Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1928, p. 1

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Vol. 48 No. 14 ®l)je /ie0l)^rt0n %hmnct Fleskerlon Ontario, September 5, 1928 W. H. Thureton & Son, Prop»i«l«r8» KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bishop and small daughter of Toronto are visit- ing the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bishop. Mrs. D. A. Graham and the Misses Edna and Annie Burritt motored to Barrie Sunday. They were accomp- anied home by Mrs. Graham and little Betty. Mr. David Webr, our local con- tractor, has the contract for building the flepworth H. S. He begins next week. Mr. Norman Burritt of the H. E. P. C. at Smith Falls spent the holiday at his parental home. Ira Harris, the 14 year old son of Mr. Wm. Harris, fell out of an apple tree recently, and broke his left arm. He was taken to Collingwood HospiUl, where Drs. Gossage and Ives set the bone and was able to . be moved next day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dillon, Mrs. Jas. Lawrence and Miss Dunetta and Miss Geraldine Weber are visiting Toronto and Oshawa friends.^ Mr. John Taylor of Oshawa spent a few days with friends in the vil- lage. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hammond and children of Toronto have returned home after camping the last of the month at the river. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McCannell and children of Sturgeon Falls are vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. McConnell. Mr. Henry Ellis and family of Powassan are visiting friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Huggard and two children of Thornbury spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Minis, Muriel and Miss Moon have returned to their home in Pontine, Mich. Mrs. P. Weber and Mrs. J. Wickens accom- panied them. Mrs. South and Miss Marjorie South of Heathcote visited recently with Mrs. W. T. Ellis. Mrs. Proctor and |Miss Marjorie was at Eugenia on Sunday, the MAXWELL CEYLON The W. I. will hold a Grand- mo«her'8 Day on Thursday, Septem- ber 13, at the home of Mrs. Chas. Long at 2:00 p.m. All grandmothers are cordially invited. Visitors are welcome. The following prizes will be given: For the oldest grandmother for grandmother having most grand- children and great grandchildren, for youngest grandmother and the grandmother having the best salad, also for the grandmother wearing the most old fashioned costume, also an unannounced prize. A silver col- lection will be taken. Visitors at the Ex. this week are:- Messrs W. H. Guy, Geo. W. Ross, George Morrison and Guy Pallister, Mr. Jas. Radley and daughter, Annie, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Poole and Miss Bertha Pallister, Mrs. H. B. Poole. School commenc>*d on Tuesday, September 4th, with Miss Helen May- ! nard again as teacher. We welcome her back. What might have been a serious accident happened on Monday even- ' ing, east of Maxwell, when cars driv- en by Messrs A. Somberger and L. Smith, both of Tryon vicinity collided. I Both cars were badly damaged, but the occupants escaped without injury. Mrs. Robt. Priestly and little daugh- ter of Dundalk visited with relatives here last week. We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mclntyre on the arrival of a little daughter. i Mr. and Mrs. Emfrson Woods of the 10th line, Osprey visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Priestly, Sun- day. Miss Annie Priestly is visiting this week with Dundalk relatives. Mrs. Wilbert Poole left Tuesday morning for the General Hospital, Toronto, where she will undergo an operation. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Geo. Ross and daughter, Mabel visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs-. M. NiehoUs*, Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Huff of Southamp guests of Mr. and Mrs. Em Proctor. | ^^^ ^^j daughter, CTara, and friend Mr. and Mrs. Moore and daughter accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Aches- on of London visited Sunday at the Graham home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pavis of Van- deleur, Mrs. A. Andrews and friend of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Plewis, recently. SWAMP COLLEGE â- Mr. Ferguson, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ard. Miss Ruby Kerton of the 8th lino visited a few days last week with Mrs. L. Kerton. We extend our sincere sympathy to the Leopard family in their sad bereavement in the loss of a husband and father, Mr. Louis Leopard, who i (lied Monday morning, in the G. & M. â-  I Hospital, Collingwood. It is very wet this morning and Messrs Clarence Brownridge and the harvest will be at a standstill j jjajoij West of Stayner were c.illers for a few days. here last week. A number from here took in the Rev. F. L. Brown, Supt. of Home presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ! Mission Board for Toronto Confer- MeLeod on Thursday evening at j gnce was the guest of Mr. D. Kendall. Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Saturday and Sunday and took charge Lecd left for Alberta Friday morn- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crowell and of the services Sunday. His sermon was listened to with much interest. On Monday, he and Mr. Kendall went three children, Mr. Herb Christie of | to Toronto, via Fergus, where they N. Tonawanda, N. Y. motored up and j called on Rev. Geo. Kendall. spent the week end at Mr. Angus 1 We are sorry to report Mr. John McCannell's. , Stewart is still quite ill. His daugh- We congratulate Miss Eff ie Mc- , ter, from Woodstock, visited him over Cannell on being successful in get- ' the week end. ting her diploma, after attending Mr. Walter Milne, and Mrs. Milne Shaw's Business College, Toronto. | visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. She was the only one out of fifteen Chas. Brodie. that passed. The first of the play-offs in the finals of the Centre Grey League between the two teams leading will be played at the Field Day on Sept- ember 12th. See bills. Sub^ribe to The AdvaBcc NOW. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolf and daugh- ters of Buffalo visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Heron. Mrs. Heron re- turned home with them for a visit. Just reserve the night of Septem- ber 21 st to attend Fall Fair Concert. Laird's Concert troupe of eight people will put on the concert this year. ♦♦♦»♦»•»♦< ^ ♦♦•'♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^^'♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦^ :: 1 Men's Sweater Special Regulai- $6.00 for $4.95 Just A Real Good Broom ^ 39c. Washing Amonia, 3 pks. for M 23c. Wash Boards 39c. Fruit Jar Rubbers, 3 pks. for 23c. | Orange Pekoe Tea, 1 ptound 80c. *' O'CANADA FLOUR $4.10 CASH W. G. KENNEDY PHONE 37 ^. Mrs. Jas. Hales and babe of Owen Sound is holidaying at her parental home. Mr. Jas. L. McMullen is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn McMullen Toronto holidayed with the former's parents, before leaving for his new home in Vanvouver, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilcock and Mrs. Essex were callers on their numerous friends on Thursday and Friday last week, before returning to their home at Regina. Miss Jennie Chesney entertaiined a number of her friends to a birthday party last week. Mrs. Jarvis Hazard of Priceville visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stone, on Monday. Mr. Frank Stewart returned Satur- day to his teaching duties in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cornell and family of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett of Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. H. Haney and Mrs. Haney of Eugenia spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett. Mrs. Bella Thibaudeau of Mark- daye spent a few days with her bro- ther, Mr. John Stewart and family. Misses Mazil and Dorothy Snell spent the past week with Toronto friends. Mr. Jack White returned to his duties in Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Snyder and babe, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and Oben McLauchian of Toronto spent the week end with their father, Mr. D. D. McLachlan. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Royden Gib.son and daughter, Helen were week end vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson. Mr. John Gibson is spending the week end with Toronto friends. Mrs. Brady of Toronto is visit- ing at Mr. Jas. McMullen's. Miss Helen Gibson is spending a fortnight with Mrs. J. Gibson. Mrs. Archibald, Proton, spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKinnon and Mr. John McKinnon of Brampton spent the week end at Mr. George .\rrowsmith's and Mr. A. McMullen's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Torrey, and son, Jack, of Lauriston visited the first of the week at Mr. H. Piper's. Mrs. Wilson McMullen is visiting with her daughter, in Toronto. Mr. F. Marshall and daughter, Reta took in Toronto Fair the first of the week. Mrs. AIHe Muir and son, Grant, visited with Toronto friends last week. Mr. 'George Banks ofOirangeviJie spent the week end at his home here. Mr. Bob Whittaker of Orangevill? Mi.ss M'lriel Spicer, Toronto spent the holiday at their home here. Dr. J. F. Grant and family of Dur- ham, Dr. C. L. Grant of Stratford, Dr. Grant of Oshawa and the Misses Grant of Toronto ivsited with their sister, Mrs. .\llie Muir last week. Mr. Sydney .AUard and Mr. Stod- ard, Toronto, Mr. Earnest Cook, De- troit, Mr. W. J. Cook, Elbordale, Mr. W. J. McFadden and daughter, Gladys of Orange Valley were callers at R. Cook's Saturday and the first of the week. •Mr. Ross and J. C. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leslie of Toronto spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMullen. Mrs. Emerson Adams and daughter of Elmvale, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Adams, Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Adams. Miss Millie Whittaker returned the first of the week to her school at Wingham, accompanied by her broth- er, I. B. Mrs.Whittaker accompanied them for a few days visit. Mrs. John Irwin and daughter, II- een, who have been visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. J. Lyness for six weeks left Tuesday for her home in Regina. Mrs. Raney and little daughter of Wiarton is holidaying with her par- cats. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Smiley and daughter, Mar.iorie, spent the first of the week with her father on the South Line. Born â€" On September 2nd to .Mr. and Mrs. Ja.s. W. McMu'.len, the gift of a son, (James Wright) Congratu- lations. Mrs. Will Oihson is attending the Toronto Exhibition this week. .Mr. anil Mis. Allan Mitchell and fnmily, who have been visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. F. P. Cairns returned to their home in Hamilton. Mr. Tho?. Genop and son. Eddie left Monday to spend a few days and take in the Toronto Fair. Miss Hilda Genoe spent last week with her grandmother at Eugenia. Miss Stella Mashall, who has spent | the summer vacation with her sister at Bolton, has returned home. EUGENIA Quite showery weather in our vic- inity; thus harvesting is delayed. Don't forget to attend the concert given under the auspices of the Ladies Aid in the United Church on Fri- day night, September 7, by the "Sun- beam Trio" Miss K. Sells, pianiste, Miss Lammie, Violinist and Miss Slay, soloist, â€" all graduates of the On- tario School for the Blind at Brant- ford. Everybody come, or you'll miss a treat. Mr. Hugh Fiddis, son and daughter, of Heathcote, and the former's sister, Mrs. Dellworth, two sons and one daughter of Ottawa spent a day re- cently with Messrs Garnet and Wil- fred Magee and families. Mrs. Walker Sloan has returned home from Key Harbor. Her son, Albert, wife and family of Toronto visited over the week end with his parents here. Miss Mary McKee of Toronto visit- ed over the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee. Mrs. W. Clinton of Toronto visited with Mrs. Chas. Hanley and Mrs. Gar- net 'Magee, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Taylor of Mt. Zion visited their son, Mr. Frank Taylor, wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lyons and son, Garfield, and niece, Florence Tuohy, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee. Miss Josephine Falconer, who has spent the past three weeks here re- turned to her home in Durham on Monday. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harold Falconer, and children accom- panied her home for a week's visit. Miss Sylvia Acheson of Victoria Corners is our teacher for next term. V'e welcome her to our midst and wish her and her pupils every suc- lCSS. Mrs. Joseph Williams and son. Jos- eph and granddaughter, Doris Will- iams, accompanied by Mr. Jos. Sher- wood and granddaughter, Lucy Mc- Donadd; aittended the exhibition in "T-onto for a few days, returning l.oi.io Sunday. ?Ir. Sam McDonald, 8th line, ha:; gf,: e to Victoria Corners to wield the ret', in the school there. â€" Success S«-! Mr. and Mrs. Herb Haney of Wind- so;- visited over the week end with th" former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E bt. Haney. :'r. Robert Haney of Paisley has rr -ned home after a fortnight's Mr Rofct. Haney. T';s3 Mae Duckett has returned hon- ifter a fortnight'.s visit with fric at Windsor. Mi -ter Argyle Martin returned hon- â-  Sunday after a week's visit with "lis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Th<- Lever, Flcsherton. !.!.;. Gordon Kel^ar and son of Torâ€" .to visited her sister, Mrs. Bert Mr -e a few days recently. "• •. and Mrs. Roy Wood and fam- i! ,f Markdale visited Sunday with y and Mrs. Chas. Martin. Miss Selena MacDonald and brother .C.--1 visit3d at Markdale on Satur- Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Graham, accom- n:nied hv Misses Melrose and Ber- r-- » Camnbe'l visited wiith Mr. and T' -. Russell McMullen of Meaford ( Sunday. Mr Will Campbell and son, Billie, r ^ompanied by Mr. Jack Williams r ' Paris visited friends here over the 1 diday. Mr. Enhriam Rowbotham of lo- • :mto visited his wife and daughters i--rp recently. Mr. End Mrs. Harry Forester v»s- •'.ed at Owen Sound on Sunday. Miss Mabel Hoy and friend of To- vinto vif^ited with Mr. and Mrs. A. | H-v recently. ::r. Jack Park is visiting friends I , i- ' rcri'o. ] ' â-  i. Adam Smith and daughter, I ]\: W. E. Morgan are attending i th Exhibition. I I -he Misse« Miller "f Shelhurnc j I arf visitinir Miss Irene Martin. \ I ' T.:-9. W-'.wn is spending a few | â-  davi at the Exhibition. ] ; Mv and Mrs. Art Pe.k of Toronto ^ vi«itn ' with their uncle, Mr. R. b- , Oorle- Miss Irene Mar', in returned | Ji.-«,o â-  'th ihcm to spend a few days , in the â-  'ty. . ' Who' « Hever Uttle h,.v is Master .W-V Ja- -eson. He is i.st 14 vearo .Irf nnd -us obtained his entranc" .0 Norm ' School. Can this record bo beate =n ;iny of our neighbor- ing locnli s. VICTORIA CORNERS home for the last two weeks from _____ I Muskoka, left for Buffalo this Mrs. George Bannon, and son, Jno. i week, where she intends to train in and Miss Ethel Bannon of Owen ! Lafayette hospital. Sound vi.^ .'.'i.-^ at Mi|ton Bannon's | â-  â-  » one day last week. j There are 1042 telephones in Mea- Jim Bannon returned to Toronto ford â€" an evidence of enterprise. with Mr. and Mrs. Le.slie Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Brown and : Meaford Council has passed :;n family of Ottawa visited at Carl early closing by-lay. Stores to Atkinson's. shut at 10:30, Saturday night. Flesn- Mrs. Lee of Dornoch and daughter, erton merchants, we are assured Miss Lee of Toronto visited the for- would gladly close at 10 o'clock or mer's son, Robt. Lee. i earlier, if their customers would get Margaret Moore, who has been ' their supplies prior to that hour. ^ BATES BURIAL CO. 122-124 Avenue Road. TORONTO t Phone: Klngsdale 4344 I J. W.Bates. R. Maddocks. ^ "»ottge of (Bttalitp" FOR REAL FRESH GROCERIES BUY AT: FRUIT ORANGES BANANAS LEMONS PEARS GRAPES PEACHES ICE CREAM NEILSON'S ICE CREAMâ€" ALWAYS FRESH (Sold From Our Electric Cabinet) PURITY AND FIVE ROSES FLOUR W. J. Stewart & Sons Fiesherton, Phone 46 Ont. See the^gjjp UTILITY TRUCK ABody Style for Every Business Need COME in ana se« the new Chevrolet Utility Truck! It has everything you want â€" tin- usual pulling power â€" ^remarkable performance â€" amazing handling ease â€" and outstanding economy of ownership and operation. The leading body builders, working in co-opera- tion with Chevrolet, have produced for .the Chevrolet chassis a very wide range of body tjrpes to meet the individual needs of every busi ness. Farmers, grocers, bakers, builders, con tractors, druggists, cleaners, laundries, depart tnent stores, florists, hardware merchants â€" all will find bodies designed especially to meet their particular needs. Come in today for a trial load demonstration. CHASSIS ONLY > At W>lk«rrUl«, $ 665 Cwrrmment T«n»«» mtd Body Extrm FOUR SPEED TRANSMISSION FOUR WHEEL RRAKES CHlQffi D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, - ONT. yrtoDUCT OF general motors of CANADA, LimSB^

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