if* 3(L NO. 32 T MOUNTAIN L Fleaherton, Ontario, January 7, 1931 W. H. Thurston cc Son, Proprietors WODEHOUSE pson of Acton is spend- The festive seasoa , ..,,.. ^, ( *^.rrT~~inT:-r pasted _ months with her brother, everything is settled back tu the oM '. Dec. 3ist Mr. Andrew^ mpson and family. j routine. The high school pupils re- j aft Mr... and w_ Comford Thompson turned to duties in Markdale on Mon- and childrcLpent Christmas v. Uh : day. The public school also opened PEVERSHAM Mr. pnd Hc^thcote. Mrs . . M; sA t alter J|cKt_ , Christmas- visit t,^Q,t'o Harold Lougheed of here and where the holidays slipped awa y to, neither parents nor pupils an( j son) am j Mr can account. Truly the school days iVa year, ago he - Kid.,ey t.ouble, .vhicn his death. ,,n M'-!---3 R*l , after V.'rfght of year*/ rt:rcouve V*^* for l pt raud for Si - -:.-:' Muiiin -if caused lin* j^ii'-ed PROTON STATION ,. at their Roreeo" to be gii-en by young peoote :n the L the ausniccs ' towa , - , a s,, rt ;rme pa-t year he v.-as also in JTH. ;-.'. }.fai-!:dale under the tar? Walter JlcKe^ of D uncan) were j are the happiest, has proven to be Caref.xit, and l->- er other doctors i ftorr.o he, x a: preser.t. Christmar visil at Mrs. S H. ! so aa time rolls on ' tnn old folks sa y- i wore consulted, but all to no avail I .-, r>. P^K;, caused line ^^i^-^^ v.--.-.: iit.-i f.-itca, . ! be se.rV(_a. .ft _ _ i_- ioL- ! i's, OBtflnted bv oi-* and young, tme th "Litfi .Long, here I t wees. ,, c am j a T? 11 ^'.^f 1 a ff- iiec4^JS?tfffliM' i - i ft. : o. Dr. ; , koMw. .1 her p,l il ra . E. Dfl '?i-.jr.iot:nfc :. well hail the L.O.Lt V. ,,-JH y and Harry Ho ve- f r ; e nds in Smart's. Messrs,' T nan speift Kimberlqy. Miss Hazel !\j of Hanover is spending a few w^ with her cous ; n Mrs. Charles Fa\% Mr. C?.rl Humbug, Master Joe Cooke and Mr. an^ rs Harry Gra- ham of Orton. idays with their the hol- here. Mr. and Mrs. Chai Fawcett gave a party to their frjg an d neigh- bors on Tuesday ev^g_ j^ pleas- ant time is reported. We are sorry to r^t that Mr. Charles Thompson is j n Owen Sound hospital. Wiy s h him a speedy recovery. A number from hei^t tended a dance at Kimberley oifew Years night. Mr. and Mrs. Harry flings and family, and Mr. and Mrflr m . Har- bottle and family, of Dfen.vis recently with their parenhere. KIMBERLE Ad- We wish the reade: or"! vance a very happy Ni \*r. Mrs. Albert Myles, ;s Jluth and Mr. Ted Myles spent < istmas with friends in Toronto. ' ; lola Gra- ham, Flesherton high 10 1, Stuart Ellis of Collingwood CAjiate, Geo. and Albert McLaughli V Hamilton with their cousins, th^His and Chard families. Misses Voda and Evelyn Soul of Toron\ Alberta Weber, Myrtle Cornfield,y a Staf- ford, Geraldine Weber cfforonto, Mr. and Mrs. Haddon HotsUon and ] children. Messrs. Allen a Ferguson, Laurie Lawrencfef the II.E.P.C., a!o Ted Myles, V. and Vi ;. Victor Ellis and Miss kr.onii, .Mr. and Mrs. H. Ellis and Inneth visited during; the holidays \^ par- ents at their respective hom< ' . and Mrs. G. proctoApent Christmas with Mr. and >; I.,v.. iii-.ci'.at Eugenia. "-,'-. D. A. Gvaiian-. and cHren, Missi-; Edna ;.:;.! Annie Bu: Flc-licrton spent Christmas \viiMr. r.nt! Mrs. S. S. Burritt. On Wednesday night '.he \tn r people met ,to consider entwij a tea n in the debating seric;. i\er t;ie meeting the election of offers for the Sunday School, conductivity Rev. McAusland, resulted as folios : Sunt., Mr. F. Chard: Assoc. Sui.. Mr. Hutchinson; Sec.-Treas., Miss t. Fawcett; Cradle Roll Supt., Ms . ^"'wC' Stafford; Missionary, 'Mte \\Iary Stafford; -Temperance, M|. HutchinsoL-> Tethers: Mr. F. Chal, Mi-s. R. Cham. Mrs. J. Hay lies, M}. H. Lawrence. Mrs. F. S. Burritt ad ?fis3 Tena Hutchinson. After tp [i business of the Sunday school WB finished * short and beautiful wath night son-ice was enjoyed by all. dainty lunch was served at the clo Mr. D. L. Weber was elected ^chool trusVe in tlje place of Mr. Chyd, who^has served sat-'sfactor ySr the pas< th'ee years. A^Mr. and Irs. F. Marsha'! of T roiito visited with the Weber fa Hies during he holidays. Mr. and Vs. Pea -on ur.d little Miss Lorna \sited with their par- ents, at P;u'\. and Cieemore for Christmas. Mr. '.-and Mri Ed. Baker and Mr and Mrs. Otto! Baker and children spent Christmal with friends in the Valley. Miss Ipal Weber returned with them for jtfew days' visit. Miss Bessie tafford installed a radio for Mrs. llwrence. Wedding bollsjare making : their music mingle witrthe New Year bells. Robert may be alt to tell you when. > Mr. E. Dillon ifctalled a radio for Mrs. J. Lnwrcncl Mrs. Harry Chaprel and daughter, Jean, were here from Meaford for a short visit with Mr. R. Fawcett and f?mily. Mrs. W. J. Ward and little Iris Walsh visited during last week with friends in Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown visited on New Hear's day wiih the latin's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins, Cherry Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wilcox, Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wilcox and baby, Helen, spent Christmas with Mrs. W. J. Cornfield and family in the Valley. New Year's day the friends were entertained at the Wil- cox Sr. home. Miss Emily Lawson, R.N., of the Markdale hospital staff, spent Christ- mas day and part of the week with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Lawson, and sister, Mrs. Rourke. We are sorry to report Miss Ellen Clock in poor health. Miss Elsie Wiley received last week a beautifully bound volume of "Fint and Feather", presented by the T. Eaton Co., for obtaining the sec- ond highest number of points at the Euphrasia Rural School Fair held at Rocklyn in 1930. Congratulations Elsie. Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Fawcett and familyl were entertained on New Years at the home of their daughter, (Irene), Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fawcett at Epping. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wiley had a fa;:iily gathering of their children and grandchildren on New Year's day. Mr. R. Fawcett was at Meaford on Monday on business. The annual school meeting took t'!?ce Wednesday forenoon. December 30th. Mr. R. Fawcett the retiring trustee, was re-elected for another ierm. Mr. Sai-> Wil.y .Ir. asrt'.'m takes th"e caretaking at 75 per year. Victor Wiloy si'i-ureil the cleaning of the stove pipes nr<l r-.-hooi and Harry Cborry supplies the wood. Mr. .-.nd Mr--. Jack Bussoy of Mark- dale ant* ' i Mr*. J,-s. Chiv ry ard Verna Nesbitt :pent New Year's i!ay wuh Th;--. (.'! rry and f.. at Wodehuuso Corners. Th? .social W. I. in the church basement on New- Year's e\v was fairly wo 11 in spite of the stormy night, and those who were present enjoyed a fine social evening. A severe type of . cold has been going the rounds ir. the neighborhood. There was no mail on New Lear's day. Our faithful mail carrier, Mr. Jack Bussey, deserved a xvell-earned holiday. More snow is falling and a wind from the east makes us hope that it will soon shift again. say. j were consulted, but aR to no "avail M = Doro r h y Robinson a=d Max-n 11 ... Mr. Sam MacDo. j., -., duties T: lfr>. EJv.--.,i Stinson. -'^s- t-. Doupe of Sa^i ' Miss Edith Consley of Springfield, i riiitin = with the MMDon *^ - aii ui nu a>.: jjjgg oorotlqr KoDinson asu Maxn - , - . . at ,, re ^ ent . and he passed peacefully away W-d- ' DcvUion i-^ve gone to Oiangeviile ! nl - Is Pdmg a tew days w-th her. - r.esday evening. Ha was a son of the late Mr. ard Mrs. Malcolm Kennedy a-d was born held a farewe n party f or Miss Max- I to attsnd the business college. The young people of this locality in the year 185(3 on'the fa.m where he spent all his years. !ie was pre- ceded by an elder I roth, r, William, who died 53 years ;' ro; bin father dkd in 1910 and his mother in 1907, a sister, Mrs. John Kennedy. (Eliza) passing away 12 years ag. . He leaves to mourn his loss tuo sisters' Miss Bella, who has always lived with her brother and was a men devoted and loyal companion t'. h.n. and Mrs. Rutledge (Mary Jan). who lives in this village. The remains were kept urr.il Mon- day, awaiting the arrival of his two nephews from the West, the funeral taking place Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. to Flesherton cemetery, where he was laid in the family plot, beside those who had predeceased him. Rev. W. J. Scott of St. John's United Church had charge of the service and was assisted by Rev. Wolstencroft. Baptist minister, giving comforting messages to the bereft. Placed on the casket were a pillow from his sisters and George Jayne?, a wreath from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutledge of Holland Centre, a spray from Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns and family. The pallbearers were: Messrs. F. J. Cairns. Jas. W. Mi-Mullen. Geo. Snell, Jos. McKee, John Hatton ar.d Fred Brown. Thcit? who attended the funeral from a distance were Mr. Roy Rut- ledge of Letiibiidgi 1 . Alta.. Mr. Mi'- ville Rutkdge, McLcod, Alta.. Mrs. Alex. Stewart of Thornton. Ont. and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge o'' H '.- land Cer>tre. This community extends its ' ep- :pathy to the ; IN MEMORIAM Wt : IR In ver loving memory of 0r siste* iind a\jnt. Catharine Muir. - in passeoV nwa.v'JanMai-y fith, 1P30. MAXWELL The Mnxwfll young people are giv- ing their play, "Promoting Romee," at Eugenia on Friday evening in the Orange Hall, under the auspices of the L.O.L. Mr. Delbert Pike of Toronto spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs Wm. Seeley. Mr. Alex. Morrison has started a skating rink and there will be skating Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. Come along and enjoy good time. Born To Mr. and Mrs. N. Cairns the gift of n son. Congratulations. Tho W. I. will meet at th horn of Mrs Alex. Morrison on Thursday Jan. Sth. Visitors welcome. SOCIAL EVENING. The U.F.O pnd U.F.W.O. clu members of Eugenia will hold a so cin! evening in the Orange Hall. Eu grnia. on Tuesday, Jan. 13. at 8 p.m when the delegates' report will b given. Ladies please bring 'tinch. WILFRED MAGEE, Sec. L!jy>i am! Iiar.vv \ -f\-L (" . - -.-. '-h tlvi- iu Troton. :.jui-a Stc~ v.'cck -.viLh her '-van. 1 : :;VL r~ r<: Mv-. :i::rl- A. Whit > -.",i Mrs. \ V'.M,:!kn spent (." - v.ith i ..,}!!., f r i,T.'~. Mr. Alex. Knox urn< 1 > T >:'-. after spent!'-- ,- tl '" 6 xrul N'ew Year h"'idnys with his mothe". Miss Margaict Siiv.'lair returned on 'aturday to her studies at Normal n Tow !>. A'iss Blanche Gcnoe returned on ine Davidson ar.d Miss Dorothy Rob- inson a; Miss Whileoak's on Friday last and spent a pleasant tirr.e i:i games, music rr.d dancing. Tha taacaers have a-roin taken up their clutjes in the schools. The annual school meeting for S. S. No. 7, Osprey, passed off quietly in the school room here Wednesday last. Mr. John Bjack, the retiring trustee was again <-lecied for another '.erm. A great number of the rate- payers of the different school sections ir. Osprey registered their disapprov- al of Inspector Morrison's actions in travelling around with a salesman to sell chemical Closets i*> the various school boards, which was not com- pulsory for them to buy at the pres- ent time. Miss Florence Jeikle. our tele- phone operator, is holidaying at her parental home near Clarksburg. Mr. Burton Pedlar of the P. A. Training College, Toronto, holidayed at his home here for a few days last week. Miss Zella has rettryned to Dundalk > all town. Miss Marguerite Mullin has re- turned to the Orangsville business ?fi?s Elsie Wright is relieving at t\\f telephone office while Miss Jeikle w having holidays. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. Wiley spent Now Year's cay wi : h Mr. ard Mrs. Arthur parents ncre. Miss Irlary Jones of Toronto is vis- iting her friend, Miss Emily Acheson. Misses Gertrude and Margaret Ly-| ons and Mr. Lloyd Lyons spent Christ- mas at the parental home, Mr. Bill;.- Hopkins is visiting at his Miss Irva Magee, 8th line, spe. week'; holidays with her cousin, Ma^, Bcinicc Campbell. MiiS Queenio Kaitting of Fevjr- sham spent a couple of days the past week, with her bro'.tier, Mr. 'Will Kaitiing, wife family, at the grandfathers. Mr. James Neilson. , Club House. M'-. and Mrs. James Burton and] Mrs. Chas. Martin has been ill the family and Mr. Clark Wyville were past week or so with ukerated te- Christmas guests at Mr. Thomas Wy- \ and the prevalent cold. Margaret Russell of Dundplk, 3 week end guests of the Misses | Nu ville's. Missrs Olive Bellamy of Alliston ar.d were Acheson. Mrs. Storey and daughter Ruth, of Toronto, spent the holiday and Mrs. Vause. Mr. Arnold Hergott was. Toronto for Christmas Hergot*. holidayed with friends. Hrrvey and Lloyd Ar Ctvlon spent Christmas wiflf their mother ht>"\ Two new radios were installed in Margie Park has been il' Hie nast week. I Mrs. Percy Magee is improving. rse Burritt, who was in attendance, Saturday. M*iss Phyllis Graham is also on th . | sic^list. We hope to see mil the sick welP* qjf^. .-uon. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar visited eaford over the week end. Mrs. tar remained to spend a week or so with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Witfred Magee and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. G. C, Graham spent New Years with Mr. Proton in time for the Christmas fes-j an d Mrs. J. Campbell. tivities. on<? at Postmaster McCann-t jf r . Thos. McKee is spending a o''- and one at Mr. He'gott's. VAND-E-LELHR Vamioleur Farmer's Club held Br ;-.t Rob Roy. , :v.er.: ia -our village i - ovur riO'.v. a-.^aruntly. uiu-l the ,"-.'u:il Mill ar.ii Tfllephmc :r. 20 lings come ' :;iii!ti!o ot' January. Mr .'''' i, a far ' livinr . few days with his parents, Mr. and M.-s. Patrick McKee, Nottawa. The annual school meeting was hld on Wednesday, December 31st. Mr, \V;n. \Valker, the retiring trustee, very successful social in the school^ was re-elected for another term o house on Monday ovor.lng. December * three years. Mr. Chas. Martin re- i>th. There was a fair crowd in at- 1 ceived the contract of caretaker io 'endance. A good proirram of mus- ' the year 1931. He also received 4he ic onsrs. speeches. et.\ wa? Tt?ndere<! contract for the wood, while Mr. Jrhn hy the members ard an enjoyable Colgan puts in the cedar. v was L:pent by all pres Russell Park was chairman. He Mr. and Mrs: Will Hutchinson vi-- jcave his report as delegate to tu Wend .1 Kir.iS-rl-'y recently. O.E.A. last spring. Mr. Earl G :- School ro-oponed c:i !I...nday morn- don acted as secretary pro tern, in? with Miss Brown of. Kinonr'i .". Mi?s Melrose Campbell is assis:::--* arain i:i charge. in household duties at the home of Mr. Pa%v Graham of '.no H.E.P.C. Mr. Ernie Proctor. We are pleased if x; d 'vith :.'. a '.:.' ; b-f. to lioar that Mrs. Proctor 5s lith line, about two mil." A y head of i the Toroa:o r.:ar- , ; ' *1400. eaiiv i. Monday to business college in Or- ati"vvilk'. Mr. John McMillan left tho past week to attend business college in Owen Sound. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent New Year's day with her par- nts and sons. Lloyd and Ha'vey. Mr. and Mrs. Jack White, who have been visiting the former's mother, returned to Toronto Friday. Mr. Roy Rutledge of Lethbridire. Alta.. and Mr. Melville Rutledge of McLcod. Alta.. who arrived Monday to attend the fuenral of their uncle, Mr. Andrew Kennedy, are remaining for a visit with their mother. Thf Sunday Si-hool will give r. social evening in the church on Fri- day evening and invite their parents and oil their friends of the commun- ity to attend. Siver collection wilt be taken. Lunch will be served and a program presented" by the children. '. IN MEMORIAM HENDERSON In loving memory of our dear mother. Mrs. Jessie Hcidcrson, who entered in to rest January 2nd, U'2>. No one knows how much we miss you mother, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered since we lost you, I.iiV has never been the same. Sadly mif.sod by sons nnd daughters Mrs. Catharine McTaggart. ago4 Lore* McEachnie of Durham PO. e resident of Sv.niidale, passed The gavel used by the Warden of vig'ted last xvek wiih her grand- sway r\t the. home 01' her son on \\cllingto-i coi;"ty is s?kl to ; jarents, Mr. oftd Mrs. R. Fisher. Christiv.as Pay. years eld. recently. A regaining her health. Mr. ar.d Mr<. Lori Duckett of Max- well vNivc! m Sunday wfth Mr. and ...1 in th town hall Tuostiav Mr*. Will Puckett. v as a very successful Mr. ar.ii Mr<. Fred Youn-r The "Gloom Chasers" j a i.r.o with Mr. and M .-. LADY BANK .\ happy r -' - w V-:r Vis'n. the ; - wore.: M fcai -to >!.->' '.U >f Ti-ronu ir.il t'ricr.d. M.-. Ro - :-'mi:h. -t the home of her r.wther "- ' b;-.i- ers: M". Herb.M Mullen of Alli.<t>".; "U.-.s.'r- G-rnott MeKe-zie .tY^m To- ronto Normal :xt his parental home: Mr. and Mrs. Thorntoi* Savers nnd xibe. >( 'le-<thc".p; -ml Mr. Goldie Wi!>- tn .' netroit. Mr. .led Mrs. Clarence S?mp!e and two children and Mr. Fro 1 S.-nipK all of Islington; Miss Ena B^v.-ors of West Toronto visited over the hoi- day with Wm. Semplj ahd family. Mr. and Mrs. George Otteweil :im! (wo daughters: Mr. ard Mrs. Tom Ot- tewell ar.d babe, all of Ravenna: Mr. and Mrs. E-1 Poole sd babe, et the townline. Collingwood. spent Christ- mai with Mr. -<nd M-. Wr.i. Poole and f~milv. Th" 1 out of town visitor? were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sewell and da-'ghter V;>hnn. and Mr. A. Graham wn* Christmas with Mrs. Sewell's mother at Flesherton. - ' and dance wn? in aid of the> club. D ADVANCE ADS. PAY BATES B DISTINCTIVE FUNERXo _ NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton I R. MADDOCK3. IN MEMORIAM Tn loving memory of our dear littlf daughter, Here Marie, who was laid | to rest on Jan. 5. 1927. Ph" was a (lower too fair for earth, j Sent her* but for a while. God marked her when He gavo her i i birth. And took her with a smile. Th's loving bud so young and fair, Called hence by early doom. Just came to show how sweet a flower In ri'-idi-- 1 could bloom. Sh - w:vs just a little white rosebud, A sweet little flower from birth. But she was called to heaven Before she was soiled on earth. Sr.i!!y ;y.i*?etl l\v Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Binctta. House of Quality Happy New Year To All Our Friends v And Customers . Jas. A. Stewart GROCERIES WE DELIVER IN TOWN PHONE 46