi. PRICEVILLE Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED Miss Esther McLean of Melancth- \ on and brother, Alroy of Orangeville i Business Collef.e spent the week end LOST at their home. 32:<4!)5 Goodyear, between Born â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kar- and Ceylon. Finder please leave at stedt, on Friday April 27th, in To- Advance Office. Reward, ronto hospital, a d'aiighter. Con gratulatiofs. Born â€" C i Sunday, May 6th to Mr. and 3>s. Jack Hiltz, a daughter. Mr. and Mis. Calin McLean vis- ited recently at Mr. Angus Mc-I . . SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Automobile Tire and rim | Registered Shorthorn bull for Mr. Dundalk i vice at lot o, Con. <J, 0«prey, "MMry Marquis" No. 179,136; Sire, Bonni* Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreda $5.00. grades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, Eagenia. â-  LOSTâ€" On Wednesday, Apvil 2.5,; ' bctv/een Maxwell and Ceylon or Cey- 1 Ion and Markdale, purse containing | lady's wrist watch and small sum of i Finder please notify The 1 BOAR FOR SERVICE. Lachlan's. Miss Wilda McQuaig of Tiverton spent the week end at her home. Mr. Mino of Owen Sound visite! at Mr. Dave MacDonald's on the O. D. R. There seems to be a lot of sick- ness and are sorry to report Mr. Harry .Spicer sick, also Mr. Hugh McPherson iil with pleursy and little .lack Conkey has pneumonia. Mr. Hector McLean has been in bed and under Dr. Milne's care. We hope all these will be restored to their usual health again soon. Mr. Innis McLean of Orangeville spent the week end £it his home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKee of near Markdale visited on Sunday at Mr. W. Aldcorn's. Mr. and Mrs. Angus 'VlcCanneH of Proton visited last week at Mr A. L. HinckF,'. Mir. Gorie McTaggart motored to Toronto last week. We are sorry to report Mr. John McEachern met with a serious ac- cident in the Durham Furniture fact- ory on Thursday last. Next to him was Mr. Thos. Collier who was hammering nails on some article and one of the nails rebounded back in- to the ball of Mr. Mclnnis' eye. which haH j;-\'nce cammed 'him con- f.iderablo trouble and pain.! The ' Registered Yorkshire Boar for •«• P O R S A L E j ^j^g jjy Flesherton Bacon Hogr Club, ftoR SALEâ€" Young pigs, ready the property of the Ontario Depart* to wean. â€" Fred Jamieson, Eugenia, ment of Agriculture. „^„ „ . , „ „ „ . â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. FOR SALEâ€" Bed Springs and mat tresses. â€" C. J. Crosslev, Flesherton. )FX)R SALEâ€" Choice young sow,' bred.â€" Joseph McKee, 'phone !39r5, Markdale. FOR SALEâ€" Top cutter, nearly new. Sherwood, Eugenia. buggy and good Apply to â€" Jos. FOR SALEâ€" Singer Sewing mach- ine, like new, price reasonable. â€" W. A. Hawken, Flesherton. BOAS FOB SEBYICB No. iZ-rmn. AlM a ymng â- hir* pit, both bMOB tn% tat OB lot 176. N.W. T. A Sk. â€" T. 1. inif BON. Tork BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emcsia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No> 178,773. Terms:-|2 if paid before FOR SALE â€" Verity Plow No. 16, 'January 1929, otherwise |2.B0. walking, as good as new. â€" H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS, Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" Purebred Jersey Bull 7 months old; also 100 acres of pasture for cattle. â€" Fred Duckett, Eugenia BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR Manchuria. â€" • Flesherton Registered Yorkahire Boar for viceâ€" Edgely Bright ^ in, No. 90 Al hay,|_^I*roperty of Saugc.n Bacon ^g Mar- Club. terms |1.00. â€" C. HINDLE, Praton Statiooi SALE ^ Good Seed^Barley, Lots 188-9, Srd W.T.S.R., Artemerifc FOR SALE â€" First class Timothy, Red Clover or Alfalfa ket price. â€" T. J. Stinson, Proton. Fred Smith, R. R. 2,[ MRS. HANNAH PEDLAR DIED IN HER 89th YEAR I â€" j The death of Mrs. Hannah Pedlar I of town occurred on Monday evening, ' May 7th, after a long illness. The j late Mrs. Pedlar was 88 years of age. The funeral will take place on Friday I afternoon, May 11th. Fond Mama â€" "My little man at the I foot of the whole class! Why Bob- bie, I'm so disappointed." Bobbieâ€" "Well it aint my fault, mama. The boy who is always at the bottom is home sick this week". SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customers In the six communities may mat- erially benefit individu- ally. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest posible prices. Markdale's Dept. Store House Furnishing Week SPRING CLEANING IS AT ITS HEIGHT, AND MANY CHANGES A- BOUT THE HOME MUST BE MADE- NEW CURTAINS, NEW RUGS, NEW HANGINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET THIS DEMAND. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND IT WILL BE A PLEASURE FOR US TO HELP YOU MAKE A SELECTION. sight was destroyed by the nail piercing the retina, and on exam- ination on Tuesday he had the suf- ferer removed to the General Hos- pital on Wednesday, at Hamilton. It is hoped that the eye will not require to be removed. It was a pure f^-cident, and most unfortunate Mi'. ^McEachem's many friends in Priceville were sorry to hear of his accident. Mr. McEachern just moved to Durham a year ago. Some from here took in the Box Social at the O. D. R. School house on Friday night and report a good time. FOR SALEâ€" Two (2) good lots for sale in the village of Flesherton. â€"I 'Apply to Mrs. Ed. Best, Flesherton. MRS. JOSEPH HEMPHILL PASSED AWAY WEDNES. FOR SALEâ€" Quantity of Green Mountain potatoes for seed; also four burner oil stove with oven. â€" Richard Allen 'phone 45 r 21, Flesherton. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barrister?, etc. 0ilfic{9:â€" Owep Soupd, Darhaa ana |3tfll.ertos, FlM^rton e^ Saturday afternoon and evening. GEO E. :>UNCAN DtJNI>ALK LDCENSEO AUCTIONEER For the County olf Grey. Temu: per cent Tatiaf action guarntecA FOR SALEâ€" About 30 tons of Timothy Hay on Lots 178-179, T.&S JDa'tea made at 'fhe~Advance' offloT R., Artemesia â€" C. F. Brackenbury, Flesherton, phone 61. FOR SALEâ€" Sixteen white Leghorn and Barred Rock hens, at height of laying, 1927 pullets. â€" W. E. Morgan, Eugenia, Ont. FOR SALEâ€" House and half acre of land in Ceylon, good stable, well watered, electric lights. â€" J. S. Mc- Millan, Ceyloi'. FOR SALE â€" Pigs of various sizes and ages. â€" 16 young ones ready to wein. I also want to purchase a bam. â€" Arthur McKay, Priceville. An esteemed pioneer resident of Dundalk in the person of Mrs. Jos. Hemphill passed away on Wednesday evening of last week at the homo of _ _ her daughter, Mrs. A. D. Harriso.,, ^^^^ CARS-1925 model Coupe, in following a lingering illness of some ^"^'^ mechanical condition. 5 cord months' duration. A week previous I *'«« "^a'''^ "«^' *250. 1921 model to her demise she took a paralytic S^^^"^' . <="'^*^« »P«" ''''i!).''"''^'^^ stroke and quietly slept away. The HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. In the west end of the village of Flesherton, 6-room house, electric wired, sof : water cistern, cellar un- der whole house, large verandah on two sides, and woodshed with cement floor; approximately three acres of land and good stabljb. An ideal spot for a retired fanner. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON, Flesherton, Ont. FARM FOB SALE OR RENT Ladies' New Spring Coats 15 only Navy and Sand Poiret Coats, plain tailored and fur trimmed in sizes 16, 18, 20, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44 WonderfuJ valu.j it $:0.:;.', $M.50, $16.50, $17..50, $18.00, $21.50, to $27.50 Do not miss this excellent opportunity to buy your New Spring Coat. Millinery Department In our millinery department you will find the newest in Ladies' and Misses' and Children's Hats. They are in Crochet and Viscu Straws, Silk Faille and Silk and Straw combination. Also the small flowered hat and hats with small and medium brim with veil. Ladies' Rain Coats, $2.95 Each 2 dozen Ladies' Hain Coats in new shades, well made and very serviceable. Usually sold at double the price we ask. Special $2.95. Ladies* House Dresses 98c. 10 dozen House Dresses of Gingham, Pcrcolas and Rayon, pretty styles, well made and good fit- ter*. Real value, per garment 98c. Children's Navy R«efers, $2.95 Well-tailored Navy Blue Doiible-brested Reef- ers for children, sizes 2 to 7. Regular $3.95 Very special for $2.96. Caps for Boys, 75c. 2 dozen only. Boy's Caps in the very latest styles, made of finest serges and tweeds. Very tpocial each 75c. BOY'S SUITS Boys! Here is your opportunity of procuring the newest in Tweed Suits. Note the value. Boy's Tweed Suits $0.95 to $10.95. Boy's coat. Vest and Long Trousers $12.50. Boy's Tweed Suits, one pr. of bloomers and one pr. of long pants, $10.95. All suits are well tailored in the newest styles. The values are unbeatable. GROCERY SPECIALS 3 Brooms - H 00 3 pounds Blue Rose Rice for 25c. 3 tins of Jutland Sardines for 25c. 3 pound of Pure Lard BOc. 6 bars of Pearl White Soap - 25c. 10 pound pail Beehive Syrup 68c. 5 pound pail Beehive Syrup 68c. Maple Syrup, per gallon 2.26 With each purchase of $1.00 or more, you may pro- cure one useful piece of Aluminum Ware at the very low price of 49c. Flour, Sugar and Shorts at Special Prices Snowdrift Flour, Manitoba hard wheat (98) 4 10 Sugar, granulated, per cwt 6 76 Shorts, Ontario, per bag 2 00 deceased, who was 80 years old, was born in Albion township, Peel County. It was there she was married to Jos. Hemphill 53 years ago. The newly married couple came at this time and farmed in Artemesia township, near the present Saugeen Junction, giving up farming about 40 years ago, and moving to Dundalk, where they have since resided. Besides her husband, there are left to mourn two sons and two daughters. James, Proton Station; William, To- ronto; Mrs. A. Morrow and Mrs. A. D. Harrison, Dundalk. Also two brothers, Hugh and Samuel Watkins Toronto and a sister, Mrs. T. McCaul- o.v. Proton Station. The funeral was held on Friday af- ternoon, when a large number were present to pay their last respects to the departed. Service was conduct- ed at the home by Rev. R. A. Spencer, par.tor of the United church, and inter ment was made in Dundalk cemetery. The pall bearers were: Percy Moody, E. Richardson, George Moody, A. D. Harrison, Jos. Hemphill, J. and A. Morrow. The casket bore a number of beautiful floral designs. Among the friends present from a distance were: Hu?h and Samuel Wat- kins, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hemphill, Mr. and Mr.«. A. Morrow. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs M. E. Richardson. Mrs. Rich- ardson, Sr, Laurel; Mrs. "Moody, Pro- ton Ststion; W. H. Hemphill and sist- ers. Flesherton; Sangster Hemp- hill and family. Ceylon. â€" Dundalk Herald. good motor with starter, $85. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon- FOR SALEâ€" Bulldog batch cem- ent mixer, including wagon and Inter- national gasoline 2% h.p.. with clufh pulley, 2 wheel barrow.s. tamper and sidewalk roller and joir jrs. â€" Thos. Bentham, Flesherton. 75 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. Ar^ emesia, at Saugeen Junction. Ban 36 by 50 with L 30 by 32, cement stabling throughout. Large cement veneer house, Broomed, with wood- shed, in which is drUled well, farm well watered small oichard. ^W, J. Blackburn. Proton Station. BULL FOR SERVICE. Pure-bred Hereford BuH for mt. we. Terma $2, payable the firat of T f u J * VI F«^™»ry, after that data $2.50 will â€"Lot, h )" ;e and stable be chained. •*•««' wux . S. ^ av.riusen, in the , ' â€"EDWARD LOUCKS. Apply to. J. FOR SALE of the late A village of Flesherton F VanDusen, 24 Churchill Ave., Tor- onto. HATCHING EGGS â€" From my famous winter egg producers. Bred- to-lay Barred Rocks, also Black Min- orcas at 5 cents per egg. Reduced price for quantities. â€" Miss J. M. Colgan, Flesherton. MISCELLANEOUS SEEDS â€" Timothy. Red Clover, Mammoth Clover, Alaike and Alfalfa. â€" F. G. Karstedt, Flcdierton. EGGS WANTEDâ€" Highest market price will be paid in cash. â€" John Runstadler, Flesherton. tf. NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Sat- urdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia, BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L. D. S. surgeon, honor graduate of Torvat* and Royal Collece of Dental Surgaew of Ontario. Gaa adminiitowl ftr teeth extraction. Office at rMUenes Toronto Street, Fleaherton. Prince Arthur Lodfe, 838, AJ". A A.M., meet! in tka Masonic hall, Ams> â- trong Block. FlMherton evary fH^ day on or before the full moon. K«y Pedlar, W.M., C. P. Uwrenea, Bee Lacaa * II*nnr.Banristert, SolUl. ors, etc.. -L B. Lucas, K. C.; W. 9. Henry, B.A. Offices, Uarkdal* f-wf Block, Phone 2. Brandt offleas at Dundalk and Dorham. Telford A Biraia. Barristen, mH. NOTICEâ€" Will the p->rson who bor- rowed a pipe wrench from my place I citors, etc. Offices, Grey and return it at once. â€"John Heard, I Block, Oi^ Sound; Standard Flesherton. I F. T. HILL& C«., LimHed. Ikrfcilaie NOTICEâ€" No hunting. Fishing or Trapping on my property. Those found thereon will be prosecuted.â€" Thos. Bemrose, R. R. 1, Flesherton. Block, Flesherton, (Satnidays). P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Bimia WANTEDâ€" Caretaker for Flesher ton cemetery. Duties to be specified ' ^^tJ^ Wm. Kaltttng, Liaeensed At for the counties of Grey and FMtm and stock aales a I Terms moderate., antisfSetloa ^1^ nay be lade at the Adraaee OtoKm by the secretary. â€" Thos. Secretary. FARM FOR SALE. WANTED â€" Five Thou-'id Market Gardeners to pl.".nt râ€" hardy field grown cabbage and Hermuda onion ))lants. These plants will produce veg- etables three weeks earlier than home grown plants. It is no experiment. We guamtee results or refund your money. Strone. field-grown, tough- ened plsnts ready to set in open field. Will stand temperature ♦wentv deerees above without injury. Bermuda onion plants and nil lesdin" v-rietl'^^ of cnhhiiffc nlant« shinped nromntlv, 2^0 pinnti "fxtnaid St. ROn «i.7K; 10O0. tX Shin exnrcss tie to pasture, farm well watarad,' PASTUREâ€" Cattle wanted foe rollp-t »2 thousand. Catalog. (• and, Lots 178-179. W.T. AS.R., Artemesia. pasture on lota 22-3-4, 8 S. D. B. testimonials sent free. â€" G. Brackenbury. Flesherton, phone Artemesia,â€" Mrs Wm. WaiiuttMnii Carlisle Plant Farms. Windsor, On- 61. R.R, 3, Priceville j tario. 1 • "^ Pasture To Rentâ€" Well watered and shaded, or will take in limited num- ' 126 acres at Kimberley, good cement her of cattle at Lot 22, Con. 12, Ar- residence, good bam, cement flooring; temesia. â€" Rotoi. Graham, R. R. 4, **'^' watered, and in good stete of cultivation. Bargain for quick sale. Markdale. 'Phone 31 r 6, ton. Flesher- , â€"GEORGE March WANTEDâ€" About 50 head of Cat- HUTCHINSON, Kimberl«y.

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