Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1928, p. 2

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Only ttat grown 4,000 to 7,000 feet above soo level •re used In "SALADA" Orange Pekoo Blendâ€" the flavour Is therefore richer, more fhigrant and much more delicious than other teas. Only 43c per §-lb.â€" Buy It at any grocery store. iMII^illli TKA aot Canada to Decide MLtoweo UP .... By . lUtMYKATtfr By BEGIN HERE TODAY vantaRe of the propitious moment to Loiiiig Hanger olTerK a liuiidred thou- strilie Hand jlotlars for the safe return of hi* ! 'By the way," Indifferently, "who •nisMiiK daughter, Hope. Ho is assist- was the old rooster that arrived this »'d in his Hearih by his good friords, morning in such etate?" SfrHc, SSturei^^"''- ""' '"""'' Norton loolced at him in surpH^e. Acting u;)(iii directions from Uop.Vs "Why, you Itnow. Or, sure enough ; captors, Rtiii^er leaves a hunorec! you didii't come here until after he'd thousand dullarr worth of bonds jit a left for Bermuda. That, my son, 1» specified iilacc. Charlie gtations him- ex-Alderman William Hijfgins. Mean self near the place mentioned in the ' t„ g^y you never heard of 'Hobo Bill'? w"" ^ ^T^""^ *"""'"'' ^*'* "''iWell," as Kelsey »hoolc his head, "a that collects the bonds. V ,* j i,» „^^a »» k^ . C. 4 £ r- I At Dr. Bri8tow'« private sanitarium >"" '^'f^V'^v T LTfv.^ ^J otatUS or LnVOy a plot exists bctwnen Bristow and a PO^er in New York; about the same "^ j nurse named Copley regarding an in- type, I guess, as some of your plctur- -^ . ."": , r> • • L h""*^^ registered as Nurse Copley's sis-'esquely named politiiflans out in Chi- V2uestlon Arises m British 'ter. Ceorge KeLscy, detained at the cago. He started , out in life as a House RcRardinK Prece- hospital, Is friendly with the 80-K;alled tramp, they say ; but somehow he man- 1 ^r\ 5 Bister. He decides that the girl is „„e(i to edge into politics and cleaned dence l^uestion not insane. | ^^ ^^ ^^^^^ anywhere from seven to Ix)ndon.-Col. L. C. M. S. Amery In ^OW GO ON WITH THE STORY jt^n millions, I guess. He stays here the House of Commons, replying toj He Icnew the girl was acting, but ^hen he's not off on one of his per- Patriclt J. H. Hannan (Birmingham), the way she held her pose, never re- jodical trips. Funny old codger." that it would be for the Canadian lax'nK for a moment into the normal,] "I should say so," Kelsey agreed. Government to decide whether the| roused him to wonder and admiration "it's the first time I ever heard of a The Blazer Jacket U Smart This twoplece suit Is decidedly â- mart for the young boy and a •tyle suitable for all seasons. Con- traatiiiK material Is introduced In the facing of the front opening blaser jacket, the laps on the set-ln pockets, and the cuffs finishing the sleeves. The trousers are of the side^loslag type. No. 1538 Is In sizes 4, 6 and 8 years. Size 6 years re- quires 2 yards 38-lnch miiterlal, or 1V4 yards B4-lnrh, and % yard 36- Inch contrasting. Price 20 cents the pattern. Home sewii'.K brings nice clothes within the reach of all, and to fol- low the mode la dellRhtfuI when It can bo done so easily and econom- ically, by followinK the siylcs pic- tured In our npw FaHliiou Book. A chart accompanying eadi pallern shows the material as it appears when cut out. Every detail Is ex- plained so that ihf incxporioncod sewer oau make, without ditllculty, an attnictlve dnsK. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. HOW TO OKlJKU I'ATTEUNS. Write your name and address plain ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. EncIo.se 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Wilson Pattern Bervice, 7:i West Adchiide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. Weddings in the Air Boston Transscrlpt : Asked to go np In an airplane and there marry a coupU? who were under tbo delusion that they would bo doing something romantic, a New Jersey magaltrato told them that they ought to bo as- hamed of theinHeives for trying to turn a solrmn occa.slon Into a stunt. . . . .Sensiblo folk will give him their approval. Weddings !i\(laded as rart of the program of public fairs, as advertising In show windows, an 1 l.i bailoons and airplanes, do not tend to Inspire respt'ct for maniage. And all who have studied the provalonee cf divorce In this cou'ilry agree that the hasty and lll-cotiHi Itrtd marr!ui< j Is a principal caus.-. Marriage « of that kind wlil not b-.) diminished in nnmber If weddings aic It- be ncliid- •d among tho stunts of the air circuo. British High Commissioner to Canada would enjoy privileges similar to those of foreign diplomatists. Regarding precedence, he said, "in the analngous case of the Dominion High Commis- sioners here, they rank immediately after Cabinet Ministers, but not be- fore foreign representatives. Mr. Hannan, who, it is understood, represents the Federation of British Industries in the House of Commons, also asked, "If, insubmitting proposals respecting British commercial inter- ests to the (Jovernment of Canada, the British I7igh Commissioner will have the full diplomatic support of His Ma- jesty's Government?" Col. Amery replied, "It is of coursee contemplated that he will be author- ized to make representations on com- mercial queetions to the Canadian Government, where instructed to do so by His Majesty's Government in Great Britain." The Preisident of the Board of Trade, answering Percy A. Kurd (Cons., Devizes), supplied details of the direct help Canada had given British employment since the war. He said the Canadian Pacific had spent $70,000,000 on new tonnage in British shipyards and also $5,000,000 on ma- chinery and the conversion of ships for her courage and strength of will; man voluntarily making an insane and the pathos of that courage stirred asylum his headquarters." his heart. I "Oh, he's no bug. Half blind, pretty Revolving the rlddlo as he mused '^^]i broken down physically, but on the porch in the sunshine, his 'n^gntally keen enough; shrewd, devil- glance strayed from under his down drawn hat brim to where she sat, the ever-present elder sister knitting be- side her. How alike the two were, and yet how different. Anita, beautiful in a way, but to him repellant â€" a woman pursuing the course of her perverse, unscrupulous will. Verna breathed a different air. About her was the atmosphere of one reared in ease and fredom and beauty. She had all the simplicity of good breeding. Anita's veneer was specious. While he pursued the puzzle, never getting any nearer to a solution, a hig, luxurious limousine turned in at the gates and drew up before the en- trance. A ponderous, bent old man emerged, carefully assisted by his valet. Some one important it was without a doubt; for Bristow came down the steps to meet him with jo- vial camaraderie. There was an am- ount of luggage which was hastily un- loaded and carried up stairs. The new arrival gave some directions to his valet and his chauffeur, and then pre- ish shrewd, let me tell you. And as to his being here, why, he had some nerv- ous affection, you see, used to go on fierce sprees and all that, and Bristow got him Into shape. They're like bro- thers." "So?" Kelsey was mildly interested. "I saw the two of them out together while a further new ship was under! ceded Bristow into the house, as if conKidcratioTi. Lloyd'.s Register re- 1 perfectly familiar with the place. He ported that since the war the Can- stopped at the head' of the steps, ndian Steaniphip Lines had built here though, to speak to Anita Copley, who 15 vessels of a gross tonnage of 31,- 1 had hurried forward with smiling, al- €00 tons. He had no official figures 'tfl show what these orders represented in British wages in the shipbuilding, iron, steel, engineering, coal mining and other industries. Epitaph Here lies a lover â€" ono who did not know That love is of the spirit â€" one who dreamed Of bodily loveliness thut faintly f-'leamwl ThrouKli niifllH of passion when the liKlitM were low. lie ha:< foigolten, now, that arms wei'o white, And warm and white a boHom'H rise nnd fall; And all ho loved Is dead and rotten â€"all Surfeit attained, and unattalned de- light. â€" Daphne Mulr, 111 l..oii(lou Spectator. He stopped at the head of the steps to speak to Anita Copley. most sycophantic deference, and Kel- sey got a fair view of him. "So Alderman Higgins has come back," Kelsey heard the comment of| â€" I some one k'hind him. "Wonderful | this afternoon in Bristow's new Rolls- how he holds on." i Royce." Miss Copley had followed the old| Morton filled his pipe and looked man and Hristow into the house; and; over it at Kelsey with a humorous, with her presence removed, he looked ' contemplative .smile and a wag of his about for the girl. She had risen from head. tor." After a moment, he hm\g np the receiver. "It's Bristow," he aald; "he wants to see you in his office rif;ht away/' • Kelsey flung himself out of Mor- ton's room and down the hall to meet his anticipated wigging. Sleek and shining, Bristow loungvd on the hearth rug, looking down into the clear flame of a birchwood flre. The conference upetairs from which he had Just come had left him in the best of humor, and he felt in the mood to play a cat and mouse game with Kelsey, whom he regarded as lament- ably lacking in finesse. "Ah, Kelsey?" he said pleasantly, takintr a chair himself and waving hospitably toward another one. "Sit down and have a cigaret" He pashed across the table a humidor containing various brands in the different com- partments. Kelsey stiffly declined both the chair and the cigaret. This unwonted cor- diality made him wary. But Bris- tow's smiling geniality was proof against the rebuff. "Rather late," he said; "but I was anxious for a little talk with you â€" about yourself." He was grave now, but kindly. "Although I may have seemed to neglect you, you have really been very much in my mind. To speak frankly, your present manner of life is not good for you ; it leaves you too much time to brood." Bristow lifted the letter containing the magadne offer from the table, and getting up handed it to the younger man. Kelsey rapidly glanced over it, but before he could speak, Bristow took up his thread again. "I have neither the time, nor," with a mellow laugh, "the inclination to undertake it. Too much research; too much work altogether. But it struck me that it would be just the thing for you. I would have to sign the articles of course, but that is detail." Kelsey saw himself pulling Bris- tow's chestnuts out of the fire! Not for a kingdom. « "Do I understand," he asked with exaggerated humility, his mouth still twitching, "that you wish to entrust, not that hypothetical quantity, your honor, but your name, your scientific reputation to my unworthy hands?" The shaft glanced off without leav- ing a scratch. "Don't belittle yourself, ray boy," benignly. "You'are, I know, an ex- cellent and well-informed writer." "I'm sorry," Kelseye's tone was elaborately satirical, "but it will be impossible for me to oblige you." "Think twice before you refuse," Bristow urged persuasively. He went on, clothing the same argu- ments in fresh phrases; but all the tiihe he was covertly scanning Kelsey's face, watching for that quick gleam of the eye which would show that the ether had awakened to the latent pos- sibilities within his proposal. (To be continued.) WRIGLEYS P. K. ICHEWING SWEET Here is a treat that can't be beat! Boiefit and plea^ sure in generous measure! ; CI as Peppermint Flavor A Strange Argument Vancouver Province (Ind. Con.):! (In his campaign speeches for the^ British Columbia election which tooki place recently, the Premier has re- peatedly suggested that he and his Liberal Oovernment are the only peo- ple that can make a bargain with Ottawa about the P.G.B.) Mr. Diwj nlng. In reference to another railwayi matter, that of the projected C.N.II.' hotel in Vancouver, takes the posltlonj "that both as a matter of law and! otherwise the position Is one to be adjusted by the Canadian Natlonall Railway and not by the GoTemment'j In other words, Mr. Dunning says he, is going to keep the Canadian National out of politics. If he takes that stand in reference to railway hotels In Hali- fax and Vancouver, he must logicallyj take It in reference to the much mors Important question of the sale or lease' of the P.O.B. to the Canadian National.' It Is an entirely proper attitude for any minister of state, and It contrasts very wholesomely with the entirely, improper attitude of Premier Mac- Lean. « Bosft)a fisherman opened the stotn^ ach of a large cod and found a can of condensed milk Inside. Probably an ocean flying fish. -* her chair and was standing nt the far end of the porch "Yes; some car. I've seen the days when Bristow had to hoof it all the Dog Applies For Own License â€" and Gets It TICK-TOCKI 1st Mouse: What a queer place to live. IIow do you manage to sleep? 2nd Mouse: Very comfortably. 1 sleep between the ticks! Canada and the American Tariff Avoiding nn appearance of haste,! way ^f, ji,g .station, if he wanted to he moved down the porch and paused] pet into town." near her, leaning on tlie railing while, "Times have changed, eh?" Kelsey he lighted a cigaret. ^ [was stretched out in his chair. "Not "Who is the old man f t jusT always so prosperous?" came?" she askc4l. He womlered a "Not always." Morton's reniins- littlo at the note of urgency in her cent smile still lingered. "When 1 first voice over -so immaterial a matter. | came here, seven years ago, things "Alderman Higgins, 1 heard somcj^ere so far from prosperous, that we one say," he told her. "That is all 1 ^ never knew from one week to another know." I whetl)cr wo could keep going or not. She drew in her breath quickly as Then, all of a sudden, we were on easy he mentioned the name. It seemed to street. Bristow began putting all confirm a conjecture on her part and ...orts of improvements on the place, carry considerable significance. I buying more land, throwing out new "Find out nli you can about him,"jwing3, installing modern appliances, she bade hurriedly, "nnd let nie re-furnishing, re-decorating, splurging know." jon cars, turning himself out like the "I will," said elscye. "But why?" ijijes of the field, and making the old "Don't stop to talk now. We haven't lime. She will be right back." With her usual languid, uncertain step, she moved away toward her chair; and Kelsey returned to the other end of the porch, perplexed to understand the meaning of her re- quest, yet rejoicing that she should have called upon him for a service. Sunburn? Use Mlnarcft Liniment. A woman flies from Newfoundland to Europe, and then telephones back about It. If that doesn't epitomize the present era, what does? â€" Chris- tian Science Monitor. .> Woman Shopper (to assistant)â€" "I say, young man, there's a ladder In these stockings." Exasperated .As- sistant â€" "Well, what do you expect for 2/11 â€" a marble staircase?" Mrs. Can-io Chapman Catt seeks a million dollar fund to combat what she terms the cigarette evil. Cash' and Carrie! CHAPTER XII. The house physician, when Kelsey dropped into his office that evening, happened to bo in a voluble mood. A medical journal lay upon his desk in which ho had just been reading an article that controverted one of his pet theories; nnd he seisred upon the opportunity to refute the fallacy, cit- ing authorities and giving his reasons Ottawa- Journal (t^ons.): The first ii.t length, while he puffed indignantly Drisooll, received it. "Cyp" took his place in a long line of dog owners. In his mouth was an envelope containing a message to Wal- Pntchogue, N.Y. -Application by a dog to have his license renewed was received at the Brookliavcn Town Hall , ,, ,, , »nd "Gyp," a collie, owned by Charles ''"'y "' ^ (iovcnimont Is to Its own at his old, black pipe. ^ , , ^ , ^ • citizens: and If the United Slates I Kelsey was plenscd to find that he , (iovernment fools that it owes It to ; could genuinely concur in the littl'.' American prnrtucers to protect them ' man's views; and by his advice and I from ranadlan rompetition, that Is Its 'with his assistance a letter was com- ter 1. Jones, town clerk, from his ma.s- ' '''«''' "'"' I'r'vllfKC. Where the fault ! poi^ad to the publication, which they ter. It included a properly filled out'"*"' '" <""'">''•' '» '^'"»' *<> '^ke such ' were convinced left the olTending notice /or a renewal of "CypV license 'hhig« lyl»K <"'>«"»• We see Amori- author not a log to sli.ml on. and a cheque for the re<niircd fe«» i '"''"'' ••"cludinR us from their markets. So delighted wa.s Morton with tho "dyp" waited while .Mr. Jones madel >'"' ^" •"' ''*^''' "" '"'y'"*' '''"" them 'vigor of the rejoinder and so grateful, out the new license and pl-iced it I"' *'"' """'^ "' about two million dol- that he expandeii into unaccustomad along with a metal tag in an e'nvolo,,* '"" " '"''»â- â-  j warmth; rf^d Kelsey took quick ad which "Gyp" took in hi.t mouth. Ho wagged "Thnnk you" and started olK'diently for home. ^ Mlnard's Liniment for Insect Bites. In tho case of a youth charged with Insulting behaviour on Hnmp- Btead Heath It was stated that ho was one of ten young men who were qUBrreilIng as to who sbould escort a giri home. dump one of the highest-priced re fuges for fashionable nuts in the whole East," "Found the buried treasure under the old mill, what?" Kelsey yawned slightly. Morton chuckled. "Where the money came from I never knew. Bristow's closemouthed and it would take a bold- er man than I am to question him about his affairs. "You see," he explained, "all this happened after 'Hobo Bill' came into our lives, nnd I've always believed that he gave the tip that was respon- sible for cur rise to greatness." The bell of the telephone jingled, and Morton interrupted himself to an- swer the call. "Yes, noctor," he said; then reluc- tantly, as he turned round eyes toward Kelsoy: "Ye-es â€" Yes, he's here, Doc- THERE la nothing that has ever taken Aspirin's place as an antidote for pain. Ij is safe, or physicians wouldn t use it, and endorse its use by others. Sure, or several million users would have turned to something else. But get the real Aspirin (at any drugstore) with Bayer on the box, and the word genuine printed in red : WHEN IN TORONTO Stay at the Royal Cecil Hotel Cor. Jarvis and Dundas Sts. Every Room With Private Bathi Rates $1.50 up â€" Oarage at Hotel 3 Minutes Walk to Shopping District. A>pirla li th<! tr»J« mtrk Inrt naiing B.jer M»nnfmrtut« WhlU It I. THE Firestone Gum-Dippingr process streng- thens the tire to meet the demands of hill climbingr* quick stops, sudden turns and high speeds. The Fire- stone tread is scien- tifically designed to grip the road in emergencies. You can have this extra safety on YOUR car. Ask your local Fire- stone Dealer. He will save you money and serve you better. Always put a Firextone ateanf utUed, leak-proof tube in your Firestone tire • FIRESTONE TIRE S, RUBBER Ca OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton. Ontario Build* the Only GUM-DIPPED TIRES ISSUE No. 30â€" '2a i-PURITy FlIOUR I BEST FOR ML YOVR BAKING ^ I ies. Cakes. Euns and Eread - DOES AU YOUR BAKINI BAKING BEST

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