(Home Chats By ANN' BEST Propar' ';y soul calmly to obey; i The lack of vitamine A will . ar.-~ offer ^vill be acceptable to God eye disease aud eventually more that .-y other saeritice. I It assists very much in k^-; I a cold. The lack of vitamine B will cau.-e Sunday School Lesson February 1. Lesson V Jesus the: Great Physician Luke 4: 38-44; 5: he called them to enter into, the great] prophetic heritage of Israel. V. lo. We ir.ay. perhaps, conclude I that Je*u? fourd the ministry of he.il- ; ir.g .both phy.sicaM/ .i"d spirit ... exhausting. H >ful The traiu w a . cro - A\!ed. but by dint FARM PROBLEMS Conducted by Prof. Henry G. Bell, Dept. of Chemistry, ' Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph ! 12-16. Goicien Text Surely he of long search tile passenger discover- j The object of this department is to hath borne cur griefs, aid carried <M a carnage with one seat occupied ' our sorrows. Isaiah 53: 4. ANALYSIS [. M1T.ACLES OF HEALING, Luk-- 4: 38 Teaching Obedience A child, !(> be happy, needs to -obey. paralysis and it stimulates ;!i- \Ve rnu-t '. ii the baby tery early in tite. life he c-iuiot have everything ho! The lack of cries for. .V,.r.y parents actually think | scurv;. . they are being kind to him when they j The lack of vitamin- L> - give in h :.U childisl: wants if he di-ease in siv.wi.. ts i:: | cries, li : iloes not. early learu this children. But a p- gels 1 :i h~ :'! have some bitter ones ' sunshine won d be helpe '.(king to learn 11, 'ater years. How much cod liver oil. better it i to learn the lessons fnmi II. DEMON possfcssiox, Lake: 40-44. III. LAW AND GOSPEL. Luke 5: 14-10. I NTBODVCTIOX Jesus is representer. in the Gospels as the great healer of men's bodies, as well as of the-r A jr.- .eration ago it was custom- ary to j-ay that; n.iracles cannot hap pen, and that the miraculous cures l>y a -mall case-. He quickly stepped in aud inquired of the gentleman op- posite the case if tUe seat was en- gaged. place at the service of our farm read- ers the advice of acknowledged auth- orities on all subjects pertaining to the farm. . - - - jwn. R. S. M. Could you please advise whai proportion of fertilizers would bring best results when growing to- matoes, strawberries, melons and pep- Address all questions to Professor' pers? "Yes." said the gentleman, "it's er J Henry G. Bell, 33 rare of TUe WiUori. \Vn hare beeu using a 5-S-T my friend's. He's gone out to get j Publishing Company. Limited. Toroc- | but I have ..... _ to, and answ appear i.: ; rn.v.ures ami a paper. "Oh, well," said the other. "I'll have to stand:" ;>a--r-i. and no "friend" ap- peared. "Your friend will lo* tae train if he doesn't hurry." said the sinless who . - ilim best. The bt^t n.elUod to teach children - through gentleness and ; kindiif-s- l -'.-o ,i nrn; -- that can- j not he rao.r'i A coupit- nf >n -amius : speli- .. t ,at is needed, sometimes Twilight Hojr Story i; Lit", e Chickens' New Hjme I . ii'l th- : chicks only one. u teach the valued lesson. 1 cuvp< , tl ;,, h|i ,. wa r .i ;e started althoui:::. :: course. constant visi'.- , vv . ); _ .-aying to ance i- > essarj to -- tuat h:.- . , .; how I am liris. ' -..ud doea not get ahead gojns !cj ,,., ... ,. OO(1 to you lhat you of you. T:> *aby will soon learu that wiu t ,, jnk , ,. ;.,,., Man; . moth-. - means "no" and "yes" , m;t yo ., ,,__,,. lmle bu , . nif.iiH >'-' When he grows bizger y ,, ur ' ),:,.,[ ;; ke voices?" Then a bright lie eta .:->. v n-.o.-e -.UN! more by observntu -t .'- geiierni.;- ' tnd a child can reason ,j 5irl .j aa j,,,,^ a:i t ;.. e y were in her aodaodi rea The hun ,u, , u ;,i .-h-? So until she was training kriags the ebJld's will ia;o ,. rUl i v r ,, r ; ; iem ,i lt? put rhem into a reported in the grospt':.- discredit throne. . . gospel narrative. The ... . ; plied the other shortly. The tram stared. Grabbing the v na.u - ba i -^u. \jiLicrui^i^ m^ . i . , tUe last-corner remarked; "Well. Limited. (lea came to h(?r bnt ?ht? had to ?e - explanation aud i: U ^ t(lem ( , OW[l i(tr ;ihe CO i,ia n ' t a o ;U jv- agreem r- with the law of oh with h - ' - > Coal De-.';i In li :lllf.lihonieil - \Vh . -u-amed t '.'..- wet and . : r.nt earth. small basket so they wouldn't get lost but could run around in it. She also took one of Billy's old sweaters which he seldom w.->re and put i' umi- and around them. Do you know. I be- lieve they thoueht ii was their Mam- iii.i sitting ou them again on'.y it wasn't us vt.irm as Mamma'" body and Pui- -a[> and pungent, hot feathers, but it was a s:.vd deal better th.ui outside. Oil. yes. a areat deal bet- This provWruee of uni':-sed needs , t , r i) ou - t you ihink it was pretty had birth. : - '. the innumerable rain nii-e for the furmer lady to be W .-lii^k.-'.' Shall we AI: I '. - of unrecorded uoon on | | ler Manuna La'!> '.' Just beoav.- -' noon. It -!, ki-r. ..!!': phu-k-d I lie , :- c.tin r'ur : ">ru a boou. Charles (.'.. H. Robert-. liked them so tnuvii. Well. Mamma Lady knew that the basket eve;i wit a the warm sweater wa-;i't nearly warm enough for them. No. tf siie wanted to keep th-jiu she had to find a p!.n e where r. would be rea! warn all the Vitamines time. Mamma Lady tlunittht and Dariag the winter months we are In] thonchL Th-n -he remembered she danger ot --tting the importance of, had a nice big bos just the ri- I i,,. - . ntalnl u :iough of all with a cover on it so s'.ie sent Bil The following may ' daw u cellar for it. You see wheu Bi'.ly ]i->]n :.> - k up on this Important caOM in Mamma Lady told him about subjr. ' j tiiuliiiK the little chicks a'.', alone. He viiamfr.* A Found in esss. cod j wa so glad sbe caught them, for don't i; v . ., , -oniiiioes. i;i>vns. wlu'le you remein'iT Hilly toM Mamma Hen w ;,.,, -ooii as he tirst saw t'.iem that she Vitani;'::- :' Kound in meat, butter, couldn't be a very io.ut Mamma : y.,-r. u: . - ad of vegetable. h thorn out so late. N > lie wa-> VltamiBC C Found in oiauses. lent- ] alad becau-e he knew if hi- own zoo.l one, .'iiv - . :' I'resli fruit, tomatoes ! Mamma w..:i!d ink.- .Live of them they of thoughtful and scientific men r.o>v T dirfert-r.t. No vr.e toditv f^e^. " he needn't lose his i>ag as we,,." And temporaries to be r - . hefove * Other .er couul stop are r.,.t to ?ur .: Jesus hea'.-a '-um .- '>*? out of tli- ly in virtu- -low. unique newer ar.d pn--it !-. as Son oi God. He commanded ar.d expecteo I h^s liiscipies a'.so t-> be healers, and ' - .. r.g have bt?n per- a'.'. a_es. :r.c' j ..uin^ r own. by persms with:.- a- " Chris- ;-. In the Hint of modern knowl- edge we may fairly say that such a per?.>u a. Jesus must have hi .-.ifo'ti r.lr.esses. Difficnltiee arise in our mir.js about particular Illustrated 1 column in i':v order in which the; i - received. Wlieu writing kiniUy mm- '>' - !ioun: tion this paper. As space i* I;! 1 . do aor uep^ad on it is advisable where is necessary ;!:at a . 1 ps do well. What New York h Wearing BY AXXABELLE WORTHIXGTOX U e D Found in . od liver oil. ^ \o!'ti .1. . -'it would be just linn. Next Week -Whai T iey Hi-1 With Qie Hi.- !to\ -" Savoury Butters at-'is are excellent for R.i'idwir' Ei -s. They can also be : ' fish. sril : ed meat, and other dishirs of the kind. Most people - m:litr c d'S-tel butter and nesloct th.- !i;.aiy thera that are .'.->" to inak.- ;i- ! rerj tasty. Ami ' -r is usi^l on plain !'oile<l - . : ! -d tish. or made ttsh I >u-li anchovy essence t-> liaviir and roiiir Into the iiiuoiint of luitter r-';air'd. Anchovies tliem- j-slves cai d iusti-ad. and in this ca-e take :i\t'. soak them in a: 111 wiir'r, dr-.:: 1 .. tiry. and remove all skin and boa'-.. IVinul in a nu-rt.ir with three our s of butter, add a little Pepper. .1 '. if a very smooth butler is liked. : .; . . l>t villed Hotter can be served with lamb e:. ; - . with tisli. Mix well to- gether a '-.- -ivi'oni'ul of iiiriy powder. 'i of a uv.sp.'onful of bl.n-k pepper, a 1'inrli of cayenne, ami threo ounces (>f l>.rti".-. and ' .;vc in a . '>ol place to harden. i Ua:n Butter makes H plousins .lit Juuct to jiii;i;m InuUlock. or can be spread on to.'.si before poached CCA- i;led. I'hop an ounce of liam >er> liuo'.v, aiid pepper, sait. and a pinch of c.iyi'Miie und pound with two ounces of ''.!' t--r. addini: a little milk if to,i >ii!T. H-io through a siexe if like,!. Horseradish Butter bes - arcom- p.uii-.'s grilled steak, and is IIUH!H by .sratiui: a well-washed horseradi-li av.d poundius i' in > mortar wi'.h ;iu equal qiianti'y <>i !>u:tt-r aud enough liaviir Uul> thro'.ii'i .1 sieve - - optional i and leaxv i:i .1 ci\.; i>;.u>v Watercress Hulter i- par; good with liM-r. W.ish;hew.i: well, chop i; linely and allow two oiiiu-s of butter for every table-poon- : :!. P:v ;h.- .tten ross lit fore p.-und- in^ in a irortar with tile bill! ; and aeasonlngs. . - . deta;'.- in the po~pe! stories, but hard- s a= a whole. When we come to Details, we do we 1 ', to r. 1 meirber that w. earn' 1 ', r.^w kr/nv .xactiy \vha: wa- the matter with the various natif.'s -.ho'y. .Tes'.s cured, -r." "a withere i ar:v." and ever; "k'prc^y" are vaffue terms: we nevpr have ar.ythir.fr like a modern d medical diagnosis of the corr.pl;.' I ft :\sk. were ther? -e:i-es which " - ;'d not i'.':i'.. 01- what .-\:K':.V are the d which Christiana, ' the via- nower "f Jesv.s. ought to be h a"' 'A nly -v v.-: that .fe-us was :i -jrea: h.eaV'. :i".' ; . it ] s] this discip! I -. too. We have a fam:'.i:.r saving rhat it is rot hard work, but wi-rry that kills, v kr. iws that he can r.ever restore real health to th.' bodi'.-s "t" s.'-nc of his patier.ts urti'i they cai fird peace in tlv : .r -ou!<. There is a -ery intiniati- c.-nnect;on betwo itu.i'. heaith anJ phvsica'. hea'.' ir ; .'iy i\p'.a;r. u'.'. ;M cu - . '.n-* of Jesus, but no I expiair- . t" them. ar.J ;t ojvr..- a \v;,le and fruitful field to- day, as alway.-. to ihe disciple? of .lesus; . calm and jereru? t'aith, a re them?e!\v- ' piiwe;-s which are nvailable t<> the humblest of Chf : -: '- fol -..ers. Mar.v sick persons niv>i corwrs-on mu--h - v :'r their ho.\'.:"i:. I. MIRVIKS I'F HEALING. I. t'i>- ' : 'N. V v Apparently Jesus, m:; - nvn Pvter'4 'housv his headquarters v. hile hv lived in Capeniauni. Pete-. we note, wa- a married n'.<".. ar<i s.-eius his misionar j.n'rney lie Cor. 0: .".. - was very vrf- -ii '> be iiue ti> "ae;r. - . ; red the pa: vr.'.' hixiv: V ince, i.v.kc says th:r '-vi r. II. DEMOS POSSESStON. Luke: (M4. Tfio eollw . s whiu , p . que T . u V- i . 11. -Pi-ivnn possession" is .. ... ,hadc. n i Ine.'s w.th well- It K . ..... fastens .t \\i:!\ a red bu.- velope be enclosed wit 1 . ami when the aiisw^: a'.U bi- before being published j vise ad : ' . ' _ 0111111 - G. W. M. (a) On soil i 'tic- .' ' I you recomn for au B'v ed over soil is usuall; for at least one year. Buraing - . ; '. in it. renu-r- :he linir a;orr Success avai .... . :u.r.;er. The latter change is very in- j = is to the . ; ieavour shou' L be made t r til!!-: a .: -i"u 'ii.r ii.i- been ling i :-ar iu j ... A - iiiier . . - - \ ...- . .... . j \\' I . M.i :; . .. . ; th.vT . - - Ou : ^ ^ure tir- - . - it ;' Is . -.'ur apply soil. Th : -- - tht- Us- - soil. - .ik;i'.^ will v. : raspberries x ti;id '.hat iiie muck soil U s ; . ience for a 1 .ou - - I ' ' > i - Window Frosting Berlin Likely To Sink Into Bog . . .. v ills with rhythn T'.!-'- is a hymn v pane. in whig . - '. - i kl i '. '. the .:iil -- 1 I Or :'.. ;-. -f i - . The , - A-S-A.I> ^ \ . ' Snowdrops Arrive What a th: \Vheti I saw ijreen shoots in the sod. rlirisinuis scarce over ami pone. V,'- here like a wayshower's rod. This precious .sweet pivmi-' 1 Ol To brins me a '.n-'s-.i^e froi:; i II ili.M-i K. Key. "A wife should reaiize thai what her husband wan:* is poac>> of mind." says a nuisi-ira:.'. \',\i< r.ot a piece of hers. H . - irt <:.iy -,\ . I:s >,i a::rac::M' ..:!.i rracvca'. ir. a rust-rtv. ir.onoU'ne twe*ni n;:\f.ii". such ns l:-. ; .:a a:'-i China; nvss: ar.d C'r are v'f'.i.-:- cu'.leit in 'o Tis. 1 ma'.ady is i shade :is the In : The ah:;.' -i cc - . narrows th - , -he hi[-s. ' It's a .: . : in t'.ie Vs. <_'--l4. T' socms, chief work of Jesu c .u' the ir'.v; t-c-.vs. shoui i ?;y'.o X >. JVJl n ay be ha i be sw:i<>ijf>i i.y t'\e iic-r.a:'.is whic!'. ,; [x > . ( ..,.. < ,; , , , .. ! " v '- ' bu- . - - ;;\ ynr It's eas'.iy :r.;uie! . that . '.i . all - V. 12. The account of the jymptonw 39.;,,^ maUria j .. _ nil the - trasi i \ -. , - l 1 . . : i w a - iu<i . . and Belle- Vllia eii ou - : '- . - - - . ' ' - \ . :1 "!' ' Americ.i s.iys their List year's crime bill wa.- J7.. ".Oil. 0,10. iH0. However, they had unite .1 bit of cr!mo to 1 -'-. Lrtvei; in the i^iil Testament (Le/., chap. l."ii. shvivs that he Ti;-; . nse was s, >mevii!ng t which ! call a teproey I - sm -' rt day: it seems tn have bt^n some k : : ItiiW TO 1>RDKK of v> " - \V, ite your name ami address plait- Ill. LAW .vxt> ii-.'Sl'EL, Luke :>: 11-1". , ;\-. givinjc number aiui si.'<- \'. It. Christiana an; no doubt rig-,: patter:;, a- yv:; want KI:C:OSC .(',- n in ma .1 ng that the Law ol NL-S.. -. stam] - n preferred; wr.i;' is 1:0: biruiir.ii .ipor. thorn, but it w:is ( it caivi'.il.y t f,-r each inimbcr. :v.>i !.: till many years after tho cic.uh ol add" ; i der \\ ' Pa Jesus that, '..iix-i'ly through the r.ii- Serric . 7 W M \ : - ! sionary \\\>rk of Paul, Christianity _A_ broke awav from Judaism. Jesus ii:-.i , iw the Jews away fi t!u tvliirion of their fathers: rather. : a. I it." Knend It's . ,- . - Tin 1 :nan who reaily kti-> . Shaw Talkie Falls Flat ' London 0:1 illy a;i ex " v t . All!" . . :\>jf .1 a .i'-- ; '.1.1:1 ;':.' who'.e >-; A 1.1. The fr"ck'.' Ml.HT AND JEFF By BUD FISH5-K Deep In The Heart Of A Hose. F t DOM'T St LtFT 110 TH HOS - I'LL U/RAP Tr\C HOS