"* "*"" Vol. 50, NO. 35 Flesherton, Ontario, January 28, 1931 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors PRICEVILLE Miss Emma Oliver is spending a few days visiting friends at Dromore. Mr. Colin McMillan from the West is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMillan, South Line Mrs. Russel Baird returned to Pon- tiac, Mich., alter spending a couple of weeks visiting here. Her sister, Miss Mary McCuaig, and cousin, Miss Annie McLeod, accompanied her home for a fortnight's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hincks visited the first of the week at Chas. Tuck- er's at Ebenezer. Mr. Edgar Patterson had one of his tonsils removed in Orangeville and is recovering nicely. Mr. John E. Whittaker returned to his home, after spending three weeks in Durham hospital and is feeling much improved. Miss Mabel Everist and friends, Mrs. Haliburton, Betty and Douglas, returned to Toronto after spending a few days at Mr. Ed. Everist's. The Or.ward Y. P. Society held their annual meeting at Mr. David Hincks' on Jan. 2nd. when over 20 were present. The following officers were elected: Pres., R. J. Turner; Vice Pres., Wilbert Burnett; Sec.- Treas.. Miss Sadie Oliver: Pianist, Miss Beatrice Watters; asst. Pianist Hazel Beaton. Mr. Alfred Hincks gave an interesting talk on his trip to the convention in Guelph. Miss Sadie Oliver also gave a snlendid report of the U.F.O. convention in Toronto which she attended. Games, contests and music passed a very en- joyable evening, after which refresh- ments were served. The second meet- j ing was held at Mr. Jim Turner's with a good attendance. Mr. R. J. Ttrrner presided \-iver '<.he meeting and Mr. Stewart Muir erave a snlen- did club paper. Mr. I. B. Whyte nd sister. Ada. pave som fine mi'sic with piano and violin and Mr. Albert Morvey resdered a solo which ws much enjoyed. Miss Sadie Oliver then gave a splendid contest on ~ list of important men and events and was verv interesting. The meeting: r)nsH and lunch was then served. Mr*. F. R. Oliver, Miss B. Watte-s and Elford Watters and Neilburt McKenzip were chosen for th<> mem- bership drive. The next meeting is to take place on January 29th at Mr. Jas. Oliver's, when a full attendance is reouested. CEYLON Mr. Wyville of Proton was a vis- itor at Mr. A. McMullen's the past week. Miss Margaret McMullen visited lrt week with friends at Vandeleur. Mr. John McMillan of Owen Sound Business College spent a couple of days with his mother here. Miss Margaret Sinclair of Toronto Normal School spent from Friday to Saturday at her home here. Mr. S. Hemphill spent the week end with Feversham friends. Mrs. Victor Carnahan of Toronto is spending a fortnight with her cousin, Mr<!. Anna McMillan. The Ladies' Aid at their cake sale held in Mr. McTavish's service sta- tion, Flesherton, realized about fif- teen dollars, and feel very grateful to all who helped to make it a suc- cess. Mr. R. Cook has been laid up for n week with pleurisy, but is im- proving. The congregation held their meet- ing; in the church on Thursday after- noon with a fair attendance. A number of items of business was transacted. A committee was ap- pointed to arrange for the building of a shed. UGENIA Mrs. A. F. Pedlar has returned j home after spending several days at Mea^ord with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, whose health is im- paired. Mr. Jos. Weber is ill at present with acute indigestion and other ailments. We hope the sick will all be well again soon. Miss Bernice Campbell spent the past thre weeks with Miss Kathleen Pedlar. Mr. Robt. Yopng of Maxwell visit- ed his son, Fred, and wife recently. Mrs. Wilson of Markdale is visiting at present with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Miss Mabel Williams of Flesherton visited with her grandmother, Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Jos. Williams is in Toronto visiting her granddaughter, Miss Doris Williams, who is ill. The little Miss Tuohy of Meaford and little Miss Lyons of the Centre Line are visiting with their aunt, Mrs. Garnet Magee. Mr. Will Corrigan, who is employed with Mr. Wes Armstrong working in the bush on the 12th line, had the misfortune to cut his footbadly, nec- essitating several stitches to close the wound. He is now convalescing at the home of Mr. Garnet Magee. Master Douglas Sloan and his sis- ter, little Miss loleen, children of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sloan of Chatham and prandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan cf this place, have ent- ered the radio Held. Their singing is broadcast every two weeks from Chatham. We offer congratulations and wish them every success. FEVERS HAM The annual meeting of the Osprey MAXWELL Angus Morrison is visiting HAD HIM ON THE STRING timber along both sides of the Valley . Road cut, and any person wishing to> The boy was fnand by the manager clean this U P for wood notify the an- i, Hm.ua ,m* m~ rey M,,. Angus Morrison . ; vUUOBg -" "- , H " ir ol - b ~ ots dersigned or Mr. Elmer Warling. Farmers Milling Co. was held in tne friends in Shelburne and Toronto. . _ T H PATTOV S,,, ROCK MILLS The Baptist Ladies' Aid held their January meeting on Wednesday last at the home uf Mrs. Walter Russ*>ll. Mrs. J. A. Foster has been con- fined to her bed the past couple of be Orange Hall her eon Tuesday, Jan. Jlr Fred Beatty of the 8th line 20, when the shareholders of the Co. underwent an operation in Colling- met to receive and adopt the audi- . wood hospital. We hope frr his tors' report for the year 1'J30. The speedy recovery. report was received and some discus- ; Mr. Garfield McLeod of Mclntyre sinn was staged before it was adooted visited with his sister, Mrs. Joan a= some of the shareholders thought Priestly, for n few days this wee'.;. that there would have to be a check We are glad to report Mr. V^rn put o" thc credit account, as the ere- Pallister irrwoving nicely. dit amounts on the books had ia- Our teacher. Mi?s McLean, was on M ^ v;ife havin ^ * mv bed and creased from $1737.84 in 1920, to ' the sick list on Monday morning, so board - ' hereby notify all in the ball, and told him he shouW do tb?i work ir the basemen!. "I can't," said the boy. "This pair c? boots belongs to a man from Ab- "dcen, and he is holding the laces on thc other side of the bedroom door.' 1 T. H. PATTOX, Supt. NOTICE. $2027.82 in 1930, an increase* credit ' the Children are having a holiday. in book accounts of $289.98, with P ; c-edit of note account of $220.35, all _._-, p^-m . IKr ., Mrko -rtJ added onto the assets of the Com-, TORONTO LINE NORTH | pany. Then they have an outstanding j doubtful account of $374.50. In' Miss Agnes Irwin of Orangeville 1930 the Company had to borrow spent the week end at her home here. ' $1,833.60, and had thc good luck to' Mr. and Mr?. F. Miles of Owen: be able to pay it back. They have Sound were visitors recently with $53002 on hand, but they will again ' the letter's aunt, Mrs. E. Wickens. have to borrow money to buy western Miss F. Davis of Vandeleur spent wheat, of which their stock is ex- ' a few days with Mrs. Pritchard and trusted, and they must manufacture Mrs. Ri-h--ds>m. bread flou>- rind Miller Wiley is turn- 1 Mr. Roy Lever of Toronto is ing out a good quality. The directors spending a time with his sister, Mr.i. for the coming year are as follows: Fred Brown. Fred Spofford, John Hudson and E. _ Hawton. Two oi the above directors interested that I will not be respon- siblp for !>ny debts contracted by her in my name. L. MEGGOT. Flcshcrton, Jan. 26, 1931. NOTICE. I am instructed by the commissioner of Division 5 to have second growth School Bags for Boys & Girls When you want a good schol bag you can get them at this store. Prices ranging from 50c, 65c, 85c, $1, $1.2.-), W. L Morwood Flesherton have said they will put a ch-ck on ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS thr credit business of the Comnany this year. The directors meet in the' IN- THE ESTATE OF BETSY mill office on Saturday to attend to business of the Company and ap- point a Chairman for the Board of > Directors ruid also a Secretary-Treas. ! STONE, late of the Township of Artemesia it the Sountv of (trey, married woman, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all those hav- BATES BURIAL CO'Y. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PnOXE: Night or Day KI. 4344 :. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. for 11KJ1. So you will see that the ''UK claims or accounts against the notice in last week's Advnce re the ' 'i (i Betsy Stone are reouired to send appointment cf a Sec.-Trea3. fr>- the'f"" particulars of them to the under - year 1931 was a little previous. signed solicitor to the Executors, or. We are sorry to report that Mr. o" before the 14th day of February. Will Corrigan suffered a bail acci- 1931. dent while working in the bush on Mr. A'PTER su.-h last mentioned date Armstrong':; farm on the Artemesin t' 10 Executors will proceed to distrib- townline last week. It is reported utp tn Estite with '-efpvencp to those that he had the misfortune to nearly chims of which they shall then have- weeks. We trust she will soon abl<> to be up and around again. Unity United Farm Women's Club ^ Mowatt will meet at the home of Mr=. Lewis away. Genoe on Wednesday, Feb. 4th. Vis- itors welcome. Mr. and Mrs. C. Newell visited with the latter's aunt, Mrs. John Har- grave, who is a sufferer from rheu- matism, and has been confined to the house for a year. sever all the toes on one foot by > glancing stroke of his axe. Mis< Snroule of Collingwood is vi*- ifinir with her sister, Mrs. Win. Day j idson. Jr. Mrs. Mullin Sr. received word a short time apo that her sister, Mr*, of Peter boro h-d passed "otice. Dated at Owen Sound this 20th day of January. 1931. C. C. MIDDLEBRO'. Soli.-it^r *o the Executors. City H-ll. Owen Sound. Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. MAN Man that is born of woman is of a few days and full of trouble. He cometh into the world without his IP the matter oo! the Estate of Thomas Guy, late of the Township | nf Ostr-ey in the County of Grey, Hotel-keepei. deceased. NOTICE is herebv given pursuant to Section 51 of the Trustees' Act. U^V (.wtcv^wwa Jl 1 I* 1 *' <7Ct 11UI1 J* V/i k- ' A change in the time of service ! " )ns . ent a . ml ** against his will. RSQ 10 o 7 chapter 150, that all will take place in the Baptist church Durln * ' 3 stav " n **h his time is ' j. d thers havi claims - ,_ , c-nfint- IT* nn A rmtiM**Aii.. _ A >.. J ~f .u ! *. WA W*W here, commencing next Srnday, Feb. 1st. Sunday school will be at 2 p.m. and church service at 3 p.m. for the spent in one continuous round of mis- In his infancy he i" ;n ails-"!, in his boyhood he is a demands against the estate of the Thomas Guy, who died on or di'vil. in his manhood he is every- rest of the winter months. Work has commenced toward put- tine a basement under thc church here. Mr. Laurie Betts took the job a ch ** k he ls a thlef : lf he '" a P o r . OL diggine it out. " lan h<> ls a noor anaeer and has no l ........ jf j, p j. r j c j, h,, j g dishonest: if about the 2Sth day of October. t'J.'JO. " at the Township of Osprey, in the Mrs. B. Field has been confined to her bed for a time. We hope to hear of her recovery soon. A number nf neighbors and friends were entertained to a dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell. th'nir fron a lizarr? up; if he raises , .- family he is a chr-nn: if he raises ( '" nt V of Gy, are. on or before ICth day ot February, 1'J.H. required post, prepaid. enry & Lucas he i - in nolitics he is n trnf rpr and a for tne t-xecutor of the estate of the crook: if ho is out O f politics you 3- id deceased, their christen names ca"'t ola;o him ns he is an "undesir- and surnames, addresses and descrip- !>blo <-iti7n"; if hp > s t of church t' ons - thc fu " particulprs in writing IN MEMORIAM CROFT In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Robert Croft, who entered into rest Jan. a 1st, 1930. There is someone who misses you daily, But tries to be brave and content. Deep down in our hearts lies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest. But in memory still we keep him, For he was ont- of the best. OUT Kps cannot tell how we loved him Our hearts cannot tell what to say; God only knows how we miss him, In a home that is lonesome to-day. Sadly missed by wife and daugh- ters. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Osprey and Artemesn Co-Operative Co., Limited, will be held in the Artemesia Township Hall, Flesherton, on Sat- urday. January 31st. 1931, at 1.30 P. M. Election of officers and general business arising out of the regular meeting wUl bo conducted. A.i> persons that are interested in the \vo;k of this Company are welcome to attend this meeting. F. PEDLAR. Pros. G. MAGEE, Sec. VANDELEITR Mrs. Will Johnston attended the funeral of her -grandmother, Mrs. Lawson Sr. of Wodehouse, who pass- ed ?way recently. Mrs Plewes of Kimberley spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Frnnk Davis. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Warling and family visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Walker nf Eugenia. Miss Nina Hill of Orange Valley spent a few days with_ Miss Dora Boland. The Women's Institute held a well attended meeting at the home of Mrs. F. R. Boland on Thursday afternoon of last week, when a fine program | Grev (\iuntv was provided. It was decided to hold a masxiuerade party in the hall on Friday evening, February 13th. The men are to provide the program. At the close oi 1 the evening a dainty Inuch wa= served. At the close of the service in Van- deleUT church Sunday afternoon a congregational meeting was held, when the following officers were el- ected for the year 1931: Elders, Jos. Buchanan. Thos. Shannon and Lundy Johnston; Stewards, Messrs. Will Johnston, Gt-o. Buchanan, Howard Graham. Howard McGee. Will Hut- chir.son. Dare McGcc nnd F. Davis. he u a hvnocrito. if he stays aw.iv of their claims n statement of their r rom chnrch h" i-^ P r ''nne" if hp accounts. ?nd the nature of the se- fionnte* to fni-oijrp >> 1 jc ! ; r,<: he ,) oes 'cu-ity. if any, held by them, duly ver- it for show; if he ''nesTi't hp i* stinev ! ified by statutory declaration. 'ml "tichwad." W T ien V"> first come, into Hio woHd overvhodv w^nts t And take notice that after such last men'vmed date the Executor will kiss him: before he (*< ort thev all | nroceed to distribute the assets of the want to kbk him. If he dips young | said dereased among thc parties en- thewe was a great" fut--? before him. titled thereto, having rega'-d only to if ho live? to a rin old nee ho is in the claims of which he shall then the wav. onlv livi-io- *-. =><-., t>- fun- h"\-> notice, and that the said Exec- expenses. T*><* I^rd bo with us u tor shall not be liable for the fid BUY NOW! X' t in many years have prices been <M !<>\v on a vast number of merchandise items as at present. '" Xci in many years has there been such an opportunity to yet so much for so little money ^ The thrifty are seeing the advantage of buying now yhile prices are low. knowing that these prices cannot remain at the present level very long. r Huycrs are eager to buy when they find bargains or hear of them. The merchant who has bargains and advertises them well, cap- tures the buyers. BUYERS READ The Flesherton Advance FOR BARGAIN NEWS till we meet again! Exchange. Robert White Is Warden Robert Whte of St. Vincent was elected Warden of Grey County on Tuesday evening at th> convening of assets or any part thereof to any per- son or persons of whose claim noMce shall not have been received by them at k he time oi 1 such distribution. LUCAS. HENRY & LUCAS. Dundalk. Ont. Solicitors for the said Executor. Dnted at Dundalk this ICth day of January, 1931. IN MEMORIAM NEILSON Ir lovintr memory of my dear mother, Mrs. James Neilson, who passed away January 27th. 1930 Oft and oft our hearts tin wander To a p- r avo not far away Where we laid our dear, kind mother Just a year ago today. "House of Quality Purina Chows PIG CHOW COW CHOW CALF CHOW LAY CHCW STEER FATINA CHICKEN CHOWDER PURITY AND PILOT FLOUR Subscrrbe to The Advance g ]eop on> dear mo ther, your caresare j ended, [ Rcst ; n peacei your work is done; y u have ftone where those who love ] you I wi ;] , 01VC ,i. u - lnee t vou one b v one Ever remembered by daughter Jus. A. Stewart GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN Royal Purple Poultry Specific Keeps Poultry Free f romWORMS Mr. Wm. Jarrott, of Brigdm, wrote us year ago tnling that hia pcultry had become badly infevtcd with worms. We advised him to use 2 Ibi. of Royal Purple Poultry Specific in roth l JO Ibs. of Laying Mash for two weeks and continue throughout thc Winter with 1 Ib. After using it for three weeks he wrote us statins; that in three days he notKcd blood streaks in the dropping*. nj that h* ejjj; pro- duction had en^ up 100'", . During the Fall. Wtnt-r and Sprii'tj njir.vbs he pur- chased 600 Ibs. cf this Poultry Specific. We revived a letter fion tmn '.he latter part of August, stating that he was amazed at thr results he cutatned. that h. poultry were entirely free fro:n worms, and that dunng August of this year his production was 100* "I- larger Uian last year. It will pay every poultrymttn. no matter whnt feed he is using, oi if he mixes hi* own, to add one pound of Royal Purple Poultry Specific to curb hundred pounds of feed during thr whole season the poultry are sliut in. Wliile this great tonic de- stroys the worms, it at the same time tones up thr birds, keeping their digestive organs active the same as if they were on ran go. compelling them to tuke from \S\t to 20' i more good from the feed they cat, Thta iv naturally reflected in increased egg production. Worms in poultry is often mistaken f.^r other diseases, Thc birde becocr 5 very tliin end show symptoms of diarrhoea. V."jcu badly infested they will die. Put up in 30c. and 60c. packages, $1.75 and $6.00 tim, also 100-lb. air-tight bags $14.00. For sale by 4,600 dealers in Canada. If your dealer cannot supply you, write direct. Royal Purple Laying Meal We ran stippiy you -.v:h Uoyal Pu^plo Laying Metil with or without the Pou!tr> Specific mircj in. Mr. T. L. Motheoon, Inneikip, Ontario, tells us thst he fed Royal Purple Living M^al to 600 pullets last year with thc Royal I*urplo Poultr> Specific and not an avcr.ije of 74 ;, production from Uie middle of Decem- ber until the middle of March. He abo states thjt he bus received thc largest pro- duction of e^gs he K ever had during t'.ic twelve months he has Lrm uning Royal Purple Lavtnft Mcul, and thut iL !<ee;:3 his poultry healthy during thc entire senmo. If your dcr.ljr c::niiot juppiy you we w^U be pleased to quote you a price, freight paid to your sCjiiu.i. VIMLITE formerly known as Vitalite) dTrtr'sbutor! for this wonderful wire filled product ud for windows in poultry houses, bnnw, tin-rooms, etc. It lets through t!'.c ultra-violet, growth rays from the sua that will not pass through ordinary c'J>- Write for descriptive circular. We will be very pleased 'n send you one of our 37-page books with illustrations in colour, describing the common diseases of S:cs.k and Poultry with pcrtirulnrs of the Royal Purple rrn . .-s .'jr each, and details ol all Oc diffe-eiit lines of feed we R-..i:iiifarture. It deals with liS subjects of vital inurest to every farmer and poultrj-inin. JQ THE W. A. JENKINS MFC, CO. LTD., LONDON, ONT. FRANK W. DUNCAN, DEALER, FLESHERTON.