Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1928, p. 6

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{« THE "Take me home," she commanded | gently. ' The quiet smile came back. i "I'm getting my Christmas pres- , cnt early," he said, reaching for his ! hat. "Where's your coat?" she asked ab-' ' sently. | • I "Outsideâ€" That is, I lent it to a' {friend. â-  Oh, I've got another â€" some- j w here." I "Dut you can't go without a coat. It's cold." She glanCed at her wrist watch. "Anyway, I told a taxi man to conio at half-past four. Thai's the wor.st of not having a car. Well, we may as well sit down." She was : HKGIN KKKK TODAY. jhateâ€" and vanityâ€" and lust, and envy, Dilly Cilllnm. h.r mother. Mr.. ^Jil.;r.nd grced-of men and nations. There liam, with Ltila Thornbury, a di- are only people preying on one an- lorcee, are trimminR a Chri.stmns tree other, and a hun^y horse at the very in tho Church of the Nativity, a lash .ioors of your chuivh N°, doctor, niy ^^..^^^^^. ^.^^ ^,^,^, ..^j, . j,^ i..i.i.bIo rhunh of New ^ork. Mi.s -l.'t.xt will bo And Peter followed ai«i „,.H«r with vou nnn-"' -i- "-:â- ' "â-  Orson Ti.-e. KH-i.ty kad.-r, com'.s in'^^... .mauer witn you, uan. with Jerry <.;tx)dkin.I. a man-ii'out-j J)„„-n;i |o<,kcd through the soft sha l'.wii, who is Intcrt'sted in ('Inrc Jew- , . , ,.^ .i;,.(.,n(.(i .It. cnKaKcd to the K...V. Dani.l (iil- *'»^:« '"l;>/*'« dii-tance. . tiri>r, ihe assistant rector of the "' ''on t (hurch, in bad favor because of hi3 stammereil. Bonfire Dry scent of burning wood anA smouldbflng lenvea, A baze of blue shot through with tongues of fire; And over all the peaceful Autumn sky, A canopy above my blazing pyre. A funeral pyre of failed russet leaves. And llttlo dreams t at Hutterod forth to (lie; Some lauKlilnK hopes tluit ended In this Bmoke That drifts in i:i:ni;cnt air towards^ the sky. Ttat off fliMT aiMHty ar* undiMifMl In DTlct. An •vstonclM of Vf chMiMT gnMtot hat madt poMlMt a slight reduction In that clatt of taa. n SAUDA" 1 length. "Nothin;; important, tne uiManee ,,u„,„ ' dodging her eyes, understand," Dr. Wadham , ...j.^^^*;.^ ^.,j ^ .^ ^. she said at ho said, ' ou insist on going , around without an overcoat." She "You're, too, generous. How are we going to be ; n-arried if you go on giving things j away?" "Is in a hus- Ku'ual .^crmon.s. | "We a)l follow- afar ofT," Daniel's ,^^^^^^j ^^ ^.^^ narrowly. Dr. Wu'ham. the roitor. drops in to; answer was as abstract as thougn attinil a meeting of the wardens. ' |)r. Wadham were not there. Some- .lerry proposes marriage to Clare. , j^j„„ strange, something glorious, Daniel hears Charle.-? Benlicid demand i i.^„„ :„ Lie nvn« . ... . . . his dismissal from the church. T^'T, u^!,r' I "Is generosity a fault NOW GO ON WITH THK STORY ^'iSi^^^-'^'^aniel replied _ as. ^-^^r.^^r^'f.. . .. . man out ineie. loo, who u. ,.„,„ ii ,„ i. ,i , .. ..ays he -.von', go away until ho ^^^^â- ^".•ui^'^.y dear fellowf^hc rccl^lj:::^' -"''''-''''' ^""^^ "^ you." He reached over and put 'i (or ctclainied. ' hand on Gilchrist's shoulder. "Dan,j n„„iel listened as one detached. you're an awfully <le*-nl fellow, but „, t^^ned to the little white-collared ,.^^^,j ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ,, I slill think you made a mistake going: ^^^ curiously. â-  -i mio bird tell vou th-i^'" into the ehuicli. If yon ever want to ..j-)<,p't worry." he smiled, reading â- * talk it over with me, I'd be glad tojj^^ rector's anxiety. "I'm quite .sane And from these as :os other dreams shall rise. And other flowers be born to deck the Spring: warm my (liiKcra at the fragrant blaze, A\h\ look t )wnr(I:i the next sweet (lowfTlnR. â-  Lily lleun in the Koyal Maffaslne. A Tea of Finer Quality They Did Not Look w idc«pi'iiii at tciitioii l)J>en directed to themnl-Jo.r J ._ ,:r past "(Jh, ye- "There'fe a â-  large ; moneyT" "Who told you that?" 1 "A little bird. And that you've re- 1 help youâ€" any time. You know that. ! Qj,|y_i.^.p j,ppn wondering about that Gogdby. Doctor. Goodby, Dan, and a • ^^j. ^ jp^j, time." n-.erry Chri.'tmas." And he was gone. | "Wondering," suggested Dr. Wad- Dr. Wudham paced the floor in sil-j},jj,„ unable to comprehend. It, cncc for a few moments, "Daniel, you're in nounced. "Doctor, I'm used to iinswered, sn.iling. "Then you don't care for sition in this rluirch?" "There's only one thing I cart more." "And that is?" "To bo worthy of it." "When you're ij.-; old a What would happen if anybody trouble," h? an-'rcaily tried to live like Christ." Gil- ' Christ spoke fervently. ! CiKhristj "It won't work, Daniel." Dr. Wad-. i ham ;poke fc<-lingly with a trace of your po-i jjj,p„^^„i.,(jf,n j^ his voice. "It's a Ihenutiful ideal, but it won't work.; *^<*'"i Times have changed, and things are 'difrcrcnt. Life isn't as simple as it I wn<^ 2000 years ago. The trouble with I Ul»i Lir^:? vii^r .-.v. in... } "I can't do that, doctor." Daniel?" "Or elso let me take the pulpit.' 'I won't do that." His emphatic 'vou. Daniel, is that you're not prac- I am, Dan-ui,.„,.. lel," he sighcil resignedly, "you II "j wonder," Gilchrist remarked iinder.--taiul iTfcrt Iwing hontrt doesn't 'jjjf,|,„j,{f„ii.. r.eco«sarily iwan being disagreeable." j ••('^ )p„yf y^u n,ust promise not to "Doe.^n't it Mcan - telling the jj^^j.^ ,y,e strike." t'Ulh?"' •'.So you kn.iw the truth "Yen, dyn'i you? Di.-sn't every man â€" in his hi art? And if we want to ke<'p it in our hear^ and never think alxiut it or look it in the face, shouldn't Fome one open the <k>or i.nd rry, •Behold'? I didn't toll them anylhintc they didn't know. Doctor. I don't kniAv anything they don't know. I just reminded them â€" " "That i.'jn't fair. These good people have given--" "Given --what cost them nothing. Fiunipcry and trumpery and dia- mond stars." He waved a hand to- ward the bedecked tree. "That's how a'.I of us give- -what we don't need, what wo don't even want." Ho paus- eo. "You're a c'!''l man. Doctor, and. honestly, what would you say toiiu>i-- row if your wife told you she'd soM her ring.s and given the mon;'y to the "Yes." "Birds talk too much." "Is it true?" "About the money? Yes." "Why?" "Well, there's the .strike, ar.d a food deal of unemplcynicnt, and I've got so much. Why â€" I've t'ot you!" lie turned to her eagerly. "I.et'.s not talk about that mw," she said, rising. Then suddenly her face changed. It took ou somelKin'' of the ob-curity the shadows wei-e giving to the great empty church room. "Yes, let's â€" " .she decide'!, sit- ting down beside him again. "Yo'i're so changed. I hardly know you. Ws don't seem to want the same things cry more." "What do you want, CInre?" he asked earnestly. (To be continued.) Old Days Recalled Gigantic Figure of Horseman and Site of Roman Villa Unearthed on Black Sea Sofia. â€" Old Koman ruins probably datiiiK from the first century A.D. havi- jusl. been unearthed near ^fa- (lara, the aiuieiit capital of Hulgarla, In vii;w of th that ha of motor accidents durlug the jieason. it is intercstfng to note that I out of SiJt deaths so caused during i the year 1927, only a total of eiphly, ! or nint' pi-r cent, occurred at railw.iy J crossings. While the nuinbrr is d>!- I plored, as being too many, there is ' rca.son for eiicouragenu-nt In Hie fu<'t i that government reports lecenlly is- ,/ I sued nofe a marked lendei!<y t.owards :a decrease in this percenlaBe ol^ cross- ;iiiB fatalities. I The year's total of 804 motor acci- 1 dents compares with fiOO during lf»;;i;, the increase largely reflecting the tre- nididous increase in the number of motor ears travclllni; on Canadian roads. Despite this fact, railroad crossing fatalities foi* the two years were exactly ilic same, numbering eighty. Thus, while tluj iiercenlage ! are to be les.'oned, the san^ motorist oC such fatalities in 1U27 \yas nine, ' must educate the culpably negligent Id li)2C it was over thirteen per cent, motorists. .. ." It is iiilcrostiiig to note that the in <â- o-oper^ting in the elimination total death rate" in Canada from of grade crossings, in supplementing motor accidents in 1927 was 9.1 per j recognized and standard w.-.rnings hundred thousand of population, and ! with wig-wag.s and other devices the for iy2t; it was 0.5. In the United railways are doing a great work to- .Stat«'s during 192C, the latest year for! wards the still further icdt;. tion of which figures arc available, the rate crossing accidents, but tUcy cannot was IS. 2, oi' nearly three times our j do the work alone, as is denioa»trated own. This fact, and also the diminish- 1 by the report which show.-: that day ing pfreentiige of crossing accidents ' by day flip automobile driver "ignored in Canada may be set down to the 'warning; broke through ihe gates"; various safety campaigns th.it have i "Did not look for the jipproach of l)cen carrir'd on. and to the efforts [that iiave lioen put forward both in disregard safety. Motor accidents are becoming more frequent. Kvery sane motorist deplores this. It accidents train, father and daughter killed"; "Crashed into side of train. Fined $10 In court". These actual (luotations from the list of "dangerous practises" are from the report of the Hoard ol Uailway Commissioners. .\ report issued by Dominioi; Bnreau of Statistics states that in the Prov- ince of Quebec, Montreal is respou- NEW BOLERO The new bolero vogue that gives youngsters a decidedly fashionable -which is situated not far from Varna, ^,^ppp.,rance. The attractive stvle ;a port on the Itlack S-a. During the , g,,^tphed is designed with straight skirt with inverted plait at centre- poor" "Why. I--" "You'd say she was ci-.v/.y." "But there's no necessity -" ••Oh. yes. there is. There'll be peo- ple lying in the parks tonight. What I would .Mrs. Tice say if 1 invited them i to sleep in her pew?" i 'Th.-il there's no i-ea.son why she should sh:ire dirt and di.soa.sc." "Exactly! Wc may believe in the l.rolherhfM.d of man, but wc know , ,m â-  ♦ , ' ,,. , , ,.„,.,. „.),., 4 :., Preach your (hnstmas sermon .•;bout germs. \\ <â-  ic not sure what is, truth, but there's one thing we are, .'.ure of and moan to be sure of, and j that's our own comfort. You know j that and I kno-A- it and they know, it but we niiii-ii't say it. All right.! He turned to the little white-collar- ed man curiously. I tone brought Dr. Wadham's shoulders ' back s()uarely. . I "Very well," he said sharply. and afterward â€" " "Yes?" • "I think you may find a greater field of u.'^efulness elsewhere." The men st<K>d face to face for a In C.od's name what nve wo to say Dr. Wadham bad been awaiting an opening. 1I<- saw it now. "Precisely," he interjKised. "That brings us to tomorrow's sermon. I understand you intend to talk about the strike." Danid nodded. "Now that's not a very pica.sant subject for , •'â- â- Â»^^- 't coming Chr:stmns. Wouldn't it be mor? fit- '''â- ""' ting to preu'^b fr<un the text, 'Glory to God. in 111.- Highest!'" "And on earth, peace, good will to-j^'^io" wnril men," Daniel added. "Yei=." agreid Dr. Wudnam. de- lighted at what he interpreted as an acceptance of the suggestion. "You iiiigbt S'lv. 'There are many kinds of IK ace •" "But tl. Dnniel. Black Sea j cour.so of many years pcasaii's have j been finding in this area int-rC'Stin;; 1 relics, plainly dating I'rom ancient I times, l)ut no society nor individual . until now has been in a jiosition to ; do any excavating. I Last fall, however, after a group i of excavators directed by Bulgaria's leading archaeologist, had ftiiished ; work on the .site of Bulgaria's first ' capital, uncovering a very striking I .stone horseman of gigantic size, they I took up work in llie adjoining field. j wlieio the old Roman iclics have so ! fre(iuently licen found, and disco.-crol I llio fouiiadtions of what is thought to I have been a large Bomau villa. It I seems to have I'outaliiod several | I rooms, largo corridors, hot and cold ! baths and viaducts running to springs near by. It was proliably Inhabited by the commander of the Uomaii garri- son stationed at tlial iilace. Imprints ou bricks tliat have lieen n.omcnt, both tense. It was Daniel j,,^, out indicate that they date from who turned and lifted his hand to his ,h,, time of Emperor Claudius. At the '"*^*'- I beginning of the second century he "I'm sorry. Daniel." said Dr. Wad- , (.„rried ou a campaign against tho ham, his lone softening. "I know â-  uadans, who lived in what is-now you've been happy in your work here. ; K„mania, and bis licad(Hiaitors we;-c 1 know how failure hurts. But you -it Dorostorlum or Silislra, a flouri.sh- and you wouldn't turn |„K city on tho Danube, which tho ide." I Rumanians took away from tho Bul- Ile looked up. his eyes flashing. i garians 15 years ago. 'I'liere were •'The man who turns away from his nan i.sons at several other places In front stitched to bodice with attached collar with attached bolero with open front. It combines patterned wool jersey with plain with effective em- broidery at front of bod fee. Printed and plain linen, two tones of cash- mere jersey, two tones of flat silk crepe, printed sateen with batiste, vel- veteen with crepe do chine, tweed with IlJain woolen, and plaid woolen with plain arc becoming combinations for the little miss of (i, 8, 10 and 12 years. For the 8-year size, 1% yards of 40- inch material with V» yard of .3t5-inch contrasting and '2 yards of binding is all that is needed. Pattern No. 100. price 20c in stamps or coin (coin ia I preferred). Wrap coin carefully. Emb. No. 11011 (blue) costs 20c extra. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and add-es.s plain- ly! giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Wilson Pattern Bervic >, 7a West Adelaide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. aren't." interrupteil lies!" he cried. His voice the land l';at is now Biilgiuia and tho I calmed. "It's i.ll rif'ht, doctor," he noinans built roads which still serve •^aid. 'us Bulgarian highways, though most He reached for Dr. Wadham's hand of the old iiaving is complolely gone. and shook it. He was smilingâ€" smil-j Duiing the course of this recent ing sadly. e.scavation many fragments of ancient vases wore discovered, which are fasli- rH.\PTER VI. I loned after a type that was very popu- KKJKCTEn. lar during the time of the great Uo- Dr. Wadham welcomed tho entrance! '«:'» emperors. They are red, repre -*- the way of crossing protection and ; by tile publicity in which latter diroc- iion Ihty have Ik'ch greatly aided by' the pulHicspiiited attitude of the press towards tho matter. j Tho report of the Board of Itailway Coniniissioners shows tliat forty-five accidents occurred at proleCod cross- jsible for one-half of all automobile iugs, and al.^o that during 1927 there , deaths. Toronto's contributions tp nere seventy-four accidents as a result , Ontario was only about twenty-three of motor vehicles running into thit I per cent, of the total. It is to be sides of trains, and twelve tjnforten | noted, however, that in the case of ale attempts to beat th" train. In the ; fatalalies occurring outside the city preamble the .-jport states: •'.\otwilh- ' limits, the injured arc frequently hui- slaiuliiig safety devices and cautior.- 1 ried to city hospitals and thus uuwar- aiy signals, â- - â-  i-L UJJ.1L.. peoplo take cliaiicts and ranlaldy increase thi' city death rate. ^ _l L- .. " ' j A ^mmm mmm i -Utu scheme, ing.s in cu:i»n. is arranging a series cf meet- all industrial centrt ~ of th« Jds with Minard's Film On Canada Greeted by Jeers ' ! Check C-lds with Minard's Lmiment. Returned Harvesters Werel •> Prominent When Dis- 1 A lent Within a Tent Keeps order Broke Out ^ou Warm Hamilton, Lancashire. â€" Scenes of ^ rowdyism were witnessed in a motion' picture tlieatre hero Monday when films were shown and addresses given i outlining opporlttiiilies for settlement | •Tlurc is ph'tical peace." vl^nt ,.,. „, ,,.... >,. , or the r.ftor, "peace that came with*of Clare .lewett. Ho was not alone, •'*<'"t llP"i'f« of domestic scenes Tlud the end <.f thi.s cruel war." I in that. It was relief for one, solace'"'" »"''l '" ^'^ ^'ery beautiful. "There is no pe.-ice," said Daniel . for the other. I ^^ ^''="* "'•'''' "'o 'barbarians" had nlouptlv. "There is only fear- and | "Well, Miss .lewett.' tho rector crossed the .Danube and broken the : 'beamed. "I thought vou'd gone longil^'^cr of the Bonians that the Bul- STORM SASH ARE BrBOIAI.XBIira IM BTOmM BASH Htncl (or rrt* rold'r Mua Cotcplat* Fric* Z.tst Pannill Door Co. Ltd. 13'! F'. ont Bt. Baat TOilOHTO, CANADA *ia»iisv*--'^ li No. 49â€" 78 j "No." Clare answered with an air] lot fnligue. "I'm on my way now.' â-  Mr. Hinlile cut his finger. I've been i afiplying first aid." j "Woman's traditional mission â€" to I bind our Wounds," Dr. Wadham wag-j I ged a finger at her. He had crossed to the door. Turning, his eyes met' Daniel. It inme to him that his re-' iraik bad another significance. "To; bind our Well, I must bo going. .Step into my study in the morning,' Daniel, and we'll hive a look at your I sermon." Clare watched him out. She was' in itatwl. "1 hope I never seen another doll!" she said petulantly. Then she notic- ed that Gilchrist had not spoken. ".\nythiiig on your mind, Dan?" she asked. "What do youâ€"" ho started, look- ing up quickly. "I mean anything special to do?" "Oh m>," he responded, relieved. garlans formed their first klugd(mi. HElNTZIMAN A CO. PIANO When In Toronto, call at our W«'e- roomi, to tee these wonderful Instrument* â€" Uuright â€" Player â€" and Grand Pianos â€" or write for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List Heintzman Hal! 195 Yonge St., Toronto Says Dairy Herds May be Depleted Motherwell Warns Against Sale of Milch StoCk to U.S. Toronto. â€" A note of warning was ' sounded to dairymen of Eastern Can- [ ada when Hon. W. 11. Motherwell, \ Kederal Minister of Agriculture, ad- ! dressing a recent meeting of the ' National Dairy Council, declared there was grave danger of Canada's e.xcel- lent dairy herds becoming depleted through the â-  alo of milch stock I > United State. . ^-y Interests. Unless! stopped they wi)Uld find their herds ' depleted and vitiated, and milk prod- \ nets of poor quality with lowered ' prices. I Once before In the history of Cana-1 dian dairying the farmers of this coun- ; try found themselves In a bad posi- tion owing to the fact that they had sold all their best stock across the border. This was Immediately after tho American Civil War, when cattle prices soared as they are doing to- day. ! Dr. Motherwell advised the dairy^ 'â-  men to steer a middle course. "I do not say you should reject all tempt* ! ing offers for your best stock." ho said, "but make sure you do not ruin | your herds. I know It is sometlmeR . hard to resist the temptation of taking : unprecedented prices for your herds. | but remember you will pay for it even- j tually If you go to extremes." on the land In Canada and for traiulug j . unemidoyed youths as farmworkers. The meeting, organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor, broke up in disorder amid boos and jeiTs. The interrupters included a group of men who had returned from the t;anaili;ui h.-irve.st fields. Despite Intertoience by Communists with meeting.! organized in Hamilton to popularise Canada as a now coun- try for unemployed miners to gain fresh (vi>portiinities. .scenes of remark- able enthusiasm were witnessed at I tlu' employment exchange. Scores of ! able-bodied young fellows of fine char- I actcr presented tliemsolvcs for enrol- I ment as candidates for the free traln- i Ing In agricultural work and assisted passage schemes of I lie (lovernmont. I It was apparent that the disorder I recorded above bad been of a pre- : arranged nature and inspired by Coui- 'muiiists. Tho Minister of Labor. I encouraged by the success oC the '•Several winters ago I bfcame ac- quainted with a method of winter campin.g which I believe was. and is, just about as ingenious as one would expect to meet with in piany 1 moou," writes Ilobort Bage Lincoln in the December issue of "Forest and Stream". â- â€¢.\. trapper showed me the trick. It involved the use of two wall tents. Tlie one teat as I rcincnibar it. was nine by eleven while the other was twelve by four- teen. The smaller tent was erected inside of the larger tent. A good job had been done of pegging down and stretching both of l^eso tents. The result was that the outer tent was a wiiidbrea.{ par excellcnco and that even in the co'Jcst winter weather tlie inside was well protect- ed, the camp stove, a box affair, keeping an even temperature within." ST0IV1ACH TROUBLE s ."<'aii' I'clei' "I- .Mnn-y Iwu-I;. Stop yhiii IiidiKONii":), <:;is, I'lct-r, I>j-»pcp- sia. I'einpl.'t.i Ireiitliii'iit m^ri iiost- I.ulil for $.1.1111. or. if you nart proof llist spnd 00 Cents lor trha treat- irii fits Id cmei' eiiMi matliiiK. Haw- llioine (Mi.'Milial Coienany. Suite 20d. I." i'.,U>«i> SI,, 'ron.nto. (':ir;,.".,. CdifKnia ^[^ \ this winter ^\ QUNNY land of O fruit and flowers, where living is a joy the whole year 'round. Variety and beaiityf Mile'h igh mountains â-  â€" smooth beaches â€" orange groves, pepper trees and palms. World cities â€" quiet retreats. Every sport •â€"every day. "Cali/orniii Mid-Winf«r Hscerted Tours â€" 2t daytâ€"oU «e. On the wayâ€" Indian-detour, Qtand Ccnvon, liv, C'uli/ornia and Yo.trmiir. Return through rr Ritxr Canyon, Koval tiorgc, Colorado Sprinat •J Minard's Liniment tor Asthma. «nd I>«i<>rr. Leaf* Chk-ajc« .Saturdays. Junuarv 5-I9L February 216, March 2-16. 1929. Ask for dtUtiU.'* r. T. IlPBdrr, tJeu. Afrnt. Santii Fo Rr. oei l"rin-.|ior!ulicn I'lCv. li''lrult. .Mict wW fc i MS Illl

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