, THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1931 * - I 7 - i Bank Collections IN MAKING your collections through the Canadian Bank of Commerce you enlist the efforts of an organization which extends the efficiency of its courteous service into every part of Canada. Thus can you be assured of making regular collections locally or at distant points, with the cour- tesy due those with whom you trans- net business and the efficiency you demand. THE CANADIAN BANK. OF COMMERCE i u/i tH wfticfi is affiafyamaJad -* THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ,1 The Late Mrs. J. Little ! Eastern Star Officers (Owen Sound Sun-Times) Mrs. Johnson Little, a very well known resident of this city, passed away rather suddenly Saturday after- noon after an illness of two days duration. The late Mrs. Little had been in poor health for the past couple 01 years. Deceased had been a resident of this city for the past thirty years and was a life-long res- ident of Grey County, she being born in Artemesia township seventy-three years ago this coming February. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blakely, and her maiden name was Mary Jane Blakely. In 1880 the late Mrs. Little was united in marriage to the late John- son Little, who predeceased her a year ago. Surviving to mourn the loss of a loving mother are three children: Capt. Herbert J. Little of Owen Sound, Miss Elizabeth Little at home and Mrs. Harry Logan, also of Owen Sound. Two children prede- ceased their mother, Isabella and Dr. William Little. The late Mrs. Little also leaves five brothers. Joseph of Fleshei ton, Guy of Winnipeg, Thomas of Toronto, John of Corbetton and Dr. Andrew of Walhalla, N. Dakota. There are also two sisters, Mrs. A. Allan GI Toronto and Mrs. William Currie of Toledo. Ohio. Three brothers, Dr. Walter, George and Mrs. Thomr.s Blakelyl and her maiden The late Mrs. Little was a faithful member of Division Street United Church, but for some time had been unable to attend, owing to ill health. Her pastor. Rev. J. L. Mclnnis, assist- ed by Rvv. A. L. Atton of Westsidc Church, conducted the funeral service at her late home, 389, 14th street west, at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Interment took place in Greenwood Cemetery. The installation of officers of Grey ! Chapter, No. 170, O.E.S., was held i on Monday evening. Sister Edna I Murray presided as installing officer, i Following are the officers for 1931: YV'.M. Sister Hazel Kennedy. \V.P. Bro. A. Sinclair A.M. Sister M' - ffaret Muir. A.P. Bro. Geo. Snell I.P.M. Sister Sadie Campbell I.P.P. Bro. F. J. Thurston Secretary Sister Olive McCauley Marshall Sister Lillian Thurston Chaplain^ Sister Mary Robertson Cond. Sister Beatrice Sinclair A. Cond. Sister Emily Dargavel Adah Sister Irvn Clark Ruth Sister Belle Piper Esther Mister Vera Gibson Martha Sister R. Chard Electa Sister Mildred McMullen Warder Sister Mary Snell Organist Sister Daisy Morgan Local and Persona! Hockey in Flesherton Frid:iy night when Markdale seniors play here. M'. A. Down was in Toronto the first of the week. Mr. R. McAulay of Toronto spent the week end with his mother here. Ceylon L.O.L. 883 Waltcrville L.O.L. No. S8S, rccent- ' ly met in their Lodge room for their (annual business meeting and after ' the usual routine business the fol- lowing officers were elected: W.M. Robt. H. Whittaker DjM. Thos. Hazard Chaplain I. B. \Vhitti-ker Rec. Sec. Geo. H. Cairns Fin See. & Treas.D. McLeod Marshall John Whittaker 1st Lect. Richard Whittnker 1st Com. Albert Hazard Committee The Lodjre a< whole. Auditors Geo. H. Cairns and T. 1 Hazard. Tyler John McWhinney Sick Com. Robt. H. Whhtaker, D. McLeod am' Albert Hazard. The various officers were then duly j installed by the County Master, Bro. I Geo. Littlejohns, who also gave the Lodge a fine address. He also re- ceived subscriptions for the Sentinel. Tba Auditors' report for the ye?.v showed a balance to the credit of the ', Ledge, i Mr. Royden McDonald was in Osh- OXE LIGHT MOTORISTS ARE awa for a co'uple of davs last week. | TO BE SWITCHED OFF. Big Evening of Fun at Carnival Thursday A carnival is always a popular event, and the one staged on Thurs- day evening last in the local rink was no exception. The ice palncc was well filled with an enthusiastic crowd and the exhibition of hockey by the married and single men was a pop- ular item on the program. Ncadless to say, the married men with their greater experience and weight, were victorious with the odd goal scored 3-2. The youngsters, however, claim that they will change the score next time. The married men's team was composed of R. Piper goal; F. J. Thurston and I. Merriam defence; C. McTavish Centre; H. McCutcheon 1. wing, and R. Bovd r. wins:; with G. McTavish and \V. Armstrong as relief men. The single men's team was R. Phillips goal; Ferris and W. Patton defence; J. Nuhn centre; E. Patton 1. wing, and F. Gorrel r. wing. The broomball game between teams managed by J. Dargavel and G. B. Welton, resulted in a victory for the former by 1-0. In the curling competition Walter Akitt placed the stone nearest to the mark, and as Walter is manager and owner of the rink saved one prize from leaving home. However, the competition was keen and his win was well de- served. George Sled slid home ahead of the field and was" an easy winner in the men's skating race. Gordon Parks of Saugeen holding down second position. There was a large number of maskers on the ice for the mask events and in many cases the compe- tition was keen. Prizes awarded were as follows: Lady Skater Miss Maxine Lyons of Markdale. Comic Costume Geo. Arms:rong. Lady's Costume Miss Effie Sandi- laiui of Dwrxlalk. Gent Skater Bill Patton. Boy Skater under 16 Bill Honer. Gent's Costume Gordon Parks. Clown Jack Welton. Tramp Harold Best. Skating Couple Dr. and Mrs. Bryee. Costuiv.e representing an aJvtfr. tisemcnt Melville Sled and Bill Pat- tan, as Amos and Andy. Flesherton band of nine pieces sup- plied the music for the skating and their efforts in providing music was appreciated by the skaters. The band waj composed of C. J. Bellamy, W. Turney. F. W. Duncan, A. E. Bel- lamy, G. B. Welton. Jos. Park, J. Per- kins. F. J. Thurston and Dr. E. C. Murray. As this Carnival was such a success Mr. Akitt contemplates holding an- other in the month of February, of v/hich more will be heard. Agricultural Soc. Meeting The annual meeting of E->st Grey Agricultural Society will be held in the township hall, Flesherton, on Fri., Jan. 16th, 1931, at 2 p.m. All member:-, of the Society are urged to attcr.d. Election of officers and other important business. Miss Kate McMillan left on Tues- day to take a teaching position <n the Humewocd schoool, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Armstrong anil little son. Jim. spent a few days with friends at Niagara Falls. TV'--. George Wyatt of Hilla-dale, Spsk., is visiting his mother in town at the present time. Tho month's extension on the time for payment of taxes in the village cxpi-es to-day. Have you paid? Mr=5, T. Gan-.ey of Toronto visited with her brother. M v . Robert Clark. and other relatives, returning hime last week. In a circular letter received from the Department of Highways, traffic o f f'?ers in this district are advised to issue no more warning in case-- of faulty lights on automobiles. Tpo much lenienry has already l3en extended in connection with this offence, the conimur-ication states, and hereafter officers are instructed I" immediately lay a charge before " ir.ak'isthnte i.i any case where P motor car has only one light, o- no lights, or no tail light, or commits any breach of the Highway Traffic- Act under the particular sub-section dealing with illumination of motor vehicles. Th- Woman'?, Missionary Society. will meet in St. John's church on ' Kincardine Township Council gives Thursday, (to-morrow) at 3 p.m. 'a bonus to $5 to every person in the Visitors welcome. ' municipality who shoots a stray dog, and $15 was earned last year by three See the Markdale and Flesherton of the township - s best marksmcn . semor Northern League game m It ,, up to yoli! , f ^ ^ Flesherton th>. FVutay night. It ,, , rea , hockey fl wfcy Should be a hummer, so be o n hamJ. a] , meang stay awfty wh<?n Mar k dale ' It is not one year in a dozen that comes here tnis Friday night for the motoring has continued as late in the first senior Northern League sche. season as it has this year. On Sun- dllle f? m e of the season, day Mr. George McTavish motored Mr ' Ja8 - Wilson spent the past to Owen Sound by way of the Valley w <*k visiting friends in Durham. Road to Kimberley, Thornbury and Bringing home with him three jack Meaford. and found the road in ex- rabbits, which he shot. The other cellent condition. members of the party which he was with bagged -twelve. The annual meeting of Priceville The annua , r . 8etim? of th(? AHe _ Agricultural Society will be held on mesia Roya i ^^^ Chapter wil , Saturday. Jan. 17th at 1.30 p.m. The meet in Clayton's Hall. Flesherton. Usual business will be transacted. to-night, January 14th. at 8 p.m. The*. Nichol, President; W. W. Ram- Election of officers. All members e, Secretary. _ f -_ '.*{ ! are urged to attend. \ When James Robb of Cumnoek went to his stable one morning recently a ^cnm of Clydesdale horses were miss- inj,', and there i* every indication that they were stolen. One is a 10-year- old mare, the other an unbroken colt rising ! years old. The New Marvel 6 A Beautiful Stove An Economical Cooker A Reliable Baker A Wonderful Heater Economical on Fuel F. W. Duncan HARDWARE; Phone 54 A Semi-Annual Event of Importance Cash Grocery Specials PURE COCOA 2 Ibs. 25c Fresh ROLLED OATS 8 Ibs. 28c TOMATOES 2 Tins 25c PEAS 3 Tins 29c CORN 2 'nns 23c CLOVER HONEY 5 Ibs. 53c CLOVER HONEY 10 Ibs. $1.00 JAMS Raspberry, Black Currant and Apricot 40 oz. Jar 43c ORANGE MARMALADE 40 oz. Jar 30c QUAKER CORNFLAKES 3 for 25c Fancy SOAP CHIPS 2 Ibs. 23c TOILET PAPER 7 rolls 25c Granulated SUGAR 100 Ibs. $5.23 p.c a Off "Clothes of Quality" Over 100 Selected Fabrics to choose from Suitings and Overcoatings Tailored - to - Measure in Any Style You Wish. From $19.50 to $34.50 Remember! January* 1st to February 1st only Everyone knows the value of "Clothes of Quality". At regular prices these clothes represent considerable savings. At these special 10' , discount prices the actual ca^'n savings that you realize make it practically impossible for yori to pass up this remarkable opportunity This special offer is made merely to keep our enormous plant with its many workers busy during the in-be- tween seasons. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO A young man living: not very far strong impression on him that '.he \ The water famine in Port Credit from here is said to have lost faith next night he went to the culvert, put and Toronto township has reached in dreams. His best girl, so the stoiy his arm in, and sure enough gt hold SU ch proportions that Deans Bros.. goes, had lost an article of fur, and of a bundle of fur. But it was a Iivejp rt Credit contractors, have equip- dreamed one night he saw the lost bundle and the young man had to ped their truck witb thret} lar.ie bar- article under a culvert near a school bury his clothes afterwards. Shel-;rels making sales of water from house. The dream made such a ! burne Free Press & Economist. j house to house. Chevrolet offers six-cylinder performance, greater beauty . ' at lower cost than ever before . . and in Addition Hooasier Fisher itodiett . . Greater Cvmfort ... Oe Luxe Wire Wheels E distinction achieved by the handsome new hotly lines, de luxe wire wlieds and added wheelbasc of the new Chevrolet Six ij evident. And beneath the hood is a six-cylin- der. 50-horsepowcr motor. It is a pleasure to drive the new Chevrolet because six cylinders are so smooth and quiet and restful. The new car hus many other features certain to appeal to every buyer in the low price field. Exceptional power and acceleration. Finger- tip control of the wheel in turning ami park- NEW ing. Rugged frame and axles. Roomier inter- iors. I nusual economy of ga3 ami oil. And new. low prices . . . th<> loiccsf at which any Chevrolet lias civr been introduced. Chevrolet's policy has always been one of ser- vice to the public . . . The G M A C plan of deferred payments offers the lowest imam-ing charges in the industry , . . and the General Motors Owner Service policy assures lasting satisfaction. \i:W LOW Tlii- Standard Roadster - - - $610 The Sport Roadster 610 Tin; riiuclon - - 63j TheCojrh .... 697. Tbe Standard Coupe 695 T!i.- St.ii>i!;ir.l Five- Window ('oupe $"(K> ': i.- Spori lloupe - - 743 < \\ ilh Rumble Scat) Tin- Sn P.T Sport Kondttor - - 760 T!io Standard Sedan 820 The Special Sodan 810 Prices ai factor*. Oshawa. Taxes, L~.impor.< and spare. tire -;x;ra. A complete line of Commercial Cars and Trucks from $4?0 up. CHEVB SIX C3 S6 ' D. McTAVISH & SON. Chevrolet Dealers - Flesherton, Ont.