Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1928, p. 1

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i %^ii ^kGi^fttion %hmnu Vol. 48 No. 25 Fl«ak€rton Ontario, December 12, 1928 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietcrs MAXWELL The Ladies' Aid of the United Church held their annual meeting at ihe home of Mrs. E. Binnington on Thursday last. After busineit was disposed of the officers were elected for the ensuing year as fol- lows: Pres., Mrs. James Winters, Vice-Pres., Mrs. Geo. Ross; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. A. Morrison; Sec, Mrs. Edgar Betts; Traas., Miss AliceWin- ters. Buying Com. â€" Mrs. Bucking- ham, Mrs. J. Stephen, Miss E. Mor- rison. Flower Cam. â€" Mrs. Long, Mrs. Bert Porteous and Miss Ella Morrisor.. The meeting closed with the Benedlc- tien, after which a bounteous luncii Tras. served by the hostess. The young men of Ma.x-.vcll anc vicinity are busy these days prepar- ing an open air skating rink. This will certainly provide a clean sport for the numerous young folks here this winter. Wc arc sorry to report little Bruce Poole ill with a light attack of pneu- monia. We hope to see the little fellow around again soon. Miss Mayiiard and. pupils are busy rractising for a ChristmaB concert. Tho young people are also planning one for the Sunday school to be held on Christmas Eve. Wfessrs. Guy and Verne Pallister and D. A. Winters, have returned hom^ after a visit, to Toronto. ROCK MILLS CEYLON IN MEMORIAM Many are looking forward to Santa Clau3 day, which will be held this Saturday in Flesherton. Dec. 15. The teacher and pupils are busy practising for thalr Christmas con- cert, which will be held in the school house on Thursday, Dec. 20. Mr. Cecil Bett.i of Flesherton is laid up at his home here. We hope to SCO hiin out very soon again. Mrs. John Porteous and son, Joyce, spent 'Friday v/ith Mr. and- Mrs. E. Binnington of Maxwell. A number of students from the Bible school, Proton, motored up Sun- day evening and assisted at the re- vival services at the homo of Mr. J. Magcc, Eugenia. Mr. John Newell and son ArCo, of Durham, motored over and vis- ited recently with his brothers here. Charles and W. J. Newell. We have pleanty of snow now for good sleighing, and cars are also running. Mr. Charles Newell, accompan,;-:ri by Mr. L. Teeter, made a business trip to Durham on Monday. Mr3. Thos. Betts spent, a few days with her son, Herbert, and family, oh" the 8th line. Artemes'ia. We notice that there is a new. maii carrier on this route. Mr. Robert Whiteoak of Fevcrsham has been driving the mail la:tely. TENDERS FOR RINK __^ Tenders for the caretaking of the la' sad and loving memory of our] Flesherton rink are requested to be dear daughter and sister, iena (Mrs.l handed to the President, Mr. O. W. E. H. Linley) who passed away on Phillips, sealed, no later than seven Dec. 14th, 1927. (7) o'Clock p.m. on Thursday, Dec- Dec? in our hearts lies a' picture ember 13th. . The lowest or any ten- Of one we loved so dear. I der not necessarily accepted.. For She was «ne who was always wit?i us paticulars of the work required see In happiness and in cheer. I 0. W. Phillips. filr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and three children of Delia, Alta. ar- rived on Friday to visit the latter"^ parents, Ivlr. and Mrs. H. Stone. Miss Agnes McPhail, M. P. arriv- ed home Thursday from almost a Z- months trip out west, which v/as an enjoyable and wonderful trip. Quite a number in this burs ar:- laid I'p with savore colds, similiar to tho flu. The Union Sabbath School intern: holding thair election of officers on December 16th. and later on the child ron intend giving an evening pro- gramme. Mr. and Mrs. George White of Springhill visited the first of the wcsk with Mrs. W. White and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey and two daughtC'-s of Shriglev visited the past week at Mr. D. McPhail's. Mr. M. Ferguson, v.'ho has been visiting friends at Caledon returned home on Saturday. Mr. Earl White had a fine radioi installed the past week for the pleas- ure of the household. Miss Bender, who has for a week been visiting with her friend. Miss Jennie Chesney, returned to her home in Markdalo on Saturday. Mr. Georfc .Arrowsmith and daugh- ter, Mrs. Percy Hunt left Tuesday for Toronto to attend tho funeral of Mr. Edward Hunt, a former residchi of Glenelg. The remains are bein j taken to the West for burial, God only knows how we miss her. That loved one gone to rest. But He took her from her suffering j To a home which ia for the best. Sadly missed by father, mott.er, sisters and brothers. â€" G. A. McTAVISH, Sec. CONCERT AT ROCK MILLS If you want a real treat come to the Christmas Concert, to be given by the pupils in the school house on Thursday, December 20 &t 8 p.m. Drills: dialogues', songs, recitations, acrostics and pantomines and a one a^-t play, entitled "The Five Fifteen" Music will be supplied by the Rock Mills Harmonica Band. Admission AduCts 25cts. and children lOcts. It is no good hiding your light under a bushel if you want to sell gas fittings or electric shades and globes. F ONLY FIFTEEN YEARS AGO This item from the files of fifteen years' ago, says the Simcoe Refoi-mcr, is almost amusing in tho light of pre- sent-day tendencies: "Miss Adamson, aged 22 of Newark, N.J., was senten- ced to 30 days in jail for wearing a slit skirt which was slashed to the knee, and no petticoat hid her silk hose." The hussy! s 'X A Radio Christinas â€" a Year Round Christmas We handle the finest radio .sets (DeForcst-Cross- ley and Koster) and would be pleased to have ;i talk with you regartUng the Radio you promised the family for Christmas. Battery and battery - less sets at all prices to suit your purse. There is only one gift that money cannot buv and only you can give YOUR PHOTOGRAPH. Have the sitting now at W. A. HAWKEN Electric Photo Gallery and Music Store. y. IN MEMORIAM McKEAN â€" In loving memory of our dear husband and father. Edward Ashton McKean. who entered in:o rest December 20^ 1927. Our lips cannot speak how wo miss him. Our hearts cannot tell what to say, God only knows how we miss h m, In a home that is lonesome to-day. Sadly missed by wife and family, Ravenna, Ont. -♦♦•:'<><H»^>.>^~>^><.^«<~fr.>^<M>^>.><H><M^4i«,><i^<Mj»:*<^X«<<><K<KK~^^^ ones. I Just a Matter of Days Nowâ€" Then Christmas The Christmas Season is here once more with a bigger and bet- ter showing than ever before. Following are a few suggestions: The Highway Department at To- ronto thc^ other day made the an- nounccmcnt that drivers who have a license from the Dept. of Highways permitting them to drive a car will not be required to take another ex- amination for renewal of their cards. . Drivers who secured licenses without ? examination last year also wrll be X given permits on production of oH ones. ;•♦^♦*x•<•<'♦t••>•"^<~^*-''•' Fancy Cushion Tops Bath Robes. lCiniona3> Cc^red Bedspk-eads. Floor Rugs. Dresses. Coats. Sweater Coats. Goloahes. TOYS! Hosiery. Towels. Men's Shirts. Overshoes. Ties. • Scarfs. ^ /â-  Overcoats. Suits.. Pyjamas. . TOYS! TOYS! I F. G. Karstedt Silk Underwear. Flowers. Pictures. Gloves. Caps. LunchttJn 3et3. Dishes. Dedrcom Slippers. i i i I riesnerton wooi Blankets. PRICBVILLE Mrs. Kate McArthur returned home from Toronto, and she sayj her daughter, Mrs. Dan Canipbe:;, is pi'ogressing favorably and has gone to visit her sister at Niagara Fa.Is. Mr. David Hincks has spent t'.ie past week in Torbnto. Ho was seni as a delegate from tho U.F.W.O. Club. Mr. Alex. McCanneil, of Bui-goyne. spent a few days visiting hii cou- sin, Mr. Archie McCuaig. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol and Gor- don visited Sunday at Mr. Thomas Nicholl's. Mr. A. B. McArthur has traded :.t hin car for a Ford coach. Messrs. Stodhart and Frook went to Toronto Saturday with a car ioao of stock. Miss Jean McLean spent the nas: week visiting with friends in Dur- ham. The Wiinng Helper" will have their annual meeting on Friday p.m. Lunch Com. â€" Mrs. Dave McDonald Mrs. Thos. Nichol. Mis?; Xflary Mc- Cuaig and Miss Mary McEachern. Mrs. XL T. Brown will attend ?"-• ju'vman in Owen- Sound this week. Tho Guild is having a social ev- ening on Wodne:;day evening, when a procd time is expecteJ. St. Columba United Church Sunday School. P"icevillo will hold their an- nual Christmas Tree' and Concert on Thursday, Dcc;ember 20 at 8 ?.m. A good programnic. consisting of sing- ing, drills, dialogues, recitations, etc.. is being prenav?d. Admission Ad- ults 25 cts. Children free. EUGENIA PROTON STATION Just two weeks until Christmas, j Wedding bolls aio nnging. Our teacher unu pupils are busyj School concert Dec. IS. Come and pieparin^r for ihelv school concert : enjoy it. -o be held ou Friday night, Dec. 21. Mr. James Sherson of Roblin, Man., looking forv/ary 1 is visiting liis mother and brotheru Flesherton \ here. The children ':o Santa Clau^ Day in FEVERSHAM Mr. Emerson Wright attended the U.F.O. convention in Toronto lasi week. Mr. Gailord Kaitting of Detroit visited with h:3 parents here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Pprsyth and bribe, and Ivan Alexander of Owen Sound mo- tored down on Saturday and sprat the week end with friends in this village. Mr. James Sayrcs is visiting wU'.i friends in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weldrick spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alh»n Mc- Lean. The bazaar given by the Ladies' Aid on Saturday was a grand success. They realised about $G5 dollars. Notice I am prepared to do all kinds ol windmill and pump repairing. I am also agent for new milb and pumps New and second hand engines and pump jacks on hand. â€"A. B. SORNBERGER. Fh;r.e Feversham. MAXWELL. •io.xt Saturday. We hope it will be a line day. Micj Lujy MacDonaiJ visited a few days recently with Mr. j nd Mrs. Louis Genoc. Mi\ S. \V. Sloan has returnee' home from a visit with friends ir. Toronto. Mr. John Williams and son-m-Iaw Mr. James Russell spent a foi'tnigli; in Toronto. Mr. R.^y Genoe is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. James Linton o Wareham vi.sited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs. John Williams and family Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham o.' Clarksburg visited the first of the week with relatives here. A very pleasant time was spen; at the old-fashioned social held ii the basement of the United Churc; ^ast Friday night. There was a goo< attendance and a nice sum was rea- ized (Last Week's Items) Rev. Jackson ,s holding mectingL- in Mr. John Magee's house in iht evenings during this week. Wc are pleased to report Mr. T Genoe still improving.. He is ru)\ able to go outside^ Miss Selina MacDom ^ .: has return- ed home from attending the Royal Winter Fair and visiting relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Jacob Williams visited friends in Owen Sound and Flesherton during the past week. Mrs. A. Partridge of Rock Mills visited her son, Elwood, and family here., the first of the week. Little Miss Phyllis Partridge, who has spent the past week with her grandmother, is home again. Miss Gladys Fawcett is home for a w^eek from the Bible training school at Proton. Mr. Ray Genoe is visiting in To. \ ronto. r Mr. Walker Sloan has gone to To- 1 ronto for a few days. ] Deputty-Reeve Herb. Corbett is .11 at present with pneumonia. Many others in the neighborhood are suf- fering with l)?.d colds. Mrs. James Turner of the Sout.i Lino and her dau,q:hter, Mrs. Storey ard Mis.i Ruth Storey, of Toronto, woie the gujsts of .Mrs. James Vaus--. Mr. Lome Hodgin has returnea homo from his situation on the C. P. R. near Toronto. Mr. Wilbur Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Thomp-son and Miss .Maude Ache- ;on, motored from Barrie to Pro<o!i on Sunday afternoon. VICTORIA CCRiNERS Miss Vera Moore was visiting her .-ousin, Mrs. Elmo Stevens-. Not only the chiidi-en are practic- ng for their entertainment to bo 'iven on Wednesday, December lOtli n the school house, but thf young leople are practicing for their play o be given that night. Surely ev- eryone is so busy Santa fairies won't â- 'ind anyone bad anb place before Christmas. •»-- The ladies of the W. M. S. and their husbands met at the hon>f of Mr. and Mrs. A. Stevens for t heir el- ection of officers and thankofforin.u-. The evening was stormy so thf num- ber present was very small, smaller than usual. Mrs. Lockhart has gone to Clinton to wait on her daughter, Mrs. Row- den, who was to return from the hospital on Saturday. A man whose heart is in his boot.s naturally hesitates to put his foot down. HI â€" â- =â€" JBE 3BE EIEU Don's miss the Maxwell Public: School Concert and Christmas Treei in the former Presbyterian Church,^ on Friday_ December 2lEt. Admis- sion 25 cents. ^:^Up-!c.date ^|SERVICE AT ALL TIMES FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. â- ^ a ^ JWiiL n orm) i , i nras aaaBi nii= a.# ^~>♦>♦♦•>♦<~>K♦«^<^K•<^•<•.X">4w>,^x•<•<•♦<KKK•♦♦♦•^♦<~>♦«>*«^^ Bates Burial Co. ? 122-124 Avenue Road I TORONTO !* Phone: KIngsdale 4344 I J.W.Bates.- ^ R. Maddocks Send a Message of Love on Chrfstn^as D&y â€" GIVE OUR CANDY You can give no .greater testimony of your affection than a box of our candy. We have special Christmas 'selections, in plain, fancy and holly boxes, that are the last word in confections â€" whoIesonK- and delicious, tcnijjting- and healthful. Our candy is made of the purest in^-redients by ex-pcrts in candy-making . . 'just try some ol our candy and be convinced. All our prices are low. You can obain anything here from a single bon bon to a five-pound box of chocolates, at the lowest price:, prices in. town. Everybody likes candy â€" and besides it's a healthful, delightful food. W. J. STEWART & SONS Groceries, Confectionery, Flcur, and Feed t.

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