Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1928, p. 8

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•qMM WtdboMdfty, July 11. 1928. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE GraDdmolhers Given a i Lougheed, without accompaniment, I for, aa »he humorously remarked, I "that «ong wa« made before organs." DAAAfltllAll ftl Cinifk'lAII A merry part of the protrram was the nCCvPUUO SI Jlil^U lUU grandmothers' potato parintr ra:;e, in , which Mrs. Lydia Scott won the first The Women's Institute of Sing- "«« "d «"• Z««K« *>'«»•«»"<'â-  .^t hampton tendered the grandn.others the close of the program a roll call of of that community with a banquet on t^e ^*^*''"?"?*Tf '"' ^•*'*'/?^i! Thursday last, July 5th. the pleasant I an«wered with the """^er of their gathering being held on the lawn, at f,':'}f,J'J,^;"„„be,^HSrw^^^^^^^^ whom we were alsi very plea«.d to toast* to Our King, Our Grand- mothers, Our Country, Our Commun- ity and Our Institute, were responded to by different ladies. We were tpleased to ha\t8 with us our old friend, Mrs. J. Hewson, who ha«l tha honor of being the youngest grand- mother pre«ent, and responded to the toast "Our Grandknpthers'f in her usual pleasing manner. Mrs. Bell of Duntroon, District Vice-President, â- T* I I 111 Tâ€" -. I CLARKSBURG KiDberley Won bame ; pays heavy GARAGE MAN FINE was caacdled and the beer confiaait* ed.â€" CoUingwood Enterprise. the home of Reeve and Mrs. Taylor. The lawn was beautifully decorated with flowers, flagg and red, white and blue bunting, particularly pretty being the arch over the gateway with the words: "We Welcome Our Grand- mothers," in gold lettering. The first part of the afternoon was spent in social greetings, which, judging by the merry hum of voices, was enjoyed by all. Now and then a salutation was heard in Gaelic, wiiich made one think of the words of the poet, '"My heart is Scottish still." A program of songs, speeches, etc.. was given, with Reeve Taylor giving a short address of welcome to our dear grandmothers. All were de- lighted with the beautiful singing of Mrs. Will Robertson, her selection's being very apropriatc and very sweetly rendered. Another pleasant number was the old song. "My Grand- mother's Old Arm Chair." sung by ented with a silver bon bon dish. Mrs. Catharine McDonald, who has the honor of being the oldest grand- mother, having attained the grand old age of 87 years, was presented with a pair of silver candle sticks and candles. The presentations were made by two tiny girls, Kathleen Hill and Lureen Sheard. Both those dear old ladJEee are great^grandmothens, ^rs. McDonald having 20 great- grandchildren and Mrs. Mclnnes 4. A prise was given for the best salad and Mrs. A. Stewart and Mrs. A. Buie tfwarded^ this iprize to Mrs. 'Alex. Sheard. The grandmothers were then seated at the beautifully derorated tnbles, heavily laden with good things to eat. The orchestra furnished music during supper time, and also in the evening. Mrs. G. G. Ewing, the W. I. Pres have with us, replied to the toaat of "Our Institute" in a very able manner Mrs. M. Goldsmith gave a very fine speech in reply to the toast to "Our Community." After supper was served ♦o over 160 people, the grandmas and grand- |>as were requested to form on the lawn for an old-fashioned square dance, ^hich they d|d and which catued much laughter and repeated cheering. After spending a short time in dancing, the meeting closed with the National Anthem, and all reported this one the most enjoyable gatherings ever held here. â€" Com. I one of the grandmothers. Mm. j.ident, acted as toast mistress, and the Kimberley was the winner of the ^ a Provincial Officer raided the Centre Grey ball game on their ow.i g>arage of Carrol Walker on Satur- grounds with Dundalk as the. van- ^j^y ^j^j^^ j^^^^ ^^^ found a quantity quiahed on Wednesday afternoon of ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^ consequence Walker last week, the score being 18-6. The ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ l. C. A. Dundalk squad ''".""r^^'^J^.^'lJ ,t the Police Court, Thombury. yert- three players from Creemore besides, « « n Jim Hand of the Markdale team who erday aft«moom before P. M. Hogg, was allowed to play to fill in the The first cbuge of keeping liquor for place of the ninth man. Therefore sale waa diamiised Walker pleadeo the game belonged to Kimberley be- â-  guilty to haying liquor in an illegal fore it was played. I place and the magfstgrate imposed a The lineup was: !fine of |300 and costs, fai all $337,50, Kimberleyâ€" Ted Mylea, E. Dillon, ^^y^y,^ ^„ p,ij_ Walker's permit C. Fawcett, A. Belfry, J. Cornfield, Fred Ellis, R. Stafford, W. Gilbert, E. Ellis. Dundalk â€" McAlister. A. Dory, W Walker, McDonald, McGowen, Carter, B. Dory, Hand, Sudden. Umpireâ€" Thurston. Score by innings: Dundalkâ€" 03002000 1â€"6 Kimberleyâ€" 62012161 xâ€" 18 THE GROUND UP A man, playing a round of g<^ drove off with a mighty swipe. Soiim> thing soared into the air. It was not the ball, however, but a big clod of earth and grass. "Eztraordbi' azy!" grunted the player. "Yes, sir," remarked the caddy. "It does seem a bit out of the com- mon.' Our Initial Showing of the New Bird of Paradise Tea Service /« COMMUNITY PLATE "Complete Table Services" WE invite your inspeaion of this new complete service^ of which we illustiate one graceful anide. What a gor- geous wedding gift for die modem gid ot an annivetsaiy gifc- lor an cxperieiKed hostess it suggests! Spoons, fotks, knives- match petfccdy die tea setvice, plattcts and useful dishes. MAXWELL PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. 3 to Jr. 4â€" Dellben Morrison, Jeana Young, Arleen Pallister, Min- Isabell Pallister (Rec.) Jr. 3 to Sr. 3â€" Edith Lougheed (H) Merlie Buckingham (H), Marie Chard, Ethel Fenwick, Jean Ross, Irene Parker, Stella Young (Rec.) Isabel! Palliaster (Rec.) Sr. 2 to Jr. 3 â€" Orval Morriaon, Billie Kerton, Robt. Priestly, Lloyd Morrison, Donalda Radley (Rec.) Jr. 2 to Sr. 2 â€" Daisy Morrison (H) Mabel Bemrose (H), Tom Pallister, Jim Poole. 1 to Jr. 2â€" Warren Priestly (H). Pr. to 1st â€" ^Tom Bemrose, Murray Morrison, Flora Morrison, Jacob Lougheed, Charlie Grummett, Noreen Grummett. I Jr. Pr. â€" Elmer Colgan, Robert I Fenwick, Lillian Morrison, Jennie I Guy. â€" Helen I. Maynard, Teacher. S. S. NO. 11. ARTEMESIA j To Sr. 4â€" Dorothy Halbert, Kath- I lecn Warling, Gord. Patterson, Pearl j Sewell. I To Jr. 3 â€" Lloyd Boland, Mitchell j Taylor, John Boland, Violet Fitrsim- I mons. To Sr. 2â€" Wilma Cargoe. To Jr. 2 â€" Elta Cargoe, Willie Bowles, Hiliard Fitzsimmons, Allan Taylor, C!arman Sewell. Pr. Sr. â€" Bemice Harbottle. Pr. Jr. â€" Jean Wyvill, Rhesa Mc- Lean, Ralph Fitzsimmons, Laurene Baker, Ernie Shenpard. â€" Ethel Thompson, Teacher. STANDING OF TEAMS Team Markdale â€" Kimberley â€" Flesherton â€" Dundalk â€" Won Lost 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 px, .760 .760 .500 .000 GAMES THIS WEEK Thursdayâ€" Markdale at Flesherton. Use The Advaacc Small Aia. Small Advertisements ^...^ .c^.^ ^ . 8H0RTH0BN BULL FOB SMinCB CAME ASTRAY â€" Came to uy . property and Pay exp«naes.-George ^g^lot^. Conu t^O.^ Hntchinaon. Kimberiey. (llai^i 14SJtl: Dam. KmI ~ 111,078. Tenm â€" P ug d»a a i |UlL Came to the Premises Lot 27,1 Con. 14, on or about June 4th, 2 year- ling heifers, part Hereford. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. â€" Henry Walton, Kimberley. WINNERS IN CENTRE GREY - SOFTBALL LEAGUE Marathon Hi-Test Gasoline costs no more. Lot's tro, Dance with the Blue Bell Orchestra on the Market Square. Flesherton. Thursday. July 12th, «*• p.m. Jitney dancing. Ronnd and square dancing. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customers in the six communities may mat- erially benefit individu- any. F. T. HILL & 00., Ltd. Mariidale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest posible prices. Seasonable Winter Merchandise â€" Savings MEN'S SUITS $11.95 ^ HOUS EDRESSES Men's Suits in Tweeds and Worstedt, single In this line of dresses we have a large stock and double breasted, newest styles. Our buying from which to make your selection. The cloths power makes this possible. June Special $11.96 are Gingham, Fancy Broadcloth, Percale and other materials. These dresses were all purchased in the LADIES' AND MISSES PULLOVER ^^'"' markets which our buyers couJd purchase SWEATERS $3.25 ^'^°"'' ^® '^' """ ^* '^'" **^* y*" * '°* °* "'**'^- * ' oy in this line. This is a new line which is very pofular for summer wc.ir, in til th? new rhcdcs. V anl round- MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ed neck, with real smart appearance. June Spec- ial $3.25 J"8t arrived from New York! A shipment of New Summer Hats with Large Leghorn Brims with noircc nCif\r%Q^ rkCDADXIbirKIT *"*'â- â-  '^'â- "^"s; small and medium hats in blue, red UKt.dd laUUUa UtrAK I lYltm 1 and fa„„ ^nd natural shades with lace crown and In this department you will find all the new •""â- Â«â€¢ j;,""": ffof" '" ^^^^' green, fawn. rose, beige, and wanted materials for summer wear, consist- 'f ' ^'"%""J '"â- Â°^" ^*""'*"- P''"" '">f'"f f™™ ing of Crepes, Voils, Colancse. Imported dress •'•'•' ♦" **•^''â-  lengths. These materials are^ very popular for summer wear. Ladies' Silk Vests and Bloomers â€" 69c. 1 arktcci cii V urkCC 7C » LndicB' Silk Vests and Bloomers in all the new LADIES SILK. HUOt. 75 CtS. shades. All sizes. Regular value l)5c. June We have just placed in stock a verr special *'P*<^'"'' *•«•« 69c- line of Pure Thread .Silk Hoscn silk to the top, beaut- iful quality. Another line on which our buying LADIES' AND MISSES DRESSES power saves you money. June Special 75c. ,, , ^ , ,. . , , (â- ranulatcd Sugar, 10 pounds for^; 65c. 1 I. 1 m>. t rk tAir,.*ttt Black Tea, choice blend, per pound 59c. Udies and Misses Dresse» $4.75 to $13.7 pi„,^„p,„. ^ ,.„, ,„, 35,, Ladies' Summer Dresses in Celanesc, Flat Pineapple, 2 fans for S5c. Crepes. Fugi Silk, in all the newest shades, beaut- Pearl White Soap, fl bars for 25c. iful dresses for summer wear. June Special Salmon, 1 pound tina for 19c. $4.75 to $1.1.75. Ginger Snaps, 2 pound for 25c. 50,000 POUNDS OF WOOL WANTED F.T. Hill &Cd.,LimHed, Markdale fSOB SALB FOR SALE â€" Feed barley, 75c. per bu.â€" Louis Martin, Irish Lake. grades 12.00. Cows not retumatf will be charcc full price. â€"a. B. HAWKma. i The following won prizes donated by the different merchants of town during the month of June: Home Runs, Men â€" Special by W. G. Kennedy, tie value $1, was won by L. Radley of Maxwell team. 3 Base Hits, menâ€" Special by F. H W. HicMing, pair hose value |1, was won by Ken Betts of the Rock Mills team. 2 Base Hits, menâ€" Special by W. A. Armstrong & Son, flashlight value $1, won by Harry Pedlar of Onward team. 3 Base Hits, lady â€" Special by W. G. Kennedy, box chocolates, value $1, won by Mrs. Frank Seeley of Ro'^k Mills team. 2 Base Hits, ladyâ€" Special by W. A. 'Armstrong A Son. string pearls, value |1, won by Mildred Ferris of Flesherton No. 1 team. These specials caused quite an in- terest in the league and helps to show that the merchants donating them are alive o the main feature of the league. GAMES THIS WEEK July 12th Celebration: Rock Mills vs Onwards: Victoria Comers vs Vande leur. Saturday night at Memorial Park, Flesherton. Kimberley vs the Flesherton No. 2 at 6.30; Maxwell vs Flesherton No. 1 at 7.30. FOR SALE â€" Or would rent for hay, one half acre lot on main street in Eugenia. â€" Kate Jamieson, Maxwell. FOR SALE â€" Hbrse, will exchange for cattle. â€" John Parker, Proton Station R. R., Phone 3Z r 25. For Sale â€" Quantity of Barley and some first class potatoes. â€" Wm. Carson, Phone 31 r 12, Flesherton. FOR SAX<E â€" .Four cowa, freshen- ed, with calves and one farrow. â€" H. Genoe, Flesherton. WAR ON WEEDS Minister of Agriculture Paying Special Attention to Highways BOAB FOB SEBTICB. Begistwad Tvrkshir* Boar far M^ vlee by Fiaahavton Bacon Hog CUbi the pioiNrty ti. the Ontavio Dapat** nant of Astlaaltara. â€" G. BTEWABT. Cwataka*. BOAR FOR SERVICE No. 92-77630, Also a young York- shire pig, both bacon type for service on Lot 176, N.W. T. & S.R. Termsâ€" 11.00. â€" T. J. STINSON. House For Rent â€" i In Flesherton 8-*A>om hipuse, al^ modl^tta conven- iences. â€" Miss M. Paton, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" A quantity of barley BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 90, Con. 13, Ait- emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Terms :-|2 if paid befor* January 1929, otherr. ise |2JiO. â€"DUNCAN WILLLAMS. Eugeais. ..BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- for sale, 75 cents per bushel.- IxjUis viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99« Martin, Irish Lake. ^ â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog r. e 1 n ^• i. •* Club. Terms $1.00. For Sale â€" One yeaxlmg heifer, ' TJTvnrv Brown Swiss, and one Jersey heifer, J "jT " „ ^.^7' . XL ,j rx ^ â„¢ .,..__ X f Proton Station 4 months old.- W. Phillips, town. FOR SALE â€" For sedan in good condition, has only been used in the summer holidays. â€" J. Runstadler, Flesherton. Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia MK)DLE90 & BURNS FOR SALE â€" For sale of exchange for other stock, heavy work horse. â€" John Grummett, Proton Station, R. R. No. 2. For sale â€" House and lot in Village of Ceylon, property of the late Mary McLeod. Apply to Roy Piper, Ceylon. Ave., Toronto. Hon. John S. Martin, minister of Agriculture, is writing all Ontario jiMillan, Ceylon, municipalities to call their attention to the new amendments to the Nox- ious Weeds Act which was passed last legislature, and to ask of them all possible cooperation in reducing the weed menace to a minimum. Referr- ing to the matter of cutting on high- ways, Mr. Martin writes as follows: "As you will see, the act requhres that this be done by the road authorities as defined under the Highway Impro- vement Act. This simpy means that the authority which is responsible for the maintenance of the road shall be responsible for the cutting of the weeds on the road. The cost of cut- ting the weeds to be considered as part of the road maintenance, and may be included on the portion on which the Government pays a grant under the Highways Improvement genia, Act. Thi'ii appears to be the most simple and inexpensive manner in which this very important work can be done, and I trust it will have the hearty support of all municipalities. You will observe that the Government grant for road maintenance may be v/ithheld where the weeds are not properly cut." Mr. Martin expresses the hope that municipalities which did not appoint weed inspectors last year will do so this year. Early in the summer the department propose.? to call a conference of these inspect- ors with a view to familiarizing them with another's work, and with condit- ions ger.ierally throughout the pro- vince. FOR SALE â€" House and half acre of land in Ceylon, good stable, well watered, electric lights. â€" J. S. Mc- Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evening. 6BO B. DUNCAN DUNDALK LKBNSBO AUCTIONBBB For the County of Grey. Thmat 1 per eent Satiafaction guaiatooi Dataa made at The Advance offlea. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. In the west end of the village of Flesherton, 6-room house, electric wired, soft water cistern, cellar un- der whole house, large verandah oii two sides, and woodshed with cement FOR SALE or EXCHANGEâ€" Near Portlaw farm of 200 acres; will sell or exchange for* good comfortable home. â€" Thomas Fletcher, 223 Ronan J floor; approximately three acres of FOR SALE â€" 13 John S. Martin's Dorcas strain White Wyandotte year old hens. These are from $15 per setting strain. A bargain for im- mediate sale. â€" George W. Graham, Eugenia. MISCELLANEOUS EGGS WANTEDâ€" Highest market price will be paid in cash. â€" John Runstadler. Flesherton. tf. NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Sat- urdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- THE CULPRIT CONFESSED Wanted â€" Man Wanted, for farm workUâ€" R. L. Alcox, Markdale R. R. No. 5. NOTICEâ€" Orders received now for lime from fresh burned kiln Thos. Fenwick, Eugenia. land and good stabUb. An ideal spot for a retired farmer. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON, Flesherton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 75 acre farm, lot 178, 2 S.W. Ar^ emesia, at Saugeen Junction. Bam 36 by 60 with L SO by S2, cemant stabUng throughout. Large caiaaBt veneer house. Broomed, with wood* shed, in which is drilled well, farm well watered small orchard.â€" W. X Blackburn. Proton Station. BULL FOB SERVICE. Pure-bred Hereford BuH for a«w vice. Taras fS. payable the fbtt if Februaiy, after that date 9L60 wS be charted. â€" KDWARD LOUCKB. NOTICE â€" A carload of Western BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray. L. D. S., dental oats to arrive in a few days. Special *"'"»«>'>> *>o'»o»' graduate at Toronto' price off cars. â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons. WANTED â€" Four head of cattle to pasture, also four acres of alfalfa for sale. Apply to â€" S. HENDERSON 32 Millwood Rd. Toronto, Ont. and Royal College of Dental Srrgeona of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" The property own ed by the late R. J. Pedlar, of Eug- enia. For further particulars ap- 1 Secretary ply to Mrs. H. E. Tate, Hillsburg, Ontario. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. ft A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall, Ann- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Lawrence, After being interviewed by Chief Oliver and Provincial Officer Purvic last week, William Lovelock of King Street signed a written confession acknowledging his guilt in setting fire to Mr. Hawkin's bam. The ack- nowledgment^ was made before the Mayor who remanded him for one week for trial. Great surprise was expressed by the towns people as he was always regarded as a quiet, inof- f ending person. It i.< alleged that ho Resist ered Hereford Bull. Puke, No. had been dismissed by Mr. Hawkin's 65,411, for service on lot 30, Con. 6, Lucas ft Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C. W. D. FOR RENT-Pasturt, (•) atr„ 1„ Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas the County of Grey, Township ©f Oj- Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at prey, lot lb, con. north of the Durham Dundalk and Durham, road, running spring. Forty dollars! Telford ft Birnie, Barristers, soil- accepted, none other need apply.â€" citors, etc. Offices Grey and Bruce Mrs. Margaret Lit lie. R. R. No. 2,' Block. Owen Sound; Standard Bank Proton- I Block, Flesherton. (Saturdays.) W. P. Telford, Jr., J. F. P. Birnie. BULL FOR SERVICE Wm. Kaitting, Liaeeasad (or the counties of Grey art! Fkna «nd stock aalat a umlaHi from his service, and possibly brood- jArtemesia. Terms are ?2.00. tojTerma moderate.. WithfciiUon ^kt- ed over it unduly. The date of the be paid by February 1. Cows should may be lade at the AdvMba OttflKar trial has not been definitely fixed so be returned regularly â€" Jno. Porteous. Central toleplbna «As^ far.â€" Stnyner Sun. Rwk Mills. July 11 or by addnastng IM at

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