Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1931, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1031 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE t Published on ColHngwood street, , Flesherton, Wednesday of each l week. Circulation over 1100, ' Price in Canada $2.00 per year, I when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.(/0 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. H. THL'RSTON. - - Editor F. J. THL'RSTON - Assoc. Editor THE HOLLAND MARSH. PORTLAW A lew weeks ago The Advance ic- ierred to the development of the Holland marsh by Prof. W. H. Day, and giving the wonderful results from the cultivation of 37 acres that produced a yield of vegetables which Bold for $2t;,000. At the same time we expressed our wish to learn the cost ol producing this large amount of wealth. Prof. Day writes The Ad- vance under date Jan. 14. supplying the information which was lacking in the original item as we found it in an exchange. The cost of produc- tion mounted to just about one half of the income, or $13,000! Prof. Day sends us a pamphlet cov- tnng the whole matter us he present- ed it at the nominator, for Kinji antl West Gwillimbury. This pamphlet makes very interesting reading. Prof. Day BP>'S: "We. like you, have expense-;, but we have them more abundantly than you. Here they are in amending order; baskets $H1.00; motor oil, $115.00; bags, $188.33; garage and blacksmith bill.:, $277.11; trucking, (hired), $559; gasoline, $580.25; lor- ' tilizer, $901.95; cold storage, $l,fi.JG.- *."; wages, $3.724.01; crates, $3,770.55 total $11, 8.04. OS. or nearly hall the t> :;J value of the crop. For easy cal- culi'tion let u.i say it is Irilt. That will allow for interest and deprecia- t:.>". The average yield ner acre was $700. Half of that is gone for ex- penses, leaving us a margin of $.'ii>o IK ' acre, over and above expenses." The figures as presented are actu- ally .stunning. The holland marsh embraces 7.500 acres. A complete development of this area would Prof. Day points nut, produce 5'i million dollars per annum, and employ 5,000 people! It is a wonderful vision, and when it becomes an actual f-ict this district will be one of the most valu- ulile areas of cultivated land in the whole world. The land in the orange groves of California and the fruit distrii-! ot the Niagara peninsula will be cheap in comparison. We thank Prof. Pay for his cuur- <.-> jn supplying the information dc- sired. (Last Week's Items Mr. Robert Planlt has been very iii. with a doctor in attendance. We are glad to hear that he is considerably improved. Mr. J. A Thompson visited over the \veek end in the Orange Valley with bis sister, Mrs. Hargrave, who had the misfortune to suffer the fracture of her arm recently. Mr. Lewis H. Sheardown received the sad news of the death, at Bolton, if his uncle, Mr. Isaac Sheardown, an old and respected resident of that place. The big bird called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson, Centre Line, last F'riday. and left with them another little girl. i The annual meeting of our school section brought a good representation ot ratepayers. Mr. R. D. Meldrum j occupied the chair, as he has done off and on for the past thirty years, and your scribe acted as secretary of the mecline-. Mr. Fred Plantt was ap- pointed trustee, Mrs. L. Lyons, Secre- , tary-Treasurcr, ard the wood contract ' wa* awarded to Mr. J. J. Boyce. The ' auditor.;' report showed a substantial balance on hand, while the Inspector's icports commended the teacher's and punils' work very highly. The nnnual business meotinp of Mount Zion United Church was held 1*1 Friday last. The pastor. Rev. A. j M. Pooe presided and opened the rrceting with devotional exercises. Although churches have felt 'he pinch of the prevailing depression the treas- i-'er's repnrt shewed ''ar-e fr'r a ercat deal of thankfulness. The re- ports of Sundav nnil Woman's A.?soc- ia'ion were nl/n Vfv gratifying, slriwinir tha 1 : in;; h had l">en sir- < im>lisheil (lurinir the year. The "ran! nf Stewards consist.- of Me '.. W. G. Jan.ieson Fred Plantt and Mrs R. Oslionip. Durint* the year the i'linr-)> \vn>: r"sbin"led. th" extorio* p::>v'ed ;iml th< interior painted and rrdeco'-atcd. find two organs repaired ".frs. McKenzie was rr appointed !> i'-i>I-,t rnil n resolution vn - pa^'-d ib-inkin!' her for past services The ' l.astor was tendered a verv hearty ami unanimous resolution of anprec- I int ion of his services, all rising to their ?< ef :-m! clnnning their h^nds. >ir. Pone (hanVed his iconic for this rivr, -'M.-itH ..) ,,f their loyalty to him in! Mrs. Pope. Vestry Meetings of Anglican Churches A Sunday school has also been er>- . blishtd with the pastor as Super- intendent and Miss Margaret Seeley as Secretary-Treasurer. Strange Cause of Death The annual vestry meeting of Trinity Church, Proton Station, was held on Friday, Jan. 10, at 2 p.m., with a r , good attendant. Various reports T he Joath of M-s. George McDou- were Riven, which show that the *< whlch occurred as the result of church ami its organizations have had n m " st ( regrettable accident, came as r r:re-t shock to the people of Wiar- Mis. McDougall was standing rv good year ami financial obligations met. The following officers were ap- ton - pointed: Minister's Warden, Mr. R. ? chair in the kitchen, dusting the T. Bates; People's Warden, Mr. Ed. nin ! s of **" *^ *>w. who , n onc .Stinson; Treasurer, Mrs. T. J. Carson; ?' th _ c '">" children who was playing Select Vestry, the above and Messrs. " lhc room - ra " against the chair, R. J. Little, 'l, Wauchope, T. Wnuch- Busing her to fall, ope, G. Carson and A. Stinson. Synod Shf> fl ' !1 Wlth one 1(> on pach slde D< legates. John Carson and Ed. Stin oi the seat of the chalr . causing a son; Additol-s, Stanley Carson and ver .v bi " -uplure, which resulted in Miss Kvr. Wauchnne; Organist, Mrs. " hemorrhage. It w?s not known Ed Stinson; Assistants. Miss Eva hw '"" she lay on the floor in a WauchopL' and Miss Margaret Still; h-lu!"*:-, condition, as she was alone Cnrctakri A4ex St*>wi>rt ir tne house with three small children The Sunday 'school oifi-ers are: - th- time. Her husbnd had gone Superintendent. Mr. Neil McCannell; < town about n - and dl(1 " ot re " Sec.-Treas., Miss Edith Still: Orga;-.- ' until a* 10 " 1 n hour 1 tev . nd ist, Mi?s Mlrttartt Still; Primary f " u n d >'' wife lying on the floor. A teacher, Mrs. Ed. Stinson. v The aver- physician was called who found her nge attendance at the church service ^ " v r V we k condition, du to loss for day to all Anglicons in Flesherton surrounding district is given to at- tend this church. Service is e'-'cry tv;o vvks a I "> p. m. R.S.O. 1927, Chapter 150, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Thomas Guy, who died on or about the 28th day of October, 1930, j at the Township of Osprey, in the Mortgage Sale OF FARM PROPERTY, Under f>nd by virtue of the power County of Grey, are, on or before the ' of sale eontained >n a certain mort- 10th day of February. 1931, required to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Lucas, Henry & Lucas, Solicitors for the Executor of the estate of the gage which will be produced at the , there will be offered for sale mLIic auction on SATURDAY, FEB. 21, 1931, S"id deceased, their Christian names ' At ' 2 ' clcck noon . at the Munshaw and surnames, addresses antl descrip- : House, Flesherton, Ontario, by Wm. tions, the full particulars in writing , Kaitting, Auctioneer, the following of the!' 1 claims a statement of their ! property: accounts, rnd the nature of the se- 1 All and singular, that certain par- curity. if any. held by them, duly ver- j eel or tract of land and premises sit- ificd bv stp.tutory declaration. uate .lying and being in the Tow- Ard take notice that after such last | ship of Osprey in the County of G>\-/ for the year was 25, and at the Sun- oi blood - and in s P lte of a11 >hH eould day school 21. A cordial invitation '' d ne she died at 1.30 o'clock, less and t*-"n two hours after the accident. PASTOR ACCEPTS CALL Vi stry Meeting The annual vestry meeting of St. Mary's .AngJ-can church, MaxweV, v.'ii; Ir.'id <m Monday, January 12th at 3 p.m., with the rector, Rev. Mr. F. Oldham, presiding. The following officers were appointed for 1931: Minister's Warden, .Mr. S. II. Burke; People's Warden. Mr. Jesse Grum- ivrtt: Trc - lect Vest: i Pcv. Wm. Swales of Knowlesville, ' N.Y.. has accepted a call from the ! Presbyterian Church, including Maple Valley. Sinsrhampton and Feversham. He will commence his duties next Sunday, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George Best of ,j <", Mr fl . G. Lnwlor; Se- Flcsherton wish to announce the en- , the above and Messrs, irasfc-n-.cnt of their only daughter. men lined date the Executor will n v oceed to distribute the assets of the said debased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then hav> notice, and that the said Exec- utor shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at *h<> tim" of such distribution. LUCAS, HENRY & LUCAS. Dundalk, Ont. Solicitors for the said Executor. Doted at Dundalk this 16th day of January, 1931. containing one hundred acre-, b" the same more or less, being c i-v ,- ,| of lot number sixteen in the .jl:;;h concession of the said Township. On the land is said to be a good dwelling and barn, and there is a small lake or pond' for watering cat- tle. TERMS: Twenty per cent, cash -.t time of sale, balance' in oner month or terms may be arranged. Further conditions and terms of sale may be had from the Mort- gagee's solicitors, Skeans & Cooper, 171 Yonge st., Toronto 2, Ontario. *<rt*&>****ttJW^rt&>>'^^ Small Advts. Lost or Strayed LOST Folding purse with sum of money. Finder please notify this office. ' . NOTICE I hereby forbid trespassing, cutting- timber or in any way illegally inter"- with the tenant on lot 2, Con. Win. Margrave. John Margrave, Ed. Florence Elizabeth, to Mr. Cecil) LOST 31x5.25 tire chain between S-eley. Frank Soelev, Leonard Seeley James McKochnie of Markdale. eldest I Wm. Moore's corner and town, also a ' 0s P re y township Jas. M. Burns, ring of keys. G. F. Brackenbury, Proprietor. Flesherton. Mrs. Bratty; Svnod Delegates, Mr. ^ni <..' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKechnie '. Hare-rave and Mr. G. Burke; Aud- r.f Brampton. the marriaeo to take itors, George Lawlor and Harry , place about the first of February. Burkf Organists, Mrs. Ed. Seeley,' nnd Mr*. Frank Seeley: Caretaker, J(-;se Grimmcit: Church Repair Con-.-' mittee. Messrs. G. Burke. J. Giuir- ii'i't. f! Lnwlor, G. McMaster. A. I). E. Seeley, F. Reelcy. Ir NOTICE TO CREDITORS. K1MBERLEY The cars aie still running through the valii-y via Thornbury to the Tlse public library annual meeting !, lil M'.r.tlay evening to cliv-l a !-.::<! of management for 1U31. The num'uer.t o. the board are: Mrs. Fi. ("hard. Mr*. G. Proctor, MM. A. Y.. Myl.s. Mrs. R. Ellis, Mrs Carruthers, Mrs. S. S. Bun in, Mr. 1). L. Weber, Mr. 1). r'ngusim and Mr. 11. Pearsur.. The board will meet Saturday evening at tl,t In. me of Mrs. Proctor for fur- ther busiir The W.M.S. held their monthly ii'ir at the iioine of Miss >!. llaiiuM on Wednesday afternoon. The kindtics.; of Mr. Iluines, bringing hi-; team to the village to take a li'iul wa appri iiii'-l and the meeting wa - wi !l a' eri'leil. Arranfrer.ict': = wore r-ade f'-r a Sunday vrning . *e in 1JH' chur.'h on Jan; 1 ;.' y :'.~>\i\. PI xv.is enjoyed. :ifti-r i tin- li i !< .. . fi v. .1 a dainty 1 all app.-' inl I ilu> kinu- ! Mi . ::!<! Mi-.^ llaines. if the community to (Ice 1 :\ ti ii-,'i-f In. mil fo.- thr ('immun- ity MCMI. .rial Hall was helil. Mrs. Ellis resigned anil her place was tak- en by Mrs. F. Weber, fur the next two years. The members of the board are: Mr. G. Proctor, Mr. D. L. Weber, Mr. A. E. Ellis, Mrs. Myles and Mrs. F. Weber. The amount of cash on hand is about $21. The village trustees elected are: Mr. D. L Wel.fr. Mr. G. M.'Connell and Mr. W. Giiev t .. We are Had to re;n.i ' Mi> Marlon Cniharn Mile to be out of bed part of the time. Mr. W. T. Ellis is confined to his bed with an nttack of rheumatism or sciatica. On Wednesday, Janaury 7th. Miss Maggie Fawcctt, one of our village'? most resnectcd girl?., was married to Mr. R. Lyons. We wish them every happiness. They will reside just south of the village on Mrs. Fergu- son's farm. '.m!av. !( n Only An Excuse An exchan;re rvpressei a doubt as to th^ .crinnns hroadi-a:^. over the lailio b'.inc of mil -h ben-'fit tn the nvrrage listrni-r-in nnle :-. the listen- (: is m infi'-ni nnd accil "o-'sun wVm 'nnii'it leave their home and fin<l irvent f-omfort anil consolation in n church service. Too many make the radio frrvico an excus" fix- romaininir awav from their local church sorvicc on n!nv. There !K n>.t mu-h in such and it is givi>n because it "ivri'' 1 -' onsonjil ili>. Hr\"ivi'r. the regular church service, attended in | "prson "'ill do \-oi! nior<- real coed , than all the spvvi'-r-- vnu ' l- ay listen o nvor thn rnilin in n month, even if '!)" lo":il sri" '< i>4 r<>* as finn .1 . vour radio >no In your bo^o church vou <>mi> in flirp.ft co"ti"! wi'h vniir niin- ite' - vou i<now IIP mof1(s for '-our l-o*ip'it anrl vr" krn'v thnt IIP under- i.,,,,|; .-.;,. ifitii.i) r^'iiiii-f-mnnt" r nr linMo- 'bar 'he ""-n"lii>r 'n th^ d'^t. Tnt "itv. N'ot nnl" t)>T* l.ijt '-riM Pn- nni "n )iiiii Viiu ,,rl.- bv VOUr "-oooncp vou hrln iininlnin a nmr n>i\^ M th frre*'t<'f })oofit rT'l hfl' 1 ^-'inr rommupitv von i"pf' nnd t with vour nfin-h'""- 1 ! r.n'l Rrummett, The .nvpraee attendance at the se 1 .-- 'icp' for the vnnr 1!'!!0 w^s 4:?. The "'is ionn-v hiidee' wns m'et in full. Oi'rinn- ttip vc-nr i.l wpr-> ^nnfirmeiJ. Th!.-; chi(h has had a very good year. the matter nt the Estate of Thomas Guv. l*te of the Township of Ospvey in the County of Grey, Hotel-keepe' . deceased. NOTICE is herebv given pursuant o Section 5'. of the Trustees' Act. For Sale FOR SALE Good hot air stov with pipes. Apply at this office. FOR SALE Good cow 7 old, due 1st week in February. W. J. Meads, Flesherton. NOTICE FOR SALE. Jersey Black Giant cockerels, 8 and 9 pounds. Mrs. W. Hawkins, Flesherton r. r. 4. Any person or persons found cut- ting wood or logs, posts or poles, or molesting timber in any way, on years Lot 2, Con. 8. Osprey, without my permission, will be prosecuted ac- cording to law. By order of Cath- erine A. Haley, Eugenia, Ont. R.R.I We Want to Know If You want a Bargain WED., JANUARY 21 to MON., JANUARY 26 Setts only, pure walnut l'>ed Outfit, bee spring and mattress, rqj. $22.50 Setts onlv, pure walnut lied Outfit, bed spring and mattress, rey. $21.0;) Setts only, pure walnut lied Outfit, spring and mattress. re#. $26.50 .... Dining Room Suite. S ]>ieces. beautiful walnut finish, regular price of $90.00. l-.xtra Spccial^7C AA '$17.35 $16.50 '$21.00 BOAR FOR SERVICE Young Registered Tamworth Boar FOR SALE - Columbia cabinet for service on lot 160, Con. 2, S.W.T. raphonola, to be sold at sacrifice. & S. R.. Artemesia. H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. F)R SALE China cabinet, oak, at great reduction, can be seen at E. J. Bennett's store Mrs. W. A. Arm- strong. I RADIO SALE Deforest 2-tube cabinet, 5; Deforest 3-tubo, $10; 1 $5 cash in advance, cone speaker, $5, nil new; one 4-tube radio with tubes, $10; used. Fred Karstedt, Priccville. -R. J. STEVENS, R- R- 3, Proton Station. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Berkshire Boar on lots 151-153. Grade sows $2, purebreds H. C. RADLEY. FARM FOR SALE In the Township of Artemesia 120 acre farm, lots 143-4C, 3rd range S. W.T.&S.R., half mile from station. IVi miles from Flesherton. GooH buildings, 12 acres cf bush. Sold Shorts $1.05 per cwt., ! on easy terms. L. McMULLEN. Ceylon FOR SALE Reg. Hereford bull 14 mos. old; cow due Feb. 1; sorrel diiver fbout 1200. good worker or esy i" supplying the information de- Ibs. Wm. J. Hincks, Ceylon. 1 4 lo .... ;--- A piece lledroMii Suite in finish, a real knockout of . the very latest at the reduced $9150 '(| i" *llf \v(i]f.iv ( i of "V. It is ve= ' i<|'H"nt o be In;?'- on ^'indny morpi" ."nil listen t.n fipe *>nrrl' mil''' 1 tl-'it IMI ". t'i vou ^"0- Mi" rru'io but ! is r--'vr--i^] v -n'fish Christianity or irond citi/enship. of ' -vf keenin" M" "D' i; " Il>r bi'r 'ID"-' r.f 1n>;t wpf>k motorists pxpfrionce very 1'ttlf i.. r>.-.,n,r ( ,vi|l Sun. price Kitclu-n C'hairs. $1.(X3 each or 6 for $5.75 -\O\v is vour chance, don't let it slip by, as it doesn't occur often Emerson J. Bennett Furniture Dealer -:- Funeral Director Phones: Store 78, Residence 1 6(nv Funerals at a price that satisfies nnrl c..x><^KK><":-*<-^X'<^w^^KK'<^KK'^'<^^^><><^-<^<K'^:'^^x-*<^^^ rgain Week CJ> BKATTY IS DANGEROUS A young man, while driving out near Rob Roy last week, met a f in - looking lady on the road. He was su attracted by her beauty that he guid- ed hi= hprsi? straight into her cutter. damaging it considerably. The youn? Ifldy leaped to safety and was unhii'-t. It was n narrow escape, however. Subscribe to The Advance Grocery Specials For This Week Pearl Soap ............................ 7 bars 25c Maple Leaf I 'tire Lard .......... 2 Ibs. 35c Kxtra Special large jars of Marmalade ............................ 25c lust a real ynod Tea ........................ 39c Choice Cabbages, lOc each ...; 2 for 25c Choice Carrots 5 Ibs. 25c I'.eets 4 Ibs. 25c Cooking Onions, bag $2.50 .... 8 Ibs. 25c Mens Wear Specials Overcoats, as low as $14.95 Woollen Underwear reg. $3 $2.50 Work Shirts, reg. $1.25 2 for $1.98 Sweaters, $4.50 to $5.00 $3.95 Dcfroest'Croslcv Radio to trade for wood. Fresh & Cured Meats. W. G. KENNEDY & MM K.^X^^..H.<.<^<K^~X-*******<^***^^ FOR SALE. Eclipse No. 1 hard wheat flour $2.75 per bag, pastry 70c per 2-1-lb. bag; coal $11 per ton, Salt $1.50 per 200-lb. bag; also oats barley, peas etc. at low prices. Phone 38 r 3, A. Muir, Ceylon. BOAR FOR SERVICE Boar for service at Lot 177, King's Highway, purebred Yorkshire hog. bred from prize winning stock. RUSSELL HILL GRAIN WANTED Will pay the | following prices this week for cleaned, FOR SERVICE grain, free from noxious weeds: Oats i Registered Yorkshire Baoon hog 30c per bu.; Barley 35c; Buckwheat for service on lot 136, West Back- 50e, Wheat C2c, large Pens all whit, | line - Artemesia. G. H. Cairns. 05c. Phone 38 r 3, A. C. MUIR,! Ccvlon. FOR SALE "Successful" oil- burnin? incubator, HOO egg capacity, used for two hatches. Reason of selling too small. Cost $53.50, will sell for fM.Po cash. W. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for sei^ vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club* the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. <' STEWART. Caretaker GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terras: Satisfaction guarnteed FARM FOR SALE In the 19th con. Proton and the second lot. This farm has a lot of good timber and l ,,., r cent. there are 15 acres of cleared land. ; Dates made at The A^vane^ of fie** Apply to Mrs. Catherine Stewart, ' Proton Station, for price and; M1DDLEBRO & BURNS terms. Barristers, etc. I FOR SALE $1300 buys house andi -.. _ ' lot in Flesherton Electric lighted,! " flc f 8 ~" Owen Sound - Durham hard and soft water, small stable, and and F'esherton. Flesherton evf about two acres of land Good invest- 1 Saturday "C^ernoon and evening. ment, bringing in 8 per cent. net. ! -- - . -- _ Must he quick sale to wind up estate' BUSINF's^ PARPkQ of W. A. Armstrong J.W. Armstrong, ^IMK^O V^AIVLra Executor. , j Dr - W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. ' . , s - dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- ,versity of Toronto. Gas administer- Phone 69. MiscellancoUS NOTICE-Chopping on Tuesday. o C Thursday and Saturday. - G. C. street, Flesherton. Graham, Eugenia. --- - - - ~ - | Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A. F. A FOR RENT-A good six roomd A . M.meets in the Masonic HalL Arm. house, cistern. 2 lots good garden, 8tro Bloek Flesherton stable, hen house and garage, op- posite high schooL Proton RR. 3. W J. Caswell, ,. d y 5 M " W ' R - Mead9 ! Secretary, H. A McCauley. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, lota 16G and 1G7, 1st range west of No. 10 Highway, Artemeaia Tp. 2 Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioned miles from Flesherton, U mile ; for the counties of Grey and Simcoe from school, 70 acres under cultl- 1 Farm and stock sales a specialty. vation, balance swamp and pasture, j Terms moderate, satisfaction etmr- Any reasonable offer will be con- anteed. All arrangements and dates sidered. For particulars apply to may be made at the Advance offic,ot L. R. Thistlethwaite, 24 Conner addressing me at Eugenia. Ave., Toronto 6. telephone 43 p 11, Flesherton or bj :: '

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