Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1928, p. 1

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t I « « %ht /ksh^tt^tt %imnct Vol. 48 No. 9 Flesherlon Ontario, August I, 1928 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprielors. 3=x: EUGENIA Haying is not completed in our vic- inity yet. Sfr. John McDonald is working at Orangeville at the present time. Mrs. Nesbitt and daughter Marion of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Campbell. Mr. Thos. Love of Flesherton spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. C. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Burkholder spent the week end at Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Will- iam's. Their little daughter, who has been here for the past four weeks returned to the city with them on Sunday. Miss Sylvia Acheson of Dundalk has been engaged as teacher for our school. Mrs. Ross Lehman of Toronto re- turned from a very pleasant visit in Windsor and Detroit and visited her mother here over the week end. Mr. Thos. Wright of Hamilton is the guest of her friend, Mrs. Jake Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Will Graham and dau- ghter, Phyllis, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and family of Walkerton visited in Toronto this week. Mrs. Park and son Russ, accompan- ied by Mrs. Fogg visited with Mrs. Wm. Heard. f« (Last Week's Items) Luxurious vegetation in our vic- inity at present. Crops look fine. Good prospects for a bountiful har- vest,. Miss Lucy MacDonald has return- ed home after a fortnight's visit with friends in Owen Sound. McMULLENâ€" McQueen A quiet, but pretty wedding took place at Knox United church manse on Tuesday, July 10th, at 9.30 a.m., when Miss Annie C. McQueen be- came the bride of Mr. Russell D. Mc- Mullen of Meaford. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. R. Cor- nett. The bride looked charranig in a gown of white georgette and a white hat. She carried a bouquet of but- terfly roses. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. McMullen left for Iron River, Michigan, the bride travelling in a gown of navy georg- ette. , On their return they will make their home in Meaford. Mr. McMullen is the only son of Mrs. D. McMullen of the village here. We join in wishing them happiness and prosperity in the journey together through life. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and family of Owen Sound spent Sunday at Mr. Jos. Sherwood's. Mr. John Magee visited on Sunday ' with Orange Valley friends. Mr. John Gibson Jr. of Dryden ac- companied by his father, Mr. John Gibson, Miss Katie Clock and Miss Jacqueline Beatty of Orange Valley visited with Mr. Jos. Sherwood's one day last week. Mrs. Tuohy of Meaford and her sister, Mrs. J. Lyons of the Centre Line, Osprey, accompanied by their aunts, Mrs. Leachburg and Mrs. Dav- id of Buffalo visited one day last week with Mrs. David and Mrs. Leach- bury remained for a visit. Messrs Bates and Alex Fawcett and Miss Leila Douglass of Owen Sound visited at the former's parental home here Sunday. Little Miss Vemice Fawcett, who has been spending a few holidays with Owen Sound friends returned to her home here with her brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Simmon? and daugh- ter Betty, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fisher and daughter of Drayton spent the week end with Mrs. Sim- mon's sister, Mrs. A. Hoy. Mrs. Simmons remained for a ^irtnght with her sister here. Mr. David and his daughter and haa husband, Mr. and Mrs. Will Heinz and their two children of Buffalo spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lyons, and Mr. and Mrs. Hoy. Mrs. David retiJrned home with them, but Mrs. Leachburg will remain with her niece, Mrs. Hoy, for a couple of months or so. We are sorry Mrs. Hoy is not enjoying the best of health at present, but hope she la feeling im- proved soon. The trustees have not hired a teach- er for our school yet, although sev- eral application have been received. Mr. Ernest Proctor visited in All- iston on Sunday, Mrs. Proctor and children, who have spent a few hol- idavs there returned with him. Mrs. Will Williams of Toronto is visitinrr here for a couple of weeks, Mrs. Donne of Thornbury visited nlstive here on Fridav The Pedlar re-union fiicnic was held in the Park on Saturday after noon, when a pleasant time was spent. The Campbell family also held a re- union of relatives and went on a mot- or trip to Thornbury, thence to Owen Sound, by way of Meaford, returning home by the T. & S. road to Flesh- erton and thence home and spent a most enjoyable time. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wood and fam- ily of Markdale visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Burkholder, Mr. Ross Lehman and Mrs. W. G. Davis of To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams. Mrs. Ross Lehman (nee Miss Allie WilKams) is visiting friends in De- troit. Mr. W. D. C*mpbell returned to To- ronto after spending a couple of weeks with his wife and son here. KiMBERLEY Mrs. John McConnell and Miss Mc- Connell of Sturgeon Falls are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McConnell and family. Miss Dobson of Toronto is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myles. Miss Hazel Hammond has return- ed home after spending a couple of weeks with friends here. Miss Estelle Hammond ef Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with Miss Ruth Myles. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McLean and Stanley of Vandeleur spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Harris, Mrs. McC«»e and little daughter of Tor- onto are visiting Mr. Wm. Harris and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hammond and children are campisg on their lot here. The Women's Institute held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. P. Fawcett and friends spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Fawcett. Mrs. Curry and Miss Wright of Detroit are visiting their friend. Miss V'^'-v Stafford. Miss Almeda Weber is visiting friends in Toronto and Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Louis and Mr. J. Weber visited on Sunday with friends in Owen Sound. OIL LAYED THE DUST Alliston people have had an object lesson in oiling the streets this season which they will likely tuck away in their memories with pleasure for use another year. The streets of this town were thoroughly oiled by use of the most approved machinery. To- day, notwithstanding all the rain that has fallen, these streets are still oil- ed and when'sunshine makes dust out in the township there is none in town. Last year a commercial dust layer was used. A couple of rains obliter- ated the substance and dissolved the money spent in the unsatisfactory purchase. Not only is there no dust now; there is a solid clean rock sur- face. Don't frget all these condit- ions, Mr. Councillors, next summer when the dust nuisance comes up for consideration.â€" Alliston Herald. OSPREY COUNCIL Osprey oCuncil met at Singhamp- ton on July 14. All members pres- ent. Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. W. W. Christie, Engineer on the Weatherall Municipal Drain attended to a'sist in the letting of the contract on the above drain. Only one tend- er was received, however and it was decided on motion of Mr. Grummett, seconded by Mr. Clark that the time for letting the contract on the Weth- erall Drain be extended to the date of the next regular meeting and that the Clerk be instructed to ad- vertise for tenders. Accounts were passed as follows: Miscellaneousâ€" $101.53; Road Act.â€" $6026.43. The CouncU adiourned to meet at Maxwell on Saturday, August lUh at 2 p.m. ^^^^ A PECULIAR PET I Ellis Dryer, a young Elora lad, whil& out fishing last week, found two • babv skunks playing about in a_ field, and caught both of them. Needless to say the mother of the two young- ' sters ' was nowhere around when he ' made the capture. He took them to his home with the idea of makmg pets of them, but one, unused to the ways of civilization, died over the we4k end The other, however, is -thriving and rapidly becoming accust- omed to his strange surroundmg.'. and bids fair to become as good a pet as a cat or dog.-Grand Valley Star. CEYLON Mr. McKinnon of Central Beaut and Mrs. Flewell and two children of Buffalo spent the past week with Mr. S. Hemphill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hemphill and two children of Toronto are visitors at Mr. S. Hemphill's this week. Mrs. Coleman of Owen Sound is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. F. J. Collinson. Mrs. Hooper is visiting with friends in Glenelg this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cartney of Cree- more spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett. Mr. Charles Duval of Toronto vis- ited the past week with Mr. Jack White. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haw and family motored to Wasaga Beach the first of the week. Mr. John McMillan and Arthur Whittaker of Toronto, who spent the past week with the former's mother returned Saturday to Toronto. Mrs. White and daughter Laura motored with other friends to Owen Sound the first of the week. Mr. R. Cook and Miss Millie motor- ed to Hanover the first of the week, and was accompanied back by Miss Gertrude Cook of Los Angeles, Cal., who will remain for a visit. Miss Minnie Sinclair of Toronto cal- led on old friends last week. Mrs. Sinclair Sr. of Harriston and Mr. and Mrs. Lundy and babe of Peru, South America, were visitors the past week with Mr. A. Sinclair. Mr. Geoge Banks, who is working near Orangeville spent the week end at his home here and Mrs. Banks Sr. of Durham is visiting her son and family here. Mr. Hyslop and Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell of Eugenia visited at Mr. G. McKenzie's the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cushinie and Miss Clara Jack of Toronto visited the first of the week at R. Cook's. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Carl .\tkinson and -Alma, Mr. and Mi-s. Ernie Stinson and Marie motored to Woodstock for a few holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Best and George Best, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks motored to Owen Sound. Mr. Thos. Bannon had a" narrow es- cape last week. He was driving a rather spirited team on the rake when the tongue dropped, jerking Mr. B. off and he fell at the horses feet. They bolted, but somehow the rake went over Mr. Bannon instead of drag- ging him. Considerable damage was done to harness and rake, but despite a few bruises and a bad shaking up Mr. Bannon was not much the \vorr>e. Mis? Dorothy Nichol, nurse of N. Y. is visiting with her father. Mr. Merritt Nichol and took her old place in the choir, rendering a solo during the service. Mrs. Ward Harrison and Mrs. Whit- ten of Toronto visited at Mr. Thos. Bannon's. SWAMP COLLEGE PRICEVILLE The wind and heavy rain fall has done considerable damage to the gjain and some of it is lying flat on the ground. We extend heartiest congratulat- ions to' Miss Kathleen MacLean, and Mr. Clifford Hincks on being success- ful on passing their Norman exams., and both have schools, Kathleen has Top Cliff school and Clifford has a school in Egi-emont. Mis.s Elizabeth Campbell of Mont- real is having a month vacation at her home here. Mr. Alfred Hincks and sister, Ida spent a couple of days in Toronto the first of the week; Alfred brought home with him a new Ford coach. Miss Ruby McLellan of Harriston was the guest of her friend. Miss Es- ther MacLean recently. Miss Minnie Sinclair and Miss Is- abel! McRae returned to Toronto after spending a couple of weeks at Mr. Duncan Sinclair's. Miss May and Alex. Stewart vis- ited on Sunday with friends at Kim- berley. Miss Gladys and Jean Kincks visit- ed the first of the week at Mr. Hen- ry Tucker's, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol and son, Gordon, and Mrs. Thos. Nichol visit- ed on Sunday with friends in Colling- wood; Mrs. Thos. Nichol remained for a few days. Mr. -Arch. McCuaig visited on Sun- day in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McLean and Mr. .A.ndy Black of Hopeville were visitors at Mr. D. Hinck's on Sunday. Miss Flora and Lizzie Campbell spent the week end with friends in Durham. Miss Wilda McCuaig returned home on Friday after spending a month in Toronto marking exam, papers. Mis?i Marion Bowes of Markdale is visiting her aunts', the Misses James. Messrs Allan Mclnnis and .A.llie tcLean motored to Toronto and spent â- .he week end with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McKee of Mark- â-  iale visited recently at Mr. Wm. Aldcorn's. LAUREL AND MARK- DALE C.\RS COLLIDE Clarence Hill, of Markdale, and his f;-. iier. The. Hill were injured in a nu'tor accident which occurred about 7: o'clock on Saturday night on the -.-t ivincial highway a mile north of S' olburne and Miss M. W. Gross- bur '; and her mother. Mrs. Gross- V-r-.'-.. of Laurel, were badly shaken I ^ and bruised. Mr. Hill, who was dr' no . a (â-  not t ECU (!o : own Grt :ig a Ford coupe was travelling h, and was in the act of passing • in front of him, apparently not ;"g that another car, travelling was coming. Before he could .'thing to avoid an accident his •ar and that driven by Miss kurth collided headon. â- . Thos. Hill, who was with his went right through the windshield "anded on the hood of the other '..ut escaped with some minor cuts •t the head, while Clarence Hill cut in the face with flying glass. car was completely wrecked, and v-dered useless. Miss Grosskurth â- - s also cut a little about the face, b-: her mother escaped with slight i • uises and shock, although the Star c '.ch, which they were driving was r, t out of commission. â€" Dundalk H raid. sor anil ca'- aV V r â-  Haying is progresing very slowly on account of the heavy rain and thun- der storms we've had. We hope to see lots of sunshine this week. Miss Violet Taylor of Portlaw is visiting at Mr .Wm. Hay's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haw and child- ren of Ceylon visited recently at Mr. John Haw's. Miss Ha McCannell and friend mot- ored to Ohio and spent a few days visitig friends. Mr. Geo. Black re- turned home with them, after spend- ing some time with her daughter. Mrs. Lyman Jackson. Mra Donald McDonald and Dorothy returned home after spending a week ^ good distance from the ground and with her sister, Mrs. A. L. Hincks \ < tarted to descend. Upon nearing Viinnipep Flier Killed at Wasaga as Plane Hit Tree Ralph Brown, aged 2'i of Winnipeg, "Ian., was instantly killed at Wasaga Seach last Thurfilay afterr^)on. vhen a plane, of which he was pilot- â- :ig crashed into a tree.^ It seems hat the plane hit an air pocket at at Priceville. The raspberries are getting ripe and we notice the pickers are geting them. They should be very good this week. Rev. and Mrs. Corry and Jack. Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Hincks visited at Mr. Neil McMillan's on Sunday after church. ground the engine failed to a'- ' and struck- a tree. Dr. W. E. lie of Toronto extricated the boy A the wreck, and 1.5 minutes af- •ards pronounced him as dead. had iust secured" his pilot's cer- :ate at Camp Borden, where he a student, only a few days before CHECK UP ON SPOTLIGHTS t'- - f tt tit: wa- his ."atal accident. "Bi»ttlcshiu Grey" for 1«21» Markers I I I Hon. George E. Henry has issued ^ .,,^ . instructions to highway traffic or- Aft • a series of exeper.ments. the ' ficers to check up on motorists not Qntar; > Department of Hvgh^^a>s nas ' obeying the new legislation as to deeideU on colors for the avtomotive spotlights. These are not to be us- license in 1929 od unless placed lower than the head- batlleshi - grey Hghts. and the beam must be diro( tet* Mack let toward the right ditch and not bo a strong ' thrown more than 75 feet in advance ors used ' of the car. this woul t % MACHINE OIL I ENAMELWARE CHINAWARE GLASS Rop< -Binder Twine MOTOR OIL AXLE GREASE t TUTO ENAMELS TURPENTINE I SHOVELS HAY FORKS HANDLES I CUP GREASE PAINT I CEMENT WIRE FENCE STAPLES Duncan^s Hardware 'Phones 54w and 54] PORTLAW FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott of Pais- ley and Miss Reta Black from Allen- ford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eby and family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Thompson, Mr. i Chas. Walters and Mrs. Wm. Waiters i motored over to Orillia last week and i called on friends. Messrs Chas. and Fred Weldrick at- ' tended the funeral of their neice, Mrs. â-  MeFee, at South River on Thursday'; last. Mrs. Taylor of Nottawa spent the | week end with her brother. Mr. F. Willey here. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Powell and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hewiston of Allen- ford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eby over the week end. Mr-. E. Wiley and daughter of De- troit visited with his brother, Frank. and rirs. Wiley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne and â-  son, C.eorge spent Sunday with Mr. • and ::rs. Ed. Croft at Rock Mills. Mr. Samuel Brownridge has re- j turned home after a month's visit i with his daughter. Mrs. Frank Whe- well and family, near Hamilton. I Mr. George Sayers of Rock Mills) is visiting with his daughter here. > Mr. R. S. McGirr has returned home from the hospital in Toronto ' where he underwent a serious oper- ation from which he is recovering nicely. i Miss Hazel Alexander is visiting ' with friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Eby, Jas. and Her- bert sent Sunday with friends at Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wiley spent Sun- day with their son at Nottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Tho-. Wilcox of Re- gina and Mr. Hood Hemphill and sis- ter of Flesherton visited with the Mis- ses Speers here. Mr. C. H. Smith. Manager of the Bank of Toronto here had the good luck to catch the largest speckled trout we have heard of being caught in thi-. river this year. It was 16^ inches long and i1 inches around the girth and weighed V-i pounds. (Last Week's Items) A happy crowd gathered on Thurs- day evening last and showered a mis- cellaneous collection of houseliold ar- ticles upon Mr. and Mrs. Luther Love, lately married, also a group of ser- enaders presented the young couple with a Coleman lamp, accompanied with an address, which was replete with complimentary expressions and good v.ishos. The address •vas read by Mr. Elmo Stevens and the pres- entation made by Mr. Robert Taylor. The recipents each replied, expressing their appreciation of the gift and the kindness of their friends. Mrs. Geo. Haney and three sons of Toronto are visiting with -Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Mrs. Wm. Yates visited with relat- ives at Niagara recently. Mrs. McNeven and three daughters of Yellow Grass, Sask. are visiting with the former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Love. Mrs. Tuohy of Meaford and Mrs. Simmons are visiting with their sis- ter, Mrs. Lawrence Lyons. Miss Nancy Hereby of Jlount For- est is holidaying with her friend. Miss Mary Sheardown. Use The Advance Small .4ds. ICE CREA.M SOCIAL AT EUGENLA. Unity U.F.W.O, Club is holding an ice cream social at the home of Mrs. Lewis Genoe, Eugenia on Thursday August 2nd to commence at 7:30. Booth on the grounds. Short pro- gramme in the evening, when Miss A. C. McPhail, M. P. and F. R. Oliver, M.P.P. will give address. Every- body welcome. Durham ratepayers will vote on a by-law to guarantee $10,000 hospital bonds. .\n addition is to be built. W. A. Armstrong & Sen Jewellers & Opticians I FLESHERTON, - ONT. .•..x~:~:~>«k~>«>«:k"X~k~x«<~x«<«<«<k~:k~><~x~X":«<~><^'>'K~x~:~:'*^*-x~:'<^^ BATES BUftlALCO. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE 122-124 Aventie Road. TORONTO No Extra charge for the use of our Funeral Parlors J.W.Bates. .,. ,- R. Mad docks | S "Souse of (Sualttp" « • FOR A NICE COLD DRINK GET IT AT STEWART'S FROM OUR NEW POP COOLER. They will have a background, with •, and figures. There wf.= >ni!ency to repeat the col- ; year, but it was thoucjht result in confusion. s • s o % ORDER YOUR MONTMORENCY CHERRIES! • • 8 I W. J. Stewart & Sons Phone 46 Ont. S Flesherton,

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