Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1928, p. 2

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WAllOWCD m IIIU«RAT»» By R.W.^/Niren.FiM-'D- ~^^^ no tiri-«> for qve^itjn or cumrrjent, no time to exprefs wci x.Vr at UvIb Ktrange JTK-i'(fc''ji+. liti;o h«<I tihat>wn the tci- vfV>iX) ini'ii) Kt-lcry's lap, anii wae onc« nvore «W'vini(; at futl spto;l. I Tlie Merrick Road, will',- and wnooth, Work Airship Resembles a Great Cathedral «yper<id out iM-rcin- them, an»l many j a'U'tom'i>tMl<'« w«« (m i.t, "We hiBVf to iTKWi hcTie," eh© irnir- 1 imircd. "I\«y th<vt our I'uok holdrs." KoJ«'y Hit taut whiU' she drove i BEGIN IIKKK TODAY | (^f «.uis;>, w^Jj tiie BaniKv-kecpOT, ^|^^^, ^j^ highway fur about a quar- llore Ranker, dauR^hH-r of \x,rinK ,^' »«"' '« ^""^ >"» s'tcry, ami adept, ,^,^ ^j ^ „,,j,^^ „^^^,^^ ^^.^^^ ^j,^ i Ilantni. f^fwppi-ars ami hvr f athor , It to !»â- ;« characU-r as c-.uivasEe.r Iw.jjjj^ij^ j,, ^^j^ d^irectlons, but tvj oni'l offers a humfc-ed-thoiKiir. UWkir r*- ,"l!"t-it-t<>trP*.hcr-your«'!f" funiiiturt-; iTiterwpUiI Ih^^iri. Tkfn idie tuimcd ward for her return. Acting: upon , but he (Ji'd it «) effectively, that whtu ^fl- ^^^^j ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ j^ ^ ^^^ KiRtiuftioDfl from Hop<''M abductors, . he ri'as-eil th« transacticn, he had paid lJJ,^.,J i,.^^,p^ whoro tho grtjiumrf was aH <hart4¥« a«aiiiB.t him and ha»» elcN-wi rou}?htir than any o-.xt v-h-ich they dolljira to bcot. Then rcsolutdly jniltinp out of hds mrnd the Princcfv, the jfa-'ra?r^keeper, Rani^cpr, everythin;? that imtanfored on :.normous Blimp About Half Completed in England PROBLEMS "crop UP The colour and exquisite flavour of ''SALADA" Green Tea are naturalâ€" Only the process of curing Is different from Black Teaâ€" Both are equally pureâ€" "SALADA" Green Tea Is sealed In air- tight aluminumâ€" freshâ€" deliciousâ€" satisfyingâ€" 38c per |-lb. at all grocers. Ask for this tea. II Ix^rwi/ I<-av<t» a hundred thousand iK>|]arK worth of bcmibt in a Ki>oeified place. JtMrez Oarlie adventurer, is a warm friend' of Rangf r. He rocs on a rtill hunt for H<i):<'. He Is jfivem a clow to act upon by a »firl f ricndl > w;'th his irtiKly of the pixblem 'xrfcTc Hope Ls held prisoner in Dr. Bris^ icjw'.s private nrinitiiriuni and h'he makco fricffids with Dr. Coorjce Kel- ••"y, who is detaintd there Lecause he knows of crimirioil dexiVings of Dr. liristow. Hope and Kol.«ey consult a« to different mcein;-. of escape. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY On ihoir arrival at the gt>i-a:pe they found l)v.i touring-car rcpairc(t, and the psirty n\vl<y to start. CharHe fc-wunjf th<> IVincuB lightly from ono him, h« r«c«d toward Lo^np Uiiand-. CHAPTER XVIII. It wius just about the tinw thtit Power Generated From Five' Independent and De- ~ tachable Units I.rf)ndon.- -The Image of a great! cathedral, twice aH vast as any yet built, with men the size of pygnUes, | I working high aloft, putting the finish- j I Ing touches to a grotesquely c'ant ; device, seemingly all riba and made 'out of the lightest of metal Is the Im- had paitcd They f<ii-ined to have tilinvjiwn off the pursu'lt. Then the stiillinti; was brokein l>y the daccato couijjhin;? of n motorcycle somewh&re before thecn. The extjlwive rackot drumnrledj onl pr<.s8i„„ one obtalna from an Inspec- their ears. A hoad'.itrht rayed yellow U ion of the R-101, the largest airship through the fcpr. Panoc f'.'ized' Hope. | yet atlemptod In Great Britain, which In the open wkh a choice of branch- jg „ow iimloi conHtiuction. SAUDi GREEN TEA II Cha^rl'ie had pained from thw Princofs in^f roade where fihe cou'd twifeit and 1 The U-lOl car to the oCher, held her hand a .. ... ir.o,rt,:.t in pctrting, p.onvised to meet "f;"^'â„¢*^ '^' ">«* .then proci^^ m an- ,!,.,„ ..II the next Su-nday at Mrs.i?,'^'' '"'-'='' «"^P-^'"0"->* ^"-.e to New tho clue which imintfd to the Sanltar ium that Hop.? and Ke! x-y in Brij- t<)W'fl hJR-h-pov.tred car went CTnsh- inp through the htd^e and fAveepiny (lawn tho road. I Tholr p'lan had been to <irive weet., .chani;ie tho car at a)me j^ira^, fiiTtjtwc wheels. He naw an open fipace before hlim. may In time be seen ^t double her neir'e held; but here. coT^jthe moorlpg mast now beiag erected nered at last, "hs yic^iJjd to an un- in MontilTal, as It la designed for a Holland Cements Union With Her Island Colonies I Remarkable Find of Fossil Remains Made in Australia receoninv in. :>»'«. Beftire Kelsey rtaiized hicr irotor,i- ti««ii, she jt-iktii ths ear to the left fn Ko short a turn that they manfe it <m them all (ireenbor^s for dinner; and the<n I n . v • >• i .u . ,. v a â- tood wavin- as they dTX>ve away. L ^"\ ^'' Z'^ ''^^^ ^^"^ 'l^"" ^''^ With their A.partu.re, he ..he4 h:a '^-^''-f *r*;V ^â- ''^*^'' TI"' Yu ' f * r.^ of tho n-xjneycd itf.er. Stem '^ u "f â- '"T"'* '.".""'[^ *"*,â-  bu5.>n<*.s d«n-4inA^I him m)w-jue.t ^l""- ""j^ " nne beyond th:. h^xspitaJ, how «t*^n ho dd mA realize u^til ho^'^T^''' "'''* ^""â- ''•^'' f/" " 'â- "n;ow lane, «tn.t«l to ,x»y the par*^'^ keeper for , ""^^ ^"^ '^'" ^'^ "^"^ ,^y e.TCUitous the ufo of the flivvor, and disccvta^ • "''!'" "^'^ *** "<^^ "»''*'^« ^"^ "^^ thaA he had only a dol'ar and thirty- ^*^'.., , ,, , ^ , ^ fivr, centa left in his jv^ket. N<^''^^*"" ""! ^^^l] ♦^r<^'^«• f^^^^^^ Howev«-, he did not betray hu^ fy^"" ^^^ ^']f*'' H«P« <i^i^ve--a val- dilemma: he tminioz ^vcd Mm. He I '^,'?^ "^ ^ '^'^'' «;f ^*^'", \,»^^' Vâ„¢*" •till had hie. tcr.tfue, and it bad extri- 1 "-""^t"^ "'^'*' ':^*7^ '^'f^'^^ ^ ^^] cated him in n.orx^ e.r>barm..^dn,sf : "^ ^^"^ ^"'' '" '*'^' ""'^ "^^^JV ?[ rtraiLs t.h:t^ th:«. (iliblv, stead-ily ho;?*'''^"' ^'; !?>; «?"' f,' •^'>"«*^ <" ^^ talked <n to U» gara^elkceper, while '''',?^^â„¢ /^^" before them. tryirK to decuJe on hi<, nexVmove. .^^''f*"'" Tn f 'T.» '^.^^''^ He .surreptJtriouely explore,d KiJ^'"''''^ '"\{.*'-'r"*f 'f^T'^'*''? "â„¢' ^'^- variour. pccketB in the faint hope of }'r'''y-/t • ^^ '"'^ '"'"'^'' "^^ ««j,;„„ . .i...,i„..i . -_.. ah«id of ham. findiin^' SDme over!o<;ked cunxiK-y, and Ws fini;fer3 came in contact with a familiar olij<'ct. Like a mapic tali.s- man, it ref^crcd hfo equajiimity amd courapp. It wa"; an imita.ti'rn n-jeerschauni pipe, and it â€" or rather, '/.% felbows â€" h«d for yearn provided OharVe with whnt h-- called hi-s "i;<t!o praft." He aJ-wav-s carried with h'iTn on hiis jour- iJOjH an iu»"ri<rtment of the.'^c, rc^,i!I-. Jnj: at ahoijit fifty cent;? apl'ce, and | cm b'.s arrival in a "hick" tow-n would »et rut with one of thorn in h"a po-ckot | eHirefu-y wrapped up in ari old .«iilk handkerchief. In the office of tho railroad hotfJ or at the Majn Street pool parlor, he would mark dovm hJs prc<-p<'<-t-i\'e victim â€" somcMmoj a teiwiKirK piatroti, sometrmes tho pro- prietor of the place â€" and i^^trike up a cccivc-rr<i.'y/n. mcFimeri/Jr.i'^ him wit-h his (rift of Inncfnmfi'e. Then at the p«tycholi-.'jr;cal mmnert ho wou'ld Ara-w out hi.s pipe, and hand^in^ it as teti- With a twiot c f the wheel IK,pe brou'ght them out of a Ian-? they had been foHowinfj throu'^ih the «'rub-oak onto a more travelod highway, arid ah.?ad of them he fav,- the l:i,?hit cf a para'jro. She ^'â- owcd down and stjop- pcd ruihbin? hor numb hjamdt-. ."Run ahead and i-econat/itre," shrn Ea.id, "acd I will RXit ready to put the carburetor cut of CMnim'wCicn, if the coast ig cle-ar. Then, with unothcT car, wa wi'M make a (ktour nrc^TNl ! that Ivcnd a-nd trike into the rrain road" He was alircady out of the car and starting r^n his way. Two or thiree minutes pas-.-cd and then he came rumn'in'ff back. "There's I a car th/"ro," h^ pan'UK). "Thc-re were imen in it â€" Bri.stow's cTiaulTeiin-. The I ffarapc men were groithered nrrund lit. We haven't a E'jecnd to lose, . They're afte.r u«." A tall stujnip Kttn^-cd to rise out of the (fivund. She KWv-rvcd franticaliy to avoid it, and they crashed itito a tree. Blacknci-e! He knew ro more. Hc;p<-, thrown clenr cf tho â- wreck, strufiipltxi for hor lireath, and t.hen pofie u.nc<iii«lnly to her kneen. A man wa« bendin^f over her. (To be ctoitinued.) v^..- ^'"' jumped into her nc^, and d«-ly a.s if it werosomer.arelr^as^,!"'r^'=^ ')'« "lacWno fharply arr^undi uvuW off.T it fr<r inspection. | They whttKzeddown the ro«ui and back He heard the loud "My father put in thirty -two ywrs I "?'^ the 'erub-cak a^ain. oolorinK that bowl," he wv«!d affirm, if'^V' *^*''"<* 'f'""- ^^ pcneively rwninwent, "broug-ht jt i |'*^'"^'T"? **^ ** *'^"""- "^^^ »" aneovM-inrj- With him whc, ho came over f n>ni >"'!^-^<'"'? t^ «'ho ripht ajid leO-^the tho other fr.Io, ar.d pave it to me on '^y'"« ^^ *^« P^^lf- hi« dcath^bed. I never thoupht that anything cr,<uld make me part with it, but old Hard Luck is fomc per.'iua<leir, and I've mado up my mind to let it po. Of ct>uT.«e, iit I had time to tuTn a deal, I (Txuud ca-Tv pet as hiph as four or fivH hundred fc<r a pip-* like that; l»ut there bujn lunps of mine tell me th«it I ean't aff >rd to lose any time gdV'ing to Arix>ona." Here a hollow ooui;7h would ahake hi« whoflo framxv Ko'Eoy leoked hack, and aa he d!id Fo, a car t^hot out from an iniiereect- inp mad and took after themi. It pained steadily. "Tlu?y'vo piot us poc-keted " he raixl. "Not yet." The w'nd blew back her words to him. They had coime to a point wh^-j-e the road forked in three directions. .She turned into the fir«t one. "We'll try for ooir ol<I hou.<n row," she said. "We can pet to the bnok So, if y<xukrarwof nrnWly, frier.nK ""trance I.y a f^hoj-t cut thirxwiph the thnt's willinp to come across with the "'j;^'' J^^;"'* ^'^•"n<\ here." twenty-five I need to make up my I . Our old houa.>?" Ho had not heanl transatlantic service. It was "I'.ie privl- IPEe of a representallvo of Tha Cana- dian I'ress to look round and into this nionster ot the Royal Aircraft Works m Cardlnjiton, Eedfordbhire. A sls- the ship l« hiii\K liidlt Yorkshire. The designers of each have been given a free hand, but they had to guarantee a speed of seventy miles per hour at a height of 5,000 feet, and Netherlands Indonesian gue Holds Congress White Colonies Have Exhibition Lea- Tht Hari'.e The .Netherteada In- at Howden, â-  donealiin Leag'ie of which fta'!'3n Mae Surlpto, a Javanese nobleman, Is the vice-president, Is holding a congress at Arnhem, Gelderland, where an East and West Indian exhibition Is also taking place. The exhibition a cruising radius of 4,000 miles with- 1 aims at giving the 7,000.000 Holland- out refuflllng. The R-101 Is 724 feet In length, and has passenger ac- ers a better Insight Into their col- onies. The objeet of the congress la Signs of the E!arliest Known' Creatures Discovered on Flinders Range Sydney. h'.S.W.--MTich interest has been ari^tise!^ by .ue recent discovery of pioofb or animal life of au anti- quity "iltherto undreamed of by Sir Edgeworth David, emeritus pritviEor of geology at Sydney University. Sir Edgeworth's statement, as sup- plied to the Sydney press. Indicates that he was delayed In his discovery by prevailing mistaken theories as to what conditions obtained In the pre- Cambrlan period. He had looked for commodatlon on two decks. There to bring the many Javanese youths will bo two berth sleeping cabins and i studying In Holland Into contact with ! remains that were supposed to bo a dining room capable of seating fifty persons. A kitchen with electrical cooking apparatus will connect with the diner by a small elevator. There Is to be a smoking room on tho lower deck and also quarters for the crew. Work Half Completed prominent Hollanders Interested In | existent, and not being able to find It the East. because the supposition was Incor- Mr. Surlpto spoke franklv about rectly based, thought the rocks be the desires of the Javanese to be tree! eiamlned were fosslliferous blanks. and independent., most every son of working to become He told how al- ^.nd so regarded them for two or three Indonesia was decade. The specfmena were from » truly" worthy ^^^ Mount Lofty and Flinders ranges Roughly speaking the work on this I member of a free nation. Manv he "' South Australia. There are plenty mammoth of the air Is now about half I said had left their native land in t"' ^^'^^^ "'^"'^ ""'' under the micro- completed. The aircraft factory of-' order to visit Europe and especially ^'^°^^ ^*=" °' animal life existing hun- ficlals are taking no chances, how-llolland. I dreds of millions of years before tho ever, and the expert designers con- He said It was far better to accept ' P'""'"'! *'' limitation hU::crto Imposed fess that they are still learning how the hand of friendship offered by so, to improve on small matters. New | many enlightened Dutchmen v,hn de- â-  problems are constantly cropping up f.ire to help the Javanese In their as the work gops on. education toward self-government,' The great girders which make a sort [ than to believe that liberation from of circle of the ship are put together i the Dutch Government would at once on the ground. The whole mass is solve all their problems. Mutual un- then hol.sted info place. Power can | derstandlng and friendship were the bo gcneratod from five Independent ! sursr wayg for obtaining favorable Minard's Liniment for Blistered Feet tTnlIke the automobile horn, the power bn.it whistle Is a thing which talks a varied language. "Every blast or series of blasts on your whistle means something to a nearby boat operator â€" or should. When another boat Is approaching, no matter from what angle, there Is a -"""-â- ' • â- " ,-'' â- "',' 'rtf if Uftf^v^ "«,,f (V, Ti, -n """•• vnii uv «cct>nipiisneu wninoui rule, a Hlmplo one, for the situation., fare to Ph<.cn»x, the nRWFchaum a ?^ '^ w"^'^ «ut the car. fhey w^,ll disiurbir,^ ,.,,p ^iendernef5s of the sil- The simple "ona-twothreo" signals ofUho forces or the cause of peace th'-i"-" l^f„ "* ^^ ^^''*- "" '"*''^'" ^^""^ we houetto is illustrated in a lonR-wai«Ud the boat whistle comprises tho abso- The Htitenen- penerally fi^ll for the *^ ; .",,.„ , model with scal!opo<l front closinp. lute minimum which you should know Bin. and by the time the fraud i^^_'t-t^tb<^";';l'« /aui bnefly, and The two-piece shapt-d waistband at- OUTSTANDING SMARTNESS What can be accomplished writhout units, any one of wiilch may be de- tached end a spare supplied even when the ship Is lying at the raooTing mast. Heavy oil fuel will ha used. Just \ihere the H-101 will travel after she has made good at her trials In England Is as yet undecided. The base In Egypt Is now completed and the base in India will be finished ear- ly next year. Canada Is erecting a mooring mist at Montreal, and South Africa has agreed to do likewise at a point near Durbar. Australia Is wait- ing to see bow the new ships behave In their trials. The wholo enterprise as the Air Ministry acliknowledf,es, Is one great experiment, firstly in technicalities of construction and later on, after technical difficulties are surmounted. In ascertaining tho value of an air service to tho Empire as a hole. Know Whistles When Afloat by science. "The rocks show traces cf the lite of nearly 600,000.000 years ago." re- marked the profesor. "The fos~l's range from the thickness of at lea«t 10,000 fert of stratum, and the fauna revealed must therefore linvi- existed for many miillcns of years, and r.s it was a nmrine fauna, spread over aiv proximately 1,000,000 square milrs of Australia, it must h^v:> croscd the Pacific and other cor.temrorancous oceans. It may thiref;. ro be pre- dicted t^at it will be found in other parts cf the world." Thirlytive million dollars' worth of { Most of the siiec'm-.ns consist ot noil replacuble raw material, gasoline, animals new to naiiniU sclenco-al- is being thrown away annually be- | Hfd to the sandworn b f.'.und on Ans- capse of the limitation placed on sul- tralian ocean beachei- to-day, and to phur content In motor fuels. Accord- form related to shrimps, prawn-s Ing to "Industrial and Engineering ! crayfish. Chemistry," this sulphur tolerance and lasting results. The culture of the East, and vice versa. Colorado Fighta Crickets With Poison and Fences could be greatly raised for summer weather, but with proper crankcase ventilation It has not been shown that sulphur will cause corrosion above S3 degrees Fahrenheit. "Mt reveals the fact that more than two-thirds of the country's total consumption, are used In warm weather, when, according to all published evidence there Is no danger of corrosion. It seems absurd to refine this huge amount of gasoline arbitrary sulphur specification which In most states throughout the greater part of the year appear to be worth- less and to serve only to necessitate wasteful refining practice." bargni wnaa di.'-roveT^rd and tho con'stable set | .with what sti-uck him as remarkalfc cti hi« trniil, Charlie would bo many , "»";f ^_'''"';' uwier the oircunifirtances. milc«5 away Ho Ux)ko<I Ivack apain. "They've followed," ho faid. "They're on ub now." tached to the Ixnlice assures a snug hipline. The shirred .skirt is attached to the waistband, creatinp a low flare I Knd pracef ul movement to hemlina It .p, , , „ . . , . ' <â- *'" «'*" ^f> mado with short sleeves or PhM wmi« wen<, hardly cyut of hi« ; .^^^ck^s. Prinl^l and plain chiffon is sketehe<I. Silk crepe, peorpetto ,, 1,1^,, I cnLTK.', printed chiffon voile, crepe hepurstj^^^^car^hot^bythe,ntodr«w B,^,^U.th, crepe de chine. print«l up ahead m the middle of tlu> road, handkerchief linen, cre,>e ..atln, can- Ih^n. wfl« no h,,.;; f,,r them but to , ,^„.f„ii,„ , „„,, „,^„., „j,k ,hirt- >Aop. They (x,u!d â„¢t lK,po to pa.s.. m inp fabric are appropriate. Style No. 2f).'l i» dn»i'pne<l in miziw Ifi, 18, 20 yenrv, ;i(), HH, 40 and 4'.! inches bust. Pattern price '20 cents In nvouth wh<"n there wiaL'i a rush of whcelt<, the purr of an enipine, nud tlwit narnw lane, ami it was equa<11y 1 inviN«siblo t» tuni. A« the cui- pasted them, Kelljaey had maA, o^t that there we,x> two mt.n i-n ^.j^ (,,,i„ ,,,,.f,.r,,^,) rt. Oi'jo of them leaped ovw the aids, aiwl came ruivninp back. Kelsey flexe<l his nvu-srfea nnid waiUd, The man hurryitip tenvard them was a bip burly feMow but Kel- wy was rjr» lipl.tweipht bin.self. Amv jed or unarmed, he was renidy for him, ami then he'd take on the other, l)oth at thfl fianie time feir that nuitter. hfild s<Hiip;ithinip ih his Mor« for your money and th(i best Peppcrminc Chewing Sweet for any money ci ISSUE N^ 'U •ITO TI hsnd, Iwt it wa« not a (jun^^ ^ ^^ "TKit y<M, tly. Url«U)W I nu mi.t, eonvjng sl<;f» and speakinp in a harKh,, husky vvhispcir. Ho htilted, his jaw falling. "What the- '" Hope bianeu /orwartl. "J Vni Miss Owploy," she fiaul. "f '^wa.stv't quite Sirw of £Re"T)«<!nr>r^8 diirrectiotM'." "Oh? Mien Oopley?" His tracullnive jja-vw way to rt^'itif. He tihrust a toiiilky envelope in<o her h«i<f w'ttoul « word and turned beck i« hjs own car. "H«*ter let vm get a p"»e ahflaid'," ho mutier«l <fvt<r bin nhoiulder. "Vve gcA. an wea we're bein^r trniledi. We Juat thcok off a cmtple of oihw oars." He xmn jrcme. THo car Tin front â- tarled *nd v^IsmmI on. TImV wmi We Kuppeht enclo,sinp 10 cents addi- tional for a copy of our Ka.-^hion Mapazine. HOW TO- ORDER PATTERNS, Write your name and address plain- ly, pivinp number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose '20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and ar.dress your ordei" to 'f'iloy-r, j^nltem Eoivicfl. 73 Wsat AdemdeSl.,"^oron1o. Patterns sent by return mail, In operating a pleasure boat anywhere. When a boat Is coming head-on, or almost so, one or tho other must make known his intention In passing. If yoti wish to pass tho other boat with your port sldo to his port side, give one blast. If you wish to pass to starboard, give two blasts. If you sloply roniombor that port Is a word of one syllable and starboard Is a word of two syllables, you have your formula for your two signals to ap- proaching boats tied to your memory. If y^ur signal Is agreeable to him, bo will answer with the same signal; If atampH orl""' ^*^ *'" ^Ivo tlin oth(>r. Indicating tho course h« wants to take. It that Is ngrooahU) to you, answer hira In kind. If there Is danger of coUiiilon, give three short blasts, indicating: My engine running full speed astern. If he does not do likewise or If the dan- ger is not averted by your action, give four short quick bla«ts. Indicating danger. The Peace Pact I.eo Maxse In tho National Review (London): The Kellogg Peace Pact does literally nothing to strengthen be- cause from the outset the Washington ! Oovernment has scouted the sugges- tion that the formal Renunciation of War Iryolvod any penalties on Pow- ers thai renounce this Renunciation. Nothing but fear of the consequences deters wrongdoers either in civil or International life, and the moment It Ih proclaimed that there will be no consequeuces a premium Is put on ag- gression. or There are other form-; of animal life, and tho professor antici- pates a rush of paleontologists to study tlie fossils. They are finely preserved, he says, and thi.< Is an sur- prising to him as anytV.lng else about them. He speaks of tboir color as "ranging from a delicate rose madder to pale bronze greens," and describes themas "'exquisitely lovely." Sir Edgeworth Is continuing his In- vestigation of these ancient fossils, and has the collaboration cf Prof. Walter Howchin of South Australia. Our Industrial system was not aim- ing at anything that was felt to bo worth while. It premised man" pleas- ures but no joys. â€" H. G. Wood. WHEN IN TORONTO Eat and Sleep at SCHOLES HOTEL Cafetarla and Short Order Service. YONGE ST., Opposite Eaton's. Hotel Rates: $1 Per Day and Up. For sending Indecent postcards through the post. Charles Howard, 32, confectloneor, of Fre!<hwater, Isle of Wight, and his wife, Patricia How- ard, wore each fined three guineas and two guineas costs, by the Islo of Wight Reiich. At ft public dinner a certain blihnp was genially patronlied by a mil- lionaire, ''i never go to church," tho mllllonairo Bald. "Perhaps you've noticed that, bishop?' "Yes, I havo noticed II," fald the bishop gravely. "No doubt you wonder why 1 never go to churrb, don't you?" The mil- lionaire pursued. ""Well. Til tell you why, bishop. Thero are so many ^ hypocrites there." ""Oh, don"t let's'""''"'' '"'"'« ''"" railroads as the ex- that keep you away!" cried the bls-,P«ndlng means of Internal transit, hop, smiling. ""There Is alvvuyn room' for one more, you know." ' State Socialism â€" Nation Biul Athnnaem (London): The development of public utilities Is tending more and more to become the province of the State. Various causes combine and promote this tendency. Thero Is the drift towards State | Socialism, the growing reluctance to I permit public utilities to be exploited | for private profit. There Is the social reform pressure, which ha sled to the ; subsldUIng cf housing. There U the ! technical revcdullon whl< h has sub- 1 Minard's Liniment â€" A reliable first al4 What do w live for If not to make the world less difficult for one an- othfcr?-- Qcoige lillut. THE BEST BIFOCAL THH ONE YOU HOPED FOR HAVE A long reading field that gives greater comfort In reading. A free distance field all-around the read- ing segment. Allows you to retain your natural poise. Removee that aged altitude that usually accom- panlee bifocal*. Ask Your Eye Specialist. MOST people know ihis absoluio antidote for pain, but are you careful to say Bayer when you buy it? And do you alwavs give a glance to se« Bayer on tfie box â€" and tho word genuine printed in red? It isn't the genuine Aspirin without It! A drug- ttore always has Baver, with tha proven directions tucked in every box: Aipirin S Ibe t IrtnUfor* hdlmtii! well k-,»^i*ii ilirt Aii>iHn m«»nf Bn^vf muie- Ifitiw ' â- lAlk t Canada) ba;«t Utnolactai*. White it -_«ani Bafvr aiuiiii« tha utiblio asaliut fml<atioaL blet* <v. 1 tw alamvait «t«h ihdt "BefiB tiiui* ua^

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