Flesherton Advance, 3 Oct 1928, p. 7

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) in '^ â- Â» ^M > FREE 600 COPIES THE MINING HANDBOOK â€" 1928 EDITION â€" We have been fortunate in securing a few extra copies of the 192S Mining Handbook. Those Interested In Canadian Mines and Minin? Markets should not be without this booklet, which is full o( valuable information. Write or phone tor your copy Immediately. There is no obligation. PHONE â€" ELGIN 5111 F. G. OKE & COMPANY MEMBERS, STANDARD STOCK AND MINING EXCHANGE OKE BUILDING 304 Bay Street, Toronto Crops Elncourage British Farmers A Good Man Rain was pouring down as I awak- ened this morning', and my first Unusually Good Yield Being thought was, '"What a dreary day!" Garnered in All forms of Agriculture Record Tonnage in Canadian Canals Figures for August, 1927, Exceeded by 231,044 Tons PULPWOOD DOWN Total Freight Handled This Season â€" 4,824,050" Tons Ottawa â€" Freight transportation in the St. L,awrence Canals in August created a record for all time. The total tonnage amounted to 1.359.361 tons, exceeding the tonnage for Aug., 1927, by 231.044 tons and f-e tonnage for June, 1927, which was the previ- ous high r(t:ord by 147,958 tons. Com- pared with the August. 1927, traffic, London. â€" Seldom has any irnlu.s- try experienced such a satisfaciury change of outlook as th.nt which lias taken place in Knglirh agriculture this year. The year 1927 was the poorest year for the Englit^h farmer in at least half a rentury. The present year started out with prospects of a most subdued rharacter. week of the mo.-^t in years has worked wonders and al- most every fleld iinil meadow in the country seems to have yielded with unhoped-for liberality. The hay and forape crops were all excellent, oats and wheat have been harvested at less cost than for many years, owing to the absence of storms whiili lodge the grain, and harvesting : is completed to a sufficient extent to ' a.s.sure farmers that ap(v^arances have not been deceptive and that the weight of the crops is quite equal to their best expectations. I This excellent result is welcome for Many Factories Springing Up * variety of rea.sons. Many farmers. Near London and on 'â- - ""''*''^ '" 'â- '^*"^'' "'""" '^"""''' '"^ I past two or three seasons, were think- j ing of leaving the land. They have I now been encouraged to remain for ^ . „ , 'â-  the better times which seem inevit- London.-England is rapidly chang- -^bie. There is also a great need for There has been a steady expan- „ew and more modern farm equipment sion of industry in the South of Eng- \ throughout the .ountrv. Farmers land as opposed to the closing down ; have been unable to finance the pur- and the temporary suspension of work ! ehase of new machinery, hut Immediately, I heard a cheery whistle, accompanied by the rattle of garbage cans. The garbage-man was at work. Aa I listened the thought came to me, "Surely he is a good man," for I well knew the happiness expressed by the whistle came from within. On goinp to the window, I observed that his horse, fat and sleek, was pro- tected from the rain by a heavy bLan- ket When the cans had been placed but week after '" *** wagon, the horse was given an glorious weather *PP'^ ^J^d an encouraging pat on the nose. My opinion cf the man was confirm- ed, for are we not told, "A good man is merciful t;. his beast"? REDROSE is good tea flc last year and other grains increas- ed by 3,681.695 bushels, or 58 per cent., iron ore increased by 497,386 tons and bituminous coal increased by 839,843 tons. Industry Expands in South England ir Lonoon and on North Circular Road ondon. â€" En ing. NO MEDiaNE LIKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the best tea you can buy /n decai, bright Aluminum THE LURE OF CANADA'S ! MINERALIZED REGIONS Classified Advertisements F.\h.M.>3 FOR S.\LE. . , _. machinery, hut this m many of the industrial centres of : year's crop will make it possible for the north. The new industries, especi- thousands of them to do so, with re- ally around London and The south ; ^mts which will be beneflcially felt in coast of England, are of a miscellane- ! other industries. ,. . ^ ,.-„,, . ous character and provide emplovment wheat was heavier by 14i,247 tons, »„_ h„,i, _,„_ „„,, „,„„ . , „. , -, „„„ . I, o.^ » -tor Doth men and women in an almost oats by 31.209 tons, rye by 25,753 tons. barley by 11,554 tons, but corn deceas- eqr.al proportion. A great deal of interest is shown this year in new types of farm ma- . I chiaery. A model which has attracted ed by 10.933 tons. Pulpwood also de- ' j J\h7 "'^'^^^'V? ""^^^/^sard- ^^^h attention ha. been exhibited in „,„„=„.> K„ An «o .„„„„„., ,, ng the vast amount of unemployment Hampshire and is l)elieved to make In Great Britain. It must be remem- bered that this For Either the Newborn Babe or the Growing Child. There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones â€" whether it be for the newborn babe or the grow' ig ihild the Tablets always do good. They are absolutely ffee from opiates or other harmful drugs and the mother can always feel sate in using them. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. John Armour, R.n. 1. South Monaghan, Ont.. .says: â€" "'V\'e have three fine, healthy children, to whom, when a medicine is needed, we have given only Baby's Own Tablets. The Tab- lets are the best medicine you can keep in any home where taere are young children." Unparalleled Activity in Areas Underlsun by Precambrian Shield â€" Vast Sums Be- ing Elxpended* 100 â- ^''^ES. D.\IHY STOCK. l.VPLB. MENTS, good buildings. Wood* stock District. A. Edey. 466 King Sli E.. Hamilton. HiLL THE M. .VERâ€" I'1....\-EEH D!3- T.\NCE movers of Canada. UirBest i speedy padded vans. New Equipment, „, , I 'a'est methods. Two expfrienced men This year 1928 will undoubtedly be every trip. .\ii loads insured Bevond a record one in the history of Cana- mo";rwrUe'"u3'"or wfre'Ynd retlrs^" \S5 harges. Head offiee Hamilton. Ontario, dian mining. The search for mineral deposits has been unequalled both for its intensiveness and for its breadth of activity. Never in any one year has so much money been spent in explora- tion as will have been spent this year. The operations are Dominion-wide, but by far the most important are those that are directed to areas underlain by the Precambrian rocks of the northern parts of the provinces of Quebec, On- tario, Manitoba and Saskachewan, and of the Northwest Territories. The most spectacular explorations are those that are headed into the more remote parts of the country <"anada. Hill the Mi creased by 40,552 tons and iron and steel by 24.992 tons. Bituminous coal was heavier by 67,560 tons, iron ore by 13,638 tons and sand by 10,106 tons. The total traffic for the sea son to Aug. 31 amounted to 4.824,050 tons which was 250.241 tons heavier than for the same period in 1927 and 79 per cent, heavier than for the same period in 1923. On the Welland Canal the total traffic was fceavier than for August, 1927, by 103,830 tons and was ex- IS l)eiieved to possible very great farming economies, is partly due to the ; Drawn by one tractor, it cuts, binds immense influx of girls and women and either plows or disc-harrows the mto paid service of all kinds during soil in one operation. Although the the war They learned then how to ! harvest for all crops is astonishingly earn their own livings, and proved to j early, there has been no difficulty in be sufficiently adaptable to be able securing labor to do the work, in fact, to hold their situations after the war. In many of the new industries there are as many women employed as men. Among the new industries around London are those for the manufac- ture of motorcar bodies and of hosiery Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but east and west of Hudson Bay. \\'hen thorough la.xative which regulate the it was learned last winter that trans- stomach and bowel;; banish constipa- portation to Flinflon was to be tion and indigestion; break up colds and simple fever and make teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Jledi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. been an appreciable factor in giving much desired work to thousand.< who are unable to find jobs in coal mining and other industries. ceeded only by the monthly record works, india-rubber works and various ! HAH NO APPFTITF (1.130,277 tons) made in October last food factories. In the buildings, for "â- ***' A"" "^ â-  tlllLi year. Grain traffic was particularly example, occupied by the British Em- heavy, wheat showing an increase pire Exhibition some years ago there Dver the August, 1927. traffic of 113,- are now manufactured motorcar bod- increase of 28.574 iil.-rease of 22.274 530 tons, oats an tons and rye an tons. Total traffic through the Canadian and United States locks at Sault Ste. Marie was heavier than during Au- gust last year by 1,959,050 tons. Wheat traffic was more than double the traf- Many of Canada's leading social and sporting clubs use Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea exclusively. The added strength and inimitable flavor of Red Rose Orange Pekoe make it last longer, go farther and taste better. ies. collars, ice. Oxygen and oxygen- making plant. As new roads are laid down, so new factories are built. Quite recently on a short stretch of the North Circular Road six new factories have been built. There are also entirely new indus- tries springing into existence. One of the most important of these is for the manufacture of artificial silk, and factories for this product have been set up in various parts of the coun- try. The number of beet-sugar works also increases. Another notable change, especially marked on the east coast and in the rural districts of Wales, is the I -- , „ ,„^- way ^ persons who kept their own little D...I, J- J " f~i :' I shops are closing up. racKed in damp-proof alumi- pioyer in England """*• 13EW i dropping out of existence, and his What Will you Restored by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Mrs. James Belyea, Brown's Flat, N.B., says: â€" "1 am writing to tell you the great good 1 had through the time- ly use of Dr. William;;' Pink Pills. .My health had failed and I was troubled with great weakness. I had no ap- petite and frequently bad dizzy spells. The least exertion would make my heart palpitate violently and 1 felt tired at all times. I ^ad doctored a great deal without getting much relief, am! was feelini; greatly discouragod when I finally decided to try Dr. Wil- liams" Pink Pills. The happy results following the use of this medicine can be summed up by saying that I am again perfectly well, able to d > my housi.»' 'vk and enjoy Ife once more. 1 fee! .t a duty to recommend Dr. Wil- liam Pink Pills to all weak people." r you have any, or all, of the sv! ptoms above noteil. do not delay, be ill treatment at once with Dr. Wil- Pink Pills. You will he sur- to note le improvement in resulting loss to British Columbia i •^â- ""'' 'â- ""'''''"° ''^' '" ^''^^' "'''"^''•â- '- ^'"^u growers, has been ordered bv the new ! *^''" ^^'^ ""*' ' "'"'' ""''^"Sh any dealer Government here with a view to ac- ' '" '"'"'•f^'i'^*' '"' ^^ "'''''' "' •'" i'»*uts a tion by the Provincial or Federal Gov- 1 ''"'^ ''""â„¢ ''^'* '"'â-  ^^'"""'"n*' Medicine ernment. j Co., Brockville, Ont. If you will send Inquiry will be made into reports ''"""' ""'""' ""'' ^'''''''^^s " '*"!e book- that the marketing law is being 1 ''^''- """"'""'^^'P **** ^"'°°'''" *'" '^-' flagrantly violated by a system of **"' ^'"^'^- ^ France Honors Inventor Of Sparkle in Champagne Epernay, France.â€" Dom Pedijrnon. he monk who put the first sparkle in champagne wine 200 years ago, lives m the hearts of his countrymen. Great religious celebrations, under the direc- tion of Mgrr. Xeveux, Auxiliary Bishp of Rheinis, have been held in honor of the man who put chanipagme on the jrr.^tronomic !!ja:i. _____ "''Tie g:ri>w, rs from all the countrv- This New Brunswick Woman i'^tfT^^ ^^;â„¢^^"^.Ep«™a>• _ __ tlocketi here for the ce'jbrations, and many a bottle of ehampa^e hoarded in dusty cellars was opened in honor of its inventor. Pom Perijmon was tihe cellarist of the wine < e'.lar of Hautvilliers Abbev. To Clean Dirty WeU Have a t>-inch well with tile casing in which the water has been spoiled by mice falling in and wish to clean it out and purify it so I can use the water. â€" J. H. Such cases as this are common, especially when rural schools are open- ing up and the wells must be cleaned up and the water made safe and pal- atable. It would be possible by prop- erly treating the water with chloride of lime to make the water safe for i^rinking without danger of disease, but no one wants to pick pieces of dead mice and rats out of his teeth. So about the only practicable thing is to dose the water heavily to kill any possible disease germs, then clean out a*nd scrub the walls. First treat the water in the well with chloride of lime to kill any dis- ease germs which might be present. .\s you do not give the depth of the well, I would suggest that you secure about three pounds of fresh chloride the increase of boat transportation on | "^* ""^« '^"'f """^ '^ "P '" ^ tub full of water, and pour this into the well. pro- vided, that that large ore-body was finally to be exploited, and that other large ore-bodies in northern Manitoba had been discovered, the Department of Mines at Ottawa was flooded with requests for information regarding that part of the country. Then Inte- est broadened and he possibilities of more remote areas were considered, was felt that the completion of the Hudson Bay railway to Churchill and : WEAK AND DIZZY the bay would render accessible a j great stretch of country that had hith- 1 ero been regarded as Canada's hiner- land. Then came the desire to be on the ground early and secure the best. The result is that a great many pros- i pecting parties have left for these i ' northerly areas. The exploratory work I ^^-« P"""? P'P^' Then before putting back the pump, yoc ought to clean I stirring it up carefully. Let this stand a day or so, then pump out the we!! as completely as you can, remove the pump anii wash dowr. the casing j with a brush wet with a strong chlor- I ide of lime solution, and also wash off IS own The small em- as elsewhere, is dropping out of I place is being taken by highly organ- ized central establishments. Inquiry into Alleged Dumping of Fruit Victoria, B.C. â€" Investigation of the reported dumping of American fruit in i ''•'•'us' the Canadian prairie markets, with a 1 1""'^"?'' Mrs. Oldman: Don't you find read- ing a cook book awfully stupid? Mrs. Newman: On the contrary, I find it has a good many stirring pass- ages! * â€" Smoking Prohibited is entrusted to hardy men of experi- ence and knowledge. Some prospec- tors have gone to Hudson Bay by way of northern Ontario and northern Manitoba, others have left by boat from points on the Atlantic coast. One company alone has sent by boat ten parties of two men each and the neces- sary supplies. These will be assisted and directed by men sent in by aero- plane. In the more readily accessible areas and in areas where transportation fa- cilities are of the best, search for more mineral deposits is being prose- cuted with feverish intensity. This takes the form of surface prospecting and of underground testing by dia- mond drilliug, shaft sinking and drift- ing. All this exploratory work has been given a careful Impetus by the discoveries centreing on the northern part of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan boundary, the Sudbury. Patricia and other areas of ntario. and it is ex- pected that by the close of the year a very important addition will be made to the known and developed mineral reserves of the country. •Prepared at the direction of Dr. Charles Camsell, Deputy Minister of out the bottom thoroughly by using a sand bucket, which is a heavy bucket, the right size to slip down the well easily and provided with a loose bot- tom to let the water and mud in. It closes when you lift it up. Then make a worm-tight cover, which you can do with concrete, put in the pump and make it tight, and you ought not to have any further trouble. The water will probably taste so strong of chloride of lime that you cannot drink it for a few days, but this will soon wear off. â€" I. W. Dick- erson. The blaze was extinguished before any damage was done by the local fire department. â€" Lansing illl.'i paper. GANGER FREE BOOK Sent on Request Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for it to-day. mentioning this paper. Address Indianapolis Cancer Hospital, Indianapolis, Ind. For Peiping Youth Mines, by Mr. Wyatt Malcolm, Geologi- When your Children Ciy font There is hardly a household that hasn't heard of Castoria! At least five million homes are never without it If there are children in your family, there's almost daily need of its com- fort. And any night may find you very thankful there's a bottle in the house. Just a few drops, and that colic or constipaticMi is relieved; or diarrhoea checked. A vegetable pro- duct; a baby remedy meant for young folks. Castoria is about the only thing you have ever heard doctors advise giving to infants. Stronger medicines are dangerous to a ti-ny baby, howeve-r harmless they may be to grown-ups. Good old Castoria! Remember the name, and remember to buy it. It may spare you a sleepless, anxious night. It is always ready, always s«fe to use; in emergencies, or for everyday ailments. Any hour of th* day cr night that Baby becomes fretful,, or restless. Castoria was never more popular with mothers than it is today. Every drugpst has it. of secret rebates designed to undercut fruit prices. It is held that present conditions threaten to demoralize the fruit industry, and the removal of ihe former Canadian dumping duty against American fruit is said to be largely responsible for these difllculties. Cheer *Em Up London Paints Black Bridge Gay Color to Balk Suicides lyondon. â€" .Vuthoritiet are trying to dissuade would-be suicides from juii\p- ing into the Thames from BUickfriais Bridge by psychology. .Vlarmed at the increasing nunil>er of persons taking their lives at this old Roman river landing, they have .^omber. "sad" ! combination of simplest task. j light green, trimmed with bright yel-j The right engine ratio according to '' low. ' I speed is automatically selected a.-< the "IVipiug U'ekiiig) - The Peiping iimuicipal government has just issued a series of regulations prohibiting I youths under 20 years of age from smoking or drinking wine. Posters with the poiiiamation printed in full ! uve be(.n pasted up all over the city. Fines amounting to $5 for each offense ;ii'e to be imposed on any boy or girl caught drinking or smoking. unless the culprit is less than 13 cal Survey Canada. Low Waters in Rhine Portend Fine Vintage Coblenz. â€" The water in the Rhine is so low that the famous "hunger stones" are visible in various places. This means, as the experience of centuries has proved, that the If'JS Driving Simplified With Clutchless Car London. ".\ revolution in motoring is indicated by the clutchless, gear- less device invented by J. S. Robert- ' son," says the Daily Telegraph. With It motoring is reduced to mere sieer- painteii the former ing and braking, making driving the black in a "hnppy" years old, in which case the parents ' '^''ines will be unusually good, will he warned and lined. Dealers! One of these stones was last who sell cigarettes to young people are also liable under the new law. isible ' in 1911 and 19'21, and both these years I brought famous vint.^ges, as did the "comet vear," ISll, which was also Foot Comfort 7or aching feet use Minard's. Soothes and relieves pain. Veterinaries use Min.-.rd's Liniment I extraordinarily dry driver opens or closes the throttle by an accelerator pedal. CASTORI A Mrs. Lindbergh Goes To Teach in Turkey New York.â€" Mrs. Kvangellne Lind bergh. mother ot Col. Charles A. Lind- bergh, has sailed for Turkey to teach at the Constantinople Woman's Col- lege, where she has taken an appoint- ment as visiting teacher of tthemisiiy. She was accompanied by Miss .Mice Morrow, sister of Dwight Morrow, American Ambassador to Mexico. Miss Morrow is to be hostess at the col- lege. In these days when .vou see silver threads among the gold the hair needs retouching again. i *. Minard'e Liniment for aehlng Joint*. 107- Year-Old Indian Serves Still in Argentine Army I Buenos .-Vires. -One hundred per cent. Argentine-Indian and 107 yearn old. Senor ,lo.«c ('ru7 Gonio?. is still on active service or liable to be called up in case of emergency. («viio/. i.< not only liable for iluty, but is perfei-tly, fit physically and mentally to serve! vith the .Argentine colors. | Ho sippear'j to bo only ."iO ycnrs of npe. but has served under commanders; whose swords have ruste<l these many years, but he is still .wund in limb. \\: has no fads or rules for living to a groat age; he just lives norninlly and appears likely to do ?<« for manv vears. • When you give, take to yourself no c-redit for generoBlty, unlets you deny vourself somclhlng In order that ill .^CSf'^^'^SS Far TVo***?; aue to Acid 1ND10»ST10N II aC'dsto~«>ch OASES NAOSC*_ Acid FARMER'S WIFE GETS STKIH By Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Wilton, Ont.â€" "I am taking Lyd'a E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound through the C hange Many people, two hours after eating, ' You will never use crude methods suffer indigestion as they i-all it. It Is when you know this better method, usually excess acid. Correct it with an .\nd you will never suffer from excess alkali. The best way. the nuick. harm- \ acid when you prove out this easy less and efflclent way. is Phillips' Milk relief. Please do that- â€" for your own of Magnesia. It ha.s remained for 50 sake- now. years the standaid with physicians. | Be sure to gel the genuine Phillips' One spoonful in water neutralizes \ Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- many times Its volume in stomach ' clans for 60 years in correcting excess acids, and at once. The symptoms dis- ' acids. Each bottle cnntaius full direc- )ou may give. Sir Henry Taylor. J appear in Ave minutes. I tio&s â€" any di'u&siuts. of Life. It helps ine and I cannot praise it too highly. I was troubled with heat flashes and my limbs were heavy so I could hardly - walk to do my farm work. I saw in the I'ewspapers your ad al^out the VegetaMe Com- pound and thought to give it a trial. The first liottle gave me relief and I have told others what it does for me. I am wiliinij for you to use my letter if yoii choose." .Mhs. D, B. Peters. Wiltor. (>ri;ar;o. * Ask Your Neighbor ISSUE No. 39â€" '28

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