Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1931, p. 7

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'ome (Jiah MMQEANM BEST What New York Is Wearing BY ANXABELI.E WORTHINGTON' Sunday School Lesson Illustrated Drs*vakrng Lesion Fur. j anuar y $. *iked '< f'-ery Pattern try of Jc Isnt It a good thing the new year! barn door open and then weni comes around once in a while with its George, the horse, and pretty soon manuscript of 365 days, all untried Mamma Hen thought she would see ii cleaa sheets? Somehow we feel we' it was a nice day outside. Of course can start over then for Father Time! when she went out all the four little seems to be handing chance to make good. One of the yearly puzzles that keeps Just as they got outside of growing more and more perplexing to ! swish came the wind, and it was sue nviuv people is the money question.' a cold wind. It was so cold that i Things that were considered luxuries little chicks came running back and wanted to set under the-ir Mamma us another chicks went too. It did look nice out- j side for the sun was shining, but are now necessities and it is hard to keep trat \; of where the money goes. a?ain. to get under But just think. Mamma Hen The following suggestion might help wouldn't sit down on them as she did to solve this problem. F:r.t subtract from the annual salary 10 per cent, for savings and in- come :ax payments. Then divide the remainder into five equal parts for 1--. food; 2nd, shelter; 3rd. clothing: 4th. household expenses (which in- cludes electricity, fuel, water, maid service, repairs and refurnishing i ; 3th development (which includes church and club dues, vacation funds, benevo- lences, medical bills, automobile up- keep, personal expenses, entertain- ment, education and recreation*. Then lay aside these sums every pay day over tiie year and keep with- in them every week. It works out fairly well. Window Cleaning before, so they could get warm under her wines. All she did was hunt around for something to eat for her- self, and besides that, she walked so fast they could hardly keep up with her. I really believe she is goin? to be a bad Mamma, and the chicks look- ed so cute. too. I don't see how she could act that way, do you? Well, she| just got worse and worse and even: got quite cross because they followed ; her, and all at once she ran real fast i away from them and left them all! alone. Wasn't that a dreadful thing to do? And there were four little chickies without a Mamma. She went oB and left them just like some bad i mammas leave their little- boys and . girls sometimes. It is a good thing it; j isn't often that there are bad Mammas ' Occasionally wipe the windows off j but once in a while that is what hap-' with clean paper. Tissue paper is best ; pens. We should be so g'.ad we bave j If you have it. It keeps the dust and dear kind mammas who always take, dirt from accumulating and reduces ! SU ch good care of us, shouldn't we? I the number of real window washings, tell you there Is nothing, no. nothing' The amount of black dirt collected on i n the world so good and uice as a the paper, also the ease with which good mamma, is there? So you mas: they can be cleaned is a surprise and clean, shining windows for another week or so is the result. always remember to lov her and help ' her Just all you can and wheu bed ' lime come. it pleases her if you hur-. s;c- !!! The try of John the Baptist 7-17. Golden Text Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repen- tance. Luke V. 8. Cold Compressed Air From Texas Oil Wells Baffles Geologists Nature Continues to Astonish Men of Science But Man Badly Harneises Force Even Though Phenomenon Remains Mystery Snyder. Tex. One of the greater: Tii? ar<: rs;--j--?rt*5 ia Texas to geologists, that completed of the source and cau--e of tie frigid " ar ; air whica wmeg from :a a test for oil by S- V. 15. We are told that siary p pie wondered whether John the bap- , comprised tisc might cot be Christ. The wc-ci we ;i^ -^ .$ "Christ" is of Greek origin and means' anointeu. It thus corresponds eia^ti/ with the Hebrew term "Jlessiah.' 1 la the Old Testament "Messiiih" h. . occurs as a title, but many people ar-= ; thought of a-> "anointed" in a s;-. . .orery was ms . : way. Thus kings or hi^h prints, or that was i>? ...- . even foreigners, such as Cyrus U'2-^ Dibble A Blackburn 4': 1) rr.igh: be spoken of as -mine' Tac air j tratum Wa3 encouatered at a depth of 1.171 feet. The air r . In the time Jesus toe :=i B*: out o{ the j, o!e with a tn?meadou3 rMr come to hare a technical nieaiurz. For , . long centuries row the Jews had bee-: f' 1 <|!i:c *' !r cover - d the iwnck w::n subjected to one _reat heathen empire "''- niotst-re. The flow was after another; this time they were, brought under coctrol and prepara- a part of the Roman Empire; they; tioas are being made to ha: were allowed certain special privi- use in boilers in leges ia it and almost complete re"> eommunr. freedom; but they had r./thir..; like the liberty and independence : "Doruinioc status." Th-ey were ot these strange wells was near Snyder about live The air was below the zeru mark ia temperature and during the hot summer days, when the .-:a around ts/der. temperature was SO to 100 degrees, been heightened by the bringing tae freezing air from the weli was used for rtrii .-a'iaj; vegetable* aid other products. Later it was turned s from the other well*. Tie Latest into boilers of iadusinal plants and tae power used a* a substitute for jteaai. Since- the original discovery two otter similar weils have been ". i ir-} furni-hiag power for boilers. Many geologist* - r e have visited the freak * - - - n<? of taem has be-ea i explain the piles. 'tn-ua. For i time it - ' - - ' . - : of tae - -" be non-i2tlaai3iiib!^ hel ii;:a ^j- . - - j Hi; wed tiat :t > as ' ire Canada's Fisheries Report Good Year Empire, and thev freedom. God. as many of the:.-, thought, must rais* up for them a Deliverer, a ? reatkir, ? in their m-dst. * = David had been who should res:. - . the ho.v E * a - ar - i ? r wnion was ' *>n:m and inc. -ease the ancient griori^s --f ' their cation. This Deliverer. * whose reign they hoped, they call** I "Messiah." we : sometimes beca-jc r preceded baptism. V. of baptism by sfcould not have ir. -- . :s landing Increase ia in Salmon Pack on Pacific Coast Alti*:;, ft - i -r-? '. j*er. Caa- of sea tisli and sh** :u tj.e tirj: sine airati* of the pst ,-r by some smart your.g women ar T.iree-y ear-old Beatrice was eating ! ry U p and get into your warm little | wearing sr.appy jacket suit* of iighc- her porridge slower and slower. Her | beds, then turn out the lights too. so . weight woolen. mother knew she wanted her toast you can feel the soft dark that make* . The c-r.e sketched is just adorable nd honey waiting on her plate, so she ) eyes sleepy. What that little verse with the bodice of dress in lighter said: "Eat all your porridge now. j aga j n perhaps you can say it from ' blending tone. dear." But there was no answer. Af- j memory. ter a while a violent coughing took Tne Jark if kinj au j v . 0<> place. "Why. what Is the matter. ; The dark u so(t aad det?p ' waat are you doing that for. 1 " Still' The dart win p^ mv pi i; w. no answer, but the coughias kept up. And love me as j sl(Wl , . . * !_ The pointed treatmer.t over to evil: the best of them were much concerned for the triumph c: , Jjhr -.-> here repres^rt .- righteousness and the spread of tr-i -Jrward religion than they were for their own ' r f- "- n; t .'* ri ?; US M ' national aggrandizement. Surely, thev = ' felt. tb* world had suffered the rule!"""" of Satan and of the heathen Ion? enough: surely God must soon over- throw sin ar.d evil, ar.d establish r. : s glorious kingdom of righteousness ar. i p-eace and true The expecti- tion of Messiah was widespread, bat ti ,, a u s drvl Bad Patches Have you : s come ia w low i 7 The ex; I: p ul j. e3 U5 w - ay> at ,er:ain period,, ill iiads of tn^bta : ircaiiuci.i* vi BAUI *.u- fj,^ Me-^'ah wou d be an earthly i creates a flat slimness through the! kin? and deliverer like David: sKrmto pc ; hips an- waist. The snug fit of the! thought of a mysterious, angelic Be-! '' :s rJi " *" J V' i > i '-' a:; -*' -'- a noticeably forced cough. "Listen. Beatrice, why do you do that?" A: last the muffled answer came: "I coughing 'c.nise I don't want my porridge." Twilight Hour Story Chapter 7 Billy, the fanner man's son. left the God made the dark so daytime Could close its tired eye*. And sleep awhile te comfort Beneath the starry skies. Next Week "The- Little Chickens'! New Mamma." skirt is what makes it so popular. Note ing who should appear or. the cloud; '^ be i: iruidited by a coaciuuous rua the low placement of fulness with ' of hearer. It was not unratu.-a - ; ad luck. If w* were wise e t three inverted plaits at front and one j in the excitement of John's "Revlva"." *? shoald probably discover ;-a<t why at "cent re-back which ttare only in 9-|*""* 1 *^ w^p.d,T wh-ther he nuf .. iappeii. \\> may be sot- Style No. 3190 can be had in sizes It?. IS years. ". :'$. 40 and 42 inches bust. red tweed in diagonal not be the expected M-. : ; M set-backs :i rce s V. 1. But this was not John's f i r* over which, apparel- ::or.. He w ai hke th* outrider who : y . ' ' ' Hey-Day Come and go a-berryiuis. Would you wiser be! Come and learn that everything Younger 1* than we We who almost dared to think lu our wearying There- were no more, spring* to ilriuk. No more pails to su We were dusty with our Corne and let us go Out among the lyric brooks. Where the verses grow. W.:oi-e the world is one delight Made of many a song 1 - nig till the nod of night. I.ove-ly all day long. Till the siua'.'o.-: sliramerins nook Holds the moon in glory: And th heavens are the book And the stars the story I There the peaceful earth is - Kaher way It lies Under unacquainted feet Or iu tired eyes. Witter Bytuu-r. \\\ "Youug Harvard.' weave with betgv wool jersey bodi-.-? I l - [[ v)W runner Canadian Coal Industry ;J youthfully sirart. The las: three years in the Caiudua Hunter's green w*.'l jersoy i< sport- 1 s ; a h hin-.self, coal industry have shown a lancer out- ive made entirely of the one fabric. water, immersing He was the herald, the fore-, JWB - the Mes-iah. not the Me*- , 1 have so cci.tr 1 '.. Oa :!- they may be tie Saal re?-. Muck of ta-r tr.-'ible can be elitu- ?a.-i on tie Pa-ilo coa- .: :- al--_iiy ol^ar there will be a "- re-.-ord e*ta"?Ii.sl;-?d 'or the year. The coaiJ'ned ca'.'ii of i - -* .-' ?ea tsa i~ i - i-li :a t J - aioaths period w-a* approiitna'e'.y - : - . : i > ii TvS.iiJl.70') ; ; .ar'^rs - 1 : Increase en Pic;fic Coast Tlie sea n- - - . 'pteaiber showed aa iti-'rea^e on t'l-? A- For tae t-o IStl t-je:aei- there *a< a drop of Ji.J'KV X)0 pound* ia tii- catch. On the At - iecr-^ases were fairly gea era! :u ?: izi Novi both tared better as re^ardi lie ia l..1 A- JL-:. In ---A- J i :atci ij - -r:-?s. : Nova - Btb was iti New B if. John, had baptiwd with! aos-stly aad without f--ar of ladl - - - , - - ; ... ^ p -, co.! IUUUMFV ua , c suu .u - . sc . T.er< : re r < - ;'-* ir. the unpleasu:. i sboit oonelTa wr. . Th totaJ nut than anv similar period in the- his- W^l crepe, silk crepe, kasha, can- - there worn. I'm ( mining in the Dominion Two ton crepe and tweed-like rayon crep*s '. "the stronger O.-.e apparsr.t.y n; w ^ , ay . tor> of mmmK m the Domm * .H. meant Messiah-who should bapt: , ... of the three years have seen new re- ( cord* established. The year 1!*29 showed a slight decline, but the output are suitable for this chic model th.'.t y be worn all through the spring. ' . HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. T ' hii men "with the holv Soirit. ir.d with : - r- us bit* two rr <fif- " . ". . t' -'?'::! V. 1 :-? and bad-tempered.' I mate -i j 'aot bevvmes .-ertaia. In sine >.-a>e< o .: of tea. these bad patches are of our owu ; . . (period land- .- ; eai- ers - ". *.*e the b<9- late seas.-- ** kil1 *' *** eOBI L even in that year was nearly t.' per Write your name ar.d address plain-, t'erent ideas. What is meant ry "rirj" cent, higher than the average produc- ly. g:v.r.p the number and siie of the t'ol>-.vy _c verses tion ot tho past tivt' years. Within tlie such patterns i.s you want. inclo*. % -' live-year period the increase iu output ' 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred. has ben nearly 30 per ce-nt. Canadian wrap it carefully) for each number mines last year supplied approximate- and address your order to Wilson Pat- Ju^"^ ly one-half of the coal consumed in the t-.'rr. Sow ice. T! Wo<t Ajelal-w St.. -fire." country'- Imports came Urgo'.y from Toronto^ the> I'uited Sfates. while there w,-r-.> similar quantities from the I'uited Through a Glass Darkly Kingdom. The ranadia-a fuel problem is geo- graphical in character. The Dominion !.,.>->-<< abundant supplies of coal, but thesi* are situated at the extreme etui-; of the country. The- two coutral Provinces of Ontario and Quebec are without local coal supplies, though at ' preseut certain deposits are under in- \. - -latiou in the northern part of On- tario. A< u vc-iult of the distribution of coal within the Dominion, there are Obligations No man can be under an obligation to believe anything, who hath r.o. suf- ficient wears w hereby ho may be as- sured that such Tillotson. a thing is true. Master: 'How did you puncture tn tlr* so badly r over a bottle, sir." It ia time?" It ta his Chauffeur: "Ran "Didn't you see If I could be as sure at '. ' \i I am sure of death. It would be easier by far To J " i * " ' If I could see the gates of life .v-tii *:).- vv. such delight* As *tn the sallant gates of iieath. It -. :x> much trc" ' '- ;-r us to set rid of ;h-?rx: O. H r. advor.t of the rtery : *'l B In the Day of Judgp.te tt ^. Stuff To Cvive 'Em Isr.i would be a baptist-, t v urmtfr Jeakins believed la - ; : woald :ot KVtvrr. ^ au wo.-kew a real Ct:- - -al. I^'^JS--;: -^: Th, year he ordered , ing is that the wicke-j. the char?. wiU turt * '* *- l P- :o S- destroyed. I I it thev will b -''-* roa ' : & ef - - laa l: '-'- ; " eternatiy pu:-.i<rcx'.. We ousrht not "o l''"es of plum-pudd , expect to find in his t . ' ; a real-' Th* workers, havicj fastt-d . iiatior. cf Ikx! .i< the Kutr.er oi I ; order to be ia Joed trim tat nite nwnry as the ,i . Sacpl , ^ me;l ; *er prepa-ed ta * k * <S>r.ta* !ost sheep "ur-.t I he , ,, ?? .. os . v - _. .1'* wer xl! t v> 1 shouM we! 1 , o' night*. Bu; \('f ; such And death it Urso imports into Quebec and Ontario: n ^ tA>VIl , ai , and of th? holy Spirit at the samel time, and it is possible, though not I " Kre. what $ tits'" >.i.J from the conveniently situattnl miae* in the I'nited States. Customer: "Tho s;u*;ses you <.;. to me w-rt> meat at one eud and bread-crumb* at the othor Bute' "Quit^ so, madam. In thes* hard! timos it i* very illfflcult to make both ends 'nient.' " Mother "Have your uew flat?" ou much r.vtu in Dorothy -Mercy. a twisted thin*. so straight ,nd through the ,'U. Oh. I anis: not be la And I must not be hesitant. But step with valiance out {Vyovul th little lanes of life To leant what death's nbout. Barbara Young in The New York Times. Like the Rest of Ut Wit'ey - "Thore's *n old clothe* man no! My kitchen and (lining room are at the door. No. sir. the- man had j so small .>, ' milk." I hav* to use coiulotised Hubby "Tell him I've jot all I txeed."- J certain, that the words, "and with the . <"-rit." were added by the Chi I- tians to correspond better wit- -.-- real facts, for though the coming of Jesus was in a real sense s Judgment (see John *: Id), yet, acta.i'.ly. I'hr 1 ;- tian baptism was ;i b;:pt'*:'- ot" th-? Jpirit. "Denunciation is an :-. ' method. It is very doubtful if scvUi.-t ; ever does any j^x-ni. Righteous in- dignatk^n may sometime* be needed, but it is not enough. Rebuke t r t'.v.l- the better way can be shown. Human- ity need not despair, but hope. The ,- * positive. :-.ot a tr.cre negation of evil, but the overxoming of ev-l I - - whea a *a* placed bef.-re him. ' Yo ke I . . A r -nvy * Cheek A very 4 . - ^n ? 1:1$ c*"aV - i i th Miicb. to hU the shop was fall of people B to :<e .rtei'.I.'d to. "I say. my :;:a^.' i said, "how long before I v'a-a S;t A sUavs?" The barber, wio w.u * ,'r'x if *' - - . .->j oal- W.49S - : aaJ - wer< both * . -als for th ' - 4?. -.1 --a -i i , - - . :-.aa i year The - -. - l jam ot ,'v-r ? . - . . - - Septeaiber last year. Tlie tn . . , halibut - . ?->p:eaiber. -- 4 -'- 1 . Itt S -.-resetil . i* .' ^~4 1 00 po 1 .-. compared with 1.493.: t ia - - " . - ilaioa : Oct. i; i 'ui rea U- d :.ss'.'vi? casos. or . e the pack total r th full year l^s. ar.d only ' S ,-ase* M - ..ia the re.-.--i d/-..;. ^i. T'uere liave be^a arice iu.'rease* t ..< year ia th* pack of all varieties ' '. - The sook- eye pack increase't by over 1<7.0'.''J cases. flak . taora "..13 .; :'..-{ .i< - - > -'3 of There have beea > ia tie *'a-?a ot - It v -' .:> ;< tiauied i* a of j -? with gixxi. Herein i* it* '. Puty ;.:; -.,-;. : vV.od I'-ita uj aad dowa. ieve- ' i-.sif T s < - : - can bo achieved, and ccnscietvo o.x- be void of otfev.ee. and rights can. and presently wi". cc-ver th earth like a irarrrent." \ Vtf ;i. ,;-.- a , }a ta curf.y. 'you tt th.it f.v- c (or to s'art in about a ,., , v .. tu . year -vill Mt & aw T ' i '. --';: MU1T AND JEFF- By BUD Mutt Should Have A Sound-Proof SI >.*.>. THAT' 5 Cov-Lf vt "(1.1.

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