Vol. 51, No. 12 Flesherton, Ontario, August 19, 1931 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors ROCK MILLS Our sincere sympathy is extended fo Mr. W. Stewart and family in their hcur of sorrovt by the death of their dear- wi;'o and mother. Mr. a-d Mrj. Thos. Betts, Edith and Mabel, spent a day recently with their son.Edgar Betts, and family, Osprey. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pedlar left last week for their home at Oxbow, Sask., after spending two weeks with his relatives here. Mrs. WTO. Pdlar has not been so well lately. A new threshing separator was de- livered on Monday by truck for Mr. Ned Croft. The Baptist Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. G. Magee Wed- nesday, August 26th. Please note change of date. Unity U.F.W.O. held their August I meeting on Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. W. Magee, with an atter.dance of 14. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Thos. Betts, Sept. 2nd. Visitors are welcome. Some of the farmers have finished \ harvesting and some are stock thresh- ing this week. The grain is not 1 turning out very well this year. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Aldccrn, who have been visiting with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Foster, motored to Toronto Tuesday. Mrs. Foster accompanied them. PRICEVILLE TORONTO LINE NORTH Mrs. Chas. Moore of Brampton is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Stewart. Miss Gertrude Lever accompanied by Mrs. Ward left on Monday on a motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickens and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ho- garth had a motor trip to Kitchener and other points on Wednesday last. Mrs. Harold Richardson spent a day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, Barrhead. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and son of NJW Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson and son, Harold, spent Sunday in Owen Sound. Mr. R. Mann returned with them. Sympathy 13 extended to the! Stewart family in t+ieir recent sad bereavement, by the death of Mrs. W. Stewart who was a former resident of our line. Mr. W. Aberoromble of Barrie fs visiting his niece, Mrs. R. Richard- son*. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and child- ren of Markdale visited on Sunday at T. Lever's. Mrs. Mepham cf Hamilton is vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. McMeekin, and family. Mr. and Mrs. George McLellan and Mrs. Hines of Niagara Falls mctored over and spent the week end at Mr. Dan Campbell's and Mrs. Kate Mo- Arthur's. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gilbert of Van- dsleur, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith ".nd son, Clare, of Meaford visited last week at the home of Alex. Car- son. Visitors last week at the home of A. L. Hincks were; Mr. and Mrs. H. Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Black, Mr. Jsek McCannell and sister, Effie, Messrs. Billie and Jimmie McLean, and Miss Mary M:Cannell of Toronto and brother, Dave, of Chicago. Messrs. Atex and Innis McLean of Toronto spent the week end at their parental home. Rev. Mr. Graham from the West, occupied the pulpit on Sunday in the hall and preached a splendid sermon. Mr. and Mrs. J. McRitchie of To- ronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Watson, Miss Betty returned home with them after a "'eek's visit. Miss Margaret Turner. Toronto, spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mclnnts, Strat- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Mclnnis and two sons. Allan and Bert, Chats- worth, visited Sunday at Mr. Herb Mcln^is". Mrs. Percy Chambers and Miss Marj^ -ie M:Lean. Toronto, are holi- daying at the home of their fathers. Mr. Allan McLean. Miis Nellie McLean spent a few days visiting her sister. Mrs. Neil Norman, Dundalk. Mrs. Jno. Funk of Caledon is vis- iting with Mrs. A. B. McArthur's. Mr. Murray Nichol arrived home afU taking a course at summer school, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrtd Watson entertained a number of their friends on Wednesday night to a party, when a most enjoyable time was spent In music, games and dancing until a late hour. A dainty lunch was ser- ved at midnight. Mrs. J. A. Willoughby and two daughters, Ye'ma and Zaida. of Mim- i-o are guests with the former's sis- tc . Mr?. He'b Mclnnis. Mr. Charlie Mepham. Hamilton, is visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Mc- Meekin. Mr. Arthur Hill and son. Mis; Smithers. Mrs. Flowers and Mr. Bill Flowers of Toronto were recent^uests of Mr. and Mrs. David Nichol and family. Mrs. David XLho! and Mabel spent, the week end visiting friends in To- rorto. Miss Eva Carson returned to To- KIMBERLEY CEYLON The heat has been intense, yet all crops are being harvested in good ronto after spending two weeks at c;n diticn. cxie?: some of the early her parental home. a ;f a i : - ai hieh had rather much rain. ill. and Mrs. J. E. Cleminsor. of Sonie f arrne i-s burned h m the coils. Tc.-onto visited with Mr. and Mrs. j^ r arc j jr rs . John Graaam and Hector McLean. family, also Mrs. Graham Sr. of To- Miss Mabel Nichol, who is taking ronto V ;c ;C ed with Mr. and Mrs. Cha= 2 business cour;s at Orangeville, is Giaham. Mr. G-aham has been in home for a month's holidays. . u^iness ir. Persia for a num- Th e lawn social, under the auspices ^r of years^ but has now decided to of the Willing Helpers, was held on Q^C Ontario hij home for a time. Thursday night in the hall and it at i,> as t. was packed to the doors. Rev. R. G. Stewart acted as chairman. The Priceville orchestra was the first on llr. 3. Rutiedgc- .; H-r.tford, Mr. G. R. Ja.k^on o. Dmt&S, >L. i. Rut- ldg .1 Ha.;; Orange, NJ.. were week ^nd l - .th ilr. E ,-rialJ 1I.-L : Mister Bud Mitcheil of Hamilton is a . .ii:or with Mr. ind Mrs. F. Cairns L'iaster Clifford ilcMaster of Os- pre; . - iiscsr, Mrs. Thos. .Sre- : -. M. .. f hos. Fletcher, who has been in Toronto, has returned the program and gave some fine Miss Verr-a Pearson of Toronto is visiting her friend. Miss Alme<ia Weber. Mrs. A. F. Hammond. Morvyn and test the vol u e MIS week, test the outstanding value contained in every General Motors car. At your convenience, o car of the size, price and body type you prefer will bo brough* to your door, by your General Motors dealer, for you to drive and inspect. Remem- ber, General Motors issues with every car. a generous Owner Service Policy wrtich itates the exact service to which on owner is entitled and which holds good at any of the thousands of General Motors dealers throughout North Ame-'ca. Cssil^your dealer to- day. You w'l! find him listed under "Genera! Motors Cars" in the class- ified pagos of your 'phone book. If you v.ish, you may buy economically on iimo paymenf through GMAC. CHEVROLET The orlti** lowest nnc**i Six 14 mod*!* ittng it om 3 > ! ** to >$;> M fzctorv. exit* extra. PONTIAC 6 model*. li*any Irom *:' to $1.01* t- torv. tax cxtn. OLDSMOB!LE . factory, xcr. MCLAUGHLIN- BUICK ^_ m<xM. Usnnj? from $ I .^90 :o 3-.c60 it factoir, txtr* v\: * < CADILLAC Ov*r * moJeU avil. bU, MTWing trooi th* O-lilUc V i: *.?iO, to th? CulUUv- V II f*,l'0 *nd up to th-> OaitUcV'.t6 with cus. tui5 bodi** K-r 51 ^ 'VO nd mote. Ail ort-e* At fi;'tor. t&.t^s ?\:ra. mu--ij -t intervab. Mrs. (Rev.) R UiS n. made friend; a pleasant call A. Sutherland sang tvro solos, "Down as : [, ev were retu-rning from a motor by the Old Mill Stream" and "Mother trip to the Manitoalin Island, where Machrec", which were thoroughly en- ^y 3pen t a couple of weeks of a joyed. Duets were sung by Messrs, pleasant holiday. Gordon and Alex. iLCanneil of Booth- 1 >j rs . x. Abercrombie, Miss Lillian. ville and were heartily applauded, >j r ,- j as . Bothwell, Mrs. S. S. Bjrritr they responded graciously to the on- and Betty Graham visited with Mr core. ML-s Kathleen McLean save rrl .y-j. w. Jf. Abercrombie at a splendid reading "The Small Ghost V Clarksburg for a day last -E-eefc. An intermission of 15 minutes was jr r aa< j > rs . c. Thcmpson of Or- given and the ladies served a go:d ar.zeville spent a day with Kimberley helping of cake ar.d ice cream which friends. added greatly to the piogram. A BORN' To Mr. and 1-1: s. Elmer splendid reading was given by Mrs. i!is. a daughter. Dan Campbell "the cow and the A corps o f cadets are camped by the bishop", solo by Mrs. Fred Knox and r jver enioving a couple of weeks re-citation by Wilrred Bla.k caused holidays. much fun acd laughter. Mr. Archie Mr !>cd Mrs. A. McCallum of Barrie Clark of Dromore gave a number o.. visited -vith Mrs. D. Wallace. r:itations in his happy manner. \{i ss Erma Lawrence returned to Pur.o duett, by Miss .Vinie and Don- her home in North Bay. alda McLeod. M .-. Evelyn Mclnnis Miss Jean Graham of Eugenia fs dressed like an old maid of 80 sang visitins friends here this week. and acted "when I was as young as Some farmers have already thresh- I used to be" and which proved a ed their fall wheat. The yield and pleasing number. A duet by Mr. jam-Mcs are good. Fred Knox and Mrs. Wilfred Black We are sorry to report the death of and the National Anthem brought Mrs. W. J. Ste\vart of Flesherton. the ; -ogram to a clo-se. The pro- Mrs. Stewart was the sister of Mr. S. -eeds amounted to $2o.OO. Osbome. our l^cal merchant. We On Friday night a larpe crowd at- extend our sympathy. tended the party at the home of Wm. - McKechnie and a splendid time was VICTORIA CORNERS enjoyed. They tripped the light fan- _ tasri: until a late hour. Carl Atkinson spent a few day* Mr. Jack Whittaker had the mis- i ast ww k ,; n Toronto. fortune to have the house in which Hoberta Cornett of Toronto visited they were residue cotapietely de- he . fr . ;eni , Mrs Carl Atkinson . nroyed by fire on Thursday morning. Th<? lad : c< . of In i s i ojre> with those Mrs. Whrttaker ww in Toronto at from the p wton ^1^ and United the time and Mr. Whittaker left a . hurchtt: , wsre ;n -i r -ned by the fire on and left to work on the road. Be . he , Udu , g at the home af >Irs When the fire was noticed by neigh- L , ughe ..j. Although the weather bors shortly afterwards it was au- wa< no: fa v ora ble about sixty ladies vanced so far that very little could enj - oyed a goo ^ tirr.e with a program ^ saved - ,n spo-rts ard luncr Mr. an.^ Mrs. John Burgess. Dur- Mrs ^m. Hearc and Burrows of ham visited the first of the week at Markdale visited a. the home of Jas. the home of Angu-. McLachlan . g^ st r(?ce ntly. Mi. and M.-s. Dan L. McArthur | Mr. and Mrs. Buskin of Grimsby Mrs. A. B. McArthur and Betty Wat- vls . ite d the Bannons lately. son accompanied Mrs. Frank to Cale- Mrs. Willoughby and two daughters don on Sunday after a week's visit. c f Xorcnto called on her cousin. Mrs. Messrs. Earl McLean and Angus Milton Bannon. Clark motored to Toronto the -first Mr. and Mrs. Mulloy. Mr. and Mrs. of the week. Phillpot of Guelfh. Mr. an.1 Mrs. A. Mr. and MHs. Lawrence !?Jk-kett , Atkinson and daughter. Irene, ot and laraily of Toronto spent the week p ur ham visited with Mr. and Mrs. ord at Mr. Elmer Watson's. ^arl Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Puvis and Mi;s Last Wednesday afternoon w e had Fora McFarlane. Mrs. Don Mao Don- j n our m ids: the first fatal auto ac- ald and Dc-othy <Jf Toronto motored -.-ident. Three men, travelling to- up Saturday and spent the wek end wards Owen SoMr.d had a tire blow at McF-rlane's. Mr*. Mio Donald out. turning th^ car into the dito> and Dorothy will remain for a month's j us t before they reached the Saujreen holidays with her parents. Mr. and bridge. One man was killed and Mrs. Angu-s M:Canne!I. t h > other two were believed to bt MAXWELL ;. ^lightly injured. NEW MARKET FOR LAMBS Mr. Chas. Heron and daughter. Mar- garet, are visiting in Buffalo th'.: One of the most interesting de- ve'.'k. vf'.opir.ertts or trends of the present Mr. I >irry Field i* swnding his hoi- time is the extent to which tourist t idavs with kis parents here. .traffic is proviiinir ::ew outlets f or j Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lone and Mr. farm products. The visitor evidently and Mrs. Leonard Seeley visited with ; u-fers the best in quality and in-' Mr. and Mrs. Ge.>. Long at Hopeville. ji.-.ts on having \ supplied fresh. Mi-ss Andrew ;{ ClarksV-irg is vU- Th ! . demand is making its=?lf felt itf itinsr with Mrs. Chas. Heron this week. .crtHV. or' v.'ith almost a!! varns pro- Rev, and Mrs. Bamtcrd and family t : .i U. ^ut this yea- -'t is particularly are visiting with Mr. an-i Mrs. R. J. n :icv'; ' !tf in .onnecti - -.vi:h -'10 Morriso" and other friends-. - .... ..- marketing of U-.m Jo, and that Don't forget the corn rojvst on Aug. .h\-^ '--ve ba 1 competo v.-it>. cor>- 26th at the homo of Edgar Belts. si,.: -able ouantitiss of .imported froz- Miss IMla PcdUr i-s visiting hti- w -n lairb. the tourist ii-"v.ap.d has taken i Mrs. Roy Ruzledge and two ren cf Lethbridge are visiting Mrs R.i;leuge and Miss Bella Kennedy. Mrs. Heslcp of Eugenia, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deadman and two daughter.;. Jean asd^Eilith, of Rich- mond Kill were callers en Mr. George McKenzie on Wednesday of last week. Muster Freddie Hemphill of To- ronto "isitcd :he past -i'eek with his uncle, Mr. S. Hemphill and family. 11:. and Mrs. Snowdea McLeod and son, Donald, and Mrs. Bella Thib- audtavi of Toronto visaed the pas: wsek with Mr. zr.d Mrs. Donald Mc- L~H. Mr:;. John Gii:-on attended the fun- eral c- a cvi^-in. Mrs. Graham, a: Inglewood on Thursdav Mrs. J. McWiliiams, Master Charlie ar.d Mi_=s Nar.--y v:;::ed frier. c,s .- P-r>tc - -hj cast w-lek. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whit* and Mr. ' and Mrs. Robt. Bro^vn of Toronto ' are visiting their mother, Mrs. White. who has been quite ill with pleurisy. Nurse Ward of Flesherton was in attendance for a few days. W e are pleased to report her improving. Mrs. Cameron Smiley and daughter. Margaret, are visiting friends near Priceville Mi-. Percy Llercphill of All:.-- - scon: the week end at his home here Mrs. Charles Irish and three child- ren, who have been visiting the par- ental home, accompanied her brother to AUistcn enroute to her home in Toronto. Miss Millie Cook and Mrs. H. Piper motored to "Bruce Beach" Kincard- ine first of the week and were accomp- anied by Mr. A. V. Cook and M.?s May Cook of Maple Hill. Bruce coun.y. Mr. Alfred Genoe and Mr. O.as. Quesnel of Owen Sound were week end visitors a: Mr. L. Duckett's. Mrs. George White of Toronto vis- ited the past week with her sister. Mrs. J. K. McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gilchrist mot- ored to Badgeros the first of week. Mrs. A. C. Muir and little son vis- ited her parent.- at Berkley last week. Miss Nellie Genoe accompanied by r-?r cousins. Misses. Jean and Alma Carrmthers of Toronto are ihis week visiting relatives at Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs .Roy Piper and three sons. LeVe.-ne. Milford and Sherman. Mrs. K. H. Fisher and two children. Xorma 2nd Dick, Master Billie and , Keith Caircs and Miss Mabel Haw j motored to Wasajra Beach the first i jf the week. Or. Sunday. Aug. 2:'rd the SabJa-.h 'chocl and church service will be rv- i Burned at the hours of 1.30 and 2.30 \f;>.'r a holiday of thrve Sundays. M -ird Mrs. F. G. Kars:. j dt are a: Port Elgin this week. \':s;;v> f,-r v..v-; end with Mr. ar.a Mrs. Thos. Ger.oe were; Mr. and M->. oenoe a:-d sons. Gordon and Carman. Meat'or-ci. Mrs. Neil and son. Dalton. Mrs. McKinney. Miss Alice Turner and Chas. Turner of Heathcote. the former's aoat, Mrs. A. J. Conron here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Josepd Barber and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lawler visited .vi:h rrier.'i^ in Ducedin on Monday Hazel Hawton of Marfcdaie i= holidaying at her parental here* here. M.-. and Mrs. Stootenborg and . .: ;:. Catherines were week c-nd visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson and other friends here. Miss Murphy of Glen Huroa visited with her cousin. Miss Teen Tharn- ': -ry. .as: week. Mrs. J.-se?a Irwin of Mihoc. Ont. v:;i:ed with her sister, Mrs. Joseph test of Rock Mi.I; spent Sunday with and Mrs. Harold Osborne here. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy i': Fenwicki and three children acd Mrs. :hy (Sr. t of Orangsv-.:;- spent Sol :av w.:h Mr. ar.d Mrs. H wick. Miss Ruby Kertoa of u.-r.-. Mr. ar..i M - I | Fenwick here. Mr?. McDonald of Winnipeg. Man. and Mrs. Bessie Henderson and rwo> daughters of Clarksburg visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Long last week. Mr ar.i Mrs. Thos. Forsythe of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. James Eby of Colling-wood were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby here ov<=r the week end. Glad to report that Miss Queenie Kaitting who underwent a serioc* operation in the G. and M. hospital in Collingwood a short time ago is home and able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Thompson and - i-en of Owen Sound were the _ - :? of Mr. ar.d Mrs. G. Eby over Sunday here. Mrs. Hindle and little son of Dun- can is visiting with her a-ar::s. Mrs. G. Burke and Miss Queenie Send The Advance to a friend. TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted for 5S S-foot cedar its, and 9 inch top: 7 10-foot posts with 12 inch top and 4 brace posts. 12 feet long with a 6 inch top: and the building of $9 U 3 rods of wire fence on what is known as the M.C- Keniie Deviation and Mr. Fred Smith's lot. The end posts to N down 5 feet and stoned, the brace posts to be 4 fee: deep, the centre P:st to be 3 feet deep. Tenders win b received up to Saturday. August 29th. liWl. at 12 o'clock. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be forwarded to T. H. Paton. R. R. 3, Flesherton. APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications w:ll bs> received by the u-*ersigned up to noon on Sat- urday. August 2Sth. 1931. for the v.icn of Clerk in the Township of Osprey. duties to commence on - mber .1 H. C. Bl RKE. Clerk Twv ,'f Osprey Feversham, Ont. TENDERS WANTED sister. Mrs. Ed. Jeeley. ir- of f-u.-ti.aily all the fresh pro- Mrs. N. Cairns is visiting: her \.--\t- t { uo t as fast as it has come onto thei ents. Mr. and Mrs. Huff, Southampcon :na . Rev. Scobio. who was pastor of the Presbyterian church horo 'htrt^cr. LP.V #rx-k shipments from Can- years ago was with us on Sunday : Sl ia t.i Great Britain continue to in- and many friends were pleaded ,'o ,-.-... a .-. e . a recent repc-rt showing that <et- him again. ! jvnoxiniately 10.000 head Oi cattli Mis-s Shirley Bu.-Ringham visitevl hav.- bean marketed in the United! with her friend. Mrs. Renfred Ac';e- Kingiiom so far this season. -on. at Victoria Corners the first of _ ^_^__^_^__^_^____ t _^__ the week. Master Jack Down of Tara has been visiting with his aunt. Mrs. Wilbert P.vk-. Master Jim Poole returned ho-.rc with hint for a visit. FEVERSHAM Mr and Mrs. Will Clinton and son. Mr. John Clinton, wife and two daugh- turs of Toronto called on Mrs. Clin- uncle. Mr. Samuel Brownridge 13 Saturday last. Mr. and M.S. Will Cokiuett*? a- i hildren and Mi--s C. Jolly were week ?r.d visitors witk friends in this vill- Mr. arvi Mrs. H Osborne of Mass-, ;. N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs. Lestc- Osborne of New York city visited' * ; >h :he;r brother. Mr. W. G. Os. borne herv !a<t week. Miss Annio Hawton ar.d mister. M-ci!e. of Stayner visited with their uncle. Mr. Ern Hawtoa and family: here- last week. Rev. and M ;. M. B. Conron' and family of Stratford visited with 3 ";'.! bo received by the ua- dersigned for grading and fill, on .vha: i< known as "Turner Deviation" dt lots -". 2S. 2 S.D.R.. up to 12iOO I - :-. '.' -.he 22nd day of The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Plans -t the Clerk's office. Dated August 11, 1931. W. J. BELLAMY. Clsrk of A APPLICATIONS FOR COLLECTOR Applications will be received by the undersigned up to '. -" "< noon oa Sa:u--day. Auust 29th. 1931. for the office of Collector of Taxes in the Township --f Csprey for rhe year It'ol. Two collectors to be appointed at a salary of SoO each. Clerk. Tw-\ of Osprey. Feversham, Ont. INSURANCE I BATES BURIAL CO'Y. i A * It was a cynic that remarked: Tie law as-.mmes you are innocent until proved guilty: the publio assumes you ;uv guilty and will be proved innocent. See us or phone regarding your , automobile, Cargo. Accident and] Sicl-rtess Insurance. Guarantee bonds j plate glass, and fire insurance. Our: rates are reasonable and we guaran- :co <ervice and satisfaction. W. J. W, ARMSTRONG Licensed Agt?nt DISTINCTIVE FUNFRAI SERVICE AT MODERATE COST ? NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR FUNERAL CHAPEL 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO niONE: Night or Day KI. 1344 J. W. BATES F Flesherton R. MADDOCKS Hf*MMHPMH>4MtttttMM