Flesherton Advance, 12 Dec 1928, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12, '28 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Time to Buy for Xmas! IX^XT ni:i..\V AXOTIII-R Ml.\ UTK! FIRST COME MHAXS FIRST CllOlCK! DOXT FOKCK T GOODS GET PICKED OVER; SOMETHL\(; FOR KAI-.RYI'.Ol) Y â€" THE JEWELLERY STORE IS THE LOGICAL i'l.ACl*, To 15 UY CHRLSTMAS GIFTS. SELECT YOUR GIFT5 AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT <|i AL\RS Wrist WATCJl 155 dv 175 $15 up ERAX Wrist WATCH Reel Rfj;. .^12.50, now for only $8.95 BUY NOW! FROM Ivinii's, Watciics, .Si'i- vcr\v:irc', Chains Urucc let-. Glassware, China Cluck.;, Ivory, ICtc. DCNT FCRGET We also handle Orthophonie Victrolas and Radios Gifts for the family that give enjoy- ment to all Somehting That Will Please Him 23 jewel WAI/i'HAM WATCH, rc!,^ $75. ncnv only $37.50 17 jewel HAMILTOX lor only $32.0!) Early Buying Pays BUY NOW! Herbert Corbett, Dep.- Reeve, Serionsly III; The Advance is sorry to leaiji that Mr. Herb. Corbett, Deputy- Reeve of Artcmesia, is very ill at his homc_ Proton Station, of ppeu- monia ,.n both lungs. The crisis j will not be reached for a couple of 'â-  days. Died in The West AN IDEAL GIFT 1/2 doz. pink cut glass Sherbets, with bowl- resj-. S13, now LOOK $1 bill \n throe of tht Sur;»-is3 packages .$7.95 Surprise ce.'nts a Clau SPECIAL Package Guamteed Value 50 nd up for 50 cents on Santa 3 Day, Saturday, Dec. 15. SOMETHING SPECIAL Portable (iraphonola $7.95 LOOK Blades to fit Gillette .. Razors for 29 cts. W. A. Armstrong & Son H-AVl-LLFRS FLESHERTON, ONT ( There passed away with unexpected j suddenness on .Sunday, Do-jember 2,' at the hour of 8 p.m., Viola Slarion' the infant daushtei- of Mr. and Mrs*. Thornton Pallister, a!»ed four months and 10 days, at her home near Khe- dive, Sask. Bronchial pneumonia, acute for 27 liours, caused the dsath of our liltlo darling. The shock hag been deeply felt among relatives and neiKhbors. The niimy floral tri- butes v/e-e beautiful, nanjoly wroat:i from father, mother and sister; spray from Mr. rnd Mrs. V/a!tcr Saigeoi. and family; spray from Mr. and Mrs. j Emanuel Moore and family; rpray • from Mr. and Mrs. Klizike, spra;. from Mr. and Mrs. Mayo, spray from Mr. and Mr:-. Church, spray from Mr. and Mrs. Muirhead. The funera; service was conducted in the houjc at 2 p.m. Dee. -Ith, Rev. A. E. Dur- field officiatinf:. Interment took place in Khedive cemetery. Incider.l- al!y it r.iiKbt be of interest to knew that some few j-ears ago Rev. Du/- field was stationed at Maxwell, Ont r.nd had the 'same sad duty to pe:- forni for Mr. Pallistor's aged father. No one knows how much wc miss he;, {".'one- but an aching heart can teli; Earth has lost her â€" hcave:i has found her, Jesus doeth all things well. 'A Plan to Spend a Few Months This Winterlm- proving Your Education - AT THE - CWEN SOUND -:- ONT. Winter Term begins Wednesday, Jan. 2nd 1929 Fci infonnation rsgarding courses of study, terms etc.- write to C. A. FLEMING, PrlncipaJ, Owen Sound ^^ Send The Advance to a Friend This Xmas Small Advertisement DUNDAI.K WANTS THE GREY COUNTY \VARDENSHIP LOST. FOUND & STRAYED . FAR3I FOR SALE ROBE LOST â€" Between Maxwell and Fksherton on Sunday, Dc:. 2nu, SCO acre farm in the township of Finder pUy.ise leave at this of lico or j ^sprey, 150 acres under cultivation, ccminunicate with Orwell Parker | remainder good pasture and excellent Maxwell. I l^"sh; 2 frame bank bams, one with ^^-- : ^^ â€" - I hard water, fine spring creek; 2 frame LOST â€" On Nove.nibor 12th, fen-ale houses with hard and soft water. I The Duncan vicinity bftys afe after counting season for each play starts.! rifle shooting honors in earnest this 'There is one less fox in the world | winter and the Maple Leaf performers L^.jj,y ^g .^ ^^sult of the Duncan cap-' TTRAYED Indications poir.t to Dundalk for { the honors of the Warden's position '• for Grey County for 192J. RoeVe ! Moody was nominated for -1928 but ' withdrew hi* naitto from the contest^ I preferring to wait. I His long experience in municipal I .and county affairs, as \yell aj his nat ' ural business ability, qualifiei him for Red heifer to prem- *-''c place. While there may bo others NOTICE -ivill nee<l to watch their aiming as aLj,;,,.^" j ghootin" last week. Thai's' 'scs of Herb Maxwell, lot 1!), con. 1,' '" the County Council of equal qual result. Geo. McCausland is again the j'u.olf ThU ! J Euphrasia. Phone W r 23, Thorn- ' '^'â- â€¢Â«t'""«' ^his municipality feels that iherslone the h ^««^ P'"'''^^'' I bury it is entitled to consideration at this .,, ., . equalled by a former "Townliner," Secretary and these twp with the rest ' ••' ' ' Captain and Carl iluni Secretary and thes of -nhe gang," have already held twolKen. White, who has also shot a fox.| practices, and on Do;-, l.'nh the p'int- â€" Revicw-Iicald. The nllirg stone gathers no moss, but at all events it isn't a tombstone. ^« ^ SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that our customers in the six communities nsny mat- erially benefit individu- •llj. F.T.HILL fie CO., Ltd. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instin- tively associates with high quality merchartcf' - at the fairest pos' ..., ^, Santa Claus Coming SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15th DO NOT EAIL TO C'O.ME. MAKIC THIS STOKi-: YOUR HEAD OUART- IvRS. 1'A1-:RV COURTESY SlIOW\ Will'/n-JIER YOU AREACUvST- O.MI-K OR A VISITOR. Imported Linen Luncheon Cloths, $2.25 $3.95 and $4.25 Imported Lunchwn Cloths in fancy pattern.:, assorted colors. Will make an ideal Chris>,ma.s Gift. Special .$2.2,'),S3.'J.-., t) SI.:;:; Men'o and Boys' Wear Deparment III this di'iiartiiictit >'j;i v ill find tlie largest as- .•^ortment cf Mfn's and Boy's W;ar ever ahr,Wii in Markdale. Cohm- in and inspect our .''.tock. You will be surprire 1 at the remarkably I(,w i)rico3. . Indian Dressed Dolls 59 c. each This is a v.'ondcrful doll, dressed in difforen: Indian costumes, uiilircakablc. Re.'^ulaly .sold for 85 ct.i. to $1.00 Chriitmar, Special each S'Jc. riiccfy Dic-.-»ed Dolls 69c. each Thi.i doll i.i (ires.iod with a nice (Jinghani dress bonnett, hhoe; r.nd stockings. A iiicr size. Clirist- riai .Special c&ch , G5c. .'mp orted French Papetries ?.5c., 3Sc., 40c., 50c., 65c., to $1.00 Imixirted I'Vench papctriou, nic.dy boxed. Pricc- < cl at 2.'5.-., .I.',-., .lOi-., Tir;,-., (•.-,.• , ami $1.00 Specially Priced for Christinas Ladies' and Misses Department Imported French Scarves Hcnutifiil (|U.n!ity Ja-nrvr!". '!"!:(• niwc s'. niatrlaTi imported direct from Paris, Krnnce. Prices ranR," frcri Sl.ilS to !:l.r.,l Lndics' Silk Blcomsr?, 98 cts. each Ladies' Silk Dlco:Tie;v, hcnuli^ul ((urlity, all tho newest ehndci, a::£orted sizes. Veiy Spoyiai Cloth. Nicely boxed in Chriatmn?i price, each â- . ....'. 9«c. fepecixil ..; .• ^2.7.'), S3.93, Mama Dolls $1.69 Large Mama Dolls, nicely dressed with Bloom- er Suit, Ha;, Shoes and Stockings. Regularly sold for $2.75. Christmas Special while they last $1.69 Unbreakable Dolls 39c. each Nii'oly Dressed Doll.',. A very Eerviceable doll for the little folk. Christmas Special each .... 39c. Handkerchiefs Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs, assorted color.s. Christmas Special, 2 for 25 cts. An.)ther lot of Handkcrehiefs, 2 for ;)r) cts. Nicely boxed handkerchiefs, Christnuis boxes, per box .35 and 50c. LINEN DEPARTMENT Imported Pure Iri.sh Tal)lc Linen, 70 inelios wide, ni<,e pailerna, be.iutlful quality. Christmnr, spcfial per yard ^ Sl/j-i Colored Bordered Table Linen 9Sc. a yu. Ijiiporti.l Iiioli Taiile Dumaak, colored bonier.) nice patterns heuutifiil quality. Chri.'\tmas Special per yard OSct.s- Pure Lirun Liinrlieon Sets, $2.75, $3.5:' and $4.50 Iniported direct from Ireland. Those Ge!s con- sists ef 4 and t'eivii tt'.>9 and onj I.u;ichoo'i boxe.^, ve..,- and $4.riO time. The writer i.i of the beliel that Dundalk has never been repre- sented at Owen Sound in the Ward- en's thair in tho 40 years since the I village was incorporated as a muni- I cipality. I It look'3 like Dundalk's opportunity, n-oviding, of course, that 11. C. Mootly i.s elected as reeve of the village for 1029. We have not heard of opposl- 1 tion locally and the position may go i by acclamation. Three weeks or so will tell.â€" Dundalk Herald. i Hound, white body with large black spots on back, brown faia with white strip, answers to name. W . "ieky" Information gladly receive! by J. S. Dcy Box 177, phone 5G1, CiHinRwood , . FOR S A LR " . FOR SALEâ€" Nino young Pijrs.- R. J. BOYD, Flechcrton. FOR SALEâ€" Pair of good' heavy team sleighs. â€" H. Down '& Sons. FOR SALE â€" 2 light dfi\-ing horses â€" D. McTavish & Son, Flcsherton. FOR SALE â€" 10 young pigs for sale, ready to wean. â€" Wm. Walker, Eugenia, Phone 43 r 3. FOR SALE â€" A good heavy horse for sale, cheap for cash, or woula exchange for ypung pigs. â€" J. J. Hal- ey, R. R. 1, Eugenia. IiX)R SALE â€" 3 heaters, 2 cook stoves, 50 hens and pullets, Jersey yearling heifer.- G. B. Welton, phone 3, Flesherton, TBmsssrtai^'^sr. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICEâ€" Chopping done on Tues- days and Saturdays. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia, Ont. United Church Ladies' Aid'' At the regular meeting of St. John's United Church Ladies' .\id ihe following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President. Mrs. Hoard; 1st Vice, Mrs. John Stewart; 2;id Vice Mrs. Gilchrist; ^'c.-., Mrs. Moore; Trca3., Mi.ss McMillan; Parsonage Com., Mrs. J. Thomp.'On and Mrs. Mark Stewart; Flower Com., Mrs.. Miller and Mrs. T. Fisher; Sick Com. j All parties are hereby notified that Mrs Hicklingand Mrs Mitchell; Flow- all trespassers on lots 24, 0th Con., ers for Church Com., Mrs. O. Phillips . 15, 16 and 17, on South street nortn and Mr;-. T. Wilson; Draping Church! lots 15, 16 and 17, on St. Arnaud si.. Com., Mrs. Miller and Mrs. P.lake'y. south, and lota 18 and 19, on RagVi.i street, Eugenia, will positively be pro- Phone. â€"J AS. McKEXZIE, FEVERSHAM. FARM FOR SALE 200 acres, lots 24 and 25, con. 6, Osprey, situated on County road no. 52, 160 acres under cultivation, bal- ance pasture and hardwood bush. First class, grain farm, well fenced, y bam 48x74, straw shed, 40x30, cem- ent stables, blacksmith shop, garage and work shop, 10 roomed cement blocked house, nearly *new, goort cistern, telephone, well and wind mill water piped to the barn, 60 rods from school. Priced reasonable. E. C. PEDLAR, SING HAMPTON, K. R. 1. •Phone Feversham 1 r 2-y. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICS Registered Shorthorn boll for Mr- vice at lot 6, Con. 9, Osprey. "Mott Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnie Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red ButUrfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreds 16.00. grades $2.00. Cows not returned mil be charge full price. â€" S. R, HAWUms. Bagenla. NOTICE â€" No tresspassing, hunt- ing or trapping on lots 154-35-56, ^"^ Flesherton 2nd range E. T. & S. R., Artemesia. .*'*'"'^'y afternoon and evenicg, â€" S. McMuUen, Flesherton, R. R MS>DLEirRO & BUIWS Barrhters. ete. Ofices â€" Owen Sound, Durhaw Flesherton every H PUBLIC NOTICE. Ceylon School Report. refuted. F. T. HlLL k Co.. Limiied, Hilarkdale I Class 4â€" L. Piper. S. Kunt CO, ab- i I sent one exam.; M. Piper 50, J. Choi- ' ! ncy, 50, H. Genoe 47, O. Jayne-, 3:*), lab.:cnt throe exams. ' s,.. 3 â€" K. Stewart 'i-Z. F. Co}' "I'i- '. I 82, L. Archibald 70, E. Gor.oo 03, -J Stewart 57. J,.. 3 _ N. Gcnos 57, O. Leslie 50, O. Marshall, 50, M. CoUinson 50, S. Piper 47, J. Chesney '13, A. Marshall 43, H. Archibald 41. E. Mathewson 40. M. Hr.v.' ;t5, L. White 33 J. Marshall 26, J. P.-Stewart 8. Clnsa 2 â€" G. Kennedy 80, F. Leslie 77, M. Duekelt 63, M. Adams 56, M. Mashall !1, A. Chosncy 38, L. Cenoe 21. Clarr. 1 - M. Hunt 00, .1. Kennedy 75. J. Ad.ims 57, A. Haw 55, I. Math- ewson 35, D. Mar;0>nll 30. p... si.. _ J. ToUinFon 75, B. Stew- art 72. C. McWilliani Ci>, 11. Gibson 2? " Pr. .Ir. â€" D. Duckctt. M. Stewart. No. on roll 43; nv. nth. 40.7 _S. L. HARE, Teacher. H. DUCKETT. FARM FOR SALE Lot 192 and 193, Can. 1, Proton township, S. W. of llighv.ay no. 10, 100 acres of which 95 i3 already cleared and workable, good build- ings. â-  ^ ROBT. R. LEE. PROTON STATION, Phone Dundalk 83 r 31. GEO E. MimiAN DITNDALK LICENSED AUCT90NEER Fir the County o(f Grey. Tenas: t per cent. Satiafaction guanite«4 Dates made at The Advance offlc*. BULL FOR SERVICE For service on lot 30, Con. 13, Art- emesin, Durham Bull Royal Lad No. 178,773. Tenns:-?2 if paid before January 1929, otherwise $2.60. â€"DUNCAN WILLIAMS. Eugenia. BUSINESS CARDS FARM FOR SALE Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate at Toronte and Royal College of Dental Si-rgeons of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence 'Toronto Street, Flesherton. A. D. Crcasor, Police Majrir.lraf^ for (Jrpy County, passed nw.iy at Vii:? home in Owen Sound Ifi't week, after r. ;ho â- ; illness. NOTICE ,â- Â»,?__•â- Â« NCM*_, 2ni52KiE55C^| Wc have been l»popi»tc<l as n re- ceiving pt'.tion for Ih*' Markdale Crc.Ticry during the winter month.i. Leave your cream hc.-p. â€" W. J. STEWART & SONS 100 T . .., ^ Prince Arthur Lodjro. 833 AF Ik. Lot 13. Con. 12, Osprey Township, I A.M. meets in the Mafo;ic Hall L^ ac>e.s; .0 acres good arable land, strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- balance hardwood bush and pasture, day on or before the full moon W Good barn and driving shed. 1)k|G. Watson, W. M.. C. F Lawrene..' house, 30 rod; from school, good v.ell i Secretary and windmill. Telephne available; ' â-  â€" - 'â- "'""' •r"";'''l:7;:^:,,,^.'V^':l^ '" . i ^"'"^ * "•^'"•^'' barristers. Solicit. WM. L. KAiniNt,, l'evorsham,;ors, etc., I. B. Luo.ns K C W n or H. W. KEKNAIIAN, Maxwell. , Henry, B.A. Offices, Markd;ie Luc« Block. Phono 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Div.ham. ,.BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Bo.-.r for ser- [ . Telford & Birnie, Barristers soll- vfceâ€" Edjrely Bright Vim, No. 99,996 eiters, etr. Offices Grey and Bruce â€"Property of Sr.iisccn B.icon H-i; i^'o^I^. Owen' Sound; Standard Bank Club. Terms $1.00. >• iRlork. Flesherton, (Saturdays) W -C. HINDLE, I P. Telford. Jr., J. F. P. B.r-.ie. Proton Station ~ Wm. Knitting, Liscenscd Auctioneee for tho counties of Grey and Shnco«. ;Parm and stock sales a Rpocia]Ry. Registered Yorkshire Boar for acr- 1 Verms moderate., satisfaction guar- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, may be lade at the Ad\-ance OffKe. or the property of tho Ontario Depart- i Central telephone office, FeTcnAcfo, ment of Agriculture. or by tddraeslng me at rerershaia. BOAR FOR SERVICE.

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