fm^ : L* i Vol. 48 No. 18 ®J)je /tol)^rt0tt aituxna Fleai>«rton Ontario, October 3, 1928 W. H. Thurston & Sbn, Proprietors. PRICEVILLE â- The cement work on the bridge, on the townline, has been completed by Mr. Dave Weber and his men, ready for the steel work to be done. Mr. Hk B. McLean brought up an- other fine bunch of cattle from To- ronto last week. Miss Bertha James is visiting her sister at Weston. Miss Esther McLean of Melanc- thon spent the week end at her home. Miss Olive McMeekin Sundayea with Jier friend, Miss Jessie NichoT. Mrs. Parslow of Flesherton spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. John Nichol. Miss Catharine McMillan returned 'Monday to Fergus, after spending a month at her home here, follow- ing her recent operation. Mrs. Hudson of Hamilton is vis- iting at Mr. Angus McLachlan's. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Sundayed at Mr. Angus Hoop^'s. This Wedmesday evening ML*s Sinclair of Toronto will address the Young People's Meeting in the Hall, after which a radio program will be given. Lunch will be served by the ladies. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to everyone. Mr. Mino of Owen Sound is visit- ing at Mr. Dave McDonald's. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. McLean were at the J'owl Supper at Mr. W. A. Richard- son's on Thursday night, in honor or Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Richardson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson the newly wedded couple. Rev. Mr. McCarten preached a week ago very acceptably in St. Columba church in the evening In the absence of Rev. F. Sullivan, who was preaching Anniversary services at Berkley. This week is going to be a busy one. Wednesday is Markdale Fair; Priceville Fair on Friday. Mr. B. McKenzie and R, J. Turner are busy threshing^on the North Line, but ex- pecti'to finish on Wednesday. There will be no evening service in the Hall next Sabbath evening, o-n acound of the Anniversary Ser- vices at Swinton Park. Rev. Mr. Kirkwood of Creemore will conduct the services at 2:30 and 7:30. Miss Belle Campbell returned to Montreal, after spending some time at her home here. Miss Pheobe Livingstone of Toron- to is visiting her brothers. Miss Marjoiie McLean went back to Toronto on Thursday. Miss Jean McLean and Miss Cath- arine McMillan visited friends In Dundalk on Saturday. Ml'. Archie N. and Miss E. M. McCuaig, Mrs. N. McMillan and son, Duncan visited friends at Burgoyne and Port Elgin over the week ena ^ces PRICEVILLE LADIES' AID The regular meeting of the Ladies" Aid and Missionary Society of St. Columba United Church, Priceville, was held at the home of Mrs. Peter Muir, with thirty ladies present. The meeting opened by singing a hymn with Miss L. Mather presiding and various items of business discussed. Mrs. Allie Muir, President of the Missionary Society, then took charge, and opened with a word of prayer. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. It was decided to have the annual thank- offering service on October 7th ana have Mr. Sullivan take charge of the service. Mr. Sullivan was then called on and gave a very interesting address on Missions, taking as his text â€" •'Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel, and lo I am with you al- ways," which was much enjoyed by all present. At the close of this fine address he gave a short synop- sis of the first chapter of the Mis- sionary Study Book, "Drums in tYie Darkness," forthecoming year. .Mrs, Sullivan and Mrs. Peter Muir were called upon and rendered a duet. "Get right with God." The Lord's Prayer was repeat- ed in unison. A dainty lunch war then served by the hostess. PORTLAW Our baptism of snow last week week caused some wry faces, espec- ially to those who have grain still unharvested. The general opinion of those who attended the Flesherton Fair is that it far outdistanced any oif its pre- decessors. Miss Pearl Watson is visiting with her brothers in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Thompson of Orange Val- ley spent a week end with his broth- er here. Mr. Geo. Menzies of San Jose, Cal., is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Wm. Fisher and numerous other relatives here. He is accompanied by Mr. Burk, also a former resident of this part. Very interesting Rally Services were held by Mount Zion Sunday School last Sunday. Mrs. J. W. Lyons received word that her little grandson, son of Mr. and Mrsl D. Jamieson of Toronto is very ill. She and her son, Mr. L. Lyons, motored down Sunday. Mrs. White of Collingwood, Mrs. Robertson and two sons, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Scott of Creemore, Mrs. Sampson of Burlington and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson of Detroit were visitors recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. .A.. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson and Grace and Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Mc- Kenzie, and Lillian, visitisd witli friends near Ravenna. Mount Zion church purpose hold- ing their anniversary services on Sunday, October 14th. Rev. Ash- ley Hodgson, B. A., who served three years in the late war, of Toronto will preach at 11 o'clock, a.m. and 7 p.m. A supper and entertainment wili be given on the evening of October 29th, Monday. PROTON STATION IN MEMORIAM HAXTON â€" In Wing memory <»' Jo.<seph Kaxton, accident ly killed on Octobar Ith. 1924. At home on the b:!autiful hills of • ' God. By the, valley .^f vest so fair. Somedaj'', sometime, when oin- tas? is done, With joy we shall meet him thcro. -,-Lovinjr Mother, Mrs. Janet Ha^ *bn, also sistets and bvother . Several sad accidents happened in Proton Station recently viz. Mrs. Donald (Brown fell and broke her leg at the hip, on Thursday even- ing, at Mount Forest. Her daughter Mrs. P. Still went over with her to her home that day and on Saturday she was brought home on a stretch- er,. The doctor there did not set the limb, but on her arrival here. Dr. Martin of Dundalk, attended her ana she is doing nicely with Miss P. McMaster, nurse in attendance. Sat- urday Iniorning. Bessie Staini^y, while doing her work had a pen pierce the back of her hand, leaving some of the fluid, that it contained ii^ her hand. She was advised to go to the doctor, after receiving attent- ion from Nwse McMaster. We hope that nothing serious will accure from this accident. Mr. Edward Rutherford »has re- turned from Barrie Hospital, where he has been for about a week, owing to having his hand jammed in the door o!f an automobile. The ac- cident nearly cost him his life, as blood poison set in. He is out or danger now. Mr. Frank Meddaugh was in an accident Friday night when a big Holstein cow, that was at the Fair, was hit by his ear. The car had to be towed in to McAllister's gar- age while the bovine was unharmed. As Mr. Wesley Bray was going from a meeting on Sunday night he lost control of his car at the cem- ent bridge, which swerved to the left and into the ditch. No one was hurt. CEYLON HOLDFAST U. F. W. O. The September meeting of the Holdfast U. F. W. 0. was held at the home of Mrs. D. Campbell with a splendid attendance. The first part of the afternoon was spent in quilt- ing, when we made four quilts for children's beds, to be sent to the Children's Shelter in Owen Sound. .\n interesting paper on "Habits and What They Lead to" was given by Mrs. E. Wickens. Readings were given by Mrs. Bailey, Mis. McKenzie and Mfs. A. Stewart. The next meeting will be held at the home or Mrs. Geo. Fisher. â€"Mrs. W. A. Beaton, Sec. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hill, and daugh- ter, Eva of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torrey and son. Jack, of Lauriston visited the first of the week at Mr. Roy Piper's. Mr. Eobt. Cook, Miss Millie Cook and Mr. Jas. W. McMulIen motored to Toronto for the week end. Miss Vera Marshall, nurse-in-tranl- ing, at the Durham Memorial Hos- pital, is on two weeks' holiday at h°r home here. Mr. Clarence Marshall, Durham, Messrs J. Chesney, John McWilliams and Geo. Banks, who are working near Orangeville, spent the week end at their respective homes. Mr. Russel Mathewson of New On- tario spent a few days with his father last week. Miss Mable Moore of near Dun- dalk, spent a few days with Miss Margaret Sinclair, before entering on her duties, nurse-in-training, at the Durham hospital. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent the week end with her parents here. Misses Jessie and K. McDonald are spending a week with friends at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colquette o^ Feversham, Mrs. Leslie Dand, and son, Miss Donaugh of Long Brancli, Mrs. Bell Thibaudeau and family and Misses Gorley of Markdale were first of the week visitors with Mr. John Stewart. Mrs. A. n. Haw speni^a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. Mark Stew^art, who has been visiting his parents, returned to his duties at Detroit and Mr. Will Stewart of Chesterville is holidaying with his parents. The Ladies' Aid held their regular monthly meeting at the home of the President, Mrs. Will Gibson, on Wed- nesday last, when a profitable and pleasant afternoon was spent. In- stead of the regular business being transacted, a quilt was quilted, anrt other sewing done. Mrs. .\rchie Sinclair gave a paper on "The King- ship of Self Control," which wa:; very interesting. Miss Olive Sinc- lair of Negritis. Peru, S. A., gave a talk dealing with conditions i-^ South America, which was enjoyec by all present. A dainty lunch was then served. The pext meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Snell, October ^Ist. when Mrs. Coi- linson and Mrs. Haw will have ch-irgf of the program, and the sandwich committeâ€" 'Mrs. T. Genoe and Mrs. Marshall. ROCK MILLS HOUSE BIRNED AT I)r,>iCAN Five destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKeowu of Dunca;-. on Tuesday, of wer?k and very- little o^ the .contettts wa-s saved. Mr. McKcnwn was absent at the time, being at Duncan Lake, and Mis- Mc- Keown had her hands baJUy burned trying to extuinguisTi the, bl»B«»*<fe' is stated that th-^ fire statie<l at the chimney. (Last Week's Items) Mr. Jas. McWhinney. Jlr. and Mrs. Geo. Arrowsmith and Mrs. Hunt mot- ored to Durham and attended the fair. Mr. Thos. Fletcher and wife moved their household effects into the res- idence they lately purchased of the late Mrs. Mary McLeod. We ex- tend a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Flet- cher. iMrs. Robt. Rutledge and two. child- ren of Roderick is visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. Jas. L. McMullen has returned home after spending a couple of weeks in the city. Miss Reta Marshall is visiting her sister at Bolton. Miss Delia White. Miss French. Mr. French and Mr. Miller of Midlant: spent Sunday with Mrs. White an<r family. Miss Sinclair, lately of Peru, S. A.. is visiting her brother, Mr. Sinclair and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson. Mr. Emerson Thompson of Kincardine. Miss Ethel Thompson of Vandeleu- spent the week end at R. Cook's and called on other friends. Mr. Chas. Irish of Toronto spent a couple of days with Mr. S. Honiphi:: and family. Mrs. F. Marshall returned Satur- day from her daughter's at Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. .Archie Sincla?? and Miss Sinclair motored to Owen Sound the first of the week. I Owing to the Anniversary Ser- ; vices in the Proton Church on Sunday i September 30, the service here is I withdrawn Cor the day. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and Mr. Glenn and Miss Gaudin of Redwing were; visitors over the 'Ve?k pixl at Mv- J. J. Patterson's. i -Mrs. Callahan ami two chikhen of Orangevil'.e visited over the week end v.ith her brother. Mr. A. Whit- taker. Unity U. F. W. 0. will hold their month^y meeting on Wednesday, October 10th, at the hom5 of Mrs. J. Campbell. Please notice change of date. Mr. and Mrs. Will Holley, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holley and Mr. ap^ Mrs. Jim Kennifick and daughter-^ of Hol- land Centre were visitors with the former's sister, Mrs. Sam Croft ana family, Mr. Thos. Gilliland of Eugenia vis- ited on Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Jno. Hargrave. The Revival Services will continue this week in the Baptist Church here. Evangelist Torrie will preach everj night, except Saturday night. Meet- ings commence at 7:45 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts and daughters, Edith and Mabel attend- ed Divine Services at the Bible School at Proton on Sabbath morning. Considerable gravelling has been done on tlie County Road here tW past few weeks, and has put it in much better condition for travelling. There will be no service in Salem Church next Sabbath, owing to the Convention in Pro'|>n, which com- mences on October ivi, continuing over Sunday, October 7th, when there will be three sptecial services. Mrs. Wm. McTighe and two child- ren of Toronto visited the past week with Mrs. E. Russell. ' Mr. and Mi-s. Ernest Jolly and fam- ily, accompanied by Mrs. Jolly's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dart of To(?- niorden visited recently with Mrs. t. Russell. EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Lehman and son, Ross of Toronto visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. W^illiams. Mrs. Davies and Mast- er Hedley Lehman returned home with them. Mrs. Wilson is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. Roy MacMillan in Mark- dale. Mrs. W. Slaon has gone to visit her daughter, Mrs. Kimnierley, at Watertown. Mr. Fred Large of Niagara Falls is visiting with his grandfather, Mr. Peter Munshaw. -Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson and fam- â- 'y of St. Catharines spent a few days v.ith Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley, 8tli Line. The Ladies' -Aid is busy prepar- r-r a playâ€" "The Path .Across The H'!!" to be given at Thanksgiving •,imo. Mr. John Magee aconipanied by "';•. Will Magee attended the funer- ; of the late Mrs. Jas. Magee in jr .rkdale, on Saturday. We es- tc-' our sympathy to those left in sff lereavement. : r. Wes. Cooey of Toronto visited 0'- th? week end in the village. "rs. Harold Falconer and child- v left on Friday to join her hus- 1 a -d in Windsor. Mr. Falconer has a c,-ood position in Detroit. We wish (' 'm success in their new home. Mr. .Alex. Carruthers had the mis- " rtune to loose one of his worX j ' orses recently. I Mrs. -Alex. Hoy went to the Toron- j T hospital for treatment last week. I W? wish lier a speedy recovery, and ' "lope. she will be able to be home ' foon. I Mr. Robt. Gorley has been appoinf- Truant Officer for this district. I We extend our sympathy to Mr. tnd Mrs. Elmer Ellis of Kimberley n the loss of their dear little baby, June. ! Messrs Kenneth and Fred Large, , Norman Donahue and George Fort- 1 ier of the Bontonian Orchestra arc i the guests of the former's grand- father, ati the Eugenia House, and will assist at the Feversham Fair Concert on Tuesday evening, re- turning Wednesday. MAXWELL Burying A Town The Municipal World recently jpon- following article, whicb Anniversary Service On Thursday evening Rev. Hugh lannon of Ro.«emount, formerly of cintyre, will conduct the prepara- â- ry service in St. John's UnitecJ t lurch. Next Salibath .Anniversary s ^'ices will be held and the sar- ranient of th eLord's Supper will he cbsn-ved at the close of the morning sei" ioc. CORRECTION! Please note the correction in the '. Prize List of the Priceville Fall Fair: j For the best two kiaves of bread with j O'C inada Flour â€" A bag of O'Can- adr Flour, value â€" $4.2.5. instead ol pa? ry flour. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GRAIN POTATOES AND SEEDS A. C. MUIR CEYLON. - ONT. Phone 38 r .1 â- W^ JIQE: asE E)Q& y.L. Percy Doherty had the mis fortrne to have the centre finger of i his light hand taken off in a thresh- i ing machine on Tuesday afternoon. I Mr. Doherty had the misfortune to lose his left hand through an acci- dent some few years ago. â€" Meaford Express. ^/^Up-to-date SERVICE AT ALL TIMESr FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. Bates Burial Co. 122-124 Avenue Road TORONTO I Phone: Klngsdale 4344 | I J.W.Bates. R. Maddocks. I It Costs No More To Fireproof Your Building "VWHEN you build a new house or repair an old one be sure to use Gyproc. Gyproc also gives quick construction, insulation against cold and heat â€" and fuel economy. Write for free book, "Walls That Reflect Good Judgment," containing interesting infor- mation on home planning with Gyproc, Roc- board and Insulex. CANADA CYPSUM AND ALABASTUOE. UMITED PwU CuuMla 43 GVP. . ^N^ireproorWdHboard * For Sale By Frank W. Duncan, - . Flesherton, Ont Mr. W. IJ. Guy held an auction sale on .Saturday last. Quite a nuinhcr from here attended j tained the Dundalk Fair, last Fridav. _ j? n ^ ^i. i. l j , o i.m<..v. Qpg (j£ ^^^ village fathers has hand* Dr. and Urs.^. H. Guy of -N'ew-ed us for publication, market were recent visitors with rel- ^ town thpt never has anytl:ng- atives here. L j • li- ^^^ to do in a public way is on tnjf v. aj The Ladies' Aid of the Unite(!!to the cemetery. Any citizen wao church will meet on Thursday, Oct- 'will do nothing for his town is help- ober 4th, at Mrs. Chas. Long's. All (ing to dig the grave. A man th«t members are requested to be pres-jcurses the town furnisfies the coffl|t *- ent. Visitors welcome. JThe man who is too selfish to h»v«aft Special Rally Day services was time from his business to give to-tfiv* held in the United church here Sun-jic affairs is making the shrouJd-Th» day last. The children sang a spec- 1 man who will not advertise is driv- ial chorus and the seiwice was poor- 'ing the hearse. The man who Is ly attended. How little interest , always pulling back from any public i some of the parents take in the spir- enterprise throws bouquets in th§ itual welfare of their children. We grave. The man who is so stingy would urge thenj to attend church as to be howling at hard times, , and Sunday School more regularly, preaches the sermon, sings the dox- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross, and Misslology and thus the town lies buried Mary, also Mr. and Mrs.W. H. Coult-jfrom all .sorrow and care, hard of Feversham were guests at' the nurses' g:raduation, Pi-iday even-! ing last, at Durham. Mrs. W. Poole has been removed , from the hospital and is recuperat-j ing with friends before returning] home. , ^i ^-'\i -^^ ,V^- LEAVING FOR TORONTO Some Alliston and Orillia iii> rih- ants have been fined for failftig"'''W observe the early elosfng by-law. Ml Ellen Parslow has rented a reside e in Toronto and moved her â- 1 luseh 1 effects tjicre on Tuesday. We ui '.-istafld that 5lr. Maurice Schaeff h.n? rented Mrs. ParstowV residenc' 'n town. "jlouge of ©ualitp" BAGS! >: BAGS! This is one of the best offers we have had yet in bags. A real No. 1 bag, reg. 40cts. Special this week only â€" 3 FOR $1.00 HONEY HONEY \ In 5 pound pails â€" Ucts per pound (Container Free) W. J. Stewart & Sons Flesherton, Phone 46 Ont iS;aSi2^k^^->'