Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1928, p. 3

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it' s OWL LAFFS o.w. u. (ON WrmUUMIfTER) A SUA «alf Mta that way anyhow, ^nt a nuui only whea be U Id love. ' lliere are more o«portunttl«* to- <tMj than there tm^ men capable ot Vwpln« tbem. Toree from John ShortneM â€" which in- 1 dleate* th« rfiortiioea ot maxxlad life. Dave Tnbbs and Rom Bowlea were married laat week. Now that she's got Tubba ehe'U probably want a waah- board. Victor of North Pole on Way to New SucceM Now so en with Ube etorr: And ther« waa the Sootchman who wouldn't wear loz becaoae they vut too much airaln on hla carteivi . Bhe'a old anooi^ to ba called rUiaa" If she no lonser prefers slttlnc on Che floor to pat on her stockingi, THE CORRESPONDENT'S PLEA K we oould write the thlnci we feel. Could amke Iwiaglnaitton real â€" It pencil, paper, pen and Ink Bad bat the gift to make oa think. (We'd shed on- atodled attltwle^ fatane romaAs and platitude*, 'And write our mleelvee jost aa though jThey went to people whom we know. IWe'd aconi aoeh teirma as "even date^ And "in revly we bes to statev" ^Besardtaw" wouM not be '^ re," Our meanings would be plain am day. Tonra tmly" we would not "remain", Arom atlHed pbraae* we'd retrain-* Bow Tlvld would our letten bo almple phraseolocyl 'Ko "16th Inst" or "SOth uH." Oor readesw* aenae would insult; Worn floral bombaet like "eateemed" Our sentences would be redeemed. In hnmelgr wordf and simple etyle Wle'd write each letter with a smileâ€" OhI What a difference â€" goodness knows^ If we could write plain English prose I & DOINGS OF THE NAMES CLUB There's nothing In a name, aa A. Boos, who wae married laat week, irlll soon find out. Ida L. Shortneee was granted a dl- Cute in aBaby- Awful atlhreG ''and it's Dangerous- byHuth JBrUtain \ Thumb sucldnf dees look sweet In a baby, bat it is disgusting in the three- yearold and sometimes it hangs on nntU fifteen or sixteen! The habit may cause an ill-formed mouth or in- duce adenoids; and it always inter- feres with digestion. Pinning the •leeve over the hand; attaching mit- tens, or putting on cardboard cutts, which prevent bending tflie arms at the elbows, are some of the ways to â- top the habit Another bad habitâ€" irregularity In bowel actionâ€" Is responsible for weak bowels and constluation In babies. Give the tiny bowels an opportunity to act at regular periods each day. It they don't act at first, a little Fletcher's Castoria will soon regulate them. Every miother should keep a bottle of It handy to use in case of eolic, cholera, diarrhea, gas on stom-. ach and bowels, constipation, loss of sleep, or when baby is cross and feverish. Its gentle influence over baby's system enables htm to get full nourishment from his food, helps him gain, strengthens his bowels. Castoria is purely vegetable and harmless â€" the recipe is on the wrap, per. Physicians have prescribed It for over 30 years. With each pack- ag«t you get a valuable book oa Motherhood. Look for Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper so you'll get the genuine. Pity one oouMn't know bo's got enouch ontU be^a fr* */» mneh. Advloa Regardlnc Garden*: "Weed 'em and Reap," Dancing Now in Revue Song London Hit Tells About Girl Who Had Prince for a Partner Twice Re- moved Londonâ€" Tile Prince et Walea can and often doea onjoy a }ok» at his ovm expense. A humorooa aUnslon to hla many adileTeiiienta. whether on the hnntlns field, U foU, or at the dance, ia sure of a ready lansh from him. and no resentment Suoh an allusion la moat llksly to be made on th« atage^ and tt Is the duty oC the Lord Chamkartain, the oanaor ot pteya, to aee tbat tt la with- in the bounds of propriety. Of oourie, if the Prince himaelf saya h« doea not object, there i* an end to th« mat- ter; and be haa raised no objection to his name beins mentioned hi a sons which la one ot the hits of a revue now ranninc in London. Aa Anierlcans know, the heir to the British throne ia found of dancinx and that he la catholic in hla choice of partners. When he patronises a dance, whether It be a patrician or a plebian affair, he doee not Juat "look in," make one or two gracioua bowa and then execute a quick getaway. He goes to dance, and lie does, He has patronized' many dances or- ganized by the proletariat In the cause of charity, bas entered thor- oughly into the spirit of them, and haa made glad the heart of many a girl belonging to th« humble classes by selecting her as his partnor. The fact that he is a "good mlzer" and can enjoy himself in any company is reaponsible largely for his great popularity. The chorus of the revue song in question, as sung by Mies Mlmi Craw- ford, runs aa follows: I've danced with a man who's danced with a girl Who's danced with the Prince of Wales; I'm crazy with excitement â€" convplete- ly off the rails; Wh^i he told me what she told him The Prince remarked to her, It was simply grand I He said, "Topping band," And she said, "Delightful, sir." Glory, glory. Hallelujah. I'm the luckiest of females, For I've danced with a man who's danced with a girl Who's danced with the Prince of Wales. The revue ia called "Many Happy Returns," and It contains many sJy thrusts at men and women who are for the moment prominent in the pub- lic eye. Some of these thrusts, It is understood, were regarded by the Ix>rd Chamherlaln as a trifle too personal, so they were either cut out or toned down. The revue was first produced pri- vately at the Arts Theatre. Being a pilvate performance, the Lord Cham- berlain bad no authority to exercise his blue pencil. It was thought, how- ever, that the Prince should be aeked if he abjected to the song Inquestlon.'^ and he replied, through one ot bJa secretariee, that he did not. ^ I'm somewhat of a talker myself. â€" William Sulzer. plotters, szplottad by tt* Mma inter- ests that are now fighting to enslave the ptople ot Latin America. "But it is our conviction that It all the cltlsens wonld make heard their voice of protest, the opinion ot tha majority would b« cairled out, the opinion against the criminal i^Ians of the Washington Government. "We want to transmit through your army of liberation of Nicaragua to the antl-lmoerlallst flghten of the United States for the sending of med- Icines.asklng tib«m at the same time that they should make known our opinion of the systematic extermina- tion of a defencelees people by a coun- try that la not ofDcially at war, in vtotatioo Of the Constltulon of he Onled State*. "With cordial greetings, I am yours for country and liberty. "A. C. SANDING. (Seal) "Patrla y UberUd." Encouraged by the succeee of their first shipment, the AU-America Anti- Imperlallstic League announced that it is planning to send more medicinal supplies to General Sandino as soon aa possible. O as st fieil AdrertbcBieiitg MAMx oxxoxa Mvwaamm owro wxuma ait PADDED VAN BODIE.S, OKjGI.NAL. L.\ coat b«tween I6UU.U0 KUd IkUU.OO, lor aula cbaap. Bxcelleiit opportunity for local niovcra. Remon for selUna;â€" • ">«»• vanii have been replaced by mod- ern type for long-dlatancu mo\Uu[. Apply Hill The Mover. Hamilton. BABY CHICICa â€" WE MATCH FOUR varletle*. prices lOfr up. We will have 60,000 for July and Auguat. Write H. Bwluar. for free catalocue. Granton. Ontario. BVO TABS TWENTT- Yarn Mllle, Dept. 1. OrlUla. Ont. . «1 "IK ^^^ POUND UP. TWEN 4P a • J. •> one aajnplei free, fltockln "W^bat book bas helped you most in your career?" was asked. "The vol* ume ot business," replied the merchant prince. FOR SOUTH POLE NEXT Wooden Lockheed-Vega monoplane in which Sir Hubert Willdns and Lt. Blelaon fiew over the "top of the world," being lowered from the S.S. Bereogaria. The plane will be used In their South E\>le ezploratlone. HOW DEUCAII ORIS Sandino Flays ARE MADE STRONG Rich, Red Blood Needed to Keep Up Their Vitality. It should be borne in mind that pale, bloodless girls need plenty of nourishment, plenty of sleep and regu- lar out-of-door exercise. But a lack of appetite and tired, aching limbs tend to hinder progress. To save the weak, thin-blooded suSerer, she must have new, rich blood, and nothing meets a case of this kind so well ^a Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. These pills not only enrich and increase the blood supply, they help the appetite and aid diges- tion, relieve the weary back and limbs, thus bringing new health and strength and transforming anaemic girls and women into cheerful, happy people. The value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the case of anaemic girls is proved by the case of Miss Lucy Stod- dart, Margaretville, N.S., who saya: "From the age of 12 to IB, I was in an anaemic condition. I was very thin and nervous, had no appetiite and had no desire to take part in the doings of those of my age. My mother got tonic after tonic for me, but they did me very little good. Then Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills were recommended and almost from the first they seemed to be just what was needed to restore my strength. After taking the pills for a time I felt an altogether differ- ent girl. I got up in the morning feeling bright and active, and ready for work or play. Since then I have always taken a couple of boxes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the sxtring as a tonic and have thus kept in the best of condition." Every weak girl should promptly follow the example of Miss Stoddart, feeling sure that the pills will renew her health. You can get the pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. Discover the old-world charm of Canada for yourself Montrealâ€" Murray Bayâ€"Saguenay Canyon SPLASHING waters, blue as the summer sky .... jewelled by tiny islets crowned with Aladdin palace* sweet fresh winds .... rest and enjoyment. Your boat gliding through group after group ^ . . . . everywhere a panorama of wondrous beauty .... laughter and music .... the joy of good company. And then down the winding, rushing St Lawrease . . . dashing over foaming rapids .... swirlin* through tumbling cascades . . . throwmg the ^>ray of con- 3uest ovff tl» bows^ -5JSS|^- ind » to Montreal .... and auaint Quebec ,~ . . and Murray Bay . . . Tadousac . Gal the Wat capes oflhe Saguenay where roountams meet thel^a". , .,v^= Hera is a vacation that is new . . . new with the thrin of tingling life . . . new to the eye, the ear, the whole being. Come I The great adventure into oki French Canada * awaits you through the 1000 Islands and along the banks of tbe great Romantic River. j,^-^ , .7 ., ..fc-. JH. XJSB! . T.. Writtjbr details of this tour of surprises Montreal, Qufe ,„^ ' ''."•• "* ^^' , Ticket 6*C^: <« YOHB* W"^'*- 71» Victoria %v**f Toronto, Ont or your local agent. CANADA STEAMSHIP UNES cm HAD NOT BEEN TAKING A DRINK Minister: I eus.pect you have been taking a drink, Mr. Brown. Church Meimber (coldly passing on): I'm an honest man, sir. I paid for my driuk, as I always do. *- ^ The King Collects His Rent At the beginning ot the week, on the anniversary ot the Battle ot Waterloo, the Duke of Wellington went to Windsor Castle to present to the King the banner by which he pays his rent for the estate of Stratfleld- saye. This estate was granted to the "Iron Duke" who won Waterloo, and his descendants In perpetuity, on the quaint condition that the holder ot the ducal title should present to tbe sovereign on each anniversary of the battle a banner which has taken the forn; j^f^a miniature Napoleonic eagle siaudar^ Quilrents of this kind are not un- common survivals ot other times. The Duke ot Atholl holds part of bis lands on condition that he presents a white rose to the sovereign when honored by a royal visit, feed roses liave l)een given to the King by the owner of a house in Buckinghamshire when tbe monarch passes that way and the own- er ot estates near Aylesbury Is under obligation in similar circumstances to furnish straw for tbe royal bed. If part of the proceeding is that his Majesty should sleep upon straw, it seems unlikely that he wil ever col- lect this quit rent. BABY'S OWN TABLEIS THE HOME DOCTOR Baby's Own Tablets meet all the Prince of Wales Now 34, Passes Birthday Quietly London.â€" Britain, on June 23rd, wished the Prince ot Wales many happy returns on the occasion ot his thirty-fourth birthday, but. In accord- ance with custom, tbere was no public celebration. The PInce hIniBelt pass- ed a quiet week end at Sunnlngdale, bettering his golf. He closed bla year with a short speech to students of the London School ot Bconomlcs, gathered in a chilly wind on the new school build- ing's root, which later all were glad I T O **^â€" i»«^" soothing, but do not contain one par- He \J mO» VxrilllC I tide of opiate or other Ingredient that gtuji Note From Rebel Thanking Americans for Medical Supplies Re- ceived Tells of "Ejctermination' A grimy, weary rider on a mule, fighting jungle beasts and suffering from tropical diseases, haa succeeded In piercing the lines ot tho American ' nothing else. there are young children. They are a he remarked to friends: laxative, but do not gripe. They are| -i gay, it was Jolly cold up there." danced with a number of the girl students, making his own choice of I can in any way do the slightest harm | partners. Afterward the students gave Chief ^ ^^ most delicate child. bim a carved oaken model of the Baby's Own Tablets reduce fever, school's crest. This was tbe only relieve colic, banish constipation and i birthday present he would accept, hav- indigestion, check diarrhoea, sweeten ing recently turned down a valuable the stomach and allay the irritation ' gift with the words, "I'm too old for that accompanies the cutting of teeth. ! birthday presents." They quiet the nerves and promote As another year has ticked off with- health-giving sleep and repose. In out altering the celibate state of tbe fact they are as good aa a doctor in Prince, the usual question, •'Will he the home, and once a mother has used; ever marry?" is being asked, bat as them for her little ones she will use usual he gives no sign whijli may be Thousands of mothers taken as an answer. marlnee to General Augustlno San- dino with the first shipment of med- ical supplies, bought with American funds and has returned with a letter from the leader ot the Nlcaraguan re- bels denouncing "the syetematlc ex- termination of a deenselees people by a country that Is not officially at war," according to the headquarters of the AU-Amertcan Antl-ImperiaJl&t League, 39Square. A copy of the purported letter was given to the press. bear testimony as to this. Among them is Mrs. Hurst, Pine Falls, Man., who says: â€" "I was told to try Baby's' Own Tablets by a friend who had used ] them for all her little ones and said ' she could not do without them. After j using them for my baby boy I quite ^ agrree with her and certainly think |' they are the finest medicine in the • world for little ones." I Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents \ a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Ont The shipment ot medical supplies was sent from New York In the early | Co., Brockville, pert ot March. In answer to a plea ; .»».«• from General Sandino that "for want { Strong Man Ties TrafBc of bandages and medicines my wound- j Lionel B. Morrett, of Sydney, Aus- ed are dying like dogs on the road." i tralia, who prefers to be known as When the consignmet reached B5"oy- j "Little Samson," the world's strongest Ian TurcioBw personal representative ot Geoearl Sandio at Tegucigalpa, Honduras, a call was made for a volunteer to take It to Sandino, ac- cordlngto the story by Harry Cannes, Secretary ot the Anti-liaperiallst Lea- gue In New York Dr. Gustave Machado wae accepted, Mr. Cannes sold. General Sandino In bia purported letter assails the "pollciee of aggres- sion" of the Washington Government. The letter reads as follows: Sirs' â€" Members of the United States Section of the All-Ameri- ca Anti-imperialistic League, 39 Union. Square, Room. 40, New Y'ork City: "I am glad to Inform you that I have received from the hands ot Dr. Gustave Machado(who came to_ pur encampment as a representative of tbe Central Committee of the Hands- Off-Nicaragua Aesoclatlon) a pack- age containing cotton, bandages and other medicines to cure the wounds of our soldiers. "We are especially delighted that you, honest North Amerlcanev man- feet in this manner your protest and disapproval of the policies of aggres- sion that the existing Government of United States is carrying on In Nicaragua. "We know that the majority ot tbo North American people Is not direct- ly responsible for the ferocious crimes that tbe marine® commit every day in our country. Even to us came notice of tbe news of the meetings and pub- lic manifestations against tbe send- ing the marlnee to Nicaragua. We well know the situation of the work- ing claasin your country, also vio- tims of the apprees^ion of the ex- small man," weighs 107 pounds and stands four feet ten Inches In his i riding boots. At Forty-eventh Street | and Broadway, in New York, at noon ; recently, he allowed two truck horses, , attached to him by chatns, to pull j East and West. For some seven mln- j utes the horses, responding to the \ proddings of attendants, struggled j vainly to gallop in opposite directions. Several thousand persons watched i and traffic was suspended. When the stunt was over and "Lit- tle Samson" had been duly photo- j graphed and congratulated, he made! a short speech to the assembled j Times Square habitues to the effect | that he soon would be seen perform- ing in vaudeville at the regular rates. "Little Samson" Is 26 years old. He atatributes his strength to a balanced diet. "I eat when I'm hungry, but 1 e«f thp rie-ht thines " he said mvs- "^ Tmits Tulcaccpus, J uiaw, 51.i.v,L. . cat eat ine rigni inings, ne saia mys 1 1..^^ (.nu-r Ttics.i pis. Kipiii i;iii..ise« terlously. | ami .MU-TOsiipts u, chiMise (kmii. ll.uuly "Many a girl has J a.^vtruti ;iat she can't vote on lier iwenl.v-fir8t birthday unless it hai)|«"s to be elec- tion day." In SinKapore and Malay Peninsula a popular item ot food Is th<> .-Xmeri- can sardine. Natives, Kuropenns snd Chinese there take IS por cent, ot the U.S. exports. $1,400,000 yrarly. Vacationists ! I to ha\t' unywhrre. Every Home Needs Minard's Liniment OP^«'^gC»-j^t^- Education and the Bible Martin Brack In the Leeds York- shire Post (Cons.): Much is written I and spoken about education; hardly a newspaper is printed that does not contain some reference to the subject. Yet these thoughts ot God and ot man's life, with which the Bible Is in- spired throughout, are the very ones which are omitted from present-day education, or relegated to a minor Itosltion In it. As to adult education. Its sources seem to be tbe dally Press, a few weekly and monthly magazines, and a multitude ot novels. Some fur- ther fodder for the minds of both young and old is provided by the cinema. But what place does the Bible take? .»;iMnl (hi- li^'l Al»ert« 123 Stii Ave. Weat, A Li a. ki^^ Minard's. Linlment^hsals cuU, bruises. I vteter. It ,H0lO»ST>O« ACID 8TOM«CM MBAioeu"'' M«/»DACH« About two hours after eating many people suffer from sour stomachs. They call it indigestion. It means that the ertomach nerves hav« been over- stimulated. There is excess acid. The way to correct it is with an alkali, which neutralioes many times its volume in acid. The right way is Phillips' Milk of Magnesiaâ€" just a tastaless doss in is pleasant, afflcisnt and 3 When Food len Sours You'll tind niiin.v us«i fur Minard's during your v.-icu- tlon days. Pack a bottle in your grip. FARMER'S WIFE GETS STRENGTH: By Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham^s Vegetable Compound Wnton, Ont.â€" "I am taking Lydls E. Pinkham'3 Vegetable Compound through theCbanga harmless. It has remained the stand- ard with physicians" In the W years sine* its invention. It is the quick method. ResulU come almost instantly. It is the approved | m?thod. You will never use another : when "you Itnd^. _ | Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' j Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- ^ cians for 60 years in correcting excess , acids. Each bottle contains full direc- tions -any drugstora | of Life. It helps m* and I cannot prain it too highly. I waa troubled with heal flashes and m^ ; limbs were heavy _ BO I could hardly walk to do mjr farm work. I law ]in the newspapers our ad aboujt tbs . egetable Com- pound and thought to give it a trial. The first bottle gava me relief and I have told others what it does for me. I am willing for you to ; use my letter if you chooao."-M8a. i D. B. Pcters, Wilton. Ontario. Ask Your NelgMMr ilM ISSUE No. 27- 28

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