Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1928, p. 5

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THE FLESHERf ON ADVANCr, WEDNESDAY DEC. 12. '28 ^ a ! I i I i i Business is Bosiness but Courtesy Payi IS Our busmess friends, and yours with v.hom we make transactions, c>m&nd that precision of efficient execution which is part of the reg- uh- service maintained by and bank in its daily affairs. To merit your confidence w« must' go further. The Canadian Bank of Commerce main- tains a policy of personal courtosy in it3 dealings, regardless of their respective importanca, which should be an asset in your business ns well f.3 in ours, _: ^^^ THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE tu/Hh avA/cA Is amalgamalia >. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA JJ jCome to FleshertoB I And See Santa Claos I Saturday This Week ^ CTJL TIME TABLE Traiai lear* Plcthcrtoa Station u foUowt: Goiat Soott Coins North 8.08 •.m. 11.62 ajn. 4.10 ajn. 8.5S p.in. 8.81 p.m. 4.33 p.in. Tha mails cloa« at Pleaherton Santa Claus has again promisc.1 to come and see us again on the above date and there will be good things for all thD kiddies whD are in trwi: that day. He expects to arrive • about 2 o'clock. In one hundred j and fifty of tho bags of candy there ' will be a ticket which will entitle tho kiddie to get a Special Prize. The merchants and others are inter- ested enough to supply these cand- ies and prizes. At a meeting of tho merchanls of the village on Tuesday T. Vv. Findlay wa3 elected manager of the day and Messrs W. G . Kennedy, Sheldon Myers and Jas. Stewart were appointed as a committee to woriv with him. The citizens are soliuiy behind the Santa Claus movement. T. W. Findlay is giving prizes for the following, $1 for 1st and 75 cJs for 2nd â€" White Cat, Black Cav with small amount of white allow- ed, Maltese Cat, Cat with two col- ors. Cat with more than two colors. Kitten, not full grown, Persian bar- """^^ ^red, Persian Cat, age considered, At the annual meeting of the share- j Cat with Kittens. Dog Races â€" holders of the Flesherton Rink Co. on i First $1.50, 2nd $1, driven by boy :>;>'' :^/«j Rink Co. Elects Their Officers For 1929 Friday night, the election of officers or girl 12 years and under, and drlv- folIdwB: For the norfh at 11.00 a.nj.i<^ook place for the ensuing year. A|en by boy or girl over 12 years of Mutb at 8.30 For womlng train very encouraging report was given of | age. Best dressed doll, clothes to the past season's business and a 'be suitable for cold weather, $100 very successful year expected this' nd Tocts. Best outfit of a doll in The foUowmg are the officers! either bed, carriage or cradle, ! clothes to be considered. Best Muth maQ doses at 9.00 p.m. th« ffevloas aveninff. Local and Personal I time for the ensuing year: Pres.â€" 0. W. Phillips. Vice-Pres. â€" John Wright. Sec.-Treas. â€" G. A. McTavish. Six pages of home print this woelc. Committee â€" T. W. Findlay, Dr Do your Christmas shopping now. C. Murray and A. Down. T. J. Fisher has installed an elee-' E. trie sign in front of his barber shop. Mr. Sheldon Myers is spending a few days at the Guelph Winter Fair. Only ten more shopping days until Christmas. I Mrs. (Dr.) E. C. Murray is spend- ing a few days in Toronto. i Mr. R. Richardson is in Toronto this week. ! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Semple of Toronto visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Sutton. | The last Monday in the month, December Slst, will be Nomination Day for the Village and Township, j Cold meat supper and concert and Christmas tree in Vandeleur churcii oa Dee. 19th. AdmissiDn 35c, chil-! dren free. 1 Miss Elizabeth Bentham_ who is attending Orangeville Businetj Coll- ege, spent the weok end at her home here. | The box social at Cvangj Valley under the auspices of L.O.L. 501, was a decided success and an snjoy- able evening was spent. i â-  Mr. H. Down occupied the "M'.pit ia the Baptist church on Sund?/ last, in the absence of the pastor, T.sv. M. Saunders. j Miss Agnes MacPhail, M.P., rsturn- ed home last week after a ver^- enjoy- able six weeks' through tho West with a Chatauqua company. Dr. A. E. Almond, the noted eye- sight specialist, of Toronto, will be at the Park hotel, Flesherton, Thurs- day, December 20th. Messrs. Charles Gilchrisfand Har- old Lever of the Toronto Line north, were in Chesley last week on busi- cess. dressed turkey, $1.50 and $1, Best dressed goose, $1.50 and ?1, Best dressed duck, $1 and 75 cts. Best dresseed chicken, $1 and 7.> cents, to be judged not for size alone, but fc-- quality of work. These exhibits will be shown :n H. Down & Sons' show room. Cats j to be in boxes with wire fronts U The annual election of officer? ot possible. If necessary the (loss L.O.L. 244, Proton Station, was held | will be raced one at a time to find on Tuesday night of last week, when out the winner. Let everyone be the following officers were elected ^ behind our Big Day and boost It Ei Brooks W. M. 244 for the coming year: and wc will have ever. I.P.M.â€" Chas. Doupe. W.M.â€" Ed. Brooks. D.M. â€" Ernest Stinson. Chapain â€" Robert Vause. Marshallâ€" iSrnie Lyons. Secretary â€" .Tack Neilson. Fin. Sec. â€" Ernest Acheson. Treasurer â€" Carl Atkinson. 1st Lect. â€" Clarence Meddaugh. 2nd Lect. â€" Edgie Hazard. 1st Com. â€" Frank Meddaugh. Sick Com. â€" Ed. Brooks, Ernest'"^" ^^J^"" "^ Stinson. Robert Vause. ^'''y- ^"'^ ^' ' Wor. Bro. Chas. Moore was installing Master. j more kiddies than ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION Tuesday evening', Dec. 4, about 75 friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Little, Ccnti-o Line, Arlemesja, to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Croft, who were n:oving to their the provincial high- way. The f ; -jsf ntation was made the "^ ^ ^^*^ °^ dining room chairs, rock- ing chair, auto rug and pair of tow- I A Gift for the Home is a Gift Indeed! Best Furniture at Low Prices \ -â-  Solve your Christmas problem this year by givinp- Furniture. There are ever so many single articles of furniture that make wonderful Chrismas gifts. Give a Morris chair, a wicker chair, a smoking stand, a reading table, a telephone stand, a secretary, a portable serving table, a folding bridge table and chairs, or any of a dozen other suitable g-ifts. We have everything from a lamp stand to a complete suite â€" try us whenever you need any furniture â€" ^\ou'll be surprised at the wonderful values you can get here. Some suggestions ^o bear in mind when Christmas shopping: K.»TCHEN C.A.BINETS SLIDING COUCHES WORK BOXES ROCKING HORSES CHILD'S ROCKERS TEA SETS WAGONS BIBLES BLACK BOARDS CROKINOLE BOARDS BED OUTFITS CEDAR CHESTS , FERNERY STANDS FLOWER VASES KIDDIE CARS V,_ Thos. W. Findlay v.-a3 re.-..! by Kr. BORN. HAYâ€" A.t Mimico, on Dec. 7 Mv. and Mrs. William G. Hay (nee Viola McDonald), the gift of a daugh- ter â€" Jessie Wilhelmina. SCARLET CHAPTER MEETING You are invited to the concert in Eugenia Orange Hall on Dec. 21st, given by the pbpils of S. S. No. 13. T^e program will consist of recita- tions, drills, songs, dialogues, etc. Admission 25 ahd 15 cents. A Christmas concert will be held in the O. D. R. school house on Tues- 1 day, Dec. 18th. A play Will be given by, the young people entitled "The Commercial boomerang." Everybody come. Admission 25 cents. At this time of the year most clubs and societies a -e holding their annual election of officers. If your club or society is having a list of new officers for the new year, instruct your Sec- retary to hand them to The Advance and we will publish thtm. Word was received here this week telling of the death of Mr. James Strrrhan at Arlington, California, at the age of 92 years. The late Mr. Strachan was a former resident of i , Tlesherton. For a number of years the deceased gentleman was in busi j nesa at Dunedin. He is an uncle ^ of Mr. T. Clayton of town. Again this week the merchants In town are using the best medium to bring their merchandise bef ore < > the iMiMic, and that is The Advance.' There are six pages ef home prir.r, and local news is spread all through the paper. Artemesia township cou^. cil. school reports and other item 3 cf interest can be read, besides local advertising. Read the advertisements â€"there is something there for you. els. The. address ' Russell Patterson, Dear Mr. and Mr:;. Croft â€" It is ' j.(j with regret that wo learned of your j intended departure from or.r cor.i- ' munity, and have gathered to-nigii: i to bid you farewell. We havo found you to t ; kindly and sympathetx neighbors, ever ready to assist r.i time of need. Youv congenial dis- â€"^~ â€" positions will not soon be forgotten, The Artemesia Scarlet Chapter will but we are consoled with the thought meet in the Clayton Hnll, Flesherton, that our loss will be other's gain. on Friday, December 14th. at 8 p.m. We ai-e glad to know that your new All members are urged to attend. â€" home is not so far away as to pii- Chas. Doupe, W.C.C.^ vent us from froqiiently -enewing â-  1 our acquaintance . As a token of The blackest thing in the worldâ€"' O" appreciation of your many kindly inkâ€" brings more enlightenment than ^'^^^' '«'« '^° ourselves the honor of any other substance. The history ot Presenting to you these gifts, hoping education, personal, national, ana ^^ ^hem you may remember oui community progress and prosperity ^^'^^ associations together. It iS is written with ink. Without ink^l^e prayer of all gathered here that there would '^e no Bible, no law book, God's richest blessing be wi>h yoK O.H.A. Schedule Representatives of the three teams of Group 16 of the O.H.A., Durham, Markdale and Flesherton met at Durham on Tuesday evening of last week and drew up the schedule of gamci. All the games v;ill be play- ed in the month of Januai j', three of Fleshorton's games being on Thursday and one on Monday at Durham. Both the home games will be on Thursday. Following is the schedule as drawn: Thurs., Jan. 3 â€" Durham at Markdale. I Jan. 10 â€" Markdale at Flesherton. j Mon.. Jan. 14 â€" Flesh'ton at Durham I Jan. 24 â€" Flesherton at Markdale. i Jan. 28 â€" Markdale at Durham. i Jan. 31 â€" Durham at Flesherton. ! A Soldier Build. Ships I Hcrbs That Hcal When time I Langs and Bronchial % Tubes Seem all on Fire Jos spend! a eood deal of maklnff "model ships." Ah. an old \ tar, you eay. Wrongs. Joe wus a sol dtcr, and he Isn't very old at all- abuut 30. But there Is something rather serious the matter with blm. When he was at the front he was Fifty ypars a!?o, a quiet-gomg soul. wounded twice, seriously too. "Often 1 T.-d, r..ill'iffhi>r came to PetcrborouKh a fellow seems to get over a wound, James u.iuagncr, came lo i eu-rmmju^ii but later on in lite It seems to como ' County. His was a marvelous skill Ja back on him," says Joe. His experi- ence waa that when be took a Job ha became too weak to hold it, seemed to get worse and had palna In the chest. After a while the doctor said it was conauKiptiun. Joe Is now at the Toronto Hospital for Consump- tives, where the kindly doctors and nurses are doing their best to patch up the worn frame and put new Ufa in the wasted lungs. They may suc- ceed, too, for Joe la worth saving, and a biff flght Is being waged to save him. Would you like to help in such work? A subscription from you would be much appreciated. Such may be sent to Hon. W, A. Charlton or A. B. Ames. 223 CoueffS Street. Toronto 2. Ontario. compounding herbal mudicine. One of his many prescriptions â€" for folk subjoct to Bronciiitis or timilar ilia and naaty coiiffhs and colds â€"was his Indian Lung Remedy, full of the health- giving power (ir:i\vn from Mother Nature, herself. Wonderfully healing to inflamed tissues. A builder of good, red blood. Make the acquaintance of thitj triod, reliable rp.Ticdy. Keep we!! tliia Winter. Together with the other fine Gallagher Herbal Household Remedies, now obtainable from 33 no school book,' no newspapers. Baptist Church Serv'ces REV. M. SAUNDERS. PASTOR SUNDAY, DEC. 13^ 1928 11 a.m. â€" Barbarous People. 3 p.m. â€" Babarous People. 7 p.m. â€" Three Representative Women. and; may prosperity lo yours 'on ' your journey throueh life. Signed or: behalf of your friends and neigh- bors â€" William Taylor, Oliver Cor- nett, Amott Menzie. jC. N. Richardson, Flesherton Gift Suggestions There is plenty of room at the top, but the distance from the bottom to the top is much greater than the dis- tance from the top to the bottom. Euclid overlooked this. Let Us Supply I Your Xmas Needs fFresh, Choice Prunes. Peels- Oranges, Candie.'^. Nuts, British Columbia Apples, Grapes, etc. On Santa Claus Day we will serve Hot Dogs, Tea and Coffee at all hours. Everything Clean and Fresh Yours for better service. ' ' ' Perkins & Freeman Phore60 GROCERS â- feadies' Corsage Booquetrf^ 59 to 83c. Towel Setts, in Boxes 89 to $1.25 Fancy Turkish Towels 39 to $1.00 Ladies' Silk and Swede Kid Gloves ....73 to H^in Ladies' Rayon Vests, all colors 79 to $1.2o Ladies' Rayon Bloomers $1.00 to $2.00 Ladles' Rayon Slips S2.25 to $2.9o Ladies' Rayon Nightgowns $1.73 to S2.50 Ladies' Silk Scarves $1.59 to $2.95 Ladies' Silk Hosiery 69 to $1.95 Ladies' Silk and wool Hosiery 69 to $1.2j Men's Woo] Sweaters .- $2.25 to $5..50 Boy's Wool Jerseys %h * » - to $2.oO Men's Susnenders 50 to 75 cts. Men's Kid* Gloves and Mitts S1.50 to $3.50 -JVIen's Fancy Mufflers $1 JjO to $2.50 'Glen's Armlets and Garters 25 to 75 cts. Men's Fancy Scck.s 50 to $1.50 Men's Silk Nc;kwear 50 to $1.50 Linen Luncheon Sets $1.95 to $8:50 Linen Luncheon Cloths ...t.-JMS $1.25 to $>*« Ladies' Short Umbrellas SI. 50 to $2.;:5 Infants Wool Jackets, Bootees, Mitts, Toque:; and Pullovers. Men's and Boys' Cloth Caps $1 to %2.1Z Men's Fancy Negligee Shirts $1.50 to $3.5: x\ wonderful selection of Xmas Handkerchiefs in Fancy Gift Boxes â€" Lawns, Linens. Silks and Crepe de Cliine in white and colors. Specially Price from 29 cts to $BI5 per box Individual lengths in Duchesse Satins, Charmeiase, Crepe Biswk Satins, P ft i ll e bb c, Fugi, Taffeta and Fancy Silks, also Fancv Wool Flannels. iVl lUut«i Prices from $L29 to $3.50 per yard Crepe de Chine, Flat Crepes. Canton Crepes. Georgette Crepes. Silk and Wool Crepes for evening wear. Ladies' and Misses Fancy Slippers for party use. New season's shades in Holeproof Silk Hosiery. 7^' ki**'? SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CHINA *»«< ^W*^ ;,ui- Biscuit Jars, Fern Pots, Cocoa Sets, Berry Setts. Bon Bon Dishes, Nut Bowls, Cake Trays, Spoon Trays. Salad Bowls. Cream-^and Sugar? Fancy Tea Pots â€" .\11 reasonably Priced Open stock Semi Porcelain 97 piece Dinner Setts, choice of 12 elegant pat4ernsâ€" $20.00, $25.00, $27.50, $31.50, and $35.00. XMAS GROCERIES New Raisins, Currants, Figs. S«l«Mia<i, Dates. Prunes. Candied Peels- French Cherries, Shelled Almonds. Shelled \Va nuts. Icings. Jellies, Mixed Nuts. Can- dies and Chocolates, Mince Meat, Orang ^s. Lemons, Cranberries, Grape Fruit and Grapes. R H. W. HICKLING v-ai

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