Flesherton Advance, 5 Dec 1928, p. 4

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r WKDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, '28 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \ ^ A Gift for the Home is a Gift Indeed! Best Furniture at Low Prices Sulve your Christmas problem this year by giving Furniture. There are ever so many single articles of furniture that make wonderful Chrismas gifts. Give a Morris chair, a wicker chair, a smoking stand, a reading table, a telephone stand, a secretary, a portable serving table, a folding bridge table and chairs, or any of a dozen other suitable gifts. We have everything from a lamp stand to a complete suite- try us whenever you need any furniture â€" you'll be surprised at tlic wonderful values you can get here. Some suggestions *o bear in mind when Christmas shopping: K/rCHEN CABINETS SLIDING COUCHES WORK BOXKS ROCKING HORSES CHILD'S ROCKERS TEA SETS WAGONS BIBLES BLACK BOARDS CROKINOLE BOARDS BED OUTFITS CEDAR CHESTS FERNERY STANDS FLOWER VASES KIDDIE CARS Thos. W. Findlay Furniture Dealer Funeral Director. PORTIAW \ VICTORIA CORNERS The terribly sudden death of Mrs. Ernest Stewert, which oecnrreU week ago last Tuesday, has cast • sad gloom over the entire community. Deceased had been in delicate health for some years, but always able to attend to her household duties. She appeared to be in her usual health that day and was busy preparing dinner, when ahe was suddenly seized with a heart attack and died instant- ly. She was a daughter of Council- lor and Mrs. John Grununett, Osprey, and a sister of Mrs. Frank Shier of thia place. Besides her husband she leaves one daughter of thirteen years. The sympathy of the QOm-| muoity goes out to all the bereaved, i It was pleasing to see Mrs. Harry I Fisher able to drive out after her| recent severe illness. The roads are very icy. One of ittie «iMt <oommon amu^em^nts \% pnUiag cara out of the ditch. So far no person has been hurt, though there haa been more than twenty cars in the ditch the last fek days. Some have had very narrow escapes. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTEB of the Eatate of Malcolm Fletcher, late of the Township of Osprey. in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceued. NOTICE ia hereby given pursuant to Section 51 of the Truateea Act „ _ „ â€" R. S. 0. 1927, Chapt 160, that aU Mr. and' Mm. J.s. "Lochart'r^j'eiv- "T^^ "'IJi^^'^^J!^ XL ed word that Mrs. Bert Bowden on, J.^ J^lco'iTSetSLr.tr dSd t derwent a senous operation m dm- ^, .^out the 13th day of Moreober ton hospital on Saturday, Novem- ^ j). 1928 ia the Township of 0»- ber, 24th, but U improving nicely. p„y^ ^ the County of C»»y, on or Mr. McDonald Jisi practicing the before the 15th day of December 1928 pupils for the Christmas concert, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Lucas ft Henry, Solicitors or thfe IN MEMORIAM We are sorry to hear that Mr. Robt Taylor is laid up at present, but hope that he may soon be restored to his usual g<ood health. Three young men, Pearco and Roy McMillan and Willard Blakey, have gone to Toronto for the winter. Mr. Walter Croft has leased a farm near Corbatton and expects to move there soon. Miss Johnston is training her pupils for the schccl concert to be given on the 19th. Executors of the Eatate of the said deceased, their Chriatain nam* and surnames, addressea and descriptioaa I WALKER â€" In loving memory of , and full particnlars of their claims. OBT dear husband and father. Wm,' a statement of their accounts, and the H. Walker. • I nature of the security tf any held \f { I them He had a nature you could not AND TAKE NOTICE that aftar help loving, Isuch last mentioned date the said And a heart that was purer than executors will proceed to distribute gold I the assets of the said deceased among And to those who knew and kwed the parties entiUed thereto, hat^ him regard only to the ctaims rf ^Wch His memory, will never grqw cold Down in my heart is a picture, Of a loved one laid to rest, In memory's frame I will keep it, Because he was one of the best â€" Sadly missed by wife, son. VANDELEUR THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Fleaherton, Wednesday of each ^week. Cicrflation over 1100, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year when paid in advance |1.60. In U.S.A., $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THURSTON e. J. THURSTON Editor. Asst. Editor. THE AGE OF LONGEVITY selection to choose from that will warm and satisfy many hearts at Christmas time. Do your shopping in Flesherton. When you purchase some things in the city, some things by mail and other things at home, you are dissipating the creative strength of your money. When you do all your buying at home you are doing a great thing for this town, you are contributing to its growth, you are helping its merchants to im- prove their establishments; you are helping them in their promotion of community activities. At the same timeTbu are helping yourselfâ€" the more fertile you make the soil of your own home town, the greater become your own opportunities for prosperity. EDITORIAL NOTES is lo start wondering why you are not happier. If fewer births arc reported these days, there is hone that the white race will continue to hold Its own through the much greater attention that is being Kiven to have the child well born and carefully reared there- after. The prospects, indeed, for the modem child are bright. According to the Ktatistician of the United I * * * States Public Sen-Ice, the baby born In these days of fail coughs, Jl thia year has an expectation of ten is well to remember that it takos years more life than his father had If ss to keep well than it does to when he was born, and nearly twenty} "got well." years lonBtr than his grandfather had. In addition, the year 1928 holds out the promise of lower death rale than ever before, and a longer expectation n_f living' thii.i h;i:< bcti-, tremendous efforts must yet bo made before the average individual can be «aid to live a really healthy life. Ail that has happened In the recent past is that his general cnvironrnf-t has been improv..'d. It !., in ."pite of his careless abuse of the wonderful machine of his body, that lin survives Jonger, and not because of improvc- rncnts which he himself has effected. In other words, the State is almost wholly responsible for the improve- ments effected; but now the chance of the average man has come to l)ring about a revolution in his health through education in health mattsr^ thereby enabling the nuMlioal profcs- eion to be steadily transformed into a profession of prevention by regu- lar examination, an>l Uvuihing the MRS. HENRIETTA WRIGHT PASSES AT MAXWELL On Monday, November 12th there passed away another well known res- ident of this district, in the person of Mrs. Henrietta Wright, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Long, at the age «t 69 years and 15 days. The deceased was a daughter of the late Henry and Ann Field, and was bom in Maj-kham, Ont. •* In 1877 she was married to the late W. J. Wright nt Kleinburg, coming to Osprey Township 42 years ago. Her husband predeceased her 14 years ago. Although she had been in poor health for some years and confined to her bed for the past two mo^nths, the end came quite suddenly. She leaves to mourn her loss one daughter, Annie (Mrs. Chas. Long, I and one son, Will of Warcham, also The (luickest way to be miserable four brothers. Deforest of Owen Too bad, is it not, that road re- pairers find it proper to slash down So many fine trees alons the high- ways? Surely none of tlieso giants of the forest should be destroyed if ill all possible to save them. Or.:e more the announcement ia made that experts have (iiscoverod a means for utili/.ing the millions of tons of stravv- that annually goes to waste on Canadian pi'airie farms- This time it is a French onginoer who has invented a machine which he contends will meet the case, and It is announced that the Saskatchewan (fovernmont will ship a ton or two of straw to Prance to be tested in * * * the new machine. The French ongin- ee'''s device is a machine that presses straw into a slab about two inches thick and binds it with steel wire. The slab can be used for partitions or in theaonstruction (rf all kinds 01 public how to keep fit. Indeed wo have for some time been forced lo^ outbuildnings. It is also said to have the conclusion that the most effective possibilitie-i as a fuel. In this pro- means for preserving the health of ^ vincc our farmers are able to use the community is to employ the mcd-^ most of thei surplus straw for ani- Icsl experts»to keep us in good re- mal food nnd bedding, but if the new invention povcs successful they may find it advantageous to give it a trial as an auxiliary. Another endeavor ia to be made to get heather to grow In Canada. It is intimated that Sir Samuel Chapman, M.P. for South Edinburgh, Is provid- inging a scheme to transplant the "fihrub" from the hill« near the royal Sound, Cyrus of Maxwell, Fred of Memphis, Tenn., and Barney of Rock Mills. The service was conducted in the United Church, by the Rev. Jos. narrower of Flesherton and interred in the United Church Cemetery. Tho floral tributes were very large and bcautijul, being as follows, spray from the family, spray from Mr. and Mrs. Deforest Field, spray from Mr. and Mrs. F. Field and George, spray from Ladien' Aid, L. O. R. A., Women's Institute. The pall hear- cr.s were Messv<! C. Heron, George Ir^ng, Sr., J. Stephens, R. Fenwick, J. Winters and S. Arnott. MORTON J. BURKE. X9.%' rather than to patch us -up after our system has broken down. \\ In Endeavoring to achieve »<his mneh to bo desired end we begin Mropulous attention to the health ot the young, marvel, may *»" >«'«"J'«^ to the life of the nation in fc »•»•- orably ahort 8P»fe of time, j, TOU- CAN HELP YOURSELF. ;,,. '-'^ . , residence of Balmoral. It may not, „f Nothorhill, Snsk., nnd Mm. Mary Thlsf^lt the storoB In town are be generally known thrft near Halifax j Hpn,!;^^! "rrt rredjl; ami five bro re eiving their decorations of color,| there is to-day a big pn^sh of heather,! ty,prsâ€" George of Osnvey. Robert 0' â- ending forth their message cheer nnd Christmas spiilt. â- itlea for the Christmas tovrtea you to visit them and select Prlccvillc ? year ne«da Inglftt. There is a large A former Osprey residontj in the person of Morton J. Burke, pas.^ed away at his homo in Sault Ste. Marie, on November 2r)th. The ('e- ceased was born in Osprey township on January 3, 187.5, where ho re9ide<'i until his 2.1rd year, when ho resolved to try his fortune in Northern On- tario. He finally located nt Michipi- coton, and spent ninny years of his life there. In June, 1910, he married Miss Bertha McEwon of Ridgetown, and resided in Toronto for a year or so, later returning to Sault Ste. Marie, where he passed the remain- ing years of hia life. He was a mem- ber of the Masonic order and the funeral, which was held at Green- wood cemetery on Tuesday, Novem- ber 20, was under Masonic auspices. Ho was predeceased hy his father, R. Y. Burke, in 1905; his mother, Elisa Buchan, in 1921, nnd hia two brothers of Buffaloâ€" Nelson in 1926, and Her- bert in 1927, He loaves to mourn their loss his widow nnd seven chil- dren â€" Mable aged 17, Margaret 14, John 10, Boyd 0. Helen 7, and Harry ,t; two sistc'-s â€" iMts. MnrgAret Heron nnd Mrs. D. McGee, who has been ill for some time, has gone to Toronto for treatment. We hope to hear of her recovery soon. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Freeman and Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Boland were in Toonto last week attending the Roy- al Winter Fair. Master Carman Sewell, who had a very severe attack of appendicitis, is soewhat improved. Jhe Woman's Institute held their November meeting at the home ot Mrs. Lundy Johnston, on Thurs. af- ternoon, November 22nd, when a large number were present. Readings were given by Mrs. W. Swanton and Miss Nellie Boland and a solo by Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. X dainty lunch was served by the lunch com- mittee. Mrs. Swant,o>n attended the Convention in Toronto last week as delegate from this branch. Congratulations to Mr. Glen Mc- (Gee, who took a life partner last Saturday, in the person of Miss Jac- queline Beatty of Orange Valley. The Vandeleur Farmers' Club met on Monday evening of last week and elect^'d the iollowing officers and made plans for the meetings during the winter months. The officers arc â€" Pres., Otto Baker; Vice.-Pres., Frank Davis; Sec, C. Boland; Direct- ors, W. A. Weber, H. I. Graham, Jas. Cargoe, H. McGee, E. Warling and N, Genoe. The next meeting will ! be held on December 10th, Every- body welcome. Soap box oratory is not the only [kind that suggests bubbles. they shall then have notice, ai"* that the said executors will not be UaDie for the said assets or any part there- of to any person or persons of who* claim has not been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Markdale this 20th diy of November A. D. 1928. LUCAS & HENRY, Solicitors for the Executors. Sporting Goods Make an Ideal CHRISTMAS GIFT CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown during our recent sad bereavement. â€" Mrs. H. Piper and family. Everything needed in all sports â€" at the lowest prices ever asked for equipment of this kind. Just come in and see how many things we have which would make perfect Christmas pres-. ents. IMiing-s to jiiake anv REAL STORE happy. Ever}' article for sale in this store is guarn- teed and is a product of heading: manufactures. No "duds." You can't S'o wrong here. Hockey Sticks. 15c. to S1.50 C.C.M. Skate and Boot Out- fit, $2.23 to $35.00 C.C.M. Skates. $1.00 to $7.00 Pucks, Tape. Snowshoes andi Skis. Fancy China, Cuttlcry, Tools A man whose heart is in his boots naturally hesitates, to put his foot down. 4 '"4 Frank W. Duncan 'PHONE 54 -t- FLESHERTON <H>»<-XK^<"><M>**<-x»<->*^<c^>*<«<»**<K»<><«<~:'<^>*'X«<><K«^^ ^ ot of good planted there by a ScAtlsh regiment Toro-nto, Boyd nnd Chnrlfa of Pick- ering township, nnd Albert of Alaska. Each' stationed there. There nhonld n;.; be i*^ fTled with dainties' and neces- 1 great difficulty to grow bother -' #â€" fti« Christmas season, hereabout.^. Why no not get a plant fo The rolling stone gather* no moss, but at all events it Isn't a tomb- •tcnq^ Hark Ye! Hark Ye! ^â-  Come to This Shop for ^^2 Real Bargains EVERYTHING FROM SOUP TO NUTS CAN BE HAD AT THE Chain RED & WHITE Store, including Groceries, Candies, Nuts, Fruits, etc. Men^s Wear We have a fine assortment of Scarfs. Socks, Shirts, Sweaters, Ties, Caps, Gloves, and anything that will appeal to the most up- to-date men. List â€" but not leastâ€" Toys of all kinds can be secured at this Store. W. G. KENNEDY THONE 37 -:. FLESHERTON w

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