Flesherton Advance, 7 Jan 1931, p. 4

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"vVKDNKXtlAY.A JrsVARY 7, THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE L Published on Collinjrwood street. Fleaherton, Wednesday of each ( week. Circulation over 1100, i Price In Canada $2.00 per year! when paid in advance $1.60. In U. S. A. |2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) . II. TIIURSTON, J. THURSTON - - Editor Assoc. Editor THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE : ^^^ == ^= Letters to the Advance The Royal Princess A letter received on Monday from Th latest r yal Mr. Jos. H. Strain states that he is WHB b ' n in thy sni-ndinjr the winter months at Long Jtach, Calif., and will likely return north to his home at An-ncond-i, Mo., force an entrance to the house, lb'ri> a coTple of (lays with their dau * hter ' j being no response to the usual knr.-k- , Mrs Charles McDougall, Holstein. ing on the door. The occupant oi the | and Mrs. Charles Tucker, Eb- shc who -house was found in bed, but d''thed ' cn*er, and Mr. Gordon McCannel, historic home ^f , and in n condition that was ./escribed Bwthville, visited the first of the Deputy I ^ve. U. .tra.hmore. Scotland, was' as u.iconseious. She w aa taken from ' woek at A. L. Hincks'. carried oft ior the Christmas |, P1 . ^ nmn , fl , hnanl , a i in Strut- ! \\r Wreford McLean has returned , her homc lo thc h - t- i in Strat- I Mr . ., ! ll<lays Wlth her ^andparents, the ' ford ail( , has [^ %d* -.tisfue- ' ho .,c after spending some time work- with the birds in the sprm* We '' and Queen ' >She w " s a!s ' ll ''y ' tory recovery' " with V " llpt>s at Travcraton. were pleased to hear from ou ai l<ap ' Isnl in thc yal chapel at St. V'. X.V, "I m you again EDITORIAL NOTES. Xow ffiaflhe Torofflf .^jj" 11 over we. will h;r. n>,' ls "' interest to read in the Toronto clamf Thcr- arc oW " eonle who llk{1 to i livi> r.lono. /w* 3 ** 8 tn y Kct used to .Veil Brown of Port Chester, T> ' e . rc has been some con 'ni"nt in i; w l ,,,r/v ' Mt ifc should be that write*: North over the selection of th- \ ;! . .\tlow> n K for all that, it is not BC! a lot of nleasun- nut of :i . anu ' Mal 'Karet' Rose, it b.'ing hinted J.'' custom. There are apt to be :<i ( . Her Royal <H : ~' '" I imwp in Scotland in England 33 Rose, tveoivl, there is i iaVng the two I AHnti; ^" UHI J <>f pleasure out of ling The Advance. It brings back i".i moiv. -s of the time, fortv-o V p n .\'-ar.; ag.>, whn I worked in Fb I" 1 for Wilson & MacKenzic ii the mill, with Clark, COX.: FORKVKR). I wNh you a'nd ^ nw -. . An ohMi-vaii'. father ri.-es to re- mark that doctors knew prettv much i-M ything i-x.-cut what k'11; th,. germs on tin.- countless objects trans- fer:-, d from the floor to thu 1-by's mouth. holidays having been duly celebrat- ed, we can nil, country folk find townspeople alike, get down t- bus- it ; ami aid in the revival o! i;> ado and the incidental employment of lal n; which recent floods of oratory has, as was to he expected, f-Mi-il to do. * t Professor I'ay owns 37 acres of thc Holland march. Th:.; past summer he has takch fifty car loads o.' vog- ('iiiilcs from this .'(7 acres, mad' up o.' carrots, celery, narsnips, onions ar:d head lettuce. The rash re*. urns from this crop amounted to approx- imately $26,000. The Proft , or doea not tell us what the cost was in pro- ducing this big sum of money. What we want to know is the net returns. * I The Postoffice Department at Ot- tavr. is producing a new set of stamps. Why? In 1870 thev pro- l"od a .'ic, He, 8c and lOc stamp which was in use for 27 yearsji. With- in the past four years th-> Depart- ment has produced something like 20 varieties of stamps. Why the neces- sity for so much costly engraving and plate making to produce a lot of new- stamps? It 13 not necessary and the puldk- doi-i not call for it. l The Collinirwood Ilullctin and En- terprise have ceased publishing their Saturday editions. The cost of pro- ducing a newspaper continues to mount up and only the strictest econ- omy and can 1 make it possible to pro- duce a p<-w?p:iprr at present prices. The (ontimully mounting taxation is R prime 'an-"- of the trouble. Prob- ably this hits th locul newspaper harder than any oth< r business be- cause of its limitnticin-i and it- inabil- ity to nronerly adiust prices. * The Department of Highways is keeping th' 1 ro-d between Mcaford and Owen Sound open for motor traf- fic this winter, by the u.<e of a pow- M ful snow plow. No doubt this plow has u lot of idle time on it hand- which might be employed in taking an occasional run down this way. If hjgbvray No. 10 could be kept open from Owen Sound to Melancthon it would make through traffic all the way to Toronto. Tho question is of more interest to Owen Sound than it is to the small towns along the line, and the people of the county town should move in thc matter. W. . t A: Ottawa correspondent "f "Tho Canadian Forum, 1 in n somewhat be- lated description of the new Canadian House of Commons, thus refers to our r. p.'-scntativo, who continue* to l>e thc only wom'in member of Piu'lia- mcnt.: "On thc other side of the Houre R-it Miss Macphail. delightfully gowned, beautiful of figure, from the gallery a most attractive woman. It was only when she IOHO and p.pok" that one renli'/.''l shi- i.f "<> gentleman. Her die-lore, her nantomimo. her voice, iilike !>< : noke the In-arty, vital downright democrat. One feels that Miss M: -phail would not miner 1 in and out of the House delicately bowed in sober thought r -, did Mr. P.rMiHt. One feels that Airrcs would swagger well should the fortunes of the dny ever give lo her 111' 1 mnndnte to carry out thc country's orders." ^Thc Arfv-.nce all success and ;, hnniiv ' . prosperous new year." K|) "- i " f of anothel ' Scottish Mar- :"-nro; to pay homage to this, the hit- First will b<yu' ; i..> "''"" the. health is not all it Margare* ''' : hr *'.'.' be; lll cTe is no guarantee In vie' "^ ^*P -'Kaiir- " fnll down stairs or some for dis- , ther accident which would make it r .i.ies, Tha impossible to call for help. It is much b'-tter in ninny ways to have some ether person around the prem- ises. Fl!I..v.-ing is a complete list blood an.l PRICEVILLE tldition to their company. mijrht tome the saintly Mnnrarpt of Mrs Graham left Saturday for To- Anjrln-Sce-.ish times, who came from r(/nt0| whe ,. e s h e intends ta spend the England lo marry Malcolm Canmore Vv .j r t f --- ; ' K.ctlurd. Another Rnyal Marg- j lx _ '.^.phaia icturned Tuesday to -n t, of England married Alexander n am :|ton. niter visiting her sister, Meldrum and family of Port Law and "d. Her daughter wns wife of the Mrs M c Meekin, for the past two M: .;. H. Wilson of Flesherton spent N'oi v.-e'rian Eris and her granddaugh- w( . , ROCK MILLS y.i. ;:n<! Mrs. John Wickens and family of Kimberley, Mr. and Mrs. C. * hiistmus at.d New Year's dny with th,- Pedlar families here. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Albert Wilkinson ami daughter, Hazel, visited recently v^i<h Kimberley friends. .'lr. IVdlur has installed a rudij in the home for thc pleasuie of his family. On New Year'? day Mr. and Mr- Thos. lii'tts held liu-ir ani.uai family gathering. with theii numbering 2:!. A very happy tix? was s'fut. Rev. C. H. Fcutt of Toronto had chaige of the service in the P.aptis', 'hurch here Sunday evening anil de- livered a fine gospel message, ard on Monday evening at 8 p.m. Mr. Scutt cave a lecture on his trip ta the H-ily Land, which was well worth , Margaret, was the Maid of Nor-, Ml>i an( , Mrs Malcolm Mclnnis and v.-r.y fated to ! 3 QLCC-.I of ciUa-d fBmi , Vi Mr . and Mr ,. A llie McLean, for but a few days. Other Scottish M ... Gi . : .hnni. Mrs. Hector MacDon- Mavgarets inekvk-d Margaret Tudor, a , ( , t thr Ncw Vcar at Mr . Colin ' ' ' - 4th, ' at \vho was married to James ^..,, t jyj cl fup - s Ifv.lvrood. . The teachers and pupils have all | The pot 1 * Dunbar wrote of thp cere- gone back In the different schools ' n-"rv in Th'- Union of the Thir,th -ftp.- a long holiday, and the Rose. After all, is r.o'. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper "Margaret Rose" another union of a was observed on Sunday in the Hall. Mr Sam Wilson returned from Toronto, Saturday, after spending the 37 members of the 1931 Grey Count} Council: Arti m.-si" - - Reeve Herbert Cor- b'-tl; Deputy Reeve, J. A. Davis. k Reeve, D. J. McDon- Reove, Rob"rt Grierson. Collii. srv.-oDd Reeve, W. I. Field; Deputy Reeve, Emerson Brown. I\i b\ r -Reeve, George Anderson. Etriemont, Reeve, W. H. Hunter; Deputy Reeve, W. J. Philp. Euphr.^sia Reeve, H. H. Thomn- son. Olonelg Reeve, T J Brodie. Holland Reeve, A. Acheson; Dep- uty Reeve, John Heighes. Keppt-1 Reeve, W. H. Shier. Normanby Reeve, Chas. Holm; Deputy Reeve, Henry Seim. Osprey Reeve, George Short ; Dcp. Reeve. Wm. Heitman. Proton Reeve, John McEachern. Sarawak Reeve, Francis McNeil. Vincent Y-VC Deputy I\ve Ashby. Sullivan Reeve, | Sydenham Reeve, Deputy Reeve, Thos. 1 Durham Reeve, Alla\ Bell. Hanover, Reeve, Robe Meaford, Reeve, j Deputy Reeve, W. H. Thoinbiiry Reeve, Matt Chatsworth, Reeve. S. H. Dundalk Reeve, Dr. A. of lister. Flesherton Reeve, H. A Mark'lalr Reeve, J. C. Neustadt Reeve, Louis Shallow Lake Reeve, Charles K. Grant, Orill young, old man," celebra birthday on the 22nd ultj Mr. Grant resigned frq clerkship after filling t? 52 years. FOR S, Quebec Heater, a Hardwood body cord. Softwood : Used Chesterfl bargain; S per er cord, cheap. EMERSON J.INXETT Furniture Dea!eFIesherton All their seven children, - ;u litionally Royal name in Scotland families were present, w jth that of the flower emblem of England? The little maid may even excivise the prerogative of her sex an:' choose by which n-<me she shall be called! Small Advtl Should Not Live Alone two wrka visiting friends there. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stewart and , JV.mily. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stewart ! ; and Sydney James, spent New Years t Mr. Alex. Stewart's. Miss Delia McPhail returned to To- For Sale FOR SALE Good hot air stov with pipes. Apply at this office. , An aged lady in St. Marys lived hearing. Those privileged to attend , alone , n a R0od home- That has enjoyd it to the fullest extent. with her aunt, Mrs. Mee- Mr. John Cook, London, spent n heir her custom since the dath of ! f t , w day;; visitinp- at M". Dave Nich- Mr. Scutt ,s an mtorestin.-r speaker her husband. A J. .- 1-u.. I anoVheld the attention of his hearers for an hour and a quarter. Miss few days ago neigh- ' oil's. bors remarked that they had not! Mrs. Archie McCuaig is spending a 8 | noticed n light in the place at night, few dys with friends in Owen Sound. I I hereby forbilespassing, cutting timber or in anfcy illegally inter- FOR SALE Cow due to freshen ferin * with the f nt on lot 2 - Con - Dec. 25. Garnet Magee, phone Fev- 8> Osprty townj Jas. M. Burns, ersham 9 r 5. , P r P rietor - .SERVICE FOR SALE Parlor heater, oval, large size, good as nevr, for half price. A. Conkey, Ceylon. Tamworth Boar Con. 2, S.W.T. Jean Wolslencroft delighted the aud- , .. and it wan found that milk bottles ience with two violin selections, ac- , no' been taken from thn "ten. FOR SALE Almost new "Per- Marv JlcCuai? and brother, J. i Action ball-bearing" hand wringer- ' ..... . ., ccmpanied by her sister, Dorothy, on -.. . . . Citizen; who knew her decided that M-. H tne organ. A free will offcnnx wa.- .. ; i . would bo "n ac. of kindness to Mr. tjiken at the close. The : -I'hnol meeting of S. S. No. 17, Arli mesi-, which was held on Wed- n(.-d:;y last was well -ttemlcd. M:-. Wi:i. IVdlar artod as ilu'.inpi'n i>nd C rduct'-il the nuclinu ii' !'.'~ usu - 'l pkasi:]}', P'^ner. Thc office":-, elec- ted for the coming ye-r were cho-ien as follows: Sec.-Treas.. Frank Bet's; Tri;.;ti-e, Chas. Newel!; the (>;!i r tv.u Trt'stec-s on the Bo-ird nre Alex. Eng- liyh iit:-l Lewis Pedlar. Jack Eng- lish secured the c.irrtaking of the school thh year, while the contract for wood went to Levi Retts-, and the cellar to F'rank Belts. The Pedlar families and Mrs. II. Wilson spent New Year's Day with Mi. and Mrs. C. Meldrum at Port Law. A., visited th" i' enry Tuckers. and nrs. V. m. of the week at Rarr.age spent WEEK OF PRAYER I This is the Week of Prayer, which is being observed in all churches throughout the world. In town the services will he held in the Baptist | church on Tuesday and Thursday ! nights when Rev. W. J. Scott will ,' pi each. On Wednesday and Friday] nights the services will be held in St. John's church, when Rev. J. R. Wol- slemToft will preach. The Y. P. S. took the service in St. John's church on Monday night. Men's Wear eciaj off anything in our Men's Wear line this week SPECIAL OFFER Kxtra pants free with any niadc-to -measure suits from the House of Hobberlin or Skill- Craft for the month of January Grocery Specials for This Week Pastry I ; lour 24 Ih. bag; 75c Peas i large tins 29c Son|)s 3 tins 29c Corn 2 tins 25c Tomatoes 2 tins 25c W. G. Kennedy I'Yesh and Cured Meats Phone 37 Mrs. W. Turney, phone 62w. RADIO SALE Deforest 2-tube cabinet, $">; Deforest H-tube, $10; 1 BOAR Young Reg for service on Id & S. R.. Arteme _RjTEVENS, R. f, Proton Station. BOAR F/ SERVICE. Registered ffhire Boar on lots cono speaker, $5. all new; one 4-tube 151.153. Grs/ sow s $2, purebreds radio with tubes, $10; used. Fred $5 cas v, ; n ai ]j(e. Karstedt, Priceville. /_H. C. RADLEY. ^ Subscribe to The Advance Buy your Flour and Feeds from thc Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. FEVKRSIIAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour Made From Choice Ontario Wheat Cracked Red Wheat, Grits, JJran, Shorts and coarse feeds NIVAL IN FLESHERTON RINK Thursday, January 8, 1931 FOR SALE. Shorts $1.05 per cwt., Eclipse No. I hard wheat flour $2.75 FAffOR SALE per bag, pastry 70c per 24-lb. bag; In the To^'P of Artemesia 120 coal $11 per ton. Salt $1.50 per 200-lb. acre farm, ' 143-46, 3rd range S. bag; also oats barley, peas etc. at W.T.&S.R., Jf milt- from station, low pri:es. Phone 38 r 3, A. Muir, Ceylon. Sold GRAIN WANTED Will pay the lollowing prices this week for clea"ed grain, free from noxious weeds: Oats :>0c per bu.; Barley 35c; Buckwheat , r >0c; Wheat GOc; large Peas oil white [>5c. Phone 38 r 3, A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. miles **> Flesherton. buildings, acres cf bush, on easy te>- -4. McMULLEN, Ceylon Bft FOR SERVICE Boar fotrvice at Lot 177, Ring's Highway, urebred Yorkshire nor. bred fronfize winning stock. RUSSELL HILL FOR SERVICE FOR SALE "Successful oil- burning incubator, 300 egg capacity. York* Ho* for serv.ce on lot 40, used for two hatches. Reason of Con - 6, ^"ea. Terms: fl cash, sellinK too small. Cost $53.50. will 5 1 - 25 sell for $33.95 cash. - W. J. W. Armstiong. Flesherton. -C. S. MONAGHAN. Prop FARM FOR SALE In the 19th con. Proton and the second lot. This farm has a Jot of good timber and there are 15 acres of cleared land. Apply to Mrs. Catherine Stewart, Proton Station, for price and terms. FOR SERVICE Regijred Yorkshire Baoon ho for soi'-" on lot 136. West Bac) line, ^emeeia. G. H. Cairns. OAR FOR SERVICE. Yorkshire Boar for vice \ Flesherton Bacon Hog Cl the {^perty of the Ontario Depai .. FOR SALE $1300 buys house and mentif Agriculture. lot in Flesherton Electric lighted. hard and soft water, small stable, and about two acres of land Good invest- ment, bringing in 8 per cent, net.' Must be quick sale to wind up estate of W. A.Armstrong J.W. Armstrong. Executor. Hockey, Broomball and Mask Events A BIG NIGHT OF FU | | *++*t+*++*+++++*H4++++H*4>+tt+t4NMtt+++Wt+4*++Wt Miscellaneous NOTICE Chopping on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. G. C. Graham, Eugenia. FOR RENT A good six roomed house, cistern, 2 lots, good garden, stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high school. W. J. Caswell, Proton R.R, 3. C. STEWART. Caretaksr. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK trpKaun AiirrinNKPB -SENSED AUCTIONEER ft the County of Grey. Tw: 1 I* cent. Satisfaction (rwrn* Dabs made at The Advance iff ^IDDLEBRO & B Barristers, etc. (fi ces _ Owen Sound, Durl Flesherton. Fleshejon ev Saturday nftornoon and /venicg. i & BUSINESS CfcDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. 1 S., D. S. tK-ntal surgeon, gradiite of U FARM FOR SALE-100 acres, Vv ty \ T f r . nt U., ( H fSS i . ict- j ICT i t. . f f' 1 ' extraction. Off M at the resll lot. 160 and 167, 1st range west of dlM , ee of Dr E c gL, ( Toront( ^ No 10 Highway, Artemesia Tp. 2 strect> F , esherton . K 69. miles from Flesherton, l i mile I from school, 70 acres under culti- ( Prince Arthur Lodge] 388, A. P. vation, balance swamp and pasture. A. M.meets in the Masctic Hali, -Arm Any reasonable offer will be con- ' strong Block, Fleshortjn every sidered. For particulars apply to day on or before the full moon. W L. R. Thistlothwnitc, 24 Conner M., W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A Avc.. Toronto 6. NOTICE McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioned' Any person or persons found cut- for the counties O f Grey and Simeoe ting wood or logs, posts or poles, or Farm and stock sales a specialty, molesting timber in any way, on Terms moderate, ratisfaction guar- Lot 2, Con. 8, Osprey, without my anteed. AH am-i^ementa and datet permission, will be prosecuted ac- may be made at the Advance office.or cordinrr to law. By order of Cath . addressing me t Eueenia. ovine A. Haley, Eugenia, Ont. R.R.I telephone 43 t 11, Fieaherton or bj t i I i

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