Overwork or Worry Taxes the Health of Thousands of Young Girls In the "teen-age" years when school or office work is exacting and outside activities use up eo much energy, many girls undermine their health and poll their happiness for years to come. At such a time Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will be found most valuable. They purify and enrich the blood; build up the nerve cells and correct run-down conditions. Concerning them Miss Margaret Torrey, Indian Road, Toronto, Out., says: "When I was at- tending high school I suffered a com- plete breakdown. My heart would pal- pitate at the least exertion; I could not sleep and nothiiig I ate agreed with me. I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and before long I ga'ned In weight and every distressing symp- tom left me." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Co., Brockvllle, Ont. OTTAWA TO HOLD BIG WINTER CARNIVAL The Japanese Way It Is said that the Japanese work- ing-class crowd is the only one in the worM from which there is no odour. When one learns about their social babits and about the important part the soap and water bath plays in the daily life or the very poorest in that country, one la not surprised. The natives are scrupulously clean, and every opportunity is given thm to be so. There are many public baths, just Tats sujk in the ground; but before using the community bath they soap thoroughly and wash from little wooden tubs hard by. The Jap- anese have no false modesty; men and women, boys and girls, all bath t the same time a bamboo pole across the bathing house marks the dividing line for the sexes. In country inna washing takes place in the entrance hall, where, as a rule, are found a wooden trough and a number of tarasg basins, to- gether with stubby brushes. But the Japanese does not stop at washing h!s body clean; he is very particular about his garments, and after a long Journey a rickshaw run- ner will take the opportunity when resting of not only having a bath, but of washing his clothes. Spread- Ing them out on boards, he soaps, crubs, and rinses them, and if they are not sufficiently dry for the re- j turn run he brings out a second suit from under the seat of the rickshaw and is as spick and span as when he started in the moruir.g. "Ti'-Bits." Northern Pines Th-ie pauut trees, these green, rough- elbowed towers. Shelter our lanes and make our hon:>;- -;:!- -r.ug; They naive brasu. winter with a boughy shrug Or double- springtime in iheir singing bowers. And ".'orning all the arutim-sr.-: of storm Protect the o : beauty warm. ' .'in 'he vpiir has i>ii!y uprejica- ing day-; They draw earth's =-<:<-! ':> :r. >'.. stony deep And bear it in their i, sleep. Or build with it towards he;n> ing the blaze Of universal noon or star-spread stream Tha: lifts them, rooted iike '.he things we '!:<-.! m. T. M tri.s Lulij:'i'tlii. Classified Advertising MALE HELP - 'ASTED. <;(, INTO for yourself we 'in.ri and i. VYe are doing business all ''aniuiii a: : ! n:>-ii m .iin- Oltion a: - HOOMtT an4 . willingness to -A.,!* f.nl.v <iuulitltutiun> 'i-;ii : -o Employment M:..".;iK-.. P.O. BO MM DejJC. v A a - F.'.\i:HINE i ."- II >.NUKMTT1NO. All Woi Ik and \Vjoi." "Old TVIIK- ." a!: - 75c Ib. up. Samplt-s :'rt-i>. Sti.. n:-.ir A: Yarn Mill*, J.'-|.t. T ' irlllla, 'inf. Fe-vi Bath ; -iv- y..i;v >rns a bath. ... iu the tub aud turn the show-r ua;.! ".i gi ttl; i.-ing the >:old 1- \ra-:i s and i. ' i good rain WOUii. Ottawa -akes to the hills in earnest when she holds her annual winter car- nival, wliioh rhis year embraces a complete week of ports events from February ~ to February 7. There will be the renewal of, the 100-mile do? derby for the ("ua'ea 1 ; Laurier il<> Gold Cup: National and International -peed ska'iun varw*; ski jumping com- petitions: fancy skating; international ::ock?y matches, and. since 'he young people are as ambitions as ".ho grown- ups, a junior dog derby for which boys and girls of Ottawa and district towns are now training Their di , iraphs 'o.ow, top: In'.evna'ion- al ^p->ni ^kavr* ;v>-nari:)n fo- :-'r hampiouship race: Lower \ni~. Emile St. Godard, defender of the Chateau Laurier Gold Cup which lie won in 1930 hundred mile dog derby, aud right, one of tile ski-jumpini: cham- pions of Canada .coinit off the :ake-off at )!' Ro.;kc!iffe Park, jump :r. ;ui at- tempt to establish new il:-:anoe re- England Plans More Television Broadcasts London. Plan* for next year's broadcasting la England call for closer co-operation between officials of the British Broadcasting Corporation and the Baird television group preparatory to developing television broadcasts. Advanced experiments with the Baird process have been conducted by B. B. C., officials of which announce the system will be employed in con- nection with sound broadcasting as oon as possible. A Simple Treatment for Children's Colds Veteran Retires Mexican Journalists Demand Greater "Freedom of Press" Mexico City. Freedom of the press was the principal topic discussed at toe National Journalism Congress, at- tended by representatives of loading, newspapers throughout the republic, I which has Just adjourned in Mexico City. A tentative amendment to Con- stitutional articles 6 and 7, which dealt -with freedom of thought and! peech, was adopted by the congress, and a committee was named to present It before Congress at its next session. One of the points of the amendment project provides that "free criticism of the acts of public employees aud offl- olals Is an essential element of every democratic regime, and for this reason never can be considered as criminal any allusions, assertions, information, or comments relative to their public life." Cold in tin- -i.. - : ommon at this time of year, especially in the very young- Ne^'.-- t of a old is prone 'o lead to serious cou-eir."iu'es. To relieve all congestion ot the =y-'-m is -he nr*' step iu treating a cold, whether in infan's or adults. For the very young. Baby's Own Tablets are the ideal means of doing this. Containing no narcotic or other harmful drugs they -oothe the child's fretfuluess, re- lieve its suffering ami ensure conval- escence. Baby's Own Tablets aie without an equal for relieving indigestion, con- stipation and colic. They check Uii'.r- rhoea; break up colds and simple fev- ers: promote health-giving sleep and make the dreaded '.etbing period easy. They are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail a: 25 cents a box from The J>r. Williams' M<?i!>< ine Co., Brockville, Ont. Stained Necks If your uecivlace "come* off on your neck" and leaves a dark ring around your neck, dtp it into shellac 1 . This keeps it from tarnishing or marking the .-kin. INK SPOTS. Milk often takes luk spots out ot colored clothes when used immedi- ately. There is kittle use worrying with anything bin a regulation ink remover later on. "Science w ill cure .1 mployment." Charic M Schwab. PAIN after eating s are now being investigated. ' - number of ions iu the- air :s ' n now u to vary not only with the . u-.niier. but in different localities, r .- the mountains aud the seashore. 1'. -Hive ious are known to be plen'.i- : . in i-i-y siij'.'Ue. which possibly may help to explain Uie many cases of, high "nlooii pressure in moJer:; I > British Potato Yield Declines Discovers Control Seat Of Glandular Activities The "tuber cinereum," a small pro- jection from ;!? base of the brail), has been discovered, so he believes, to be the ?<rat of the control for gland activi- ties by Professor L. O. Morgan, of the University of Cincinnati, who has been studying this organ in the brains of dogs. His findings were reported as Including the discovery of certain groups of Jiving cells which control .lie s" re'ion of body chemicals by the various glands, including the adrenal glands and 'he thyroid glands. Prof (-!:<): rinrsan has foucd th. : s or- gan in the body of rats and even men to be full of, these cells. He recalls that experts have already discovered that disease or disturbance of this organ of.vn i-:r,i.-e body cuaiiy and cold flashes changes in blood pres- sure ai!il changes in eye pupil size. vh;, !i w.-re thought 'o be coi d '>v >;:,;:!. j-,i!ar activity. This brain ;! a.-rivjty indirectly iiuuii-s almost every boi!;!y function through the ilu-H." .-I'U'rol of these func-.ioui by gland carnivals sent o\t In the blood like written me--. - - carry^Li: orders an .. rgaai : Hr -A ... ;n a mound may v:. -,!i^ a pi'. ie PATENTS Ll^t of ' : mentions" .-Vni Frea on P.---. Jes-.. THE ttAMSAY CO.. Dept. W. 273 Bank St.. Ottawa. On* IMS U1.B >N BACK Of CAM-IXSZI IN NOiTHtkS.. ness feonara JL4EAR CMi U 25 ill ariK'itt Dc-|tiif Kiln M .-rsf A. O. LEONARD, Inc. M Fifth ATI-., Nw York Cllr Protect vour ski a. wal|> and hair from infection anil aiieit the pore* in the elimination of nuete by daily use at Cuticiirii CHAPPED SKIN Dilut* MiiunTi I -.*r oil or -r..m. m \ once 4 d*v . For Ft 1 use the Liniment frc 1 undiluted. * :s No trouble. Very r iih one-half Apply ' it But :rri V and ' y nlinq . . "f 1 .!.-. or :!5 !>: <!.:., in 'he crop i;f England ami V.'ales for 1930 is reported by ;iie Ministry of Agri- C'.iltuve. Tli.> total ivp > '--;:m.red .r .' ".I'.'.noii -,>ns. . nmpir.t <l with last . . ., .. ITALIAN RICE. If h.is iiceii cultivated in Italy since the fifteenth century, and that country now leads Europe in the pro- duction of that cereal. u'T;!.i'0 metric tons being raistd his: year. Ki'-.-ty-flve years of continuous ser- vice with 'he Canadian Pacific Rail- way earned rest and pension for Dugal Carmichae!, who retired December 31, 1930. More than half of his service was as conductor on the Montreal- Toronto run aud it was there that his service ended on New Year's day. when he brought his traiu for the last ' time to the Union Station. Iu addition to his work as conductor, he was train- master in 1904. assistant .superinten- dent In 1908 and then acting superin- tendent and terminal superintendent, but ill health forced him to return to the less strenuous duties of condiieifi- on his old run In 1317. Photograph shows him signing in for the last time on New Year's Day at the Uuion Station. Cau.se of High Blood Pressure Due to Ions? ^ For Instant "^B / Base From ^ '/ COUCHING fake \1 RUCKLEYC f MIXTURE J //fA' liken When BABIES are Upset BABY ills ami ailments seem twice as serious at night. A sudden cry may mean colic. Or a sudden attack of diarrhea. HO-.V would you meet this emergency tonight'.' Have you a bottle of Castoria ready? For the protection of your wee one for your own pence of mind- keep this old. reliable preparation always on hand. But don't keep it just "for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid. Its gentle iniluence will ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. All druggists have Castoria. Best Evidence. Mrs. Corcoran, of L ijrh, writes: "I suffered with bihousness accom- panied by sick headaches for days at a time, and every medicine I tried failed to brir.tr relief. A friend jrave me some of your wonderful Carter's Little Liver FiU.s and the first dose gave me great relief. For three years 1 have taken them every night as a regulator and I find they prevent these bilious and sick head- ache attacks. I have Sve little boys and I pive thein thrt-<> or Tour every week. I have great faith in them." Take Carter's Littie Liver Pills. Ail druggists J5c and ~5c red pkgs. . A 5'VSif S.f PROVES lr CASTORIA DREADED GOING TO ENGLAND Lumbago Always Crippled Him WHAT many call "indigestion" ! very often nothing but xces acid | in the stomach. The stomach nerves have been over-stlmiilaied, and food sour*. The corrective is au alkali, wbloh neutralizes acids Instantly. The best alkali known to medical! science Is Phillips' Milk of Mag-j nesia. It has remained the stand- ard anti-acid with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful of this harmless, tasteless alkali will neutralize In- stantly many times as much acid, and the symptom* disappear at Made In once. You will never use crude methods when once you learn the efficiency of this more pleasant way. A small bottle Is sufficient to show Its merit. Be sure to get genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for more than 50 year* In correcting excess acid. 50c a bottle: any drugstore. Complete directions for Its many uses ut- enclosed with every bottle. The Genuine M'tk f '/".<,.< i'.i alicaus a liquid never a tab'-:'. Look for thf Phillips' naw on bottle. Canada \V-.r. are V'iievi-il to be i;upov:>.ir ' clues to the long-s:uiuiii:g mystery of j why changes of weather affect many human beings, like, the rheumatic pa- 1 tieuts who ian fe*l an approaching , storm 'in thtir boiler," are being ilv-j covered by the researches of a distli;-, guNhed (iirmaii physician and X-ray ! spei tollsf, Dr. FriedricU Dessauer. of Fraiikfurt-on-Main. Ten years ago Dr. Uessauer conceived the idea that liies,- effect-! might be duo to ilifte: DCM 1 the number or kind ot ious in tlie air. ions being electrified gas atoms known to vary iu number aud character from time to time and in different kiml- weather. To test the idea. apparn;;i; has been constructed to manufacture artificial air containing definite num- bers of ions of two kinds, those elect ri fted with positive electricity and tt ,-arryinp -i-^ative electricity. Experi- ments on animals have now heen u i [.ended to healthy human beings. An I excess ot negative- ions, Dr. Dessauer finds, lowers the blood pressure makes the breathing slower. An ex- cess of po.-itive ions, on the uthw band, raises the blood pressure ar<l auickeus the breathing. Other bodily NOW KRUSCHEN KEEPS HIM FREE il liasn'l- any monopoly in Lumbago. Yet. although this cmjinfer hns lived in many parts of the world, it win always when he went home to England that lumbago attacked him. Eventually he tried Krusrhcn, and now living permanently in England keeps free from his old trouble. He gives us permission to publish this : " I some time ago spent ten years in China, and every time 1 eunie home on leave I was crippled with lumbago. About nine years ago I came to England to reside permanently. Wish- ing to keep clear of the trouble, 1 started a course of your Kruschi.-n Salts exactly as prescribed on the label, taking same in my breakfast coffee each day. During these nine years, npart from one mild attack about four years ago, I have been entirely free from Lumbago and in (food health. You may make what use you wish of the above, with the understanding that my name is not published."- \. B.. A.M.I.E.E. Lumbago. Rheumatism and all i other uric acid complaints can be j traced in nine cases out of ton to 1 intestinal stasis (delay). Poisons bred ' In the accumulated waste enter the bloi-il ami cause all kinds of trouble. The unfailing effect of Knisehen is to rid the intestinal tract of all clogging waste matter. Y'our pains ease, then disappear. And so lone a.t a condition of internal cleanliness is maintained by the " lilllc daily dose." you will really enjoy life because the six salts in Krusihen keep the system sweet and clean the eyes bright and the brain active and alert. Kruschcn Suits is obtainable at all Drug Stores at 45c. aud 73c. per bottle. Weak After Operation "I was very weak after an op- eration. My nerves were so bad 1 would sit down and cry and my husband would not go out and leave me alone. Now my nerves are much better, thanks to a booklet that was left under the door. Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound surely put me on ruy feet. I have taken eight bottles. My friends tell me I look fine. My sister has taken this medicine too." Mrs. Annie Walton, 67 Stanley St., Kingston, Ontario. Lydia E/Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ISSUE Nc. 4 '31