Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1928, p. 4

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â- MM WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6, '28 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- lilE ^M OITO Encouraging New Enterprises Many a problem looming large to anyone just starting in business may be overcome by establishing relations with The Bank of Toronto. This Bank treats each customer's problem as an ini.lividual one and seeks its solution in a wholc-hcarte J faihion, encouraging in eveiy way possible the sound growth and develcpm»zit of every new enterprise. The Bank cf Toronto is always ready to give you the benefit of experienced counsel â€" to offer the advice and assistance which may help you solve ycur financial problems. Transuct your business *iilh our nearest branch 'IM^TOROKTO Kr.VKKSHAMâ€" ( MARKDALEâ€" W. ^-gr^ w w -V-? ww^ H. Smith. Mana;; er. L. Young, ManaR er. I The teachers and pupils are e:et- I tingr ready for school on Tuesday, I after enjoying two months holidays. Wedding: bells are ringing around here again. Misi Kathleen MacLsan of Toron- to is visiting at Mr. Archie McKin- mon's, South Line. Miss Esther Mclnni.s of Toronto spent the week end at her home. I Messrs Alex, and Innis McLean, I and sister, Anna Mary motored to I Toronto and spent the week end with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Watson, and ; Betty, of Toronto spent the week end i with friend.s here. j M;^s Beth Hincks spent the week , end with her friend, Miss Jewel Mc- j Arthur. , Congratulations to Messrs Cliford j and Alfred Hincks, on being succes- ful (<n passing their exair.s, on the suliject.s they tried nt th-j Summer School, London. Rev. anil Mrs. J. Corry and family ! intend spending: this week at Ham- 1 ilton. j Miss Belle Campbell of Montreal I is holidaying at her brother's, Mr. : Dan Campbell. I Mr. Gilvray McLean of Durham I -spent the week end at hi^ home here. j Mr. and .Mrs. George McLellan of ' .Niagara Falls spent the week end at j Mr. Dan Camnbell's. I Mrs. Ronald McCrae of Bridge- I burg is visiting her many friend'' I'.rrund here. Mr. .John McMeukiii of Hamilton spent the wool; end with his parents hpre. Miss Almcda Hin?ks spent a few days vi.siting her cousin, Miss Don- alda McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Finlay McCuaig and family of Mulock visited at the Mc- Cuaig home on Sunday. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Field of Rock Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boland of Vandeleur spent the week end vis- iting: with Mr. ard Mrs. T. Glass- ford of Caledon end also Mr. and .Mrs. Johnston of / Iton. Mr. and -Mrs. J.io. Hargrave and son, Fred, and Mis; Edith Betts mot- ored to Toronto or.> day last week. Services commer.ced again on Sun- day evening in th ; Salem Church, when Mr. Bray of Proton had charge of the .services. The meetings will be held every Sabbath evening at 7:30. Everyb.^dy is invited ta at- tend. Mrs. Sam Croft and eldest son, Harvey spent a week with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Croft and Everett motored dow:i for them and spent the week end in the city, returning home Sunday. Mrs. W. J. Ottewell and Dorothy visited one day the past week with the Pedlar family here. Mr. Elwo')d Genoe and daughter, Thora, and son, Jimmie, of Toronto visited the past v/eek with his broth- er here, M.-. Harry Genoe. ] Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sewell, near Dur- ham. Mrs. B. Field snent Sunday at Mrs. I. Field of Thornbury. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown and Mrs. Albert Brooks of toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Fesh- er arid also visited with Mrs. A. Partridge. Mrs. Deitz of Cleve'and is visit- ing with her parents here, Mr. .Mrs. Tucker Phillips. Camp Meeting CLARKSBURG FRI., SEPT. 7 to SUN., SEPT. 16 Rev. Bennard of Formosa, Calif Composer of "The Old -Rugged Cross," will preach and sing. Rev. J. Thomas of Wilmore, Ky. (Returned Missionary from Korea) will preach at the service COME AND HEAR THE FAMOUS "SUver Belis' Ringer"â€" Edson Crosby Relative of Fanny Crosby, the great hymn writer PROF. KENNETH WELLS AND MRS. WELLS Prof. Wells is Director of Music in Taylor University, Upland, Ind. Will be present to conduct the singing. ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND AND EN- JOY THE SERVICES IN MEMORIAM NOTE OF CORRECTION THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE should make a hibit for the East Grey Flesherton this month. Ont., Aug. 23, 1928. Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Ciculation over 1100, Price in Canada, |2.00 per year when paid in advance $1.50. In U.S.A., J2.50 per year, when paid in advance |2.00. W. H. THURSTON F. J. THUR.STON SLOAN â€" In loving nicmory of our dear son. Jacob .Arnold Sloan, who de- and parted from this life, September 5th, 1927. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hargrave, and ..l . i .^ .• ..u . • it u -k- _ . „ , ..... f . 0n2 year has passed since that sad attention that m Maxwell News Fred -spent Sunday witn the former s ' brother, Mr. Wm. Hargrave and fam- „ f^ ,, , , , , -,. /-.I- ,» T . 1 L ; r M- 1. 'Ood called the one we loved away Miss Olive McLean returned home ilv of Wareham. ^ , ^. try to have this ex- from the west after visiting her "mIss Ettie Radlev visited recently Dear son you are not forgotten Fair at . Umty..,- with her sister. Mrs. Ed. Fisher. P.°"«*> °" ^^""'^ J'"" ^"^^ "° '"°^ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard and f'" '" memory you are w.th us Marion, of Toronto visited ^3 you always were before. with Mrs. Howard's parents here. Three little words, forget-me-n^.t. Mr and Mrs A Parti-idge They don't seem much, but mean a ioles won the game, the score bemg ' Mrs. .Sam Phillips and children vis- lot, 0-8. Thanking you, I am, ited with her mother. Mrs. S. J. Just a memory fond and true. Yours respectfully, Captam of the A number from here attended the Reams of Owen Sound recently. To show dear son we think of yau. j Orioles. Duncan, Ma-. Thurston, Editor of Advance. Dear Sir:- -It has just been drawn to my on or shortly after July -Ith, it was stat- ed that the Shrigley team won from the l)uncan Orioles'' on Jtily 2nd. ^-, brother. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLean and Mrs i _., D. Mclnnis and OIlie motored to To- (daughter , 1 he crops m this part of the ^onto on Sunday. , Provmee have been so far harvested Mr. David Hincks is expected home !as to enable us to say that the yield fro„, the west to-day. after spending ,w.ll be above the average. Let us L^^ „,„„ths visiting friends, all trust that the price will be sat- isfactory. '"The laborer is worthy j^^,, ^^ McFarlane's on Thursday of his hire. ^ ^ ^ j night, while others took in the pres- , I entation for Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ' Auto.sts are complaining of the tar' McLeod at Swinton Park, on roads between Flesherton and To- 1 Mr.s. Thos. Nichol spent a few .f ronto and between Owen .Sound a.uIK^,.^ ^..,^;f f.i^^ds at Collingwood. f Mealord. They say their cars were! ' .'A Oovenor Smith of New York Slate splashed over by the composition re- 1 J •-- •â-  • cently nut down, and suggest that ^'^ '""â- <' ""'* *^^' » Flesherton Fall .^ detours be established till the sticky! ''^"''" ^'â- '^=' ^'^^ ^""^ '""'* "' "^â- ^'' •»• This statement was not true and in fairness to the Oriole Softball team I would ask you to rectify the mis- take in your next issue. The 0?- Editor. Asst. Editor. Advertise in The Advance Ever remembered by Father, Mother â-  and Family. Use The Advance Small Ada,. THE FI(;hT over I he BORDER in his address of acceptance of the Democratic nomination for the Pres- idency, takes a firm stand in favor ^tuff dries up. of the amendanient of the constitution of the United State.s, that v.-hich pro- vides the prohibition of the traffic in intoxicating li.iiiors. Mr. Smith asserts that Ik- favors th^ otjtion of Hydro Electric customers in var- ious places have been notified that a reduction of one-sixth of their bills would be taken off this year. and then hcr'ome a member, which will cost you $1, but it admits two members of the family, as well as allowing you to exhibit. 1 LOST â€" Strayed from thi' preiuis- a State system of liquor control as Welcome news' to the fortunate ones. I "-'s of the undersigned 2-year old red we now have in Ontario, tha change Th3 customary notificatioji in these ; steers. Finder please leave leave only to be made by Congress aft^r a parts has been that an increase must ' with Fred Stuart, 'Phone 2',), Flesh- I'e whacked up. Su! should come our way oly a reduction j f "'â- on too. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS PRICEVILLE Most funnels around here will finish harve.-it this week, if the wea- 7 '"V," "' ther keeps fine. t will bo ,,. ' ., ,^ , ^, Mi::i llorcnce wIcQueen of Stay- j All persons having any claims or demands again.U the Estate of Thom- as Wolseley Conron, late of the vil lage of Feversham, in the county of Grey, Telephone Operator, who died on or about the ;Ust day of March, ner spent a f.w days visiting her| i.)28, are required to forward their ccusim-,, the Hincks'. : claims duly proved to the undersign- reforndum in th,- State affected. He is, he declares uiialtoraliiy opposed to the re-cstablishnunt of the saloon. Further, he declares that these arc only his personal views and that any L-hanges in the law on the Statute book can only be made by Congress and until such tiiiie as amendment of the law is .so rfsidvcd on, his duty to enforce it to the full. He claims that the Republican party has not 80 enforced the law hence its dispute. • ^l''- Thos. Nichol has has purchased ; ed Solicitor of the Administrator on Our opinion h that prohibition will " "^"^^ ^"'''' sedan. I or before the 2SUh day of September, remain with our n'.-ighors, no matter ^''â- - '^f''' ^^^'^- •^- '^- "'"'•'<» visited ii)28. which of the pnrtjp.i triumph at 'ff'ntly at Mr. AUie McLean's. j And further take notice that after the poU.s next \<>v(»mber. ; ^r. and Mrs. J. K. Milne and bnho .such mentioned date the Administrat- The people of the United States spent a few days at Sauble Beach. or will proceed to distribute the money have never yet repealed an artitio R^v. and Mrs. Curran and family among the parties entitled thereto after it has been ailded to the Con- renewed old acquaintances in Price- having regard only to such claims as .stitution. The 18th amendament ville last week. 1 he then will have notice of. was adopted after a majority of the Mis'* E. McMillan of Swinton Dated at Collingwood this 17th day States had voted to adopt it. The Park visited her cousin. Miss Jessie of August, A.D. l'.»28. Senate and House of Rejiresontatives Nichol. M.VLCOLINl McLEAN. Ccdlingwood. have again and again, by every largo n^^^^^^Bi^^^Hi^im^B^MHi^H^^^^^HiMBHMaai^^^^^^^^^^^ GE NunvjE for Woodwork, Floors, Autos, Furniture Anyone Can Apply It :: t Dries in 30 minutes. Wide range of colors. Duco Polish restores the origin- al lustre on your Furniture or Auto. Dust does not stick to it. She rwin •Will lams PLASTIC WOOD - Handles like putty â€" hardens like wood. Paints and Varnishes. F. W. DUNCAN *5m'»**m** •*•<*• v**t**.***********^r**c**»** .♦•.X»*X**>C**>*>*><**>*><*<**> ^•♦•yX^'X*^' t* »>'><**X**>% -x-:":-:•<:~^ majority refu.sed to interfere with its operation, and while there is con- >iderablf trouble with the cnforco- iiient, it is maintained by tho.se br.^l felled to pronounce the matter that moral .iociety and industrial instit- utions have been greatly in favor since the national vcstitation of the traffic in intoxicant.^ wm decreed. Nevertheless 1 he puzzle between •he two great parties over the border Ix-omes mtenwly interesting as the turmoil of the election in fervor. EDITORIAL NOTES Mcaford folks are stuck up be- cause for the fir.st time an airplane flew into "their midst" last week. Nov/ they want an aerodome. • • • The latest story from the swamp • n the highway west r,( Markdi'o i^ that a supporter rif th-» whiskey Treedom saw a bear rlimS a tree. Wondpr if he did not see two? • . • Judging a r'-cent ovp-rionce, wo- â- Tien, who marry eccentric men take <onsi<U>rab!e risk. For that mat- 'pr, a man is pot free from tirnb.i' 'â- > 'rouble, if he hitches up with a •- >• man of the same typ". • • • Grey County h-xn a fine ngricultiir- r,l exhibit at Toronto Fair, got to- gether by Mr. T. Stswart Cooner, Agricultural Representative. We Greatest Cut Price Sale in History ETTI Sale ? $ 1 2, 000 Stock IN THE W. L. WRIGHT BLOCK Prices cut to the bone! Everything on sale, no reserve! J. I'. Walter, who hoii^hl and tan off the Tom Clayton .stock in tl'.c spiinpf of 1927. will rcciiiiiT little or no introduction to the buy- ing piihlic of I'Mfshcrton and vicinity. You know the bargains you got then. Come along and get your share of the bargains now. SALE OPENS AT 9 A.M. J. P. WALTER & SON COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, Sept. Don't Confuse This with the so-c&lled Everyday Sals. » * * «

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