Flesherton Advance, 28 Nov 1928, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, '28 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I Letters to the Editor <"X-e»x«<~K"»'>«o-c->'»«»***«>*«>«<e>« Pobliahed on CoUintrwood street, FUsherton, Wednesday of each wmIl Ciciilation over 1100, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year when paid in advance ^1.50. In UJS^^ $2.50 per year, when paid in advance t2.00. THE SUNDAY VISITING j Dear Editor:- I We wish to say a few word» about j former i.isuos cf The Advance and I particularly last week's issue. For Editor '^^^^ "' '"""ths a number of readers of The Advance have been sorry to Asst. Editor, sop so much Sunday visiting boosted gwggagg^,!. ,_^,_ I â€" ^.^ by correspondents in their weekly budtfcts. A number of nersons claim THE KING IS ILL. 1 that over fifty per cent' of this Sab- â€" â€" j bath calls, or returning calls, is sim W. H. THURSTON F. J. THURSTON Canadians uwait with extreme anx- iety and suspense for new^ of im- proveViient in health of King George v., who i< ill with pleurisy. I^aycrs ply Sabbath breaking. However, in last week's issue not one visit was re ported as having taken place on the Sabbath day. If this is an improve- arc being offered throughout the ""*""' ^^'^'.^'s*' ^o congratulate them British empire for the complete re- turn to health of our Rovcrcign, so that he may again take up his im- perial duties as before. f HYDRO SUCCESSFUL. o\- if it is due to the censorship at The Advance office we would like to shake hands with the Managing Editor , and offer hearty thanks, hoping I that it may be a permanent improve- j ment, and that other weeklies in I Grey County will do likewise. I â€" CONSTANT READER PROTES"} NULL Hydro carried the town of South- ampton on its wings on Monday last, when the citizens of that place de- cide<i to give Ontario's main public in tk^ loo* :=.., „<â-  ..t:i-» u . .. 1 u .It if^ jf,p ijjsj issue of your naner utility a chance to supply rate, for there appeared an article declarfng T^ Twn, f^« "^ â- â-  /^f "'"'"• Onward the winners of the Centre The towns of Bruce county have not Crey Softball league, been receiving the attention from the ' Hydro Commission in the past that . * Maxwell Softball Team" wish their importance demanded, and it is '" '"^or"* the public through the no wonder that privately ownership ";>''«'">" of your valuable paper that was slipping in , to the detriment of '^"ey."'°" '^ K^""*^ out of 14 starts, Hydro. Rate.-, will be supplied to the ^"'^ ,'" ^^^ ^'"'''^' ^ out of 3. On- town that will give electricity "ac ^^'''^ Protested the final game, but cost." It I; hoped that, for Hvdro's ^,""!'"'"^ *° ^^° official ruling of own sake, the rates will be high en- foftball Assciation, the .ball was not ough to prevent the necessity of a '" ^ -Y' ^"* '^^'^'^ ^^ ^''"e of protest raise at some future date, a.s other J^^"''"'"^ Protcit null. Therefore town.^ have found to their cost in ,/'"f *""^ ^°^ '^S:al winners of the past. We believe that any of the ^^^^^\. anti-Hydro sentiment that is abroao â€"Maxwell Softball Team has been caused by Hydro itself in the issuing of ci^timates that have NOTICE TO CRFDITnOQ not supp'.icd hydro "at cofV but *^* * ^'^^ have had to be raised to meet the necessity. Successfo' Bazaar r'w 7",^ MATTER of ths Estate of Malcolm Fletcher, late of the i Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. I NOTICE is hereby given pursuant • to Sc=tion 51 of the Trustees Act The bazaar held last Saturday by ^- ^- O. 1927, Chapt. 150, that all the Ladies' Aid of St.John's Church c'ed'to" or others having claims or â- was verv successful, $130.00 having demands against the Estate of the been realized. ^^'d Malcolm Fletcher, who died on « or about the 13th day of November The W. C. T. U. will meet at the ^D. 1928 in the Township of Os- hame af Mrs. W. Wilcock on Monday, Prey. >" the County of Grey, on oi December 3rd, at 7.30 p.m. Mem- before the 15th day of December 1928 to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Lucas &. Henry, Solicitors or the Executors of the Estate of the said deceased, their Christain name and surnames, addresses and descriptions and full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the security if any held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the .said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part there- of to any person or persons of whose claim has not been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Markdale this 20th day of November A. D. 1928. bers are requested to be p.-esent. A Safe old Herbal Remedy for Sick Kidn eys Rich in those healing herbs Indiana used People so criapleil by Rhcumali.sm they c-ouldn't walk liavo taken Gallaghers ICidney Rcm-'ly and gut well. It is wonderful! / healing anil cleansing to kidno>a Comes ri^t from the heart of Natu~>. Throbbinj; back.iches, dizzy sfx-lis, rheu- matic i).ii.n8 arid nai;j;ir.;; Ijl.uiiler ills an; usunlly cr.ti.scj by iiillamcd kidncvs. G.allrigliPr's herbs H.)on ends tJiese ills. It is one of .Innics Ciiilla^^her's famous S.'Vyear-Dld Herbal lIou^icLald Ilcmcdies. Sold now l;y 37 LUCAS & HENRY, Solicitors for C. N. Richardson, Flcsherton the Executors. Findlay's Furniture Store The store that is nlway.s tiying to build up a better com- munity Bpiril I)etwecn village and country. Following arc four reasons why you should buy anything in our line right here in Flesherton, instead of sedding away. 1. We compete with the prico.i of the outside firma. 2. We render Service and Obligemtnts that you can not gel/' from outside firms. Is it fai;' to deal at home when you want anobligment, and when you have the cash, send it away? 3. We are always here to support every worthy cause or person that corwe.i along, thoroby helping ur own community. 4. We are always thinking up ways and meanH of intro- ducing something to make our village and community a big- ger and better place to live in. We ari carrying a full stock of Christmas Presents for Santa Clau.? and also for you to choose from and would ap- preciate very much your patronage just to show us you ap- preoiatc what we are trying to do in our community. Our contribution to (ho Santa Claus Day, December 15th, will bo to qffcr the f >'.!-A\:r.K prizes:â€"?! for first, 75 cts. for second for the following different kinds of cats, white cat. Black fat with small amount of white allowed, Maltese Cat, Cat f Two Colors, CaU of more than two colors. Cat with Kitten, ng^? ?onsidcrcd, Persian barred. Kittfn. TC'los. "fit full grown, anv color, Persians barred, Persian Cat or Kitten, age considered. Dog Races, Ist $1.50, 2n(l $1.00; Doi? Race, driven by boy or uirl 12 yc.irs or under; Pog Rare, diiven by boy or girl over 12 ycarj of age; Team of dogs, driven liv bov or rtvl, anv ngc; Be«t dreH-iod doll, clothes to bo suitablo for cold weather-- ls«( $l.n0, 2nd Ih rts.; Best oul'fit for doll, in either boil, .-n •- Tiagc or cradle, clothes uscl in out fit to be considered, Ist $1 2nd 75 cts: Best DrcCfsed Turkey, not for size, but for Tnal- ity of work. Prizes 1st 11.50, 2nd $1.00; Best Dressed Goose, Ist $1.50, 2nd $1.00; Beat Dres.scd Duck, 1st $1.00, Ond 75c.; Best Dri'sned Chicken Isl $1.00. 2nd 7Ro. All the above exhibits will bo shown shown in H. Down * Sons' hhcw room. l^adips' waiting room ncoominodation in connection. Thcri' â- will be quite a number of buvers wnitinir to buv these fowl when the show is over. COME ON NOW, PEOPLE. T.KT US TALK AND BOOST FOR OUR SANTA CLAUS DAY, Findlays Furniture Stoie "The Disributor of Community Spirit" tj »»»»»»»<»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»<»»»» » »^» MB Old Osprey Citizen Passes in U.S.A. Word was received of the death of Franklin Spoffard in Kennwick, Wash, second son of the late Mathew and Frances Spoffard of Osprey. The deceased was only ill a short time and was 66 years of age. He is survived by his sorrowing widow, one son. Will, who was in the butcher business with his father, and one daughter, Ella. He also leaves his oldest brother, Fred and three sisters Ella (Mrs. John Gamey) of Forget, Mary (Mrs. Hamlin) of Regina; Sask., and Maud of Edmonton, and was predeceased by one brother, Robt. of Port Arthur, and also one sister, Etta (Mrs, Alex. Watson) of Fort William, both about twelve yearn ago. spent to the satisfaction of everyone in progressive euchre and dancing. The music was supplied by Sir Knights Sayers and Brownrldgc in their usual able manner. CEYLON, S. S. 10, Sept. and Oct. Class 4â€" L. Piper 60, S. Hunt 60, G. Jayness 53 (abs.) H. Genoe 47, J. Chesney 47, M. Piper 45. Class 3 Sr. â€" P. Collinson 62, L. Archibald 56, K. Stewart 52, D. Stewart 40, E. Genoe 80 (abs.) Clasa 8 Jr. â€" M. Collinson 42, A. Marshall 42, L, White 34, S. Piper 89, N. Genoe 38, H. Archibald 37, M, Haw 34, J. Chesney, 34, J. Marshall 82, 0. Leslie 31, E. Mathewson 30, O. Marshall 30, J. P. Stewart 11 ' Class 2â€" ^M. Adams 59, M. Duckett 66, G. Kennedy, 63, M. Marshall 47, F. Leslie 38, A. Chesney 21, L. Genoe 10. Qass 1 â€" M. Hunt 80, J. Adams 75 A. Haw 60, D. Marshall 55, J. Kennedy 63, I. Mathewson 45 Pr. Sr. â€" B. Stewart 100, J. Col- linson 100, H. Gibson 80, C. Mc- Williams 60 Pr. Jr. â€" D. Ducket 60. The numbers are percentages. Number on roll 42, average at- tendance 40. _ S. L. HARE, Teacher. George E. Copeland has been ap- pointed police magistrate at Pene- tang. R.B.P. Held Banqnei A very successful banquet was held by Royal Black Preceptory N.i. 343, Feversham, on Tu,=sday, November 20th, at the home of Wm. Kaitting. A large number of the member.? were present with their ladies and fully enjoyed the excellent supper provided. Sir Kt. H. G. Burke ably filled the position of toastmaster and proposed the various toasts. The toast to the King and the Order was followed by that to the Grand Lodge, which was ably esponded to by Sir Knight Jim McKenzie. Sir Knight W. L. Taylor very fittingly responded to the toast to "Our Country, and Sir Knight Frod Beatty, in his response to the toa^t to "The Preceptory" outlined in a few well-chosen words the origin and growth of R.B.P. No. 343. The toa-' to The Ladies was exceptionally well re&ponded to by Mrs. F. J. Seelej. The toastmaster expressed the re- grets of those present at the intended departure of Sir Knight Chas. H. Smith. Sir Knight Smith voiced his appreciation of the association it had been his privilege to have with the Preceptory and proposed the toast to the "Host and Hostess." The remainder of the evening was CHAIN Red & White mm Grocery Specials for This Week Mixed Peel PER POUND 29c. Jelly Pdrs. FIVE PACKAGES 25c. VALENCIA Raisins PER POUND 15c. SEEDLESS Raisins PER 2 POUND 25c. \ Xbnas Specials 10 p.c. Reduction in all Men's Wear This Week W. G. KENNEDY Lard PER 3 POUNDS New Dates PER 2 POUNDS 23c. Currants PER POUND 20c. Walnuts and Almonds PER POUND 55c. I ) f i\ <p Qfie Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History • a fix in the price range of the four 1 « « * Y ' 'I '• 13 Cierrolct Motor Company of ^'^"nil fij Limited, announce* The Outttandlns Chevrolet of Chevrolet His:ory . . a Six in the price range of the fourl Spectacular ta Chevrolet't adiievctnents have been in the pait . . notable a% its enginaerins triuinplM have pcoved themselves to baâ€" this rcmarlcaUa new car dwarfs every previous Chevrolet acconiplislMnent. Not only doc* It iotto- duce into the low-priced field an entirely new maosure of performance, comfort, beauty and s tyle but it is eold at prices to low as to alter every previous coocep ti ow of motor car value. The new six-cylinder valvo-iti>liaail ensineâ€" developed from more than a hundred aioton des ign e d espaciaUy for this sensational cai^â€" etands oat as an enginaering masterpiece. With a power i ncr e a ss of ap,pnniiiMMlf yvfo over ifae previous Chevrolet meter. with sensatioaally greater speed and faster acceleratioo â€" it offan a tjrpe of pcrformaace that i« Uteralljr aMaiHid- ing . . even to thoae who hava been driving cars coating hundred* of dol- lars motfb 7Ae Roadster « . . foa TAe Phaeton .... ^3 lUt Coach .... f770 th* C<9ip« .... fno 7&a SedMi fSTO 7ht Spmri Cabriolet . 4M9 7W Cfmvtrtibh Laitdau ^925 UgbtDattveryOiMah . ^310 l^a Too Chassis . . . fesi if U Srkn m ttttory. OJumt 1 Cmtrnmtnt Taxat Exln Throughout the entire speed range, it performs with X amooduMss and quietness of operadon that have never be- fore been approached in a low-priced automobile At the alower speeds of city traffic it idles along with wonderful •ifcnce and eaaa. On boulevardi and country rooda it responds with an eageracas that is a constant flight. It takes the longest and steepest hills witfi an abundant reserve of power that u a source of pride to the driver. And its economy of operation averages better than 20 miles to the caltAA of gasoline! In appearance, this Outstanding Chev. relet is so smart, so stylish and so dis- tinctively appointed that it rivab the costliest custom creations. The new Fisher bodies an longer, lower and roomier with adjustable driver's seat In all closed model*â€" and reveal the matchless artistry of Fisher designer*. You are cordially invited to visit oar showroom and iccure complete and detailed information on this sensa- tional new car which will be ready for delivery beginnlns January 1st. C-X4-i:.2a D, McTavish & Son PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CAN/VDA, Ur.lITED

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