I * THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDMKSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1928 » i .-*. . • 1. ••!â- • A A i 4 Local Chev. Dealer Enjoys Fine Trip As a member of the Chevrolet "75 club" Mr. Geo. McTavish last week enjoyed a host trip from Toronto to the Thousand Islands in the St. Lawrence River. This trip was given free by the General Motors Corporation of Canada to all deal-- ers who disposed of seventy-five or I more new and used cars during the ' past year, as an appreciation of , their intensive efforts. Besides ad- dresses by various managers of de- partments trips, were given the deal- ers in speed motor boats and sea- planes, raaking the outing a very in- teresting affair. Next year the out- ing will be a ti-ip to Montreal by boat for those disposing of 100 new and used cars. WIHBiaH! CJ.R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Mr. Everett Fi-eeman was in To- ronto the past few days. I Miss Edna IlcCallum spent 'past week in E .:rham. Going Soutt 8.08 a.m. 4.10 a.m. 8.53 p.m. 8.31 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Plasherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. â- outh at '3.30 For rooming train â- outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the yreviooa evening. Upper School Report FLESHERTON HIGH SCHOOL L. BOYDâ€" Hist. 2, Geom .2, Lat. Auth. c, Lat. Comp. c, Fr. Comp. 3. I L BROWNâ€" Trig, c, Fr. Auth c, the Fr. Comp. c. V. McDOUGALLâ€" Eng. Comp. c. Local and Personal Mr. Jack Sleeman of Guelph is vis- iting his uncle, Mr. M. Schaeffer. Mr. Bill Patton is holidaying with relatives in Durham. Miss Marie McEachnie of Toronto was home over Sunday. Mrs. Howard Wright and four Going North Mrs. Cargo ard daughter, Jeanette, J. McFADDEXâ€" Hist. 3, Alg. 2, 11.52 a.m. have returned I- :tei' spending a couple Geom. 1, Trig. 1, Fr. Auth. 1, Fr. of weeks at De i-oit and Toronto. Comp. 2. Miss Hilda Jffries of Collingwood M. STUART-Eng. Cpnip. 2, Eng. was the guest I .st week of her friend, Lit. 2. Geom. 2, Lat Auth. 2, Lat. Mrs. Wes. Arn.itrong. ; Comp. 2, Fr. Auth. 1, Fr. C omp. 2. Mrs. F. J. T -urston and two child- ren, Jim and 'Sarle, are spending this week at L imilton. Mr. and Mrr A. Howden of Toronto were callers r •. Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore on We-lnesday last. Mr. and Mrc. Ed. Tremp, and Mr. John Bellamy are in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. VanDusen The Freeman Re-Union Mr. and Mrs. John John Freeman 1 of Orlando, Florida on a motor tour, I after visiting members of the family ' in the northern States continued to ' , Ontario that they might visit Mr. I Freeman's boyhood home and broth- ^"•^ ers near Markdale. A week was hap- daughter, Grace, of Toronto were in p^y gpent with Mr. and Mrs. T, town last wee::. j Freeman on the old homestead and Mrs. Herbert Chessworth of Toronto and with Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman visited the past week with her friend, of Flesherton and in renewing old acquaintances. children are spending a month at her ^^ p^^^ Mathewson. parental home at Lanark. , ^^^^^^ j^j^^^ p^^j^^ and two 1 A happy Freeman re-union was _ Mrs. Clarence White of Wauaushene children, Nancy and John of Brussels ' held in Harrison's Park, Owen Sound. IS visiting her father, Mr. Wm. Hen- ^^^^^ ^j^^ p^^^^ ^^^^ ^jt^ friends in There were eighty-five persons pres- derson. | ^^^^ ' I ent_ seventy-five of whom were rel- Car acidents were not as numrous ! Monday is Labor Day, when the atives. including three Freeman bro- as usual over the past week end. A ' ^^^^^^ ^.^^ ^e closed. Be sure to thers and two sisters with heir fam- welcome change for many. | j^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ e^tMes Hies and the famlies of two other Rev. F. D. Goff. Mrs. Goff and f„; ft,„ i„„„ woob onH I sisters. Twontv-five were first i ing to commence the fall term at the schools, after, in most cases, an en- erton, Markdale and Florida. extra supoly of eatables,'"" â€" the famlies of two D. Goff, Mrs. Goff and for the long week end. Uisters. Twenty-five were 6on, Sam of Clarksburg called on' „ „ „ ., „. . ,, [cousins and an equal number were friends in town on Monday. | Mrs. T. F. McCarthy, Miss A. Mc- ^^^^„^ ^^^^^^^^ They came from M « TT „ J J L T, i., Carthy and master Walter of Niagara ! ^ij.i^ different places, Stratford, Mrs. A Harpel and daughter Ruth ' p^„- q^^., .^e visiting with Mr. and :^^^'„^,„^'â„¢er Walk^-ton. Flesh- of Toronto spent the past week with ^^^; ^ j ^^.^^^^^ Springhill. ' ^"'°"*°' ''^" ' â€" " her father, Jlr. John Bellamy. _, , ,, , „ . , „ . This week the students are prepar- We have the best Special Prize List north of Toronto for our Fall Fair sounds big, but just get a list . ,, , ,., loyable holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Harrower, and three children of Toronto are the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Jos. Har- rower. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Clipperton and Jim, and see. Dr. FVed Murray a dnson, and Dr. Thos. Henderson of Toronto to spent a few days in town last week. son Bill of Toronto were week end visiters at the hcir-.s of Mrs. W Armstrong. Ralph and Jean went back with them. | Mrs. Jos. Ferris, and family, have Miss Mary Paton (is leaving- on Friday to enter Owen Sound hospit- al to train as a nurse. Mrs. Brotherton, Mr. D. Clinton and Misses Jean and Irene Clinton of Toronto spent the week end at Mr. C. Meldrum's. Now would be a good time to look over ^ ak I..C ..v^...c «x -". --«• , -- I ggj. ^ ^igg entrv list ready and by •fore returning to their home in To-j^^ ^^.^^ .^j^ ^j^^ Booster Club. 'â- ""to. I The Lad-es' Aid of the United: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston Church. Eusenia will hold a con- two children are spending this week ^ ^^.^^ ^^^ p^[j p^jj, p^j^g List and at the home of Mr. Geo. Mitchell, be- i The Lad-'es' Aid of the Thurston ^ Church, Eugenia will hold returned to their home in Toronto, af-' spent the past few days at Lions eert on Friday, September 7th. giv- ter spending the past few weeks with ' Head. Miss Marion Shaw returned ; en entirely by the Sunbeam Tno. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. i ''""^e with them, after spending a | graduates of the Ontario School fo»- Meads. Miss Ruth Armstrong was in Mark- Mr dale with her cousin, Miss Flo Arm- ronto was a caller at H. Freeman's | Mrs. John Jones of Toronto is at The fair maidens had a last week. Mr. CoUey was the pilot ; the home of her parents, Mr. and home few holidays here. • J Blind. Concert to commence at Art Collev and friend of To- 1 8=30 p.m. Admission 35 and 25 cts. strong. delightful trip by water from Owen ; of the airplane at last year's fall Sound to Collingwood. j fair. A silver cup, valued at S30 will , Mr. and Mrs. John King, and two be given to the party winning the | children, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar most points in the hall. They must McCann, and family, all of Toronto have at least 8 entries in 4 different spent a few days the past week with classes, at Fall Fair, Flesherton. Rev. and Mrs. Harrower. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Perigo and Mr. John Paul returned last week daughter, Betty, of Detroit, are hoi- ' to his home at Khedive, Sask., af- dayfng in town. ' On Sunday, along ' ter spending the past three weeks With Mrs. I. H. Perigo and Mr. and with his father at Eugenia and sister, ' ^j^^_ Mrs. Albert Stewart, they visited Col- . Mrs. R. Bentham. i lingwood friends. j j^^^^ ^ ^ McTavish and two Mrs. Wilcock, who has this year , children, Ted and Jean, spent lasts entertained many distant relatives 'week at Mr. Chas. McTavish's sum- and friends at her home here last nier cottage on Lake Ontario, while j week visited friends in the northern George was on the trip to the Thous Mrs. W. S. Inkster, where she will remain for the next few months, re- cuperating from her i-ecent operat- ion and serious illn.ess. The Ladies' Aid of Feversham Presbyterian church will hold a meat pie supper on Thursday, September 6th. Good program at night by the Sunbeam Concert Trio, of London, gaduates of the Ontario school for the blind. See posters for partic- sr aC^^gaBE II3I^^=IB(^ (S\ "^SERVICE part of the county and on Friday morning left by motor for a so- journ with her son in Buffalo. and Islands. I I Miss Ella Barnhoase of Edmonton, Alta., was a visitor in town over the Mr. Jos. Armstrong who has been week end renewing old acquaintances spending the holidays with his f am- j Miss Barnhouse left Sunday evening ily at their summer home here was for Montreal on a trip, before pro- called to Toronto on business last , ceeding to her home at Edmonton. week. He returned on Saturday and will remain her until the end of the week. • Col. Ern Armstrong, wife and family, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W .Hickling left on Friday to visit friends in Kitch- ener and Mrs. Armstrong's sister and husband at Buffalo, and after seeing Toronto Exhibition this week returned to Cobalt for shcool open- ing next week. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling an Wed- nesday, September 5th at 3 p.m. Paperâ€" Photo Gallery. Roll Callâ€" What I first remember and when. Social Coi»»râ€" Cake â€" Mesdames Mc- Tavish, Plnllips and Inkster. Sand- wich â€" Mesdames Boyd, Harrower and Gilchrist. AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. ^^>^>^><r><'<r><r><r><r><r*>^'^'^^^>'yi'^:r>'^^ pu^g-B^ad Better Than Ever USE IT NOW! The white, creamy appear- ance of Purity Bread is just what you have been longing for. Purity Bread is made from the best ingredients to be obtained, and cleanliness is our watchword. If you are not using Pindar's Bread, Try it Now. PINDER'S BAKERY t '4 A Softball Tournament Car Damaged MORE GAS PUMPS AND ELECTRIC SIGN D. McTavish & son last week ad- ded two more double vision pumps to their battery of gas distributators at their new service station. This week they will erect another double vision pump on OoUingwood street. This will make a total of 25 pumps distributing gas to the public, in Flesherton. H. Down & Sons will this week install a fine el- ectric sign in front of their garage. The East Grey Agricultural Soc-I iety are proposing holding a Soft- ball Tournament probably on Wed-' nesday, September 12, on the Fair Grounds. It is expected that the Softball League will be ready for the finals and one of the final games will be played, that day, and the other games on Fair Day, September 21. Along with this final game, a picked team of men. also a team of ladies are challenging the winners of the Owen Sound league to play them also at this tournament. These three games should make a real afternoon of sport and as harvest should be over by that time a good attendance should be on hand. Watch for full particulars next week. While travelling to Wasaga Beach on Sunday, Mr. Murray Nichol of Priceville suffered an accident with the car, when it turned over into a ditch, in attempting to escape hitting another car, coining onto the Colling- wood gavel at the Mclntyre side- road. The top and windshield was a complete wreck, but the occupants escaped with only a bad shaking up and a few bruises. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever announce the engagement of their daughter, Vera Alberta, to Mr. Robert Gordon Long, son of the late Wm. and Mrs. Long of Flesherton, formerly of Honej-wood, the marriage to take place early in September. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. David Symes of Mark- dale, Ontario, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mary Han- nah, to Mr. Austin Craig, youngest son of the late Thomas ami Emma Craig, of Toronto, the marriage to , take place the latter part of Sept- ' meber. Convert Your Attic Into sua Attractive Extra Room at Low Cost With GYPROC Send for handsome; free book, "Walls That Reflect Good Judgment." It gives valuable information on Gyproc and interior decoration CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITED Pari* Canada Use The Advance Small Ads Frank W. Duncan, For Sale By Flesherton, Onti Rope- MACHINE OIL ENAMELWARE TUTO ENAMELS SHOVELS HAYFORKS CUP GREASE CEMENT WIRE FENCE Duncan's Hardware I X 'Phones S4w and 54] | ; Si* z -Binder Twine MOTOR OIL AXLE GREASE CHINAWARE GLASS TURPENTINE HANDLES PAINT ' STAPLES Special Sale Boy's Tweed Suits - Half Price or Less 50 Boys' Two Piece Tweed Suit.sâ€" iikkIc up in a variety of patterns in all wool Tweeds, selected specially for wear-resisting qualities and tailord in up-to- date deigns. Every suit is in perfect conditionâ€" none shop worn, faded or soiled. I The sizes range from 27 to 35. so that you can obtain a full range of sizes. School time will soon be here again and this is a wonderful opportunitv to outfit your boy at the lowest possible cost. The Regular Selling Price ranged from $6.50 to $9.50. Special For August Only ^3.49 Boy's Boots Bo>'8 Caps Boy's Jerseys. Boy's Hosiery Boy's Underwear Boy's Sweaters. - ALL AT RIGHT PRICES F. H. W. HICKLING m STOR:: closed THIRS. at 12 noon FLESHERTON, ONT. jMiass::s::2^^^^^^^ llHIillWHl