•u ♦^jftvy*-,' • -^ - y|;?i-^.-ct -*'."•' ^â- ' -=^=*at Hoarsenessf piioikass^ctta'^roiitinltiUlm YENO'S •Childien LovtVIN<ni Syrujx UCHTNINC CouchSyioip FAMILY SIZt7S« mi TRIAL SIZK3S* mUTTLK kj FORTUNATE IF FREE OF BLADDER CAMPION Presence of thii Weed ih Any Clover Prevents Crop Grading Top Fortunate are those growers wboae clover fields are fi-ee of bladder cam- pion. Thia weed was placed In the primary noxious class, at the recent meeting of tlie Seed AdVlsory Board at Ottawa, which means that any seed eontaiolng it cannot grade No. 1 for â- ale In Canada. AJthough many of these weed seeds can be removed by sorlouB maintain- our -island," the Earl said. sldered one of our most weeds. If we are to high reputation in the production of clover seed It. is essential that grbw- _.,...,,, ^ „ era mak» a dAerm^«d effbtt to com- ; f °^ ''"^^^ 'he United States, a^ far as bat this growing menace. In those i ^ *.'" ^^,^''^' ^° <lo anything for us Says Britain Not Asking for Advice Lork Birkenhead Sharply Critical of Coolidge's Speech Ijondon. â€" The Earl of Birkenhead, until recently Secretary ot State tor India, was sharply critical of the Arm^ Ist^ce Bay speech of President Cool- Idgf) in an address at a recent com- plimentary dinner tendered him. • "I thought there underlay in that speech a spirit of patronage and a capacity for giving to Europe and to As far as England is concerned, I am not sure that we specially require It. We- have "Phcating the Implacable" Britannia (London ) : The South African Union has alwayi*' ha4, «-<Iltv ferent relation Tl8-a-vt» tha.j^^' o^ ,'-. rhe Empire from any ot^er Do''.ln- ion. Canada might cC/nrolTdly leave tho Kmplre witljioiit''' ^InKtiic I donu tte rest of tie fai;ri'!. 'The secession of South Africa would ctlii In half our only assured line of opnir i municalion with India, Austrafasta I and the Far East. South Africa Is! the "clasp of the Imperial girdle." England acquired it by jjTery «5j>a(-,| ceivable tltk-conquest, cession and ' purchase. So long as she is respon- { Bible for India and has to keep touch { with the Australasian Dominions, so'l long win she resist every meaoa ittj her power, any attempt of . Sbutfa 1 Africa to secede from the Empire. is ^ood tea u Red Rote Orange Pekoe it the best tea yoa can buy In clean, bright Ahxminam Learning ! favored cvlpver, sections where this weed Is as yet unknown, growers are Assertins that the United States \ entered the war not from any, desire fortuniae"arid"shoul7 find°seed"^owl!'° *««/»' "^« Allies, but solely because Ing a profitable business, but they ! American nationals were being mur- should be very careful in purehaeing , ^^"^^^ ^^ G«''â„¢^i submarines, he said: seed of any descripUon that the same ! ^ ^l ^^^^^'^ '" '!»« President of the does not contain any seeds ot thia ! ^""f^ ^^ates would be that we ask weed. Where there are only a few ; °°>^'°S from them except good will: plants of bladder campion individual 1 ^^ '« discuss questions of naval treatment is recommended. By this I construction, we do not specially in- BABY'S OWN TABLETS _...., ,â€" ALWAYS INTHE HOME By I do not mean simple mowing the thing down as this is often worse than SwayTa'pTrUon a^boufmr'same'' ize i l'.^.!'!!!: !!Ll'°i,^^r.'^*l.^i«. and weight as the clover seed and this fact explains why buyers are not anx- i lona to bid at all on seed from fields Infested by this very serious weed. "We have great fear of the spread of bladder campion," states W. J. W. Lennox of the DMnlUlon Seed Branch, "as it Is a perennial, very difficult to eradicate, and each plant produces thousands of seeds, it may be con- vite lectures as to whether we are pacific or not 1 nour purpose." out and raise morr seeas^thairwotnd' '. have been the ease had it not been cut, but to thoroughly eradicate each specimen. The plants should . be dug out and burned or cut off deep below WHEN YOUNG Gffil^ \ GROW PALE AND THIN Asswn teas are known by experts as the finest teas frownâ€" a fact which explains why Red Rose Orange Pekoe has become so deservedly eopular in Canada. For Red ose Orange Pekoe is chiefly composed of Assam teas, which accounts for its dis- tinctive quality and value. Every package guaranteed. 3-E Once a mother has' used Baby's Own Tablets fof her little ones she always keeps a supply on hand, for the first trial convinces her there is nothing to equal them in keeping children well. The Tablets are a mild but thorough . Taxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach, thus driving out constipa- tion and indigestion, colds' and simple fevers and making teething easier. Concerning them, Mrs. S^luste Pelle- tier, St. Dumas, Que., writes: â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the past the surface of the soil and some salt , sprinkled over the portion of the roots Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Should ten years and am never without them remaining. This may seem like a big be Taken to Enrich the job, an dit is a big job, but bladder campion is a mighty serious weed." Less than one half of our domestic Horrors of War Depicted by Memorial in Germany A war memorial that is not a glori- fication but a- scathing denunciation of war and martial deeds has been erect- ed at Bttlingen, Baden. In the Town Hall tower, surmount- ed by a baroque helmet, one side of the wall is adorned wttbva haut relief depicting all the gruesome horrors and destructiveness of war. Symbol- ized death riding a black horse Is seen swinging a blood-dripping scythe as his animal tramples on a mass of human beings and on soldiers en- gaged in fierce combat. The base of the relief, symbolizing human discord. When girls Blood grow weak. pictures two men desperately clutch- In the house. They have always given | *°K ^ach other's hair, both enlaced In the greatest satisfaction and I can i t^* <^°''s of the serpent of paradisei gladly recommend them to all mothers '^^^ tlie apple, of little ones." The Tablets are sold Classified Advertisements ARTIST BRUSHES, GOLOR.S. PA- PERS, canvaB. Complete line arttit rauterlals. Write for caiaiogue Chrlst- raaa cards for hand colorlnB- C. R. Crowley Limited. 1386 SL CatberlD* Went. Montreal. ffl-l I {- I'ER POUND UP. TWENTY- niX' â- d' one samplea free. Stocklos a \ar;i -Mills, Dept. 1, OrllUa. Ont. "So you had trouble locating me," sal* the stranger to the old darky, as he alighted at the country station, "Didn't your master give you a de- scription of me?" "Yes, marsa, but thar's so many gemmen wif red noses coming on that dar train." .> The overhead in the bootlegging business Is, we suppose, paid to the "higher-ups". â€" Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. ASX TOUB l;OCA£ DEAI.BB FOB Canadian Artist's Series Christmas Cardsi Beautiful Hand-Coloured Cbrlstmaa Cards designed by Canada's Leading Artists. Twelve especially attractive Cards with qtuu-ming and appropriate sentiments may be purchased at a considerable saVln^In boxed assort- ments at 60c. (1.00. and II. SO. miiUalied by ROUS & MANN, LIMITED 173 SZKCOS 8XL. TOBOXTO requirements of red clover seed. It is thin, parents should not neglect these pointed out, are produced In Canada, i symptoms ; to do so means danger, principally in Ontario where bladder ; The girl in her teens cannot develop campion has become widely dlstri- , into robust womanhood without an buted. With this weed considered abundant supply of rich, red blood in primary noxious, and none allowed in her veins. It Is the lack of this that grade No. 1, about 85 per cent, of the is the great trouble with nine girls Ontario red clover seed will have to out of ten. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills be graded No. 2 and No. 3, or desig- have achieved world-wide fame for nated rejected and prohibited from their remarkable blood-making prop- sale in Canada. This means that a ertles. In these pills there is vigor- part of our northern-grwn red clover ous health, with glowing cheeks and seed will be exported to other coun- sparkling eyes for every weak, pale tries where it is much in demand be- Sir'- The value of the pills in cases cause of its winter hardness. The de- o' this kind is shown by the state- mand in Canada is principally for . ment of Mrs. Winnlfred Rutty, Bar- ; seed that will grade No. 1 and to meet 'oh street west, Hamilton, Ont., who I this demand red clover seed will have says:â€" "About two years ago my ' to be imported from France, Poland, eldest girl got Into very bad health. j New Zealand and other countries. ; ^ took her to a doctor who advised i Much seed from these countries has j leaving her tonsils removed, saying been used In recent years and has j ^'^ was the seat of the trouble. We proven adaptable. ^**^ them removed, but It did not help « I lier, and she seemed to have absorbed Golf and Webster are alike and not ; so much poison from the trouble that pale and ^ medicine dealers or direct by mail ^reak Colds with Mlnard's Liniment at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. alike â€" both Increase the vocabulary. FOR THE FARMER FARM BOYS â€" WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR THE FUTURE? Do you intend to run your own farm; to practice the best farm methods; to raise better crops and better stock; to keep your farm In theJiighest state of fertility; to make the farm pay? Unless you io, what satisfaction is there in farming? Now is the time to lay the foundation of your life's work; to learn something of soils; fertili- zers; drainage; plant and animal diseases; insect pests; varieties of grains, roots» and fruits; breeds and types of animals; marketing of farm produce; carpentry; blacksmithing; dairying, etc. Get an In- sight into the innumerable problems that every farmer has to fac* and should know about. ? ? ? ? By Taking Some of the Winter Courses at THE ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, GUELPH ONTARIO These courses are designed to meet the requirements of boys who cannot spend a longer period at the College. REDUCED RAILWAY RATES Send for the Short Course Calendar outlining th« various courses. G. I. CHRISTIE, B.S.A., D.Sc, A. M. PORTER, B.S.A.. President. Registrar. she did not pick up at all. She could neither eat nor sleep, and what food she did take did not digest. Then she developed a cough that kept her awake at night, and went down In ! weight to 95 pounds. A neighbor | said to me, 'You have tried so many ' things why not try Dr. .Williams' Pint Pills?' I got some ahd before she ' flniahtid the second box she began to ' show improvement. She continued the use of the pills for some time and A theatrical troupe arrived in a New England town late one evening to find that no accommodation was to be had in the only hotel that the place afforded. The landlord did not seem a bit affected by the sad plight of the tourists but after much per- suasion the old fellow said they could sleep in an abandoned church- across the street. For want of any other shelter they accepted and retired for the night. About two o'clock in the morning the landlord heard the i church bell ringing vigorously, and j sent his son over to see what was the ' matter. Jake-brougU back the report: ! "There isn't anything the matter, ' Pop, but the gent, in pew twelve wants a couple of gin fizzes sent right over." Pamela had been so troublesome that her mother put her to bed a full 1 hour earlier than usual. As she left j the child, she murmured gently : "God bless you. darling, till the morn- I Ing." "Dod bless you, too, mummy, till you bring me my Eupper. " answer- ed Pamela. I $13.25 OCEAN FARE TO CANADA for the Wives and T'2imiHe$ of British Subjects Children under 17 yearsâ€" FREE Apply at once to : : CAXADI.^.N SEJRVIC!=: : Cunard and Anchor - Donaldson I Lines Ccr. Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto. â€" cr nearest agent "So much 'crust was never associ- ated with anything half-baked." Empire-Preference Rockhampton Bulletin (Queens- land): Empire preference, to be Is now la the pink of condition, able anything more than a mere sound- to work and play, and eat and sleep *ns \>oi!iTd. for windy orators, has to; with all her old-time vigor. ' These effectively protect the markets of the I statements can be verified by neigh- Domintons In Britain for raw prod- •bors who watched her restored from; acts "and foodstuffs, as well as the ; ill health to perfect health." j markets in the Dominions for Brit- I If your medicine dealer does not ' ^^ manufactured goods. Nothing I keep these pills you can get them by j mail at BOc a box from The Dr. Wil- I llama' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. I « short of that will count. An old maid went to confession and told the priest that she had been ar- dently kissed. "When did it happen?" said the priest gently. "Twenty years the old maid told him. "Have you ever confessed this . be^re?" AVOID ^HNTER ILLS AND DISCOMFORTS SPIND WINTER IN THE WARM CUMATE OP The e^uirCoasi Rich in legend and history. Lux- urious hotels, spartments and cottages. Tbt Tan-^imtrican, all- Pttilman train, letves Cincinnati 10:20 A. M. daily and arrives at Gulf Coast points next naotning. Every d«y is "holiday" â€" every night is "carnival " in New Orleans. All sports. Historic shrines. Ex- ccUeot hotels. World £unous fcnaursnts. Reached in less than 24 hours from Cncinnati on Tit Florida Splendid through train service from Detroit, Cleveland, Indian- apolis, Ciocinnati and Louisville daily on Th* Flamingo and thi Southland. Diveise route includes Gulf Coast one way. Same cost. Calitamia The most fascinating way to go "abroad at home" is to follow the sun to the Pacific Coast. Tht Tan- t^mtrican connects with finest western trains at New Oilcans. Liberal stop-overs .allowed. No extra fares. While Moose in Alaska Callecl Trappers' Hoodoo ag^. A snow white moose with hoofs like , , . ^ „ ^^-^^^ , a mule has been seen on the lower ' "^^''^ "'"®^' f^"*?"-.- 8*116* the peni- Kuskowim River by natives who de-j'®***' "but I Just love to talk about it." Clare It la possessed of the devil. TTn- Min^d-s Llniment^for Rackache. tU the moose is driven away or killed | . « • they will not begin trapping. What the great American home Several attempts to trail it have ' needs right now Is a can-opener a wo- failed, and they are now waiting for' man can operate.â€" Council Bluffs heavy snowfall when it will be run Nonpareil, down and killed before the Indian or Eskimo trappers are stampeded. Fur buyers will pay a bonus for the des- truction of the freak animal. nA|JpCDFR^BOo;< UH 11 U L Rsenr on Reque^r Tells cause of cancer and wliat to lio for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Wrii9 for it to-day. mentioning this yaper. Address Indianapolis Cancer liospital, In(Jlanapoli.s, ind. The "talkies," we are told, have come to stay. So much for the hope that they had Just popped In for a chat.â€" Punch. Canadian Gold Profhiction >. â€" :: â€" * â€" r7~ ^u k,. w<««>wuwu ^yen though you get in the public If gold production in the United eye you may be Just a little s^trt. States, continues to decline In the ! Look at the grapefruit.â€" Corvallls fairly steady way it has done since' (Ore.) Gazette-Times. 1915, Canada with Its yearly Increas- ' .. . . â€" ^^ â€" : ing production will in a very few ! "They say a man is known by the years be the second largest gold-pro- j company he keeps." "Yes, and a wo- j ducing country In the world. ~ " " " ' Abrasive Garnets Practically the whole of the Cana- dian abrasive garnet output up to the present has been obtained from a de- posit situated some 18 miles e«ist of Bancroft, Ontario. « â- â- ' . Flashing Eyes Laughing Eyes Downcast Eyes Eyes tell Your Character I The prettiest oj dimpUi â€" or lisp or a sigh, lie'er can.- compete vith tht ch^m pt tke eyet Brown eyes for strength â€" ^Blu* for generosity â€" Gray eyes for Jfealouay â€" Sparkling eyes indi- €«• beauty, y«i, and good bsalth, tool Do your eyes •parklaf Are the whites clear «r an they tinged with TcUow â€"indicating an out-or -sorts condition â€" due to constipar tion? If io, you need ^y^YUMwrSNttWin, BEECH AMX paLs ^tr â- "tnlat daSIr oMtta* for • â- hofft pariod. Your *râ€" will Mon Mil th* at«ry of improvod .hMlth. 4 Vmatmbtt ttoJutt nua Cutpmt FREE INFORMATION AND SERVICE OF28-2N R E Porter. T. P. A.. I. * N. R. R., M)} TnuupoiMtiun Bids., Dcttoit, Michisan. S«ad me illiuntied liicrtmrc about: I' Floiida; ZT Gulf Coasts â-¡ Ncv Otlcaos; L Caliionua, Alio quote wioiet (iues. *'*â- " Addmt LONG SLEEP MAKES BAB Y HAPP Y AGAIN "Our baby kept waking us several times a night, until we started giving him a little Castorla after his last nurs- ing," says an lowa mother. "He slept soundly from (he flrst night and it made him look and feel worlds better." Baby specialists endorse Fletcher's Castoria; and millions of mothers know how this purely-vegetable, man. by the company she keeps away fromi" ' Mfd »bout Chtncter hem tht Eyrs m iuttm Beecicm Aavtrtiaemeiilt. B â- ?i<n). ;:j>^' :PHILUPS^ ur"^ What most people call indigestion Is usually excess acid in the stomach. LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R. R. harmless preparation helps babies and | The food has soured. The instant children, with colic, constipation, , remedy Is e â- alkali which neutralises cclds, diarrhea, etc. The Fletcher acids. But don't use crude helps. Use signature is always on the wrapper of i what your doctor would advise, genuine Castoria. .Vvoid imitations. I The best help Is Phillips' Milk of - .,;. I >>agnesia. For the 50 years since Its Ciiont: "My neighbor has a Wg dog invention it has remained standard One tasteless spoonful in water neu- tralizes many times its volume in acid. The results are immediate, with no bad aftereffects. Once you learn this fact, you will never deal with excess acid in the crude ways. Go learn- now â€" why this method is supreme. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physl- j TheTlrstBosc And ther« are 40 doMS fa ftV T5-oent bottle I Pleasant to taka and instant inaction in every kind of Cold. Relieves Bronchitis. Croup and Whooping Coueh. Prevents "l-*lu" and Pneumonia. Eaaea irri- tated throata. Buy "Buckley's". Sold by all druKviBts and guaranteed. W. K. Backley, Limited. 142 Maloal St., Toronto 2 Acu like a fituh- â- uncle lip ptovca it s For Every Pain For cuts, bruises, . sprains, stiff joints, and other pains, use Mlnard's. Relieves, soothes. A Friend to Women that we are all afraid of. What do with physicians. You will find nothing ' clans for 50 years In correcting ex- | you advise?" Solicitor: "Get a big- else so quick in itSi effect, so harmless, ! cess acids. lilach bottle contains fuH i ger one." lo efficient j directionsâ€" any drugstore. | E. PiDkbam's Vegetable Gompnd LVIJtA E. PINKHAM MBDICINB CO. Lynn. Mass., U.S.A. ajid Cobourg, Onu, Caaada, ISSUE No. 47â€" '28