Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1928, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1928 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE k r1 CEYLON Mr. Rutledge of East Orange, N. J., Mrs. Gordon Jackson and son, Keith, baur motored to Angus ana took in the Field Day sports. Mr. J. C. McMullen, Master Orton and Mias Fern Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. of Dundas were holiday visitors with Ross Leslie, Toronto were week end Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod. Mrs. F. Mar.'ihall and son, Billie, ' visitors at Mr. A. McMullen's. Mr. Jas. McWhinney, Mr. R. Cook fpent the week end with litr daughter and Miss Millie, accompanied by Miss I Gertrude Cook of Loj Angeles, Calif. visitine ^°"^ '" C'^'"-" hol'tiay at Hanover on at Whitby. .Mr. Robert Campbell is friends at Calcdon this week. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and family of Hamilton wen- week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns. Mr. ^an FcrKUson of Cut Knife, Sask., and Mr, Peter Ferguson, Mr. Monday. Mrs. Winters, Miss Winters, Mr. Arthur Whittaker and Master John McMillan were week end visitors at Miss Anna McMillan's. Mr. Eldon MeLauchlan of St. Cath- arines spent the week end with his father. Mrs. Orr of Orangeville spent the week end with Mra. J. J. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Raney and little dau- ghter of Wiarton visited over the hol- iday at Mr. n. McPhail's. The Ladies' Aid intend holding; r and Mrs. King and little daughter or^»'''en Party and ice cream social Paris spent the week end with their Steady Rain When Kimberley Won 27-16 'on the lawn of A. C. Muir's across | second inning. It wa.^ well nigh; daughter, Mrs. Wm. Mathewson. Miss Mc Master of Toronto spent the week end at Mr. and Mrs. Thos. and .Mrs. .Mclntyre of Toronto were a,,.,,,„^,>~ week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. â-  j,^ r b^„,^„^ ^^^^ Anna White, Robt. Campbell. j,^ ^^^^ jl^3 Stanley White and dau- Mrs. Baxter sr., Mr. and Mrs. ' ghter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown were Mervin Baxter of Collingwood vis- j visitors over the week end at Mrs. ited at Mr. Peter Muir's la.-,t week, â- white's. Miss Catharine .Mulr accompanied j jjr. Jas. Pattison of Toronto v»s- them back to Colling\vood. I ited at Mr. John Kennedy's and called Miss Lizzie Henderson of Hanover on old neighbors, visited with Mrs. Jas. McWhinney! Bornâ€" On July 31, to Mr. and Mrs. last week. Dr. and Mrs. West and babe of An- I of Toronto, the gift Kus; Mr. Bert Whittaker; Mr. and : Congratulations. Mrs. Xeubuar of Akron, Ohio, viiited } Mr. Alex. Knox is home from Toron- at Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittaker's I to University for a vacation, last week and were accompanlefl ] jjr. S. Hemphill and family motored back to their home by Miss Millie. to Fergus the first of the week and from the church on Tuesday, Aug- ust 14th. Mu.sic, program and ball I Flies and Insects â€" Because they Waslyngton, formerly of Flesherton, I spread disease, all flies and insects was drowned on Wednesday, June 27. should be kept away from the child. The car in which he was drivinir Netting should be used. was travelling at a moderate rate to- ' In case of any digestive upset or ward Aberdeen, when turning out to Amid a steady dov.npour of rain '"estulai-ity of the bowel movements, pass another car, it skidded and throughout the game Kimberley came * physician should be consulted at plunged over the embankment into out victorious in v. hectic contest, the o""- At the beginning, such con- j ^jj^ wickham River, one mile north score being 27-lC». Dillon commen- ditions respond promptly to proper : ^^ Aberdeen. The other two occn- ecd on the mound for Kimberley and treatment; if allowed to continue, the j * ^ k m p > very well up to the time the rain ' condition may become serious and ! P^"" ^^"^ rescued, but Mr. Bate s started to fall v.'iich was about the 'difficult to cure. [^*^^y ^^^ recovered and interment jtook place at Aberdeen. DROWNED IN. UNITED STATES ! walks were vehy numerous. It was games early in the evening. A gooa I anybody's game right up to the last time is expected and only a small fee j "^""P'^ of innings, when Kimberley of 25 cents and 10 cents is being ask- ed. SWAMP COLLEGE jChas. Irish (nee Myrtle Hemphill) a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McMullen of Toronto motored up and spent the week end with the former's parents. Miss Irene Stewart who has been holidaying at her home her returned to Toronto. Burt Whittaker, Mr. and Mrs. Neu- visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair arid family motored to Harriston for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chislett and son, Claude, of Listowel, M. Ottewell Tuck- Mr. and Mr.-". R. Whittaker. Mr., gr, Paisley, Miss Norma Whittaker Mr. and Mrs. John Whittaker, Mr. Summer Clearance of Women's and Children's Shoes Everybody around here is complain- ing of the wet weather. Mr. and Mrs .Matt Hooper, and son, John of Egromont visited at Mr. Geo. I Black's. Mr. John Haw attended the funer- al of Mr. Hoover in Toronto on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. John Wilson of Toronto spent a few days at Mr. Wal- ter Broughton's. Miss Effie McCannell of Toronto is spending a week at her home, Messrs Angus and Donnie MacDon- ald of Toronto is spending a week vis- iting at Mr. Angus McCannell's. Mrs. MacDonald and Dorothy will accom- pany them back. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLean and son, Earl, of Owen Sound visitfed at Mr. Alex. Richardson's. â-  Miss Florence McCannell and friend of Shelburne spent the week end at her home here. MAXWELL White Canvas Orfordsâ€" Pointed Toe. Ridiculously Priced 25c. White Canva.s â€" Low Heel Good Quality 75c. . Children's Canvas Shoes, any quality or style. To To Clear at HALF PRICE Patent Straps, Reg. to $4, for $1.50 Kid Oxfords and Straps, large size, to clear at $2.75 Black and Elk Sandals for $1.50 Have you used KING BUG KILLER? I have a good supply on hand. A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Miss Margaret Fozer of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mr.- Robert Priestly. . Rev. and Mrs. -Scobie and family renewed acquaintances here la.it week en route to the nortbcrn part of On- tario, where they will spend their hol- idays. There wasn't any church service here last Sunday, as Mr. D. Kendall is on his holidays. He will return in time to take services next Sunday. â-  Miss Olive Davis hag returned to her home in Georgetown, after three weeks visit with relatives here and at Flsherton. The W. L will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Alex. Morrison on Thursday, August 9th. All members are requested to be pres- ent. Visitors welcome. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that onr customers in the sis roirir.unities may mat- erially benefit individn- mlly. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontarfo THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- lively associates with hif h quality merchandise at tbc fairest poaible prices. Seasonable Winter Merchandise â€" Savings MEN'S SUITS $11.95 Men's Suits in Tweeds and Worstedt, single and double breasted, newest styles. Our buying power makes this possible. June Special $1L95 LADIES' AND MISSES PULLOVER SWEATERS $3.25 This is a new line which is very pofular for summer wear, in sll the new shades. V and round- tj ntii;, vir'.'.Ii ii'.;i t.u.j;t a; pcari.;: .c. Ji;:i.> .' Med- ial Z... %3.25 DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT In thia department you will find all the new and wanted materials for summer wear, consist- ing of Crepes, Voils, Celanese. Im])orted dress lengths. These materials are very popular for summer wear. LADIES' SILK HOSE 75 cts. We have just placed in stock a verr si>ecial line of Pure Thread Silk Hose, silk to the top, beaut- iful quelity. Another line on which our buying power saves you money. June Special 75c. Ladies and Misses' Dresse* $4.75 to $13.7 Ladies' Summer Dresises in Celnnese, Flat Crepes, Fugi 8ill<, in all the newest shades, beaut- iful dresses for summer wear. June Special Salmon, 1 pound tins for 19c. t4.75 to SM.?.'!. Ciinger .Snaps, 2 pound for 25c. 50,000 POUNDS OF WOOL WANTED F.T.HlLL&CQ.,LrmHefl,Maridale HOUS EDRESSES In this line of dresses we have a large stock from which to make your selection. The cloths are Gingham, Fancy Broadcloth, Percale and other materials. These dresses were all purchased in the best markets which our buyers couJd purchase from. We feel sure we can save you a lot of moiv. ey in this line. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Just arrived from New Voik! A shipment of New Summer Hats with Large Leghorn Brims with hair crowns; small and medium hats in blue, red and fawn and natural shades with lace crown and hair brims; fests in white, green, fawn, rose, beige, red, blue and brown shades. Prices ranging from $1.9.5 to I4..50. Ladies' Silk Vests and Blooniers--69c. Ladies' Silk Vests and Bloomers in all the new shades. All Sizes. Regular value 96c. June Special, each ....„ 59^. LADIES' AND MISSES DRESSES Granulated Sugar, 10 pounds for 65c. Black Tea, choice blend, per pound 59c. Pineapple, 2 cans for S.'ic. Pineapple. 2 cans for .'JSc. Pearl White Soap, fi bars for 25c. forged ahead with enough runs to win the game. Flesherton â€" Thurston, McTaviih, Gen.oe, K. Betts, C. Betts, MacDon- ald, Sparks, Bowles, Russell. Kimberley â€" Myles, Dillon, Ellis. Stafford, Fawcett, R. Ellia,. Cornfield, Gilbert, E. Ellis. Centre 6rey Baseball STANDING 'of TEAMS p.c. .800 .600 .33i? .250 Kimberley 27, Flesh'erton 19 GAMES THIS WEEK Kimberley at Dundalk â€" Aug. 8th Team Won Lost Markdale â€" 4 1 Kimberley â€" 3 2 Dundalk â€" 1 2 Flesherton â€" 1 4 Centre Grey Softball A very snappy game of Softball was' pulled off in the Memorial Park on Monday of this week, between Vict- oria Corners and Flesherton, result- ing in a tie score of 2-2, when dark- ness intervened at the end of the 6th On Wednesday night the two teams leading the league at the present time will come to-gether. Maxwell and Rock Mills. This should be a real game as these two teams are both con- fident they can win. On Saturday night the Kimberley team will try and lead the Onwards into camp. Game called for 6.45. The foiiow;ng prizes will be given for this month: Most home runs (Men) McTavish's Garage will give a free crank case oil change. Most 3-base hits (Men) Allan Wat- son, one pound of tea. Most 2-ba8e hits, Mark Wilson, 2 pounds of sausage. For the lady making the most home runs during the month, .Avery Hawk- en will give a photo of the lady. Most 3-base hits (lady) Allan Wat- son, one pound of tea. Most 2-base hit.s (lady) b"y F. H. W. Hickling, hose valued at $1.00. Mr. Bates is a brother of Mrs. Ed- Mr. Thomas Bates of Aberdeen, ' '^"'^ "^''°"' ^^ P^"^'" ^^^' "^"^o"*^ ' Small Advertisements LOST OR STRAYED LOST â€" Cii license plate No. 323-456. pirtder please leave at The Advance office. FAR.M FOR SALE Lots 1 and 2, Con. 7, Osprey town- ship, 200 acres, consisting of about 90 acres under cultivation, about 20 LOST â€" Will the person who took ^^^^ '" pasture, about 40 acres in the tire from the rear of my car at ^°^^ hardwood bush, balance in good Eugenia on Friday night last, please i ^^f,*"? «"f ^ood bush. T.ro good wells and running spring creek. Small orchard and farm well fenced and in high state of cultivation.. Bank return, as they are known, â€" John Campbell, Eugenia. nn-Kfc Ao-ruAv o* j ^ ..v 'ham 42 by 60, driving shed, garage CAME ASTRAY â€" Strayed to the • • i-j 1. • , • .» _, . ,, . - . . . P>g pen, solid brick nine roomed property of the undersigned about „„„,^ ,„j ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ July 12th, yearling heifer. Owner prove property and pay expenses.- W. J. Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. W. J. CHARD, Flesherton . RR. No. 1. Came to the Premises â€" Lot 27, Con. 14, on or about June 4th, 2 year- ling heifers, part Hereford. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. â€" Henry Walton, "Kimberley. LOSTâ€" On Saturday, July 21, Grey Sweater Coat, between my home and the bridge over the Beaver River on Milne's sideroad. Finder please com- municate with Alex. English, Flesh- ,erton, 'phone 11 r 21, or leave at The Advance office. FOR SALE â€" For sedan in good No. 92-77530. Also a young York* condition, haa only been used in the shire pig, both bacon type for service summer holidays. â€" J. Runstadler. on Lot 176, N.W. T. & S.R. Passed Music Exams. FOR SALB FOR SALEâ€" Ford Coupeâ€" 1923 model, recently overhauled, a real buy for someone. The Advance Office. SHORTHORN BULL FOR 8EBVICB Registered Shorthorn bull (or vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Oapr«y, "Many Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire. Bomd* ifarqnis 142,881; Dam, Red Butleii^ 131^,078. Terma â€" Purebredi |8.0t. grades $2.00. Ccws not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Ba|«4k BOAR FOR 8ERMCB. Registered Yorkshire Boar for Mi^ vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog CMv the property of the Ontario Daput- ment of Agrietritnrc. â€" G. STEWART, Caretaker. BOAR FOR SERVICE Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" McCormack Binder, 7-foot cut, second hand, in first class condition, cheap. â€" H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. FOR SALE-nQuebec Range, Quan- tity of coal, Chev. sedan, Beatty elec- tdic washing machine and other art- icles.â€" Mrs. W. L. Wright, Flesherton FOR SALEâ€" House and half acre of land in Ceylon, good stable, w?ll watered, electric lights. â€" J. S. Mc- Millan, Ceylou. FOR SALEâ€" One Pure bred reg- Mstered Shorthorn cow, four years old. With Dr. Harvey Robb of the To-^^^ j,, freshen at once, also Short- ronto Conservatory ,of Music as ex^ aminer, the following pupils of Miss Nellie Gardiner successfully passed: Mr. S. Hardwipk, junior vocal, honors; Mr. Murray Inkster, primary vocal, pass; Margaret Sinclair, elementary vocal, honors; Bertha Jack, element- ary vocal, pass. horn Bull, one year old. â€" Edgar Betts, Telephone Feversham ring 2-1. FOR SALE â€" Near Thornbury, Good fruit. Grain and Stock farm, 100 acres, good buildings, some wood land Spring water, mail and 'phone. â€" Rob- ert Dobson, Clarksburg, Ont. Health Service - of the -â-  CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOC. CARE OF THE BABY IN SUMMER FOR SALE â€" 13 John S. Martin's I Dorcas strain White Wyandotte year old hens. These are from $15 per setting strain. A bargain for im- j„ „i._i. 1. , mediate sale.- George W. Graham, '^^'^ ''*"''* '**""'«• '"«• verandah oii More babies are sick in summer Termsâ€" $1.00. â€" T. J. STINSON. ..BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99» â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terma $1.00. â€" C. HINDLE, Proton Station Lots 168-9, 3rd W.T.S.R., ArUmeeis MtDOLEtptO & BURNS Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton, Flesherton every Saturday afternoon and evenir.g. GBO B. DUNCAK DUNPALK LKBNOBD AUOTIONEBI Far the County tt Ony. Ttoma: per cent ^tiafaction rnenrtisi Dates made at The Advance off!**. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALR In the «re8t end of the village of Flesherton, 6-room house, electric wired, soft water cistern, cellar un- Eugenia. MISCELLANEOUS ROOMEfts WANTED â€" Students than at other seasons. This may T"l"^ '" ''<«>'«"-Mrs. H. Wilson, flesherton. two sides, and woodshed with c<ment floor; approximately three acres of land and good etablib. An ideal spot for a retired fanner. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG * SON, Fksherton, Ont be prevented by proper care, which I '"<^'"''^*=- I FLAT FOR RENT â€" 8-room ap. Breast-Feedingâ€" Every baby should avtment for rent," bath room.â€" Mr& 1 Pure-bred Hei«ford BoH for mw be breast-fed by his mother. Breast ,W. L. Wright, Flesherton. â-  vice. Terma |Z, payable tke fint if milk is the best milk for babies. It â€" :~ â€" ] February, after that date 12.50 wfll eonUins all those things which the 1.^^^^ WANTEDâ€" Highest market be charged. baby's body renuires. It is fresh; Cta'SurV.Wton" ""• " 't germs. Mothers iti is free from should never wean their bftbiea ex- cepting when advised to do so by physicians. Safe Milk â€" If the baby is not breast-fed, or after he has been wean- ed, he must have safe milk. Pasteur- ized- milk should be procured or, if it cannot be bought, the milk that is supplied should be boiled for' three minutes, or it can also be pasteurised at home. T^e niilk should be kept NOTIQE-Berry Picking for two on ice. covered, and so protected from ^^^ ,^^,y ^^^^^ ^ot ^. Con. 14 BULL FOR SBRVICB. -KDWARD L0UCK8. Men wanted for highway construct-', ion work at Orangeville. Apply to' the Warren Paving Co., Orangeville NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Sat- urdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. '' NOTICEâ€" Buy your Binder Twine at The Park HdUse; the price is right â€" H. Spoffard. Artemesia. â€" Wm. Rae. dirt, flics and insects. Water â€" The baby should be given plenty of water. He cannot apk for' WANTED â€" Four head of cattle jt^ to pasture, also four acres of alfalfa l.«lly liv, â„¢,l.„Mo,,r.. on Ih. porch l,^ m,,,,^ jj ^i-ronto, Onl. or in the yard. If he sleeps ""'""â€" the windows should be wide open. | W.ANTED â€" High School students BUSINESS CARPS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate at Toronte and Royal College of Dental Sorgeona of OnUrio. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. & A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. G. Watson, W. M., C. P Lawrence, Secretary Lucas & Henry, Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C. W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Block. Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soil- Sunlight-The baby .,hould have a'to either board or room.-Apply to bS' Owen ^S ^^^""^ ^^ ..un bath every day. beginning with Mrs^EJest, Flesherton (opposite the j Block! Fl^lrtZ^!^;^^,^ short exposures until the whole body, "•«•> School) I P- Telford, Jr., J. F. P. Birnie is exposed to the benefits of the sun's I ray.i. ' Clothing â€" The baby's clothes! should be according to the weather. ' emesia, Durham Bull Royal Lad No, Many children are over-clothed. On 178,778, very warm days, all the clothes ex- January 1920, otherwise $2.60, cept the diaper can be removed. BULL FOR SERVICE I Wm v-i*»i- ti Tl ~- â-  -. I wm. Kalttlng, Liaeeaied AuetiMM* For service on lot SO. Con. 18, Art-' 'Z^.^'^J^ ^ *** â- *"^ ' "-^^ Farm and itoek ealai a tfMtttf, DUNCAN WILLIAMS. Eugenia, 'or by addrwteg Bin

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