Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1931, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2!, 1331 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ice OFTIIR (Smtabtmt ittriiiral Aiuuuiaiimt I I i, GRANT FLEMING. M.D. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY HYGIENE OF THE NOSE. ing the early years of life, the sur- rounding parts do not develop prop- erly. As a result there is a high drawn irregular face, a Artemesia Council The inaugural meeting of Arteme- sio. Council for 1930 was; held at the town hall, Flfsherton on January 12 The members elect were: Herb. Cor- brt. Reeve; J. A. Davis, Deputy* Reeve nd G. Magee, W. Burnett and G. E. Warling, Councillors. After each of the above had signed and made th" required declaration of office they took their seats. Th minute* of last meeting were read 3"<i adopted. The -following were read and dis- , , , 7, , pojrfof ^ S. ^J-J^S^ Ti'. nasal tone Gorlcy> School Attendance Officer re- ' lin * fo1 ' ha " * :! - 5 : thC ' rk ' Ijrmuv.nri- as to the proper care of th<> organs containing the special senses leads to a great deal of dis- , comfort for many individuals. Mi.- l th , V ' CC ; B . nd the *""' ' a ' " C ' P" rt to Def - 31 - 193 : Dul ' han ' hos ^' treatment by the sufferers themselves " lete loss f the 3t>nSC ; f , Rme "' L ' '- "''^V'l ^'"'"T^ of , Mar y . most common cause of obstruction to Turnbull; R. ( . Muir, chief roads en- of conditions that arise in these or- ., ,, normal breathing is an overgrowth gmeer, re road Superintendents ap- Ifans according to their own ideas ^ ^^ ^^ ^ whatcvep lhc pointment . A c:ounts ordered to be or those of the,,- well-meanmg but ^ ^ ^ adult shoiiW be a , pnjd: R p n ,. k supp , ips for Mrs R not fo well-informed neighbors, re- ,, f; f >rdon S 9 1 45- G Brackenburv kind- suits in as much, if not more, harm lowed to contlnue to be a . mouth - "' 5 " -'- -- ke bur y. kln . u than comes from lack of know- breather for any length of time. ledge as to how to keep the parts in Obstructions . the nose not only ^ a healthy condition. The nose.throat k>a<1 lo defbraitiea already mentioned njty It , suran , e Co $220 . 50; Secretary and ears are closely related in their and to the loss of thc senses of taste of Priceville Ag-icultural Society location and functions. Here we an<1 * mell > but th y POPOM to wrot(1 as i<j ng . foi . K ,. an t : By-law 898, confine our remarks to the nose, but lhe development of infections in the nla ki ne - a npointments was passed, F it should be borne in mind that the head sinuses. In addition, bedause P . Rnil( ; v ,,,, Hay Mt . Lt , an auditors', well-being of any part or organ of the air is not properly prepared by < the body depends to a great extent Pas-aRe through the nose, where f:i ^ on P W 7 Bea'tv H Baker" L upon the health of the body. . normally ,t is fUtered warmed and ^\^' t f^'^^^ moistened, it reaches the delicate tis- , , I bell R. D. Clark. Local Board of Health Geo. H. tissues, and so lowers their re- Cairns; Sanitary Inspector, Geo Ar- Therc are some important meth- sues of tho , un( , s in such u state ods of care of the nose, which, if as , j ncrea}!c the burden thrown on practiced, will do much to prevent thc occurrence of nasal conditions. ^ sUmTand "increase! "the" chance 'of. rowsmilh - W - J - Bellamy, Secretary They are important because their use the development of bronchitis - FU*viewers - John Oliver, R. will make for a happier life for the pneumonia, individual through the avoidance of | Personal comfort, the sense of well- i Whittaker, I). McMillan, B. White. i V.. Baker, W. J. Beatty, J. Lockhart, discomfort and illness. Just inside j being, the general health of all parts | f/ j^i"^*'" 1 pH'rSn?" 1 * 11 ' W ' of !-he nostrils are found several , of the body and particularly of the; , of hairs whi,h projecting into n,se by seein, that there is no +} ,5ttt ^Jf "' he nasal passage act as a s, eve for struction of the nasal passage and Hjl , R _ R j ch , rdgon> T . Gllliland and the indrawn air. Infections such as that natural breathing is practised. I j a| Honns boils a', the roots of these hairs are \ D. , Richard Allen was appointed a member of the High Srhool Board; ' R. Boiaiul was re-appointed not uncommon, and they are usually AKTEMESIA SCHARLET CHAP, due to injury from picking the nose or from pulling at the hairs which! Aitemesia Royal Scarlet Chapter j Assessor; Road and Bridge Com. for have become long. Such infections held their annual meeting on Wednes- . i:',< to consist of the Reeve, Mr. cause a great deal of pain and dis- ! rfav evening of last week and the Mage-r- nnd Commissioner of Division comfort, and may give rise to ser- fol l w 'njc officers were elected: ; n w hich work is to be done. Fin- ious conditions. The obvious way to P-W.C. Harold Richardson prevent such trouble is to keep the fingers out of thc nose, anM not to pull at the hairs. If it is necessary to trim the hairs scissors should be usc-d. as this does away with the pos- sibility of allowing bacteria to gain ! entrance and set up infection. I Thc nose, like any other organ, W.C.C. Herbert Corbett Secretary Wm. Turney Treasurer C. J. Bellamy H. at C. Harold Lever 1st Lect Ernie Stinson 2nd Lect. E. Hazard First Cond. Win. Stoddart. 'ance committee, Messrs. Burnett and JDftvta. Members of Council were appointed ; Commissioners, us follows: Division j 1, Mr. Burnett; Division 2, Mr. ; Davis: Division .'!, Mr. Corbett, Div- isii.n 4, Mr. Magee and Valley Road, j Mr. Warling. The Council adjourned. _ . A 200-pound steer belonging to Jno. 1 must be used if it is to develop prop-' Fcl/.ing broke through the ice near! orly. If the nose is obstructed dur- Walkerton nnd was drowned. Have your job printing done at this office Flesherton High School UPPER SCHOOL ALGEBRA Alice Heard 100. Iol> Graham 118, Bessie Beard 89, Jim Haw 80. Puss Leslie Ferris 65. Fail Bert Morton 46, Mildred Whit- takr 43. FORM 1 ENGLISH LIT. -- Hon. Delia Vauap 7">. Evelv" Brown 75. Pass Mary Wil.-on fiH, Lloyd Archibald C7, Ronald Middleton 64, Dick Stewart 64. Robert Bellamy 50. Harvey Croft 56. Kathleen Warling 55, Frances Colinson 54, Merle Allen 53. Hugh Bibby 52. Jean Wolstencroft 52, Mar- ion Stafford 51, George Akitt 50, Jim McCormack 50, Helen Moore 50, Catharine Stewart 50, Milford Piper 50. Fail - - Wesley Littlejohns 44, Everett Talbot 42, Angus Turney 41, Bill Parker 41, Wilfred Best 40, Mer- vin McFadden .'!!>, Robert Dargavel 37, George Boyd 37, Robt. Plester 16. Philco Tone Control Makes It a Wonderful Receiver The Lowboy $180 Xc\v 7-tube Screen Grid receiver in remarkably handsome open-face cabinet of American black walnut with instrument panel of Y-matched Oriental wood: butt walnut panels and arch; hand-rubbed satin finish; American Gobelin Tape'stry over speaker. Philco models have Philco Tone Control, new station recording dial for permanently logging favor- ite stations, so that they can be tuned in with ease and faciliy : new improved electro-dynamic speaker; two new power tubes: extreme selectivity and distance-get- ting ability: and, due to Philco exclusive balanced itni construction, it is free from blur, hum or distortion. H. DOWN & SONS Flesherton, Ont. TUB STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONhY Big January Sale Everything in Store is Marked Down Oranges, jjfood sixes per cloz 19c Peas, size 4 3 for 27c Lemons, per do/ : 14c Seedless Raisins 2 Ibs. 19c Kohiti Hood, O'Canadu and Purity Flour, per e\vt $2.69 Xc\v Li it- Laying Mash cwt $2.40 Men's Miili-skin Mitts, pair 39c Horse niankcls 20% oft" Paints, all colors, per quart 50c Rogers & Household Uiqucrs 50c qt. International .Stock Food .... 2 Ib. 39o International Poultry Tonic regular 2Sc , 2 for25c International Distemper Medicine $1.00 size .. 49c Come in and see the Bargain Goods Below Replacement Cost FORM 2 EN'GL'SH LIT. Hon. Doris Bannon 7f>. Hazel McKillop 76. Pass Itn Pedlar 71, Bill Fisher 62, Lucy MacDonald 57, Dorothy Wolstencroft 56, Isabelle MacMillan 55, Stanley Hunt 54, Christina MacKinnon 54. Joe Gibson 52, Dorothy Jamieson 50. Fail Bessie Cairns 47, Phyllis Gra- ham 47, LaVerne Piper 46, Frank Kagles 44, Mervyn Johnson 42, Ed. Putton 42. Gordon Patterson 41, Fred Fawcctt 35, Alma MacLean 35, Cecil Chard 34. FORM 3 ENGLISH COMP. Hon. Mon- ica Lambert 82. Pass Elmor> Fishe- 74. Aimed" Hir.iks 68, Mervyn Little 68, Jean Hincks fifi, Murray Stewart 60, Stella Marshall 58, Jack McKechnio 56, Earl Ottewell 56, Ellen Parker 55. Jim Bannor 5;), Margaret Nichol 52 D-MRV McFadden 50, Don- ald Reiley 60. Fail Rowenn Ma- gee 48, Macil Snell 48, Jeanette McLeod 48. George McMaster 42. Verdun McMaste>- 40, Dorothy Snell 40. Bob Phillips 35. - Financial Statement . OF THE - Osprey Farmers' Milling Co., Limited From January 1st, 1930. to December 31st, 1930 RECEIPTS Cash on hand, per last audit $ 218 41 Sales by miller 7488 82 Chopping by miller ._ 2377 79 Miscellaneous receipts 72 50 Received, Bank of Toronto, loan 1833 60 Deceived on notes 442 85 $12433 97 St. John's W.M.S. The Woman's Missionary Society met in St. John's church on Thursday with the President. Mrs. W. J. Scott, in the chair. Hymn 380 was sung a-d Mrs. W. H. Thurston and Mrs. J. J. Thompson led in praye-. Mrs. W. Inkster read Acts chap. 7. verses 54 to 60, and Mrs. W. Turney read the devotional leaflet. The President gave a most timely nddress on how each member can help the so:iety, viz., attend, study about our missio- naries, influence others to attend, ti>kc part in meetings, refrain from adverse criticism, give time and money, and pray regularly for our work and workers. The .following recommendations from the executive were confirmed: That Miss McMillan represent the W. M. S. on the official board of the church; that Mrs. V.'. Moore and Mrs. W. I. Henry together with the President, the Treasure,- am' Superintendent of Christian Stewardship be the Finance Commit- tee for 1931, Miss V. Nicholson gave a rending on Temnerance. The next meeting will be held on Feb. 12th and thc day of prayer on the ?0th. The consecration hymn nnd the bene- (M:tion closed the meeting. EXPENDITURE Miller's wages Assistant miller's wages and extra help Postage, stationery, excise stamps and cheque exchange .... For wheat For barley, oats, etc Telephone account and rental Insurance Municipal taxes Statutory fee Wages and other repairs to mill Freight, cartage and express Dividend No. 18 Balance on Dividend No. 17 Bank of Toronto, notes and interest General account Miscellaneous account '.. Teaming Rent for hall Workman's Compensation Board Directors* and Auditors' salaries Secretary - Treasurer Cash on hand in banks GRISTING 12,100 Ibs. flour exchanged for wheat during , I $ 1235 00 641 50 36 64 3765 67 1406 54 23" 10 156 20 184 52 5 00 551 07 162 90 680 00 2 50 1850 00 499 88 8 25 171 10 3 00 36 08 85 00 400 00 530 02 the year. $12433 97 ASSETS & LIABILITIES ASSETS - Stock in mill, December 31st, 1930 (estimated) $ 1854 63 Outstanding, book accounts 2027 82 Notes receivable 220 35 Cash on hand 530 02 Mill and real estate 9800 00 Henry Leach of Brant dropped j dead in the presence of his wife and only daughter. $14432 82 LIABILITIES NONE The Kintardino Review-Reporter told of the death of a citizen who ' wns merely undergoirg treatment in Toronto and who subsequently re- i turned home. A retraction of tho news item wns made the following week. This is different from am- 1 (he- newspaper which did the same thinr. Hit who refused to- retract any- ' thing O:T the assumption that "if vou ?pr it in The it- 1 * so." They :"'- v <' 'he "deceased" a birth no- \\c \" the next issue. And that wns lr<- liof they could do. Durham Chronicle. Outstanding, doubtful accounts f 374 59 .'upital stock of company 8000 00 Paid up capital stock 68dO 00 Unsold stock J200 00 WE, the auditors of the Oaprey Farmers' Milling Co., Limited, certify that \ve have examined the hooks of the company for the year 1930 and compared the vouchers for receipts and expenditures with the Treasurer's book and find them to be correct, showing a balance on hand and in the bank on December 31st, 1930, of $530.02. MRS. MARTHA McGIRR, J. A. DAVIDSON, Auditors.

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