Flesherton Advance, 10 Oct 1928, p. 5

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' « THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 192S ! i 1. > V » ;« WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER < ^;= i '<' No one chartered bank in Can- ada has anything greater to offer the business community than its contemporaries unless it be in the character of the service it renders. During the half-century of its life, the Standard Bank has developed a diatinct individualitiy through the kind of service maintained in its daily transactions. The commercial aspect of this individuality is found in the many unique services f''- which the Standard Bank is pecn! - ily equipped. THE SI}^NDARD BANK OF CANAIA ^ESTAftUSHEO lA^S^ E. A. PRESTON Manager, Flesherton Branch ] Proceedings of The Teachers' ConventioD CJ'JL TIME TABLK Trains leave Flesherton Station follows : Going Soutt Going North 9.08 a.m. 11.52 ajn. 4.10 a.m. 8.68 p.m. t.Sl p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton aa follows: For t^e north at 11.00 a.m. â- onth at 3.30 For morning train aouth mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the fjrevioas evening. The annual convention of East Grey Teachers was held in Meaford on October 4th and 5th. The presi- dent, Mr. S. Fetch, of Thornbury, presided. The convention was op- ened by singing "O God Our Help in Ages Past." Tho devotional exercises were con- duct;ed by Rev. G. K. Tyler, B. Th. Mr. Tyler made a very impressive address, stressing the importance of the character and personality of the teacher, as pupils may forget a great many things such as dates in history, but they never lose the ef- fect of the influence of the teacher, therefore it behooves the teacher to remember that he may be responsible for the future of those placed in hTs trust. The reading of the minutes by Miss Graves recalled the very inter- esting convention held in Barrie a year ago. The financial report was very gratifying to those present. The nominating committee was then appointed viz: Mr. Fetch, con- vener, Mrs. Carruthers, Miss May- nard and Mr. Horace Cook. The O. E. A. delegates. Miss Muir and Mr. Hincks' reports were very interesting and instructive. The last week : hipped with Harold """"ning session closed by the Roll „ Good Price For Cattle Baby beef raiding has proven a profitable occupaUon for one farm- ^ er in .\rtemesia :ownship Mr. Fred : Smith of the Ea t Baekline, Artem- esia. Spoffard, U.F.O. shipper, tivo baby beefs that were ' eauties indeed. One a January calf and the other one Call and the president's address, The beginning of the afternoon session was enlivened by community Then Mr. MeCague, May- arrived in Feb lary, were left with ^'"Sing or of Meaford, welcomed the dele Local and Personal is visiting with IS visiting Miss Annie Dow week in Toronto. Mrs. \. Watson friends in Toronto. Mrs. .Alex. McDonald at Mactier at present. Blank Counter Check Books ^or sale at The Advance office. Now that the fall fairs are almost over, good weather should come again. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perkins and son, Billie visited on Sunday with Mr. ana ! H. Freeman and family. the cows and v with them on feed they secv cows and what '.'.ley picked up while grazing. Whc:i they reached To- is spending a ronto the oldest calf weighed 660 i pounds and the other 580 pounds. gates very cordially, pointing out ~.sn sprmg came ran lasture. The only 'd was from the "'^ town's many advantages, stress- ing the fishing. A discussion on "Methods in Subtraction" followed, led by Mrs. Bellamy, Inspector Morrison, B. A.., and the price S( :ured was 15 and 14 ^^â- â- - Holland and Mr. Small. The main address was given by Mr. Painter of Hamilton Norma! Smith leceiVed a cheQue"7or ^"^""^ "" "^^P^^^ '^""'"^ ^"'^ Fold- The farmer with the gooa '"^ ^^ a means of Expression" To cents per nour.,1 respectively. After selling and the expenses were taken out Mr $173.84. stock wiU realize a considerable 'Hu^trate, Mr. Painter had a num- profit at the present high price of •'er of examples of work mounted on cattle, and especially Mr. Smith. ca>-dboard showing how hany beauti- when so little work was required to ^"' Pa"ems could be envolved from fit them for the market. Mrs. Miss Marie McEachnie of Toronto was a visitor at her home here the past few days. Mr. J. H. Dundas of Markdale vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman. Mr. W. L. Clark, the Boy's Friend, of Leamington, called on W. H. and Mrs. Thurston on Monday. Mrs. D. Dow, Mr. Peter Dow, and Miss .'Vnnie Dow visited at Lions Head last week. Mrs. I. H. Perigo has returned af- tKr visiting with friends in Fever- sham. Mrs. W. B. Turner of Owe nSound •was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Saunders on Friday last. iMr. Aiex. McEachnie is spending a few days with relatives at Hast- ings. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dungey and family attended the Alliston Fair on Friday. Carnation Lodge 545, L. O. B. A., will hold their regular meeting on Friday of this week at 8 p.m. Ai: memebrs are uregd to be present. Misses (Florence McF^adden, Inez Brown and Laura Boyd of Toronto Normal spent the week end at therr Tesoective homes here. Local and Personal The Rock Mills church failed hold the larg':; audience who gather- ed to hear Evangelist Torrie last Sunday evening. Mr. George Menzies of San Jose, California, visited friends in this vic- inity last week. Twenty-eight years ago George was an employee with ^^^ "j.^j Mr. Richardson & Co. We pleased to meet him once more. The world has evidently gone well witli him. the foundation unit of the simple mot if, the sequence being that express- ion can only follow when there is impression. That all training of the hand teaches concentration and to exactness. That this leads on to self-confidence and self-control. Mr. Roberts rendered a piano solo very acceptably. The Question Drawer was conduct- ed by Mrs. Hare and Mr. Johnston. Friday morning session was open- ed by Rev. J. R. Morden conducting ig-ious exercises by reading ^."â- ^ the Parable of the Sower. Mr. Morden also gave on interest- ing address on the League of Nat- ions. An error was made last week in Mr. Horace Cook explained how to the date of the dramatic entertain- make a geography lesson interesting ment at Mount Zion Hall, Portlaw. by making it a story. This will take place on October l2 Mr. Painter resumed the work oT (Friday of this week.) instead ot the day before by showing "The val- the 19th, as advertised last week, ue of Constructive Work in Ungrad- This is a four act play and wei: cd Schools." This illustration by means of nlasticin? and paper cut- ting. Mr. Painter showed grea». skill in the use of the scissors and worth seeing. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. T. W. Findlay, at7:30 p.m. an Monday, the 15th Inst., when Mrs. (Rev.) Spencer of Dundalk wilT give a report of the Provincial Con- vention, which is in session this week in Toronto. Mrs. Spencer is pres- ident of Grey and Bruce W. C. T. V. Everybody invited. paper, making a number of beauti- ful and useful articles, stressing the fact that the child in doing this work gains by easy and natural steps high- er qualities. In many ways that in- cidentally he acquires knowledge In number work, story-writing and that the hand, the head and the heart are At the morning and evening ser- g(jucated. vices in the Baptist Church at Rock j^r. T. S. Cooper, of Markdale ex- Mills on Sunday th9 sacrament of plained the value of linking up all , â- ., ... > mi-. J., IV ... i baptism was administered to twelve, ..nimw r>pnn?o'<t wnrk in thp rural dis- Mr. and Mrs. A f red Thistlethwaite â-  , "^^ » nr o j *.u * >oung peoples worK in tne rural ais by Rev. A. M. Saunders, the paster, tricts. Forty-one converf^ions in all "were ^ "^^s much regretted, that for made during the evangelistic cam- ,ack of time, the address of Mr. Mor- P*'K"- rison on "Some Essentials of the Mr. and Mrs. 0. Erikson who mot- j Evangelist Torrie, who has b?en Work of the Teacher" was left over, ored over from Caldwell, N. J., have|^j^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^.^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^,^^ ^^^ p^p„ ^y Miss Maynard on left the first of the week to spend the winter with their family at To- 1 \ ronto and Niagara Falls. a I returned home after spending » ^ ^^ j^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ Saunders, left "Primary Reading" and paper by couple of weeks with the J»"eir-9 1 ^^ ^^^j^^. ^^^^.^^ ^^^ ^.,j ^^^.^ ^jj^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Physical Culture mother, Mrs. Roy, and -other friends. ^.^^^^ ^^ Regina, on Friday, Oct- Summer course, and the Question At Mount Zion Hall, on October ober 12th. He will spend the wint- Drawer to be conducted by Mr. Hol- 19th, a four act play will be given er conducting missions in Ihe city land. by the Corbetton Dramatic Club, ' churches of Western Canada, return- j An expression of appreciation was "The Village Lawyer." Admission ing to Ontario West in the spring of , tendered Inspector Morrison for his 1929. i (Continued on Page 8) S6 and 20 cents. J. P. WaKler & Son have bough the stock in the grocery store oper- ; ated the past two years by A. Wat- son and have put it on sale at re- , duced prices. I Mr. Cliff Blakely of Harriston was i a caller in town on Friday. He is u member of the Harriston Kiltie , Band, which supplied the music ana ' the concert program at the PricevilTe Fair. { Mr. Harvey Wilkerson of Regina Sask., cal'.ed on old friends in town on Monday of this week. Mrs. Grainger of Mark^xle, whe in 84 years of age. will return with him and make her home in Vancouver. B. C. Mrs. Sydney Banks of Shelburne passed away last week after a short illness. Mrs. Banks was promin- ent in Wp'ien's Institute work am* addressed me'^tings throughout On- tario and was well known locally. She leaves to mourn her loss a hus- band, two sons and an aged fatiher. i" For Autumn Wear I KNITTED SWEATERSâ€" For the small boy or girl | For 90 cents | KNITTED BLOOMER SUITSâ€" For the small boy | !^or $1.50 I GIRLS' JERSEY MIDDIESâ€" Scarlet and Jade | (SIZES 24 to 30) I Far $1.35 | LADIES' SWEATER COATSâ€" $2.25 MEN and BOYS SWEATER COATSâ€" $2.25 MEN'S TWEED COATSâ€" $3.08 A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Store Closed Tuesday and Friday eivenings Funeral of the Late Mrs. T. L. Mercer The funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. L. Mercer, who, after a long and painful illness, passed away at her homa at Markdale on Friday morn- ing, took place on Sunday afternoon to Markdale Public Cemetery. The deceased was formerly Miss Prudence Flesher. The funeral was the larg- est seen in that district for many years. Service was held in Annesley Unit- ? ed Church. In the absence of he.- y pastor. Rev. A. N. St. John, who was X conducting anniversary servicss at / Cookstown, Rsv. F. N. Bowes, a for- y mer pastor, conducted the service. * Using as his text the words ".All a things work together for good," he i preached a helpful sermon, also pay- y ing high tribute to the deceased, oi * whom it might truly be said, "she X had done what she could." Y A great profusion of beautiful y flowers from relatives and fricmds A bore their silent message of love ana X sympathy. y Surviving are her husband, four ♦ daughters and two sons, namely: . .> Mrs. J. S. Shepherdson, Brockville; '^^ Misses Leta, Toronto. Mary, Utica. '> N.Y., and Bessie, at home; Wallace » of Vancouver and Norman of Weston. / all of whom were present. Four sis- y ters and a brother survive: Mrs. W. T. ♦ New. Ilion, N.Y.; Mrs. D. D. Suits, X Little Falls, N.Y.; Mrs J. Mercer, T Vancouver: Mrs. T. Plewes, Sudbur-.-. V and J. Flesher of Vancouver. Mrs. ^ Suits and Mrs. Plewes wera present X for the funeral. X The nalbearers were: Messrs R. 4* Shaw, J. B. Thibaudeau. Dr. J. \. •> McArthur, T. D. Berry. W. Hill, C. | .â- \lton, G. B Welton and R. Foster. 1? The friends of the sorrowing hus- ^ band and family in this district ex- .J. tend their sympathy for the great loss 'i they have sustained. y •>«<->>->»>^«>'X~>»<->*»>«>'>*>:~x~x- -><->♦*•>♦♦•:->•}->♦>♦>♦♦•>•>♦>'>♦<â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦â-  Colder Weather Means Heavier Garments Have Them Dry Cleaned By Our Nev/ System. In the strict sense "DRY" means free of moisture, and because our cleansing fluid contains no water, our s'ervice is called ,tiry cleaning. To throw the gasoline away when dirty, would make the cost of dry cleaning prohibitive, so various re- claiming methods have been developed, inasmuch as the quality of a cleaner's work is largely deter- mined by the cleanliness of his cleaning fluid. We have spared no expense to install the most efficient purifying method known to industry. Our new Glover solvent purifier, is virtually the "heart" of our establishment. Its purifying ac- tion is not only positive but continuous â€" in and out of the washer the fluid flows, pure, sweet and clean. Garments cleaned in this manner are re- moved from the washer thoroughly cleaned. MEN'S SUITS or Overcoats $1.75 Ladies' Winter Coats or Serge Dresses t $1.75 I Local nd Personal Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin of To- ronto were in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Schaeff'.T and family moved into the rasidenco re- cently vacated by Mrs. Parrslow. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart of St. Paul and Mrs. J. E. White of Toronto were week end visitors in town. Qutie a number from here attended the Markdale fair on Wednesday last I""'' and pronounce it one of the best held for some years. Considerable gravelling has been done to the village streets during If the color is faded out of style, do not throw it away. See our new shade card, and have the color changed Better still, have him call at your home Our prices are still the same ^ SEE Mr. Chas. A. Waite at Mrs. Malcolm McDonald's THURSDAY P.M., OCTOBER 18th Waite The Cleaners 302 Tenth St. OWEN SOUND Y ? I be received at this meeting for the plowing and levelling of the ceme- tery. .A. good attendance is hopec % •:":~:-K~K'<-:~:-:~:~:~:~K«<->«>*>x~:~>«> giving statistics to show the immense saving in men and money as the re- sult of the union. The Osprsy and .Artemesia Live- Dr. J. S. Shepherdson of Brockvilie was a pleasant caller at The .Advance stock Shipping Association will hokr ^ffj^.^ q„ Tuesday. The genial Doc- a meeting in the township hall on tor was for several years vetferinary the past we?k-, and the drains have i^^'"'"'l^>'- October 20, at 8 p.m. Mr. surgeon at -Markdale. but for the past been repaired. Mr. Claude Marriott rec jived word last week that his youngest sister had passed away at her home at Halifax, N.S., after a very serious operation. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Marriott in his loss. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bishop of Kim- berley have moved their household effects to town, to the residence own- ed by W. .A.. -Armstrong & Son on Cooper of Markdale will address the two vears has been in the Dominion meeting on co-operative joint stocr. Government service as an inspector, company, its cost r.nd bnofits. Every- „.;,y^ headquarters at Brockvilie. one interested in buying or selling please attend. The Ladies' .Aid of St. John's _, , ^ â-  .\.- A- ^ • ^ \. Chuch met at t::j hor.-.^ c^ TIi-s. Go:. The potato crop m this district has ^ . wr .. n i i- ... , , . •.. . J ..u- f n I. IX- Cairns, ^Vest Baekline, on Tuesday been hit hard this vear, fully half ,, u u .. ct^ , j- u„: «„„.„j ...:.u .> . Tv„ afternoon, when about fifty ladies being affected with the rot. The past week the farmers have been tak- ing in all that are fit. While the rot is general there are a few places that are not affected, but ths general Durham street. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Bishop to town and hope crop is a disappointment. their stay will be an enjoyable one. i Rev. R. J. Wilson. Secret^iry cf .A meeting of the plot holders and Literature and Publicity in the Unit- those interested in the Meaford Road ed church, preached twice on Sun- Cemetery will be held at the home day. At of Mrs. J. J. McGee, on Monday ' stated in' met. .After singing of a hymn and prayer by Mrs. (Rev.) Harrower, the minutes were read. It was decided that the cake sale would not be held. A "tree' contest was held which pro- voked much fun and laughter. Mrs. Down and Mrs Moore each gave read- ings. .A toothsome tpa was served by Mrs. Cairns and her assistants, the evening service he Coll3ction amounted to $10.45. The eloquent words the accom- next meeting will be held at Mrs. Jos night, October loth. Tenders wl!i ; plishments of the church since union, Blakely's •n November 6th. r New Reduced Prices on Congoleum Rugs Full assortment of New Designs for Fall. All Gold Seal Guarnteed Quality No "Seconds" nor "Drapper" Patterns These rugs are in increasing demand and cannot be excelled for beauty of design and coloring 6x9 feet $6.25 9x10 one-half $1 1.25 9x9 ,, 9.50 7 one half X 9 8.00 9x12 ,, 12.75 9x13 one half 14.25 4 yard wide Linoleums â€" $3.85 running yard Good selection of new patterns to choose from New Chintzes Draperies Lace Panels and Curtain Materials Window Shades and Curtain Rods â€" Priced Right F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. ><"»<"><«»<>*<><»«<>**<»<»«><>**^****<>*««*<>*******<»*«>^ I

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