Flesherton Advance, 7 Jan 1931, p. 3

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Owl Liffs Im:rat!i. n,y be 9 sincerest form f nattery. but in *!ness its chief appeal i pr'ce. Tf l ' the genuine IB f ?rvlce. Mother, hom^O'l heaven' 1 seems to be giving a/y in the cities to man, hotels a/highballs/ A Chicago/Oman came into a law- jt.'s office /d said to him: want a divorce." <tyer/"Certain!y. For a nominal , I -.n Institute proceedings, and Ih *.eip*r!ence little difficulty in it for you." ,., "What do you call a 'nom- inal La**-"Five hundred dollars." I can doing. for 110.00." S'. is so uncommon. in a financier and a about a million dollars. PafteH'-i gaj-, doctor, don't you thick it -,}d be a good idea !f I were to j> u > and go to some place ;wher *'Lig^te is warmer?" Doctor- .,04 heavens! Isn't that Just what - 9 been trying to pre- vent ?" > Present A youth of Acting physique Becast from^cjau Mould; A reinci on Of ote of the ^ s O f O j,j A vigorous, sir. bloke. "Unsullied of ct%m) :-n.b. Both wa.v^j tne m Mu:e As Ct as Jijie, Camera has no'j on nj-u. He r!_e_ each n ;lt i, u -h e SUE, Infected with pe. galore. He capers Fairbanks Forgetting tare shanks All over the bed <ber floor. When choosing j 'favorite son From all of the mdar lads, Remember 'cutie Of masculiDtauty: The p:y fa the antear ads. The Do' Line Some people a.-t e pius, pointed In "ie direction iJeaded the other.! r"^ After we i chool days friends demand Transcontinental Broadcast Marked Seven Years For World Pioneer in Radio on Railway "Pitchers' Elbow" New Disease of WEDNESDAY, JANUARY7, Advertising" UT E CAN SCPPLT ANT *B<")OIC published with a rr.':iimum ' Muscular Contraction Reso&l in Fractvires Physician Find?: 4 Cases Re- ported "Pi - ,>v, ' is a new disease 'i = - I - - -< i :'s a-f;. I Eniittirl-a promptly irtwereU. Subscrip- j ttuna placed for :'. Cara-Jian. : a I American Dubl!-:.i::ons t n.rest .prices. .VorM's Subacrioll .n Agency fJ-K"'!) 251 Queer St. West. *~ .iu. DRESSES Ear D Luxe Cleaned or '. t CLEANED-. l*7 \ DYED break off small bit. of bone inH. J elbow Join, by the n ;v;e of m".^- j ^ ., F DfnM s liar contrai t:on. a< ling to Or ! . J More ; ..-. - of B "e, who '<- ---"!" reported four cases he had tnnlM.lt J^ffgf, &L***. or. to tile A:r.-r-< :in M-~:iii al A-Vi.K:on. * D_n_! ail rarnwnrs ar-d draperies, , of ..- .,1. \Vr:: fr ^encrul pi W.i-r!i a ?::,_!_: wi^i'ts ".?, Dr. Kirby r - !; ,>rm is frequently bent flbow joint. When the bail i-,.-.-- ''.;- :and the arm is stn rotated -*ry rapidly to =:v- -.lie -- - . ball in throwing I'-'' -a:>. T.i'.-i a _'.:! illy, D". Kirby ^xptai:-.--, to : :h 'the head ":' "'.!; 1 lower-am: ..- : - (* violen-'" e. -' ' er i ' 'he be-' -THIS. - '. Sit a'.l of the - , "' a - n . .jif to be a small : te end of :he radius chipp.d off, much as _. -mall piece of the bore handle o? a cane or umbrella may be jrok^n off b- a s'uarp blow tod tnm-Mit * j i'-al A5c:at:on. * BYE .-.. ..trmenrs .. al. \Vr-~* '' . vour c>a=i"K *nd : . j P'-/^~ft^ /Unly Two Fill Role Of True Londoners People Who Can Qualify For Title Are Scarce On New Year's nigh:, the Canadian National Raiinray system, first railway in the world to e^uip its trains with radio anJ to bui.l up a chain of broad- casting stations, celebrated the seventh anniversary of !fs service to thousands of unseen listeners. The event was marked by a concert, broad- cast from Montreal through siiteen Canadian National and associated sta- tions from one end of Canada to the other. Sir Hec;-y W. Thornton, Chairman and President of the Railway, deliver- ed a short address, and W. D. Robb, Vice- President, who has jurisdiction over the radio activities of the sy-'em as well as over other d_r i ar'ni<?r.:o, spoke briefly in French. The orrliestra was coni! ;ct<?d by J. T. 'i.'.tnier. well-known M fr-al musi- T r- Londoner-; e<ria be .- -ircer pplng Hone -!ii-?-.va:k. . New Yo.kr.-. :Ue reason The loose chip of bone inside :l:e -.^^g -ij at q ,,, ; f or the title reslrict . e . A cording to Sir Keitb - note<1 Bri '^ "thro- joiatth.n proc<U to sire great , i., an*; to inflammation ;o that :: - - - a Arthur tioii. Th-e the United States. ' pologist, a tme L : - on* who M ' ie :- was sot only bo:-n in :he metnpolfs. i parents and four rrand- ; side, in the pro.-ess of evolitio.:. o ' parents were a ; so - Mm here . that even extreme contractions of the ; That , imi , s t j, e *.- A eV ere:y, ?ar- ., -::e ,-r>n .-.ted English siip";i2-\ and Henri Pontbriand, tenor, who ba<< a hi*h reputation iu teth Eu-ope *v|fv a_kv. _ -h^ T-.-.-l.*^^ .^f a--rtlt,ri.'vrt -* ' "Food Plentiful But Coarse" Says English Tourist in Russia ; to find only two persons who 31! the ! and may subject tee muscles or boce : requirements. Dr. Lay'-.-.n has been, a four-yea- -- rue Londoners he disc j about the knee joints and sometimes j are F.an.-es and Joan, -"urtis. daugh.- !'. made by ! ;ers O j rharles C'::"s -f Streatham. Soviet Now XX'elcomes Tourists From Other Countries But is poor and sti:i J" aije< i- t i y housed, i chipped * " ' althous'j lie stands for hours ?a :h* -a .->- I ie - queue* for hi< food, and luxuries are ar.! p.i.n. X'isitors Are Closely Watched and Guarded authorities are ! about their ordinary business 's : n allowing, and indeed encouraging, the | pleasing contrast to the filthy -ags of ^ alize that vi! it s of tourists from other countries, the Tsarist peasant. As a further en- lidays. nrue u i s interestinc to comnare the dif- couragement to civilized behavior "-e f rom oce an . other. Credit Is } tnlng lhe i ess ot It you need the Grandma "It to spank a girl nowadays." tt is interesting to compare the dif- ferent accounts of their experiences puhjisned-by these hardy pioneers. I: : you oan get. I must De c ; e arly understood that it Is practically impossible for any tourist do much good \ she's eighteen, to see behind the scenes of Russian Ufo. Watched and puarded by official j "guides' and surrounded by spies from ,. VT I KU1U73 I.tl SUll<JUltU?U 111 5L'lr5 L1V111 * ' T y ' bat it>s !ots the moment they leave the boat at >-" r notice is- posted in one of :he big Co-operative restaurarr- Behave Yourelf At Table 1- Wash your hands before eating. -. Do not put your hat on the table. 3. Do not help yourself to salt with 4. Do not share the anv: plate -A "h who mi A B D P Sou p. P Soup O K 4 A B. I D P Soup. P Soup O K 4 Me C I N A B S D P Soup. V S it P D Q. Sounded like boop-booi O p '"'aase we didn't hav, flf fun '* mt IUUHJT-IH. iuc .^-u^c 1 mi? wnu v Leningrad until the end of the official-; T _,,. , !y conducted tour, it is- not surprising i has fcemies. T'-ose t - Qat the ?enera i i mpr es s ion is that 6.-Do not scatter . "imb an,! - U ' S ' S ' R - have Eo iut ntion of ette emls on the " li ' ; " .bowln R their sores in public and that! - D not 5 P jt or Barrel at m*a!*. they carefully conceal the grimmest I D*"Pite the effons of the author! aspect of communist life behind a Teil h * s to bnns a semblance of properi'.y of seeming normality. to tnei r cities and the genuine care Capt. Owen Tweedy, writing in the i iven ' th<J "P^P of their museums Fortnightly Review an account of his anj 8tate institutions, the whole as- travels under the auspiCM of the pect of Leuningrnd and Mi'scow is Soviet Republic, rightly sums up the ' one of n<? S ! c t n 'I de< ay. As Capt. official aspect when he says: j Tweedy says: Rusia is quite as suspicious ot out- i!se ' f * ils : - k>1 s ' - M slders. as outsiders are of Russia; in-: 01 " Armeutierss in ISIS. The streets nan, people fca^ !_ abi t O f | deeu o fil! .. an ap^j.-atio-, for a nor .| were weed-grown and pitted: -he cob- t dpD *i mal visa to enter th~ country is tan- : bles Uai1 ; st a11 symmetry: they had i tamount to telling the- story 'of one's Dot been touched for years. And the life. But Russian policy to-day is to 1 houses were utterly in keeping-. There rouble* (Its.) a pound." she Most of tbe people shrugged s hc,'i!d_rs and walked away. It must be confessed, however, that about :h* backbone- although the Russian worker of to-day ', tecuie players, iave been traced to Tie Curtis familv lias iived In s 1 " <~- of the bones which : iiam and Baiham for about 2i>0 : -. kind f :nflan!m.-.-:-->n y : - curtis's F'a:idfat!^-'> and : snother* lived ' . -. :.::: !'.is .f-r'< j a Curtis dairy in Baj'cam i 1 .' i ago, acd tl'.e =am>- :~. r.: - now _on- OBlmown, his mental recreation is well oared for. Op-era and plays are _ '-tssible 'o hin:. Very often free. He can visit the various museums and be Nativity -. * !d the his in n>?ed of a holiday he can go to one ! of the excellent rest houses on the is- : lands surrounding Leningrad. Only; AnJ br , alh ot O$M ,, more Th; . star,W B e a.dta - . m the tourist, as he struggles through _ " - '.istoms at the end of his too w:i I conducted tour, irord-frs if Ru*:.i ^Jj merely exchanged one tyranny f.n a::- other. "Review of R-v . wg. '.n. '. - -r her. Grew Up With Railway The -:v^> - ; Ar.il h->lIoTi- b.seiitn Jr^crh'^ '--' ft iixi no star - - -- . -a w ;-._. * pi*-* urn-. Th* - 'U a!l ivrrr ... even as far east aa 'a. Isle - - : of aa old !ddy w'ae, it was - . '.'.. - i t'aa . .-ru.:: l;>a:-- -- - . . - me - - ross-r'xam- . - ' ii*r - . - e from the i conn - - -(! out. acv j do/ng a thing twice ence. - Attacks Closed C Drivers is tomparatively easy. "Only," says encourage tourists: and a tourist visa th * Soviet - " no visa " n!ess take Automobile drivers in mce cave fallen prey to the disease ne-.-ritis t oar tourist ! rsions.' of the neck and sbouldermccording amonR four ^u n(lr e<l oth to a report of the Ameri Medica' on a Baltic tru 's. who accepted the was no plaster on the walls, no paint on the woodwork, and the windows were cracked and dirty. The- only I was one' S-10 P 8 were Government *hops: ou:- inquisitives As<ociation. It is said to tack per- ! Scviet tl?rms - AI1 ot u * 8* in - save ons drirlng closed cars -ho have tbree unfortulul - 1 * Parsons, who were - the habit of leaving , window i de *-' ibe( - on th ir vai.ports as "Mlu- - -' J - I i. .- Religion.' "Ministers" are Russia, aud religion ; is taboo. Three other clerics were n their fide open so thatiev mar isters of Rell * io ipnal with their hands for.rn. i i lli * h1 ^ political in udden s'op?. Operators of left-drive ai.naobiles wiser in thsi ''' * eneratlon - "Clerks" e said to have bfen affect, on -he ' work iu pffices: what " Ho 'y Orders- left ide of the neck while eve" of ' couve - v to * Russian, goodness only Tight-drive vehicles are tralo'l knows. Anyhow, the three "Clerks in arc trojled on .Ie right side. It ! s beliert that Holy Orders" sailed iu. Aften endless delay ide them wero long dreary queues. 'Iclutbod' -was written black over t'nis tenement town. Of these queu.? much has been wiit- teu in the past, and indeed K must spend more- than a nuarte" --f their working day lining up at the --.: -,i:: F. 1 n.c't 'asirg. .>:: side The - eU bis fill. Pa> ph r - Lit h* - Y To :*: - . .1: froze . <: -hrr.< till ' Radio Bargains Good Used 5 Tuce Seta Priced fram $5 Write 'o- P-ee List. DANFORTH RADIO CO. LTD. 2086 Da'-'ort- A.t. Toronto : i. The -x-!i watchtd above -'na: deep Where iove g --^ crowned ib-ough i:ve.'. n<: kr.ew her *cn. j te D^ .. lt - ?';..:'# ' various Co-operative stores, first for I To follow the growth, ot a greet co their food tickets and then for the poratlou from its e.irly days of nsuai'.y inadequafe supply of provi- to the attainment ot fame as the Illinois Grower Seeking Lettuce of Pumpkin Size N .. -To raise heads ot '.* ; : ^ "be - if of pumpkins is the aim of Chr'e K. Du:-st. Vr-lv* <:; .-'. . ' nois bnrticulturis". i Durst believes it possible to produce strains of lettuce that will have great- er adaptability to -t-a-ens, opening the way ;>" growing of lettuce !n warmer sions. As an esample ot this, a writer ! world's greatest privately-owued trans- ' c ii ma - e s. In the Star says: j portatioa system has been the lot of| There art more than 100 cultivated .when the body, warmed by line in i the closed car. l s suddenly tacked i "B-latlons aud the ciu:i insc Jn a small location bv draftsif cold ' in Rus *- n roubles, all toiu-lsts are|l : lr the disease- Kain/fon.iJ : divided Into small parties conducted i tlll? U!lia! 1OB K W Jtho.,ln the ... _, ... d ffljt men with baskets. I walked down a typical cobbled j George T. Coietnan, recently appoint- 'lay -ver passport str<J t tnls morning. Nearly all the j e , :'S of money shops, except a few dirty tailors'!,,, la't>s_ w*arp "("n-nnprnrivoQ '* an* had ! ,- Nearly all the I ed to the post of superintendent of su^portation of eastern lines of the "Co-operatives," and had j Canadian Pacific Railway, i-i-h head- n . HS of lettuce, but Durst say? that the French vavie-y of Cos lettuce outside or wo- is t*-.e i-fly -:): evidence of having one which gives /..ivp factors ylace affected by the draft. by Enslish-speaking ir aai-ters in Montreal. Born in 1ST5 dom .' n , n t J0 those of -He w ; 'd not in the carleton P!a,-e. Or.t .. then, as now. tbe _ $ _ ' r>rsons wto drive open cari -e not guldes '. n - arl >' - 111 women) who can be "ij 1 Mbjfct to contract the disea?. ~t ' ' espect ^ to introduce with the tact of ipor;*d. 8 a good hostess, a sufficient amount of ' . . . "ght order. You've pushed your way I junction ot the Ottawa aud Brox-kville shouted a red faced woman to BJtlan, he grew up watching switcHing I; .- s ?V( .. y . - ,,p'e woman. . ' operations in the local y.uds. and ii; ^^ propaganda to make the trip worth i "You liar. I've been here since six 1*93 joined the company's service as) ~ while from the Soviet point of view. I o - cU 1ck this morning." was the reply. | ; ,,jent and operator on the Lake Su- All Inconvenient incidents are explain- ed away or carefully Ignored. An amusing example ot this is given by the writer in the Spectator: Let these 6 vital Salts rid you of PIMPLES TTniilJ \-pu like 'V.ii- kly t fr- yotiix-lf o. thoM- ' .'- i:t piinf.lf-i tlH>e un>iphtly blackheads and hav that snuotli and soft kiu perfectiua jfii've always envied? Do ynu waut to ha\e eyes as i-nnli-n nU briijht as attr >l~ - 'ix__ sumracr's sun '.' Would you like t'J *j,g health with plenty of " fM'^^ss a keen tuimi ? Then take a quarter Kruschen Salts in a !; e\ fry morning btfor. hreukfast ! Kruschen is a c^nibiiiatioo of tlte six vital salts whk-h vour nerves, K b and body organs sunlit daily ta> rei-eive from foo<l if tbey'rt- to ftm. tion n'rrectly aiui which are ini|xxxsiblf to chtnin in these days ct' :u> iifn> cookiiist- Kiusv-li.it swiftly . U .us your blood of those harmful titsvis which cau-tt, ynur skuj to erupt you'll pos_o-< skin like velvet, aud hcaitu perf-ctija you didn't think po**iblc 1 i *; r.f-:l ot . ct liot water Ported up In the window was % no- 1 p.rior Division and travelled from tlce. "No Milk To-day." A little fur- ther on, in, a Co-operative Butcher's .<hrip I saw the words scribbled in an coa*t to coast in the performance ot uis duties In tbe ensuing years. Thus, be i As our car stopped, the driver of """uy handwriting. "Meat to-day only j ton shouted stationed at North Bay. Carle Place. Sudbury. Revelstok.. passing lorry shook his fist at us and j iu small portions for people with man- j s.hreiber. \Vh : te River, and Caap'. louted uncomplimentary words at lia! workers' tickets and for children." From 1911 to 1916 he was at M She: '; don't think I should let you klst a before we're ngaged." He: "Bft, dear, that is th* qulck- r ^ay f bringing about an n- il< Motbtr i.teachiDK nursery rhyme to our chauffeur. The latter sprang out out of the car, rau to the- lorry and took its number. \Ve learnt subse- Mcose No wonder that the forgers of mac- 1 Jaw. and iu January, 1916, was moved Hal workers' tickets are doing a roar- 1 to Toronto as car service ag-nt, com- ing trade! j j np o Montreal in 191S as inspector queutly that the authorities specially i ' pusheii my way throuph shopping, of transportation, from which appoint- desire to make a good impression upon crowds to the small square in the. open j meut lie is promoted to iis present foreign visitors, and that the offend- er would be dealt with appropriately. Ag one of the guides hurriedly re- air market where the private traders, j position, who are frowned upon by the Bolshe- ] r wares. There wa, an . marked, "such incidents gave tourists! oia P air ot trousers going for 50s. a bad and wrong impression ot Rus- ; " Bu >" ome meat - Tw roubles <<*.> eta." l a pound!" shouted a butcher to mf. The food provided for tourists Is plentiful but coarse, and if the soup is greasy and uninviting to the eplcur- lan, he may on the other hand con- sole hmselt with a generous helping of caviare. The hotel itccommodat.vti ts also adequate, and cle*Cn.ss is p^j. Weighing 417,500 U. T oomuc h ACID Boston. Although weighing 417.500 brushing away h* flies from the dli-iy iv;;tids slightly more than 208 tons' scraps of bone and flesh littered upon ' a nfrw type locomotive placed In er- j his wooden trestle. j ,;,. on tne \ e w York, New Haven * ; A peasant woman sat on tha ground i Hartfonl Railroad, can be pushed i Many people, two hours after eat- You *ill never use crude motho* ing, suiter indigestion as they call it. when you know this kxtter method. It is usually excess acid. Correct it And you will never .utTw from e>- -- . "Ding dong deU, | .Utd upon. Indeed tb* fre.hly wash- '. >' s n rh* well. Now, wfeat comes ] *d white blouifi of the men going e.xr'" lYto-date flve T.ar old: *Pu. .Yto-date flve Bts a coroner.'' ISSUE No. 131 witli a little attache case of tli* kind one buys In Woolworth's. A small crowd had gathered round 'acr. Peep- ing over the people, I saw that tlie contents were two or three dirty por- tions of butter. "HownuchT' shout- ed somebody. "Fin* butter, e.fht along a stretch of level track by three ' men. with an alkali. The best way. the quick, harmless and efficient way. is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained for 50 years the standard with physicians. One spoonful in cess acid wheu you prove oat this easy relief. Pleas* do that for yor own sake now. Be sure tn get the genuine, pn- The huge engine will be used for e* , water neutralizes many times its scribed by doctora Icr c.tjd.tione perlmeutal purposlf s on a freight route between New Haven, v"onn., and volume in stomach acids, and at due to -xccsa acid It i. t!wy a once. The symptoms, such as head- liquid: it cannot be mad'- sn UNet Bedford. Mais. It Is equipped with a arhes, aas, heartburn, etc., will form. Look f the uanw PHUSper ^ . %. ._.__'_. J new type of bearings. dbacpear in five minutes. and the - gtr.ui:; red.

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