THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1928 ' : \ â- : i : , \ Banking and Prosperity Prosperity on the farm is largely dependent on the factors beyond the realm of the farmer's control. There must be a good market demand for farm products and the production costs must be kept in proper relat- ion with market returns Our Branch Manager is thoroughly familiar with the business of farming and is ready to assist in carrying your farm y- >- gram to successful conclusion. THE SIANDARD BANK OF CANAEA .ESTABUSHED j^TS, E. A. PRESTON Manager, Flesherton Branch\ Big Circus Coming to Town on August 17 A grand Gala Day for the children from six to sixty when the Barnett Brothers big Circus and trained ani- mal circus pitches their big City of Tents on the Exhibition Grounds for one day only. There are more won- derful features, more sensational acts in the Barnett Brothers program than most all the other sh»ws combined. There will be a grand free street par- ade at noon through the principal streets of Flesherton â€" the open dens of wild animals from all parts of the world â€" the beautiful Tableaux trucks â€" the funny Clowns â€" beautiful wo- 'â- men â€" four bands of music â€" and the CaMiope â€" all helps to make the- child- ren wonder, if any fairyland is any more beautiful and gives them the thrill of their life time. Don't forget the day and date â€" rain or shine. Cf-R. TIME TABLE Locil and Personal Trains leave Flesherton Station aa foIlowB: Going Soutir Going North S.08 ajn. 11.62 a.m. 4.1D a.m. 8.53 p.m. 8.31 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton aa follows: For tEe north aL 11.00 a.m. ••utb at 3.30 For morning train •onta mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the greviotu evening. { Local and Personal Miss Viola Thistlethwaite was a visitor in Toronto over the holiday. Mrs. Thos. Gnmey of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Clark. Mr. Jim Wilson spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carter of To- ronto were the quests of Mr. a.nd Mrs. W. Moore iver Civic holiday. Mr. Jack Bkdow is spending his holidays at his i nnie near Golden Val- ley. Mr. and Mr.-. Alf Thistlethwaite have returned tT town, after spend- ing the past fe'v weeks in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Charles of To- ronto have spent the past few days We had a pretty quiet civic holiday, but not on the highways. Miss Marie McEachnie of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. |in town. The heavy rainfalls have kept the jj-^ ^^^ Mrs. Fred Nicholson of road men busy the past week. | Toronto motored up and spent the Mr. Wm. Castle was in Owen holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Joa. Dun- Sound over the week end. I can, returning Tuesday morning. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong is visiting ; pdatives in Havelock and Toronto. The Memorial Park The principal business before the ; Women's Institute at Flesherton, last j week, was the passing of a resolut- ion to have the iron work of the fence around the Memorial Park painted. It was conceded by all that this work was much needed, as already the iron had begun to corode and would like- ly soon rust away. There should be no delay in having the work com- pleted. At the same time it would be well to have a town "bee" and have all grass and unsightly weeds removed. Perhaps it would be too much to expect visitors to refrain ' from littering the grounds with pap- I ers, etc., and- sui-ely no citizen of I Flesherton will throw away rubbisTi 'within the grounds, which all ought to unite to keep in good shape. Leaving on Motor Trip Mrs. Ed. Kane of Toronto is the iguest of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson. Miss Eleanor Sampson of Rob Roy visited with her cousin, Ruby Kerton, I at Lusholme Farm, 8th Line, Osprey. 1 Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Murray and i daughter, Betty, accompanied by Miss 1 Shirley Murray of Toronto are leav- ) Mr. Wm. Fields and family and Mr. j ing this week for a delightful motor Jas. Fields of Toronto motored up ' trip through Michigan to Sault Ste. and spent ives here. the week end with relat- Mr. Orrel Fisher has purchased the I garage and business from his father, i which he has been managing, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pinder spent a ' ^n continue it under his own name. couple of days the first of the week ! in Toronto. 'â- ^® were pleased to see Mrs. J. D. Marie, thence to Manitoulin Island, back home by the east shore of the Georgian Bay. They expect to be away for about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cronin and fam- ily of Toronto were the guests of Clarke able to take a motor ride on Friday, after her recent serious ill- ness. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown over the week end. I Dr. and Mrs. Lively were in Owen Rev. and Mrs Jos. Harrower and Sound last week. The doctor at- three chidren left on Friday for To-i*«n<led ^^^ ^rey County Medical As- ronto, where they will spend their va- sociation meeting, cation. | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moody of To- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patrick of ronto were visitors with Mr. and Hamilton and Mrs. Ern Hunter and Mrs. Chas. McEachnie the past few daughter, Dorothy, were holiday vis- days, iters with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Field and Mr. Eugene Field of Toronto were holi- day visitors here. Mrs. Field is re- maining for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Orr and two The Turner Re-Union The Turner reunion was held on August 2nd, at the memorial Park, Eugenia and a very happy time took place when ovtr a hundred rel- atives gathered to spend the after- noon. Many friends from Toronto, Streetsville, Heathcote and Duncan were present, besides those living in Artemesia. About 1 o'clock a dainty dinner was spread and all sat down to well laden tables, to which all did full justice. During the afternoon Mr. Pluss, photographer, Thornbury, children of St. Catharines are visiting ; arrived and took photos of the gather- with the former's mother on the To- 1 ing, after which ball games and music ronto Line South. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton and i A large number from here attended daughter, Donelda, and Mr. Thos. the races at CoUingwood on Monday. ; Horton of Toronto, also Mrs. J. White I The track was very hea\T, but the ; ^f Orangeville were visitors over Sun- racing is feported as fast. ) jgy ^^h Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Stauffer of To- i ,,. ^ .... _ , „, „„ Tj„„t , ^, , , .,, ., I Misses Lillian and Flerence Bunt Tonto spent the week end with the and social chat closed able afternoon. a very enjoy- BEAVERS STILL AT WORK Mrs. Harmon Rad- latter's mother, ley. •Miss Helen Forsythe of Toronto was a guest of the Fenwick families at Feversham, and other acquaint- ances over the holiday. Miss Marion Shaw of Lions Head is spending a couple of weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Carnation Lodge L. 0. B. A. will ' titute in hold their regular meeting on Friday '^*'' '^^'â- *' People of the district and some from a distance continue to view the of Toronto were visitors over the dam which beavers persist in main- week end with Miss Aleda Mitchell, j taining on the pasture farm of Mr. Miss Lillian is remaining for a short | James Copp, about four miles east of Elmwood village. The result of the activity of these little builders has visit. Mr. and Mrs. T. J." Watson of Shel- burne and Miss Alberta Watson and Mr. K. Manley of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson in town. At the meeting of the Woman's In- Fleshcrton on Wednesday Wm. Moore gave a very in- on the proceedings been that the water in the creek and the lake north of it is jaised to an extent that the adjacent property of Mr. Wm. Henderson also is partially flooded. Until this spring beavers have been unknown in that district for fifty or sixty year? This dam, fifty or more feet wide, is quite substantial. evening, August 10th, at 8 p.m. All ; teresting report members are requested to be pres- J at the recent County Convention. The ' Although efforts have been made with ^^j ' meeting was held at the home of Mrs. ^ yj^^y (-p fygg access for the water, Harry Wilson and the social re-union ^^^ beavers repair, at night, the out- at the close was much enjoyed ' j^ts made by farmers. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferris and fam- [ Mr. Henderson has asked the Gov- ily; Mr. and Mrs. Mould and family , ernment to have the beavers removed^ of Toronto motored up and spent the On every hand there .s evidence of ^ week end at W. J. Meads. Mrs. Fer- their work. Quite large branches of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson and ^.^ ^^^ ^^^^.,y ^^^ spending a couple trees have been cut in shorter lengths daughter, Dorothy of Newmarket, and ^^ ^.^^^^ ^^.j^^ ^^.^^^^^^ ^j^^ ^^^^ ^g^^^,,. ^„d ^^^^ ^^ reinforce, with materials Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson of Aur- ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^.^^ ^^ Mondav, aecompan- picked up in the bush. The dam and ora visited with relatives m town .^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ j^^^ ij^ history are very interesting. - over the Civic holiday. ( ^p^^^ ^.^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^j^ ^^^^^^^ j,^^^ Walkerton Telescope. Messrs W. J. and C. W. Bellamy, »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»«»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»>»»»»♦<>♦» Miss Kate Bellamy and Miss Reta Mr. Lawson Bowles and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Addison of Toronto were vis- itors over Civic holiday with the for- mer's parent*. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowles, West Backliffe, Artemesia. motored to Cannington on Saturday and spent the week end with friends there. j Mr. Stewart McTavish of Oshawa spent the holiday at his parental home here. Stewart is employed with the deneral Motors and is leaving this week end to assume a new position at Walkerville. Matters for publication (whether personal or news items) will onVy go at one-cent rate if the letter is not sealed. If the letter is sealed, the rate is two cents. Those sending in matter for publication will kindly bear this in mind. When letters arc insufficiently prepaid we have to pay 1 double the deficiency to redeem them from the post office. Rope â€" Binder Twine MACHINE OIL MOTOR OIL AXLE GREASE ENAMELWARE CHINAWARE GLASS TUTO ENAMELS TURPENTINE SHOVELS HAY FORKS HANDLES CUP GREASE PAINT CEMENT WIRE FENCE STAPLES Duncan's Hardware 'Phones S4w and 54] Mrs. Lucy LeGard Dies in Her 90th Year Five Generations) Gathered at Re- cent Birthday Celebration. C.A..ME TO CANADA IX 1843 In the death Monday of Mrs. Lucy LeGard, in her 90th year, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Poult- er, 62 Woodyerest .Avenue, there pas- sed away one who was closely assoc- iated with the early settlers of On- tario. Born in Rugby, England, in 1838, Mrs. LeGard «ame to Canada at the age of 7 years. For many' years she resided in this county com- ing to Toronto 30 years ago. Shej was a member o' King Street East United Church. On March 22, Mrs. LeGard, sur- rounded by her family, celebrated her 89th birthday and was proud indeed to stand head of five generations of the family tree. Surviving are; One sister, Mrs. An- nie Tucker, Varney; three daughters, Mrs. R. Green, Heathcote; Mrs. E. Shaw, Clarksburs; Mrs. William Poulter, Toronto and six sons, Harry of Flesherton, E. D. LeGard of Sask- atchewan, George of Chicago and Fred, Walter and Albert of Toronto. She is also survived by 30 grand children, 30 great grandchildren and four great-great grandchildren. The funeral service will be held Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock from her residence. Interment will t)o made in Flesherton Cemetery on Thursday. All Schools of District Have Teachers Hired The Public schools in Artemesia township have all been sucessful in securing teachers for the coming term, as follows ;- Stone's Line. Alfred Hincks; Dur- ham Road, Miss llcCannel; Springhill G. B. Littlejohns; Victoria Corners, Sam McDonald; Portlaw, Miss Johns- ton; Rock Mills, Mrs. F. J. Seeley; Eighth Line, Ida Hincks; Eugenia, Sylvia Acheson; Ceylon, Mrs. Hare; Orange Valley, Miss Ottewell; Irish Lake, Miss Murphy; Cheeseville. Miss Jones; Vandeleur, Miss Thompson. Mr. Ross Smith of Flesherton has also been engaged for the Rob Roy schocfl. T. J. Stinsun Sold Farm Mr. Thos. J. Stinson has disposed of his one hundred acre farm on the Provincial Highway, south, to Mr. Russell Hill of Markdale. Mr. J. -A. Clark of Markdale was the inter- mediary. Y T V r T ♦ t •? •? T ? Y t Miss Blanche Mason of Agincourt is the guest of her friend, Mrs. (Dr.) F. M. Lively. The Presbyterian W .A. will hold a sale of homemade baking on the af- â- ternoon of .August 11, commencing at [ .J p.m.. in the room beside Watson's | store. â- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cullen and daughter, Blanche, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Gible and son, Lynell, of Toron- ; to motored up and spent the week ] end with the Cullen family. They! also visited the former's sister, Min- nie, who is seriously ill with pleuro- pneumonia at the home of her sister Mrs. W. J. Beaton, of Markdale. Dr. Carefoot and Nurse Johnston are in attendance. ; THE ONLY CIRCUS COMING TO Flesherton 17 ONE DAY ONLY I â- FRL,AUG. " Barnett Bros. Circus The World's Largest Popular Priced Amusement Enterprise. Admission: Children 30c., Adults 60c. ''x^x Show on the Exhibition Grounds Y ? X Y T Y I i I •>^>«X*<*<*<*<KK**>*X'^ Mi%*%*%>*M*WV**W*WWW%*%****V*%*%VW\*%*%W*******'****«.*'** DIAMONDS SILVERWARE : WATCHES Serves While It Pleases J\. O GIFT has a greater range of service than the gift of Sllverwara. Womankind delights in It â€" men are proud of it â€" it serves all^ while It ornaments the moat tasterully furn- ished room. Silverware lasts so n;i:ch longer than most things, and it is practical, too. DaintUy pierced tandicich trau $5.00 \V. A. ARMSTRONG & SON Gl FTS TO! LETWARE CLOCKS English Semi Porcelain DINNER WARE Special Reduced Prices for August Only 97 Piece Dinner Setts 40 Piece Tea Setts Regular Regular Regular Regular $25.00 $27.50 $31.50 $35.00 for $22.50 for $24.50 for $27.50 for $31.50 Regular Regular Regular Regular $1100 $8.50 $10.00 $9.50 for $10.00 for $7.65 for $9.00 for $8.55 ^^^^^,^^^,^.^^,^,^^.,„5„^.5.^.5„^.^^.^.5«^^^^<„^.^<..>^,0^^ There are eleven selected designs to choose from in white and ivory bodis. They are from the best patterns: Johnston's, Myott's and Meakin's. M\ are "Open Stock" patterns, so that you can purchase a full Dinner or Tea Sett, or a single plate or cup and saucer, as you prefer. If you already have some of these patterns and uish to add a few pieces or re- place some broken pieces. \vc will allow you a Special 10 per cent, discount on our reg"ular prices during' August. F. H. W. HICKLING STORE CLOSED THIRS. at 12 noon FLESHERTON, ONT. *"i«"'»*)i'i'iiiKiiiNii«)i«miiii,i()«),H^ ".â- i^