Flesherton Advance, 14 Nov 1928, p. 5

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« * 9 * « 4 ! I 5 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCI? WEDNESDAY, NOVEUBEB 14, "28 I I I Banking is Universal Whenever you buy or sell, at home or abroad, you can benefit by the service which the Canadian Bank oi Comni'jrce has perfected during; a great i^iany yaars of constructive banking practice. Whenever ?oods are bought and sold. Banking simplifies the trans- action. E. A. PRESTON Manager, Flesherton Branch THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Jl CfJL TIME TABLE ' Trains leave Flesherton Station as (oliows: Goinff Soutk 8.08 a.m. 4.\^ a.m. 8.S1 p.m. Local aFd Personal Mr. Roy McAuley and son, Jack Going North l °* Toronto spent Thanksgiving with 11.52 a.m. ^^^ mother here. 8.53 p.m. ! Miss Elizabeth Bentham of Orange 4.S3 p.m. I ville Business College spent Thanks- The mails claso at Flesherton as | giving with her parents here follows: For tEe north at 11.00 a.m. â- outb at 3.30 For morning train south nail closes at 9.00 p.m. previooa evening. ^ ': the Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blakely visited Monday with Mr. John Blakely and wife at Corbetton. Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto holidayed in town over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Runstadler have â- moved to Toronto, where they will reside for the winter months. Miss Elsie Ferris of Owen Sound and Evelyn Ferris of Toronto holi- dayed at their home here. Miss Marie McEachnie of Toronro I Markdale. is visiting her parents here this â- week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald and daughter, Isabel, of Weston holiday- ed v/ith Mr. aaid Mrs. Frank Cairns. Mr. Mauric3 Wright elf Toronto visited with his parents over the week end. Mr. Allan Watson of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with his family here. Messrs John Dow and Murray Watson of Toronto were Thanksgiv- ing visitors in town. \ Mrs. S. A. Swift of Toronto'spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. Mark Stewart. Miss Rene Cargo of Toronto spent the holiday with her mother in town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alton of Mark- dale spent Sunday with the latter's . mother, Mrs. W. Wilcock. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bishop of Toronto holidayed with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bishop. Mr. T. W. Findlay spent the week end with his wife, in Bognor, who was reccnt'ly called to the bed sklc- of her mother. Mr. and 'Mi-s. Burt Field and Miss Rhoda Best of Toronto spent Thanks- recovery, giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Best. • Miss Laura McPonald of Toronlo spent the week end with her uncle, Mr. Allan McDonal'd, at the home oi Mr. D. W. Adams. Miss Margaret S.illivan, R. N^ and sister, Nell, of Guelph, visited over Thanksgiving with Mrs. Har- mon Radley. â- Mr. Hartley Blackburn of Toronto visited over the holiday with his par- Mrs. Wm. Davis and son, Ernest, of Toronto motored up and spent the week end with friends here and at Miss Inez Brown of Toronto Nor- mal and Mr. Orloff Howden of To- ronto University spent the holiday at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Alf Carter of Toronto were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Patterson and son, Gordon, of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stewart. Mrs. Frank Duncan, and daughter, Jean, are spending a couple ol weeks in Toronto. Mr. Duncan ana Mack also motored down with thnm, but returned on Monday evening. Mr. Jack Karstedt has been very seriously ill at his parental home here during the past week and his many friends wish him a complete Ad bpressive Service St. John's United Church, Flesher ton was tho scene of one of the most stirring events witnessed here for some years, when the congregations of Eugenia, Rock Mi\\i and local churches gathered to pay their tri- bute to the young men who layea down their lives in the Great War which ended ten years ago by tho Armistice. Rev. Purcell of the Presbvyterian Church, Rev. M. Saunders, pastor Baptist Church and Rev. Jos. Har- rower, pastor of the United Church, took part in the service, which was of a very solumn nature, as those preJsent brought back memories of a loved one, son, brother or other relative who had answered the last Great Call when lighting in the land across the sea. A large number of across the sea. Two minutes silence was observed in remembrance and prayers were offered for the welfare of those who came back maimed for life as their pai-t of the sacriiice. A number of veterans of the â- war attended the service in a body and many were the pictures brought back of comrades taken suddenly and other horrors which they experienced. Mr. Jack Perkins sounded the Last Post at the close of the gathering, while the crowded church stood at attention. Mrs. J. Perkins also fjave a beautiful solo. Rev. Saunders gave a wonderful message that was a master piece, and of which a syn- opsis is given here. Rev. Mr. Saunders gave a very ap- propriate address, based on Ephesians 6-10-13 and 2 Timothey 2:3. He stated that we had gathered jointly to remember the boys who had given their lives for King and Country and while honoring them, let us not forget the fathers and mothers who had given their only sons, that they might go and fight to give us the liberty and peace which v;e now enioy, also the wives and children who sacrificed husband and father, when he gave his life for their freedom. What a ray of light came over this dark horizon when tha guns v/ere fired and the bells pealed out the nev.'s that the Armistice was signed. What ioy came to many a father and mother, wife and children many there were who carried on bravely at home the work laid down by their loved ones and now they await their return. They also serve who only stand and wait. While gathering to commemorate this occasion let us not forget the great cost cf the war, then turn to the fact of what it cost God to give His Son, that we, through him might Mr. Nelson Frewings and son. Nelson, Mr. Ralph Holley and Miss have life eternal, and the peace of God which passeth all understanding might reign in our hearts. May we, vvho are engaged as soldiers of Jesus Christ stand shoulder to should er as a solid unit fighting against sin and wickedness. There are two ways of being un- ited, first â€" frozen together, secfcnd â€" melted together in the spirit of Mildred Sharp, all of Toronto, spent . Christ, as the heart of Jonathan was Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. ].jjjt t,, the heart of David. The Thos. White, Saugeen Jet. . (boys ab the front wore filled with County Council is in session at ^^he spirit of optimism, so we should be Owe.n Sound this week, the final , filled with the Spirit of Christ ii meeting for 1928. The Reeves and Deputy-Reeves of the district are all in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts and Nor val of Osprey, accompanied by the Albert Black- ! lattev's sister, Mrs. Lawson White- we expect to have victory over tho forces of evil against which we arc engaged as soldiers of Christ. The soldiel- of the King fought bravely for his country and was loathe to do anything to bring dis- his uniform. ents, Mr. and Mrs. T,urn. I head and daughter, Mary motored to ^r&cQ upon Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferris and threo ; Shelburne. Mrs. Betts and Mrs. I Having put on the whole armo* children of Toronto motored up and , Whitehead remained for a week- Fpent Thanksgiving with Mr. and | jj^ ^„^ j^j^g^ AlbVt Blackburn Mrs. A. B. Ferris. I !,"*«^*^'"^* ^': ^"^ """ ^rr"^ I victory's ours as we Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Latimer of To- Fryer, Miss Velma Fryer and Leslie' . ,,. ronto were the guests of Mr. and j jj. Ford, all of Port Colbome, and Mrs. C. N. Richardson over the holi- their son, Stanley, of Toronto, over .jiay. I the week end. Mrs. Fryer is a iMr. George ! of God let us. as soldiers of the King of Kings endure hardness as good soldiers, then we are assured the fight in His strength. DIED THE LATE JAS. CORBETT Whose funeral took place last week from his home at Proton Station, in his 76tht year. (Courtesy of the Dundalk Herald) ( Auction Sale OF HORSES COMMENCING AT ONE O'CLOCK A Car Load of Gentle Horses, 1 to 5 years, will be offered for sale at FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 J.B.Thibaudeau's On the Provincial Road SOUTH OF MARKDALE TERMS OF SALE Six Months' credit on approved joint notes, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum; Sis per cent, per annum off for cash in lieu ofnotes. MARSHALL STEWART. Prop. GEO. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer. Lions Head7MibS D. Thurston of Toronto: and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thurston of Thornbury spent Thanksgiving withj their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.^ Thurston. | The meeti:>«r of the Women's, Institute at Mrs. (Dr.) Murray's on Vredncsday last, took the form cf a reception to the ganilmothers ol th- vicinity. A very ioUy tinia wf.-, spent and by the capers of the ladi'<< one would suppcf^c thjy war vouPS to bo gr.i;i(i;ncithcr3. Mitchell and sister, sister of Mrs. Blackburn and was, THOMPSON â€" In Osprey, on Aleda and liflr C. Aulph of Toronto | Miss Selina Thompson before her Tuesday, November 13th, at the home spent the week end at the former's marriage, and a former resident of ^j j,ig gon, Joseph, Mr. George G. home here. I t^»'S district. Thompson, in his 79th year Despi^-" the wet weather Thanks- giving Day the hunters were out in full force after the gamey little rab- bits. One rarty is reported to have shot fifteen of them. The Autumn Thankoffering meet- ing of the W. M. S. will be held in "St. John's United church, on Thurs- dav, November IB, at 3 p.m., to which all women in the community' and of neighboring church are invit- 1 ed. A. short play "New Eyes tor, Old" will be given. Mrs. R. W. Shaw and four children accompanied by Miss Winsome ^Gra- bell and Lloyd Shr.nv. all of Write for Free Booklet, "Walla That Reflect Good Judgment," con- taining interesting information on home planning with Gyproc, Rocboard •Bdlnsulez. MUlions of Insula^ng Air Cells ! CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITED Paris . Canada Fireproof '^-isiHtooerd Ftr ?:â- .!.• By , Frr.nk W. Duncan, - - FiesheiJon, Oil VANDELEUR FOWL SUPPER A fowl supper was held at the home of Mrs. Lundy Johnston on Wednesday evening, when forty-five sat down to an excellent supper, pre- pared by the Vandeleur Ladies' Aid, for the members and their husbands. After the supper the Rev. Newton St. John very acceptably occupied the chair and a good program was given. The evening was very much enjoyed by all. •>KfK^>Kf<^<r'><'^><r>^4f^^><r<r^><^><-<-'>^^ j For Autumn Wear I KNITTED SWEATERSâ€" For the small boy or girl | i For 90 cents t I KNITTED BLOOMER SUITSâ€" For the small boy | For $1.50 I hr mmi'i How one mother keeps young "How splendid, that we can i-un away for a few days to visit your mother! Without Long Distance it would be cf course quite out of tlio ques- tion, but it is so easy to cull up our homes by Long Dis- tance and make sure all is well that, really, there is no excuse for denying oneself." "I suppose you use Station- to-Station calls. I do. By asking for the number I get the cheaper rate, and the Evening rate after 8.30 is really most reasonable." The rates to nearby towns, within a radius of say 25 miles, are so low that it is now possible to keep up a wide circle Of friends at very slight expense. GIRLS' JERSEY MIDDIESâ€" Scarlet and Jade _ (SIZES 24 to 30) t For $1.35 I LADIES' SWEATER COATSâ€" $2.25 | MEN and BOTS SWEATER COATSâ€" $2.25 J MEN'S TWEED COATSâ€" $3.00 "" t A. E. HAW CEYLON, Ont. Store Closed Tuesday and Friday elvenings V S X i YOUR GROCER | 5 string Broom 60 cts. '} Lamp 81 Lantern Globes 2 for 25 cts. Toilet Paper 6 for 25 cts. Pea Meal Bacon 45 cts. Breakfast Bacon 40 cts. "Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station." 709 5: I t I x« Bk, Soda Biscuits, 2 lb. 29c. FRESH MILK ALWAYS PARCELS DELIVERED PROMPTLY I Yours for Better Service | Perkins & Freeman | I Phone 60 GROCERS. | •!' y •:> •♦» Millinery Specialâ€" This Week $1.98 Special Velvet and felt hats, in new shapes and colors. Regular Prices from $2.75 to $3.50 $2.49 Special Velvet and Felt Hats Large Choice, including matron'^: Regular $3.50 to $4.75 Holeproof Hosiery â€" See these numbers NO. NO. 991 Seamless silk to the welt offering more service. PRICE $1.25 3056 Tapered ankle full fashioned service weicht. PRICE $1.95 NO. 870 A lovely stylish stocking, gleam- ing and lustrous. ~ PRICE $1.00 NO. 2230 Full fashioned re- inforced tcJp and sole. PRICE $1:50 FOVvLâ€" TO GET HIGHEST CASH PRICES M.VRKET YOUR FOWl, ON MONDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS. BEFORE H.30 p.r... F. H. W. HICKLING FLESH E.^TON, ONT. rra-' .:::v-s:3(

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