Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1928, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE '' > « • i" A 3 ^ ^ A Dollar is Saved when it is in the Bank And the sooner it is deposited in the Bank the greater the assurance of its being saved. A Saving* Account is a gagnet for the money that ordinarily slips through one's fingers, and an income- paying guarntee for the future. THE SIANEARD BANK Of CANAIA .ESXABUSHEO Wi^ E. A. PRESTON Manager, Fleshertcn Branch CJ>Jt. TIMB TABLE lAII Set for Twelfth Celebration Thursday I Very Large Funeral for I the Late Arnold Brown One of the saddest events that has taken place in Plesherton for many years was that on Friday, when the remains of the late Arnold Brown were interred in Flesherton cemetery. A large crowd gathered at the house where the service was being held and showed their sympathy to the parents in their bereavement and their high regard to the departed one who was one of the most highly respected boys in the community. His ready smi!e and cheery disposition made many warm friends, who were deeply grieved when the sad occurrence be- came known. The deceased had enter- ed Durham hospital and had under- gone an operation for the removal of his tonsils, which was apparently suc- cessful when he suddenly took a heart attack and passed away immediately 1 before any assistant could be given. The doctors worked for three quart- ers of an hour, but he failed to rally. Deceased was a member of Flesher- ton United church and was in his 16th year and was the only son of Mr. ( and Mrs. John J. Brown of the East i Backline, Artemesia, and had been I attending Flesherton high school for I the past three years and had tried ! his examinations at the finish of the j past term. Rev. Jos. Harrower, pastor of the Car Badly Smashed Mrs. M. Wilson Passes While returning from Priceville, where he made a trip with bread on Mrs. Mary Wilson died at her home at Singhampton on Sunday evening at the advanced age of 86 years. She . TrunB iMvt Flesbarton Station aal fellovB: ! Gokiff Sontfr Going North ! 't.b8a.m. ^oro *'â„¢'' Everything is all s:t now for the' St. John's United Church preached a 4.10 a.m. 5'M^*"''lbig crowd which will be in town onj very comforting and impressive ser- •SJl p.m. â- â€¢â€¢33 P-n>- j Thursday of this we 'k to celebrate â-  rtion at the house and also had charge The maila cloaa at Pleiherton a« ^j^^ victory of Ki;-.? William of: of the service at the grave. The foDows: For tke north at U'.OO »-«n-i Orange at the Battle'of the Boyne.j funeral cortege was one of the larg MBth at 3.30 For morning train Mitath mall dos«a at 9.00 p.m. the gMrloos evening. Local auil Personal Decorations have be n made and the est ever seen, fully one hundred cars town will look very attractive in the, "f mends and fellow students of the new dress. There ".re 22 lodges of: *»igh school following the remains to the district expecte.- to take part in[ the cemetery, the parade and a t r day is looked forward to by every me on the dis- trict. After the parade t"iere is a big list Miss Phyllis Walker of Toronto is 'of jports i„ the Agr-:ulturul Park to commence a 3.30 which will in- The flowers were very beautiful and the casket was banked with a mass of color from the following friends and relatives: Pillow, the family; Wreath, Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore; wreath. Mr. and Mrs. A. Carter, family, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Whyce; sprays from Mrs. J holidaying with Mrs. A. McKechnie. I commence a^.ou p.m , , , .elude a baseball gamj between Mark- Most of the farmers here are only ij^^ gj^j Flesherton League teams, now commencmg the haymg. L^j j^ere will also t- two softball by! Blakely, Mr. and Mrs. W. R Graham A new sidewalk was finished at the ! four of the teams 'n the Softball 'John Badsrerow and mother, the St. cemetery swamp last week, replacing | League. There w-il also be races £°!?".'^ Sunday School, High School the one torn down several years ago. f qj. the children. Mrs. Harvey Griffin of Toronto is At night there will be a concert spending a month with her mother, ' in the new town hall, which has been Mrs. W. Wilcock. ~ j equipped with a first class stage, to Mrs. Brown and two children of To Public School chums, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher, Mrs. Findlay's Sunday School Class, Dr. and Mrs. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. A. McMullen and fam- _ be given by the young ladies of 'the! ^'- ^J. and Mrs. A. McKechnie. Mr. rontni<s~thP s'uGst" of her mother Mrs i St. John's United church, the name^^^ Mrs. Robt Best, Mr. and Mrs. S Thist ethwaS I of the play being "Doctor Jim." Two' J^^n Stewart; Wreaths from. Mr and M rir Tt , w f« V„v. f«v shows will be liven, the first com-j Mrs ^W; Carswell and family; Dr. F. â- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Watson have tak-' .f 7 dto and the second to' M- Lively; Gates Aiar from the Red en a cottage at Wasaga Beach for the r^l'^£.f J P-â„¢-^^°Vv.l ^^Tt^^: School and Flesherton broomball summer. Miss Irene Wilson goes to New York on Saturday. Her mother will accompany her as far as Toronto. commence at 9 fine play and should be well received tfams; Basket. Rainbow C.G.I.T.: with full houses. ^ I Bouquets, Miss Wright and Mr. and The Twelfth of July, 1928, will be' ^rs. W. H. Thurston; Spray from. remembered by all who will declare ^rs. W. A. Armstrong. Mrs, Findlay. Miss Ida Lever of Toronto is visit- ' emphatically that is was the best dayj •*^^- Miller and Mrs^ W. .\rmstron?: ing at her home on the Toronto Line 'they have ever celebrated. So come, ^P""*^ from. Mrs. Blackburn. Mrs. G. North. : along and eniov yourself and brine': ^- ^cTavish Mrs F G. Karstedt. Master Eddie Ferris had the mis- 1 others who will also have a good Mrs Heard Mrs. C Thompson. Mrs. fortune to have his arm broken while time. ^^«]|?"j Mrs. Holland, and Mrs. cranking a car on Monday.- , . | ^e" pallbearers were Messrs. Fred Mr. Wm. A. Glockling of Toronto ' ♦ IS spending a couple of weeks with Ye Editor and family. j Mj-. and Mrs. John C. Lively oft New Liskeard are visiting their son,| Dr. F. LiveJy, and family. Race Horses Home Ifwin, Gordon Irwin. John Badgerow. Lome Sharp, Vernon Stewart and Harold Thompson; and the flower bearers were fourteen of his chums at Springhill and those who attended The two race horses that Mr. W. W. (Trimble had racing on the Manitoulin high school with him Mr. Wm. Crossley, wife and family I Island at Manitowaning, are at the: Friends from a distance who at- of St. Thomas spent the first few days I Canadian and American Soos came: tended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. of the week with his parents, Mr. and j away with their fair share of awards. P. Thompson. Chesley; Mr. and Mrs Mrs. W. P. Crossley. Joe McKinley won first at Manito-' W. Carswell and family, Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Thos Wilcock and son, 'waning and Spinks Wood Chimes took I G. Carswell and daughter. Mr. and Russell, of Regina, Sask., arrived on second place in the same race. At. Mrs. B. Fallis and Mrs. J. Melville Tuesday by motor to visit the for , the Canadian Soo Joe took second in. and son, Gordon, all of Palmerston: mer's mother Mrs W. Wilcock. i the free for all and Spinks was enter-i Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown and Mr. and TF ^^„^A I„™^i»fa if if ->,a ro«(?. «<! >« the 2:30 class and again took Mrs. E. Brown of Stayner; Mr. Lym- »r, „f Th» Adv^ vSuW se^d in tt second money, doing the same thing an Jackson and daughter of Marrioff Tmes of thet Sitrs so that none again at the American Soo in the same' Ohio. Mr. George Brown and Mr. .nd ^iTt â„¢5,iTJ ni^n^rtpd I rape. At the American Soo Joe had, Mrs. Chas. Brown of Bond Head. Mr. wUl be m:ssed being reported. \^i^g, ^ut out from underneath him' and Mrs. W Jackson and daughter Any commumcations sent to The jjy ^ competitor and was only! and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Lane, all of Advance should be signed by the ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ second place thereby.' Berkley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Beaton and sender's name, as an evidence of good gpjni^g ;v'ood Chimes is the horse I Miss Minnie Cullen of Berkley. Mr, faith. I owned jointly by Messrs. Trimble and and Mrs Chas. Petty of Durham and Mr. Ross Thibaudeau motored over y[„i^ Wilson of town. from Detroit last week. Mrs. Thib-| audeau, who has been visiting here for five weeks, returned with him. Dr. E. Almond, the noted eyesight specialist, of Toronto. will be at the Park Hotel, Flesherton, on Friday. July 20th. Dr. and Mrs. E. C ; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Violet of Priceville. MacDougall and naptist Church Services REV. M. SAUNDERS. Pastor. i Advertise in The Advance Sunday. July 8th, 1928 Murray and Flesherton 11 a.m. â€" Unity of Souls, daughter, Betty, are visiting Bramp- , g^jj jJiHg 3 p.m.â€" L.O.L. service, ton, Toronto and Burford relatives I this week. Mr. Ernest Davis of Toronto is visiting relatives on the East Back- Ifce. Artemesia, and is renewing ac- quaintances in town this week. Messrs. Wes Armstrong, Jas. San- diland, Alex. McFadyen and Malcolm Leitch left the first of the week for a trip iato Hastings county. Mr. and Mrs." George Stuart and son. Lloyd, and daughter, Eileen, ^'^s- ited the former's brother. Fred, in town and visited old friends. The boys in camp at Collingwood are havifigr a real good time, and will come home on Saturday with a fine coat of tan, no doubt. The Baptist churches were well filled when the Orangemen of the district attended Divine Worship on Sunday. Rev. M. Saunders preached j two excellent Orat»ge sermons. Miss Gvrendol>-n Ouinn of Conn has ; been the gueet of Mrs. J. Watson at Mr. M. Wilson's «nd will accompai-.'- Mr. and Mrs. Watson to Wasaga Beach. Tpt's eo, Dancp with the Blue Bell Orchestra on the Market S-.nuare. Flesherton. Thursdav. Julv 12th. at 9 p.m. Jitney dancing. Ronnd and snnare (lancine. Ppv, .Tn«. H!»-r»^w<»r w-xs tak«"> "^ last Snr>I^)^v nio'nimr and was unable to take ^I's work herp and at Fusr^nia. Part of hi"* concrreeation worshipped hi the Baptist church. If you 'lave anything to sell adver- tise in The Aiv:iD?e. Tho article you wish to dispose of may be the very thing some (me is looking for. The quickest and cheapest way to sell ' Flesherton 7 p.m.â€" L.O.L. Service. ' jj j^ j^ advertise. A few Suggestions For the Picnickers | OLIVE BUTTER PEANUT BUTTER | OLIVES PICKLES (sout & sweet) | SARDINES PICKLED TONGUE | SALMON PORK & BEANS | JAMS & JELLYS EXTRA SPECIAL Friday afternoon, Mr. Thos Bentham ^^^ formerly Miss Mary Sharpe, - of town was badly mjured when he daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.' suffered from a sudden weakness j^^^ gharpe and her eariy days were' and lost control of the hght truck he .^ ^^.^ neighborhood She was was drmng and It left the road, crash predeceased by her husband. George mg into a hydro pole. The force of ^y^^^ about 9 years ago. She the impact threw h.m forward onto 1^^,,, ^ ^^^^ ^/^ loss seven child- ^t nh Tf \ f.^.""^ ^^ I* ^*'i «-^"' fo^r girls and three boys, and ^h/wh!l la^wl "^ *"!,* '«''=t'°" °^Mrs. Jos. Blakelv and Mrs. George' the wheel was broken and one of the j„h„ston of Flesherton, sisters. A iron rods was bent, and Mr. Bentham „,„.,u„_ , r-i^^i.^-^^ \.n^^^j^^ ^u ..,««„.»,! 1 • ..u u .. L number from Flesherton attended the suffered a crack m-the breast bone, *„„,,„i „u;^u f„„i, „io-,„ »* c:„., „_. _i. •„ , _ , ,. ', funeral which took place at Jsing- and also received a severe shakiner ud. 1. .. t j <i>i. C Tv^ »-« i. «.>. I J I u ji 'â-  hampton on Tuesday. Those who The front wheel and axle was badly x^ j . -n A t t. j . „ . • u . J .. . , attended were: Mrs. Geo. Johnson and bent, one spring broken and the body of the car bent, besides the back doors broken when the bread boxes inside were suddenly thrown against them. The car was later towed to town and it was found that some further dam- ^•0;,.,= \f»= tt» /^ •« ^» j age was done to the car. While ^^'^v, V-^T-^, ^m^^"; ^f: ff if wa= „- fi.o. =;j «* (-u„ J _j. **'^^- Thos. Gilchnst, Mrs. J. Nichol, t was on the side of the road where Ward Harrison. the accident occurred one mile east of Priceville, some low down sneak thief â€" â€" â€" â€" _ examined the wreck and walked off Marathon Hi-Test Gasoline costs no with all the tools the car contained, niore. Mr. Bentham remained in bed for a •â- ^" few days resting after the accident. Mr. Pinder will rebuild the car. Wednesday, July II, 1928. Marathon Hi-Test Gasoline costs no more. AGENCY FOR Massey Harris Implements IVSURANXE WRITTEN IN SEVERAL COMPANIES ON BOTH FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY. John Wright son, George; Mrs. W. Moore. Jos. Blalcely, H. Down. R. Bentham. Mr. and Mrs John Parker, Mrs. Thos. White. Mrs. Ted Lyons of Dundalk. Mrs. Wm. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ^ ^SERVICE AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. VILLAGE COUNCIL The Village Council met on Mon-' day evening with all members pres-' ent. .A.fter reading of the minutes the following accounts were present- ed and passed: C. Middlebro, prepar-' ing By-laws, $15; Municipal World, debentures, $1.66; H. Wilson, repair- ing .grader, 50c.; G. Bral?k!enbury, gasoline for road scarifier, $3.15; D. McTavish & Son, gas for scarifier, $6.85; the Clerk, registering By-law; $: H. Howard, work on streets, $2. Messrs. Richardson, Freeman and the _ Reeve were appointed to draft a schedule of rates for the new Flesh- erton opera house. Messrs. Welton and Phillips were appointed to secure two men to act as special constables for July 12. Council adjourned. Bverything Meeded For Finishing Your Garden And Seeding HOE RAKE SPADE SHOVEL WIRE â€" 1 and 2 inch mesh Chicken Wire. Black and Galvanized wire 18 inch Flower Bed Wire. SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS CORN RAPE TURNIP MANGEL A. E. HAW, Ceylon store Closed Tuesday and Friday Evening. NEW SUMMER MERCHANDISE AT POPULAR PRICES Rayon Silk Vests, all colors 79c. to $1.50. Rayon Silk Bloomers, several styles $1 to 2.25 Dimity Bloomers, pastel shades 49c. Misses' Dimity Bloomers, different sizes 39c Dimity Xight Gowns, pastel shades 79c. Lingerie Crepes, god range, plain colors 22c. Printed Ling-erie Crepes, pertty patterns ^ 28c Priscilla Prints, fast, new designs 23c Hair Xets. real human hair, all colors 5 for 25c. AU-woolBathing Suits, new colors $2.25 to $2.75 â-  Cotton Bathing Suits, different shades 75c.-$l Hatchway Underwear, buttonless $1.50 to $1.75 Men's Balbriggan Combinations $1 to $1.75 Coatless Braces. 2 and 4 point 50c. Holeproof Hosiery, all sizes, new shades ....75. to $1.95 Canvass Footwear, all styles and sizes 59c. to $3 Men's Fancy Straw Hats, all sizes $1.29 to $3 Leather Belts, all new styles 50c to $1.50 Men's Summer Shirts, all sizes $1.50 to $3 Summer Neckwear, new designs 50c. to $1.50 Children's Fancv Hosiery, all sizes 35c. to 75c. F. H. W. HICKLING STORE CLOSED THURS. at 12 noon FLESHERTON, ONT. ^r- ^ New World^s Record for Speed 81 Endurance MEN'S OVERALLS WORK SHIRTS 98 cts- t 98 cts" I W. G. KENNEDY •PHONE 37 Setting a new world's speed and en- durance record for cars under $1200. the new Whippet Six. in a continuous 24-hour run under official observation covered 1357j/j miles and averaged 56.52 miles per hour for the entire 24 hours. Brought to a dead stop from a speed of 35 miles per hour in 49 feet 7^ inches. Accelerated from 5 to 25 miles an hour in 7.2 seconds. Records that men unqualified lead- ership in speed and safety . . . Rec- ords made possible by the most advanc- ed engineering of any light Six on the market. The new Whippet Six upsets all pre- vious standards of motor car value. It has an array of mechanical features, such as 7-bering Crankshaft, air-clean- er and thermostat, never found in a car of its price before. Among the features of the bodies are unusual roominess, harmonious lac- quers, smart cadet-type visors, remote door controls, attractive window re- veals, extended dash panels affording greater leg roo.m. and quick-acting cowl ventilator. ' ^ The new Whippet Six is unusually smooth and silent, due to its 7-bcaring Crankshaft (instead of the usual 3 or 4) and its silent timing chain (a feature of the highest-priced cars). It is exceptionally iwwerful on hills: it has flexi- bility never before obtainable in any car of this size or price. GEO. F. BRACKENBURY CLOSED ON SI NO.VY FROM I :S0 to 7 p.m.

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