Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1928, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, '28 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE PORTLAW j was conducted for the immediate rel- ativea and members of the family Tu /•.._ 1 * .1. 1 • <. ». ' by Rev. J. P. Wiliiatr.soii. Mrs. The funeral of the lute Mrs. Mc- .;„>., t nr ^ i i T>i. i, , ,„• . ^ 1 , ' McPhail was a faithful member and I'nail of Winnipeg took place on â-  . • â-  .u n i, » • __ . , , , , . I" *•'= "" ardent worker in the Presbyterian Friday last from the home of lier Chur'ch, riorrJ tributes were presented hy sister, Mrs. J. A. Thompson, here, interment fakint? place in Mclntyre ., a ... (-i. u f ..„i r«.,„« ... , ,, â- ',^ Nassau Baptist ( hurch, General temctc.-y. .Service wa.s he d at the „ » .,, ^.,,. a m v i tA . „ _j L . , ... Motors, Allan Killin and McKay Ltd. house and church and was conducted -., , ., d .l > • oi„,„_„ V D«.. u \iii • . . â-  .. : The family. Brothers land listers, by Rev. Mr. Mills, assisted by Mr. i , „ , ,, „ ' n i?i.v.-.« 7> L- J II i also Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. risher, U. Kendall. ., „. „ , „ ,^ , „ j 1 Mount Zion .Sunday School, Mr. and Deceaaed was a daughter of the Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. R. late Mr. and Mrs. John Mclntyre, ; psborne and Mr. and Mrs. Meldrum. pioneers of the Mclntyre settlement,! Thg family lived for many years Osprey township. There she was ;„ Kenora, but for the past ten years born and grew to young womanhood, i their home has been 218 Mayfair She married her now sorrowing: hus- ' Ave., Fort Rouge, Winnipeg, band, Mr. Laughlan lArnont Mc- . ^fg, j h. Watson is on an extend- Phail. To them were born eight | ^j ^jgit ^ith her father, Mr. Edward of a family, one dying in infancy. ' ^(,3, ^ho resides near Sault Ste The surviving members of the fam- ' jf^rie ily are Malcolm. John W., Kathar-, ^loyd, Evelyn and Joe Little and T.u*,^ '•??''"> «!'.'*_£'"â-  John Osborne visited with friend, ^th V ictoru. al of W.n.*,eg. ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ly. The brothers are Alexander of West- ,, , „ „ . .. -. on, Oregon; John D. of Spokane, ^r. and Mrs. J. T. Erw.n of To- This is not stri.-tly in nccordanee with facts. It was Spurgeon him- self who was up on the roof. When Mrs. McXevin arrives she will likely feel more at home attending to in- terior decoration. 0. D. R. & South Line Washinsrton; Hector of Barrows, Al- berta and Neil of Mclntyre. The •isters are Mrs. H. B. Kirkland of Cranbrook, B. C. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson of Port Law. Six grand- children also reside in Winnipeg. Her daughter. Miss Isabell and sons ronto spent the past week with Mrs. Erwin's mother, Mrs. Gilbert Little Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborne vis- ited with the former's brother, Mr. Sam Osborne of Williamsford. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Erwin, Mrs. John W. and Laughlan L., also her G. Little Sr. and Mrs. Gilbert Little brother, John D. of Spokane and sis-visited with friends at Duncan, ter, Mrs. Kirkland of Cranbrook, B.| Mr. and ^Mrs. Gaudin and Miss C. accompanied the remains and at- Alice Little of Toronto visited with tended the funeral. Deceased en- the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. tered the General Hospital, Winnipeg J. Little. on July 23rd aid ^♦'♦•'r much suffer- In our last week's items the Print- ing passed away on August 21st. er made it appear that Mrs. Spur- Before starting east a short service geon has been re-roofing the house. ii School Time PENCILS SLATES CRTYONS WATER COLORS TEXT BOOKS | DICTIONARIES SCRIBBLERS SCHOOL BAGS | <^•<:•<•♦«^<•<•♦<~:•<~x~:♦<•<•<•♦<•♦•w~^ I Pickling Supplies I'lvcrythiiiK needed and cvervthinij fresh ^ KIPK TOM.VrOF.S RED I'KPKRS ^ X â€" Give us your order for green gage plums â€" jt. A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. I Store closed Tues. and Thurs. evenings X Rev. Robt. Dingwall and Mrs. Ding- wall, who spent the past two weeks visiting their parents, returned home. Mrs. .Storie and family, who have been visiting at Jas. Turner's, re- turned to their home in Toronto. F. R. Oliver, accompanied by sisters Emma and Sadie, also Mrs. Jas. Turn- er motored to Toronto Saturday. Will Dingwall and family spent Sunday at L. Irwin's, Swinton Park. John Meads and family visited the first of the week at E. Dingwall's. R. J. Turner made a trip to Mount Forest the first of the week. Mr. Robert Berry and son fCalt visited old friends on the South Line and Old Durham Road. It is a number of years since Mr. Berry has been around these parts. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dingwall, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dingwall motored down to the Ex. last week. Mrs. Will Williams and Mrs. Charl- es Huddy were called to the bedside of their mother lasrt week. Mrs. Nixon and famiiy have re- turned to their home in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell visited Sunday at John Dow's. Mrs. McDougall, who has been vis- iting her daughter's and other friends at Niagara returned home last week. (Last Week's Items) Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parker and son of Toronto spent the week end at Mr. Jas. Oliver's. Mr. and Mrs. Graham and family of Brampton and Mr. Donald Bell spent Sunday at Mr. Jas. Turner's. Mrs. Nixon and family of Owen Sound are visiting at Mr. A. Ding- wall's. Miss Emma Oliver, who spent a week at Muskoka, returned home, accompanied by her cousin, Janet Parker. Mr! Rob Oliver came home the first of the week to help hi."! father with the harvest. Mr. and Mrs. McKay and family, Mr. and Mrs. Currie and family, al- so Mr. Robert Turner were to Eu- genia the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper and Mrs. G. O'Strander visited with Jas. Oliver on Sunday. F. R. Oliver and Tommie Currie went to Kimberley last week. Mrs. Storie and family of Toronto are visiting at Jas. Turner's. SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customers in the lis coir.t::.,nitits may mat- crialljr benefit individu- ally. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd, Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tively associates with high quality merchandise at the fairest posible prices. This Week's Specials In Groceries Campbell's Soup, 2 tins for 21c-. 4 Can Peache.s. 1 11). lin.s 2 for 35c. .Xylnier Soup 3 tin.>^ tor 25c. X Can Pears, 1 lb. tins 2 for 25c. Shoe I'dlisli, black or brown re^f. IS ....9c. X Bulk Dates 3 lbs. for 25c. I.oaf Stl},^'l^ 2 lbs. ISc. X Crape Fruit, 1 lb. tin, i)cr tin 21c. Can Pim'ai)ple Sliced 2 tins for 27c. X Lyles C.oldon Syruj). 1 lb. tins ....2 for 21c Carnation & Nestles Milk, lar^^c, 2 for 23 X Extracts, all flavors, 2 oz. bottles 5c. Can lieef I'Vay Hentoes re^' 30 for. ...22c. | National Biscuit Snaps, reg. 10c. 2 for 15 Jelly Powders, refj. 10c. for 5c. X Certo for IVeservinjf bottle 28c. C'.'M Pen' '-.tandrird nualitv .... 2 for 21c. ^ Salmon, 1 lb. tin, fancy pink 17c. i:.....wr;...: :..;... :;^^ruvn-. :• • ' • •"•;-•â-  •^-••â€"l r 7>^o-. 4for?5o and Carnation, 6 oz. size ....2 tins 9c. i Can Keets choice «|uality 2 for 25c. TODDY, I60Z. Tin, August Special â€" 48cts. 10 BARS SOAP FOR 33 cents 8 Cakea attorted, Comfort, Surprise, Gold, P. & G. Naphtha, 1 cake Ivory and 1 Cake Boby 'a Own Soap for 33c. 10 bars limited to every purchaser. .Aylmcr I'ork & Beans, 16 oz 2 for 2.^'^ Can Raspberries larj^e tin, per tin ....I4c. Kii)per Snacks, 4j/j oz. tin, each 5c. X Can Prunes, Delnionte 2 for 21c. lleintz Cream Tomato Soup \0 oz. 2-2Xc. * Brunswick v^ardines 4 for 23c. Shredded Wheat 2 for 21c. & Club 1 louse Coffee. 1 lb. tin 4')c. Kello^^j>'s Pep, rcfj. size 2 for l''c. !|! Mazola Oil. 4 lb. tin for oookinjj 9Sc Paris Pale, 3 oz 2 for 19c. ^ Mazola Oil. J lb. tin for cookinp; A'^k. Symin^^ton (iravey, 3j/j oz. ])er pk>,'. lOc. ^ Mazola Oil. 1 lb. tin for cooking- 2(ic. Syminj;;ton dravey, l>j oz. per i)ki;. Set Kovab l.cnion Checso. 12nz. jar 16c. F.T. HILL & Co., LifflHed, Markdale The Late Irene McLean The messenger of death has come into our community and taken to her reward, Irene Sluphcmia Mc- Lean, daughter of Hector and the late Mary A. McLeJii, after a long illness, with much suffering. She passed away Saturday evening, Aug- ust 25th. She v/r.i of a genial dis- position, and loved by all who knew her. She is no more, for her Lord has taken her; she bore her illness with Christian fortitude. From a child she had deep interest in the things pertaiping to the Kingdom of God, becoming a member of His Church at an early age. The funeral was one of the largest in this district for a long time, and was held on Tuesday, the 28th of August in the McKinnon Hall by her pastor. Rev. J. Corry, who preach- ed a comforting sermon and help- ful. The sermon was based on 11 Cor. 1. The hall was filled to its This is a queer world. A man kicks when he makes so much money he has to pay income tax and he also kicks when he doesn't make enough to in- terest the tax collector. NOTICE TO CREDITORS j Notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de- mands against the Estate of Agnes Kaitting, late of the Township of Osprey in the County of Gr^y, House I Wife, who died on or about the 13th Iday of September, A. D. 1926, are notified to forward to the undersign- ed Administrator or his Solicitor on or before the 29th day of Septmeber A. D. 1928 their names and addres- es and full particulars of their claims duly verified. Andlfurther take notice that after the said date the Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the part- ies entitled thereto having regard on- ly to such claims as he will then have notice of. Date(< at Collingwood this 22nd day of August A. D. 1928. W. H. KERNAHAN. Administrator, Maxwell, Ont. or to , MALCOLM McLEAN, Sol. for the Administrator. Collingwood, Ont. FARM FOR SALE About 100 acres of good clay loam land, being '.ots 21 & 25 â€" 2nd Con., N. D. R., near Six Corners, about a mile from Flesherton Station, about 85 acres of cultivative land, 10 acres in hardwood bush, five acres swamp. Seven roomed house, solid brick, with cellar under all, also summer kitchen and wood shed attached. New hip roof bam 45 by 46, drive shed 20 by 40, good spring well and good fences. This farm cheap for quick sale. â€" Geo. E. Banks, Ceylon, Tele- phone 2 ring 4, Flesherton. utmost, which showed the high es- teem in which the deceased was held. The pall bearers were six young ladies, her former companions, Mrs. D. L. McArthur, Mrs. Earl McLeod, Misses Mary Carson, Mary McKin- non, Annie Shortreed, Gladys Hincks and the remains were followed by six flower bearers, who carried the many floral tributes. Misses Jessie Nichol, Rebecca Nichol, Alice Reil- ey, Sadie Carson, Erma McLean and all were dressed in white. She leaves to mourn her loss, a loving father, two brothers, Gordon bf Saskatchewan and Gilroy of Durham; and a sister, Jean, who is at home. Sent here for but awhile God marked her when he gave her birth. And took her with a smile. The hymns sung were "Safe in the Arms of Jesus," Jesus Savior Pilot Me" and "Lead Kindly Light" and the choir, all dressed in black, sang an anthem, "Nearer, Still Near- er." The effecient funeral director, Mr. Colin McMillan of Holstein had his lowering device with its green cresh rugs covering the forbidden aspect of the yawning grave. The sympa- thy of the whole community goes out to the mourning relatives in in their sorrow . The ifioral tributes were as follows Spray from Mrs. Uamsdell, New York, from her brother, Gordon of Saskatchewan, Mr. and Mrs. Archie •McLea:;, Dorothy and Eva Carson. Mnrjorie McLean of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Colin H. McLean and family, Priceville, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Mc- Millan and .^lex, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hooper, Holstein, Mr. and Mrs. Far- (luhar McKinnon and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ramage, Miss Mary Stewart, Mrs. McLean, Durham;' wreath from the neighbors, Mr. and Mr.s. H. F. McLean and family; has- ^ ket from Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc- Crae, Bridgeburg:,, bouquet from Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reilly; Gates .\jar from the Willing Helpers and the Sunday School. Small Advertisements LOST OR STRATSD FOUND â€" Lodge collar and vest left in the Baptrst church on July 12, can be secured at this office. FARM FOR SALE Lots 1 and 2, Con. 7,' Osprey town- ship, 200 acres, consisting of abont 90 acres under cultivation, about 80 acres in CAME ASTRAY - Strayed to the , "*^/ J" .'*''*^"' t'^v \ *^ â-  property of the undersigned about «*'*"^ h^dwood bush, balance m good *^ *^ ^ * swamp and wood bush. Two good July 12th, yearling heifer. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. Came to the Premises â€" Lot 27, Con. 14, on or about June 4th, 2 year- ling heifers, part Hereford. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. â€" Henry Walton, Kimberley. FOR SALB FOR SALEâ€" Driving Mare. Apply to â€" John Wright, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" 10 pigs, one month old. â€" Archie McKechnie, Priceville. FOR S.\LEâ€" 12 head yearling cat- tle.â€" R. J. Boyd, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Brood sow and elev- en young pigs, also Oxford Ram. â€" Bert Magee, 'phone Feversham. FOR SALE â€" Kitchen Range, 3- burner oil stove, with oven, table, chairs and other articles. â€" Mrs. Roy Piper, Ceylon. 'phone 44 r 31. wells and running spring creek. Small orchard and farm well fenced and in high state of cultivation.. Bank bam 42 by 60, driving shed, garage pig pen, solid brick nine roomed house and hard water at door. W. J. CHARD, Flesherton . R?.. No. 1. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERYICB Registered Shorthorn bul^ for vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Osprsy, "Many Marquis" No. 179,136; Siro, Bonate Marquis 142.S81; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebeds |5.M. grades $2.00. Cows not returned will be charge full price. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, Engenla. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clnb^ the property of the Ontario Depart* ment of A^rjcnlfture. â€" C. STEWART, CareUkw. BOAR FOR SERVICE No. 92-77530. Also a young York- shire pig, both bacon type for service FOR SALEâ€" ^Quebec Range, Quan tity of coal, Chev. sedan, Beatty elec- o" Lot 176, N.W. T. & S.R tdic washing machine and other art- "erms |1.00. ides.â€" Mrs. W. L. Wright, Flesherton EAST MOUNTAIN FOR SALE â€" Chevrolet touring, engine in excellent condition, equipped with bracket for trailer. Phone or call Wm. Wright, Maxwell. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of second cut alfalfa to be taken from field. â€" Wm. J. McFadden, Phone 33 r 3, Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Smart of Duncan visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Smart and family. A number from hern attended the party at Mr. Clark Teeds on Friday evening, where a pleasant time was spent. Messrs. Charles Fawcett, William Thompson and Elgin Roe left for the West on Tuesday last. Mr., and Mrs. George Pedlar and daughter, Leila, of Durham, visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .S. H. Smart and fmily. Mrs. Henry of Toronto visited for a few days recently with her bro- ther, Mr. T. Allen. Mrs. Miller of California and Mrs. Haworth of Toledo visited with their neice, Mrs. Clarence Smart. Miss Lorna Chard of Rock Mills visited for a couple of weeks with her cousin. Miss Winneta McMullen. Misses Edith and Mabel Fawcett of Egypt are visiting their grand- mother, Mrs. T. Fawcett. HONEY FOR SALEâ€" Clover Honey 11 cents per pound; reduction on 50 pounds and over, can supply 5 and 10 pound pails at cost. â€" Flesherton Apiary, W. S. Inkster, Prop. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENTâ€" Double garage.- Runstadler, Flesherton. FLAT FOR RENT â€" 8-room ap. avtment for rent, bath room. â€" Mra W. L. Wright, Flesherton. EGGS WANTEDâ€" Highest market price will be paid in cash. â€" John Runstadler. Flesherton. tf. â€" T. J. STINSON. MIDDLEWO & BURNS Barriatcri, ete. Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton every Saturday aftemoon and evening. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNPALK LMDENSBO AUCTIONEER For the County tt Grey. Teraax 1 per cent. Siatisfaction guanitee^ Dates made at The Advance office. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. In the west end of the village of Flesherton, 6-room house, electric wired, soft water cistem, cellar un- der whole house, large verandah oii two sides, and woodshed with cement floor; approximately three acres ot land and good stable. An ideal spot for a retired fanner. â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG A SON, Flesherton, Ont The Agricultural Society arc hold- ing a Field Day on the Agricultural Grounds, Flesherton; at which some very interesting games of softbnll will be played. See bills. SALE OF LAND BY TENDER of the late Thos. W. Conron SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned at his of- fice in Collingwood up to the 2;'th I day of September, 1!128, for the pur- I chase of lots 6,7 and 8 on the East side of Victoria Street in the Village of Feversham. There arc two hous- es situate on the property. Tenders may bo ma<le for either of the houses separately or together. Dated tat CoirjngwoodJ this :22nd day of Aun"»t. A.D. 1028. Malcolm McLean of the Town of Collingwood. Solr. for the .Xdminis- ; trator. NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Sat- urdays only. â€" Graham Bros. Eu- genia. NOTICEâ€" Buy your Binder Twine at The Park House; the price is right. â€" H. Spoffard. BULL FOR SERVICE. i Pure-bred Hereford BuB for Mr> vice. Terme IS. payable tke fint eT February, after that date Hio wB be chained. â€" EDWARD LOUGU. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L, D. S., dental WANTED â€" Four head of cattle J surgeon, honor graduate at Toronto to pasture, also four acres of alfalfa and Royal College of Dental Srrgeona for sale. Apply to lof OnUrio. Gas administered for -S. HENDERSON : teeth extraction. Office at residence 32 Millwood Rd. Toronto, Ont. Toronto Street, Flesherton. HONEY FOR SALE Prince Arthur Lodge, 833, A.F. tk A.M. meets in the Masonic Hall. Arm- Chioce Clover Honey for sale in strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- bulk. Price 10 cts. per pound. Can day on or before the full moon. W supply 5 and 10 pound pails at cost â€"ROY W. FENWICK, Novl5 Maxwell. Ont. G. Watson, W. M., C. F Uwrence,. Secretary BULL FOR SERVICE Lucas ft Henry. Barristers, Solicit- ors, etc., I. B. Lucas, K. C, W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Luca* -DUNCAN WILLIAMS, Eugenia. Block. Flesherton. (Saturdays ) W P. Telford, Jr., J. F. P. Bimie. ,.U()AR FOR SERVICE Wm. Kaitting. Llscensed Aoetli Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser-for the comitiee of Grey and SI^hw vJi-eâ€" Edgfly Bright Vim, No. 99,996Farm and stock sales a spedalM*. Property of Saugeen Bacon llogTerms modsrate., satkfaetlon ^ito^ n. .. „„ may ke lade at the Advaoee OfffRT* Club. Terms $1.00. -C. HINDLE, Central telepkone oAlee» Proton Station er by adclraesing me at Fe««ralMMk

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