Flesherton Advance, 5 Dec 1928, p. 1

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®()je fkBhtvion %hmxict Vol. 48 No. 24 Flesherton Ontario, December 5, 1928 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietcrs. MAXWELL Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Gauld and babe spent the spent the week end vritb Toronto relatives. !Bfr. Jack Parker is home lafter spending a few months in Detroit. *~Miss TolUe Soffard and Mrs.' Gar- net Magee are attending the U.F.Y. P.O. and U^^.W.O. convAitions In Toronto this week. Mrs. R. J. Morrison has returned from Toronto after ' a two- weeks' visit with relatives. Mr. Andrew Morrison motorea from Toronto on Saturday and spent the week end with his parents here. Mr. Angus Morrison, who has spent the past two weeks here, returned to Toronto with him. Owing to Mr. D. Kendall being unabdle to take charge of the ser- vices in the ynited Chuch on Sun- day, Mr. McDonald of Toronto took charge of the services here. Mr. George Ross is in Toronto this vreek. He fvill [attend th(i U.F.O. convention while there. Mr. John Stehen was in Toronto and Newmarket for a few days last week. Mrs. E. Buckingham is visiting her narents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, in Dundalk. Mrs. Johnston is seriously ill at present. The ladies Aid of the United Church will meet on Thursday, Dec. 0. at the home of Mrs. E. Binnington. Election of officers is the object ot the meeting. All members are re- quested to be presant. The W. I. will hold their reguia • meeting at the home of Mrs. W. K. Hall on Thursday, Dec. 13th at 2..3(3 p.m. A report of the convention will be given by the delegates, Mrs. R. J. Morrison and Miss E. Morrison. PRICEVILLE (Last Week's Items) We notice an item in the last is- sue of The Advance where Stanley Conron, aged 10 years, was present- ed with a bronze medal by the Roy- al Canadian HTimane Society, the youngest lad to be so recognized by the Humane Society. His father, we believe Sergeant Geo. Conron Is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Conron of this place. i.Ir. Harry Field of Toronto spent the week end with his par- ents here. Mr. C M. Field is still en the sick list. Miss Mary Carson of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mi'. J. A. Kemahan. The L. O. B. A. held a play in the hall hero on Friday night. The play by local talent, entitled "Ge:- ting Acquainted with Madge" was well given. The Maple Grove or- ch-ltra -jndered music b-iwffn acts and for the dance following ttie play. Miss Mary Ross has returned honv after spending the past week wii.:i her sister, Mrs. Milton Nichclls at Dundalk. Mr. D. Kendall again took charge of the services here on Sunday af- ter being confined to his bed with ] a severe cold for a couple of v.-eeks. Mr. Fred Ross has returned from Toront? where he has been attend- ing the Royal Fair. Miss Gladys and Mr. Alf. Hincks spent Sunday with their uncle, Mr. Archie McQuaig. Mr. Murray Nichol has arrived home from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks spent Sunday at the latter's parental home in Proton. Rev. Mr. Corry preached in Shel- bume on Sunday and a student, Mr. Young, from Knox College, Toronto, preached in the Hall. Mr. Homcastle sang a solo at the morning service which was much appreciated by all. Mr. and Mrs. Hornicastle and Mrs. Hudson, of Hamilton, motored up and spent the week end with Mr. Angus McLachlan. The Fowl Supper and Entertain- ment in the hall on Monday night was a decided success. There was a disappointment at first, owing to the previous engagement with Dr. Inkster of Toronto, that he could not ocme. Rev. M'r. Strachan of Owen Sound was secured, but failed to put in an appearance through some mishap on the road. The Clark family also had left, but was hung up on the road. There was a considerable lot of snow and made it hard for cars to travel, however an orchestra ccmposed of Bradey I'"- win, Harry Pedlar, Colin McLean, on violins and guitar, with Miss E. M. McCuaig and D. L. McArthur al- tevnaS-ing \ii\t the piario, responded graciously to encores. Mrs. A. L. Hincks, Wm. McKenzie, Rev. Corry .nnd Annabelle McArthur ijave rec- itations, Mary Proudly and Mrs. D. M;.A.rthur readinirs. Vocal select- ions were given by M'r. Tho3. Nichol Mrs. Proudly and daughter Mary contributed four numbers, as did al- so Miss Kathleen McPhail, and Helen McViear in two numbers. Mr. P. Johnston gave a speech, covering many points, humorous withal. Ev- overybody had plenty to eat and ots left over to feed many more. The proceeds were over $'i"5. CEYLON Greatly shocked were the citizens of this village and community when it was learned on Saturday that H. Piper had passed away after only two days illness from Uraemia. Dr. Carefoot was called on Friday morn- ing and again in the early hours of Saturday. Gradually growing worse Dr. B. Jamieson of Durham was call- ed, also Miss Vera Marshall, nurse fsom the Durham hospital, all that human skill could do, but of no avail. He was a son of the late Mr. Jerry Piper and was born tn the year 1855, near Ceylon, where he spent nearly all his life on his farm. For a time he worked at the carpenter work with Mr. John Whitten. In the year 1888 he was married to Miss Delilah Hill of near Markdale, and to whom wer? bom two children, a daughter and a son, Mrs. Luther Torrey (Laura) of Lauriston and Roy, who resides on the farm. In 1917 he built a cosy home in this village and when fin- ished where he and his wife ever since resided and where a warm hand of welcome was extended to FEVERSHAM Come to the bagaar and baking sale and lunch in the Orange Hall Feversham, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Pre3-«*yterlan Church on Saturday, Dec. 8th. Mr. Fred Brackenbury and sor. George, and lady friend of Flesher- ton were callers with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Barber the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette ano children and Ivan Alexander c-f Ower Sound spent the week end with their parents here. Miss Reta Perigo of Toronto spcn' the first of the weak with her cousin Mrs. H. Alexander, in this village. Mr. and Mrs. J. .A.. Kemahan visit- ed their daughter, Mrs. Jas. Legrgaie at Gibraltar, last week. NOTICE There are still a â- counts outstanding, be settled this week. â€" W. J. STEWART & SONS few more ac- These must BOX secuL A box social and dance will be held in the Orange Hall, Orange Valley, on Friday, December 7th, under the aus- pices of L.O.L. 509. Admission 25c., ladies with boxes free. Program to be provided. '-^Up-to-date plRVICE AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP WRIGHT, «~>'Kr>«>«<~X'<~j~>-><:'«*.x><>«><~>»«->:~:'«':~:'«>'> i ~X":"X-:~>*>&*-:~>*«<»««^ Bates Burial Co. (h^< Weok's Items) Apparently winter has set in ano has started in pretty hard with about 15 inches of snow and snowing yet. j Mr. McMillan, the new manager ot the Bank of Toronto here, has movea I into the house vacated by the former J.w. 122-124 Avenue Road ♦ TORONTO I Phone: Klngsdale 4344 | Bates. R. Maddocks. | KIMBERLEY EAST MOUNTAIN Rev. McLachlan of Heathcote held his last prayer meeting for the win- ter at the home of Mr. Thos. Hall on Wednesday evenine of last week. Mrs. McKay and little son. and Miss Mary Rae, of New York, have returned hope after an extended visit' with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rae. We extend our sympathy to Mr. S. Smart, who happened with a nasty accident on Wednesday, when he cut his hand with a buzz saw while cut- ting wood. The wound required about ten stitches. Mrs. S. Dobson and children, of Feversham, spent a few days with Mrs. Clarence Smart. Mr. Gordon McMullcn spent a few <?av3 at the P :/al Winter Fair. Mr, Elwood Smart of Duncan Sfcnt the ^Yeek end with his uncle. Mr. S. Smart. Mr. J. A. Stuart. Mr. Geo. and Mr. R. J. Stuart and Mr. Geo. Knott vis- ited friends liere this wsek. ^ iho W. I. met at tlie home of Mr-;. R. Chard on Thusday afternoor.. The day was fine and there was a good turn out. After the business was disposed of and arrangemen:.- for a social evening for Friday next, an excellent talk was given by Rev. Stotcsbury on "Adult Education,' bringing out the fact chat the public sAr.A is only tho beginning of our life's education. It should co;.- tinue a'lV/ays. Mrs. S. Osborne spent a week in Caledon visiting friends. Mr. Harold Proctor made his mother, Mrs. G. Proctor, and Miss Marjorie a short visit last week. Mr. D. L. Weber, Mr. A. Lawrence, Mr. R. Brady and Mr. Earl Dilion i attended the Winter Fair at Toronuo-. We are sorry to report Mr. J. R. Fawcett ill. Dr. Lively is attending. We are pleased to see Mr. Wra. Grieve home after the summer in the West. Mrs. T. Soul is able to bj around again after lier recent illness, also Miss Gladys Cornfield is able to l,e heme. Mr. S. S. Burritt has almost com- pleted his fall visits to the sch:oIs. ROCK MILLS Monday was very stormy and con- siderable snow fell, but we net'd more snow yet to make good sleigh- ing. Mr. Robt. Croft held a very suc- cessful auction sale last week. Mr. Kenneth Betts spent a few days last week in Toronto and at- tended the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. A. Baker, who is conducting revival services in Eugenia this week i» the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Newell. We notice some of the children around here have their dogs gcing in the hand sleighs; we presume they are getting ready for the dog races in Flesherton on Santa Claus Day. Teams are still busy drawing wood from the mill here, there has also been a quantity of lumber shipped this fall from the yards of the Dur- ham Furniture Co., here. A large number of neighbors and friends spent a pleasant . eyenlng as the home of Mr.'' and Mrs. Herb all who came. He was held in the â-  jj^. highest esteem by a wide circle ol friends and acquaintances. The funeral took place on Tues day afternoon at 2 p.m. toi Flesher- ton Cemetery. Tiev. H. Cowan, pastor here, preached a very com- forting mess?r-o to tho bereavad, after which Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns and Mis.T Maud Hemphill sang "He's the One." L. O. L. 244 of Proton, of which the di :easf/! was a member had charge of the services" at the house and grave For 51 years he was a member of the Orange Order. The ca.-.ce: was ccwered with beautiful floral of- ferings of sympathy from the fol- lowing, pillow from the family, wreath from the four erandchildren, friends of Ceylon and_ community, pillow from Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cum- mings of Oshawa, sheaf from the Hill family, Spoffard family. Fever- sham, Spray from Mr. and Mrs. H. Fisher, Xc.-onto, L. O. L. 244 Proton, The flower bearers were his four grandsons, LaVernc* Milforit. Sher- man Piper, Jack Torrey, George Jay- r.css and Stanley Hunt. The pall bearers were Messrs Don- ald McLeod, George Cairns, George Snell, Fred Wright, George Ludlow. Milton Bannon. Earnest Lyons and R. J. Vause. all members of the Orange Order. Those who at- tended the funeral from a distance were Mr. J. B. Cummings of Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Georpr? Torrey, <;on'and (iaughtev of V>raudby, Mr. and Mrs. I. Schell of Berkley, Mr. Robt. Torrey and Mr. Stephen Den- 'lit of Lauri-^f-n. Mr. Joseph sett of Markdale. The of the community is extended to h>.^ sorrowing widow and family in then- sudden bereavement. Mrs. Eaney underwent an onp,;'^'-- ion in the Owen Sound Hospital th' past week last rcuort w5.t doing could be expected. Mrs. Pc-.xy Hunt left Thursday to visit friends in T "-onto. Mr. J. McWilliams, who i*' work- ing near Orangevi'.l?, spent the wnek end at his hoine -here. Mrs. H. Piper was called on Fri- day tj tho bedside of her mother. Mrs. Hill, who is ill at the home of her sen, at Orange Valley. Mrs. Ce?il Archibald of Proton spent the week 'end with her par- ents. Mr. Harold Spoffard, U. F. 0. buy?r is busy unloading a car of feed tliis week. Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. Meads in the sudden passing of their eldest daughter, Mrs. Gibson, leaving 6 little motherloss. Dow- sympathy G. and M. and on the as well as Manager, Mr. Smith. We welcome McMillan and family to our vil- lage. Mr. James Eby has gone to Lon- don, where he has secured a position. Mr. and MVs. Fo-sythe of OWpn Sound were week end visitors with Mrs. Forsyth'f- parr^'r, Mr. ami Mrs. Eby and family. Mr Ivan Alexandi?; of Owon Sound spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander here. Messrs Clarence and Cecil .â- Mex- ander have retu-ned homo from ne .i Parry Sound whe--a they have spent the last few months. Mrs. Chas. Weldrick is visitini? with her daughter, Mrs." Hutchison of Gibaralter. Miss Carrie Kernahan is visitirg with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Legale-, of Gibaralter. Mr. Russell Conn is under the doctor's care at present. He can.e home from Windsor last week where he had been for a few months with a bad cold which developed into pneu- monia. We hope for a speedy re- covery. ^ <« ouse of ©ualitp" Corn Flakes, 3 pk^. for 25c Lux, 3 pk^ for .>, 33c. Extracts, 3 bottles for 25c. Jelly Powder, 6 pks. for 25c Leave your order with us for a ni*^e - bunch of Celery each week. Try a bag of Magestic Flour, you will find it No. 1. W. J. Stewart & Sons Flesherton, Phone 46 Ont ^ children CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank our friends in Flesherton for their great kindnesse« . . and sympathy in our recent bereave- ham Furniture Co., here. | ment. For these we feel that we can scrcely thank the people sufficieUy for their many thoughtful acts and kind sympathy. _W. J. Meads and Family. ' â-  _ Sergt. Jack Burke, D.C.M., who It is no good hiding your light un-di«d at Walkerton from heart trouble d«r • bush«l if voa want to selt g«8 after a friendly scoffle in a rtet- fittings or electric ahades udiatAiit, wm ft dcMtndaat of gtatrat- glokw. » . ... .^*, . >•* •« 8rf*Wi aoMifn. ^j^^..^ Betts last Friday. PROTON STATION Messrs Frank and Clarence Med- daugh attended the funeral of a.-. uncle at Corbctton last Wednesday. Mrs. Robt White has rtV.umed from a month's visit with friends near Rock Mills. Mr. Bigley is assisting Mr. Still at the night operation in the C.P.R station. Miss Marjorie Acheson visited friends in Owen Sound last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheeon spent • few days in Toronto and visited the Winter Fair. Ed., Wilfred, Gladys and Elva Bat- chelor were visitors in Wide Awake Land recently. Mr. Russell White of the Junction attended the Winter Fair in Toros- to laat week. ^â- ^;c^i^iJSu..iP. Only 3 More Weeks Have You P urchased Those Xmas Gilts Yet? lieni s EigJn Wrist Watch Reg. $25 $2 XMAS SPECIAL A white gold Diamond Ring Reg. $30 for ;22,50 Ladies' Green Gold Wrist Watch Reg. $10 $6.95 For Him WATCHES $5.00 and u? CHAINS CUFF LINKS CHAIN KNIVES MILITARY BRUSHES RINGS aU prices SHAVING SETS FOUNTAIN PENS LEATHER GOODS LEATHER GOODS TIE PINS from 50c to $5.00 PENCILS 49c. up CIGARETTE CASES TOBACCO POUCHES ASH TRAYS, etc G I F T S T H A T L A S T For Her DIAMONDS RINGS all prices WRIST WATCHES PEARLSTCNE in sets FRENCH IVORY BAR PINS $1.00 up GLASSWARE WRITING SETS CHINA COMPACTS 50c. and up NECKLACES BRACELETS SERVING TRAYS BOURDOIR CLOCKS BRASSWARE, etc W. A. Armstrong & Son /^

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