THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1931 ; i What We Have To Offer. NO ONE chartered Bank in Canada has anything greater to offer the business community ,',han ite con- temporaries unless it be in the char- acter of the service it renders. Dur- ing: its life the Canadian Bank of Commerce has developed a distinct individuality through the kind of ser- vice maintained in its daily transac- tions. The commercial aspect of this individuality is found in the many unique services for which the Canad- ian Bank of Commerce is peculiarly THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE I[THE STANDARD "BANiToF CANADA ) Local and_Personal F ] es |, er , onlMark( | a i e0 Mr. Wm. Wilson of St. Catharines is spending a few weeks in town. Miss Mamie Nuhn spent a few days last week in Owen Sound. Mrs. Ray Woods and litVe son spent the past week in Toronto. Carnival Flesherton rink Thursday evening of next week. Get your cos- tume prepared. A team from the Markdale public school defeated the local school 8-2 in the rink here on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ball and little daughter of Mount Forest are holi- daying with Mrs. Ball's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, E. Welton. Have The Advance renew your daily paper subscription. ^Special reduction to our subscribers. We are also cgents for the Toronto Star Weekly at the same reduction. An oyster cold meat supper will be be served by the L. O. B. A. on Thursday. Jan. 29th. from 5 to 7 p.m. at Mr*. McDonald's tea room. Sup- per 33 cents. Mr. Wes. Armstrong was at Ni- agara Falls over the week end. Mrs. Armstrong returned with him after spending two weeks with friends there. The Advance tenders hearty con- gratulations to Mr. John Bellamy, who passed his 89th milestone on Wednesday last. Mr. Bellamy still enjoys a good measure of health. Ceylon United Church Ladies' Aid held a sale of homemade baking in McTaxish's service station Saturday afternoon, whes they disposed of con- siderable baking, etc. A pullet in the editoria hen house has commenced laying in proper style. Her third egg measured 7**x6 l i; Starting ort this way wht will they become when she grows to be a hen! Gladys Irene, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Marriott, received the rite of baptism at the morning service in the United Church Sunday last, at the hands of the pastor, Rev. W. J. Scott. Reeve H. A. McCauley of Flesherton Reeve Corbett and Deputy-Reeve J. A. Davis of Artemesn. Reeve Short and Deputy-Reeve Heitman of Osprey township are attending County Council in Owen Sound this week. The appointmest of the Secretary- Treasurer of the Osprey Fanners' Milling Co.. Limited, is to be made at a meeting of the directors of the Company to be held shortly, and the notice of appointment as made ii the last issue was erroneous. An error crept into the advertise- ment of Mr. F. H. W. Hickling's store which stated that olbs. of honey were offered for $1.00. Asy person would realize that thU was an error. The item should have read: 5 Ibs. for 53c., . or 10 Ibs. for $1.00 A social evening will be held in tho Town Hall on Monday. Feb. 2nd, nt 8 p.m., under the auspices of tho W. I. Musi:, games, contests etc. Lurch will be served. Everybody welcome. Admission 25e. Ladies bring lunch. Weuthor conditions have certainly been variable the past week. Wed- nesday night and Thursday morning the temperature dropped to 12 below zero, and on Sunday a regular thaw set in which lasted for one dav. On account of such weather colds are prevalent. Messrs. George Brackenbury asd E. A. P'eston took twn rinks oi curlers to Markdale Monday niglit and enjoy- ed two interesting games there with rinks skipped by H. H. Lucas and C. King. They failed to win a game, athough the scores were within three ard for:- points of the winners. On Sr>-idny evening Rev. W. J. Scott commenced a series of sermons to '>p delivered each Sunday in St. John's l';-.:t-i! rhii'v-h on the b^-t "Tht> Mnnlu>"d of th? Master." The third sermon will ho illustrated by lantern lecture on the Eastern customs in the time of Christ, *.. Again Flesherton showed their su- ! peiiority over the Markdale seniors v.-hen they won a hard-tought game played in the local arena on Friday night last,, but only by a one goal margin, the score beingl-0. This gives Flesherton a splendid chance to win group honors, as they have \von two and lost one game to date. The game was not a very speedy affair the first half, offsides and the kicking of the puck marring the niaying. There was r.o scoring the first two r.eriods, but towards the Ifst of the middle session play commenced to open up in the efforts to secure a score. Che.-king was close and heavy and quite a number of penalties were horded nut during the gsme. There were twelve minutes of playing in the third period before any score was made, and Flesherton grabbed the firit and only one. Gorrell grabbed the puck at centre ice. flew down right wing boards and drilled a sizzl- ing shot at Wright which he had his rve on, but Bill Patton came in fast lor tho rebound and he made sure that Wright was wrong that time, but it was a beautiful counter, which pleased the local crowd which ga%e vent to its feelings in the propsr manner. After this sally the Mark- dale sauad had four men up on the forward line, but Snell in the local nets was impregnable, smothering many rushes that appeared^ 1 be sure r-unters. He played as though in- spired and great credit is due to hi:; magnificent net minding. Flesherton Goal. Snell: defence. Boyd and McTavish: centre. J. N'uhn; wings. H. McCutcheon and Goriel; subs, Patton, Sled and Ferris. Markdale Goal. Wright; defence. Johnson and White: <v>ntro. M. Me- Fnrlane; wings, E. McFarlane and P. Wright; subs. Singleton. F. M.-Cut- cheon and Perkins. 1st Period: No s.oring. Penalties: Nuhn, Johnston, White, M. Perkins. 2nd Period: No scoring. Penalties: Gorrell. Nuhn. F. Mc- Cutcheon, M. McFarlane. 3rd Period: Flesherton. Patton. assisted by Gorrell. Penalties: Patton, McTavish. John- so". E. McFarlane. Referee: C. Murcur. Dundnlk. St. John's U. Church Held Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the congre- gation of St. John's United church was marked hy a fine spirit of en- couragement and cheer. The reports from the various organizations show- ed marked progress in every depart- ment. The local work showed a bal- ance on the right side, while most en- coui aging has been the increased int- erest in the Missionary cause as indi- cated by an increase in Missionary givings. In the report of the Session special mention was made of the fine work d^n" in the Sunday School and Youne People's Society, the W.M.S. is its Missionary educational work, the Ladies' Aid in its most active support of every good work and the choir and its leader, Mrs. Blackburn, in the ser- vico of Praisp. Among other meetings during the year the life of the congregation was ereatly stimulated by the visit of Dr. Duncan McLeod from "far Formosa," and the Moderator of the General Council of the United Church, Dr. Edmund Oliver, Principal of St. An- drew's College, Saskatoon. The Presbytery of Grey held its regular spring meeting in St. John's church and Mr. William Inkster, the representative Elder, was honored by the Presbytery in being elected as one of the two lay delegates to the General Council which met in London in Sep- tember last. The pastor of the con- gregation has been elected as the Chairman of the Presbytery of Grej for the curient year. The retiring Stewards, Ear! Best, W. . Hawken and A. Down were re- elected and Mr. John McMillan was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Jos. MeKee, Sunday School Supt. Dr. W. D. Bry.-e was appointed to fill the un- rxcired term of T. W. Fimilay. P. J. Thurston and C. J. B?lla*ny were appointed auditors. The following extract from the Session reoort presented bv Mr. T. R. McKenzic reveals the spirit sough; and the ecal to be set before the cortrregation for the coming yeai : The Sc:-;-,ijn observes with great satisfaction the spirit of 'nrmony existing among err people and evid- enced in all the organizations of our church. It is proof of th< dee" ?pat- ed indwelling of Christ's Snirit \" hu- man hca'-i.'. when that snirit is mnni- i'est in intercourse with our fellow PJCP tares. In this conncciion much iz due to the exemplary leadership of '': esteemed .iiinistev. Rev. ?\fi . Srott who. by precept and examnlo. has been to us a constant inspiration to livo<! of lor" ind virtue. F'nallv. it is the pi-aver nnd hone of the Session that throus-hon*- the year which li*s before i:s. to a'l our people, may be opened in n*w n^n- uo- o 1 nsef"'' i p;=. snd that now iovs rnd richer Westings wili h<> o"o?r- '^nred ir> n fuller c,".r*f-r:<* : ^T of our 'VPS to th 1 srvi<"> of the "Wntter. "You may help a load to lighter - VO'.l (JO Making lonely faces brighter, as yo- jo: You *nav cheer a heart that's broken : Rv a kindly >">--- -" P "-^ken. You may g'^e a loving token, as vou go." Crowd Out to Hear The Play "Pollyanna Who is there that has not heard of Eleanor Porter's Pollyanna, the Glad Girl, who was even glad that she had freckles, because they might have beep boils? Well, Pollyanna came to Flesherton on Tuesday, and gave us one of the most delightful evenings we have had in Flesherton fov many a year. The young people of St. John's United church were responsible for her appearance. The town hall was filled almost to its capacity with an intensely in- terested audience who were swayed with tears and laughter by the pathos ar.d joy of the drama unfolded to them, and nothing but highest praise wrs heard on every side for the excel- lence of the entertainment. Mrs. W. P. Bryce as Pollyannn was simply perfect in her character and took the hearts of the audience by storm fr^m the moment she appeared on the stage. We do not know whether Mrs. Bryce has ever taken lessons in expression, but we do know that su:h lessons would never im- nrove her along that line as she dis- played it on Tuesday evening. Sh? stormed the mental citadel of a dis- gruntled aunt "nd everyone olse with whom she came in contact, and brought tears to the eyes with the prayer to her dead mother to come to her. In child character pourtrayal Mrs. Bryce is superb. She was well supported by the other members and altogether the little drama was one of thp very finest things we have en- joyed here in many a day. Fleaherton hs some excellent his- ti ionic talent and should the same artisto ever decide to give us some- thing else, or even a repetition, they w'll be assured of a warm welcome. Thr^e young ladies distributed homemade candy. The proceeds amounted to about seventy dollars. served, also a treat of candy by the hostess. All ladies are invited to attend the U.F.W.O. meetings. A GOOD BULL. Holdfast Club Meeting Eighteen members and four visitors enjoyed the hospitality of Miss Lottie Whittaker, when she entertained the Holdfast U.F.W.O. Club at their Jan- uary meeting. After the opening exercises the roll call was answered by a simple supper dish. Mrs. .las. Robertson gave a reading "Bairns Cuddle Doon" Miss Lottie Whittaker prave a splendid report of the U.F.O. convolution in Toronto in December. Mrs. George Fisher gave a reading "Saving that ten minutes." and Mrs. A'-chi- Stewart gave a paper or the "Ont?:in liquor Lill i- high." All the ladies present signed the Peace Pact petition. The next meeting is to be e-iven by Mrs. Donald Stewart at the Pa'-k Hotel, Flesb.evi.on. on February llth. it:-- Agne.i Macphail will give an address, and there will also be a debate resolved "that worries should work in business after marriage.'' After the meeting closed, lunch was Or Tuesday Mr. Roy Piper received o fine young bull, "Royal Favorite" 201313. recently purchased from the herd of Robert Miller of Stouffville. This is an exceptionally fine individu- al, being sired by Col. H. Deacon'* great show bull Edellyn Favorite 1 187387, grand champion C.N'.E and i Winter F-ir 1928-29; Senior and Re- . serve Grard Champion C.N.E. and Royal Winter Fair 1930. i Grand Champion International 1929. The new owner is to be congratulated on his purchase, it being the intention t n use this animal exclusively in his own hord. Buy your Flour and Feeds from the Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from Xo. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour Made From Choice Ontario Wheat Cracked Red Wheat, Grits, Bran. Shorts and coarse feeds HOCKEY NOTES Johnny Nuhn played a whale of a panne at centre ice and was always a rtumbling 'block for the Markdale t'orwards to surmount. Reg Boyd and Cecil M/Tavish com bined nicely on the defence and very seldom allowed Markdale to have n clear shot on goal. When that oc- 'urred Snell came to the rescue eacn time. While the first po: iod wa> slow- there were many bright s;-,us thrnnirhort t^-at "brought the trowd to their feet." Harold McCutchenn nlayed a fine ranie at left wing, bi't he wa* hanci- i'.-npped by an injured shoulder >- c _ ""ived in Mt>rkdale rho Monday be- fore. In fact h should not have 1 "en playing. However his defen- sive work was effective. B"l Pntton ind *Yed Gorreii M "died themselves like vptpr.i"s. Wh of them receiving credit for the winning goal. McTavish is the "bad man" oT th team and has earned four trins to thf mole-. Resr Bovd earned three in the first prime, hut ha< not bo-n "aiifht i**, PIIV infractions of the rules in the last two games. A 4; " -ime or n wn wi'l result- in tht> F^shprton t>">m beeomin"" winn- p>< 5 of this ?pction and r>.ivV>iiv fo" tb PToi'"> If the 1nct>l<! suffer a loss n third > will bo reec'sary to decide a \\ivnor. lioinr- clnfd for sever" 1 rnonth:;. Forty-f""" pnvloyccs arc working in shifts. >. w A WHITE OWL --r ,. Seeing a argc bird swoop down in his yard and pick up one of his choice 15 pound turkeys. Henry Whitney of No"-th Orillin got his gun and gave chase. After several hours, looking up a nearby tree, he spied the bird quietly feeding on the turvey. He fire-!, breaking- its rring. As he rush- 'I forward to make the capture, the bhd',3 claws penetrated hU clothes ami niorced his side. It was a Whit" 1 Moutnnin owl with a wing sproad of i over six feet a type never before sren in this neighborhood. The New Marvel 6 A Beautiful Stove An Economical Cooker V A Reliable Baker A Wonderful Heater Economical on Fuel F. \V. Duncan HARDWARE t Phone 54 We Invite Yon to This Bigger, Finer Car ' - .. "ITTE invite you to sec, and drive, the new Chevrolet Six because we be- lieve it offer? beauty, comfort, smooth- ness and pc-.ver important to every buyer in the low price field. ^our iirst unpreiiion *.vill be one o? imartccsa, grace and beauty . . . accountcJ for by the longer, 109-inch wheelbase and de luxe wire wheels. You will be pleased by the added roominess of the new Bodies by Fisher. And we are sure you will appreciate its new handling ease ... its speed and acceleration ... its quietncjj an-1 'tea'iiness nnder .ill eonditions. The new Chevrolet JLs costs no more for operation or upkeep than any other car of comparable ijuality . . . ami with all ijj new improvements, thi iggs-r au;l fic.r car is lower priced ~* " tha;: . Tbr <;>,. K The Ph.n-1 i The ,* r-j5 GENERAL MOTORS " *;anuaiu COL:;-C $t-?j Th? atan<!anl Fivr- Window Caupr - ?20 Tic Sport Coupe - 75* - v< (With Raoibir SraO Thr ^-ufKr S;*T'. Roattotrr - - *^<> The >unJ*nl Slm - - - S.'J Th:> SI-PC...: IM:I - S40 *iir srir* ..-Ct'n'j, l tnJ,r :'.'.' and trunk r* * in i ludt-d en !*t se "totifls <u HjxiLird fq*if- ment ;/ ;i':f '.-* ':.'.' j i. All prit-''t jj j^tory. OJ*HIM. Ttxrs, Ittnp- t-ri lust tpart :ve car*. 1 . imf:-f 'tne of CV-r'r.Tcua vV. j.nj T'x. .1 ;*y*i c ." tf. SIX D. McTAVISH & SON. Chevrolet Dealers - Flesherton, Ont. StanfielcPs Unshrikable All-wool Men's Underwear Reduced CASH GROCERY SPECIALS Good 5-strine BROOMS 39c Hand picked WHITE BEANS 6 Ibs. 2Sc Fresh ROLLED OATS 8 Ibs. 28e GRANULATED SUGAR $5.25 bag Tigrer CATSUP, quarts 23c Pure Clover HONEY, 5 Ibs 53c Pure Clover HONEY, 10 Ibs fl.OO Fresh PRUNES, medium size 3 Ibs. 25c Fresh FIGS ... 3 Ibs. 25c C,old Label, re-. <J ...Special $1.69 Red Label. ro. SJ.25 Special $1.98 r.luc Label. rciT- ^--'3 Special $2.39 Full ran jrc of sixes. Ordered Clothing at 10 per cert. Discount until February 1st "CLOTHES OK QUALITY" Kvery garment cut to your individual measure and tailored by the Berber Tailoring Co.All overcoatings and a selected range o f new patterned .suiting materials aroindiHed. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO